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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2017 Jan 28.
Published in final edited form as: Nature. 2016 Jul 28;535(7613):517–522. doi: 10.1038/nature18934

Structural basis for Smoothened regulation by its extracellular domains

Eamon FX Byrne 1,#, Ria Sircar 2,#, Paul S Miller 1, George Hedger 3, Giovanni Luchetti 2, Sigrid Nachtergaele 2, Mark D Tully 4, Laurel Mydock-McGrane 5, Douglas F Covey 5, Robert P Rambo 4, Mark S P Sansom 3, Simon Newstead 3,#, Rajat Rohatgi 2,#, Christian Siebold 1,#
PMCID: PMC4970916  NIHMSID: NIHMS796201  PMID: 27437577


Developmental signals of the Hedgehog (Hh) and Wnt families are transduced across the membrane by Frizzled-class G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) composed of both a heptahelical transmembrane domain (TMD) and an extracellular cysteine-rich domain (CRD). How such large extracellular domains of GPCRs regulate signalling by the TMD is unknown. We present crystal structures of the Hh signal transducer and oncoprotein Smoothened (SMO), which contains two distinct ligand-binding sites in its TMD and CRD. The CRD is stacked atop the TMD, separated by an intervening wedge-like linker domain (LD). Structure-guided mutations show that the interface between the CRD, LD and TMD stabilises the inactive state of SMO. Unexpectedly, we find a cholesterol molecule bound to SMO in the CRD-binding site. Mutations predicted to prevent cholesterol binding impair the ability of SMO to transmit native Hh signals. Binding of a clinically used antagonist, vismodegib, to the TMD induces a conformational change that is propagated to the CRD, resulting in loss of cholesterol from the CRD-LD-TMD interface. Our work elucidates the structural mechanism by which the activity of a GPCR is controlled by ligand-regulated interactions between its extracellular and transmembrane domains.

The SMO extracellular region is composed of a N-terminal CRD followed by a small LD, which then connects to the TMD and a C-terminal intracellular domain (ICD) (Fig.1a). Small-molecule agonists and antagonists of SMO have defined two separable ligand-binding sites in the TMD and CRD1. The TMD-site binds the plant-derived inhibitor cyclopamine2,3, the synthetic agonist SAG4,5, and the anti-cancer drug vismodegib6 used to treat advanced basal cell cancer (BCC) in the clinic. Side-chain oxysterols such as 20(S)-hydroxycholesterol (20(S)-OHC) represent a distinct class of SMO ligands7-9 that activate signalling by engaging a hydrophobic groove on the surface of the SMO-CRD10-12. The native morphogen Sonic Hedgehog (SHH) functions by binding and inactivating Patched 1 (PTCH1), the major receptor for Hh ligands that restrains SMO activity13. Despite the discovery of numerous exogenous SMO ligands, a bona fide endogenous SMO ligand that regulates Hh signalling remains unknown. Structure-guided mutations that disrupt 20(S)-OHC binding to the CRD groove or sterol-based inhibitors that occlude this groove impair signalling by SHH10,11. In contrast, several mutations in the TMD-site that blocked the binding and activity of synthetic ligands failed to have any effect on either the basal or the SHH-stimulated activity of SMO12,14. These data suggest that an endogenous SMO ligand capable of regulating Hh signalling engages the CRD groove on SMO.

Figure 1. Structure of human SMO.

Figure 1

a, Two views of the overall structure showing extracellular and transmembrane domains of human SMO in cartoon representation with the CRD in orange, LD in pink, TMD in blue. The inactivating point mutation Val329Phe is depicted in red, cholesterol in cyan, nine numbered disulphide bridges in black, and two N-linked glycans (NAG) as yellow sticks. A schematic of SMO is shown above (SP: signal peptide, BRIL: position of the BRIL fusion protein inserted between TMD helices 5 and 6). b, The ‘connector’ region between CRD and LD highlighted as sticks in atomic colouring, with the CRD shown as a solvent accessible surface and the LD and part of TMD ECL3 loop as cartoons. c, Interface between CRD, LD and TMD shown in cartoon representation with ECL3-NAG and cholesterol as yellow and cyan sticks, respectively.

Crystal structures of the isolated SMO-LD-TMD in complex with both agonist and antagonist ligands15-17 revealed conservation of the GPCR heptahelical scaffold and provided a detailed view of a small molecule binding pocket, but did not show conformational changes typically associated with GPCR signalling18,19. In addition, two unliganded structures of the isolated SMO-CRD have been solved10,20. However, we presently lack structural insights of how the extracellular domains and TMD interact to regulate signalling in SMO (or in any other GPCR).

Structure of the extracellular and transmembrane domains of SMO

We determined the crystal structure of human SMO containing both the CRD and the TMD, connected by the juxta-membrane LD (SMOΔC, Fig. 1a and Extended Data Fig. 1). To study the SMO TMD in a defined functional state and reduce conformational flexibility, we included a single amino acid mutation, Val329Phe16, in TMD helix 3 that locked SMO in an inactive state and substantially improved expression levels (Extended Data Fig. 2 and supplementary discussion). Using an established strategy in GPCR crystallography, the third intracellular loop (ICL3) between TM helices 5 and 6 was replaced by thermostabilised apocytochrome b562RIL (BRIL)21. The SMOΔC structure was determined to 3.2 Å resolution (Extended Data Table 1, Extended Data Fig. 3). The asymmetric unit, comprising two molecules arranged ‘head-to-tail’, stacks into alternating hydrophobic and hydrophilic layers along one axis typical for lipidic cubic phase (LCP) derived crystals (Extended Data Fig. 3a). This SMO arrangement within the crystal suggests that SMOΔC is monomeric, in agreement with size exclusion chromatography (SEC) coupled to multi-angle light scattering analysis (MALS) (Extended Data Fig.3f).

SMO adopts an extended conformation in the structure. The extracellular CRD is perched on top of the LD, which forms a wedge between TMD and CRD. At the apex of this wedge, the CRD contacts the TMD through the elongated TMD extracellular loop 3 (ECL3) (Fig. 1a). The overall architecture is stabilised by nine disulphide bridges, four of which reveal the canonical disulphide pattern of the CRD fold22 (numbered 2-5 in Fig. 1a) and one that is specific for SMO10 (marked as 1’ in Fig. 1a). This disulphide bridge positions the start of a ‘connector’ segment that links the CRD and LD (Fig.1b). The connector is tucked along a hydrophobic groove that runs the length of the CRD and shields this groove with three inwardly turned hydrophobic residues (Val182, Ile185, Phe187), multiple hydrophilic residues and a N-linked glycan facing the solvent (Fig. 1b, Extended Data Fig. 4a). The connector region, combined with mainly hydrophobic interactions between the CRD and both the LD and ECL3 (total buried surface area of 745 Å2), orients the CRD in an upright conformation with its N-terminus pointing away from the plasma membrane (Figs. 1a and 1b, Extended Data Fig. 4b). However, we did not observe major structural changes in the heptahelical TMD bundle compared to previously solved structures of either antagonist- or agonist-bound complexes lacking the CRD15,16. The only exception was a rearrangement of the LD, which in our structure is pushed down towards the TMD, perhaps by CRD-binding (Extended Data Fig. 5). A structure of the activated state of the SMO TMD will likely require co-crystallization with its still-unknown downstream effector or the use of an active-state stabilising antibody.

Cholesterol is a ligand for SMO

Unexpectedly, we discovered a cholesterol molecule in our SMO structure (Fig. 1 and Extended Data Methods). Cholesterol occupies a central position, interacting with all three SMO domains, the CRD, LD and TMD (Figs. 1c, 2a and 2b), and adopts an extended conformation with its tetracyclic sterol ring bound in a shallow groove in the CRD, a site previously shown to bind 20(S)-OHC10-12 in SMO and the palmitoleyl group of Wnt ligands in Frizzled receptors23. The cholesterol iso-octyl tail, located at the interface between the CRD, LD and TMD-ECL3, is buried in the SMO protein core. This arrangement positions cholesterol some 12 Å away from the lipid bilayer of the plasma membrane (Fig. 2c) and implies that a cholesterol molecule would have to completely desorb from the plasma membrane surface to access its binding site in SMO. Cellular cholesterol levels play a permissive role in Hh signalling24,25; however, this requirement is likely unrelated to the cholesterol binding site seen in our structure since SMO mutants lacking the CRD12 or carrying mutations in the cholesterol binding groove25 remain sensitive to cholesterol depletion (see supplementary discussion).

