Fig. 6.
Comparison of the 3D structures of rice LTP2 (OsLTP2.3) and LTP1 (OsLTP1.18). a The NMR structure of rice OsLTP2.3. The first and fourth disulfide bridges differ from LTP1 and are formed between C1–C5 and C6–C8. Due to this difference, Phe36 (white sticks) in the C5XC6 motif points to the ligand binding cavity. b The NMR structure of rice OsLTP1.18. The four disulfide bridges formed by C1–C6, C2–C3, C4–C7, and C5–C8 are labeled. Asn49 (white sticks) in the C5XC6 motif is located on the surface