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Applied and Environmental Microbiology logoLink to Applied and Environmental Microbiology
. 2016 Sep 16;82(19):5838–5849. doi: 10.1128/AEM.01603-16

Leveraging Genetic-Background Effects in Saccharomyces cerevisiae To Improve Lignocellulosic Hydrolysate Tolerance

Maria Sardi a,b, Nikolay Rovinskiy a,*, Yaoping Zhang a, Audrey P Gasch a,c,
Editor: A A Brakhaged
PMCID: PMC5038035  PMID: 27451446


A major obstacle to sustainable lignocellulosic biofuel production is microbe inhibition by the combinatorial stresses in pretreated plant hydrolysate. Chemical biomass pretreatment releases a suite of toxins that interact with other stressors, including high osmolarity and temperature, which together can have poorly understood synergistic effects on cells. Improving tolerance in industrial strains has been hindered, in part because the mechanisms of tolerance reported in the literature often fail to recapitulate in other strain backgrounds. Here, we explored and then exploited variations in stress tolerance, toxin-induced transcriptomic responses, and fitness effects of gene overexpression in different Saccharomyces cerevisiae (yeast) strains to identify genes and processes linked to tolerance of hydrolysate stressors. Using six different S. cerevisiae strains that together maximized phenotypic and genetic diversity, first we explored transcriptomic differences between resistant and sensitive strains to identify common and strain-specific responses. This comparative analysis implicated primary cellular targets of hydrolysate toxins, secondary effects of defective defense strategies, and mechanisms of tolerance. Dissecting the responses to individual hydrolysate components across strains pointed to synergistic interactions between osmolarity, pH, hydrolysate toxins, and nutrient composition. By characterizing the effects of high-copy gene overexpression in three different strains, we revealed the breadth of the background-specific effects of gene fitness contributions in synthetic hydrolysate. Our approach identified new genes for engineering improved stress tolerance in diverse strains while illuminating the effects of genetic background on molecular mechanisms.

IMPORTANCE Recent studies on natural variation within Saccharomyces cerevisiae have uncovered substantial phenotypic diversity. Here, we took advantage of this diversity, using it as a tool to infer the effects of combinatorial stress found in lignocellulosic hydrolysate. By comparing sensitive and tolerant strains, we implicated primary cellular targets of hydrolysate toxins and elucidated the physiological states of cells when exposed to this stress. We also explored the strain-specific effects of gene overexpression to further identify strain-specific responses to hydrolysate stresses and to identify genes that improve hydrolysate tolerance independent of strain background. This study underscores the importance of studying multiple strains to understand the effects of hydrolysate stress and provides a method to find genes that improve tolerance across strain backgrounds.


Lignocellulosic plant material is a sustainable and renewable source of biomass for bioenergy and biochemical production. Plant cellulose and hemicellulose harbor significant concentrations of sugars that can be used to produce desired compounds through microbial fermentation. In recent years, several technologies have been developed to hydrolyze plant biomass in order to release monomeric sugars (1, 2). For most types of chemical pretreatment, the resulting hydrolysate contains high sugar concentrations and, thus, has high osmolarity; toxic compounds such as weak acids, furans, and phenolics that are generated as a by-product of chemical hydrolysis are also seen. These hydrolysate toxins (HTs) are known to inhibit microbial growth and fermentation; however, the mechanisms of stress tolerance remain unclear for many of these compounds (35). Because removal of these inhibitors from the hydrolysate is expensive (6), a focus is to utilize inhibitor-tolerant microorganisms to produce biofuels and chemicals from plant biomass in an economically viable way.

One strategy is to generate hydrolysate-tolerant microbes by engineering stress tolerance based on the mechanism of toxin action. Most studies elucidating inhibitory mechanisms have focused on individual toxins applied in isolation to a single or a few strain backgrounds. Weak acids such as acetic, formic, and levulinic acids can cross membranes when protonated at low pH, whereupon they dissociate to decrease cytosolic pH (7) and consequently stimulate plasma membrane ATPases that consume ATP to pump protons out of the cell (8, 9). Furans such as 5-hydroxymethyl furfural (HMF) and furfural are also common inhibitors in hydrolysate, formed by the degradation of xylose and glucose, respectively (10). Furan derivatives inhibit alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH), pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH), and aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) enzymes (11), while producing reactive oxygen species that broadly damage membranes, DNA, proteins, and cellular structures (12). Cells respond by reducing furans to less inhibitory compounds at the expense of NAD(P)+ reduction, thereby limiting cell division and biofuel production (13, 14). Among other inhibitors, phenolics are the most diverse and the least well understood. These compounds are formed during lignin breakdown, and thus their concentrations and identities mainly depend on the source of plant biomass (4, 15). Phenolic compounds exert considerable inhibitory effects by causing the loss of membrane integrity (16, 17), decreasing cellular ATP (18, 19), causing oxidative damage (17), inhibiting de novo nucleotide biosynthesis (20), and inhibiting translation (21). While the effects of individual toxins are becoming clear in some cases, the compounded effects of multiple toxins in hydrolysate are poorly understood (22, 23). Compounded stress is especially important to consider, since microbes encounter multiple inhibitors at the same time during industrial fermentation of lignocellulosic hydrolysates.

