50 µm horizontal sections of the midbrain of P. tenuicauda (A), P. microphthalmus (B), and B. niger (C). The midbrain exterolateral nucleus (EL) in P. tenuicauda is small and undifferentiated; in the other two species, EL is enlarged and subdivided into separate anterior (ELa) and posterior (ELp) nuclei. (D) Representative mean evoked potentials (n = 10 traces) from the EL of P. tenuicauda obtained from relatively more anterior (left) and posterior (right) regions. Representative mean evoked potentials (n = 10 traces) obtained from ELa (left) and ELp (right) in P. microphthalmus (E) and B. niger (F). Scale bars in (A), (B), and (C) represent 200 µm. L, lateral nucleus; OT, optic tectum; MD, mediodorsal nucleus; Val, valvula cerebellum.