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Infection and Immunity logoLink to Infection and Immunity
. 2016 Jul 21;84(8):2362–2371. doi: 10.1128/IAI.00350-16

Investigating the Relatedness of Enteroinvasive Escherichia coli to Other E. coli and Shigella Isolates by Using Comparative Genomics

Tracy H Hazen a,b, Susan R Leonard c, Keith A Lampel c, David W Lacher c, Anthony T Maurelli d, David A Rasko a,b,
Editor: B A McCormicke
PMCID: PMC4962626  PMID: 27271741


Enteroinvasive Escherichia coli (EIEC) is a unique pathovar that has a pathogenic mechanism nearly indistinguishable from that of Shigella species. In contrast to isolates of the four Shigella species, which are widespread and can be frequent causes of human illness, EIEC causes far fewer reported illnesses each year. In this study, we analyzed the genome sequences of 20 EIEC isolates, including 14 first described in this study. Phylogenomic analysis of the EIEC genomes demonstrated that 17 of the isolates are present in three distinct lineages that contained only EIEC genomes, compared to reference genomes from each of the E. coli pathovars and Shigella species. Comparative genomic analysis identified genes that were unique to each of the three identified EIEC lineages. While many of the EIEC lineage-specific genes have unknown functions, those with predicted functions included a colicin and putative proteins involved in transcriptional regulation or carbohydrate metabolism. In silico detection of the Shigella virulence plasmid (pINV), which is essential for the invasion of host cells, demonstrated that a form of pINV was present in nearly all EIEC genomes, but the Mxi-Spa-Ipa region of the plasmid that encodes the invasion-associated proteins was absent from several of the EIEC isolates. The comparative genomic findings in this study support the hypothesis that multiple EIEC lineages have evolved independently from multiple distinct lineages of E. coli via the acquisition of the Shigella virulence plasmid and, in some cases, the Shigella pathogenicity islands.


Enteroinvasive Escherichia coli is a unique group of disease-causing E. coli bacteria that have a virulence mechanism most similar to that of Shigella bacteria, involving the invasion of intestinal epithelial cells (14). In contrast, the other pathovars of E. coli do not invade host cells and, instead, typically associate with the surface of the host cell and secrete or translocate virulence factors onto or into the cell (1, 2, 4). While Shigella bacteria are among the leading agents of diarrheal illness, causing an estimated 165 million annual cases worldwide (5), EIEC bacteria are seldom identified but can occasionally be linked to small food- or waterborne outbreaks (2, 6). Although EIEC bacteria cause disease very similar to the disease caused by Shigella bacteria, they share biochemical and cultural traits that are intermediate between those of commensal E. coli and Shigella bacteria (7). Thus, it is not clear if the reported low incidence is due to the lack of acceptable and defined biochemical/molecular markers for this group or whether EIEC disease truly has a low incidence rate.

The virulence of Shigella and EIEC bacteria has been attributed to genes associated with mobile genetic elements including pathogenicity islands and a virulence plasmid, pINV (13, 811). The pINV plasmid is required for invasion of intestinal epithelial cells and encodes a type III secretion system (T3SS) and many associated effectors (810). Meanwhile, on the chromosome, there are several Shigella-specific pathogenicity islands that have been designated SHI-1/SHE (12, 13), SHI-2 (14), SHI-3 (15), SHI-O (16), and SRL (17). Within these islands are genes encoding additional virulence factors, including autotransporters (pic and sigA); factors involved in iron acquisition (iucA to iucD and iutA) (14, 15), O-antigen conversion (16), and antibiotic resistance (17); and the Shigella enterotoxin ShET1 (12, 18). While the virulence plasmids of EIEC and Shigella have considerable similarity (19), little is known regarding the conservation of the pathogenicity islands in EIEC and Shigella.

Previous studies of EIEC isolates have used primarily molecular approaches, such as phylogenetic analysis of single genes, to investigate the relatedness of EIEC to Shigella (2022). In comparison to the thousands of genome sequences that have been generated for the Shigella species and most of the other E. coli pathovars, only 24 EIEC genomes have been sequenced and described to date (2326), with the majority of those being generated in a recent study (26). The most recent study by Pettengill et al. utilized a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)-based approach to assess the taxonomic relationships of EIEC, Shigella, and E. coli. They also identified SNPs for use in the potential development of a screening assay for the diagnostic assessment of clinical isolates. However, that study did not provide a significant description of the differences in the total genomic content, such as virulence-associated genes of the EIEC and Shigella genomes compared to those of other E. coli bacteria.

In this report, we provide a comprehensive assessment of the relatedness of EIEC to other E. coli and Shigella bacteria by using phylogenomic analysis and in silico detection of known virulence genes to highlight the similarities and differences among the virulence mechanisms of the EIEC and Shigella bacteria. We use phylogenomics and comparative genomics to describe the genome sequences of 20 EIEC isolates, including 14 newly sequenced genomes. This study represents the first use of whole-genome sequencing and comparative genomics to investigate the relatedness of EIEC to other E. coli and Shigella bacteria by comparing both phylogenomic relatedness and virulence factor content. Our findings demonstrate that 17 of the EIEC genomes form three phylogenomic lineages containing at least five members each, which are distinct from Shigella bacteria and other pathogenic E. coli bacteria. Gene-based comparisons identified genes that are unique to each of the EIEC lineages and can be used to develop diagnostic assays for the identification of presumptive EIEC clinical isolates. Overall, this study provides a view of the genomic diversity of EIEC isolates and provides insight into the evolution of this understudied pathovar.


