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Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America logoLink to Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
. 2016 Oct 4;113(42):E6486–E6495. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1612947113

Allelic barley MLA immune receptors recognize sequence-unrelated avirulence effectors of the powdery mildew pathogen

Xunli Lu a,1, Barbara Kracher a,1, Isabel M L Saur a, Saskia Bauer a, Simon R Ellwood b, Roger Wise c,d, Takashi Yaeno e, Takaki Maekawa a,2, Paul Schulze-Lefert a,2
PMCID: PMC5081590  PMID: 27702901


Gene-for-gene immunity is frequently found in interactions between plants and host-adapted pathogens and reflects population-level diversification of immune receptors detecting matching pathogen effectors. We identified effector genes of a pathogenic powdery mildew fungus that are recognized by allelic variants of barley intracellular nucleotide-binding domain and leucine-rich repeat protein-type receptors. These pathogen effectors are phylogenetically unrelated, demonstrating that allelic immune receptors can evolve to recognize sequence-unrelated proteins. Conserved effector recognition in distantly related Arabidopsis indicates that the underlying mechanism is not restricted to monocotyledonous plants. Furthermore, our study reveals that the expression of a fungal avirulence effector alone is necessary and sufficient for allele-specific mildew resistance locus A receptor activation in planta.

Keywords: avirulence effectors, association analysis, R genes, plant-microbe interactions, powdery mildew


Disease-resistance genes encoding intracellular nucleotide-binding domain and leucine-rich repeat proteins (NLRs) are key components of the plant innate immune system and typically detect the presence of isolate-specific avirulence (AVR) effectors from pathogens. NLR genes define the fastest-evolving gene family of flowering plants and are often arranged in gene clusters containing multiple paralogs, contributing to copy number and allele-specific NLR variation within a host species. Barley mildew resistance locus a (Mla) has been subject to extensive functional diversification, resulting in allelic resistance specificities each recognizing a cognate, but largely unidentified, AVRa gene of the powdery mildew fungus, Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh). We applied a transcriptome-wide association study among 17 Bgh isolates containing different AVRa genes and identified AVRa1 and AVRa13, encoding candidate-secreted effectors recognized by Mla1 and Mla13 alleles, respectively. Transient expression of the effector genes in barley leaves or protoplasts was sufficient to trigger Mla1 or Mla13 allele-specific cell death, a hallmark of NLR receptor-mediated immunity. AVRa1 and AVRa13 are phylogenetically unrelated, demonstrating that certain allelic MLA receptors evolved to recognize sequence-unrelated effectors. They are ancient effectors because corresponding loci are present in wheat powdery mildew. AVRA1 recognition by barley MLA1 is retained in transgenic Arabidopsis, indicating that AVRA1 directly binds MLA1 or that its recognition involves an evolutionarily conserved host target of AVRA1. Furthermore, analysis of transcriptome-wide sequence variation among the Bgh isolates provides evidence for Bgh population structure that is partially linked to geographic isolation.

Encounters between flowering plants and pathogenic microbes often trigger host innate immune responses that are initiated by cell-surface or intracellular immune receptors upon the detection of pathogen-derived molecules (1). The latter are represented by the family of intracellular nucleotide-binding domain and leucine-rich repeat proteins (NLRs) that detect either the action or the structure of pathogen effectors inside host cells (2, 3). An effector molecule recognized by an NLR-type disease resistance (R) protein is designated an avirulence (AVR) effector, and these effector variants are typically present only in particular isolates (“races”) of a pathogen species.

R genes encoding NLR-type receptors are frequently members of larger gene families, organized in complex clusters of paralogous genes, and can evolve through tandem and segmental gene duplications, recombination, unequal crossing-over, point mutations, and diversifying selection (2, 4). There are several examples of allelic series of NLR-type R genes known in plants (510). In these cases, multiple distinct recognition specificities evolved in the host population at a single R gene with each allele detecting a corresponding strain-specific AVR in the pathogen population. Such multiallelic NLR-type R genes are particularly interesting for exploring mechanisms underlying the coevolution of host and pathogen—for example, whether the corresponding AVR effectors evolved by sequence variation in a single effector gene or gene family or by innovation of phylogenetically unrelated AVRs (11, 12).

The ascomycete powdery mildews infect ∼10,000 angiosperm species, including many crops (13). As obligate biotrophic pathogens, their growth and reproduction is entirely dependent on living host cells. Filamentous powdery mildews form morphologically complex structures during asexual pathogenesis and produce fruiting bodies (diploid cleistothecia) during sexual reproduction. After asexual reproduction, airborne haploid conidiospores germinate within minutes upon contact with plant aerial surfaces and penetrate the host epidermal cell wall. Subsequently, fungal germlings develop a specialized infection structure, called the haustorium, by invagination of the plant plasma membrane for nutrient uptake from host cells and presumed export of effectors. In temperate climes, a short time period (7–10 d) is sufficient for an asexual reproduction cycle, and the nature of airborne conidiospores ensures an efficient infection and spread of the pathogen to neighboring plants (14).

Annotated draft genome sequences are available for three powdery mildew species, each belonging to a different tribe of the order Erysiphales (15). These genomes display genome-size expansion mainly due to massive retrotransposon proliferation, and the observed gene losses might reflect genomic adaptations to an exclusively biotrophic lifestyle (15). In the best-characterized genome, established from the DH14 strain of the barley powdery mildew Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh), it was shown that >7% of all annotated genes encode candidates for secreted effector proteins (CSEPs; ref. 16). This Bgh effector repertoire of 491 proteins was grouped into 72 families of up to 59 members. Subsequent genome comparisons among three Bgh isolates and four isolates of the wheat powdery mildew fungus Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici (Bgt) revealed that the genome structure of both species is characterized by an isolate-specific mosaic of monomorphic and polymorphic DNA blocks (17, 18). These studies also showed that Bgh and Bgt became reproductively isolated 6.3 million (±1.1 million) years ago, which is after the divergence of the sister Triticeae species barley and wheat (8 million to 9 million years ago; ref. 19). Estimates of the divergence time of the alternating isolate-specific monomorphic and polymorphic regions in both Bgh and Bgt genomes are >5,000 y, implying that these genome mosaics are the product of rare outbreeding events (by sexual reproduction) followed by frequent asexual (clonal) reproduction, which maintains the haploid genome structure in the respective pathogen populations. However, details on the phylogenetic diversification within Bgh or Bgt populations are largely unknown because the number of isolates for which genome-wide information is available is too low.

Domesticated barley and wheat cultivars contain numerous powdery mildew R gene loci, dispersed through their genomes, which were introgressed by humans from their corresponding wild relatives (20). For unknown reasons, in both barley and wheat, one of these powdery mildew R genes, designated Mla and powdery mildew 3 (Pm3), has been subject to exceptional functional diversification, documented by large numbers of allelic Mla or Pm3 recognition specificities (i.e., resistance alleles each detecting a matching Bgh or Bgt AVR effector). Interestingly, however, some wheat Pm3 alleles confer overlapping, but distinct, resistance specificities (21). In addition, the Mla orthologs Sr33 in wheat (22) and Sr50 in rye (23) confer resistance to the devastating Ug99 stem rust pathogen Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici (Pgt), even though Pgt and Bgh belong to Basidiomycota and Ascomycota phyla, respectively (22). Barley Mla and wheat Pm3 both encode intracellular NLRs with an N-terminal coiled-coil (CC) domain, but lacking significant sequence relatedness (24), whereas the deduced protein sequences of 23 characterized barley Mla resistance alleles exhibit >90% sequence identity, and 17 known wheat Pm3 resistance alleles share >97% sequence identity. Diversifying selection among resistance alleles of Mla and Pm3 is largely confined to the C-terminal LRR region of the receptors (8, 9). Of note, barley Mla1 confers race-specific disease resistance to a Bgh isolate carrying the cognate avirulence gene AVRa1 in transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana, suggesting ∼150 million years of evolutionary conservation in the underlying immune mechanism (25). Recently, the Bgt avirulence gene AVRPm3a2/f2, which is recognized by the Pm3a and Pm3f alleles and encodes a typical CSEP that belongs to an effector family of 24 members, was isolated (18, 26). In Bgh, genetic linkage analysis revealed both linked and unlinked AVRa loci and AVRa10, which is recognized by barley Mla10, was found to be a member of the EKA gene family that is derived from part of a class I-LINE retrotransposon (2729). It is still unclear whether other Mla or Pm3 resistance alleles detect sequence-related family members of EKA or AVRPm3a2/f2, respectively. Thus, the molecular basis of multiallelic functional diversification in barley Mla and wheat Pm3 and the evolutionary history of matching powdery mildew effectors remain unresolved.

