Figure 5. Dally and Dlp depend on Prickle and Van Gogh.
Levels of Dlp were reduced in pk13 (A,B) and Vang6 (C,D) mutant clones (outlined with dashed white lines and lacking green fluorescence). (E–G) Levels of fluorescence in the wing discs of the protein trap Dally:YFP line were relatively uniform in controls (en-Gal4 UAS-RFP/+; dally:YFP/+), but were reduced specifically in the posterior compartment in the presence of pkRNAi (en-Gal4/+; dally:YFP/UAS-pkRNAi) and VangRNAi (en-Gal4/UAS-VangRNAi; dally:YFP/+). (H,I) Levels of Laminin detected by α-Laminin antibody staining (red) were reduced in pk13 mutant clones (outlined with dashed white line and lacking green fluorescence). Scale bar: 50 µm.