Figure 2. The cholesterol binding site.

Figure 2

a-b, Close-up of cholesterol with interacting residues as sticks. Initial 2Fo-Fc map at 1.0 σ before inclusion of cholesterol shown as chicken-wire. Colour-coding follows Fig.1. Inset shows the potential hydrogen-bonding network coordinating the cholesterol 3β-hydroxyl group. Interatomic distances (Å) are shown in black. c, Solvent accessible surface colour-coded by hydrophobicity (red: hydrophobic, white: hydrophilic). d, Sequence conservation (based on 55 vertebrate SMO sequences) mapped onto SMOΔC (black: conserved, white: not conserved). e, Superposition of human (orange, this study) and fly (purple, PDB 2MAH20) SMO CRD structures. The fly CRD region occupying the cholesterol binding site is highlighted.

The sterol-binding site of SMO is predominantly lined by hydrophobic residues from the CRD that stabilise the flat α-face of cholesterol (Fig. 2a). Mutations in several of these residues (Leu108, Trp109, Pro164 and Phe166) have been noted to prevent SMO binding to 20(S)-OHC and to impair both 20(S)-OHC-driven and SHH-driven signalling10-12. The β-face is shielded by the side-chain of Arg161 and a N-linked glycan (Fig. 2b). The cholesterol 3β-hydroxyl group is incorporated in a hydrogen-bonding network with the side chains of Asp95, Trp109 and Tyr130, which optimally position the α-face of the sterol ring system to make a stacking interaction with the indole ring of Trp109 (Figs. 2a and 2b). TMD-ECL3 residues Leu491, Ala492 and Ile496 and LD residue Val210 orient the iso-octyl tail of cholesterol in an elongated conformation. Residues lining the cholesterol binding-site are highly conserved in vertebrates but are less conserved in Drosophila (Fig.2d, Extended Data Fig.1). The superposition of our human CRD structure with a previously solved solution structure of the Drosophila CRD20 (r.m.s.d. 1.71 Å for 86 equivalent Cα positions) revealed a major rearrangement of one edge of the cholesterol binding site comprising fly SMO residues 183-190 (Fig. 2e, Extended Data Fig. 1). This segment of fly SMO adopts a short helix that protrudes into the CRD groove and consequently may preclude cholesterol binding. In fact, fly SMO fails to bind oxysterols10,11.

Consistent with the structure, purified SMOΔC bound to cholesterol in a ligand-affinity assay (Figs. 3a-3c), analogous to the assay we previously developed to measure the binding of SMO to 20(S)-OHC7. Beads covalently coupled to cholesterol captured purified SMOΔC (Fig. 3a). Binding could be blocked by free 20(S)-OHC added as a competitor at concentrations that activate Hh signalling in cells7 (Fig. 3b), confirming that cholesterol and 20(S)-OHC engaged the same binding groove on the CRD surface. In a stringent specificity control, 20(R)-OHC, an epimer with inverted stereochemistry at a single position that cannot bind to the CRD7 and cannot activate Hh signalling10, failed to block this interaction (Fig. 3c).

Figure 3. The cholesterol-binding site regulates SMO signalling activity.

Figure 3

a, Purified SMOΔC captured on beads coupled to increasing concentrations of cholesterol in the presence or absence of free 20(S)-OHC. b, SMOΔC captured on cholesterol beads in the presence of increasing concentrations of free 20(S)-OHC or c, in the presence of a synthetic epimer 20(R)-OHC. d, Protein levels of SMO variants stably expressed in Smo−/− mouse fibroblasts. e, Binding of SMO variants to 20(S)-OHC-coupled beads. Asp99Ala and Tyr134Phe are predicted to disrupt hydrogen bonding with cholesterol (Fig.2a). f, Levels of Gli1 mRNA (mean +/− SD, n=4) were used as a metric for Hh signalling activity in cell lines shown in d after stimulation with SHH, SAG or 20(S)-OHC. Statistical significance is denoted for the difference in Gli1 mRNA levels between cells expressing SMO-WT compared to each mutant SMO protein.

Cholesterol promotes SMO signalling

To assess the functional relevance of the cholesterol binding site identified in our structure, we focused our mutagenesis efforts on the hydrogen-bonding network between the cholesterol 3β-hydroxyl group and Asp95 and Tyr130 (Fig. 2a). The corresponding residues in mouse SMO, Asp99 and Tyr134, were mutated either individually or in combination to residues (Asp99Ala and Tyr134Phe) that lack hydrogen bond acceptor or donor groups. Since cholesterol and oxysterols occupy the same groove in the CRD (Fig. 3b), they likely adopt a similar conformation and make at least some of the same interactions. Therefore, we used 20(S)-OHC binding and signalling to evaluate the effect of these mutations. First, we tested the ability of 20(S)-OHC beads to capture SMO from detergent extracts (Figs. 3d and 3e). As previously demonstrated7, wild-type (WT) SMO can be captured on 20(S)-OHC beads. However, SMO variants carrying the Asp99Ala and Tyr134Phe point mutations failed to bind to 20(S)-OHC beads, highlighting the importance of this hydrogen bonding network for sterol binding (Fig. 3e). Next, we stably expressed untagged versions of these SMO mutants in Smo−/− fibroblasts (Fig. 3d) and assessed their abilities to restore signalling initiated by SHH, the TMD agonist SAG or the CRD agonist 20(S)-OHC (Fig. 3f). SMO-Asp99Ala and SMO-Tyr134Phe did not significantly change the basal activity of SMO in the absence of Hh agonists and, importantly, did not change the signalling response to SAG (Fig. 3f). This demonstrates that these mutants retained an intact TMD ligand-binding site and remained competent to transmit signals to cytoplasmic components. However, Asp99Ala and Tyr134Phe substantially impaired the ability of SMO to respond to both 20(S)-OHC and SHH (Fig.3f). We conclude that these residues, and by implication the cholesterol seen in our structure, are important for signal-induced SMO activation.

Inactive-state stabilisation by the SMO extracellular domain

In order to assess the structural impact of the CRD in a membrane environment, we carried out molecular dynamics simulations of SMO in the presence and absence of cholesterol. Ten independent 100 ns atomistic simulations were performed with SMO embedded in a phosphatidylcholine bilayer (Figs. 4a and 4b, Extended Data Fig. 6). These simulations revealed that the SMO CRD has significant conformational flexibility in the un-liganded state. In the presence of cholesterol, however, there was a pronounced decrease in this flexibility (Fig. 4a), consistent with a conformationally stabilising effect on the CRD structure. In contrast, cholesterol did not significantly change the conformational stability of the SMO TMD (Fig. 4b). The predominant cholesterol-induced stabilisation was seen in the vicinity of the sterol-binding pocket, with some propagation to more distal CRD regions (Extended Data Fig. 6). Consistent with these simulations, the thermostability of purified SMOΔC was reduced when cholesterol was depleted with methyl-β-cyclodextrin (Extended Data Figs. 6f and 6g, supplementary discussion).

Figure 4. SMO activity is regulated by the stability of its extracellular domain.

