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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2017 Aug 1.
Published in final edited form as: Prev Med. 2016 Jun 14;89:257–277. doi: 10.1016/j.ypmed.2016.06.016

Observational Park-based Physical Activity Studies: A Systematic Review of the Literature

Rodney P Joseph a,*, Jay E Maddock b
PMCID: PMC4973509  NIHMSID: NIHMS798586  PMID: 27311337


This article reports the outcomes of a systematic review of observational park-based physical activity (PA) studies. Five electronic databases and the Active Living Research website were searched in July 2015 to identify relevant articles. Studies were included if they: a) reported observational data collected at outdoor park-based settings during free living conditions, b) reported results of a park audit, c) included PA as an outcome measure of the park audit, and d) were published after 1990 in English-language peer-review journals. Thirty-two articles, reporting outcomes of 26 unique studies, met inclusion criteria for review. Most studies (n=20, 87%) had cross-sectional or non-interventional study designs, while 6 (23%) employed quasi-experimental designs. Studies were predominately conducted in the U.S. (n=19, 76%). The median number of park users across studies was 4,558 (Range= 815 to 76,632). Approximately half (51%) of all park users were female. Eighty-one percent of studies (n=21) reported PA outcomes for individuals of all ages, while 4 studies (15%) reported PA outcomes for children only and 1 study (4%) for adults only. Moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) of park users ranged from 31% to 85% (Median=55.0%). Studies conducted in the U.S. reported a slightly higher median number of park-users engaging in MVPA than those outside the U.S. (60.5% vs. 52.8%). Fifteen studies examined gender differences in MVPA. Among these, 12 (87%) reported more males engaging in MVPA than females. Results of this review highlight the need for innovative strategies to promote MVPA among park users and to increase park use among children.


Physical activity (PA) is an established mechanism to prevent numerous health conditions, including cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, overweight/obesity, some cancers, and psychological disorders [1-3]. Despite these benefits, most individuals are insufficiently active. The World Health Organization estimates that only 23% of adults and 20% of children achieve recommended levels [4], making insufficient PA the fourth leading risk factor for global mortality causing an estimated 3.2 million deaths each year [5].

In an effort to combat the low PA levels across the world, public health professionals have become increasingly focused on how the built environment—broadly defined as the physical form of communities—influences the PA patterns of individuals in those communities [6-9]. The built environment is comprised of a variety of features (i.e., buildings, landscape patterns, layouts of communities, transportation infrastructures, parks, and trails) [10], all of which have the ability to influence PA engagement. Of particular interest, is the availability, design, and use of neighborhood parks to encourage PA. Parks are ideal settings to promote PA because they are composed of green spaces (i.e., trails, sports fields) and physical structures (i.e., playground and exercise equipment, sidewalks) specifically designed to promote PA [11]. Community parks also encourage social interaction [12, 13] and can be accessed by community members at minimal-to-no cost. Moreover, in urban and inner-city settings, parks are often the only place for residents to engage in outdoor recreation and/or sporting activities.

A substantial number of park-based PA studies have been published in the past two decades. However, the majority of these examine individual cities and do not assess whether park-based PA differs according to population characteristics and geographical location. The purpose of this article is to systematically review observational park-based PA studies and summarize park-user characteristics and park-based PA across the U.S. and internationally. Other park related studies that examined the quantitative relationship between parks located near one’s place of residence and PA were not the focus of this review. Knowledge of how neighborhood parks contribute to the PA patterns of communities is imperative to develop interventions and public health programs to increase park-based PA among adults and children.


Information Sources and Eligibility

The systematic review methodology used to identify and report outcomes of observational park-based PA studies was informed by the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-analysis (PRISMA) Statement [14]. Articles were included in the review if they: a) reported results of a systematic observational park-based assessment, b) included physical activity as an outcome measure, c) were published in English-language peer-review journals, and d) were published between 1990 and August 2015. We excluded studies that assessed park use during structured, sanctioned, or organized activity (i.e., school recess, physical education courses), as the purpose of the review was to examine park use under free-living conditions. Five electronic databases were searched to identify relevant articles (see Figure 1): PubMed, PsycINFO, CINAHL, Web of Science, and Scopus. In addition, we supplemented our electronic database search with a manual review of articles available on the Active Living Research (ALR) website (

Fig. 1.

Fig. 1

PRISMA flow diagram illustrating article search and selection procedures for systematic review of observational park-based physical activity studies

Search Strategy

The Boolean strategy was used to identify articles during electronic database search procedures. Specifically, we searched titles and abstracts of peer-reviewed articles using the following key term sequence: “park” OR “parks” OR “built environment” AND “physical activity” OR “exercise” AND “observational” OR “SOPARC” OR “SOPLAY”. We decided not to use MeSH terms because they are less often used outside of the biomedical field and some search terms like SOPARC have no corresponding MeSH terms. To identify relevant articles from the ALR website, we manually reviewed the titles and abstracts of all publications (n=1275) available on the website. Search procedures were performed during July 2015.

Study Selection

Articles retrieved during search procedures were exported to Endnote® electronic referencing software [15]. Once duplicates were removed, titles and abstracts of articles were assessed for eligibility by one member of the research team (RPJ). Articles appearing to meet inclusion criteria after title and abstract review received a full-text review. The full-text review was conducted by RPJ. Articles not clearly meeting inclusion criteria from initial full-text review were reviewed by the senior research team member (JEM) and a consensus was reached among the two researchers.

Data Collection Process

For all articles included in the review, we abstracted the following information: authors, year of publication, study purpose, study design, study population(s), number of parks assessed per study, geographical location of park(s) assessed, total number of days each site was assessed, total number of observations per site, total number of park users by site, characteristics of park users, and physical activity outcomes. Data abstraction was conducted by both members of the research team (RPJ, JEM), with any discrepancies discussed until a consensus was reached.

Methods of analysis/synthesis of results

First, we grouped studies according to study design (i.e. cross sectional, experimental, longitudinal, etc.). Second, we grouped studies of similar designs based on the age characteristics of the population examined (i.e., children only, adults only, or park users of all ages). Third, we summarized year of study publication, study purpose, study design, study population(s), number of parks assessed per study, geographical location of park(s), total number of days each site was assessed, total number of observations per site, total number of park users by site, characteristics of park users, and physical activity outcomes. Finally, we synthesized, compared, and contrasted findings across studies.

Due to the heterogeneity of how outcomes were reported across studies, several decisions were made on how to handle individual study data in order to synthesize outcomes. For studies reporting within study variation regarding the number of days each park was assessed and the total number of observations per park (n=4 studies, encompassing 8 articles), we calculated a weighted mean for each of these studies and used that value in descriptive analysis (see Park Assessment Methodology section in Results). Likewise, several studies (n=3) evaluated multiple parks located in different geographic regions. In order to synthesize and report PA outcomes based on geographical location of parks, we treated each park location as an independent study in this specific outcome analysis. For quasi-experiment/interventional studies that evaluated park-based PA at multiple time points, one of two strategies was used to synthesize PA data for comparison across studies: 1) if complete PA data were available at all time points, we calculated the mean value for each PA intensity level and used that value in the PA outcome analysis; 2) if detailed PA data for each assessment period were not available to calculate a mean value for PA outcomes, only baseline PA levels were used in descriptive analysis. When analyzing and reporting the outcomes of our review, each unique study was treated independently. Accordingly, studies with multiple publications describing study outcomes were collapsed into a single row in our descriptive tables (i.e., Tables 1-3). Lastly, PA outcomes reported as “walking” were classified as “moderate intensity” PA for descriptive purposes.

