Together with recently advanced MRI technological capability, new needs and updated questions are emerging in imaging research in multiple sclerosis (MS), especially with respect to the identification of novel in vivo biomarkers of MS-relevant pathological processes. Expected benefits will involve approaches to diagnosis and clinical classification. In detail, three main points of discussion are addressed in this review: (1) new visible imaging biomarkers (centrifugal/centripetal lesion enhancement, central vein, paramagnetic rims at the lesion edge, subpial cortical demyelination); (2) thinking about high-resolution MR from a pathological perspective (from postmortem to in vivo staging); and (3) the clinical utility of quantitative MRI. In this context, research efforts should increasingly be focused on the direct in vivo visualization of “hidden” inflammation, beyond what can be discerned with conventional gadolinium-based methods, as well as remyelination and repair, since these are likely to represent critical pathological processes and potential therapeutic targets. Concluding remarks concern the limitations, challenges, and ultimately clinical role of non-conventional MRI techniques.
Keywords: multiple sclerosis, neuroimaging, biomarkers
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic inflammatory demyelinating disorder that extensively affects the central nervous system (CNS) of young people. Foci of perivenular demyelination with relative axonal preservation, and subtle pathological changes in the remaining white and gray matter characterized by a variable degree of tissue loss, are the historical pathological hallmarks of the disease. Inflammatory and overlapping neurodegenerative processes are thought to be responsible for overall tissue damage and disability accrual, however their interaction still needs to be fully unraveled [1].
The diagnostic approach and clinical management of this condition have been revolutionized in the last 30 years by the introduction of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which allows the in vivo detection of demyelinated white matter lesions on T2-weighted sequences. Lesions' spatial location (periventricular, juxtacortical, infratentorial, spinal cord) and temporal assessment (development of new lesions) dominate the current diagnostic criteria [2], form the basis for clinical management, and serve as endpoints for clinical trials (mostly of anti-inflammatory treatments). However, the correlation with disability and variable clinical evolution of MS patients (the so-called “clinical-radiological paradox”) remains disappointing.
Identification of the clinical-radiological paradox led to several imaging research lines that mainly focused on the in vivo demonstration of subtle pathological changes outside visible T2-lesions, as these were thought to better correlate with prognosis and treatment effectiveness. For example, a multitude of MRI strategies (magnetization transfer, diffusion, spectroscopy, volumetric assessment) were quite successful in quantifying abnormalities outside visible T2-lesions, including those in eloquent pathways, as well as irreversible tissue loss (atrophy) [3]. To date, however, technical issues and, perhaps, physiological variability, have led to poor reproducibility of these biomarkers over time and prevented their clinical application to individual cases. Thus, all the outstanding qualities of MRI in lesion detection (applicability to individual cases, high sensitivity and reproducibility, ease of use) simply do not apply directly to quantitative imaging biomarkers. Additionally, the pathological origin and specificity of the MRI signal within and outside discrete lesions are still debated [4].
As MRI is an effective tool for the investigation of MS pathobiology in vivo, this might be the right time to rethink imaging research lines in MS and to update our research questions. Here, we discuss three main points:
New visible imaging biomarkers: should we revert to a semi-qualitative approach and look for directly visible radiological biomarkers that take advantage of the introduction of ultra-high-field (7T) MRI and pulse sequence optimization?
Thinking about high-resolution MR from a pathological perspective: is this our chance to image specific and relevant pathological processes with the ultimate aim to treat them in the near future?
The space for quantitative MRI: among existing quantitative MRI techniques, which should be kept and finally moved to clinical practice?
A syndrome called MS: time for new subgroup classification?
