In the article published in the Journal of Women's Health, Volume 18, Number 5, 2009, pages 625–631, titled “Intimate Partner Violence and Functional Health Status: Associations with Severity, Danger, and Self-Advocacy Behaviors” by H. Straus, C. Cerulli, L.A. McNutt, K.V. Rhodes, K.R. Conner, R.S. Kemball, N.J. Kaslow, and D. Houry, the authors inadvertently left out the funding information. The following should have been added to the Acknowledgments section: “This work was supported by CDC R49 grant 423113 (Houry), NIMH K23 grant 069375 (Houry), and NIMH K23 grant 64572 (Rhodes).”
The authors regret this omission.