Table 1.

Cross sectional design studies.

Author(s)/yeara Study Purpose Number of
Parks Assessed
Location of
Number of
Days each
Park was
Number of
per Park
Number of
Park Users and
Physical Activity
Chung-Do, 2011
To examine use
and conditions
of 6 urban
parks, varying in
size, location,
income level, in
Asian and
Pacific Islander
6 Honolulu,
Hawaii, USA
SOPARC 5 days (3
weekday, 2
20 (4
per day for 5
Total: 6,477
(not reported
per park)

By gender:
64% males
36% females

Ethnicity: NR

By age:
29% children
71% adults
60.2% Sedentary
25.6% Moderate
14.2% Vigorous
By gender:
64.1% Sedentary
23.8% Moderate
12.4% Vigorous

58.0% Sedentary
26.5% Moderate
15.4% Vigorous
By Age:
61.6% Sedentary
26.8% Moderate
11.6% Vigorous

56.9% Sedentary
22.4% Moderate
20.7% Vigorous

Ethnicity: NR
Cohen 2007
McKenzie 2006
To examine how
8 parks in
were used, and
how much
physical activity
occurs in them.
8 Los Angeles,
SOPARC 7 days (5
weekday, 2
28 (4
per day for 7
Total: 14,791
(mean 1849 per

By gender:
62% males
38% female

By Ethnicity: NR

By age:
33% children
43% adults
<5% over age of
66% Sedentary
19% Walking
16% Vigorous

71.3% Sedentary
18.4% Moderate
10.2% Vigorous

62.1% Sedentary
19.1% Moderate
18.8% Vigorous

Males were twice as
likely to engage in
vigorous activity as
females (19% vs.
Cohen 2010 [20] Assess how
factors are
associated with
park use.
30 Southern
California, USA
SOPARC 7 days (5
weekday, 2
28 (4
per day for 7
Total: 54,660
(average 1822
per park)

By gender:
61% male
39% female

By ethnicity:

By age:
34% children
17% teens
46% adults
3% over age of
68% Sedentary
20% Walking
12% Vigorous
Note: Age and
gender breakdown
was not presented
or able to be
calculated with data
in the article.
Han 2013 [25]*
Cohen 2011 [48]
To quantify the
contribution of
parks to the
time spent in
physical activity
by the local
10 2 parks were
observed in
each of the
following US

Los Angeles,
New Mexico
North Carolina
Columbus, Ohio
SOPARC 14 days; 7 days
(5 weekday, 2
during spring
and 7 during fall
98 (14
per day for 7
Total: 76,632
(average 7663
per park)

By gender:
53.8% male
46.2% female
By ethnicity: 6
parks had
majority White
breakdown NR

By age: NR
The proportion of
park-use time in
MVPA varied
between 35% and
46% among parks
Cohen 2014 [21] To assess the
use of new
pocket parks in
Park use was
between 3
pocket parks
and 15 full-size
18 (n=3 pocket
parks, n=15 full-
size parks)
Los Angeles,
California, USA
SOPARC 7 days (5
weekday, 2
28 (4
per day for 7
Total: 2452
(average 136
users per park)

By gender:
57.3% female
42.7% male

By ethnicity:

By age:
20.6% adult
3.1% older adult

Pocket Parks:
37% male
63% female
32.4% adults
3.6% over age
of 60

Comparison Parks:
44% male
56% female
18% adults
3% over age of
63% Sedentary
37% moderate-to-
vigorous PA

Pocket Parks:
76% Sedentary
24% moderate-to-
vigorous PA
Females were less
active than males in
pocket parks (22%
engaged in MVPA
vs. 29% males).

60% Sedentary
40% moderate-to-
vigorous PA
reported: Children and teens
were primary users
of pocket and
comparison parks.

Note: Due to limited
results, age/sex
breakdowns of PA
is not possible.
Floyd 2008 [24]*
Floyd 2008 [49]
Spengler 2011
Suau 2012 [51]
To examine
physical activity
and selected
correlates in 28
28 Tampa, Florida
(n=10 parks)
and Chicago,
Illinois (n=18
SOPLAY Approximately
39 days;
exact number of days
NR; parks were
observed daily
for 2 months.
156 (4
per day
over a 2 month
Total: 9,454
(average 337
users per park)

By gender:
55.7% male
44.3% female

By ethnicity:
25.1% White
21.1% AA
53.8% Hispanic

By age:
more children
observed than
Note: exact %
by age not
provided and
could not be
calculated with
available data.
11% vigorous
23% walking
65% sedentary

Additional outcomes reported:
Males more likely to
be observed in
MVAP than women.

More children than
adults observed in
walking or vigorous

8% vigorous
21% walking
70% sedentary

Chicago: 22% vigorous
28% walking
51% sedentary
Hutchison 1994
To examine
differences in
leisure and
between men
and women and
among elderly
people and
those in other
age groups.
13 Chicago, Illinois Exact measure
strategy similar
At least 6
(each park
was assessed at
least 4
weekdays and 2
number of days
for each park
324 per park;
exact number
NR; across all
13 parks there
was a total
resulting in a
mean of 324
per park
Total: 18,334
(1410 average
users per park)

Note: % by sex,
ethnicity and
age could not
be calculated
with data
provided in
Notes: Outcomes
were classified by
gender groups
performing activities
(males, females,
and mixed
male/female) and
by age groups.

Activities were
classified as mobile
(i.e., bicycling,
walking, jogging),
stationary (i.e,
lounging), or sport.

Gender Group
28.6% stationary
48.9% mobile
22.6% sport

55.6% stationary
34.5% mobile
10.2% sport

46.5% stationary
37.9% mobile
16.0% sport
Age Group
42.3% stationary
34.3% mobile
23.4% sport

23.5% stationary
51.5% mobile
25.3% sport

34.5% stationary
50.4% mobile
15.4% sport

64.4% stationary
30.5% mobile
5.3% sport

52.4% stationary
32.3% mobile
15.3% sport
Parra 2010 [42] To assess park
use and
difference in
physical activity
and occupation
rates in public
parks with and
physical activity
10 Recife, Brazil SOPARC 11 (detailed
information on
schedule NR)
558.9 per park;
exact number

5589 Total
across the 10
Overall 32,974

By gender:
44% female
56% male

By Ethnicity:

By age:
13% children
13% teen
64% adult
11% older adult

Parks with PA
N= 18,007
45.1% female
54.9% male
13% children
13.3% teen
60.5% adult
14.7% older adult

Parks Without
PA Classes
42.5% female
57.5% male
11.9% children
12.7% teen
67.8% adult
5.7% older adult
43% Sedentary
39% Walking
18% Vigorous

Note: Data were
not presented for
gender or age.