Owing to the predominant clonal propagation of powdery mildews, we hypothesized that a transcriptome-wide association study could identify AVRa candidates among 17 Bgh isolates collected from four distant geographic regions. In parallel, AVRa profiles of each isolate were determined with a collection of near-isogenic barley lines containing different Mla recognition specificities and then associated with isolate-specific sequence variation in the transcriptomes. This method identified AVRa1 and AVRa13, both encoding CSEPs, recognized by Mla1 and Mla13 alleles, respectively. These two AVRa genes are Blumeria-specific gene innovations and are phylogenetically unrelated. In addition, our study reveals evidence for a Bgh population structure that is in part linked to geographical isolation.


Transcriptome-Wide Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Analysis Reveals Population Structure of Bgh Isolates.

We performed a genetic association analysis between sequence polymorphisms and AVRa-mediated avirulence phenotypes among 17 Bgh isolates collected from Europe, North America, Australia, and Japan (Fig. S1A). The avirulence profile of each fungal isolate was determined by using a panel of near-isogenic barley lines (NILs) of accession Manchuria carrying Mla1, Mla6, Mla7, Mla10, Mla13, or Mla15 recognition specificities (30). Infection phenotypes were scored into five macroscopically distinguishable infection types (ITs) at 9 d after spore inoculation on detached barley leaves (Fig. S1B and Table S1). These ITs ranged from undetectable Bgh colony formation without and with patches of leaf cell death (IT1 and 2, respectively), restricted colony formation with underlying cell death patches (IT3) to unrestricted colony formation with or without leaf chlorosis (IT4 and 5, respectively) (9). When we rated ITs 1–3 as “avirulent interactions,” the reference isolate DH14 (15) was found to contain AVRa genes recognized by Mla1, Mla6, Mla7, Mla13, and Mla15 (Table S1), consistent with an independent earlier AVRa profiling of this isolate (28). When applying the same avirulence classification, the avirulence profiles of the Bgh isolates against Mla7 and Mla15 were identical, although there were minor, but reproducible, IT differences between these two NILs (Table S1). Sequencing of leaf-derived cDNA revealed the presence of Mla7 transcripts in both NILs, although different donor barley lines were originally used for introgression of the Mla7 and Mla15 recognition specificities (30). The Manchuria NILs were generated >40 y ago with a set of Bgh isolates that differ from our strains and before the molecular isolation of Mla (24, 3133). Thus, it is possible that the introgressed segment of the “Mla15 NIL” harbors, besides Mla7, an additional powdery mildew R gene that confounded introgression of the correct Mla recognition specificity. We conclude that our classification system for AVRa-dependent avirulence profiles among the 17 Bgh isolates is sufficiently robust against minor IT variation.

Fig. S1.

Fig. S1.

Workflow of the genetic association analysis and infection types of the barley powdery mildew. (A) Schematic representation of the genetic association analysis workflow that was applied in this study to identify AVRa candidates. Briefly, phenotype and genotype data were obtained and subjected to statistical analysis (Fisher’s exact test) to identify candidate loci/genes for which the observed allele frequencies were associated with the observed pathotypes. To identify AVRa candidates, additionally differences in gene expression levels were taken into account, and potential candidate loci were inspected manually by using the IGV. (B) Infection types (ITs) at 9 d after spore inoculation on detached barley leaves. ITs ranged from undetectable Bgh colony formation without and with patches of leaf cell death (IT 1 and 2, respectively), restricted colony formation with underlying cell death patches (IT 3), to unrestricted colony formation with or without leaf chlorosis (IT 4 and 5, respectively) (9). ITs 1–3 were rated as avirulent interactions (A); IT 4 and 5 were rated as intermediate (I) and virulent interactions (V), respectively.

Table S1.

Bgh isolates used for association test

Isolates Origin Mating locus Infection phenotypes on barley NILs
Mla1 Mla6 Mla7 Mla10 Mla13 Mla15
CI 16137 CI 16151 CI 16147 CI 16149 CI 16155 CI 16153
DH14 UK MAT1-2 1 1 2 5 1 2
CC1 UK MAT1-2 1 1 2 2 1 1
CC52 UK MAT1-1 1 2 5 5 5 5
CC66 UK MAT1-1 1 5 5 5 1 5
CC88 UK MAT1-2 5 1 5 4 1 5
CC107 UK MAT1-1 2 1 5 5 2 5
CC148 UK MAT1-1 1 5 3 3 2 3
K1 Germany MAT1-2 1 5 5 5 1 5
A6 Denmark MAT1-1 5 1 3 3 1 1
B103 Denmark MAT1-1 1 5 5 3 5 5
63.5 US MAT1-2 1 1 2 1 1 3
NCI US MAT1-2 5 1 1 2 1 1
Aby Australia MAT1-1 1 1 2 2 1 2
Art Australia MAT1-2 1 1 3 2 1 2
Will Australia MAT1-2 1 1 3 3 1 1
OU14 Japan MAT1-2 1 1 1 3 1 1
RACE1 Japan MAT1-1 5 1 1 2 1 1

Observed barley near-isogenic Manchuria lines response against Bgh isolates were scored 9 d after inoculation and grouped into five ITs: IT1, full resistance with undetectable fungal growth; IT2, rarely detected fungal growth and detectable necrotic patches on the leave; IT3, occasionally fungal hyphae growth surrounded by necrotic patches; IT4, detectable fungal growth and sporulation with necrotic patches; and IT5, massive fungal growth and sporulation without detectable necrotic areas (also shown in Fig. S1).

To extract the genetic polymorphisms among these Bgh isolates, we sequenced the transcriptomes of 16 isolates (except reference isolate DH14) at 16 and 48 h post conidiospore inoculation (hpi) and compared these with the published whole-genome sequence draft for DH14 (15). RNA sequencing of Bgh-infected barley leaf tissue resulted in 20 million to 170 million sequenced fragments/reads per sample (comprising both barley and Bgh RNA), of which between 0.5 million and 8 million reads could be uniquely (mapping quality ≥ 10) mapped onto the DH14 reference genome (Table S2). The subsequent single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) calling identified between 8,000 and 90,000 high-quality SNPs for the individual isolates (Table S2). We also performed SNP calling on the combined alignment data from all of the isolates to extract a collective SNP set over all isolates for the transcriptome-wide association analysis. An initial population structure analysis on a set of high-quality synonymous SNPs identified a distinct Australian clade (Fig. 1 A and B), but otherwise no further geographic patterns among the 17 isolates. A visualization of the SNP distribution along the 15 largest contigs of the DH14 draft genome, representing 2.1% of the genome, including all high-quality SNPs for each isolate further confirmed the unique SNP pattern for the Australian isolates (Fig. S2). Additionally, these analyses revealed that the Japanese isolate RACE1 (34) contains an exceptionally large number of SNPs and a unique genotype/SNP pattern compared with all other isolates (Fig. 1 A and B, Fig. S2, and Table S2). Because this highly divergent genotype could confound genetic association tests among the remaining 16 isolates, we excluded RACE1 from the association test.

Table S2.

Summary statistics of RNA-sequencing read alignment and SNP calling for the collection of Bgh isolates against isolate DH14

Isolate Material Sequencing mode Fragments sequenced Aligned to DH14 genome No. of SNPs, total* No. of SNPs, after filtering
16 h 48 h Total 16 h 48 h Total
NCI Whole leaf Paired-end 50,154,753 51,426,484 101,581,237 304,804 162,771 467,575 21,293 8,246
63.5 Whole leaf Paired-end 51,404,046 51,575,361 102,979,407 604,519 3,583,877 4,188,396 59,303 26,495
CC1 Whole leaf Paired-end 50,976,431 51,163,669 102,140,100 314,833 1,453,047 1,767,880 40,190 18,061
CC66 Whole leaf Paired-end 55,775,614 52,225,048 108,000,662 143,447 3,754,328 3,897,775 51,035 21,341
CC88 Whole leaf Paired-end 55,054,230 50,669,586 105,723,816 181,650 317,459 499,109 20,650 8,008
CC107 Whole leaf Paired-end 50,013,990 48,674,527 98,688,517 190,932 1,323,261 1,514,193 31,202 13,832
CC52 Whole leaf Paired-end 52,361,338 57,025,784 109,387,122 188,006 377,544 565,550 22,695 7,613
CC148 Whole leaf Paired-end 49,641,971 56,570,523 106,212,494 157,735 812,124 969,859 28,117 9,906
A6 Whole leaf Paired-end 50,793,009 39,024,792 89,817,801 2,584,254 4,184,026 6,768,280 78,619 42,621
K1 Whole leaf Single-end 89,271,083 79,327,402 168,598,485 845,233 2,156,500 3,001,733 42,583 13,653
Art Epidermal peel Paired-end 13,366,505 9,982,865 23,349,370 6,130,374 1,969,502 8,099,876 106,326 49,392
Aby Epidermal peel Paired-end 9,859,811 10,671,384 20,531,195 1,570,378 1,159,911 2,730,289 68,318 24,353
B103 Epidermal peel Paired-end 9,848,084 9,967,041 19,815,125 2,470,347 1,488,319 3,958,666 71,324 26,809
Will Epidermal peel Paired-end 12,018,656 9,907,614 21,926,270 1,914,323 3,204,741 5,119,064 85,497 37,039
OU14 Epidermal peel Paired-end 10,515,803 10,744,043 21,259,846 4,070,952 4,520,591 8,591,543 105,147 50,154
RACE1 Epidermal peel Paired-end 10,588,505 10,976,275 21,564,780 2,936,580 5,693,300 8,629,880 179,086 89,653

