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. 2016 Oct 27;5:e18044. doi: 10.7554/eLife.18044

Dopamine neurons learn relative chosen value from probabilistic rewards

Armin Lak 1,*,, William R Stauffer 1, Wolfram Schultz 1
Editor: Michael J Frank2
PMCID: PMC5116238  PMID: 27787196


Economic theories posit reward probability as one of the factors defining reward value. Individuals learn the value of cues that predict probabilistic rewards from experienced reward frequencies. Building on the notion that responses of dopamine neurons increase with reward probability and expected value, we asked how dopamine neurons in monkeys acquire this value signal that may represent an economic decision variable. We found in a Pavlovian learning task that reward probability-dependent value signals arose from experienced reward frequencies. We then assessed neuronal response acquisition during choices among probabilistic rewards. Here, dopamine responses became sensitive to the value of both chosen and unchosen options. Both experiments showed also the novelty responses of dopamine neurones that decreased as learning advanced. These results show that dopamine neurons acquire predictive value signals from the frequency of experienced rewards. This flexible and fast signal reflects a specific decision variable and could update neuronal decision mechanisms.


Research Organism: Rhesus macaque

eLife digest

Learning to choose the most fulfilling reward from a number of options requires the ability to infer the value of each option from unpredictable and changing environments. Neurons in the brain that produce a chemical called dopamine are critical for this learning process. They broadcast a 'prediction error' signal that alerts other areas of the brain to the difference between the actual reward and the previously predicted reward. Previous studies have shown that when dopamine neurons signal a prediction error, new learning about the value of an option takes place.

To understand exactly what happens during this learning process, Lak et al. recorded electrical activity from dopamine neurons in the brains of two monkeys. Over a number of trials, the monkeys were shown one of three different novel images, each of which was associated with a different likelihood of receiving a large amount of a fruit juice reward.

The recordings showed that the dopamine response to cues was divided into early and late components. At the start of learning, when the monkeys were unfamiliar with the likelihood that each image would yield a large juice reward, the early part of the dopamine response was large. The size of this part of the response decreased as the monkeys became more familiar with each image. The later part of the dopamine response changed to reflect the rewards the monkeys had received on previous trials. On trials where a reward was delivered, this part of the response grew larger, but diminished if a reward was not given.

When the monkeys had to choose between rewards, the dopamine response was larger when the monkey chose the higher valued option over the lesser valued one, and smaller when the opposite choice was made, thus reflecting the animal’s choice. These choice-dependent responses were also sensitive to the value of unchosen option, and therefore, reflected the difference between the value of chosen and unchosen options.

Future studies are now required to find out how manipulating the activity of the dopamine neurons influences the way animals learn and make decisions.



Individuals frequently make predictions about the value of future rewards and update these predictions by comparison with experienced outcomes. A fundamental determinant of reward value is reward probability (Pascal, 2005). When an environmental cue predicts reward in a probabilistic fashion, the brain needs to learn the value of such a cue from the frequency of experienced rewards. Such learning enables individuals to compute the economic value of environmental cues and thus allows forpa efficient decision making.

The phasic activity of dopamine neurons encodes reward prediction error (Schultz et al., 1997; Bayer and Glimcher, 2005; Enomoto et al., 2011; Cohen et al., 2012). These prediction error responses increase monotonically with the expected value of reward, including reward probability (Fiorillo et al., 2003; Tobler et al., 2005). Cues that predict reward with high probability evoke larger responses than cues predicting the same reward with lower probability (Fiorillo et al., 2003). Moreover, during an economic choice task, responses of dopamine neurons and striatal dopamine concentration reflect the reward probability of the cue the animal has chosen (Morris et al., 2006; Saddoris et al., 2015). In these studies, neuronal responses to reward predicting cues were examined only after the animals received substantial training with the same reward-predicting cues.

The responses of dopamine neurons have been also examined during learning (Mirenowicz and Schultz, 1994; Hollerman and Schultz, 1998). These studies primarily focused on how dopamine responses to rewards develop during learning of cue-reward association. This neuronal acquisition happens gradually (Hollerman and Schultz, 1998), and is well-approximated by reinforcement learning (RL) models (Pan et al., 2005). Similarly, striatal dopamine concentration reflects values of probabilistically delivered rewards during learning (Hamid et al., 2016). However, it remains unknown how learning about probabilistic rewards shapes responses of dopamine neurons to reward predicting cues, and how this neuronal learning participates in decision making.

We addressed these questions by recording the activity of dopamine neurons in monkeys during the learning of novel cues predicting specific reward probabilities. We studied dopamine responses during both simple Pavlovian conditioning and during risky choices. In both tasks, dopamine responses to cues showed two distinct response components: an early component reflecting novelty, and a later component that developed during learning to encode the value of probabilistic rewards acquired from experienced reward frequencies. Reinforcement learning models served to separate these two components more formally. During choice, the acquired dopamine responses reflected the value of the chosen option relative to the unchosen option.


Pavlovian learning of probabilistic rewards

Pavlovian conditioning is the most basic mechanism by which an organism can learn to predict rewards. This behavioural paradigm provides a straightforward platform for monitoring neuronal correlates of learning. To investigate how responses of dopamine neurons develop during learning to reflect the value of probabilistically delivered rewards, we monitored two monkeys during a Pavlovian conditioning task (Figure 1A). Visual cues (fractal pictures, never seen before) predicted gambles between a large (0.4 ml) and a small (0.1 ml) juice reward, delivered 2 s after cue onset. The probability of receiving the large reward was p=0.25, p=0.50, or p=0.75; the probability of small reward was correspondingly 1 - p. In each learning block, three novel cues were differentially associated with three different reward probabilities, but only one cue was presented to the animal on each trial. This situation conforms to a learning set in which the animals learned to rapidly assign in each learning block one of the three possible probabilities to each cue (Harlow, 1949).