Parks With PA
36.3% Sedentary
39.1% Walking
24.6% Vigorous
Parks without PA
50.8% Sedentary
38.9% Walking
10.4% Vigorous
Pleson 2014
To better
older adults
usage and
perceptions of
parks in Taipei,
Taiwan through
observation and
7 Taipei, Taiwan SOPARC 6 parks were
observed for 1

1 park was
observed for 2
1 observation
per day for 4

2 observations
per day for 2

4 observations
per day for 1
Total: 1231

By gender:
44% males
55.6% female
.3% missing

By ethnicity:

By age:
12.4% children
3.2% teen
21.5% adults
61.5% over age
of 60
13.7% Sedentary
36.5% Walking
44.1% MVPA
3.8% missing data
10.3% sedentary
48.6% walking
41.1% MVPA
17.7% sedentary
33.2% walking
49.1% MVPA

21.1% sedentary
25.8% walking
53.2% MVPA

23.0% sedentary
43.7% walking
33.3% MVPA

Older adult
9.5% sedentary
42.5% walking
48.0% MVPA
Reed 2008 [29] To examine
adult activity
park settings in
25 community
parks to
determine the
most and least
frequently used
25 Southeastern,
SOPARC 7 (consecutive
28 (4
per day for 7
Total: 2544

By gender:
37% female
63% male
By ethnicity:
67.8% White
32.2% Non-

By age:
100% adult
14.6% Sedentary
49.7% Walking
35.7% Vigorous
13.7% Sedentary
42.6% Walking
42% Vigorous
16.3% Sedentary
61.8% Walking
20% Vigorous

18.7% Sedentary
44.5% Walking
36.8% Vigorous
22.0% Sedentary
54.4% Walking
23.8% Vigorous
Reed 2012 [30] To examine
park user
compare park
to the
of Michigan
residents, and
physical activity
patterns of park
16 Michigan, USA

Parks located
throughout the
state of
SOPARC NR NR Total: 4,359

By gender:
44.8% female
55.2% male
By ethnicity:
54.7% White
42.8% Non-white
By age:
44.5% children
25.6% teen
27.9% adult
2.1% older adult
21.2% Sedentary
37.9% Walking

17.4% Sedentary
36.3% Walking
46.3% Vigorous

25.9% Sedentary
40.0% Walking
34.1% Vigorous

20.9% Sedentary
30.7% Walking
48.5% Vigorous

19.6% Sedentary
48.1% Walking
32.3% Vigorous
12.6% Sedentary
36.2% Walking
51.2% Vigorous

17.6% Sedentary
31.8% Walking
50.6% Vigorous
37.8% Sedentary
44.9% Walking
17.3% Vigorous
Older Adult
27.8% Sedentary
57.8% Walking
14.4% Vigorous
Shores 2008
To describe the
between micro-
and park
visitors’ physical
4 Mid-eastern
region of the
United States
7 (consecutive
28 (4
per day for 7
Total: 2,113

By gender:
Exact % NR;
Slightly more
women than
men observed

By ethnicity:
49.6% White
38.4% AA
10.6% Hispanic
1.5% Missing

By age:
29% children
15% teen
52% adult
5% older adult
33.3% Sedentary
20% Moderate
45% Vigorous
More children were
observed in
vigorous PA.

Boys achieved
moderate activity
participation in
baseball and tennis.

Girls achieved
moderate activity by
walking or tennis.
Adults were most
often observed in
sedentary activates.

Note: No outcomes
reported by
Shores 2010
Examine the
use and
physical activity
associated with
rural and urban
8 (4 rural and 4
North Carolina,
SOPARC 7 (consecutive
28 (4
per day for 7
Total: 6545

By gender:
48.7% female
51.3% male
By Ethnicity:
By age:
39.2% children
20.8% teen
34.3% adult
5.8% older adult

Rural Parks
N= 3730
51.1% female
48.9% male
28.4% children
23.3% teen
42.3 adult
6% older adult
Urban Parks
N= 2815
51.6% female
48.4% male
53.5% children
17.4% teen
23.7 adult
5.5% older adult
38.5% Sedentary
6.0% Walking
55.4% Vigorous

Rural Parks
50.5% Sedentary
6.7% Walking
42.8% Vigorous

Urban Parks
22.7% Sedentary
5.1% Walking
72.2% Vigorous
Note: Data were
not presented for
gender or age.
Temple 2011
To examine if
dog walking
practices of dog
owners could be
confirmed with
6 Victoria,
SOPARC 6 (2 weekday, 1
weekend day; 2
periods 6 weeks
6 (1 observation
per day, 3
days per park at
2 separate
Total: 2844

Data on age,
sex, race, or
ethnicity not
19.6% Sedentary 69.4% Walking 11.0% Vigorous
Note: Data on age,
sex, race, or
ethnicity not
Tu 2015 [43] To determine
the association
between park
and physical
8 Nanchang,
SOPARC 12 (2 weekdays,
2 weekend
days; for 3
48 (4
per day, 4 days
per week, per
week for a 3
week period)
Total: 75,678

By gender:
52% male
48% female
By Ethnicity:
By age:
9.1% children
2.9% teen
34.6% adult
53.4% older
45% Sedentary
38.8% Walking or
moderate PA
16.2% Vigorous

52.3% Sedentary
47.7% MVPA

37% Sedentary
63% MVPA
56.6% Sedentary
53.4% MVPA
39.4% Sedentary
60.6% MVPA
39.2% Sedentary
60.8% MVPA

Other outcomes:
Females (63%)
more likely to be
active than males

Teens (60.8%) and
adults (60.6) were
more active than
children (53.4) and
older adults (51.4).
Van Dyck 2013
To examine
whether the
overall number
of park visitors
and their activity
levels depend
on study site,
walkability, and
neighborhood crime.
20 10 Ghent,

10 San Diego,
California, USA
3 (2 weekday, 1
12 (4
per day for 3
Total: 1836

By gender:
40.1% female
59.9% male

By ethnicity:
64.7% White
11.2% Latino
7.5% AA
13.6% other
.3% missing

By age:
22.3% children
27.7% teen
46.9% adult
3.1 % older adult

N= 766
48.7% female
51.3% male
White 0%
Latino .7% AA
9.1% other
.8% missing
13.8% children
45.7% teen
35.3% adult
5.2% older adult

San Diego
N= 1070
34.0% female
66.0% male
51.7% White
19.2% Latino
12.4% AA
16.7% other
0% missing
28.3% children
4.9% teen
55.2% adult
1.6% older adult
44.9% Sedentary
18.3% Walking
36.1% Vigorous
.7% Missing data

53.3% Sedentary
20.8% Walking
24.2% Vigorous
1.5% Missing data

San Diego
38.8% Sedentary
16.5% Walking
44.7% Vigorous
0% Missing data

Note: PA outcomes
for age, ethnicity, or
sex was not
Vietch 2015 [36] To describe the
of park visitors
of visitation and
explore how
were associated
with observed
physical activity.
2 Melbourne,
SOPARC 8 (4 weekend
days, 4
59 (weekdays: 8
per day for 3
days, only 7
per day for 1
due to rain;
weekend days:
7 observations
per day for 3
Total: 4756

By gender:
51.3% female 47.8% male

By ethnicity:

By age:
23.4% children
7.4% teen
53.4% adult
15.7% older adult
25% Sitting
37% Standing
29% Walking
9% Vigorous

19.7% Sitting
38.9% Standing
30.3% Moderate
11.1% Vigorous

29.2% Sitting
35.7% Standing
27.4% Moderate
7.7% Vigorous

Additional outcomes reported:
Higher proportion of
children and teens
participated in
moderate and
vigorous PA than adults.