Many studies have characterized the response of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and other organisms to plant hydrolysates in an effort to identify engineering strategies to improve hydrolysate tolerance in industrial strains (2226). However, the impact of these strategies is often limited, since mechanisms identified in one strain frequently fail to produce similar results when transferred to other strain backgrounds (2730). Furthermore, many studies elucidate the mechanisms of toxin inhibition in lab-domesticated strains, which poorly represent the stress tolerance potential of the species (3133). The degree and breadth of background-specific effects are recognized in a practical sense but poorly quantified, and thus this represents a major hurdle for rational engineering (34, 35).

Here, we leveraged genetic background effects across distinct lineages of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to explore strain-specific responses to a synthetic mimic of ammonia fiber expansion (AFEX)-pretreated corn stover (ACSH) (23, 36). Using a synthetic hydrolysate allowed us to dissect the transcriptional response to the base-medium composition, toxin cocktail, pH, and their combination across multiple strain backgrounds. Comparing transcriptomic and fitness responses in strains with different levels of HT resistance provided key insights into toxins' primary cellular targets, the synergistic effects among hydrolysate toxins, and common as well as strain-specific mechanisms of toxin defense. We found striking differences in the fitness contributions of gene overexpression to HT tolerance. Comparisons across strain backgrounds revealed genes that increased HT tolerance independent of strain lineage. Together, the results of our work quantify the impact of genetic background on toxin tolerance while identifying mechanisms and genes important for improved hydrolysate tolerance independent of strain background.


Strains and growth conditions.

Strains and phenotypes are listed in Table S1 in the supplemental material. The SynH medium mimics ACSH with 90 g glucan/liter loading and was prepared as in Serate et al. (36) except that all concentrations were increased 1.5-fold to emulate higher glucan loading (see Table S2 in the supplemental material). Gene knockouts were generated by homologous recombination of the KAN-MX cassette into the locus of interest in a haploid version of YPS128 and verified by diagnostic PCR. Unless otherwise indicated, cultures were grown with vigorous shaking at 30°C. Where indicated, medium was supplemented with iron(II) sulfate heptahydrate (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO). Overexpression experiments were performed using the molecular barcoded yeast (MoBY 2.0) open reading frame (ORF) library (37), growing cells in synthetic complete (SC) medium with high sugar concentrations and no ammonium to support G418 selection (38) (1.7 g/liter yeast nitrogen base [YNB] without ammonia sulfate and amino acids, 1 g/liter monosodium glutamic acid, 2 g/liter amino acid dropout lacking leucine, 48 μg/liter leucine, 90 g/liter dextrose, and 45 g/liter xylose) along with the toxin cocktail (see Table S4 in the supplemental material).


Ten microliters of a thawed frozen stock of cells was used to inoculate a 96-well plate (Nunc; Thermo Scientific, Rockford, IL) containing 190 μl of yeast extract-peptone-dextrose (YPD) medium. Plates were sealed with breathable tape (AeraSeal; Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO), covered with a lid, and incubated at 30°C while shaking for 24 h, after which 10-μl aliquots of saturated cultures were used to inoculate 190 μl of YPD and grown to log phase for 6 h. Growth phenotyping was performed after inoculating 10 μl of the log-phase culture into 190 μl of SynH or SynH-HTs and growing without shaking in a Tecan M200 Pro microplate reader (Tecan Systems, Inc., San Jose, CA) maintaining an interior chamber temperature of 30°C. Anaerobic phenotyping was performed similarly using a Tecan F500 inside an anaerobic chamber. The average of six optical density at 600 nm (OD600) measurements distributed from across the well was taken every 30 min for 48 h. Growth rates were calculated using the program GrowthRates (39). An HT resistance score was taken as the average of two biological replicate growth rate measurements from SynH versus the average growth rates in SynH-HTs, in both aerobic and anaerobic conditions.

Transcriptome sequencing (RNA-Seq) library construction and sequencing.

Strains were grown in biological duplicates on different days to mid-log phase for seven generations in YPD and then shifted to YPD, SynH-HTs, or SynH medium for at least three generations to log phase (OD600 of ∼0.5) and collected by centrifugation. RNA was extracted by hot phenol lysis (40). Total RNA was DNase treated at 37°C for 30 min with Turbo DNase (Life Technologies, Carlsbad, CA), followed by RNA precipitation at −20°C in 2.5 M LiCl for 30 min. rRNA depletion and library generation were performed via the TruSeq stranded total RNA sample preparation guide (revision C), using the Illumina TruSeq stranded total RNA (human/mouse/rat) kit (Illumina Inc., San Diego, CA, USA) with minor modifications, Agencourt RNAClean XP beads (Beckman Coulter, Indianapolis, IN, USA), and SuperScript II reverse transcriptase (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA, USA) as described in the Illumina kit. Adapter-ligated DNA was amplified in a linker-mediated PCR (LM-PCR) for 12 cycles using Phusion DNA polymerase and Illumina's PE genomic DNA primer set and then purified by paramagnetic beads. Libraries were standardized to 2 μM. Cluster generation was performed using standard Cluster kits (version 3) and the Illumina Cluster station. Single-end 100-bp reads were generated using standard SBS chemistry (version 3) on an Illumina HiSeq 2500 sequencer.