Bacterial isolates and media.

The genomes of 19 EIEC isolates from humans and 1 isolate from cheese associated with human infection (M4163) were analyzed in this study, 14 of which were sequenced as part of this study. Details of the locations of isolation are included in Table 1. The sequenced EIEC isolates were cultured in Luria broth at 37°C.


EIEC genomes analyzed in this study

Isolate ID Molecular serotype Country of isolation Genome size (bp) % GC No. of contigs Phylogroup EIEC lineage Accession no.
4608-58 O143:H26 USA 5,043,882 50.47 266 E 1 JTCO00000000.1
EC10010 O143:H26 USA 5,089,039 50.48 340 E 1 LSGI00000000.1
EC10032 O143:H26 USA 5,110,915 50.47 381 E 1 LSGJ00000000.1
EC10033 O143:H26 USA 5,110,277 50.47 358 E 1 LSGK00000000.1
ATM460 O143:H26 USA 5,193,883 50.43 352 E 1 LSGL00000000.1
ATM461 O143:H26 Zaire 5,395,526 50.52 416 E 1 LSGM00000000.1
53638 O124:H30 USA 5,371,790 50.99 4 A 2 AAKB00000000.2
M4163 O124:H30 USA 5,093,926 50.71 294 A 2 JTCN00000000.1
ATM456 O121:H30 South Africa 5,076,933 50.82 426 A 2 LSFZ00000000.1
EC10018 O124:H30 USA 4,902,846 50.83 233 A 2 LSGA00000000.1
EC10016 O124:H30 USA 4,995,694 50.64 452 A 2 LSGB00000000.1
ATM457 O124:H30 Bulgaria 5,098,706 50.61 326 A 2 LSGC00000000.1
1827-70 O29:H27 USA 4,803,088 50.79 35 A None ADUK00000000.1
ATM462 O164:H7 Bolivia 4,917,032 50.76 506 B1 3 LSGD00000000.1
ATM463 O164:H7 Bulgaria 5,127,067 50.62 562 B1 3 LSGE00000000.1
ATM465 O164:H7 Jordan 5,017,930 50.67 557 B1 3 LSGF00000000.1
ATM266 O29:H4 USA 5,019,573 50.67 502 B1 3 LSGG00000000.1
ATM459 O136:H7 Guam 5,012,551 50.55 492 B1 3 LSGH00000000.1
LT-68 O144:H25 Brazil 5,189,427 50.85 63 B1 None ADUP00000000.1
CFSAN029787 O96:H19 Italy 5,288,947 50.53 3 B1 None CP011416.1CP011418.1

Genome sequencing and assembly.

Genomic DNA was extracted from overnight cultures with the DNeasy blood and tissue kit (Qiagen, Germantown, MD, USA). Sequencing libraries with insert sizes of 350 to 700 bp were prepared from genomic DNA with the Nextera DNA Sample Preparation kit (Illumina, San Diego, CA, USA) and sequenced on an Illumina MiSeq sequencer, generating paired-end 250-bp reads in sufficient quantity to provide between 86× and 261× coverage for each genome. Raw reads were trimmed, and draft genomes were assembled de novo with CLC Genomics Workbench v8.0.1, v8.0.2, or v8.0.3 (CLC bio, Aarhus, Denmark). Molecular serotypes were determined from the draft genomes by BLASTn analysis utilizing an in-house custom database including the wzx, wzy, and fliC loci with methods that have been previously described (27, 28). Assembled sequences were submitted to GenBank, and accession numbers, assembled genome information, and serotypes are included in Table 1.

Phylogenomic analysis.

The genomes of the EIEC isolates analyzed in this study were compared with 37 previously sequenced reference E. coli and Shigella genomes by whole-genome phylogenomic analysis as described previously (29, 30). Briefly, the genomes were aligned by using Mugsy (31) and homologous blocks were concatenated with the bx-python toolkit ( The columns that contained one or more gaps were removed with mothur (32). The concatenated regions from each genome were used to construct a maximum-likelihood phylogeny with RAxML v7.2.8 (33) that was visualized with FigTree v1.4.2 ( The phylogeny was generated by using the GTR model of nucleotide substitution with the GAMMA model of rate heterogeneity and 100 bootstrap replicates.

Shigella virulence plasmid pCP301 (accession no. NC_004851.1) was aligned with the EIEC and Shigella genomes that had similarity with more than half of the plasmid-borne genes. The plasmid sequence and the genomes were aligned by using Mugsy (31), and 24 kb of aligned sequence from each genome was used to construct a maximum-likelihood phylogeny as described above.

LS-BSR analysis.

The 20 EIEC genomes and 37 E. coli and Shigella reference genomes were compared by large-scale BLAST score ratio (LS-BSR) analysis as previously described (29, 34, 35). Briefly, the predicted protein-encoding genes of each genome that had ≥90% nucleotide sequence identity to each other were assigned to gene clusters with uclust (36). Representative sequences of each gene cluster were then compared to each genome with TBLASTN (37) with composition-based adjustment turned off, and the TBLASTN scores were used to generate a BSR indicating the detection of each gene cluster in each of the genomes analyzed. The BSR was determined by dividing the score of a gene compared to a genome by the score of the gene compared to its own sequence. The predicted protein function of each gene cluster was determined with an ergatis-based (38) in-house annotation pipeline (39).