Males more likely to
participate in
Children had higher
odds of participating
in MVPA than other
age groups.

For studies with multiple published articles describing outcomes, an asterisk (*) denotes the article referenced in the study throughout the article text.


Physical activity outcomes are reported as percent of park-users unless otherwise noted.

Abbreviations: NR=Not Reported; SOPARC= System for Observing Play and Recreation in Communities; SOPLAY= System for Observing Play and Leisure Activity in Youth; PA= physical activity, MVPA= moderate-to-vigorous physical activity.

Table 3.

Quasi-experimental intervention studies

Author(s)/yeara Study Purpose/Design Number of
Parks Assessed
Location of
Number of
Days each Park
was Observed
Total number of
per Park
Number of Park
Users and
Physical Activity
Bohn-Goldbaum 2013
Purpose: To
determine how a
park playground
impacts usage
and PA of
children ages 2-
12 years.

Design: Quasi-
experimental pre-
post design with
a comparison
2 Sydney,
SOPARC 7 days (5
weekday, 2
weekend) for
Intervention Park: 84
Comparison Park: 84
Post Intervention:
Intervention Park: 84
Comparison Park: 80
Note: number of park users is based on mean number of users.
Intervention Park:
Overall: 4.5
By gender:
3.95 Males
5.05 Females
By Ethnicity:
Comparison Park:
Overall: 8.52
By gender:
7.76 Males
9.29 Females
By Ethnicity:
Post Intervention:
Intervention Park: Overall: 4.98
By gender:
5.33 Males 4.62 Females
By Ethnicity:
Comparison Park:
Overall: 6.69
By gender:
7.71 Males
5.67 Females
By Ethnicity:
On average,
1.7 children in the
intervention park and
2.86 children in the
engaged in
MVPA. No difference
in MVPA by
Post Intervention:
On average, .67 children
in the intervention
(decrease of 41%)
park and 1.98
children in the
comparison (decrease
of 32%) engaged in
No difference
in MVPA by
gender. No difference
between parks
in the
number of children
engaging in
Cohen 2012
Cohen 2013 [52]
Purpose: To
determine if a
approach with
park directors
and park
advisory boards
physical activity
in local parks
Design: RCT where
50 parks were
assigned to one
of 3
study arms: a)
park director-led
arm (PD-only),
b) combined
park advisory board
and park
director arm
(PAB/PD), or
c) measurement
control arm.
50 Los Angeles, CA, USA SOPARC 14 total;
7 days (5
weekday, 2
weekend) at each
assessment period.
56 (28
observations per
assessment period;
4 observations were
performed each day)
Pre-intervention: Total: 6328
By gender:
38% female 62% male
By Ethnicity:
By age:
32.5% Children
15.2% teens
48.1% adults
4.2% older adults PD-Only Parks: Total: 1970
By gender:
62.7% male
37.3 female
By ethnicity:
62% Hispanic,
22.2% White,
9.1% AA,
6.7% Asian/other
By age: NR
PAB/PD Parks:
Total: 1930
By gender:
60.6% male
39.45% female
By age: NR
By ethnicity:
50% Hispanic,
30.3% White,
9.6% AA,
10.1% Asian/other
Comparison Parks:
Total: 2340 By gender:
62.8% male
37.2 female
By ethnicity:
62% Hispanic,
58.6% White,
14.9% AA,
4.6% Asian/other
By age: NR
In comparison to the
control parks,
PD-only and
parks had a combined
increase of
7%-12% or
196 person-hour
visits/week (p=.035).
information on
park users
at follow-
up was
not presented.
66% Sedentary
17% Walking
14% Vigorous
Females more
likely to be
sitting or
using the
playground area. Males
were more
to be
participating in
sports activities.
Post-Intervention Outcomes:
In comparison
to the control
parks where
PA marginally

PA increased
in both the
parks generating an
increased in
1830 MET-hours
of PA/week/park.