RNA-Seq read processing and analyses.

Reads were processed with Trimmomatic (41) and mapped to reference genome S288C (NC_001133, version 64 [42]) using Bowtie 2 (43) with default settings. HTSeq version 5.5 (44) was used to calculate read counts for each gene. Differential expression analysis was performed with the program edgeR version 3.8.6 (45) using a general linearized model with strain background and medium type as factors and pairing replicate samples. The Benjamini and Hochberg correction (46) was used to estimate the false discovery rate (FDR). Sequences were normalized using the reads per kilobase per million mapped reads (RPKM) method. Hierarchical clustering analysis was performed using the program Cluster 3.0 (47) and visualized with the program Java TreeView (∼abarysh/treeview/) (48). Where noted, the expression of each gene was normalized to the mean expression level for that gene across all strains. Functional enrichment analysis was performed with FunSpec (49, 50) or a hypergeometric test using four different data sets previously defined (51). All P values cited are Bonferroni corrected, unless otherwise noted.

NAD+/NADH measurement.

Total NAD and NAD+/NADH were measured in biological triplicates using a quantification colorimetric kit (BioVision, Milpitas, CA), following the recommended protocol. Briefly, strains were grown in SynH and SynH-HTs for at least three doublings and collected while in log phase (OD600 of ∼0.5). NAD and NADH levels were calculated as outlined by the kit, and NAD+ was inferred from the other two measurements.

Correlations between expression and toxin tolerance.

We first identified 2,777 genes with significant expression differences compared to the mean expression for that gene (FDR of <0.01). We then averaged the replicate RPKM expression values for each strain and used Python statistical functions ( to calculate the Pearson correlation between each gene's expression pattern and the HT resistance scores across strains. Genes whose expression correlated with resistance were chosen based on a P value of <0.05.

High-throughput gene overexpression fitness effects.

Competition experiments were performed similar to that previously described (52, 53). Briefly, a molecular barcoded yeast ORF library (MoBY-ORF 2.0) (37, 54) was introduced into three different strains, by transforming cells with a pool library of the MoBY 2.0 collection containing 4,282 barcoded high-copy-number plasmids, each expressing a different yeast gene. Transformation efficiency was determined by plating serial dilutions onto YPD agar plus G418-containing plates. Transformations with more than 30,000 colonies were pooled to generate glycerol stocks used for further experiments. For competition experiments, cells were grown in SC medium containing monosodium glutamate as a nitrogen source and high sugar, mimicking an SynH (9% glucose, 4.5% xylose) plus HT cocktail and 200 mg/liter of G418 (see Table S4 in the supplemental material) for 5, 10, and 15 generations, while maintaining cells in log phase. This medium was used instead of SynH since G418 selection required for plasmid maintenance does not function in the presence of ammonium. DNA was extracted using a QIAprep spin miniprep kit (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany) after cell pellet pretreatment with 1 μl of R-Zymolyase (Zymo Research, Irvine, CA) and 100 μl of glass beads, with vortexing for 5 min. Plasmid barcodes were amplified with multiplex primers containing Illumina adapters. Barcodes of two replicates were sequenced using an Illumina HiSeq 2500 rapid run platform. Differential abundance and significance of plasmids were determined with edgeR (45), using a linear model for each strain to identify genes that provided a significant different fitness contribution to the medium plus HTs compared to the starting pool before selection over time (5, 10, and 15 doublings).

Accession number(s).

Raw data were deposited in the NIH Sequence Read Archive (SRA) database under project number SRP069207.


Wide range of hydrolysate toxin (HT) tolerances across Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains.

We began with an investigation of the responses of diverse S. cerevisiae strains to lignocellulosic hydrolysate by phenotyping the growth rates of 79 strains grown in base medium with and without toxins. The strain collection included industrial strains as well as natural isolates from a variety of niches and geographical locations, together representing five of the defined genetic lineages in S. cerevisiae (i.e., Malaysian, West African, North America, vineyard/European, and sake/Asian strains) (33). The group included strains domesticated to ferment wine, beer, and sake; strains used to produce biofuel; and wild strains isolated from trees and spoiled fruits (see Table S1 in the supplemental material). Strains were grown in a synthetic hydrolysate mimic of ACSH called SynH (see Materials and Methods). A phenotypic score representing resistance to HTs was calculated for each strain as the relative growth rate in complete SynH, which contains the full cocktail of HTs, versus that in the hydrolysate mimic without the toxin cocktail (SynH-HTs), under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions. Resistance to HTs was highly correlated regardless of oxygen availability (R2 = 0.9) (Fig. 1A); thus, we focused on aerobic conditions for simplicity.