LS-BSR was also used to detect the presence of previously identified Shigella virulence genes in the 29 EIEC and Shigella genomes. The protein-encoding genes of the Shigella virulence plasmid (pCP301; accession no. NC_004851.1) were detected in each of the genomes by LS-BSR analysis as described above. Protein-encoding genes of each of the Shigella pathogenicity islands (SHI-1/SHE [12, 13], SHI-2 [14], SHI-3 [15], SHI-O [16], and SRL [17]) were also identified in the EIEC and Shigella genomes. Genes not on the plasmid or in any of the pathogenicity islands, including the gene for Shigella enterotoxin ShET2 (accession no. CAA90899.1), the lysine decarboxylase (LCD) gene cadA (accession no. NP_418555.1), genes of the T2SS of Shigella dysenteriae 197 (accession no. CP000034.1), and those of the T6SS of enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) isolate B171 (accession no. AAJX02000009.1), were also detected by LS-BSR analysis.


EIEC genome sequences.

The EIEC genomes analyzed in this study included 14 newly sequenced genomes (ATM456, EC10018, EC10016, ATM457, ATM462, ATM463, ATM465, ATM266, ATM459, EC10010, EC10032, EC10033, ATM460, and ATM461) and 6 previously sequenced genomes that are available in the public domain: 53638 (accession no. AAKB00000000.2), M4163 (accession no. JTCN00000000.1), 1827-70 (accession no. ADUK00000000.1), CFSAN029787 (accession no. CP011416.1 to CP011418.1), LT-68 (accession no. ADUP00000000.1), and 4608-58 (accession no. JTCO00000000.1) (Table 1). The most frequently represented serotype among these EIEC isolates was O143:H26, followed by O124:H30 and O164:H7 (Table 1). All of the O antigens were among those previously identified for EIEC isolates, with the exception of O96, which was recently linked to isolates from a foodborne outbreak in Milan, Italy (2, 6, 23, 40). These EIEC isolates represent a diverse global collection from nine countries and almost every continent, including North America, South America, Europe, Africa, and Asia (Table 1). The numbers of contigs of the EIEC genome assemblies ranged from 3 to 557 (Table 1). The average genome size was 5.09 (range, 4.80 to 5.39) Mb, and the average GC content was 50.64% (range, 50.43 to 50.99%), values that are consistent with previously sequenced E. coli and Shigella genomes (24, 41) (Table 1).

Phylogenomic analysis of EIEC.

Phylogenomic analysis of the 20 EIEC genomes with 37 reference E. coli and Shigella isolate genomes demonstrated that 17 of these EIEC genomes were present in three distinct EIEC lineages (numbered 1 to 3 in Fig. 1) that contained only EIEC genomes and at least five members in each lineage (Fig. 1). There are multiple ways to delineate the new lineages; however, we chose to select the terminal node of the phylogeny that is well supported by the bootstrap values and contains only EIEC isolates. There was one EIEC lineage in each of three different E. coli phylogroups (A, B1, and E) (42, 43), demonstrating that there is considerable phylogenomic diversity in this global collection of EIEC isolates (Table 1; Fig. 1). EIEC lineage 1 contained six EIEC genomes and is in phylogroup E along with the O157:H7 EHEC genomes and type I S. dysenteriae isolate Sd197 (Fig. 1). The six EIEC isolates in lineage 1 were all serotype O143:H26, and all but one of these isolates were obtained from clinical cases in the United States (Table 1). The one geographic exception in EIEC lineage 1 was EIEC isolate ATM461 from Zaire (Table 1). EIEC lineage 2 is in phylogroup A and also contained six EIEC genomes (Fig. 1). These isolates had molecularly defined serotypes O121:H30 and O124:H30 (Table 1; note that isolate 53638 was originally serotyped as O144 with an unknown H antigen) (27, 28). These isolates were also primarily from the United States, except for two that were from either South Africa or Bulgaria (Table 1). EIEC lineage 3 was in phylogroup B1 and contained five EIEC genomes (Fig. 1). These isolates had serotypes O164:H7, O29:H4, and O136:H7 and were from five different countries (United States, Bolivia, Bulgaria, Guam, and Jordan) (Table 1).

FIG 1.


Phylogenomic analysis of EIEC genomes. Whole-genome phylogeny of the EIEC genomes analyzed in this study compared with a diverse collection of E. coli and Shigella genomes was performed as previously described (29). Three lineages of EIEC genomes are blue, purple, or orange and are numbered 1 to 3. The EIEC genomes are designated by yellow circles, and the Shigella genomes are designated by green circles. The genome sequences that were generated in this study are in bold. Bootstrap values of ≥90 are indicated by gray circles. The scale bar indicates an approximate distance of 0.007 nucleotide substitution per site. The previously designated E. coli phylogroups (A, B1, B2, D, E, and F) (42, 43) are indicated.