parks saw an
in energy
expenditure among
men and

No differences
were noted
between the
PD-only and
study arms.
Cohen 2015 [19] Purpose: To examine
the impact of
park renovations
on park
usage and
Design: Quasi-experimental
pre-post design
involving 3
pairs of parks. One
pair of parks was
before and
after a renovation.
Findings were compared
with a
pair of
parks that were
unrenovated and a
pair that
undergoing renovation.
6 San Francisco, CA, USA SOPARC 14 total; 7 days (5
weekday, 2
weekend) at
baseline and
7 days
at follow-
56 (4
per day for
each day
during the assessment
Pre-Renovation: Total: NR (could not
be determined
due to multiple
assessments of
the same
By gender:
More males
females at
all parks.
Exact % not provided.
By ethnicity:
By age:
57% adult
4.5% older adult
Post Renovations:
Across all parks, the majority of
participants were
classified as sedentary
followed by
moderate (range
15.5% to
33%) and vigorous
(5% to 22%).
Note: Data not presented for gender or race.
renovated parks,
use increased
while use in
comparison parks
had not change. Increased use was reflected by more children, teens, and adults using the parks (no change for older adults).
King 2015 [27] Purpose: To quantify and report use of the surrounding streets, alleys, parking lots, and green space for play and leisure activities pre-(conducted in 2010) and post-park construction (conducted in 2012).
Prospective, non-randomized design pre-posttest design.
Note: Only post-renovation park data is presented.
Denver, Colorado, USA SOPARC 18 (4 days per month for 4 months) 144 (72
observations for each
assessment year)
By gender:
46.4% female 53.6% male
By gender:
98.9% Non- White
By age:
43.3% children 28.1% adolescents 25.3% adult 3.3% older adult
Overall d:
34.0% Sedentary 40.8% Walking 25.2% Vigorous
42% sedentary 38% Moderate 20% Vigorous
26% sedentary 32% Moderate 42% Vigorous
By ethnicity:
Additional outcomes reported:
Post-construction, average number of users of the park increased, children made up a smaller porter of users, but there was an increase in teen use, and a lower proportion of adults and seniors.
PA intensity
among vigorous
activity among
There was a significantly greater proportion of males engaging in vigorous PA after construction.
Reimmich 2014 [31] Purpose: To test whether moving seating away from a park playground would increase the physical activity and length of stay of park users.
Design: Two individual studies were conducted, both had a prospective, single-site A-B-A design. Seven-days of
observation were taken during baseline (A1) with seating close to the playground. Seating was removed and another 7-day assessment was conducted (B), then seating was returned to baseline placement (A2).
1 Grand Forks, North Dakota, USA SOPARC 21 (7 days at each
assessment period)
21 (one observation per day for a 7-day period at each assessment) Overall: N=815
By gender:
By ethnicity:
By age:
47% Children 53% Adults
Note: Only children aged 0-12 and adults 19+ were included in this article.
Study 1:
Condition A1
Total: 170
53.4% Children 46.5% Adult
Condition B
Total: 49
55.1% Children 44.9% Adult
Condition A2 Total: 112
50.9% Children 49.1% Adult
Condition A1
Total: 245
46.9% Children 53.1 Adult
Condition B Total: 117
59.0% Children 41.0% Adult
Condition A2 Total: 122
59.2% Children 40.2% Adult
Note: Data not presented for gender.
Note: All data are presented by MET intensity.
Study 1:
Condition A1
Children: 3.1
Adult: 1.8 METs
Condition B
Children: 3.8
Adult: 2.0 METs
Condition A2
Children: 3.1
Adult: 1.4 METs
Additional outcomes reported:
Overall, activity intensity for both children and adults was greater when eating was not accessible. Study 2:
Condition A1
Children: 3.2
Adult: 1.7 METs
Condition B
Children: 3.6
Adult: 2.3 METs
Condition A2
Children: 3.4
Adult: 1.6 METs
Additional outcomes reported:
Overall, outcomes replicated Study 1 with activity intensity for both children and adults was greater when eating was not accessible.
Veitch 2012 [35] Purpose: To examine whether park
improvements are associated with increased park use and park-based physical activity of users.
Design: Two-arm quasi-experimental design where one park received renovations and another park did not. Outcomes were assessed at 3 different time points: Baseline (T1), Post-renovation (T2), and 12-months after baseline (T3). ,
2 Victoria, Australia SOPARC 27 (9 days at each
assessment period)
108 (each park was observed 4 times per-day over a 9 day period at each of the 3 assessment period) Overall: 2050
By gender:
53.5% Male 46.5% Female
By ethnicity: NR
By Age:
8.5% Aged 2-4 27.3% Aged 5-18
63.9% Aged > 18
T1: Intervention Park: 235
44.7% Female 55.3% Male
6.0% Aged 2-4 24.3% Aged 5-18
69.6% Aged > 18
Comparison Park: 83
51.8% Female 48.2% Male
1.2% Aged 2-4 16.9% Aged 5-18
81.9% Aged > 18
T2: Intervention Park: 582
43.3% Female 56.7% Male
15.3% Aged 2-4 21.2% Aged 5-18
63.7% Aged > 18
Comparison Park: 114
58.8% Female 41.2% Male
3.5% Aged 2-4 11.4% Aged 5-18
85.1% Aged > 18
T3: Intervention
Total: 985
47.5% Female 52.5% Male
6.6% Aged 2-4 36.4% Aged 5-18
57.0% Aged > 18
T3: Comparison Park: 51
41.2% Female 55.8% Male
2.0% Aged 2-4 3.9% Aged 5-18 94.1% Aged > 18
Overall c:
9.3% Sitting 23.7% Standing 45.7% Walking 21.4% Vigorous
Additional Outcomes:
In the
intervention park, there was a significant increase in total users and those observed walking and being vigorously active.
At the control park, usage decreased and no differences in walking or vigorous activity was observed.

For studies with multiple published articles describing outcomes, an asterisk (*) denotes the article referenced in the study throughout the article text.


Physical activity outcomes are reported as percent of park-users unless otherwise noted.


Pre-intervention PA outcomes were used in descriptive analysis.


Mean PA levels for each intensity levels used in descriptive analysis.

Abbreviations: NR=Not Reported; SOPARC= System for Observing Play and Recreation in Communities; SOPLAY= System for Observing Play and Leisure Activity in Youth; PA= physical activity, MVPA= moderate-to-vigorous physical activity.


Figure 1 illustrates the article search and selection process. Search procedures retrieved a total of 7813 articles. After duplicates were removed (n=1564), the titles and abstracts of 6249 articles were screened for relevance. Following this review, 80 articles were determined as relevant and received a full text review. After applying inclusion criteria, 32 articles reporting the results of 26 unique studies were included in the review. The median year of publication for these 32 articles was 2012 (range 1994 to 2015).

Overview of Studies

Of the 26 studies meeting inclusion criteria for review, most (n=20, 87%) had cross-sectional or non-interventional study designs (see Tables 1 and 2), while 6 (23%) studies employed quasi-experimental designs (see Table 3). The majority of studies were conducted in the U.S. (n=18, 72%) [16-33]. Other countries where studies were conducted included Australia (n=3; 12%) [34-36], China (n=1; 4%) [37], Taiwan (n=1; 4%) [38], Canada (n=1; 4%) [39], and Brazil (n=1; 4%) [40]. One study (4%) was conducted in both the U.S. and Belgium [41]. Among U.S. studies, cities where parks were assessed included: Los Angeles, CA (n=4 studies), Durham, NC (n=2 studies), Chicago, IL (n=2 studies), Albuquerque, NM (n=1 study), Philadelphia PA (n=1 study), Honolulu, HI (n=1 study), Tampa, FL (n=1 study), San Diego, CA (n=1 study), San Francisco, CA (n=1 study), Denver CA (n=1 study), Grand Forks, ND (n=1 study), and Las Vegas, NV (n=1 study). Five studies reported the location of parks by only state or broad geographical location (as opposed to city). These locations included California, Michigan, North Carolina, and the Southeast and Mideast regions of the U.S. Twenty-one (81%) studies examined park use among individuals of all ages [16-21, 24-28, 31-33, 35-39, 41, 42], while 4 (15%) examined park use in children only [22, 23, 30, 34] and 1 (4%) examined park use in adults only [29]. The total number of parks assessed per study ranged from 1 to 50, with 9 being the median number of parks assessed per study.

Table 2.

Cross sectional Youth and Children Studies.

Author(s)/yeara Study
Number of
Parks Assessed
Location of
Number of
Days each
Park was
Total number
per Park
Number of Park Users
and Demographic
Physical Activity
Coughenour 2014 [22] To evaluate the
relationship of
and social
determinants to
youth physical
activity intensity.
10 Las Vegas,
Nevada, USA
SOPLAY 8 (4 weekdays,
4 weekend
32 (4
per day for 8
Total: 1,423

By gender:
41% female
59% male

By ethnicity:
20.9% Sedentary
38.2% Walking
40.9% Vigorous

17.5% Sedentary
26.7% Walking
45.8% Vigorous

25.6% Sedentary
39.9% Walking
34.5% Vigorous

Additional outcomes reported:
Males were
more likely
than females to
be walking or
activity than
Floyd 2011 [23] To examine
among individual,
park, and
and children’s
and adolescent’s
physical activity.
20 Durham, North
Carolina, USA
NR NR Total: 2712

By gender:
Female 43.5%
By ethnicity:

By age:
42.6% aged 0-5
41.0% aged 6-12
16.4% aged 13-18
52.6% Sedentary
34.2% Walking
13.2% Vigorous

Girls were
associated with
lower PA
intensity levels
than boys.