FIG 1.


Strain-specific differences in hydrolysate toxin (HT) tolerance. HT resistance scores were calculated as outlined in Materials and Methods for 79 strains. (A) HT scores measured in aerobic and anaerobic conditions are highly correlated. (B) Distribution of aerobic HT scores across all strains, where each score represents the average of two biological duplicates for each strain. (C) Distribution of HT scores for each of six lineages: sake (n = 5), West African (WA) (n = 3), North American (NA) (n = 5), Malaysian (MA) (n = 3), vineyard/European (V/E) (n = 18), and mosaic (MOS) (n = 45). (D) Average and standard deviation of HT resistance scores for each of the six strains chosen for further analysis (n = 3).

We found a wide distribution of toxin resistance phenotypes, revealing that HT tolerance is a complex trait in yeast (Fig. 1B; see also Table S1 in the supplemental material). Interestingly, the differences in phenotype were partly explained by lineage-specific differences. We grouped strains based on previously defined genetic lineages (33, 5557). Strains of the sake/Asian lineage are the most sensitive to HTs, while Malaysian strains display the highest resistance (Fig. 1C). Strains of the vineyard/European lineage, along with mosaic strains that show admixture from different lineages, showed the widest phenotypic distribution. The lineage-specific effects are consistent with those in several other studies that showed lineage-associated traits across strains (3133, 57, 58). To quantify the impact of genetic background effects in S. cerevisiae, we chose six strains that would maximize the phenotypic and genetic diversity for further analysis. Five of the strains came from clean lineages: fermentation strain NCYC361 of the vineyard/European lineage, sake-producing strain K11, West African strain NCYC3290 isolated from bili wine, North American oak tree isolate YPS128, and Malaysian strain UWO.SO5.22-7. We gave preference to homozygous strains and strains that were amenable to genetic transformation when choosing particular strains. We also included one mosaic strain, Y7568, isolated from a rotten papaya, which had particularly high HT tolerance (Fig. 1D). Both the vineyard/European and sake strains grow slower in rich lab medium than the rest of the strains (doubling time, ∼90 min versus ∼70 min); however, their growth is comparable to that of well-studied lab strains (59; data not shown). The phenotypes of these six strains represented the distribution seen for all strains in the collection (Fig. 1B and D).

Variation in the transcriptome response to lab medium implicates strain-specific states.

To explore basal transcriptome differences, we started by profiling transcriptome variation across the six strains growing in rich, nonstress laboratory medium (YPD), through RNA-sequencing in biological duplicates (see Materials and Methods). We found 4,523 genes whose expression was significantly different (false discovery rate [FDR] of <1%) (see Data Set S1 in the supplemental material) in one or more strains compared to the mean of all strains, representing a remarkable 72% of all genes. Of these genes, 2,214 had at least a 2-fold expression difference in one or more strains compared to the mean expression level for that gene across all six strains (see Data Set S1).

Hierarchical clustering of mean-centered transcript levels (see Materials and Methods) revealed that many of the differentially expressed genes were specific to the HT-sensitive strain NCYC361, in which 1,200 genes were differentially expressed compared to the mean of all strains (see Fig. S1 and Data Set S1 in the supplemental material). Expression at 858 of these genes was similarly skewed in the HT-sensitive sake strain K11. These genes primarily displayed higher expression in these strains and were enriched for genes involved in detoxification (Bonferroni-corrected P = 3.2e−8, hypergeometric test), for targets of the transcription factor Gln3 that responds to nitrogen limitation (P = 0.001) and for thiamine genes (P = 0.0004). However, unlike any other isolate, NCYC361 showed induction of the environmental stress response (ESR) (60), even in the absence of added stress (P < 9.83e−121). We noticed that this strain has higher expression of genes involved in iron homeostasis (P = 1.2e−11) but lower expression of genes involved in the electron transport chain, amino acid biosynthesis, and lipid biosynthesis, compared to the mean of all strains (P = 4.71e−13, P = 2.386e−10, and P = 8.963e−10, respectively) (see Data Set S1). This transcriptional response can be a signature of iron starvation (61), suggesting that NCYC361 may have a defect in iron uptake/metabolism in YPD. Indeed, we found that iron supplementation to YPD partially alleviated the slow growth of this strain specifically (see Fig. S2 in the supplemental material). This result showcases our power to implicate physiological responses (and strategies to augment them), based solely on gene expression differences (see Discussion).

Because the unusual response of NCYC361 may provide a biased view of the breadth of background effects, we removed this strain from the analysis and identified genes that were differentially expressed in each of the remaining strains compared to the mean expression across strains. We found 3,323 genes with significant expression differences in one or more strains compared to the mean (see Data Set S1); 1,036 of these displayed at least 2-fold differences from the mean. Genes differentially expressed across strains were enriched for genes linked to thiamine, sterol, and amino acid biosynthesis, among other functional responses (see Data Set S1).