Leaves of the barley cultivar Pallas were inoculated with the different Bgh isolates and harvested 16 and 48 h after inoculation. For the first set of samples, RNA was isolated from whole leaves, whereas in the later samples RNA was isolated from epidermal peels to enrich for fungal RNA. Samples were subjected to Illumina paired-end or single-end sequencing. For single-end data, each fragment is represented by one read (fragments = reads), whereas for paired-end data, each fragment is represented by a pair of reads. RNA-sequencing statistics in this table and further expression analyses were based on the count of aligned fragment (i.e., for paired-end data each mapped read-pair is counted once, independent of whether one or both reads in the pair were mapped). RNA-sequencing reads were aligned to the Bgh isolate DH14 reference genome (, and all reads that aligned with MAPQ ≥ 10 were retained for further analysis.


The depicted total SNP numbers were derived from the RNA-seq alignment to the DH14 genome by running the samtools mpileup function individually for each isolate.

To remove potentially unreliable SNP calls, the individual SNP sets were subsequently filtered, thereby excluding all calls for which at least one of the following criteria was met: (i) sequencing coverage < 3 reads; (ii) alternate allele supported by <50% of the mapped reads; (iii) SNP calling quality score < 50; (iv) genotype quality score < 10; or (v) significant strand (P > 1e−10) or tail distance (P > 1e−5) bias was detected.

Fig. 1.

Fig. 1.

Population structure of Bgh isolates and association test results for AVRa1. (A) PCA of 17 Bgh isolates based on 5,049 high-quality synonymous SNPs separates RACE1 (PC1) and the Australian isolates (PC2), whereas all other isolates clustered together irrespective of their geographic origin. (B) Neighbor-joining (NJ) tree based on the same 5,049 high-quality synonymous SNPs (2,081 of which are specific to RACE1). (C) Manhattan plot summarizing the individual SNP association results for AVRa1. The x axis represents all contigs of at least 1 kb in the Bgh DH14 genome, sorted by decreasing contig length; the y axis shows −log10 P values for all coding SNPs with predicted effect on the amino acid sequence. The position of the two subsequently verified candidate SNPs is marked in the plot with an arrowhead. (D) Manhattan plot summarizing the genewise association results for AVRa1. The x axis represents the Bgh DH14 genes, sorted by Bgh gene ID; the y axis shows −log10 P values for all genes with at least one nonsynonymous coding SNP. The subsequently verified candidate AVRa1 gene is marked in the plot with an arrowhead.

Fig. S2.

Fig. S2.

Circular visualization of SNP distributions for 16 Bgh isolates with respect to the DH14 reference genome. The outermost track represents the 15 largest Bgh DH14 contigs (scale: kilobases) with the locations of annotated genes highlighted in dark gray. The other tracks mark in color the locations of SNPs vs. DH14 in the other isolates colored by geographic origin: Japanese isolates in green, Australian isolates in yellow, North American isolates in dark blue, and European isolates in ruby. Areas of low/no sequencing coverage (less than three reads) are marked in gray in the SNP tracks. The two highlighted regions (I and II) that we found to be relatively conserved (low number of SNPs) among all isolates except RACE1 (I) or among the European isolates (II) are consistent with previously identified monomorphic blocks between DH14, A6, and K1 (II) (17).

Genetic Association Analysis Identifies Candidate AVRa Genes.

We obtained a set of 67,385 high-confidence SNPs from the sequenced 15 isolates and DH14 (excluding RACE1 SNPs) with an alternate allele frequency of at least 10% in the combined alignment data. We further extracted the 6,982 diallelic SNPs that are predicted to introduce nonsynonymous substitutions in the DH14 reference proteins and tested each for their association with the observed avirulence profiles using Fisher’s exact test (Fig. 1C). However, this analysis of individual variants is likely insufficient to detect all candidates because a virulence phenotype might be caused by different nonsynonymous SNPs in the same gene of virulent isolates. Thus, we additionally integrated the high-confidence nonsynonymous SNPs over each gene and also tested these genewise collapsed variants for association with the observed avirulence profiles using Fisher’s exact test (Fig. 1D).

Based on the latter genewise collapsed variants, we identified bgh00029 as the top ranking candidate for AVRa1 (P = 0.011) (Fig. 1D). Moreover, the two individual SNPs in this gene also ranked among the top five of the individual variants, according to the observed Fisher test P values (P = 0.011 for both) (Fig. 1C), providing further support for this candidate. bgh00029 encodes a 118-amino acid protein with a predicted signal peptide at position 1–26 (Fig. 2 A and B and Fig. S3A) and represents one of the previously annotated CSEPs, designated CSEP0008, which was previously found to show weak structural similarity to ribonucleases (16). In almost all of the isolates, this gene was highly expressed at both 16 and 48 hpi (Dataset S1A), but in one of the virulent isolates, NCI, the respective transcripts were undetectable (Fig. 2A). The deduced proteins from the virulent isolates, CC88 and A6, carry the same two amino acid substitutions, P32R and V74A (Fig. 2B and Fig. S3A). We also examined the corresponding transcript sequence of isolate RACE1, which is virulent on Mla1 containing barley (Table S1). This isolate contains multiple nonsynonymous SNPs in the bgh00029 transcript, which interfered with read-mapping at the respective region (Fig. 2A) and led to four amino acid substitutions adjacent to the signal peptide: R27Q, Q30H, P32K, and L37I. Notably, one amino acid substitution from proline to a positively charged amino acid (Arg or Lys) occurred at position 32 in all three virulent isolates (RACE1, CC88, and A6; Fig. 2B), suggesting that it might be important for the avirulence activity. For simplicity, hereafter the deduced proteins encoded at the bgh00029 (CSEP0008) locus in the avirulent isolates are named AVRA1; those in the virulent isolates CC88 and A6 are designated AVRA1-V1; and the protein variant in RACE1 is termed AVRA1-V2 (Fig. 2B).

Fig. 2.

Fig. 2.

Association of transcript polymorphisms with avirulent phenotypes of Bgh isolates. (A) Visualization of the identified AVRa1 candidate locus, indicating on the left the response of the barley Manchuria Mla1 NIL (30) against each Bgh isolate. A, avirulent; V, virulent. (B) AVRA1 protein sequence with the predicted signal peptide indicated by a black line. The amino acid substitutions in the two identified virulent protein versions AVRA1-V1 and -V2 are highlighted in red. (C) Visualization of the identified AVRa13 candidate locus, indicating on the left the response of the barley Manchuria Mla13 NIL against each Bgh isolate. (D) AVRA13 protein sequence with the predicted signal peptide indicated by a black line. The corresponding amino-acid substitutions in AVRA13-2, -3, -V1, and -V2 compared to AVRA13-1 are highlighted in red. In A and C, for isolate DH14 (reference genome), the corresponding gene structure for AVRa1 (A) or AVRa13 (C) is shown with UTRs (white boxes), coding sequence (black boxes), and introns (black line). For all other isolates, RNA-seq coverage and all observed SNPs relative to DH14 (marked as colored bars, where each color represents one nucleotide with red, T; green, A; blue, C; and brown, G) were visualized by using the Integrative Genomics Viewer. The locations of the different virulence-inducing changes found in each of the virulent isolates are marked with arrowheads. The asterisks mark two positions in Bgh isolate CC107, where half of the RNA-seq reads from this isolate carried the avirulent (reference) allele and half carried the virulent (alternate) allele.

Fig. S3.

Fig. S3.

(A and B) Nucleotide sequences of AVRa1 (A) and AVRa13 (B) and their variants. Nucleotides shown in red indicate sequence differences compared with the reference CDS sequences. (C) Identified DNA fragment inserted into the AVRa13 locus of isolate B103.