MS is a heterogeneous disease in terms of clinical and radiological manifestations as well as immunological background. Two major phenotypes describe the clinical course of MS: a relapsing-remitting disease (exacerbations and remissions of neurologic deficits) and a progressive disease (unceasing accumulation of disability without discrete clinical events) [5]. The progressive disease may manifest after a relapsing-remitting course (secondary progressive MS) or at onset (primary progressive MS). The latter course is commonly considered a neurodegenerative disease [6], though there is incontrovertible evidence for inflammatory activity that is now recognized in the new clinical classification [5]. Even if MRI is highly sensitive in detecting demyelinated lesions within the white matter (WM), no specific MRI patterns correlate with clinical phenotypes and reliably predict the disease course. In addition, the fact that the clinical perception of disease activity, by both patients and neurologists, generally underestimates the actual amount of inflammation in the brain and spinal cord [7] necessarily causes discrepancies between MRI features and clinical classification, not to mention a great deal of uncertainty about the time of biological onset of both the inflammatory and neurodegenerative components of the disease [8]. Paradigmatic is the case of primary progressive MS, in which MRI commonly suggests extensive silent inflammatory disease activity (sometimes with a high brain lesion load), often indistinguishable from secondary progressive MS.
To complicate this picture, in clinically identical MS patients, four different immunopathological mechanisms can lead to myelin injury and lesion formation [9, 10]. Even if remains a matter of debate, the immunological heterogeneity among patients supports the notion that MS is a syndrome more than a unique pathological entity. Typically, an MS lesion arises around a small parenchymal vein, where myelin-reactive T-lymphocytes induce a macrophage/microglial myelin-phagocytic response (immunopatterns I and II, ~75% of MS patients). A prominent B-lymphocyte response and complement deposition distinguish immunopattern II from I. On the other hand, primary or secondary (toxic, metabolic, hypoxic) oligodendrocyte dysfunction and death characterize immunopatterns III and IV. Of note, in a given case, the immunopattern has the propensity to remain constant over time, suggesting an intra-individual specificity of the events leading to the demyelinating process [11, 12]. To date, immunopathological phenotypes can only reliably be defined histologically (from biopsy and autopsy), preventing their use for classification purpose in clinical practice.
Take-home message: Our clinical classification approach may benefit from the definition of MS imaging phenotypes.
Back to lesions in the diagnostic workup: from count to qualitative aspects
Beyond mere detection by MRI, CNS localization, and counts of demyelinated lesions, new morphological features might support the diagnostic workup in MS: (1) the presence of a prominent central vein within the majority of MS lesions; (2) the detection of a paramagnetic rim at the edge of a relatively small proportion of lesions; and (3) subpial demyelination. All these radiological findings are strictly related to specific MS-pathological processes and are not visible on clinical conventional MRI (T2 and T1-weighted MRI contrasts).
Demyelinated MS lesions are centered on small parenchymal veins, a fact clearly described in the earliest pathology studies [13] and recently confirmed in vivo using high-resolution T2*-weighted MRI at 7T and 3T [14–23]. The perivenular nature of MS lesion development directly influences their morphology and brain topography, so that MS lesions are generally ellipsoidal, with a characteristic pattern of distribution that follows the venous vasculature and preferentially involves certain areas of the WM (periventricular and juxtacortical) as well as the edges of the optic nerve, brainstem, and spinal cord (Figure 1). Potentially relevant for the diagnostic workup is that the “central vein sign” has been consistently described as “atypical” in small vessel disease [18, 20, 24–26] and migraine [27], and it may be a useful adjunct to traditional criteria for diagnosing MS in difficult cases [28]. Whether the proportion of perivenular lesions can be used to discriminate demyelinated MS lesions from mimicking lesions in other immunological conditions (e.g. vasculitis and neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder) should be the matter of further investigation (Figure 1). Using the same imaging approach (high-resolution T2*-weighted sequence), additional information regarding lesion morphology can be obtained. For example, in a proportion of demyelinated MS lesions (~10% of all lesions), a peripheral paramagnetic rim has been initially detected at 7T and, more recently, also at 3T MRI [15, 21, 29–35] [Figure 2A]. Regarding MS-specificity, paramagnetic rims have not been found in vascular lesions [26] and are rare in Susac syndrome [25], though they can be a feature of infectious and neoplastic disorders.