Children in the
youngest age
group (age 0-5)
were more
active than
older children
(age 6-12) and
(age 13-18).
Reed 2012 [28] Identify the
activity settings
used and
physical activity
intensity achieved
by boys and girls
in 45 parks in
U.S. Community.
45 Southeastern
region of the
SOPARC 7 (consecutive
28 (4 times per
day for 7 days)
Total: 2852

By gender:
42% female
58% male

By ethnicity:
41.5% White
58.5% other
18% Sedentary
36% Walking
45% Vigorous
Note: Data
were not
available forPA intensity by
ethnicity or

For studies with multiple published articles describing outcomes, an asterisk (*) denotes the article referenced in the study throughout the article text.


Physical activity outcomes are reported as percent of park-users unless otherwise noted.

Abbreviations: NR=Not Reported; SOPARC= System for Observing Play and Recreation in Communities; SOPLAY= System for Observing Play and Leisure Activity in Youth; PA= physical activity, MVPA= moderate-to-vigorous physical activity.

Park Assessment Methodology

Twenty-five (96%) studies used a published measure to assess park use. The System for Observing Play and Recreation in Communities (SOPARC) was used in 22 (85%) studies [16-21, 23, 25-31, 33-36, 38, 39, 41-43] and the System for Observing Play and Leisure Activity in Youth (SOPLAY) was used in 3 (11%) [22, 24, 32]. For the 1 study [26] that did not use a published measure to assess park use, the author reported using a systematic observation methodology similar to protocols employed by the SOPARC and SOPLAY. There was substantial heterogeneity across studies in regards to the total number of days and total number of observations each park was assessed. The total number of days each park was assessed ranged from 1 to 39 (median = 7) and the total number of observations per park ranged from 1 to 560 (median = 28). The most frequently used observation protocol was a 7-day assessment period with 4 observations per day (for a total of 28 observations per park). This methodology was used in 10 (38%) [17-21, 25, 29, 30, 32, 33] of the 26 studies and is the recommended observation method according to Cohen and colleagues [11].

Description of Park Users

The total number of park users across the 24 studies with sufficient data for calculation was 341,273 [16-18, 20-33, 35, 36, 38, 39, 41-43]. The median number of park users per study was 4,558 (range 815 to 76,632). Twenty (77%) studies provided data on the gender of park users [16-18, 20-25, 27-30, 33, 35, 36, 38, 41-43]. Of these, pooled analysis showed approximately equal numbers of males (49%) and females (51%) across studies. Sub-analysis of park-users for studies conducted in the U.S. versus those outside of the U.S. showed that U.S. studies reported a greater percentage of male park users (57%) than female users (43%), while studies conducted outside the U.S. reported greater percentage of female users (63%) than male users (37%).

Among the 21 studies evaluating park use among individuals of all ages, 12 (57%) reported more adult (i.e., aged ≥18) park users than children (i.e., aged < 18) [16-20, 31, 32, 35, 36, 38, 42, 43], 5 (24%) reported more children than adults [21, 24, 27, 28, 33], 1 (5%) reported approximately equal numbers of children and adults [41], and 3 (14%) did not report this information [25, 26, 39]. Sixteen studies [16-21, 27, 28, 31-33, 36-38, 41, 42] provided specific information regarding the percentage of adult park users versus child/adolescent park users. Of these, median percentage of adult park users was 59% (range 24% to 88%) and the median percentage of children/youth was 42% (range 12% to 76%). Older adults (i.e., > 60) appeared to be under-represented among park users. The median percentage of older adult park users among the 11 studies reporting this data [17, 20, 21, 30, 32, 33, 36, 38, 41-43] was 5% (ranged 2.1% to 61.5%), with only three studies (all conducted outside of the U.S) [36-38] reporting a greater than a 15% prevalence of older adults in parks (i.e., 15.7%, 53.4%, and 61.5%). Six studies [24, 28-30, 32, 41] reported the race/ethnicity of park users, 4 [28-30, 41] reported a greater prevalence of White park users (i.e., range from 50% 65%) than non-White users. Due to the limited number of studies reporting information on race/ethnicity of park users, further analysis of park users based on this characteristic was not performed.

Physical Activity Outcomes

PA outcomes were reported in several ways across studies. The most common method of reporting PA was based on percentage of observed individuals engaging in sedentary, moderate (or walking), and/or vigorous intensity PA. This methodology was used in 23 studies [16-24, 26-30, 32, 33, 35, 36, 38, 39, 41-43]. For the remaining 3 studies, 1 study reported PA outcomes using METs [31], 1 study reported percent time spent in MVPA based on observed park use time [25], and 1 reported outcomes based on the mean number of park users observed at varying PA intensities [34].

Table 4 summarizes the outcomes for the 23 studies reporting PA results based on percentage of observed users engaging in MVPA. Among these studies, sedentary time ranged from 13.7% to 68.0% (median = 43.0%), moderate PA ranged from 6.0% to 69.4% (median = 34.2%), vigorous PA ranged from 9.0% to 55.5% (median = 21.7%), and total moderate-to-vigorous PA (MVPA) ranged from 31.0 to 85.4% (median = 55.0%). We compared PA outcomes for studies performed in the U.S. versus outside the U.S. Results showed that studies conducted in the U.S. had a slightly higher median number of park-users engaging in MVPA than those outside the U.S. (60.5% vs. 52.8%; see Table 4). However, given twice as many studies were performed in the U.S. (n=16) than outside the U.S (n=8), these results should be interpreted with caution. We also examined PA outcomes for U.S. studies based on the geographical region of park location. Results showed studies of parks located in the South (n=6 studies [23, 24, 29, 30, 32, 33] had highest median number park users engaging in MVPA (Median=63.3%, Range 29.0 to 85.4%), followed by the Midwest (n=3 studies [26, 28, 31]; Median=59.5%, Range 50.0 to 85.5%), and West (n=9 studies [16-22, 27, 41] Median=39.9%, Range 31.0 to 79.1%). One study assessed parks in the Northeast region of the U.S [25]; however, outcomes were not reported based on percentage of park-users engaging in MVPA which limited comparison to the other regions. Among studies reporting PA outcomes for children/adolescents (n=8 studies; [16, 22-24, 28, 30, 36, 38]) and adults (n=6 studies; [16, 22-24, 28-30, 36, 38]) separately, MVPA outcomes for children/adolescents were slightly higher (range 23.2% to 85.6%, median = 64.9) than outcomes for adults (range 32.6 to 86.9, median = 53.7%). These differences appeared to be driven by children/adults engaging in more vigorous intensity PA than adults (see Table 4).