Transcriptome responses to SynH with and without HTs implicate common and strain-specific toxin responses.

To investigate how genetically distinct isolates experience the stress found in lignocellulosic hydrolysate, we investigated the transcriptome changes of strains while growing in SynH compared to YPD lab medium. NCYC361 was removed from the analysis due to its aberrant response even in lab medium. A linear model was used to identify genes differentially expressed in each strain, in each media condition, and in a manner affected by a strain by media (gene by environment) interaction (see Materials and Methods). We identified 2,073 genes that were differentially expressed in response to SynH compared to YPD (FDR of <0.01): 1,884 genes were differentially expressed regardless of the strain, while 740 genes showed a strain × media interaction (Fig. 2; see also Data Set S2 in the supplemental material).

FIG 2.


Expression responses to SynH versus rich lab medium. Shown are 2,073 differentially expressed genes identified by the linear model, as expressed in strain K11 (sake), NCYC3290 (WA), Y7568 (MOS), YPS128 (NA), and UWO.SO5.22-7 (MA). Each row represents expression of a given gene, and each column represents each of two biological replicates for each strain. Yellow indicates higher expression in the denoted strain growing in SynH versus YPD and blue represents lower expression in SynH versus YPD, with fold change according to the key. The data were organized by hierarchical clustering. Functional enrichments were assessed for each cluster, and those that passed a Bonferroni-corrected P value of <0.01 included ergosterol biosynthesis (A), protein synthesis genes normally repressed in the ESR (B), aerobic respiration (C), Gcn4 gene targets (D), sulfate assimilation (E), genes normally induced in the ESR along with Sko1 targets (F), and ribosome biogenesis genes normally repressed in the ESR (G).

Among the common responses to SynH were activation of the ESR (as defined by Gasch et al. [60]), repression of ergosterol biosynthetic genes (P = 0.023), and induction of targets of transcription factor Sko1 that responds to osmotic stress (as defined in Chasman et al. [51rsqb]) (P = 0.01). Expression levels of genes involved in aerobic respiration (P = 7.41e−10) were increased in most strains, most highly in the HT-sensitive strain K11 and least strongly in the most resistant Malaysian strain. We also observed strong induction of genes involved in sulfate assimilation (P = 2.46e−7) as well as a broader set of genes regulated by the transcription factor Gcn4, which is activated by amino acid starvation (P = 1.18e−6). Higher expression of Gcn4 targets raised the possibility that strains experienced amino acid starvation in SynH compared to rich YPD medium, especially given the stark differences in media composition (see Data Set S2 in the supplemental material).

One key advantage of synthetic hydrolysate is that the effects of nutrient availability and HTs can be dissected by omitting toxins from the recipe. We therefore profiled transcriptional changes provoked by SynH without toxins (SynH-HTs) to distinguish the stress responses specific to the base SynH-HT medium and responses unique to the toxin cocktail. We analyzed the response to SynH-HTs compared to that to YPD in the five strains and found 970 genes differentially expressed regardless of the strain and 394 genes with strain by media interactions (FDR of < 0.01) (see Data Set S3 in the supplemental material).

This analysis distinguished several responses to SynH that are primarily due to the base medium composition separate from the toxins and responses common to most or all strains. We identified clusters of genes enriched for specific functional categories. Coregulated genes enriched for Sko1 targets were induced by SynH-HTs, consistent with the high osmolarity of the base medium (Fig. 3A), while genes involved in ergosterol biosynthesis were repressed in response to SynH-HT medium (Fig. 3B). However, both of these responses were exacerbated in a statistically significant manner in the presence of HTs and in several strains. This pattern was also true for genes linked to sulfate metabolism (Fig. 3C), which were induced by SynH-HTs but with even higher expression levels in SynH with HTs (see Data Set S4 in the supplemental material). Thus, several responses to the base medium were amplified by the presence of toxins, suggesting complex interactions (see Discussion).

FIG 3.


Expression differences for key groups of genes. Transcriptome differences across strains and medium for specific gene clusters. Each histogram represents the average expression level (log2 RPKM values; see Materials and Methods) of specified genes as measured in two biological replicates for strain K11 (sake), NCYC3290 (WA), Y7568 (MOS), YPS128 (NA), and UWO.SO5.22-7 (MA). Gene clusters were selected based on hierarchical clustering of the various data sets. (A) Twenty-seven genes enriched for Sko1 targets; (B) 317 genes enriched for ergosterol biosynthesis genes; (C) 27 genes enriched for sulfate assimilation genes; (D) 236 genes involved in aerobic respiration; (E) 50 genes enriched for targets of Gcn4. An asterisk indicates a significant difference in expression for that gene group in SynH-HTs versus YPD, and a circle indicates significant differences in expression in SynH versus SynH-HTs (P < 0.05, t test across all genes in each group).