Figure 4

a-b, MD simulations of SMO. Cα r.m.s.d. versus time for CRD (a) and 7TM region (b) with (blues) and without (reds) cholesterol. c-d, Mutations in the extracellular region increase constitutive signalling activity of SMO. c, CRD-LD interface with mutated residues highlighted. Corresponding mouse residues are in brackets. d, Gli1 mRNA levels (mean +/− SD, n=4) after treatment with agonists (SHH, SAG, 20(S)-yne) or antagonists (cyclopamine, SANT-1). Gli1 levels in untreated cells reflect constitutive activity of SMO. Numbers above bars indicate Gli1 fold-increase compared to untreated cells. Asterisks denote statistical significance for comparison with WT SMO. e, Solution-state SAXS profiles of untreated (grey) and 20(S)-OHC-treated (red) SMOΔC. Lines are fits derived from the indirect Fourier transform of e. f, Paired-distance, P(r), distribution functions, normalised to their respective I(0) values, with maximum particle sizes (dmax) indicated.

The molecular dynamics results prompted us to test the signalling consequences of destabilising interactions within the extracellular region of SMO. To probe the effect of interactions between the CRD and the LD, we generated two mutants, Pro120Ser and Ile160Asn/Glu162Thr, in the context of mouse SMO. These introduce bulky, N-linked glycosylation sites at positions 156 and 114 of the human CRD that contact the LD (Fig. 4c). To disrupt the conformation of the LD itself, we mutated two cysteines (Cys197 and Cys217 in mouse SMO) that form a disulfide bond within the LD (numbered “6” in Figs. 1a and 4c) to serine. We compared these mutants to SMO lacking the entire CRD (SMO-ΔCRD) (Fig. 4d, Extended Data Fig. 7a). Untagged SMO-ΔCRD stably expressed in Smo−/− fibroblasts demonstrated a level of constitutive activity11,12 comparable to WT SMO stimulated with saturating SHH (Fig. 4d, Extended Data Fig. 7b).

The Pro120Ser, Ile160Asn/Glu162Thr, and Cys197Ser/Cys217Ser mutations mimicked the effect of a complete CRD deletion - constitutive signalling activity was increased (Fig. 4d) despite the presence of high levels of PTCH1 (Extended Data Fig. 7a) and there was complete loss of responsiveness to 20(S)-OHC (Fig. 4d). All three mutants remained sensitive to inhibition by SANT-1, which binds deep in the TMD and does not contact the LD16. Cyclopamine and SAG, which both make contacts with the LD15,16, could regulate SMO-Pro120Ser and SMO-Ile160Asn/Glu162Thr, but not SMO-Cys197Ser/Cys217Ser. Thus, destabilising either CRD-LD contacts or the LD itself increases the constitutive activity of SMO, implicating these regions in stabilising an inactive state, analogous to the D[E]R3.50Y motif in helix III of some Class A GPCRs26.

To understand the basis for the loss in oxysterol responsiveness, we measured binding of each of the mutants to 20(S)-OHC beads (Extended Data Fig. 7c). While the CRD mutations Pro120Ser and Ile160Asn/Glu162Thr impaired binding, the Cys197Ser/Cys217Ser mutation in the LD had no effect on binding to 20(S)-OHC. The observation that 20(S)-OHC cannot activate SMO-Cys197Ser/Cys217Ser (Fig. 4d) even though it can bind normally (Extended Data Fig. 7c) suggests that the LD may transmit the conformational changes that lead to SMO-TMD activation in response to CRD ligands. To probe conformational changes in SMO induced by CRD ligands in the solution state, we performed small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) experiments on SMOΔC in the absence of any exogenous ligands (hereafter called apo-SMOΔC) or SMOΔC loaded with the agonist 20(S)-OHC (Extended Data Fig. 8a). The initial SAXS curves (Fig.4e) and further analyses27,28 (Fig.4f, Extended Data Fig. 8b) show that 20(S)-OHC binding induces a conformational change consistent with elongation and reduced globularity of SMOΔC. Since 20(S)-OHC and cholesterol bind to the same groove on the CRD (Fig. 3b), we conclude that replacement of cholesterol by 20(S)-OHC (a molecule that carries only a single additional hydroxyl) produces a conformational change that leads to SMO activation.

The structure of SMO bound to vismodegib

Our structural and functional studies highlighted the critical regulatory role played by CRD-LD-TMD contacts in controlling the conformation and activity of SMO. Are these interactions altered by TMD-targeted small molecules used to treat patients with Hh-driven cancers? This question has remained unanswered because prior structures of SMO bound to small molecules have not included the CRD, precluding an assessment of how the extracellular and transmembrane domains of SMO communicate. We determined the crystal structure of SMO in complex with vismodegib, a potent TMD antagonist, to 3.3 Å resolution (vismo-SMOΔC, Fig. 5a and Extended Data Fig. 9a and 9b). Despite the fact that vismodegib is the most commonly used Hh pathway inhibitor in patients and resistance has already become a clinically relevant problem14,29,30, there are no structures available for vismodegib in complex with SMO.

Figure 5. Structure of SMO in complex with the antagonist Vismodegib.

Figure 5

a, Overall structure showing full extracellular and transmembrane domains of human SMO (cartoon) in complex with vismodegib (green). Colour-coding follows Fig.1. b, Close-up of the vismodegib-binding site. The asterisk denotes a residue mutated in vismodegib-resistant tumours. c-e Comparison of apo-SMO (red) and vismo-SMO (blue). c, Superposition of the two SMO structures based on the TMD. Arrows indicate domain rotations. Cholesterol (red) and vismodegib (blue) shown as spheres. d, Close-up of the TMD/LD/CRD interface. Phe484 contacts the vismodegib methylsulfone group. e, Close-up of sterol-binding site. Cholesterol, Arg161 and NAG shown as sticks. The partly-disordered ECL3 loop of vismo-SMO is depicted as dotted line.

Vismodegib is stabilised by a network of hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic interactions formed by the SMO TMD core (Fig. 5b). As expected, it occupies the TMD binding-site previously identified in SMO complexes with other antagonists and agonists15-17 (Extended Data Fig. 5). The vismodegib pyrimidine and chloro-benzyl rings are deeply buried, forming mainly hydrophobic interactions with the TMD core. The amide linker, stabilised by a potential hydrogen bond to the side chain of Asp384, occupies a central position within the 7TM bundle and connects to the chlorophenyl-methylsulfone moiety, which is oriented towards the extracellular domains and the entrance of the TMD pocket16. This arrangement is stabilised via potential hydrogen bonds to the side chains of Gln477 and Arg400 and a hydrophobic stacking interaction of the vismodegib methylsulfone moiety and the aromatic ring of Phe484. Asp473, a residue mutated in vismodegib-resistant cancers14,29,30 stabilises the potential hydrogen-bonding network around Arg400 (marked with an asterisk in Fig. 5b). The SMO-Asp473His mutation seen in drug-resistant cancers is ideally positioned to disrupt the vismodegib binding site, in agreement with functional experiments showing that SMO-Asp473His cannot bind this drug14. Our structure also explains the vismodegib resistance mechanism for a whole swath of other mutations in the TMD binding site observed in patients with advanced BCC29,30 (Extended Data Figs. 9c-9f).

The vismodegib-bound structure of SMO in its inactive state shows a marked conformational change in the extracellular domains and the ECL3 loop when compared to the apo-SMO structure (Fig. 5c). The upper part of TM helix 6, which contacts the CRD and LD, is moved ~15° towards the LD and CRD, likely due to an interaction between Phe484 and the methylsulfone moiety of vismodegib (Figs. 5b and 5d). This movement of helix 6 results in a rotational movement of the CRD (and to a more minor extent the LD), allowing ECL3 to intrude into the sterol-binding groove of the CRD. As a consequence, the side chain of CRD residue Arg161 forms a stacking interaction with Trp109 and occupies the space where cholesterol was located in the apo-SMO structure (Fig. 5e). This reorganisation is predicted to occlude the cholesterol binding site. Indeed, cholesterol was absent from the vismo-SMO structure (Fig.5a), and the addition of vismodegib reduced the interaction of purified SMOΔC with cholesterol beads (Extended Data Figs. 9g and 9h). In summary, vismodegib binding to the TMD site induces a conformational change that ultimately results in a rearrangement of the sterol-binding site, providing a structural communication mechanism that explains the previously observed allosteric interaction7 between CRD and TMD ligands. More generally, it suggests that a similar conformational change, involving a shift of the ECL3 and a pivoting of the CRD on the extracellular end of the TMD bundle, may allow an extracellular signal to be transduced from the CRD to the TMD and ultimately across the membrane. From a therapeutic perspective, our results highlight an entirely unanticipated role for the CRD and ECL3, including displacement of an extracellular cholesterol ligand, in stabilising a drug-bound inactive state of SMO, providing a structural template for the development of the next generation of SMO inhibitors against Hh-driven cancers.