Table 4.

Median (range) of park-users engaging in sedentary, moderate, vigorous and total moderate-to-vigorous physical for the 23 studies reporting physical activity outcomes based on percentage of observed users.

No. Studies
included in
All Studies 23a 43.0
(13.7 – 68.0)
(6 – 6934)
(9.0 −55.5)
(31.0 −85.4)
U.S. Studies 15b 39.7
(14.6 – 68.0)
(6.0 – 49.7)
(11.0 – 55.5)
(31.0 −85.4)
West Region 9 60.2
(20.9 – 68.0)
(16.8 – 42.1)
(12.0 – 44.7)
(31.0 - 79.1)
Midwest Region 3 40.5
(21.2 – 51.0)
(28.0 – 39.7)
(22.0 – 40.8)
(50.0 – 85.5)
South region 6 35.9
(14.6 – 70.0)
(6.0 – 49.7)
(8.0 – 55.5)
(29.9 – 85.4)
Northeast 0 - - - -
Studies Outside the
8 44.0
(13.7 – 62.0)
(20.8 – 69.4)
(9.0 – 36.5)
(38.0 80.4)
Children only 8c 35.0
(14.4 – 76.6)
(22.4 – 38.2)
(13.2 −51.0)
(23.2 – 85.6)
Adults Only 6c 46.35
(13.1 −67.5)
(25.6 −49.7)
(7.0 – 35.7)
(23.2 – 85.6)



1 study [26] did not provide separate analysis of moderate and vigorous intensity PA; thus only 22 studies are presented in descriptive outcomes at these two PA intensities.


2 studies [19, 26] did not provide separate analysis of moderate and vigorous intensity PA; thus only 13 studies are presented in descriptive outcomes at these two PA intensities.


2 studies [24, 38] did not provide separate analysis of moderate and vigorous intensity PA; thus only 6 studies are presented in descriptive outcomes at these two PA intensities for children only and 4 for adult only.

Among the studies that did not report PA outcomes based on percentage of observed park users engaging in MVPA [25, 31, 34], outcomes reflected trends observed in the 23 studies that did. For example, Han et al. [25] estimated the amount of time spent in MVPA among park-users ranged from 35% to 46%, which is comparable to the median number of park users engaging in MVPA in Table 4 (i.e., 43%). Likewise, Roemmich and colleagues [31] reported more children engaging in MVPA than adults (based on METs), which coincides with the comparison of MVPA outcomes of children.

Among all studies included in the review (n=26), 15 reported examining gender differences based on MVPA [16-18, 21-29, 34, 36, 43]. Of these, 87% (n=13) reported significantly more males engaging in MVPA than females [16-18, 21-29, 36]. Due to the limited number of studies (n= 6) examining the race/ethnicity of park-users, PA outcomes based race/ethnicity were not examined.


This article provides a comprehensive review of observational park-based PA studies. Overall, findings show that the majority of park users were observed engaging in MVPA. This outcome is promising and supports the notion that parks are key assets in communities to help facilitate PA. Findings of this review also elucidate several trends in regards to demographic and age characteristics of park users, as well as how park-based PA behaviors in the U.S. may differ from countries outside of the U.S. The following paragraphs will discuss these trends and highlight potential future directions for authors to consider when conducting observational park-based PA studies.

Among the studies included in the review, 96% (i.e., 25 of 26) used a published observational audit measure to assess park-based PA (22 used the SOPARC, 3 used the SOPLAY). This outcome suggests a consensus among researchers in regards to the most appropriate audit measures to evaluate park-based PA (i.e., the SOPARC and SOPLAY). This may be due to the high rate of inter-rater reliability of the instrument or the availability of well-documented training procedures and videos. However, given the high level of time commitment to collect the data it is surprising that other methods incorporating technology have not been developed. There was considerable variability in the number of days parks were assessed and the total observations performed. For example, the number of days each park was assessed across studies ranged from 1 to 39 and the total number of observations performed at each park ranged from 1 to 560. This variability emphasizes the need for researchers to achieve agreement on observational protocols to examine park-based PA. Based on our review of the literature, we recommend a 7-day observation period with 4 observations per day. This protocol has been validated for the SOPARC [11] and was also the most commonly used protocol across studies reviewed (i.e., 10 of 26 studies used this protocol). Using this protocol will also allow researchers to more easily compare outcomes across studies in future research.

PA outcomes across studies revealed that most individuals observed at parks were engaging in some type of MVPA (as opposed to sedentary activities), with moderate PA contributing to most of the energy expenditure associated with MVPA. This outcome may suggest that U.S. park users view parks as a place to purposefully engage in PA, while individuals and cultures outside of the U.S. view parks as places to engage in more sedentary activities (i.e., board games, lunch, social gatherings). However, since the number of U.S. studies outnumber those outside the U.S. almost three-fold, these findings should be interpreted with caution. Additional research is needed to compare the park-based behaviors between the U.S. and other countries.

Among U.S. studies, we observed a trend for studies auditing parks in the South and the Midwest to report a higher prevalence of park users engaging in MVPA than the West (see Table 4). This outcome was unexpected, as both the South and Midwest have higher obesity prevalence than the West [44]. Given PA is an established mechanism to prevent and help treat obesity [45-47], future research is needed to examine how park-based PA can play a role in combatting the current obesity epidemic in the U.S. Our review also highlights the lack of studies evaluating park-based PA in the Northeast. Only 1 study evaluated PA at a park located in the Northeast [25] region of the U.S. Likewise, only 3 studies examined parks in the Midwest. Future studies are warranted to examine park-based PA behaviors in both of these regions.

Several other trends in regards to park-user characteristics emerged. Across studies, approximately equal numbers of men and women were observed, suggesting that park-based activities are equally appealing for both men and women. However, the types and intensity of park-based activities performed by men and women differed. For example, among studies reporting PA outcomes by gender, most (i.e., 13 of 15; 87%) reported more males engaging in MVPA than females. Likewise, several studies reported that males were more likely to engage in sporting activities, while females were more likely to engage in sedentary or walking activities. These findings, particularly in relation to women engaging in more sedentary park behaviors, corroborates the results of a qualitative review [13] examining characteristics associated with park-use which reported that women viewed parks as safe places to meet and socialize with others. With female attendance high at parks, future interventions should examine how to get women more physically active while at parks.

Among studies reporting the age characteristics of park-users, the majority (12 of 17; 71%) reported more adult park-users than children. This outcome was somewhat surprising, as parks are generally viewed as a place for children to play. We note though, that this outcome may have been biased by the assessment protocols implemented by researchers. Park observations for many studies were frequently performed during weekdays at times when most children should be in school (see Tables 1-3), which would result in fewer children observed in parks. We attempted to analyze park user characteristics for after-school hours and weekend days only, however, no studies provided sufficient data for this analysis. Such analyses are needed in future research to further explore this outcome.