Independently of focal and diffuse WM injury, cortical pathology has been recognized to play a relevant role in the relentless disability accumulation and cognitive impairment of these patients [36–45]. In the context of the diagnostic workup, baseline detection of cortical (mostly leukocortical) lesions in clinically isolated syndrome (CIS) improves the accuracy of diagnosis [46]. Despite this, MRI has been only partially successful in detecting cortical demyelination even through the implementation of several MRI approaches, such as double inversion recovery (DIR) [47], phase-sensitive inversion recovery (PSIR) [48], and high-resolution T2*-weighted sequences [49, 50]. Some of the reasons for low cortical lesion contrast are the background higher T2 relaxation times of the cortex relative to white matter (unfortunately highest in the subpial cortical layers) as well as the partial volume effects of the adjacent cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Differently from the previously mentioned perivenular lesions, the most frequent (and most difficult to image) subtype of cortical demyelination extensively involve the subpial layers of the cortex (so called “subpial lesions”) and preferentially the depths of sulci. Noteworthy, plaque-like subpial demyelination is typical of MS and is found rarely, if ever, in other inflammatory and neurodegenerative CNS conditions [51]. Strategies to improve subpial lesion detection might consider MRI signal changes deriving from the disruption of the extremely well organized myelo- and cytoarchitecture of the cortex [52].
Take-home message: Novel morphological features of MS-related focal demyelination (central vein sign, paramagnetic rims, subpial demyelination) might help in the diagnostic workup of patients suspected of having MS.
Pathophysiology: from postmortem to in vivo lesion staging
Mechanisms and stages of lesion development [53, 54] are critical aspects of MS pathophysiology. If fully understood, they may point to potential sources of new therapeutic interventions. The permeability of the BBB to intravenous gadolinium is the basis of current radiological staging (new active vs chronic lesions). Despite some recent safety concerns that are the subject of several ongoing studies, the judicious use of gadolinium – particularly macrocyclic chelates – is still considered essential in probing BBB permeability [55].
On MRI, newly forming active lesions enhance on T1-weighted images after gadolinium injection, and this enhancement typically lasts between 1 and 8 weeks. Recently, in active MS lesions, two sequential spatiotemporal patterns of enhancement have been identified: centrifugal (inside-out) followed by a centripetal (outside-in) enhancement [56]. Centrifugal enhancement appears to reflect the central vein's BBB opening and the flow of the contrast agent within the parenchyma in which active demyelination is occurring. In a proportion of lesions, after a few days to weeks, the lesion's growth induces diffuse alterations of capillaries' BBB at the lesion edge, which can be recognized on MRI as centripetal enhancement (previously called ring-enhancement) [21, 34, 56]. After enhancement resolves, MS lesions remain visible on T2-weighted scans and are, generally speaking, termed “chronic.” In chronic lesions, permanent axonal loss, resulting from the demyelination process, is commonly represented by different degrees of signal intensity on T1-weighted images [57, 58].
Aside from the status of the BBB (impaired or intact), the presence of ongoing demyelination and the cellular composition of the inflammatory infiltrate are the major discriminants of the pathological lesion staging [53, 54]. Thus, in addition to active (hypercellular/demyelinating) and chronic (hypocellular/demyelinated) lesions, a subset of chronic lesions with a demyelinated/hypocellular core, but a hypercellular edge, has been described in a variable percentage in autopsy cases and thought to contribute to disease progression [53, 54, 59]. These lesions have been called “chronic active” or “slowly expanding,” as macrophages and/or microglia at their margins are found to have engulfed early or late myelin degradation products [53, 54, 59].