Three additional EIEC genomes were outside these defined lineages but were in phylogroups A and B1 (Fig. 1). One of these genomes, LT-68, was closely related to EIEC lineage 3 in phylogroup B1. Meanwhile, CFSAN029787 was most closely related to enteroaggregative E. coli (EAEC) 55989 and O104:H4 E. coli TY-2482, which was the etiological agent of a severe foodborne outbreak in Germany in 2012 (4446). The third EIEC isolate that was not in one of the three EIEC phylogenomic lineages was 1827-70, which was most closely related to the nonpathogenic E. coli strains ATCC 8739 and HS (Fig. 1; see Table S1 in the supplemental material).

Gene-based comparisons of EIEC, Shigella, and other E. coli.

The 57 E. coli and Shigella genomes included in the phylogenomic analysis were also compared by LS-BSR analysis, which is a de novo method used to determine gene-based similarity in groups of genomes (34, 47) (Table 2). There were 16,418 total gene clusters that were identified in the 57 genomes, which included 1,628 gene clusters with significant similarity (LS-BSR, ≥0.9) that were present in all of the genomes (Table 2). There were no gene clusters that were present in all of the EIEC genomes that were absent (LS-BSR, < 0.4) from all of the other genomes both with and without the Shigella genomes (Table 2). There were also no gene clusters present in all of the EIEC and Shigella genomes that were absent from all of the other E. coli genomes (Table 2). There were only seven gene clusters identified in ≥50% of the EIEC genomes that were absent from all other E. coli and Shigella genomes (Table 2). These included the genes for a putative pyruvate kinase, a periplasmic protein, and several hypothetical proteins (see Table S2 in the supplemental material). In contrast, there were 96 gene clusters in ≥50% of the EIEC genomes when the Shigella genomes were not included in the comparison and 87 gene clusters that were present in ≥50% of the EIEC and Shigella genomes combined compared to the reference E. coli genomes (Table 2). Among the 87 gene clusters that were exclusive to EIEC and Shigella were plasmid-associated genes encoding a hypothetical toxin-antitoxin system and putative proteins hypothesized to be involved in conjugal transfer (see Table S2 in the supplemental material). Also, there were 1,002 gene clusters that were present in at least one of the EIEC or Shigella genomes that were not in any other E. coli genome (Table 2).


Numbers of shared or unique genes identified by LS-BSR analysis

Group 1 Group 2 No. of genomes
No. of gene clustersa
Group 1 Group 2 All genomes ≥50% of genomes ≥1 genome
EIEC Other genomes including Shigella 20 37 0 7 472
EIEC Other genomes not including Shigella 20 28 0 96 687
EIEC and Shigella Other genomes 29 28 0 87 1,002
Phylogroup E EIEC Other EIEC 6 14 155 172 249
Phylogroup A EIEC Other EIEC 7 13 16 68 458
Phylogroup B1 EIEC Other EIEC 7 13 3 55 469
Clade 1 EIEC Other EIEC 6 14 155 172 249
Clade 2 EIEC Other EIEC 6 14 12 21 305
Clade 3 EIEC Other EIEC 5 15 13 41 221

There were 1,628 gene clusters identified with significant similarity (LS-BSR, ≥0.9) in all 57 E. coli and Shigella isolates. The number of gene clusters that were present in all genomes, ≥50% of the genomes, or ≥1 of the genomes of group 1 (LS-BSR, ≥0.9) and absent from all of the genomes of group 2 (LS-BSR, <0.4).

Comparison of only the EIEC genomes demonstrated that 3 to 155 gene clusters were present in all of the EIEC genomes of one phylogroup that were not in the EIEC genomes of the other phylogroups (Table 2). Similarly, 12 to 155 gene clusters were present in all of the EIEC genomes of one lineage and not in the EIEC genomes of the other lineages (Table 2). Among the 155 EIEC lineage-specific gene clusters that were unique to lineage 1 were putative protein-encoding genes involved in transcriptional regulation, metabolism and transport, and also a colicin (see Table S3 in the supplemental material). The number of genes exclusive to EIEC lineage 1 was 10 times greater than the number of genes that were exclusive to the genomes of lineage 2 or 3. There were only 12 gene clusters unique to lineage 2 and 13 gene clusters unique to lineage 3 (Table 2). Among the lineage 2-specific gene clusters were a putative membrane protein, the aerobactin siderophore receptor iutA, and hypothetical proteins (see Table S3 in the supplemental material). The lineage 3-specific gene clusters included several putative transcriptional regulators and hypothetical proteins (see Table S3 in the supplemental material).

In silico detection of invasion plasmid pINV.