While more adults were observed in parks than children, most studies reported children engaging in more MVPA. Few studies reported a substantial number of older adults observed in parks. In fact, only 3 studies, all conducted outside of the U.S., reported a greater than 15% prevalence of older adult park-users. This finding demonstrates that perhaps, older adults, in general, do not view parks as a viable resource for social and/or PA engagement. However, there are several alternative explanations including safety/crime concerns, lack of a park in close proximity to their residence, and the tendency of PA to decrease with age. Future research is needed to further explore how parks in the U.S. can be utilized to promote PA among older adults.

Our review is not without limitations. Study outcomes were reported in a variety of ways which made it difficult to synthesize and present review outcomes in a cohesive and simplistic manner. In many instances, authors did not explicitly report the outcomes of interest for our review; therefore, we extrapolated this information from available data reported by authors. Together, these issues may have introduced bias or error into the outcomes of this review. There was also variation across studies in the total number of days, time of day of data collection and total observations per park. This heterogeneity also likely influenced the PA outcomes. Another limitation was the paucity of studies performed in countries outside of the U.S. and number of studies performed in the Northwest and Midwest regions of the U.S. Generalization of PA outcomes reported in this review to countries outside of the U.S. and to the Northwest and Midwest regions of the U.S. is cautioned. Likewise, even among U.S. regions where the majority of studies were conducted, only a few of the overall number of parks present in these regions were assessed. Therefore, the possibility exists that data presented from the studies reviewed do not actually reflect the overall park use trends in these regions, which may limit the generalization of our findings. We also intended to examine whether MVPA outcomes differed among parks located urban, suburban, and rural areas. However, due to the lack of specification (for many studies) in regards to the type of neighborhood where parks were assessed and heterogeneity in how PA outcomes were reported, we were unable to perform this analysis. Similarly, differences in the conceptualization and design of cities where parks were located likely influenced the PA outcomes. Given an in-depth examination of this topic was beyond the scope of this review, future research is needed examine whether park-based PA differs among cities with different urban planning structures and environmental designs.

We did not evaluate the association between park design/physical park structures and park-based PA. Such evaluation supersedes the scope of this review and due to variation in how authors described park setting/design characteristics, would be difficult to accomplish. However, a recent qualitative review [13] examining the association between park characteristics and park-based PA provides some insight on this topic. Researchers are referred to this reading for further information on this topic. Lastly, we only reviewed park-based PA studies that were published in English language peer-reviewed journals and indexed in PubMed, PsycINFO, CINAHL, Web of Science, Scopus, or The Active Living Research website. Accordingly, studies published in non-peer-reviewed journals, in languages other than English, and/or in databases other than the six we searched (e.g., Google Scholar or ProQuest) were not included in the review.

Despite these limitations, our review has several strengths. To our knowledge, this is the first review to synthesize PA outcomes for observational park-based PA studies. Findings provide important insight on how parks contribute to the PA levels of populations. Another strength was the comprehensive search method used to identify park-based PA studies. We adhered to PRISMA guidelines [14] and searched 5 electronic databases, as well as the Active Living Research website to identify articles. These rigorous search procedures increased the likelihood of including all published articles meeting inclusion criteria into the review. Finally, our review highlights several shortcomings in the current park-based PA literature for researchers to address in future research, including: lack of a standardized observational protocol (i.e., number of days parks were assessed and number of observations per day) to evaluate park-based PA, variation in reporting methods PA outcomes, paucity of published studies evaluating park-use outside of the U.S., and lack of interventional studies examining how the parks can be designed or manipulated to promote PA. To address these shortcomings, we propose the following 6 guidelines for researchers conducting future park-based PA studies:

  1. Use a standardized audit measure and observation protocol to assess park use. As previously noted, we recommend using the SOPARC with a 7 consecutive day observation period and 4 observation times per day. This is a validated protocol for the SOPARC and was the most commonly used observational method among studies reviewed. For researchers who are unable to perform this recommended protocol, a 4 day observation period with 4 observations per day represents a viable alternative, as it provides close to perfect reliability replication as a 7-day assessment [48].

  2. Report PA outcomes based on percentage of park users and by age, sex, and race/ethnicity. The heterogeneity of how authors reported PA outcomes limited comparison of PA outcomes across all 26 studies based on age, sex, and race/ethnicity. Following these coding and reporting procedures will help standardize how PA outcomes are reported across studies and support comparison of PA outcomes across multiple studies.

  3. Conduct more studies outside of the U.S. Only 9 of the 26 studies reviewed included populations from outside the U.S., which limits the generalizability of this review to other countries. Given social and cultural norms vary across countries, more research is needed to examine the park-based behavior of individuals outside of the U.S.

  4. Conduct more studies comparing U.S. park use to other countries. Only 1 study [41] compared park-based PA between parks located in 2 different countries. Examining how park-based activities differ based on country or geographic region will provide a more in-depth understating of how various cultures use parks and provide valuable information to researchers on the how to leverage community parks to promote.

  5. Conduct more studies evaluating park use in the Northeast and Midwest regions of the U.S. Only 4 of the studies assessed parks located in the Midwest (n=3 studies) and Northwest (n=1 study) regions of the U.S. Additional studies in these geographical regions are needed to help provide a more in-depth understanding of how park-based PA varies across the U.S.

  6. Conduct more intervention/manipulation studies to determine how the physical structures of park environments can be designed to promote PA. Five studies included in the review examined how constructing, modifying, and/or redesigning the physical spaces of parks influenced PA levels of park-users [19, 27, 31, 34, 35]. While in-depth discussion of how park modifications influenced PA outcomes supersedes the purpose of this article, results generally showed (with the exception of 1 study [34]) that increasing play equipment for children, removing sitting structures, enhancing green space, and providing outdoor exercise equipment was associated with higher MVPA levels [19, 27, 31, 35]. However, due to the limited number of studies examining how the physical environment of parks influences PA levels, more research is needed on this topic. This knowledge will help inform researchers and park planners on best practices to design parks in order to effectively promote PA among users.


Parks are ideal places to promote PA. In most cases, parks can be accessed free of charge by community members and provide safe environments for children and adults to socialize and engage in walking, sporting, gaming, and various other activities. Results of this review provide encouragement of the use of parks to promote PA since the majority of park users across studies were observed engaging in moderate-to-vigorous PA. As more studies are conducted, a more comprehensive understanding of how parks can contribute to PA engagement among the community members they serve will be gained.

Supplementary Material



  • A systematic review of observational park-based physical studies was conducted.

  • Thirty-two articles encompassing 26 unique studies were reviewed.

  • Moderate-to-vigorous physical activity among park users ranged from 31% to 85%.

  • Guidelines for future observational park-based physical activity studies are discussed.


Preparation of this manuscript was supported by funding from the National Institutes of Health/National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NIH/NHLBI), award K99 HL129012-01 (R. Joseph, P.I). The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.



Physical Activity


Moderate-to-vigorous physical activity


System for Observing Play and Recreation in Communities


System for Observing Play and Leisure Activity in Youth


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Supplementary Materials