Differently from active lesions, in chronic active/slowly expanding lesions, inflammation is not directly associated to frank permeability of the BBB permeability to gadolinium and, as a consequence, this important pathological feature has remained invisible to clinical MRI sequences. It was suggested that lesions with paramagnetic rims, since their first detection at 7T MRI on high-resolution susceptibility imaging [15], might identify in vivo the pathologically described chronic active/slowly expanding lesions. In this context, the paramagnetic source of MRI signal at the lesion edge might be related to the presence of the persistent inflammatory infiltrate (macrophages/microglia) and related paramagnetic species (free radicals and intracellular iron accumulation), but this remains under investigation [15, 21, 29–33, 35] [Figure 2A]. Indeed, the apparent stability of chronic rim lesions over time [31] would seem to indicate that they are not necessarily “slowly expanding.” Back to clinical practice, it might be relevant to know, in each patient, the proportion of lesions with persistent inflammation at the lesion edge, and to monitor the evolution of these lesions, because potentially they might represent a critical therapeutic target.
A parallel but still fundamental chapter in lesion development is repair – more precisely, the resolution of inflammation and simultaneous remyelination of residual naked axons [60, 61]. MS lesions are prone to remyelinate in a variable percentage across subjects, often incompletely [62–69]. Impaired remyelination contributes directly to neurodegeneration, as naked axons are more susceptible to damage and transection within an inflammatory or toxic environment. Factors sustaining impaired remyelination are a matter of extensive investigation [60, 61, 70], as inducing effective and complete lesion remyelination is the main goal of therapeutic interventions now undergoing clinical testing or in development. Nowadays, the lack of reliable and specific in vivo biomarkers of myelin content changes is a major obstacle to in vivo testing of potentially remyelinating drugs. Initial work on MRI pulse sequences able to map selectively myelin water (the fraction of water between myelin layers) remains promising for this purpose [71–73], though problems with signal-to-noise and cross-site reproducibility remain [73, 74]. Even if less specific, longitudinal magnetization transfer ratio (MTR) assessment has been proposed as a method of tracking lesion demyelination/remyelination [74, 75]. Of note, remyelinated areas within chronic lesions have been seen directly on postmortem 9.4 T MRI [76], suggesting the possibility to detect and monitor these lesions also in vivo.
Take-home message: There are advantages in redefining radiological lesion staging in order to promote a closer correspondence to histopathology.
Pathophysiology: beyond BBB breakdown, the “hidden” inflammation
Inflammation is widespread in the CNS of MS patients and manifests in ways far beyond the accrual of new lesions, as monitored by serial MRI scans, and impairment of the BBB, as detected by leakage of gadolinium. These “hidden” components of inflammation need to be visualized in MS, particularly in progressive patients who are not eligible for traditional anti-inflammatory/immunomodulatory drugs. In the previous section, the issue of identification of chronic active/slowly expanding lesions in vivo was introduced. In research settings, new contrast agents such as ultrasmall, superparamagnetic iron oxide particles (USPIO) [77–79], as well as complementary imaging techniques, such as translocator protein (TSPO) radioligands in positron emission tomography (PET) studies [80–86], focus on specific biological targets of microglia/macrophage activation in areas with an apparently normal BBB. However, correlations with clinical measures remain to be determined.
Extremely relevant for MS pathogenesis, but overlooked for a long time, is leptomeningeal inflammation. In MS, meningeal inflammation may persist throughout life and spans all clinical disease phenotypes, as demonstrated by the high prevalence and persistence of CSF-specific oligoclonal bands in MS [87]. In the leptomeninges, scattered lymphocytes produce soluble cytokines and myelin-specific immunoglobulins that can affect directly the cortical surface and propagate inflammation within the parenchyma along perivascular spaces [88]. More recently, aggregates of perivascular meningeal lymphocytes, sometimes organizing into tertiary lymphoid follicles, have been seen prevalently in progressive cases and are thought to be associated with subpial demyelination [88–94]. The radiological correlate of this pathological finding is still elusive; however, foci of perivascular leptomeningeal enhancement have been recently identified on in vivo 3T and 7T postcontrast T2-FLAIR in ~25% of MS patients (~40% of those with primary progressive disease course)[95] [Figure 2B–C]. In two autopsy cases, foci of leptomeningeal enhancement in vivo colocalized with clusters of lymphocytes and macrophages around meningeal vessels and are apposed to subpial cortical demyelination [95] [Figure 2C].