Since EIEC isolates have a virulence mechanism similar to that of Shigella, we used LS-BSR to perform in silico detection of the previously identified Shigella virulence genes (1, 3, 12, 1517, 4850). Shigella virulence plasmid, pINV encodes a T3SS involved in the invasion of host cells and is a major component of the Shigella and EIEC virulence mechanism; thus, we detected the presence of protein-encoding genes of sequenced Shigella virulence plasmid pCP301 (accession no. NC_004851.1) (1, 3, 810, 4850). The majority of the protein-encoding genes of Shigella virulence plasmid pCP301 were identified with similarity (LS-BSR, ≥0.8) in 85% (17/20) of the EIEC genomes (Fig. 2). The plasmid genes were mostly absent from LT-68, EC10018, and 1827-70. However, genes of the Mxi-Spa-Ipa region were present in EC10018, although the majority of the other plasmid genes were absent (Fig. 2). The Mxi-Spa-Ipa region of the plasmid (Fig. 2) was absent from four of the EIEC genomes (1827-70, LT-68, ATM456, and 53638). A second region of the pINV plasmid (region II in Fig. 2) was absent from almost all of the EIEC genomes. This region encodes a putative methylase, plasmid stability proteins, and numerous hypothetical proteins. Phylogenetic analysis of 24 kb of highly conserved aligned sequence from each of the EIEC and Shigella genomes that contained the plasmid also demonstrated the lineage-specific similarity observed in the cluster analysis of the BSR data (see Fig. S1 in the supplemental material). The plasmid sequences from the Shigella genomes grouped together in one part of the phylogeny, while all but three of the plasmid sequences from the EIEC genomes were present in the other part of the phylogeny (see Fig. S1). All of the plasmids from EIEC lineages 1 and 2 formed lineage-specific groups in the phylogeny (see Fig. S1). In contrast, the plasmid sequences from two of the EIEC genomes from lineage 3 were related to the plasmids from the other EIEC genomes, while the aligned plasmid regions from the other three EIEC genomes from lineage 3 exhibited greater similarity to the Shigella plasmids (see Fig. S1).

FIG 2.


In silico detection of the protein-encoding genes of the Shigella virulence plasmid. The BSRs were determined for all of the protein-encoding genes by comparing the amino acid sequences encoded by invasion plasmid pCP301 (accession no. NC_004851.1) from S. flexneri 2a strain 301 to each of the EIEC and Shigella genomes by using TBLASTN (37). The heat map and a hierarchical cluster analysis were generated with MeV (83) as previously described (29). The colors of the heat map indicate the presence of each protein-encoding gene with significant similarity (yellow) or divergent similarity (black) or its absence (blue). Each column represents a different gene, and each row is a different genome. The isolates are color coded by species and lineage on the right. The EIEC genomes are designated by yellow circles, while the Shigella genomes are designated by green circles. Genomes of EIEC lineage 1 are indicated by blue squares, those of lineage 2 are indicated by purple squares, and those of lineage 3 are indicated by orange squares. The Mxi-Spa-Ipa region and a second variable region, designated II, are identified by the red and black lines at the top, respectively. Region II contains plasmid stability proteins, a methyltransferase, and hypothetical proteins.

In silico detection of virulence genes.

In silico detection of protein-encoding genes from the Shigella pathogenicity islands (SHI-1/SHE [12, 13], SHI-2 [14], SHI-3 [15], SHI-O [16], and SRL [17]) in the EIEC genomes demonstrated that portions of these pathogenicity islands were present in the EIEC genomes in a mostly lineage-specific manner (Table 3). More than 50% of the genes of Shigella pathogenicity islands SHI-1, SHI-2, and SHI-3 were identified in all of the EIEC genomes of lineage 1 (Table 3).


In silico detection of Shigella virulence genes and pathogenicity islands

Isolate ID Phylogroupa EIEC lineageb No. (%) of genesc
Presenced of:
SHI-1/SHE SHI-2 SHI-3 SRL T2SS T6SS iucA-iucD, iutA cadA sigA pic ShET1 ShET2 shiA shiD
    4608-58 E 1 21 (66) 14 (61) 6 (85) 24 (41) 11 (100) 4 (17) 4 (80) + + + +
    ATM460 E 1 21 (66) 17 (74) 7 (100) 24 (41) 11 (100) 5 (22) 5 (100) + + + +
    ATM461 E 1 21 (66) 17 (74) 7 (100) 25 (43) 11 (100) 5 (22) 5 (100) + + + +
    EC10010 E 1 21 (66) 15 (65) 6 (85) 24 (41) 11 (100) 4 (17) 4 (80) + + + +
    EC10032 E 1 21 (66) 16 (70) 6 (85) 24 (41) 11 (100) 4 (17) 4 (80) + + + +
    EC10033 E 1 21 (66) 16 (70) 6 (85) 24 (41) 11 (100) 4 (17) 4 (80) + + + +
    53638 A 2 9 (28) 8 (35) 0 (0) 12 (21) 11 (100) 23 (100) 0 (0) + +
    ATM456 A 2 24 (75) 9 (39) 1 (14) 16 (28) 10 (91) 22 (96) 0 (0) + + +
    ATM457 A 2 29 (91) 16 (70) 7 (100) 16 (28) 11 (100) 23 (100) 5 (100) + + + + +
    EC10016 A 2 19 (59) 9 (39) 1 (14) 12 (21) 0 (0) 22 (96) 0 (0) + + + +
    EC10018 A 2 29 (91) 16 (70) 7 (100) 14 (24) 11 (100) 22 (96) 5 (100) + + + +
    M4163 A 2 16 (50) 8 (35) 0 (0) 19 (33) 11 (100) 22 (96) 0 (0) + +
    1827-70 A Nonee 9 (28) 3 (13) 0 (0) 18 (31) 11 (100) 18 (78) 0 (0) +
    ATM266 B1 3 14 (44) 16 (70) 6 (85) 10 (17) 11 (100) 22 (96) 5 (100) + + +
    ATM459 B1 3 12 (38) 16 (70) 6 (85) 10 (17) 11 (100) 20 (87) 5 (100) + + +
    ATM462 B1 3 12 (38) 13 (57) 6 (85) 7 (12) 11 (100) 22 (96) 5 (100) + + +
    ATM463 B1 3 13 (41) 14 (61) 6 (85) 17 (29) 11 (100) 1 (4) 5 (100) + + +
    ATM465 B1 3 14 (44) 15 (65) 6 (85) 11 (19) 11 (100) 22 (96) 5 (100) + + +
    CFSAN029787 B1 None 1 (3) 8 (35) 0 (0) 2 (3) 11 (100) 22 (96) 0 (0) + +
    LT-68 B1 None 7 (22) 5 (22) 0 (0) 21 (36) 11 (100) 9 (39) 0 (0) + +
    S. boydii ATCC 9905 B1* NAf 2 (6) 15 (65) 6 (85) 5 (9) 10 (91) 5 (22) 5 (100) +
    S. dysenteriae 1012 B1* NA 12 (38) 16 (70) 7 (100) 36 (62) 0 (0) 3 (13) 5 (100)
    S. flexneri 2a 2457T B1* NA 32 (100) 23 (100) 7 (100) 10 (17) 0 (0) 0 (0) 5 (100) + + + + +
    S. flexneri 2a 301 B1* NA 32 (100) 23 (100) 7 (100) 12 (21) 0 (0) 0 (0) 5 (100) + + + + + +
    S. boydii 3083-94 B1 NA 10 (31) 16 (70) 6 (85) 11 (19) 10 (91) 0 (0) 5 (100) + + +
    S. dysenteriae S6554 B1 NA 10 (31) 16 (70) 6 (85) 11 (19) 10 (91) 0 (0) 5 (100) + +
    S. flexneri CCH060 B1 NA 2 (6) 15 (65) 6 (85) 0 (0) 10 (91) 0 (0) 5 (100)
    S. sonnei 046 B1 NA 6 (19) 18 (78) 7 (100) 13 (22) 0 (0) 20 (87) 5 (100) + + +
    S. dysenteriae 197 E NA 8 (25) 9 (39) 0 (0) 22 (37) 11 (100) 0 (0) 0 (0) + + +

