(A) VA1d odor responses to methyl laurate were sampled every 80 s before, during, and after stimulation of the CSDn with Chrimson. Stimulation consisted of a 10 Hz sine wave that was interrupted briefly to sample VA1d response. (B) Chronic stimulation of the CSDn did not significantly alter VA1d responses either in saline (n = 7, p=0.77) or methysergide (n = 6, p=0.78). (C) A mean PSTH of VA1d odor responses with (red trace) and without (black trace) simulatneous CSDn activation with Chrimson (40 ms). (D) A raster showing an increase in the odor respnse of VA1d PNs during brief CSDn stimulation. Methyl laurate was presented undiluted. (E) In saline, PN firing over the entire duration of the odor response was unchanged (left, n = 7, p=0.84) but during the 40 ms of CSDn stimulation, VA1d responses increased (right,, n = 7, p=0.046). (F) In methysergide, PN firing over the entire duration of the odor response was also unchanged (left, n = 6, p=0.16). During the 40 ms of CSDn stimulation, VA1d responses increased (right, n = 6, p=0.008).