Unlike for AVRa1, the association test for AVRa13 yielded only candidates without a clear secretion signal. Because a CSEP gene was identified as a candidate for AVRa1, we manually inspected genotype and expression patterns of the powdery mildew CSEP transcripts using the Integrative Genomics Viewer (IGV) (35, 36) to examine whether any highly expressed CSEP genes were associated with the observed avirulence phenotypes. We noticed that at the bghG002861000001001 (CSEP0372) locus, one of the two virulent isolates, CC52, carries a nonsynonymous substitution, whereas no sequencing reads were mapped to the 3′ region of the coding sequence of this gene in the other virulent isolate, B103 (Fig. 2C). Because our bioinformatics pipeline was designed for the analysis of SNP data, this gap in the read alignment for isolate B103 escaped our association screening.

CSEP0372 encodes a 122-amino acid protein with a predicted signal peptide at positions 1–21 (Fig. 2D), which shows strong structural homology to ribonucleases based on several protein structure prediction tools (3739). The corresponding protein from the virulent isolate CC52 is predicted to carry a premature stop codon at position 81 (Fig. 2D and Fig. S3B). Because the respective locus in the isolate B103 expressed a poly-A-tailed mRNA, we obtained the actual transcript sequence in this isolate by 3′-rapid amplification of cDNA ends (3′-RACE) and investigated the cause for the lack of mapped reads in the 3′ region of the gene. We found a 326-bp DNA insertion at the 3′ end of CSEP0372 transcript in this isolate (Fig. S3 B and C), which accounted for the loss of read mapping in this gene region (Fig. 2D). Similar DNA sequences are frequently found in the DH14 genome (>230 contigs). Because of the insertion, eight C-terminal amino acids of the corresponding protein are replaced by five unrelated amino acids (Val-Arg-Ala-Thr-Leu) after position 115 (Fig. 2D and Fig. S3 B and C). Nonsynonymous SNPs were not only found in the virulent isolates, but also in the avirulent isolates CC107 and RACE1 in this gene. The isolate CC107 carries one SNP substituting Arg to a similar type of amino acid, Lys at position 117, whereas the isolate RACE1 carries three nonsynonymous SNPs, which cause the three substitutions H45Y, H59Y, and R117K (Fig. 1E). Hereafter, the proteins encoded at the bghG002861000001001 (CSEP0372) locus in the avirulent isolates DH14, CC107, and RACE1 are designated AVRA13-1, AVRA13-2, and AVRA13-3, respectively, and those in the virulent isolates CC52 and B103 are termed AVRA13-V1 and AVRA13-V2 (Fig. 2D), respectively. Our computational pipeline failed to identify AVRa6 and AVRa7 candidates, and we were unable to reidentify AVRa10 (2729).

Transient Expression of AVRa1 and AVRa13 in Barley Leaves Triggers Cell Death in Genotypes Carrying Mla1 and Mla13 Recognition Specificities, Respectively.

To determine whether the identified AVRa1 and AVRa13 candidates have avirulence activity, we examined whether transient expression of the fungal genes triggered specific responses in barley lines containing matching Mla recognition specificities. For each candidate, appropriate expression constructs without the signal peptide sequence were generated in the pIPKb002 overexpression vector that harbors a maize ubiquitin promoter for transgene expression in cereals (40). The resulting expression constructs were delivered into second leaves of a series of Manchuria NILs by infiltration of the Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain AGL1 on the adaxial side of leaves. At 9–14 d after infiltration of Agrobacteria harboring the expression construct for AVRa1, intense brown spots or blotches (suggestive of a host cell death response) appeared on the leaves of the NIL expressing Mla1, but not on leaves of NILs expressing Mla13 or Mla6, and were also undetectable on the Manchuria recurrent parent line lacking a known Mla recognition specificity (Fig. 3A). In addition, no responses were detected upon the delivery of the expression construct of AVRa1-V1 or AVRa1-V2 in the leaves of the Mla1 NIL (Fig. 3A). Clear brown spots were detected upon the delivery of the expression constructs for AVRa13-1 or AVRa13-3 in the leaves of the Mla13 NIL at 5–9 d after infiltration (Fig. 3B), whereas these were undetectable on leaves of Mla1 or Mla15 NILs or on leaves of the Manchuria recurrent parent (Fig. 3B). Furthermore, no responses were detected upon the delivery of the expression constructs for AVRa13-V1 or AVRa13-V2 in leaves of the Mla13 NIL (Fig. 3B). Together, these data suggest that Mla1 and Mla13 specifically recognize AVRa1 and AVRa13, respectively.

Fig. 3.

Fig. 3.

Transient expression of AVRa1 and AVRa13 in barley triggers cell death in genotypes carrying corresponding Mla recognition specificities. (A and B) Expression cassettes for AVRa1, AVRa1-V1, and V2 (A) or AVRa13-1, -3, -V1, and -V2 (B) without signal peptides were delivered into barley leaves by Agrobacterium infiltration. (A) Expression of AVRa1, but not AVRa1-V1 or -V2, induces a specific cell death response in an Mla1 NIL (30), but not in Mla13 and Mla6 NILs or Manchuria. (B) Expression of AVRa13-1 and -3, but not AVRa13-V1 or -V2, induces a specific cell death response in a Mla13 NIL, but not in Mla1 and Mla15 NILs or Manchuria. White arrows indicate necrotic leaf patches. Incidence of infiltrated leaves with cell death response is indicated for each genotype. (C and D) Relative luciferase activity after transformation of AVRa1, AVRa1-V1, and -V2 into barley protoplasts generated from Golden Promise without or with Mla1 or Mla6 transgenes (C) or transformation of AVRa13-1, -3, -V1, and -V2 into barley protoplasts generated from Manchuria, M1a13, or Mla1 NILs (D). Luciferase activity was normalized for each plant line by setting the detected luminescence for the corresponding empty vector transfection to 1. For each plant genotype, differences between samples were assessed by using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and subsequent Tukey post hoc tests. Observed ANOVA P values were as follows: Golden promise: P = 0.51, Mla1: P = 6.7e-07, and Mla6: P = 0.77 (C); Manchuria: P = 0.40, Mla13: P = 4.4e-05, and Mla1: P = 0.27 (D). Samples marked by identical letters in the plot did not differ significantly (P < 0.05) in the Tukey test for the corresponding genotype. n.s., not significant. (E) Steady-state levels of the epitope-tagged AVRA1 and AVRA13 variants in barley protoplasts. FLAG-tagged effector constructs were delivered into protoplasts of Golden Promise for AVRA1, AVRA1-V1, and -V2 expression or Manchuria for AVRA13-1, -3, -V1, and -V2 expression. Protoplasts were collected 18 h after transfection for Western blotting. Specific signals for the FLAG-tagged proteins are indicated by arrowheads.

To further validate the avirulence activity of AVRa1 and AVRa13, we used a protoplast system to examine barley leaf cell viability upon delivery of the respective AVRa constructs into host cells containing different Mla recognition specificities. The protoplast system has been used as a sensitive tool to study functions of various avirulence proteins in Arabidopsis (41, 42), tomato (43), and rice (44). An expression construct for the firefly luciferase gene under a maize ubiquitin promoter was used as a reporter, and the luciferase activity was quantified as proxy for cell viability. We tested protoplasts derived from a stable transgenic barley line expressing Mla1 under its native 5′-regulatory sequences, which was generated in cultivar Golden Promise (45). As negative controls, we used nontransgenic Golden Promise and a transgenic barley line expressing Mla6 under its native 5′-regulatory sequences generated in the same genetic background (45). We detected a significant reduction of luciferase activity in a Mla1-AVRa1–specific manner (Fig. 3C). Similarly, a significant reduction of luciferase activity was detected in an Mla13-AVRa13–specific manner in the Manchuria background (Fig. 3D). Together, the recognition of AVRa1 and AVRa13 by the cognate Mla receptors resulted in an effector-triggered cell death response.