The structure of SMO provides insights into the mechanism by which a large extracellular region and two allosterically-linked ligand binding sites may regulate the activity of a GPCR. We propose that cholesterol functions as an endogenous SMO ligand that occupies the CRD groove and stabilises a resting or apo conformation poised to respond to Hh signals. SMO signalling activity is compromised by mutations that prevent cholesterol binding or by antagonists like vismodegib that act allosterically to occlude the cholesterol binding site. SAXS data suggest that CRD ligands like 20(S)-OHC, which displace cholesterol, produce an additional conformational change that leads to SMO activation. Identification of the mechanism by which PTCH1 inhibits SMO will be necessary to understand how cholesterol - bound SMO is activated in response to endogenous Hh morphogens. We predict that SMO activation will involve alterations in the interactions between the CRD, ECL3 and LD-TMD domains that allow the TMD to adopt an active signalling state.

METHODS - Byrne et al


NIH 3T3 and 293T cells were obtained from ATCC, Smo−/− fibroblasts have been described previously33 and were originally obtained from Drs. James Chen and Philip Beachy, SAG was from Enzo Life Sciences, Cyclopamine from Toronto Research Chemicals, SANT-1 from EMD Millipore, 20(S)-OHC from Steraloids. The synthesis of 20(R)-OHC7 and 20(S)-amine coupled beads for SMO binding assays has been described in detail previously10. Rabbit polyclonal antibodies against SMO, PTCH1 and SUFU have been described previously34,35, and the mouse monoclonal antibody against GLI1 was obtained from Cell Signaling Technologies (Cat#L42B10). SHH-containing conditioned media was made from 293T cells transfected with the N-terminal signalling domain of SHH and used at saturating concentrations (dilution of 1:4)2.


For large-scale expression and crystallization, a SMO construct (SMOΔC) was designed by truncating the N- and C-termini of human SMO, to leave the extracellular and transmembrane domains (UniProt Id. Q99835; residues 32-555), and replacing intracellular loop 3 (Q99835; residues 429-440) with BRIL (UniProt Id. P0ABE7; residues 23-128). The synthetic gene encoding SMOΔC was obtained from Geneart (Grand Island, NY) and cloned into the pHLSec vector36 in frame to either a C-terminal Rho1D4 antibody epitope tag37,38 or a monoVenus tag39,40 followed by a Rho1D4 antibody epitope tag.

All mouse SMO mutants were made using Quikchange methods using a previously described construct41 encoding mouse SMO (pCS2+:YFP-mSmo), after removal of the N-terminal YFP tag by XhoI digestion. The mouse SMO-ΔCRD construct lacks a.a. 68-184. For stable-line construction, the mouse SMO coding sequence was transferred from pCS2+ to pMSCVpuro using Gibson cloning.

Expression and purification of SMO

SMOΔC was expressed by transient transfection in HEK-293S-GnTI (ATCC CRL-3022) cells in a typical batch volume of 9.6 L. Cells were grown in suspension at 37°C, 8.0% CO2, 130 rpm to densities of 2-3 × 106 cells mL−1 in protein expression media (PEM, Invitrogen) supplemented with L-glutamine, non-essential amino-acids (NEAA, Gibco) and 1% fetal calf serum (FCS, Sigma-Aldrich). Cells from 0.8 L cultures were collected by centrifugation (1,100 rpm, 7 min) and re-suspended in 120 mL Freestyle293 medium (Invitrogen) containing 1.2 mg PEI Max (Polysciences), 0.4 mg plasmid DNA and 5 mM valproic acid (Sigma-Aldrich), followed by a 3-6 h incubation at 160 rpm. Culture media were subsequently topped up to 0.8 L with PEM and returned to 130 rpm. 48-72 h post-transfection cell pellets were harvested by centrifugation, snap-frozen in liquid N2 and stored at −80°C, resulting in a total of ~150 g of cell mass per 9.6 L suspension medium42.

Frozen cell pellets were thawed, re-suspended in 10 mM HEPES pH7.5, 300 mM NaCl buffer supplemented with a 1:100 (v:v) dilution of mammalian protease inhibitor cocktail (P8340, Sigma-Aldrich) and solubilised with 1.3% (w/v) n-dodecyl-β-D-maltopyranoside (DDM, Anatrace) and 0.26% (w/v) cholesteryl hemisuccinate (CHS, Anatrace), then rotated for 1.5 h at 4°C. Insoluble material was removed by centrifugation (10,000 rpm, 12 min, 4°C) and the supernatant incubated for 2 h at 4°C with purified Rho-1D4 antibody (University of British Columbia) coupled to CNBr-activated sepharose beads (GE Healthcare). Protein-bound beads were washed extensively with 50 mM HEPES pH7.5, 300 mM NaCl, 10% (v/v) glycerol, 0.1% DDM, 0.02% CHS buffer and then with 50 mM HEPES pH7.5, 300 mM NaCl, 10% glycerol, 0.05% DDM, 0.01% CHS buffer and eluted overnight in 50 mM HEPES pH7.5, 300 mM NaCl, 10% glycerol, 0.03% DDM, 0.006% CHS, 500 μM “TETSQVAPA” peptide (Genscript). Eluate was concentrated to ~500 μL using a Vivaspin Turbo 4 PES 100 kDa MWCO concentrator and loaded onto a Superose 6 10/300 column (GE Healthcare) equilibrated with 10 mM HEPES pH7.5, 150 mM NaCl, 10% glycerol, 0.03% DDM, 0.006% CHS. Peak fractions were pooled and concentrated to ~30 mg/mL using a Vivaspin 500 PES 100 kDa MWCO concentrator. Samples were deglycosylated with Endoglycosidase F1 and incubated at room temperature for 1 h. For the vismodegib complex, vismodegib (GDC-0449, Selleck Chem) dissolved at high concentration in DMSO, was added to the protein sample to a final concentration of 10 mM.

For small-scale screening, cells in adherent format were transiently transfected using Lipofectamine2000 (Invitrogen) and the expressed protein, tagged with YFP39,40, was prepared in the same manner as above with quantities adjusted appropriately. For analysis, samples were loaded onto a Superose 6 3.2/300 column (GE Healthcare) attached to a high-performance liquid chromatography system with automated micro-volume loader and in-line fluorescence detection (Shimadzu)43.

For thermostability experiments, SMOΔC was expressed and purified as described above. After SEC purification, the pooled peak fractions were re-applied to purified Rho-1D4 antibody coupled to CNBr-activated sepharose beads. Equal amounts of beads were treated with different quantities of methyl-β-cyclodextrin (MBCD) and incubated with gentle rocking for 1 h at 15°C before extensive washing with 300 mM NaCl, 50 mM Hepes pH7.5, 0.03% DDM and elution with 300 mM NaCl, 50 mM Hepes, pH7.5, 0.03% DDM, 500 μM “TETSQVAPA” peptide. Thermostability of the different samples was assessed by heating aliquots of their eluates to the indicated temperatures for 1 h before being loaded onto a Superose 6 3.2/300 column on a Shimadzu system and followed using absorbance at 280 nm. Samples were kept at the baseline temperature of 20°C when not heated. The construct used in this assay was not fluorescently tagged in order to avoid the potentially confounding effects of the fluorescent tag on overall stability.

