Figure 4. Nodal-induced cellular invasion and migration are mediated by ERK.
(A) T47D and (B) BeWo cellular invasion through a Matrigel-coated Transwell chamber increased in response to 100 ng/mL rhNodal (n=3, p≤0.022), and this effect was mitigated by 10 μM U0126. (C) T47D and (D) BeWo cellular migration through a Transwell chamber (without Matrigel) increased in response to 100 ng/mL rhNodal (n=3, p≤0.010), and this effect was mitigated by 10 μM U0126. (E) T47D viability assay, and (F) BeWo viability assay demonstrating equal cell viability after 24 hours between treatments corresponding to (A–D). (G) T47D cells grown for 3 days in 3D culture using a bioreactor, were seeded into collagen type 1 in order to assess 3D invasion over the course of 1 week. Distance of invasion was recorded as an average of 4 measurements evenly spaced around the cluster periphery (white hatched lines). Cells treated with 100 ng/mL rhNodal displayed a significant increase in 3D cellular invasion compared to controls (n=14, p<0.001), and this effect was prevented by 10 μM U0126. (H) Representative images from 3D invasion assay corresponding to data presented in (G). Bar equals 50 μm. All data are presented as mean ± S.E.M. for replicate values. Different letters indicate a significant difference as specified.