We generated additional expression constructs for epitope-tagged AVRA1, AVRA13, and their variants found in our Bgh collection to examine the steady-state level of these proteins in barley protoplasts. Because the four N-terminal amino acid substitutions in AVRA1-V2 of isolate RACE1 escape recognition by MLA1 (Fig. 2B), the N-terminal region of AVRA1 might be particularly important for its recognition. Therefore, a single FLAG-tag was fused to the C termini of AVRA1, AVRA1-V1, and -V2. Because the C-terminal residues seem to be important for MLA13-mediated recognition of AVRA13 (Fig. 2D), a single FLAG-tag was fused to the N termini of AVRA13-1, -3, -V1, and -V2. The C-terminally tagged AVRA1 and the N-terminally tagged AVRA13 variants were still specifically recognized by MLA1 and MLA13 in barley leaves and the protoplast system, despite few measurement outliers (Fig. S4). The epitope-tagged AVRA1, AVRA1-V1, and -V2 proteins were detected by Western blotting (Fig. 3E), suggesting that the loss of avirulence for AVRA1-V1 and -V2 is not because of protein instability. Although epitope-tagged AVRA13-1 and -3 were clearly detectable in protoplasts, AVRA13-V1 was undetectable, and AVRA13-V2 protein migrated faster (Fig. 3E), suggesting that loss of avirulence activity for AVRA13-V1 and -V2 might be due to protein instability in planta.

Fig. S4.

Fig. S4.

Transient expression of the epitope-tagged AVRA1 and AVRA13 in barley triggers cell death in genotypes carrying cognate Mla recognition specificities. (A and B) Expression cassettes for AVRa1-FLAG, AVRa1-V1-FLAG, and AVRa1-V2-FLAG (A) or FLAG-AVRa13-1, FLAG-AVRa13-3, FLAG-AVRa13-V1, and FLAG-AVRa13-V2 (B) without signal peptides were delivered into barley leaves by Agrobacterium infiltration. (A) Expression of AVRa1-FLAG, but not AVRa1-V1-FLAG or AVRa1-V2-FLAG, induces a specific cell death response in an Mla1 NIL, but not in Mla13 and Mla6 NILs or Manchuria. (B) Expression of FLAG-AVRa13-1 and FLAG-AVRa13-3, but not FLAG-AVRa13-V1 or FLAG-AVRa13-V2, induces a specific cell death response in an Mla13 NIL, but not in Mla1 and Mla15 NILs or Manchuria. White arrows indicate necrotic leaf patches. Incidence of infiltrated leaves with cell death response is indicated for each genotype. (C and D) Relative luciferase activity after transformation of AVRa1-FLAG, AVRa1-V1-FLAG, and AVRa1-V2-FLAG into barley protoplasts generated from Golden Promise or Mla1 transgenic plants (C) or transformation of FLAG-AVRa13-1, FLAG-AVRa13-3, FLAG-AVRa13-V1, and FLAG-AVRa13-V2 into barley protoplasts generated from Manchuria or M1a13 NIL (D). Luciferase activity was normalized for each plant line by setting the detected luminescence for the corresponding empty vector transfection to 1. For each plant genotype, differences between samples were assessed by using ANOVA and subsequent Tukey post hoc tests. Observed ANOVA P values were as follows: Golden promise: P = 0.43; Mla1: P = 0.02 (C); Manchuria: P = 0.79; Mla13: P = 0.03 (D). Samples marked by identical letters in the plot did not differ significantly (P < 0.05) in the Tukey test for the corresponding genotype. n.s., not significant.

AVRA1 Is Recognized by Barley MLA1 in Stable Transgenic Arabidopsis Plants.

Barley Mla1 confers Bgh isolate-specific resistance in A. thaliana (25). To examine whether AVRA1 expression is sufficient for recognition by barley MLA1 in dicotyledonous A. thaliana, we generated a series of transgenic A. thaliana plants in Col-0 expressing AVRA1 or one of the virulent variants, AVRA1-V1, without signal peptide under control of the A. thaliana ubiquitin promoter. The expression constructs were designed to express either their native forms (i.e., without epitope tag) or C-terminally FLAG-tagged fusion proteins. The latter fusion protein retained the avirulence activity of AVRA1 in barley (Fig. S4 A and C). We selected T1 lines based on transcript level of AVRa1 or steady-state level of the fusion proteins (Fig. S5 A and B). These T1 lines were crossed with the previously established transgenic A. thaliana plants homozygous for the Mla1 transgene in accession Col-0 (25) (Fig. 4 and Fig. S5).

Fig. S5.

Fig. S5.

AVRA1 is recognized by barley MLA1 in stable transgenic Arabidopsis plants. (A) Expression levels of AVRa1 in AVRa1 P4-2 and AVRa1 P4-2 T1 plants. (B) Protein levels of AVRA1-FLAG or AVRA1-V1-FLAG in the respective T2 plants. (CE) Seedling growth of the F1 progenies from crosses between homozygous A. thaliana plants carrying Mla1 (25) and T1 plants carrying constructs for the expression of AVRa1 (C), AVRa1-FLAG (D), or AVRa1-V-FLAG (E). F1 progenies were ordered by plant size when possible. Seedlings were grown on solid 1/2 MS media for 14–16 d before the examination of seedling growth. The corresponding segregation patterns of the transgenes are shown in the lower panels.

Fig. 4.

Fig. 4.

AVRA1 is recognized by barley MLA1 in stable transgenic Arabidopsis plants. (AC) Seedling growth of the F1 progenies from crosses between homozygous A. thaliana transgenic plants carrying Mla1 (25) and T1 plants carrying constructs for expression of AVRa1 (A), AVRa1-FLAG (B), or AVRa1-V1-FLAG (C). (D) Col-0 plants were also crossed with AVRa1. Plants carrying the Mla1 transgene or Col-0 were used as the female parents. F1 progenies were ordered by size when possible. Seedlings were grown on solid 1/2 MS medium for 14–16 d before the examination of seedling growth. The corresponding segregation patterns of the transgenes are shown in the lower panels.

The F1 plants carrying Mla1 and either AVRa1 or AVRa1FLAG died shortly after germination (63%) or showed severe growth retardation (37%) compared with their sister plants lacking AVRa1 and AVRa1-FLAG (Fig. 4 A and B and Fig. S5 C and D). Importantly, wild-type–like growth was observed in plants carrying Mla1, irrespective of the presence or absence of AVRa1-V1FLAG (Fig. 4C and Fig. S5E). The AVRa1-induced seedling lethality and plant growth retardation were dependent on the Mla1 transgene, because it was not observed in the F1 progeny of the transgenic plant carrying AVRa1 crossed with Col-0 (Fig. 4D). Together, these data provide evidence for specific recognition of AVRA1 by MLA1 in transgenic plants and exclude the possibility that additional Bgh-derived molecules other than AVRA1 are needed for effector recognition and immune receptor-mediated signaling in dicotyledonous A. thaliana (25).

AVRA1 and AVRA13 Are Sequence-Unrelated Ancient Effectors.

The genome of Bgh isolate DH14 was previously predicted to harbor 491 CSEP genes, 402 of which were found to be grouped into 72 families based on their deduced full-length amino acid sequences (16). The entire set of Bgh CSEPs can be subdivided into two classes based on the protein size: one ranging from 100 to 150 amino acids and the other from 300 to 400 amino acids (16), with AVRA1 (118 aa) and AVRA13 (123 aa) belonging to the former class. Based on a Markov cluster (MCL) analysis of the 491 Bgh CSEPs, AVRA1 does not belong to a defined CSEP family, whereas AVRA13 represents one of three members of CSEP family 34 (16). AVRa13 is highly expressed at 16 and 48 hpi, whereas expression of the other two family members, CSEP0371 and CSEP0374, was rarely detected at these time points (Dataset S1A), suggesting that AVRA13 plays an important role at the early invasive stage of powdery mildew infection.

To investigate the evolutionary history of AVRa1 and AVRa13, we examined whether orthologous genes are present in the closely related wheat powdery mildew fungus, Bgt. It was reported that the genome of the reference Bgt isolate 96224 contains 472 CSEP genes (18). To search for Bgt orthologs of Bgh AVRa1 and AVRa13 and identify CSEP families across formae specialis, we performed an OrthoMCL (46) analysis on the combined Bgh and Bgt CSEP sets. Because AVRA1 and AVRA13, lacking their signal peptides, were both sufficient to induce cell death responses in barley expressing cognate MLA receptors (Figs. 24), we used the protein sequences of both Bgh and Bgt CSEPs without signal peptides for OrthoMCL clustering. This method identified a total of 298 CSEP families, 193 of which represent single-copy orthologous gene pairs from each species (Dataset S1B). One of these 193 gene pairs consists of AVRA1 and its Bgt ortholog, BgtE-5560 (Fig. 5A). AVRA13 is grouped together with Bgh CSEP0371 and Bgh CSEP0374, as shown in a previous study (16). This CSEP family contains one Bgt CSEP, BgtE-5665, which is an ortholog of Bgh CSEP0374 (Fig. 5B). We also found corresponding genomic loci for BgtE-5560 and -5665 in the genomes of the other three sequenced Bgt isolates 94202, 70, and JIW2 (Fig. S6), indicative of their conservation across different Bgt isolates. Together, the presence of a family member from Bgt for both AVRa1 and AVRa13 suggests that common ancestors existed for both AVRa1 and AVRa13 before the reproductive isolation of Bgh and Bgt. In contrast, a previous study did not find homologous sequences of CSEP0008 (AVRa1) and CSEP0372 (AVRa13) in two other powdery mildew fungi, Erysiphe pisi and Golovinomyces orontii (16).