Stable Cell Lines

Stable cell lines expressing untagged SMO mutants were made by infecting Smo−/− fibroblasts with a retrovirus carrying these constructs cloned into pMSCVpuro41. Retroviral supernatants were produced after transient transfection of Bosc23 helper cells with the pMSCV constructs44,45. Virus-containing media from these transfections was directly used to infect Smo−/− fibroblasts, and stable integrants were selected with puromycin (2 μg/mL). We had previously10 constructed stable lines using an identical strategy with SMO constructs carrying an N-terminal Fluorescent Protein (FP) tag; however, we found that epitope tagging of SMO with an FP, or transient overexpression of tagged or untagged SMO can impact the assessment of its signalling activity. For example, we previously measured a lower level of constitutive signalling activity for SMO-ΔCRD compared to the present study, likely due to the presence of an N-terminal YFP tag10. Moreover, prior reports from three groups (including our own) reached somewhat divergent conclusions regarding the role of the CRD in basal and ligand-stimulated SMO activity10-12. These differences may have been related to the use of different epitope tags and expression systems.

Hence, all Hh signalling assays used in this study were performed with untagged SMO and SMO mutants stably expressed in Smo−/− fibroblasts, with assessment of SMO protein levels in stable cell lines by immunoblotting.

Hedgehog signalling assays

Stable cell lines expressing either WT SMO or SMO mutants were grown to confluence in Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium (DMEM) containing 10% Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS, Optima Grade, Atlanta Biologicals) and then exposed to DMEM containing 0.5% FBS for 24 h to induce primary cilia assembly. These ciliated cells were then treated with saturating concentrations of various Hh agonists and antagonists in DMEM containing 0.5% FBS for 12 h.

For detection of proteins by immunoblotting, cells were washed in ice-cold PBS and lysed (30 min, 4°C) by agitation in modified RIPA buffer (50 mM Tris-HCl pH 8.0, 150 mM sodium chloride, 2% NP-40, 0.25% deoxycholate, 0.1% sodium-dodecyl sulfate [SDS], 1 mM dithiothreitol, 1 mM sodium fluoride and the SigmaFast Protease inhibitor cocktail). After clarification (20,000.g, 30 min, 4°C), the protein concentration of each lysate was measured using the bicinchoninic acid assay (BCA, Pierce/Thermo Scientific, Rockford, IL). Lysate aliquots containing equal amounts of total protein were fractionated on SDS-PAGE gels (either a 8% Tris-Glycine gel or a 4-12% Bis-Tris Gel), and transferred to a nitrocellulose membrane. Quantitative immunoblotting with the various antibodies was performed using the Li-Cor Odyssey infrared imaging system. In all immunoblots, vertical dashed black lines represent non-contiguous lanes from the same immunoblot juxtaposed for clarity. Each immunoblot was repeated 2-3 times for all experiments shown in the paper.

Gli1 mRNA is a commonly used metric for Hh signaling activity, since Gli1 is a direct Hh target gene. Gli1 and Gapdh mRNA levels were measured by quantitative, reverse-transcription PCR (qRT-PCR) using the Power SYBR Green Cells-To-CT kit from Thermo Fisher Scientific and custom primers for Gli1 (forward primer: 5’-ccaagccaactttatgtcaggg-3’ and reverse primer: 5’-agcccgcttctttgttaatttga-3’) and Gapdh (forward primer: 5’- agtggcaaagtggagatt-3’ and reverse primer: 5-gtggagtcatactggaaca 3’). Transcript levels relative to Gapdh were calculated using the ΔCt method. Each qRT-PCR experiment, which was repeated 2-4 times, included two biological replicates, each with two technical replicates.

Statistical analysis of Gli1 mRNA levels across samples was performed using an ordinary one-way ANOVA test with a Holm-Sidak post-test to correct for multiple comparisons using the GraphPad Prism suite. Statistical significance in the figures is denoted as follows: ns: p>0.05, *: p≤0.05, **p≤0.01, ***p≤0.001, ****p≤0.0001.

Ligand affinity chromatography

Ligand affinity chromatography to assess the interaction between SMO protein in detergent extracts and beads covalently coupled to 20(S)-amine have been described previously10. Membranes from cells transiently or stably expressing constructs encoding mouse SMO variants were lysed in a DDM extraction buffer (50 mM Tris pH 7.4, 150 mM NaCl, 10% v/v glycerol, 0.5% w/v DDM and the SigmaFast EDTA-Free protease inhibitor cocktail) for 2 h at 4°C, followed by removal of insoluble material by ultracentrifugation (100,000.g, 30 min). This DDM extract was incubated with 20(S)-OHC beads for overnight at 4°C to allow binding to equilibrium. After extensive washing, proteins captured on the beads were eluted with reducing LDS sample buffer (Life Technologies) and 100 mM dithiothreitol. The presence of SMO in these eluates was determined by quantitative immunoblotting with an anti-SMO antibody34 and infrared imaging (Li-Cor Odyssey).

Preparation of cholesterol-PEG3-sepharose using the azide-alkyne Huisgen cycloaddition reaction from the click chemistry toolbox

100 μL of packed PEG3-azide sepharose resin (22 μmole / mL, Click Chemistry Tools) was washed 3 × 1 mL with 20% ethanol (v/v aq.) and re-suspended in 500 μL of 20% ethanol (v/v). The bead slurry was supplemented with 1 mM CuSO4, 5 mM Tris(3-hydroxypropyltriazolylmethyl)amine (THPTA), and 15 mM sodium ascorbate. The cycloaddition coupling reaction was initiated by adding 0.044 μmoles (high) of LKM-26, a previously-described46,47 alkynyl cholesterol derivative synthesized in-house, to achieve an approximate ligand density of 1:50 (moles coupled azide functional groups : moles uncoupled azide functional groups). High, medium and low ligand densities (Fig. 2f) represent coupling ratios of 1:50, 1:200 and 1:1000. The reaction was protected from light and allowed to proceed at room temperature for 20 h with end-over-end rotation. The supernatant was removed from the resin, and the reaction quenched with 1 mM EDTA in 20% ethanol (v/v aq.). The supernatant was extracted with diethyl ether and loaded on a normal-phase TLC plate next to an alkynyl cholesterol standard to assess the efficiency of coupling. The Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) plate was developed using 2% methanol in chloroform (v/v) and stained using 10% CuSO4/10% H3PO4 followed by charring at 200°C for visualization.

SMO pull-down assays using cholesterol-PEG3-sepharose

Binding reactions were carried out in buffer containing 20 mM HEPES pH 7.4, 150 mM NaCl, and 0.03% DDM in a final volume of 100 μL. Each reaction contained 1 μg of purified SMOΔC, the same protein used for crystallization studies. Competitors were added to the binding reaction and incubated for 1 hr at room temperature prior to the addition of 20 μL of packed cholesterol-PEG3-sepharose. Reactions were incubated for 16 hr at 4°C for affinity capture. The binding reactions were washed 3 × 1 mL with binding buffer and eluted using 2X Laemmli buffer for 30 minutes at room temperature. SMOΔC levels in the input, flow-through and captured on the beads were determined by quantitative immunoblotting (Li-Cor Odyssey) using the 1D4 primary antibody (mouse 1:2000).

Crystallization and data collection

Protein samples were reconstituted into lipidic cubic phase (LCP) by mixing with molten lipid in a mechanical syringe mixer48. Molten lipid, consisting of 10% cholesterol (cholesterol, Sigma-Aldrich) and 90% 9.9 monoacylglycerol (monoolein) (Sigma-Aldrich), was mixed with detergent-solubilised protein (either apo or with 10 mM vismodegib in DMSO) at ~30 mg/mL in a ratio of 60:40. A Gryphon robot (Art Robbins Instruments) was used to dispense 50 nL boluses of protein laden mesophase followed by 0.8 μL of precipitant solution onto each of 96 positions on a siliconized glass plate and then covered with a coverslip in a “sandwich-plate” format. Crystals were grown at 20°C and monitored by eye, using a microscope fitted with cross-polarisers, and subsequently imaged using a UV-imaging system (Rigaku Minstrel). apo-SMOΔC crystallized in 0.1 M MES pH 6, 30% (v/v) PEG500 DME, 0.1 M sodium acetate, 0.5 mM zinc chloride, 0.1 M ammonium fluoride. vismo-SMOΔC crystallized in 0.09 M sodium acetate pH4, 0.09 M sodium malonate, 27% (v/v) PEG500 DME, 0.1 M sodium acetate, 0.5 mM zinc chloride, 0.1 M ammonium fluoride.