E. coli phylogroups E, A, and B1 are indicated. B1* indicates that the genome is typically within the B1 phylogroup.


The phylogenomic clades that contained EIEC are designated 1 to 3.


The total numbers of genes associated with the representative pathogenicity islands or other regions are 32 (SHI-1/SHE, AF200692.2), 23 (SHI-2, AF141323.1), 7 (SHI-3, AF335540.1), 58 (SRL, AF326777.3), 11 (T2SS, CP000034.1), and 23 (T6SS, AAJX02000009.1).


The genes that were identified with an LS-BSR of ≥0.8 were considered present (+), while those with an LS-BSR of <0.8 but ≥0.4 were considered divergent and those with an LS-BSR of <0.4 were considered absent (−).


The genome was not within one of the EIEC clades.


NA, genome not applicable.

The EIEC genomes contained a wide range (3 to 91%) of the total number of genes from SHI-1, but none of the genomes contained all of the SHI-1 genes (Table 3). The serine protease autotransporters (sigA and pic) (12, 13, 5154) of SHI-1 were identified in 75% (15/20) and 15% (3/20) of the EIEC genomes, respectively. The Shigella enterotoxin (ShET) genes, set1A and set1B, of SHI-1 were previously identified and characterized in S. flexneri 2a (12, 18, 55). In the present study, the ShET1 genes were detected only in the S. flexneri 2a genomes and in none of the other Shigella genomes analyzed (Table 3). The ShET1 genes were detected in three EIEC genomes, which were all in lineage 2 (Table 3). Since the reading frames of set1A, set1B, and pic overlap but are transcribed in opposite directions (51, 55, 56), it is not surprising that the genomes containing ShET1 were the same in the three EIEC genomes that also contained pic (Table 3). ShET1 was initially identified in S. flexneri 2a (55); however, it has also been found along with pic in EAEC and uropathogenic E. coli (51, 57). A second version of the Shigella enterotoxin, designated sen or ShET2 (58), was identified in all but two of the EIEC genomes (Table 3). Unlike ShET1, sen/ShET2 is encoded on the Shigella virulence plasmid (49, 58), and both of the EIEC genomes that lacked sen/ShET2 were also missing most of the virulence plasmid genes. Of the three EIEC genomes that contained ShET1, one genome (EC10018) did not have ShET2, while the other two genomes contained both ShET1 and ShET2 (Table 3).

Only two of the EIEC genomes (ATM460 and ATM461), both in lineage 1, had 100% (7/7) of the genes of SHI-3 (Table 3). The genes for aerobactin synthesis, iucA to iucD and iutA (14, 15) are present in both SHI-2 and SHI-3 and are involved in iron acquisition and contribute to Shigella virulence (Table 3). The aerobactin synthesis genes were present in some of the other EIEC genomes that did not contain the entire SHI-3 region (Table 3). Included among these were all of the EIEC genomes in lineage 3 (Table 3). A gene in the SHI-2 region, shiA, is involved in reducing the host cell inflammatory response (3, 59, 60) and was absent from all of the EIEC genomes and all but four of the Shigella genomes analyzed (Table 3). Another putative virulence gene in the SHI-2 region, shiD, which provides immunity to colicin I and colicin V (3), was identified in all of the EIEC genomes in EIEC lineages 1 and 3 but in none of the genomes in EIEC lineage 2 (Table 3). The presence of Shigella genomic island SHI-O (16) in the EIEC genomes was also investigated. The genes from SHI-O involved in serotype conversion of Shigella (gtrA, gtrB, and gtrV) were not identified in any of the EIEC genomes.