Fig. 5.

Fig. 5.

Protein sequence alignment of AVRA1 and AVRA13 families. Protein sequences of the Bgh and Bgt members of the AVRA1 (A) and AVRA13 (B) CSEP families were aligned based on the protein annotations of the reference genomes of isolates DH14 (Bgh) and 96224 (Bgt), excluding the signal peptides. In black is the protein sequence representing the published annotations. In gray is the sequence of extended protein C termini for the respective Bgt proteins as predicted from the Bgt genome sequence (a corresponding nucleotide alignment is shown in Fig. S6), which was not included in the published annotation.

Fig. S6.

Fig. S6.

Genomic sequence alignment of AVRa1 and AVRa13 families. Nucleotide sequences of the Bgh and Bgt genomic regions representing the members of the AVRa1 (A) and AVRa13 (B) CSEP families were aligned based on the genome sequences of Bgh isolate DH14 and Bgt isolates 96224, 94202, 70, and JW2. Presumed intronic regions in the alignment are shaded in gray; predicted stop codons are surrounded by a black box; and the position where the published Bgt annotations end are marked by a black line.


Evidence for prevalent clonal over sexual B. graminis reproduction in natural environments, together with a short lifespan of its airborne asexual propagules—called conidiospores, whose survival declines rapidly within 24 h—predicts a limited geographic dispersal for clonal progeny (17, 18, 47). Although these Bgh features could explain a distinctive population lineage detected for the Australian isolates (Fig. 1 A and B and Fig. S2), our sample size is still too small to draw general conclusions. Nevertheless, the finding that both North American and one Japanese isolate, OU14, are not clearly separated from the 10 European samples (Fig. 1 A and B and Fig. S2) indicates a potential long-distance dispersal of these three strains, perhaps via long-lived cleistothecia on plant litter linked to human migration or barley domestication. Consistent with this idea is that isolate OU14 has been recently collected in Japan in 2014 from a barley cultivar, Haruna Nijo, derived from a cross between European accessions and Japanese landraces (48). In contrast, the highly divergent RACE1 was a dominant Japanese Bgh race collected in the early 1950s on indigenous Japanese barley varieties that differ from the cultivars of European origin (34, 49). Despite an unclear separation of OU14 from the European isolates in the principal component analysis (PCA) (Fig. 1A), a neighbor-joining tree of all 17 strains indicates some relatedness to the other Japanese isolate, RACE1 (Fig. 1B). Thus, OU14 might be a progeny of a cross between Europe-derived and indigenous Japanese Bgh strains, possibly representing a genomic adaptation to the prevailing Japanese barley Haruna Nijo containing European and Japanese barley germplasm. In line with this assumption, visualization of the SNP distribution on the 15 largest DH14 contigs suggests that the OU14 genome contains some regions where the sequence is highly similar to those of European isolates (low SNP density), whereas other regions seem to be more divergent and might represent the contribution of Japanese races (Fig. S2). Because our present study is based on transcriptomic data and thus does not capture the intergenic regions, a detailed analysis of the genome structure is not feasible. Nevertheless, the distribution of transcriptomic SNPs for the 17 isolates is in good agreement with the previously identified mosaic structure of Bgh genomes (17). Notably, some of the monomorphic regions between DH14, A6, and K1 (17) seem to be conserved among all isolates except RACE1 (Fig. S2, region I) or at least more generally conserved among the European isolates (Fig. S2, region II).

We have shown that association genetics can serve as an alternative for map-based isolation of powdery mildew AVRa genes with genome-wide transcript information from as few as 16 Bgh isolates (excluding RACE1). However, the effector genotypes associated with the observed avirulence and virulence patterns were not only found to be SNPs in the AVRa genes, but also structural polymorphisms, including a DNA insertion in AVRa13 or complete absence of gene transcripts in one isolate for AVRa1, which might result from a deletion of this gene or gene silencing (Fig. 2 A and C). Similarly, in a recent survey of an AVR locus comprising 108 Magnaporthe oryzae isolates, 81% of AvrPib polymorphisms leading to loss of avirulence resulted from TEs, whereas loss of avirulence due to SNPs was rare (0.6%; ref. 50). Thus, including information on SNPs, structural gene/transcript variants, and presence/absence of genes/transcripts in association studies is expected to significantly improve the identification of candidate AVR genes in eukaryotic filamentous pathogens.

In this work, we identified two Bgh avirulence genes, AVRa1 and AVRa13, by association analysis between avirulence profiles and transcript polymorphisms among 17 Bgh isolates. Both identified avirulence genes encode CSEPs (16). AVRa1 and AVRa13 are sequence-unrelated, implying that they have been evolving independently from different ancestral genes, or, if they had a common ancestor, have been diverging rapidly. Additionally, we have shown that the predicted signal peptides of AVRA1 and AVRA13 are dispensable for specific recognition by MLA1 and MLA13, respectively (Fig. 3). This finding is consistent with the idea of a powdery mildew type II secretory-driven process in which the signal peptide becomes cleaved either during or after completion of effector translocation into the extracellular space between fungus and host (51). Intracellular localization of epitope-tagged MLA receptors in the cytoplasm and nucleus (45, 52) also implies subsequent uptake of the cleaved forms of AVRA1 and AVRA13 inside host cells and recognition by the immune sensors. Thus, it is likely that Bgh CSEPs are authentic effector molecules that act inside host cells.

Previous comparison of de novo annotated Bgh transcriptomes revealed evidence for conservation of their effector repertoire comprising 491 CSEPs (16, 17). Our work showed complete absence of AVRa1 transcripts or altered transcript structure leading to undetectable AVRA13-V1 or the cleavage of AVRA13-V2 proteins in planta, likely due to instability of these variants (Figs. 2A and 3E). These findings demonstrate that loss of individual and ancient CSEP genes, maintained for at least 6.3 million (±1.1 million) years, encoding AVR effectors, occurs in Bgh populations without apparent loss of pathogenicity, although the function of AVRa1 cannot be compensated by a sequence-related family member because this effector does not belong to one of the 72 CSEP families (16). It is possible that sequence-unrelated, but structurally and/or functionally similar, homologs encoded by other Bgh CSEPs might compensate for the loss of AVRa1 by interfering with the same host target(s). Alternatively, structurally unrelated CSEPs may interfere with different components belonging to the same host pathway targeted by AVRA1, which is needed for virulence.

Barley Mla disease-resistance genes are subject to strong diversifying selection, as evidenced by >30 variants, each encoding a different resistance specificity that detects a corresponding Bgh AVRa gene product (20). Among the 23 molecularly characterized MLA receptors, the C-terminal LRR domain is highly polymorphic (56% sequence identity), whereas the N-terminal CC domain is more conserved (87% sequence identity) (9). The polymorphic MLA LRR is critical for effector detection, as shown by a series of reciprocal domains swaps between MLA1 and MLA6, locating in each receptor a recognition domain for putative AVR effector proteins within different, but overlapping, LRR regions (53). One possibility is that functional diversification of allelic NLR variants is the result of a coevolutionary process mediated by direct, iterative cycles of receptor and pathogen effector associations. This process is exemplified by direct interactions between allelic flax rust (Melampsora lini) effectors encoded at the AVRL567 locus and allelic flax L NLRs L5 and L6, respectively (11, 54). However, hybridization of AvrL567 probes to M. lini genomic DNA did not detect any related sequences, even at low stringency (55, 56). Therefore, L flax rust resistance alleles other than L5 and L6 likely detect sequence-unrelated M. lini effectors. A study on the allelic series of RPP13 genes from A. thaliana revealed that only a single clade of RPP13 alleles can recognize the allelic ATR13 genes from Hyaloperonospora arabidopsidis, whereas an RPP13 protein from a different clade was found to recognize an unrelated H. arabidopsidis effector (12). Our findings contrast with those reported in rice for Pik NLR resistance alleles, each detecting matching allelic variants of AVR-Pik of the fungus M. oryzae by direct physical binding (10). Recognition of the sequence-unrelated AVRa1, AVRa13 (Fig. 5), and the previously reported AVRa10 (28), by allelic Mla1, Mla13, and Mla10 receptors, shows that additional mechanisms directing iterative cycles of receptor and pathogen effector adaptations can drive extensive functional diversification at a single NLR gene. Thus, it is possible that these three highly sequence-related MLA receptors (>91% sequence identity) might indirectly detect the presence of sequence-unrelated AVRA effectors through modifications of a common effector target. In this scenario, individual AVRA effectors are predicted to introduce distinctive protein modifications, either directly or indirectly to a shared host target. All MLA receptors would be expected to interact with this target, with each receptor sensing a different target surface or modification, mainly via the LRR domain. Recognition of AVRA1, but not AVRA1V-1, in transgenic Arabidopsis lines coexpressing barley MLA1 implies functional conservation of this common effector target between monocots and dicots. Because Mla orthologs in the closely related Triticeae species wheat and rye confer resistance to the wheat stem rust pathogen Pgt (22, 23), it is tempting to speculate that Bgh and Pgt effectors converge on the same effector target. Experimental evidence for convergence of effectors from unrelated pathogens on common host targets has been recently demonstrated in A. thaliana (55, 56). Similarly, it has been proposed that sequence-unrelated effectors form structurally similar proteins in the Ascomycete Magnaporthe and two Oomycete pathogens (5759). Based on these examples, it is also possible that sequence-unrelated AVRA effectors are structural homologs that are sensed by the LRR domain via direct binding.