X-ray data collection was conducted at MX beamline I24 at the Diamond Light Source (Harwell, UK). Prior to data collection crystals were flash-frozen at 105 K. X-ray data were processed using Xia249,50, scaled using XSCALE50 and merged using Aimless51,52. The final dataset used for structure solution and refinement was merged from data from 9 crystals for apo-SMOΔC and two crystals for vismo-SMOΔC. Data collection statistics are shown in Extended Data Table 1.

Structure determination, refinement and analysis

The apo-SMOΔC structure was solved by molecular replacement in PHASER53 using the structure of human SMO TMD (PDB 4QIM16), zebrafish SMO CRD (PDB 4C7910) and BRIL (PDB 4EIY54) as search models. Extra electron density accounting for the region between CRD and LD, BRIL and TMD were immediately discernible after density modification in PARROT55 (Extended Data Fig. 3e). Surprisingly, we also observed very strong extra density within the CRD ligand binding pocket (Fig.2a) and assigned this to cholesterol bound in a stereo-specific orientation based on shape, coordination and refinement statistics (cholesterol addition improved the R-factors by over 1%), which is also in agreement with the markedly lower B-factor of the refined cholesterol compared to the protein backbone. Cholesterol may be derived from the cells (mM concentrations within the cell membrane) or from the LCP crystallization mix (that contained 10% (w/v) cholesterol). The apo-SMOΔC polypeptide chain was traced using iterative rounds of BUCCANEER56, manual building in COOT57 and refinement in autoBUSTER58 and PHENIX59. This resulted in a well-defined model for the apo-SMOΔC structure that included two molecules of SMO (residues 59-549) inserted with a BRIL protein segment between SMO TMD helices 5 and 6, two N-linked glycans and a cholesterol molecule. Interestingly, we observed a systematic disorder along the c axis (Extended Data Fig. 2a), resulting in alternating ordered and less ordered hydrophilic layers within the LCP-grown crystals. This was not caused because of crystal non-isomorphy or pseudo-symmetry, because reducing the space group from C2 to P1 had no effect on the disorder. The vismo-SMOΔC structure was solved by molecular replacement using the apo-SMOΔC structure. Extra electron density accounting for vismodegib and two well-ordered monoolein molecules was immediately apparent. The structure was refined using autoBUSTER58 and PHENIX59 using non crystallographic and secondary structure restraints. Crystallographic and Ramachandran statistics are given in Extended Data Table 1. Stereochemical properties were assessed by MOLPROBITY60. Superpositions were calculated using the program COOT57 and electrostatic potentials were generated using APBS61 and hydrophobicity was calculated according to the Eisenberg hydrophobicity scale62, as implemented in PyMOL63. Buried surface areas of protein-protein interfaces were calculated using the PISA webserver64 for a probe radius of 1.4 Å. Sequence alignment were performed using MULTALIN65 and formatted with ESPRIPT66. Program Caver was used with default settings to visualize the SMO TMD ligand binding pocket67.

Amphipol exchange and MALS

In order to avoid background light-scattering due to free detergent in solution, protein samples were exchanged into amphipol68(A8-35, Anatrace) at a mass ratio of 3:1 amphipol:protein and rotated at RT for 30 min. BioBeads (BIORAD), equilibrated in detergent-free buffer (10 mM HEPES pH7.5, 300 mM NaCl), were added to the protein-detergent-amphipol mixture at 10 mg per 100 μL and incubated overnight at 4°C to remove all detergent molecules. For multi-angle light scattering (MALS) experiments, amphipolsolubilised protein at 1 mg/mL was loaded onto a Superose 6 10/300 column (GE Healthcare), equilibrated in detergent-free buffer, on a Shimadzu system with inline MALS detector (Wyatt). Data were analysed using ASTRA6.1.2 software (Wyatt). For SMOΔC, the value used for dn/dc and ε at 280 nm were 0.185 mL/g and 1.541 mL/( respectively. For protein conjugate analysis, dn/dc used for amphipol A8-35 was 0.15 mL/g69.

Molecular dynamics system setup

Simulations were performed using the GROMACS v4.6.3 simulation package70. Side chain ionization states were modelled using pdb2gmx (Histidine) and PropKa (All other residues)71,72. The N and C-termini were treated with neutral charge. Intracellular loop 3 (occupied by the BRIL fusion in our crystal structure) was modelled using coordinates from the PDB entry 4N4W16. The protein structure was then energy minimised using the steepest descents algorithm implemented in GROMACS, before being converted to a coarse-grained (CG) representation using the MARTINI 2.2 force field73. The energy minimised CG structure was centred in a simulation box with dimensions 100 × 100 × 180 Å3. 270 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (POPC) lipids were randomly placed around the protein and the system solvated and neutralised to a concentration of 0.15 M NaCl. An initial 1 μs of CG simulation was applied to permit the self-assembly74 of a POPC lipid bilayer around the GPCR. During the CG simulation the structure of the protein was maintained via an elastic network, allowing local conformational flexibility of the protein. Thus the protein was able to adopt its optimal orientation within the lipid bilayer75. The endpoint of the CG bilayer self-assembly simulation was converted back to atomic detail using a fragment-based protocol for the lipid conformations76, whilst retaining the original crystal structure of the protein, now located in its optimal orientation and position within the lipid bilayer. Equilibration of the atomic system was achieved via 1 ns of NPT simulation with the protein coordinates restrained, before the system was subjected to 100 ns of unrestrained atomistic molecular dynamics. Simulations were performed both in the presence and absence of the cholesterol ligand. Five repeat simulations were run for each case.

Coarse-grained simulations

The standard MARTINI force field77 and its extension to proteins73,78 was used to describe all system components. During the CG self-assembly simulation an ELNEDYN network79 was applied to the protein using force constant of 500 kJ/mol/nm2 and a cutoff of 1.5 nm. Temperature was maintained at 310 K using a Berendsen thermostat80 with a coupling constant of τt = 1 ps, and pressure was controlled at 1 bar using a Berendsen barostat80 with a coupling constant of τp = 1 ps and a compressibility of 5 × 10−6 bar−1. Electrostatics and van der Waals interactions in the CG simulations were shifted between 0 and 1.2 nm, and 0.9 and 1.2 nm respectively, using the standard MARTINI protocol77. An integration time step of 20 femtoseconds was applied. Covalent bonds were constrained to their equilibrium values using the LINCS algorithm81. All simulations were run in the presence of standard MARTINI water particles77, and ions added to an approximate concentration of 0.15 M NaCl.

Atomistic simulations

Atomistic simulations were run using the GROMOS53a6 force field82, and its extension to glycans83. The system was solvated using the SPC water model, and ions added to yield an electrically neutral system with a NaCl concentration of approximately 0.15 M. Systems contained approximately 140,000 atoms including 270 POPC molecules, ~41,000 water molecules, 149 sodium ions, and 154 chloride ions. Periodic boundary conditions were applied, with a simulation time step of 2 femtoseconds. Temperature was maintained at 310 K using a V-rescale thermostat84 with a coupling constant of 0.1 ps, whilst pressure was controlled at 1 bar through coupling to a Parrinello-Rahman barostat85 with a coupling constant of 1 ps. Particle Mesh Ewald (PME)86 was applied to model long-range electrostatics. The LINCS algorithm was used to constrain covalent bond lengths81. The g_dist, g_rmsf and g_rms tools implemented in the GROMACS v4.6.3 software package70 were applied to analyse the simulations, with VMD87 and PyMOL63 used for visualisation. Cα RMSD calculations for the CRD were performed after a least squares fit of the trajectory to Cα particles of the initial (crystal structure) CRD coordinates. Cα RMSD calculations for the TMD were performed after a least squares fit to Cα particles of the initial (crystal structure) transmembrane helix coordinates, excluding the inter-helix loop regions of the TMD from this calculation. DSSP matrices were produced using the do_dssp tool implemented in GROMACS70.

