Table 4.
Postoperative Spectral-Domain OCT Findings at Last Follow-up
Variable | Single Peel (%); n = 43 | Double Peel (%), n = 42 | p-value |
Parafoveal ERM | 9/43 (21%) | 0/42 (0%) | 0.0020* |
ERM (at POM3) | 0/39 (0%) | 0/42 (0%) | ---- |
ERM (at POM6) | 3/39 (8%) | 0/42 (0%) | 0.107 |
ERM (at POM12) | 5/39 (13%) | 0/42 (0%) | 0.022* |
ERM (at POM24) | 5/39 (13%) | 0/42 (0%) | 0.022* |
ERM (at POM36) | 5/39 (13%) | 0/42 (0%) | 0.022* |
Inner Retinal Dimpling | 22/43 (51%) | 37/42 (88%) | 0.000* |
IRD (at POM3) | 4/43 (9%) | 13/42 (31%) | 0.015* |
IRD (at POM6) | 9/43 (21%) | 23/42 (55%) | 0.002* |
IRD (at POM12) | 16/43 (37%) | 31/42 (74%) | 0.001* |
IRD (at POM24) | 18/43 (42%) | 37/42 (88%) | 0.000* |
IRD (at POM36) | 22/43 (51%) | 37/42 (88%) | 0.000* |
Retinal Thinning | 9/43 (21%) | 8/42 (19%) | 1.00 |
CME/IRC | 17/43 (40%) | 15/42 (36%) | 0.82 |
Umbo Restoration | 17/43 (40%) | 13/42 (31%) | 0.50 |
Lamellar/pseudohole at last follow-up | 3/43 (7%) | 1/42 (2%) | 0.62 |
Outer Segment Preservation | 35/43 (81%) | 37/42 (88%) | 0.55 |
CME = cystoid macular edema; ERM = persistent/recurrent epiretinal membrane; IRC = inner retinal cysts; IRD = inner retinal dimpling; n = number; OCT = optical coherence tomography; POM = postoperative month. The last column reports the p-value of the Fisher exact test of the difference between Single Peel and Double Peel;
denotes significance at the 0.05 level.