The genes encoding LCD (cadA), a lysine:cadaverine antiporter (cadB), and a transcriptional activator (cadC) of the cadBA operon were previously determined to be absent from or disrupted in Shigella and EIEC isolates, although they are present in most other E. coli isolates (61). The cadA and cadC genes are considered antivirulence genes, since their loss enhances the pathogenicity of these strains (6264). In silico detection of cadA in the EIEC and Shigella genomes in this study demonstrated that it was present in 70% (14/20) of the EIEC genomes but only one Shigella genome (S. dysenteriae Sd197) (Table 3). The genomes in EIEC lineages 1 and 2 all contained an intact cadA gene, with the exception of EC10016 (Table 3). However, upon closer inspection, the cadA gene is present in isolate EC10016 but interrupted by an insertion element (Table 3). The five EIEC genomes that were missing cadA were all in EIEC lineage 3 of phylogroup B1, which is the EIEC lineage that was most closely related to the Shigella genomes of phylogroup B1 (Table 3; Fig. 1). The other two EIEC genomes of phylogroup B1 (LT-68 and CFSAN029787) did contain cadA (Fig. 1). In some EIEC strains, cadA was identified as intact and the lack of LDC activity in these strains was due to inactivation of cadC, which encodes the transcriptional regulator of cadBA (65). While 70% of the EIEC genomes described in this study contain an intact cadA gene, further characterization is required to determine whether cadA encodes a functional enzyme in these strains or whether the expression of cadA is disrupted by a mutation in cadC.

Other putative virulence-related features that were detected in the EIEC genomes included genes with similarity to those of a T2SS (Table 3). Over 90% of the T2SS genes from S. dysenteriae Sd197 were identified in all of the EIEC genomes, except EC10016 (Table 3). Interestingly, while EC10016 was missing all of the T2SS genes, the other genomes belonging to the same EIEC lineage (lineage 2) did contain these genes (Fig. 1; Table 3). Further investigation is necessary to confirm that the T2SS genes are missing from this isolate or whether they are absent from the genome assembly. The T2SS is also called the general secretion pathway and has been linked to biofilm formation and virulence of EPEC (66) and toxin secretion in enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) (67). However, the T2SS is also functional in nonpathogenic E. coli and is thought to contribute to survival (68). The role of T2SS in the pathogenicity of EIEC is unknown.

Another secretion system of interest for its potential contribution to virulence is the T6SS (6972). Genes with similarity to those of the T6SS of EPEC isolate B171 were identified in nearly all of the EIEC genomes of phylogroups A and B1 but were absent from all of the EIEC genomes of phylogroup E (Table 3). Two genomes of phylogroup B1 that were missing most of the T6SS genes were ATM463 and LT-68; each had less than half of the T6SS genes required for a functional secretion system (Table 3). In contrast, the T6SS genes were absent from all of the Shigella genomes investigated except S. sonnei 046 (Table 3). While the T6SS has been demonstrated to contribute to virulence in avian pathogenic E. coli (69) and EAEC (71, 72), its role in the virulence of EIEC or Shigella has not been investigated. The T6SS has also been reported to have roles other than those directly involved in virulence, such as providing a competitive advantage in the presence of other bacteria in a community structure (7375). Another unique feature identified in the genome of EIEC isolate LT-68 was the heat-stable enterotoxin encoded by astA (accession no. L11241.1), which is typically found in EAEC (76).


The genomes analyzed in this study represent a global collection of EIEC isolates that have diverse serotypes and, as demonstrated by our findings, also have considerable genomic diversity (Table 1; Fig. 1). While previous studies have demonstrated close genetic similarity among EIEC and Shigella isolates (20, 77), the findings from this study highlight the genomic and potential virulence diversity of this pathovar.

Using phylogenomic analysis, we demonstrated that most of the EIEC isolates were more closely related to other E. coli isolates than to Shigella isolates (Fig. 1). Meanwhile, a gene-based comparison highlighted that EIEC isolates had greater similarity to Shigella than to other E. coli isolates. Furthermore, the identification of only seven genes that were unique to EIEC demonstrated that EIEC has many genomic similarities to other E. coli and Shigella strains. Meanwhile, the detection of 87 genes that were present in EIEC and Shigella that were not in the other E. coli strains demonstrates that there is greater gene-based similarity between EIEC and Shigella. Further inspection of these genes indicated that many of them are likely plasmid associated and could be part of invasion plasmid pINV, which is a genetic feature that unites EIEC and Shigella both genotypically and phenotypically (1, 2) (see Table S2 in the supplemental material).