SAXS experiments

For size exclusion chromatography coupled small angle X-ray scattering (SEC-SAXS), amphipol-exchanged untreated and 20(S)-OHC-treated (~5 mM 20(S)-OHC) SMOΔC were loaded onto a 4.8 mL KW-403 column (Shodex), equilibrated in a no-detergent buffer, on an Agilent 1260 system (B21, Diamond Light Source). Approximately ~45 μL of sample was injected at 9.6 (20(S)-OHC-treated) or 13 (apo) mg/mL using a flow rate of 160 μl per minute. Chromatographic elution was directed into a specialized SAXS flow cell, with a 1.6 mm path length, held at 20 °C. SAXS measurements were made using a sample to detector distance of 4.09 m and X-ray wavelength of 1 Å. SAXS images (frames) were collected as a continuous set of 3-second exposures across the elution peak. The corresponding buffer background measurement for producing the background-subtracted curve was collected at greater than 1.5 column volumes.

Images were corrected for variations in beam current, normalised for exposure time and processed into 1D scattering curves using in-house beamline software (GDA). Buffer subtractions and all other subsequent analysis were performed with the program ScÅtter ( Samples were checked for radiation damage by visual inspection of the Guinier region as a function of exposure time. Considerable differences between SAXS curves (q > 0.05 Å−1) imply major structural differences between the two states. Large differences between the two P(r)-distributions imply a significant structural change in the 20(S)-OHC state.

Extended Data

Extended Data Figure 1. Sequence alignment of SMO orthologues.

Extended Data Figure 1

Numbering corresponds to that of human SMO. Secondary structure assignments are displayed above the alignment and colour-coded as in Fig. 1. Black arrows and numbers (fX.50) below alignment show class F Ballesteros-Weinstein nomenclature for GPCR helices16. Residues interacting with cholesterol are highlighted in red. Disulphide bridges are highlighted in yellow and numbered. N-linked glycosylation sites are depicted by a hexagon. Position of the Val329Phe point mutation is highlighted in purple.

Extended Data Figure 2. Characterization of the SMO Val329Phe mutation.

Extended Data Figure 2

a, Superposition of SMOΔC structure (blue) with the SMO-SANT-1 complex structure, which lacks the CRD (green, PDB 4N4W 16), showing the TMD ligand-binding pocket as a yellow surface. Inset shows Val329, mutated to Phe in our structure. b, SEC analysis of fluorescently-labelled SMOΔC showing difference in expression levels of wild-type and Val329Phe variant (main protein peak ~20 min). c, 20(S)-OHC beads can bind both mouse WT SMO and Val333Phe (mouse Val333 corresponds to human Val329). Immunoblots, using an anti-SMO antibody directed against the ICD, were used to measure SMO captured on 20(S)-OHC beads. Adding 50 μM free 20(S)-OHC as a competitor reduced binding. d, Purified human SMOΔC (the crystallization construct) binds to 20(S)-OHC beads. e, Smo−/− mouse fibroblasts stably expressing SMO-WT or SMO-Val333Phe were exposed to SHH, SAG or 20(S)-OHC. Levels of endogenous Gli1 mRNA (mean +/− SD, n=4), measured by qRT-PCR, were used as a metric of Hh pathway activity since Gli1 is a direct Hh target gene. Asterisks indicate statistical significance for the difference in Gli1 mRNA levels between identically treated SMO-WT and SMO-Val333Phe cells. f, Immunoblot shows SMO and GLI1 protein levels in these stable cell lines, with p38 as loading control.

Extended Data Figure 3. Crystallization, structure solution and oligomeric state of SMOΔC.

Extended Data Figure 3

a, SMOΔC crystal packing. Asymmetric unit consists of two antiparallel SMOΔC chains. Chain A coloured as in Fig. 1 with BRIL-fusion in yellow; Chain B in grey. LCP crystal packing with alternating hydrophobic and hydrophilic layers perpendicular to the c axis. Molecules coloured as for Chain A. b, Pearson correlation coefficient (CC) analysis31 used to relate data quality with model quality. A CCwork and CCfree smaller than CC* indicates that the model does not account for all of the signal in the data (and is therefore not overfit). c-e, SigmaA-weighted 2Fo-Fc electron density maps of final refinement at 1.0 σ contour level. c, Val329Phe mutation; d, extra density within TMD ligand-binding pocket (Fo-Fc maps shown at contour level of +3σ (green) and −3σ (red)) (N.B. This density could not be confidently assigned, likely because of low occupancy within the crystal.); e, ‘connector’ region linking CRD and LD, with Asn188 and linked N-acetyl glycosamine moiety. f, SEC-MALS analysis of amphipol-solubilised SMOΔC. Molar masses (MW, black lines) and 280 nm absorption (grey line) plotted against elution time. MW derived from protein-conjugate analysis indicated in parentheses. For clarity, graphs of MW are only shown around main absorption peak. Theoretical MW of SMOΔC based on sequence is 71 kDa with the extra mass observed in MALS (~13 kDa) likely due to three N-linked glycosylation sites. Expected mass of protein-bound amphipol (A8-35) was previously determined to be 40-75 kDa32, in agreement with our data. This analysis suggest that SMOΔC is a monomer under our purification conditions.

Extended Data Figure 4. Interfaces of the SMO CRD.

Extended Data Figure 4

Detailed interactions of the CRD with the connector region (a) and with the LD-TMD segment (b). The number of interactions are indicated in the top panel and coloured as indicated in the key box. For non-bonded contacts, the width of the striped line is proportional to the number of atomic contacts. Residue colouring is according to amino acid: blue, positive (H,K,R); red, negative (D,E); green, neutral (S,T,N,Q); grey, aliphatic (A,V,L,I,M); purple, aromatic (F,Y,W); orange, proline (P) or glycine (G); yellow, cysteine (C). The figure is adopted from the PDBSUM server.

Extended Data Figure 5. Comparison of SMOΔC with previously determined SMO TMD structures.

Extended Data Figure 5

Superposition of the SMOΔC structure with SMO TMD structures. Structural alignment was performed using the 7TM bundle as template (not including the LD or TMD helix 8). SMOΔC (red), SMO TMD complexed with cyclopamine (light orange, PDB 4O9R, r.m.s.d. 0.598 Å for 243 equivalent Cα positions), antaXV (light blue, PDB 4QIM, r.m.s.d. 0.515 Å for 233 equivalent Cα positions), SANT1 (pale cyan, PDB 4N4W, r.m.s.d. 0.483 Å for 240 equivalent Cα positions), LY2940680 (pale green, PDB 4JKV, r.m.s.d. 0.493 Å for 230 equivalent Cα positions), SAG1.5 (pale yellow, PDB 4QIN, r.m.s.d. 0.623 Å for 262 equivalent Cα positions). The box shows a close-up view of the LD region revealing a structural rearrangement in the SMOΔC structure compared to the previously determined SMO TMD structures lacking the native extracellular domain.

Extended Data Figure 6. Cholesterol stabilises SMO. a-e. Molecular dynamics simulations of SMO in a lipid bilayer.

Extended Data Figure 6

a, SMO embedded in a lipid bilayer with the CRD in orange, the 7-pass transmembrane region excluding intra- and extracellular loops (7TM) in blue and cholesterol in cyan. b-d, Relative r.m.s. fluctuations of the Cα atoms over the course of 5 × 100 ns of atomistic molecular dynamics simulation in the presence and absence of the cholesterol. The structures in b and c are shown as putty representations coloured from high conformational stability (i.e low r.m.s. fluctuations; blue/thin) to low stability (i.e high r.m.s. fluctuations; red/thick). e, Secondary structure DSSP matrices for each of the simulations. The asterisks in b, c and e all mark the helix spanning from residues 155-160, that is destabilised in the absence of bound cholesterol. f-g, Thermostability of purified SMOΔC. See supplementary discussion for details. f, Compiled peak heights from thermostability SEC analysis of purified SMOΔC after treatment with different MBCD concentrations. g, Example of raw SEC data used for the analysis in f. Samples were incubated at 35°C for 1 h prior to loading onto the SEC column.