Take-home message: Chronic active/slowly expanding lesions and meningeal inflammation are important aspects of hidden inflammation in MS that need to be visualized in vivo.
Quantitative MRI: what should be moved into clinical practice?
Although non-conventional MRI techniques have contributed to our understanding of the pathophysiology of diffuse tissue injury in MS, their clinical role and pathological substrates have yet to be fully defined. In the meantime, recent trends concentrate attention more on tissue injury/loss in early “sensors” of multifocal brain damage (e.g. thalamus, corpus callosum) and in eloquent brain structures (e.g. pyramidal tracts, visual pathway, hippocampus, spinal cord) as more directly affecting patients' functional outcomes. Highly interconnected to many cortical regions, the thalamus is especially sensitive to overall brain injury, even at earlier stages of the disease and in children with MS, when global tissue loss is not prominent [96–100]. Together with the hippocampus [101–103], thalamic injury seems to highly correlate with cognitive deficits [98, 99]. On the other hand, spinal cord damage parallels accumulation of motor disability [104, 105]. Optimized segmentation techniques have led to more and more reliable volumetric measures of these clinically meaningful structures [106, 107], and introducing them into the clinical practice seems to be the most reasonable approach, so far. Similarly, among the tractography-reconstructed WM fiber bundles [108], efforts should be spent to move into everyday clinical practice the imaging of a few clinically relevant tracts, such as the pyramidal tract and visual pathway – perhaps in conjunction with other imaging modalities such as optical coherence tomography [109–113]. The standardization of non-conventional MRI imaging across centers and over time remains a great challenge, one that is partially being addressed by efforts of international imaging consortia. Of note, clinical trials might be the ideal setting to introduce non-conventional imaging techniques into disease and treatment monitoring as ancillary parts of the study. In this context, longitudinal evaluation of brain and spinal cord volumetric changes, as well as of MTR values within and outside visible lesions, are ongoing in several trials. A separate discussion should be made for the actual and future role of functional MRI (fMRI) in MS [114]. Aside from contributing to our pathophysiological understanding of the reorganization of cortical functional networks following MS-related brain injury, fMRI remains the imaging instrument of choice for testing new potential rehabilitation approaches and eventually symptomatic treatments, for example for fatigue [115] and cognition [116].
Take-home message: Focus more on eloquent brain structures instead of diffuse tissue damage.
In this review article, we aimed to acknowledge and promote recent shifting trends in MS imaging research. Current efforts in ultra-high-field MRI, together with optimization of available and new MRI sequences that can achieve sub-millimeter voxel resolution, are resulting in novel research lines that may better correlate MS-relevant pathological processes to more direct and meaningful imaging findings. A better knowledge of the pathobiology of the disease, together with new instruments to detect and monitor its course, hold promise for a more patient-tailored and effective therapeutic approach.
Special thanks to Prof. Andrea Falini (Head of the Department of Neuroradiology, San Raffaele Hospital), Dr. Vittorio Martinelli (Head of Clinical Trials Unit, Division of Neuroscience, San Raffaele Hospital), and Dr. Pascal Sati and Dr. Govind Nair (staff scientists, NINDS, NIH) for valuable advice, assistance with MRI data acquisition/post-processing, and help in figures' preparation. This work was supported in part by the Intramural Research Program of NINDS, NIH.
Competing interests Martina Absinta reports no actual or potential conflict of interest.
Daniel S. Reich received research support from the Myelin Repair Foundation and Vertex Pharmaceuticals. Massimo Filippi received personal compensation for activities with Merck-Serono, Genmab, Biogen-Dompé, Bayer-Schering, and Teva Neuroscience as a consultant, speaker, and advisory board member. He received also research support from Merck-Serono, Biogen-Dompé, Bayer-Schering, Teva Neuroscience and Fondazione Italiana Sclerosi Multipla (FISM).
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