1Chelsea and Westminster Hospital
2Great Western Hospital, Swindon
3The Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast
4The Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford
5The Maudsley Hospital, London
6National Clinical Assessment Authority
7Imperial College, London
8Forum and the Academy of Medical Sciences
Charlotte Cohen: BSc MRCP, Specialist Registrar GU Medicine
Guy Rooney: FRCP, Consultant GU Physician
Raymond Maw: FRCP FRCPI, Consultant GU Physician
Jackie Sherrard: FRCP, Consultant GU Physician
Rajendra Persaud: MSc MPhil MRCPsych, Consultant Psychiatrist
Sally Pearson: MPH FFPHM, Secondary Care Adviser
Subo Shanmuganathan: PhD DIC PGCE MA, Staff Development Adviser
Jolyon Oxley: FRCP, Adviser in Mentoring, Doctors'