Extended Data Figure 7. Effect of domain interface mutations on expression levels and 20(S)-OHC binding.

Extended Data Figure 7

a, Protein levels of SMO and also of PTCH1 and GLI1 (each of which is encoded by a direct Hh target gene) measured by immunoblot from Smo−/− mouse fibroblasts stably expressing one of five SMO variants: wild-type SMO (WT); SMO lacking the entire CRD (ΔCRD); SMO with two mutations (Pro120Ser or Ile160Asn/Glu162Thr) that introduce glycosylation sites in the LD-CRD interface; and, SMO lacking a conserved disulphide bond (Cys197Ser/Cys217Ser, marked “6” in Fig. 4c) in the LD. Elevated levels of GLI1 and PTCH1 reflect high constitutive signalling activity of each mutant. NS: a non-specific band detected by anti-PTCH1 antibody; SUFU: loading control. Different patterns seen in SMO panel is caused by different numbers of N-linked glycosylation sites. b, Gli1 mRNA levels were used to assess Hh signalling activity in Smo−/− cells stably expressing the indicated mouse SMO variants. D477R and M2 (Trp539Leu) are two previously described mutations in the TMD that increase constitutive signalling. c, Oxysterol-binding capacity of each SMO variant was determined (right blot) by its ability to bind to 20(S)-OHC beads in the absence or presence of 50 μM free 20(S)-OHC. Inputs for each binding reaction are shown on the left.

Extended Data Fig. 8. SAXS analysis of SMOΔC.

Extended Data Fig. 8

a, Overlay of size-exclusion chromatograms monitored at 280 nm (A280) collected during SAXS measurements for apo-SMOΔC (red), (+) 20(S)-OHC SMOΔC (blue), amphipol (green) and BSA standard (black). Amphipol and BSA were injected at 10 mg/ml. Insert shows curves normalized to peak height. BSA was used as a reference with a radius-of-hydration of 3.7 nm. Absorbance of the free amphipol is negligible and elutes ~5 minutes after the amphipol-stabilised SMOΔC samples. b, Dimensionless Kratky plot of apo and (+) 20(S)-OHC-loaded SMOΔC SAXS data. Cross-hairs denote the Guinier–Kratky point (√3, 1.1), the peak position for an ideal, globular particle. The slower decay of the transformed scattering intensities for (+) 20(S)-OHC (blue) indicate a comparably less spherical particle.

Extended Data Fig. 9. Crystal structure of the SMOΔC-vismodegib complex and structural analysis of mutations found in vismodegib-resistant cancers.

Extended Data Fig. 9

a, Chemical structure of vismodegib. b, Close-up view of vismodegib binding site. Colour-coding follows Fig. 5b. Composite omit map calculated with PHENIX at 1.0σ shown as magenta chicken-wire. c, Mapping of residues that are mutated in vismodegib-resistant tumours (yellow highlights). Brackets indicate mutant residues. d-f, Close-up views of selected interactions. Native residues in blue and mutated residues in yellow. Arrows indicate position of potential clashes that could disrupt vismodegib binding. d, Gln477/Asp473 hot spot. The Gln477Glu mutation leads to a loss of the potential hydrogen bond of the glutamine sidechain to the chloride of the vismodegib chlorophenyl-methylsulfone moiety. The Asp473His mutation potentially destabilises the hydrogen-bonding network around Arg400 that coordinates the vismodegib chlorophenyl-methylsulfone moiety. e, The imidazole ring of His231 is in hydrogen-bonding distance to two carbonyl main-chain atoms of residues Ser385 and Val386 located on a loop coordinating the interaction of Asp384 to vismodegib's amide linker. f, Trp281 forms a key hydrophobic interaction with the vismodegib pyrimidine ring that is deeply buried in the SMO helical bundle core. Mutation to cysteine would significantly destabilise this interaction while mutation of nearby Val321 to the bulkier methionine would likely result in a rearrangement of the Trp281 side chain. g-h, SMOΔC captured on cholesterol beads in the presence of increasing concentrations of free vismodegib or 20(S)-OHC (h).

Extended Data Table 1. Crystallographic data collection and refinement statistics.

Numbers in parentheses refer to the highest resolution shell. Rfree equals the R-factor against 5% of the data. r.m.s.d.: root mean square deviation from ideal geometry. Rpim: precision indicating merging R-factor. CC1/2: correlation coefficient between random half data sets. CC*: analytical estimate of CCtrue based on CC1/2. CCwork: standard correlation of the experimental intensities with the intensities calculated from the refined model. CCfree: cross-validated correlation of the experimental intensities with the intensities calculated from the refined model. Ramachandran statistics were calculated using MolProbity.

apo-SMOΔC vismo-SMOΔC
Data collection
Wavelength (Å) 0.9686 0.9686
No. crystals 9 2
Resolution (Å) 61.0-3.2 (3.41-3.20) 68.4-3.3 (3.39-3.30)
Space group C2 P1
Cell dimensions
    a, b, c (Å) 122.9, 63.0, 208.6 52.8, 71.3, 107.0
    α, β, γ (°) 90.0, 96.6, 90.0 91.5, 98.2, 105.9
Unique reflections 25214 (3815) 21097 (2380)
Completeness (%) 93.8 (78.8) 94.7 (85.8)
Rmerge (%) 30.5 (>100) 15.2 (>100)
Rpim (%) 13.8 (>100) 9.9 (>100)
CC1/2 0.980 (0.237) 0.953 (0.357)
CC* 0.995 (0.580) 0.988 (0.460)
CCwork 0.923 (0.354) 0.703 (0.340)
CCfree 0.941 (0.333) 0.941 (0.315)
I/σI 4.3 (0.6) 3.7 (0.6)
Multiplicity 5.8 (5.1) 1.8 (1.7)
Resolution (Å) 61.0-3.2 60.0-3.3
No. reflections (test set) 25151 (1302) 20588 (1013)
Rwork/Rfree (%) 23.2/26.4 24.5/25.7
No. atoms
    Protein 9207 8988
    Ligand/Ion 58 119
B factors (Å2)
    Protein 137 124
    Ligand/Ion 121 119
r.m.s.d. bonds (Å) 0.008 0.008
r.m.s.d. angles (°) 0.90 0.87
Ramachandran (%)
    Favoured 96.6 96.8
    Allowed 3.2 2.9
    Disallowed 0.2 0.3

Supplementary Material



We thank the staff of beamlines I24 and B21 (MX10627) at the DLS, UK for assistance. We thank S. Masiulis, D. Staunton, K. Jungnickel and A.R. Aricescu for helpful discussions. The work was supported by Cancer Research UK (C20724/A14414), the US National Institutes of Health (GM106078) and Wellcome Trust (102890/Z/13/Z, 092970/Z/10/Z and 090532/Z/09/Z). Further support by NDM Oxford (E.F.X.B.), Medical Research Council UK (G.H.), Ford Foundation (G.L.) and National Science Foundation (Sigrid N.) is acknowledged.


Author Contributions

E.F.X.B. produced the protein with P.S.M, and carried out crystallization with Simon N. C.S. and E.F.X.B. determined the crystal structures. R.S., Sigrid N., and G.L. performed Hh signalling and biochemical assays. L.M.-M. and D.F.C. synthesized sterol analogs. G.H. and M.S.P.S performed MD analysis. M.D.T and R.P.R. carried out SAXS analysis. C.S. and R.R. supervised the project. E.F.X.B., R.R. and C.S. wrote the paper, with input from all authors.

Author Information

Atomic coordinates and structure factors for the apo-SMOΔC and vismo-SMOΔC crystal structures have been deposited in the Protein Data Bank (PDB) under accession numbers 5L7D and 5L7I. The authors declare no competing financial interests.


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