Other responses were specific to the presence of the toxins. For example, genes involved in aerobic respiration were generally expressed more specifically in response to toxins (Fig. 3D). Surprisingly, amino acid biosynthetic genes regulated by the Gcn4 transcription factor were induced specifically in response to toxins and not in response to the base SynH-HT medium in most strains (Fig. 3E; see also Data Set S4 in the supplemental material). Thus, induction of amino acid biosynthetic genes is not due to lower amino acid concentrations in SynH but is a direct response to the toxins. Addition of amino acids, either as pools or individually, to the SynH medium did not alleviate growth inhibition (data not shown). Deleting GCN4 in the HT-resistant strain YPS128 significantly reduced the growth of that strain independent of HTs (see Fig. S3 in the supplemental material). Thus, the HT-dependent induction of Gcn4 targets may reflect an indirect response to toxins, perhaps the accumulation of uncharged tRNAs (62).

In the course of testing the effect of amino acids, we found that strains were more sensitive to HTs at lower pH. This synergistic response is known for weak acids, which are significantly more toxic at low pH because protonated acids diffuse readily into the cell (7). To test the pH effects on other compounds, we divided the HT cocktail into three groups consisting of the amides, weak acids, or aldehydes (see Table S2 in the supplemental material) and tested their inhibitory effect at pH 4.5, 5.0, or 5.5 in HT-sensitive K11 and HT-resistant YPS128. We found that low pH exacerbated the effects of all three HT classes (Fig. 4), particularly for the HT-sensitive K11 strain (Fig. 4A). In contrast, increasing pH above the normal pH of SynH improved tolerance to weak acids and to aldehydes, but not to amides. The pH effect was strongest when cells were exposed to the complete HT cocktail, which showed the greatest synergistic interaction with low pH, especially in the HT-tolerant strain YPS128 (Fig. 4B). Thus, pH has a potent synergistic interaction with all three classes of HTs.

FIG 4.


Low pH exacerbates the effects of all HT classes. Growth rates were calculated for cells growing in SynH and SynH-HTs at pH 4.5, 5.0, and 5.5 in HT-sensitive strain K11 (sake) (A) and HT-resistant strain YPS128 (NA) (B). The averages and standard deviations of growth rates measured in four biological replicates are shown. Statistically significant differences for each HT group at pH 4.5 versus 5.0 are shown with an asterisk, and differences between pH 5.0 versus 5.5 are indicated with a diamond (P < 0.01, t test).

Genes responding specifically to HTs implicate diverse defense strategies.

To explicitly identify gene expression changes to HTs, we compared the transcriptome response to SynH directly to the response to SynH-HTs across the six strains. This identified 226 genes that were differentially expressed in one or more strains, specifically in response to the toxin cocktail. From those genes, 149 were differentially expressed independent of the strain, while 119 genes were influenced by strain by media interaction (FDR of <0.01) (see Data Set S5 in the supplemental material).

Among the induced genes were targets of the oxidant-induced transcription factors Yap1 (P = 1.5e−14) and Skn7 (P = 7.4e−5) (see Data Set S5 in the supplemental material), consistent with HT-induced redox stress. Many of the other induced genes include those that are induced in response to a broad array of stresses (60). These included genes encoding heat shock proteins and genes responding to high osmolarity, cell wall integrity, DNA damage response, organic solvent stress, and Msn2 regulation (see Data Set S5). The induced gene set also included several genes implicated in the reduction of HTs into less toxic compounds, such as aldehyde reductases and dehydrogenases, aryl alcohol dehydrogenases known to be involved in oxidative stress response (63), an alpha-keto amide reductase most likely responding to the toxic amides in the HTs cocktail, and plasma membrane transporters involved in toxin transport among others (see Table S3 in the supplemental material).

Interestingly, genes related to thiamine metabolism were enriched (P = 0.000123) in the set of HT-responsive genes with lower expression in several strains, including those involved in biosynthesis (THI2, THI6, THI20, THI21) and uptake (THI7, THI73) (see Data Set S5 in the supplemental material). Thiamine is important for sugar fermentation (64) and defense against oxidative and osmotic stress in S. cerevisiae (65); thus, reduced expression was unexpected. Expression of thiamine genes can respond to NAD+ levels (66), since NAD+ is a precursor for de novo thiamine production (67), and thus we suspected fluctuations in NAD+/NADH levels during HT detoxification. We quantified NAD+/NADH in the absence and presence of HTs. Strikingly, we found that total NAD+ plus NADH (NAD+/H) levels (Fig. 5A) and the NAD+/NADH ratio (Fig. 5B) increased in the presence of HTs. This was true for both the resistant strain YPS128 and the sensitive K11 strain, although the effect was greater in K11. Interestingly, genes involved in de novo biosynthesis of NAD+ were also induced by the presence of HTs (see Data Set S5). Together, these results suggest that cells increase levels of NAD+/H in the presence of toxins, perhaps reflecting a defect in NADH regeneration during the course of detoxification (see Discussion).

FIG 5.


NAD levels change in response to HT exposure. (A) Averages and standard deviations of total NAD+/H. (B) Ratio of NAD+ to NADH are shown for HT-sensitive K11 (sake) and HT-resistant YPS128 (NA). Data represent the averages of biological triplicates, and asterisks indicate statistical differences between SynH and SynH-HTs (*, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01; t test).