The identification of two sequence-unrelated AVR effectors recognized by allelic immune receptors enables future experiments on the underlying recognition mechanism. The presented transcriptome-wide association study will spur the identification of additional Bgh AVRA effectors, which will be important for reconstructing how allelic immune receptors have evolved in response to sequence-unrelated AVR effectors.

Materials and Methods

Plant Materials and Growth Conditions.

The barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) cultivar (cv.) Manchuria (CI 2330) and Manchuria near isogenic lines, carrying Mla1 (CI 16137), Mla6 (CI 16151), Mla7 (CI 16147), Mla10 (CI 16149), Mla13 (CI 16155), or Mla15 (CI 16153) were described in ref. 30. Barley transgenic Mla1-HA (6E) and Mla6-HA (9E) plants were previously generated in the genetic background of barley cv. Golden Promise (45). Barley plants were grown at 19 °C, 70% relative humidity, and under a 16-h photoperiod. A. thaliana Col-0 plants were used to generate transgenic AVRa1 plants by using Agrobacterium-mediated transformation using the floral dip method (60). The Arabidopsis stable transgenic line expressing Mla1-HA (47-2 in Col-0 background) was described (25). Arabidopsis plants were grown at 22 °C, 70% relative humidity, and under a 12-h photoperiod.

Fungal Isolates and Maintenance.

Bgh isolate OU14 (Okayama University 14) was collected in 2014 from a barley cultivar, Haruna Nijo, grown at a nursery of the Institute of Plant Science and Resources, Okayama University (Okayama, Japan). Aby-00 was collected in September 2012 in Kojonup, Western Australia (GPS coordinates −34.0545, 117.2931). Art-001 was collected in April 2013 in Arthur River, Western Australia (GPS coordinates −33.3391, 117.0975). Will-005 was collected in September 2014 in Williams, Western Australia (GPS coordinates −33.0089, 116.9341) from a barley cultivar, Bass. The seven UK isolates (DH14, CC1, CC52, CC66, CC88, CC107, and CC148), the Danish isolate (B103), the two US isolates (63.5 and NCI), one of the Japanese isolates (RACE1), the German isolate (K1), and the Swedish isolate (A6) have been described (32, 34, 6167). All isolates were maintained by inoculating conidiospores on a weekly basis onto 9-d-old detached first leaves placed on closed agar plates containing 1 mM benzimidazole. All isolates except RACE1 were maintained on leaves of barley cv. Ingrid that carries Mla8, whereas isolate RACE1 was maintained on barley cv. Manchuria.

RNA Extraction, RNA-Sequencing Analysis and SNP Calling.

At 16 and 48 h after Bgh conidiospore inoculation, barley leaves or leaf-epidermal peels from susceptible cultivars were harvested to extract total RNA by using the RNeasy plant mini kit (Qiagen). RNA-sequencing (RNA-seq) libraries were prepared by the Max Planck Genome Centre Cologne (Germany) using the Illumina TruSeq stranded RNA sample preparation kit and were subjected to single-end (Isolate K1) or paired-end (all other isolates) sequencing (100-bp reads) by using the Illumina HiSeq2500 Sequencing System. To make sure the sequencing reads were of sufficiently high quality, we performed an initial quality check of the sequence data using the FastQC suite ( Subsequently, the RNA-seq reads were mapped to the Bgh DH14 BluGen ( genome assembly (Version 3.0) under consideration of exon-intron structures using the splice aware aligner Tophat2 (68) with settings -a 10, -g 10, -r 160,–mate-std-dev 160 and providing known splice sites based on the BluGen gene models from July 2012 (a corresponding gff-file can be obtained from

To assess the expression levels of individual genes, we obtained fragment counts per gene for each isolate from the mapped RNA-seq reads of both time points using the htseq-count script (s = reverse, t = exon) in the package HTSeq (69). In parallel, SNPs were identified from the mapped RNA-seq reads by using the mpileup function in the SAMtools toolkit (Version 0.1.18) (70). This SNP calling was performed on the alignment data of the individual isolates (with options -A and -u) and on a combined alignment dataset for all isolates (with options -A, -u, -D, -d 2000) that was obtained by merging the mapped RNA-seq reads from all isolates using SAMtools merge. The resulting SNP sets were filtered by using SnpSift (Version 3.4) (71) to extract high-quality variants with sufficient read coverage (coverage of at least 3 reads for individual isolates or at least 30 reads for the combined dataset), a SNP calling quality score of at least 50, a genotype quality score of at least 10, no significant evidence for strand bias (at P < 1e−10) or tail distance bias (at P < 1e−5), and where the alternate allele was present in at least half of the reads of one isolate (alternate allele frequency of at least 50% for individual isolates or at least 3.3% for the combined dataset). Subsequent variant annotation and effect prediction was performed by using snpEff (Version 3.4; default settings) (72) based on the DH14 gene models.

The RNA-seq data used in this study are deposited in the National Center for Biotechnology Information Gene Expression Omnibus database (accession no. GSE83237).

Population Structure Analysis of Bgh Isolates.

To obtain a suitable SNP set for population structure analysis, we further filtered the set of high-quality SNPs obtained from the combined alignment data as described above and extracted only silent (synonymous) SNPs in coding regions, for which exactly two different alleles were found (diallelic SNPs) and complete genotype information was available for all isolates (i.e., no missing data). The resulting set of 5,049 high-quality diallelic synonymous SNPs was used to examine the genotype data for the presence of any obvious population structure using the R packages adegenet (Version 2.0.1) (73) and ape (Version 3.4) (74), To this end, we created a PCA plot from the genotype data using the function glPca (R package adegenet) and additionally computed a neighbor-joining tree based on the pairwise Euclidean distances between the isolate genotypes using the function nj (R package ape). The SNP locations for each sequenced isolate with respect to the 15 largest contigs of the DH14 reference genome were visualized by using Circos (Version 0.62.1) (75)

Genetic Association Analysis.

Because the highly divergent genotype observed for isolate RACE1 could conceal existing associations, this isolate was not included for the actual association screening. Therefore, we identified SNPs from the combined alignment data of all isolates except RACE1 and extracted a set of 67,385 high-confidence SNPs, for which the alternate allele was supported by at least 10% of the mapped sequencing reads and otherwise using the same criteria as described above. From this set, we further extracted those 6,982 diallelic SNPs that were predicted to introduce nonsynonymous substitutions in the predicted reference proteins and tested each of these SNPs for their association with the observed avirulence phenotypes using Fisher’s exact test. Moreover, we also wanted to be able to detect potential candidates for which the loss of avirulence might be caused, not by one common SNP in all isolates, but by different isolate-specific SNPs. Therefore, we additionally integrated all high-confidence nonsynonymous SNPs over each gene and also tested these genewise collapsed variants for association with the observed avirulence phenotypes using Fisher’s exact test. The association test and genewise integration of SNPs were implemented in R (code available upon request). To predict protein structures of the identified AVRA candidates, the respective amino acids were submitted to the IntFOLD (38), I-TASSER (39), and HHpred (37) servers using default settings.

Generation of Expression Constructs.