Comparative analysis of EIEC pINV demonstrated that for most of the EIEC genomes analyzed, genes of the invasion plasmid were more similar to those of other EIEC isolates analyzed than to Shigella pINV (Fig. 2). This finding demonstrates that the plasmid was likely acquired early in the divergence of a particular EIEC or Shigella lineage and it has been stable and evolving along with the chromosome over time. However, there were exceptions for a limited number of the EIEC isolates that exhibited greater similarity to the Shigella plasmids than to other EIEC isolates within the same lineage (Fig. 2; see Fig. S1 in the supplemental material). This suggests that these isolates may have lost the EIEC version of the plasmid and acquired a pINV plasmid from Shigella. It is possible that there are multiple models of plasmid evolution, including plasmid gain and loss, in the EIEC isolates and Shigella. Detailed genetic studies are required to examine each of these potential pathways of evolution.

In addition to the presence of the invasion plasmid, another feature that is shared by Shigella and EIEC but not other E. coli strains is the absence of LDC activity (2). While it is present in most strains of E. coli, the LDC gene, cadA, is absent from or inactive in Shigella (61) and cadA is not expressed in EIEC strains because of mutations in the regulator gene, cadC (65). However, our findings demonstrate that while cadA was absent from nearly all of the Shigella isolates analyzed, it was present in 70% of the EIEC genomes, and the cadC gene is present in 64.3% (9/14) of the EIEC genomes. Experimental verification of LDC function in these EIEC isolates is required (Table 3). Similar to presence or absence of the other genes detected by in silico analysis, that of cadA in the EIEC genomes exhibited phylogroup specificity (Table 3). Similarly, there are few universal genes that are lacking in all EIEC or EIEC and Shigella isolates that are present in the E. coli isolates used for comparison, suggesting that there is not a single antivirulence mechanism present among all of the EIEC isolates.

The variable presence of the Shigella pathogenicity islands among the EIEC genomes demonstrates the phylogroup- or lineage-specific diversity of the EIEC and Shigella isolates analyzed in this study (Table 3). Furthermore, many of these Shigella-specific acquired regions appear to be stable in the EIEC isolates within a lineage, with the exception of a few isolates that are missing regions or individual genes that were present in all of the other isolates within that lineage (Table 3). There are features that are shared among the lineages identified, indicating that these lineages are more permissive to the acquisition of Shigella virulence genes and plasmid pINV. These findings suggest that there is not a single origin of the EIEC pathovar, but rather multiple lineages of E. coli have acquired common virulence factors, as has been previously suggested on the basis of single-gene analyses (20, 21).

Pettengill et al. recently used a SNP-based approach to compare the genomes of a collection of diverse E. coli and Shigella isolates (26). However, the clusters defined in their phylogeny group together isolates of the diverse pathovars, including one cluster that contains EHEC, EPEC, EAEC, EIEC, and S. dysenteriae. Other studies that have compared a larger collection of genomes have demonstrated these clusters could be further subdivided into lineages that in many cases contain lineage-specific genes or other genomic regions that can be used for more targeted diagnostics (29, 41). Comparative genomics provide a finer-scale level of resolution that allows discrimination between genomically related E. coli isolates that belong to different pathovars. As demonstrated in the present study, there were many virulence-associated regions of the EIEC and Shigella genomes that exhibited phylogroup or lineage specificity (Table 3), suggesting a shared ancestral lineage. Further investigation is necessary to determine whether some of these genes could be used to develop a rapid diagnostic assay that could identify whether clinical isolates belong to any of the three EIEC lineages described in this study, thus distinguishing them from other E. coli or Shigella isolates.

In conclusion, a molecular study that analyzed eight housekeeping genes (77) and recent genome sequencing analyses have suggested that Shigella developed through the acquisition of common virulence factors in multiple lineages of E. coli (41, 78, 79). The findings of the present study demonstrate that EIEC likely arose through the acquisition of mobile-element-encoded virulence genes by permissive recipient isolates occupying multiple distinct lineages of E. coli, in a fashion similar to that of Shigella. For many genes, it appears that the acquisition events occurred early in the development of a lineage since the genes exhibit lineage specificity. However, in some cases, particularly when plasmid-borne genes were analyzed, the plasmids exhibit greater sequence similarity than those of other more distantly related isolates, suggesting that the plasmids were more recently acquired. Like the evolution of Shigella, that of EIEC was likely driven by the acquisition of the invasion plasmid, as well as some, but not all, of the genes of the Shigella pathogenicity islands. As previously demonstrated for EPEC (29, 80), ETEC (30, 81), and Shigella (41, 82), the same pathovar can occur in evolutionarily diverse lineages. Similar to what we have previously described for the attaching and effacing E. coli pathovars (EPEC and EHEC) (29), Shigella and EIEC include diverse members that have in common virulence mechanisms driven by the acquisition of mobile genetic element-encoded virulence genes (genomic islands, plasmids, or phage). We anticipate that the decoding of additional EIEC genome sequences will reveal even greater genomic diversity beyond what has been presented in this study, most likely reflecting the diverse nature of this pathovar. This trend of the identification of significant genomic diversity is becoming the norm in the study of E. coli and Shigella genomics, as we integrate high-throughput genomics into the epidemiological studies of modern collections of strains.

Supplementary Material

Supplemental material


This project was funded in part by federal funds from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services under contract HHSN272200900009C, grants U19AI090873 and U19AI110820, and startup funds from the State of Maryland. S.R.L. was supported by a fellowship appointment administered by the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education.


Supplemental material for this article may be found at


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