Identifying genes whose expression correlates with HT resistance across strains.

We were especially interested in exploiting the physiological differences between resistant and sensitive strains to find novel genes and mechanisms that increase SynH tolerance. We therefore identified genes whose expression level was correlated with toxin tolerance (see Materials and Methods). These included 253 genes whose expression levels were negatively correlated with HT resistance (Fig. 6A) and 32 genes whose transcript abundances were positively correlated with HT resistance (Fig. 6B; see also Data Set S6 in the supplemental material). The genes whose transcript abundance was negatively correlated with HT resistance, meaning that they were expressed proportionately higher as HT tolerance decreased, suggested cellular targets of the toxins. Although enrichment did not pass stringent Bonferroni correction, 21% of these genes encode proteins localized in the mitochondria (uncorrected P = 0.0006). This group included other genes involved in cell wall organization, fatty acid metabolic process, DNA repair, protein folding, and genes involved in NAD biosynthesis (see Data Set S6). The stronger expression response in HT-sensitive strains suggests that cells experiencing stronger HT stress may struggle more to maintain critical processes. Consistent with this notion, sensitive cells generally showed higher expression of genes induced in the environmental stress response than tolerant cells (see Fig. S4 in the supplemental material). In contrast, genes whose expression was positively correlated with HT resistance were enriched for translation (uncorrected P = 1.4e−7), suggesting that resistant cells may be growing better under these conditions. Other genes whose expression was positively correlated with HT resistance were involved in fatty acid elongation (uncorrected P = 6.8e−5), amino acid transmembrane transport (uncorrected P = 0.005), and degradation of arginine (uncorrected P = 2.2e−5) (see Data Set S6).

FIG 6.


Identifying expression differences that correlate with HT resistance. Box plots showing the distribution of relative transcript abundances (measured in each strain and compared to the mean expression of that gene across all strains). (A) Two hundred fifty-three genes whose transcript abundances are negatively correlated. (B) Thirty-two genes whose abundances are positively correlated with strain-resistant scores. Strains are organized according to least (left) to highest (right) resistance.

Fitness effects of gene overexpression are influenced by genetic background.

We were particularly interested in identifying and testing genes whose overexpression improved HT tolerance. To do this, we measured changes to cellular fitness due to high-copy expression of each of 4,282 genes, using “bar-seq” analysis of a high-copy gene library expressed in three different strains (YPS128, NCYC3290, and K11) growing in media with HTs (see Materials and Methods).

The effects of gene overexpression were significantly influenced by genetic background (see Fig. S5 and Data Set S7 in the supplemental material). Of all the genes that increased fitness in SynH in any strain, only 32% (28 genes) were common in all three strains. These were weakly enriched for genes annotated in mRNA localization (uncorrected P = 0.001) and cellular carbohydrate metabolic process (uncorrected P = 0.002) (Fig. 7A). Somewhat surprisingly, the tolerant strain YPS128 showed fitness increases in response to the greatest number of overexpressed genes (which together had weak enrichment for genes encoding membrane proteins, uncorrected P = 0.006), while the sensitive sake strain was influenced by only a single strain-specific gene (DBP2, whose functions involved mRNA decay and rRNA processing (68, 69), although we cannot exclude the fact that these trends are not influenced by differences in statistical power (see Materials and Methods). The West African strain uniquely benefited from overexpression of genes linked to DNA replication and chromatin modulation (see Fig. S5 and Data Set S7). Interestingly, the sensitive sake strain showed a fitness defect in response to overexpression of a large number of genes (Fig. 7B), with weak enrichment for GTPase activator activity (uncorrected P = 0.0003), SNARE binding (uncorrected P = 0.0005), and ubiquitin-protein ligase activity (uncorrected P = 0.0005). The extensive differences in fitness contributions depending on strain background highlights the fact that strategies for engineering tolerance to a complex stress such as the ones found in SynH may require strain-specific strategies. Interestingly, there was no statistically significant overlap in the high-copy genes that contributed fitness benefits to one or more strains and genes that showed significant expression differences across strains, since only 2 out of 28 commonly beneficial genes displayed a significant expression change specifically in response to HTs.

FIG 7.


Gene overexpression affects HT tolerance. (A, B) Number of genes whose overexpression affected strain fitness (FDR of <0.01; see Materials and Methods) is shown. Genes that increased (A) and decreased (B) fitness in YPS128 (NA), NCYC3290 (WA), or K11 are represented in the Venn diagram. (C) Final cell density after 24 h of growth of denoted strains and overexpression constructs for cells growing in synthetic complete medium with high sugar content and HTs. Measurements represent the averages and standard deviations of biological triplicates. Asterisks indicate statistical differences between empty vector and gene overexpression (*, P < 0.01; t test).