RNA isolated from barley leaves challenged with Bgh isolates DH14, A6, CC52, and RACE1 was used for cDNA synthesis using SuperScript II Reverse Transcriptase (Thermo Fisher Scientific). Subsequently, the cDNA sequences of the effector genes AVRa1, AVRa1-V1, -V2, AVRa13-1, -3, -V1, and -V2 without signal peptide sequences were PCR-amplified by using the primers listed in Table S3. The PCR products were first cloned into pENTR-D/TOPO (Thermo Fisher Scientific) and then into the binary vector pIPKb002, which contains the maize (Zea mays) ubiquitin 1 promoter (40). To introduce a single FLAG-tag at the C terminus, the corresponding nucleotide sequence was added at the 3′ end of AVRA1, AVRa1-V1, and -V2 in the pENTR-D/TOPO. To introduce a single FLAG-tag at the N terminus, the corresponding sequence was added at the 5′ end of AVRa13-1, -3, -V1, and -V2 in the pENTR-D/TOPO. The resulting entry clones were transferred into pIPKb002. Constructs were used in the transient gene expression assays in barley leaves or barley protoplasts as described below. To generate transgenic Arabidopsis plants expressing AVRa1, the AVRa1 gene without the signal peptide sequence was cloned together with the Arabidopsis poly-ubiquitin promoter (AtPubiq10) into the binary vector R4pGWB4-stop-HSP, which contains the HSP terminator to increase the gene expression (76).

Table S3.

List of primers used in this study

Gene Purpose Forward primer Reverse primer
AtUbq10pro-intron Cloning of the Arabidopsis Ubiquitin 10 promoter including the first intron into pDONRG-P4P1R ggggacaactttgtatagaaaagttggaGGTCATTGGACTGAACACGAG ggggactgcttttttgtacaaacttgtCTGTTAATCAGAAAAACTCAGA

Transient Gene Expression by Agrobacterium-Mediated Transformation of Barley Leaves.

The binary overexpression vector pIPKb002 and Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain AGL1 were used for transient expression of effectors. Fresh Agrobacteria were grown overnight in yeast extract broth (YEB) medium with rifampicin, carbenicillin, and spectinomycin. After centrifugation, bacterial pellets were resuspended in an infiltration buffer containing 10 mM Mes, 10 mM MgCl2, and 400 µM acetosyringone to an optical density of 2.0. The Agrobacterium suspension was infiltrated into the adaxial side of the second leaf of 12-d-old barley plants by using a 1-mL syringe without needle. Plant phenotypes were examined at between 5 and 14 d after infiltration.

Transient Gene Expression and Cell Death Assay in Barley Protoplasts.

Isolation of barley protoplast was adapted from an established Arabidopsis protoplast isolation method (41) with the following modifications: (i) The enzyme solution consisted of 10 mM Mes (pH 5.7), 1.5% (wt/vol) cellulase R10, 0.5% macerozyme R10, 0.6 M mannitol, 20 mM KCl, 10 mM CaCl2, and 0.1% BSA. (ii) The concentration of mannitol in the solution W1 was 0.6 M (instead of 0.4 M). (iii) Epidermis of the first leaves of 7-d-old plants was peeled (instead of chopping leaves), and then leaves without epidermis were immersed into the enzyme solution to release mesophyll protoplasts. After isolation of barley protoplasts, 7.5 µg of the luciferase reporter plasmid and 7.5 µg of the respective effector construct in a volume of 30 µL were cotransfected into 300-µL barley protoplasts by using the PEG–calcium-mediated DNA transfection method (41). At 16 h after transfection, protoplasts were collected by centrifugation, dissolved in Luciferase Cell Culture Lysis buffer (Promega, catalog no. E1531), and then the luciferase activity was measured by using the Luciferase Assay System (Promega, catalog no. E1501).

Protein Analysis.

To examine effector protein expression in barley protoplasts, the FLAG-tagged effector constructs were transfected into protoplasts isolated from barley cv. Golden Promise or Manchuria. At 18 h after transfection, protoplasts were collected by centrifugation and dissolved in protein lysis buffer containing 50 mM Tris⋅HCl (pH 7.5), 1 mM EDTA (pH 7.5), 150 mM NaCl, 10% (vol/vol) glycerol, 10 mM NaF, 1 mM Na2VO4, 25 mM β-glycerophosphate, 10 mM DTT, 1% Triton X-100, and protease inhibitors (Roche, catalog no. 11836145001). Protein samples were loaded onto an 18% gel for Western blotting and probed with mouse monoclonal anti-FLAG M2 (Sigma-Aldrich, catalog no. F3165), followed by goat anti-mouse IgG-HRP (Santa Cruz, catalog no. sc-2005) to detect the FLAG-tagged effector proteins.

Generation of Stable Transgenic A. thaliana.

Two of 15 T1 plants, designated AVRa1 line P4-2 and AVRa1 line P4-4, accumulated high levels of AVRa1 transcript. Two of 16 T1 plants (designated AVRa1–FLAG-12 and AVRa1–FLAG-14) accumulated detectable AVRA1–FLAG protein, whereas 7 of 14 transgenic T1 plants accumulated detectable AVRA1–V1-FLAG protein (designated AVRa1-V1-FLAG-1, -2, -3, -4, -6, -9, and -14). We chose to cross AVRa1 P4-2, AVRa1 P4-4, AVRa1–FLAG-12, AVRa1–FLAG-14, AVRa1–V1-FLAG-1, and AVRa1–V1-FLAG-2 T1 plants with transgenic A. thaliana plants (line 47-2) homozygous for the Mla1 transgene (25). The line 47-2 was crossed as the female parent. Transgene segregation analysis among the T2 progeny suggested that the AVRa1 P4-2, AVRa1 P4-4, AVRa1–FLAG-14, and AVRa1–V1-FLAG-2 carried a single copy heterozygous integration of the respective transgenes. The segregation analysis of AVRa1–FLAG-12 and AVRa1–V1-FLAG-1 suggested two or more copies of the respective transgene.

MCL Analysis.

To identify orthologs of AVRA1 and AVRA13 in Bgt and define CSEP families across the two species, groups of orthologous proteins were inferred from the Bgh and Bgt CSEPs by using OrthoMCL (Version 2.0) (46) with standard parameters and granularity 1.5 for the MCL clustering step. Because we observed that AVRA1 and AVRA13 are able to induce the MLA-dependent cell death response without the signal peptide, the OrthoMCL clustering was performed on the respective Bgh and Bgt protein sequences after removal of the signal peptides by using SignalP (Version 4.1) (77) with a D value cutoff of 0.2.

Subsequently, we extracted the two OrthoMCL families containing AVRA1 and AVRA13 and performed a multiple sequence alignment of the respective protein sequences without the signal peptides using Clustal Omega (78) and visualized the alignments. Moreover, to check for the presence of the respective Bgt family members in three further Bgt isolates with published genome sequences, we performed a Blast search with the respective CDS sequences against the genome assemblies to identify the respective genome contigs. Subsequently, we manually extracted the genomic sequences of the respective regions in the different isolates and used MEGA (Version 5) (79) to perform a codon-based nucleotide alignment with Muscle (default settings) on the CDS sequences and corresponding genomic regions. After manual fine-tuning, the respective nucleotide alignments were visualized with Geneious Basic (Version 5.0.3) (80).

Supplementary Material

Supplementary File


We thank L. Chartrain and J. Brown (John Innes Centre) for providing the Bgh isolates DH14, CC1, CC52, CC66, CC88, CC107, and CC148; M. F. Lyngkjær (University of Copenhagen) for Bgh isolate B103; R. Oliver (Curtin University) for the Bgh isolates Aby, Art, and Will; H. Hisano (Okayama University) for the Bgh isolate OU14; N. Yamaoka (Ehime University) for the Bgh isolate RACE1; and M. Moscou (The Sainsbury Laboratory) for providing the Manchuria NIL lines. The ZmUbi-LUC plasmid, pIPKb002, and R4pGWB4-stop-HSP were kindly provided by R. Panstruga (RWTH Aachen University), J. Kumlehn (Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research), and N. Mitsuda (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology), respectively. We thank C. Pedersen (University of Copenhagen) for helpful suggestions. We also thank S. Haigis and M. Yoshikawa-Maekawa for maintaining the Bgh isolates; P. Köchner for technical assistance; and the Max Planck Genome Centre Cologne for RNA-seq. This work was supported by the Max-Planck Society (X.L., B.K., I.M.L.S., S.B. and P.S.-L.); German Research Foundation in the Collaborative Research Centre Grant SFB670 (to B.K., T.M., and P.S.-L.); Grains Research & Development Corporation Projects CUR00017 and CUR00023 P8 (to S.R.E.); and the JSPS KAKENHI Grant JP16K07618 Inamori Foundation (to T.Y.).


The authors declare no conflict of interest.

Data deposition: The sequences reported in this paper have been deposited in the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) database, (accession no. GSE83237).

This article contains supporting information online at


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