We confirmed the library results by measuring fitness of cells expressing individual plasmids, compared to the empty-vector control (Fig. 7B). (We note that this assay is different from the competitive library experiment, in which each gene's fitness contribution is effectively normalized to the average of all plasmids [see Materials and Methods]). We chose three genes identified in all strains (MET14, THI20, ERG26), two genes identified in two of the strains (MDJ1, identified in YPS128 and NCYC3290, and TPK2, identified in YPS128 and K11), one gene (NUP53) specific to the tolerant strain YPS128, and a control gene (PBI1) whose expression was not predicted to change fitness. Among the six genes tested, three (MET14, ERG26, and MDJ1) significantly improved growth in at least two strains. The most striking was MDJ1, involved in protein folding/refolding in the mitochondrial matrix (70), which improved growth 118% in NCYC3290 and 28% in the already-tolerant YPS128. Most of the genes did not provide a strong benefit over the empty vector in K11; however, the strong negative impact of thousands of genes in the library suggests that this strain has a competing fitness deficit due to protein overexpression.


In real industrial fermentations, multiple distinct stresses can have compounded effects that produce unique challenges for cells. How these different stressors interact with one another can be difficult to discern, especially in real hydrolysates that can vary extensively from batch to batch and according to the biomass type and source (71, 72). Furthermore, the response can be quite different, depending on the genetic background of the strain. These distinctions present challenges from an industrial standpoint, especially in terms of identifying general mechanisms to improve tolerance to industrial stresses.

Our strategy to leverage genetic variation, both to understand stressors in lignocellulosic hydrolysate and to identify high-impact genes for directed engineering, presents a useful strategy to tackle these hurdles. Responses common to all strains implicated the imposing stresses in SynH, including osmotic stress from the high sugar concentrations, oxidative stress produced by several HTs (73, 74), and redox imbalance, perhaps due to HT detoxification (75, 76). In contrast, responses that were graded with HT sensitivity implicate downstream cellular targets at greatest risk. For example, sensitive strains displayed stronger expression changes at genes involved in cell wall organization, fatty acid metabolism, DNA repair, and protein folding, suggesting that the cell wall, the membranes, the genome, and the proteome are primary targets of the reactants in the HT cocktail (12, 17, 76, 77). The more sensitive strains also had stronger induction of genes involved in energy generation, suggesting a tax on the energy balance (23, 75, 78). Our results also identify a variety of defense strategies, including toxin reduction, redox defense, and drug efflux and detoxification. Several of these strategies require NADH (7984), which likely contributes to the observed increase in NAD+/H and the NAD+/NADH ratio across strains (a response also seen in Escherichia coli growing in SynH [23]).

Comparing strain responses under different situations also revealed new insights into synergistic stress interactions. HT sensitivity was exacerbated at low pH, expanding the know synergy between pH and weak acids (7) to interactions with other HTs and in particular the full HT cocktail. Several expression responses to SynH-HT were exacerbated by the addition of HTs. In some cases, dual stressors may exacerbate a single cellular challenge. For example, the amplified induction of sulfur biosynthesis genes when HTs are added to the base medium may be a response to NADPH depletion, since both HT detoxification and sulfur assimilation consume NADPH (13, 14, 85). Notably, sulfate genes are also induced in bacteria growing in the presence of furfural (85) and in SynH (23). In other cases, the synergy may emerge because the defense strategy against one stress renders cells more sensitive to a second stressor. For example, cells growing in high-osmolarity SynH-HTs induced expression of osmo-induced Sko1 targets (86) and decreased expression of ergosterol biosynthesis genes. Decreased ergosterol is a physiological adaptation to osmotic stress that may help to decrease membrane fluidity (8789). However, reduced ergosterol is associated with lower resistance to vanillin (90); thus, altered ergosterol content produced antagonistic effects on tolerance to osmolarity versus HTs. It is particularly interesting that genes related to two of these interactions, adenylylsulfate kinase MET14 required for sulfur assimilation and ERG26 involved in ergosterol synthesis, improve HT tolerance in the context of high sugar concentrations in all three strains tested.

It is well known in industry that engineering strategies are strain specific (34, 91); yet most investigations fail to consider this when identifying new engineering targets and instead focus on a single, often laboratory, strain. Our approach for examining multiple strains that together maximize genetic and phenotypic diversity not only identified genes with background-independent benefits but also uncovered the breadth of responses in the species. Over half of the mRNAs in the transcriptome varied in abundance across strains, under one or more conditions. In several cases, we were able to predict and validate cellular phenotypes based on transcriptomic differences (see Fig. S1 and S5 in the supplemental material), demonstrating how far knowledge of yeast gene functions has progressed in terms of predictive power. But in other ways, our results highlight the limitations in understanding of the interaction between genotype and phenotype. This is particularly true in the case of high-copy gene expression, whose differential effects suggest that background effects will be the norm rather than the exception. Our work sets the stage for more detailed mapping of phenotypic variation across strain backgrounds.

Supplementary Material

Supplemental material


This work was supported by the DOE Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center (DOE Office of Science BER DE-FC02-07ER64494). M.S. is supported by the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program under grant DGE-1256259.


Supplemental material for this article may be found at


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