Figure 1. Monkeys rapidly learn the value of cues that predict rewards with different probabilities.

Figure 1.

(A) Pavlovian task. Left: example of novel visual cues (fractal images) presented to monkeys. In each trial, animals were presented with a visual cue and received a large (0.4 ml) or small (0.1 ml) drop of juice reward 2s after cue onset. Specific cues predicted the large reward with probabilities of p=0.25, p=0.5 and p=0.75, together with small reward at 1–p. In each session of the experiment (lasting 90–120 trials), three novel cues were differentially associated with the three tested reward probabilities. Over consecutive trials, cues with different reward probabilities were presented to animals pseudorandomly. Trials were separated by inter-trial intervals of 2–5 s. Animals had no specific behavioural requirements throughout this task. (B) Monkeys’ lick responses during Pavlovian learning. The lick responses were measured from cue onset to onset of reward delivery.


The animals gradually developed differential anticipatory lick responses, measured between cue onset and reward delivery, over about 10 trials for each cue (Figure 1B, p<0.01 in both animals, one-way ANOVA). This result suggests that the monkeys learned the value of novel sensory cues that predicted rewards with different probabilities.

We recorded the responses of 38 and 32 dopamine neurons in monkeys A and B, respectively, during this Pavlovian learning task. The neuronal responses to cues showed two components (Figure 2A), analogous to previous studies (Nomoto et al., 2010; Stauffer et al., 2014; Schultz, 2016). Specifically, an early activation at 0.1–0.2 s after cue onset most likely reflected the previously observed novelty signals (Ljungberg et al., 1992; Horvitz et al., 1997; Schultz, 1998; Costa et al., 2014; Gunaydin et al., 2014). It decreased progressively during learning blocks (Figure 2B, Figure 2—figure supplement 1A; and 55/70 neurons; p<0.05 power function fit to trial-by-trial responses), reflecting cue repetition better than number of consecutive trials (R2 = 0.86 vs. R2 = 0.53, linear regression). This response component failed to differentiate between the cues predicting different reward probabilities (Figure 2B, p=0.61, one-way ANOVA).

Figure 2. Responses of dopamine neurons acquire predictive value from the frequency of rewards.

(A) Peri-stimulus time histograms (PSTHs) of a dopamine neuron in response to novel cues predicting rewards with different probabilities. Pink (0.1–0.2 s after cue onset) and grey (0.2–0.6 s after cue onset) horizontal bars indicate analysis windows used in B and C, respectively. (B) Decrease of neuronal population responses, measured at 0.1–0.2 s after cue onset (pink inset), over consecutive learning trials. Error bars show standard error of mean (s.e.m.) across neurons (n = 70, pooled from monkeys A and B). (C) Differentiation of neuronal population responses, measured at 0.2–0.6 s after cue onset (grey inset), over consecutive learning trials. The following figure supplement is available for Figure 2:


Figure 2.

Figure 2—figure supplement 1. Compound novelty-value responses of dopamine neurons to novel cues associated with different probabilistic rewards.

Figure 2—figure supplement 1.

(A) PSTHs of dopamine population responses to novel reward predicting cues. Neuronal responses in the first, second, third and fourth trials are plotted separately. (B) Neuronal population responses to cues (measured 0.1–0.6 s after the cue onset) over consecutive learning trials. The grey zone shows the analysis window, comprising both novelty and value responses.

In contrast to the initial novelty response, a subsequent response component occurred at 0.2–0.6 s after cue onset and became differential during the learning of different reward probabilities (Figure 2C, 26/70 neurons, one-way ANOVA on responses from sixth to last trial, p<0.05). These responses became statistically distinct after experiencing each cue six times (Figure 2C, p<0.01, one-way ANOVA on trial-by-trial neuronal population responses). Thus, throughout each short learning session with a new set of fractal images, a considerable fraction of dopamine neurons learned the value of reward predicting cues from the frequency of experienced rewards. Analysis on the whole duration of neuronal response (0.1–0.6 s after cue onset) showed that the compound novelty-value responses decreased over consecutive learning trials and also reflected the learned value of cues (Figure 2—figure supplement 1B). Taken together, these results demonstrate how dopamine neurons gradually acquire probability-dependent value responses from the frequency of experienced rewards, and how these responses differ from their novelty responses.

Examination of dopamine prediction error responses to reward delivery provided further evidence for neuronal acquisition of reward probability. Neuronal responses to reward developed gradually to reflect the values of the cues. Specifically, activating neuronal responses to large reward (0.4 ml) were larger after cues that predicted this outcome with lower probability, compared to cues predicting the same outcome with higher probability (Figure 3A top). Conversely, depressant neuronal responses to small reward (0.1 ml) were more pronounced after cues predicting large reward with higher probability (Figure 3A bottom). Thus, both the activating and depressant responses were consistent with reward prediction error coding. The neuronal responses to both large and small rewards differentiated gradually over consecutive trials, based on the predicted probability of getting each of those rewards, and reached statistical significance after 9 and 16 trials, respectively (Figure 3B, p<0.02, one-way ANOVA on neuronal population responses). The development of dopamine responses to rewards further suggests that early and late responses to cues convey distinct signals. If early responses to cues contained predictive values signals (i.e. reflecting an optimistic value initialisation), such signals should have contributed to prediction error computations at reward time. However, the pattern of neuronal reward prediction errors (Figure 3B) suggests that these responses were computed in relation to late responses to cues, and reflected cue values initialised around the average value of all cues. Accordingly, neuronal responses to rewards were accounted for by the late component of neuronal responses to cues as well as the received reward size, with no significant contribution from the early component of cue responses (p=0.0001, 0.43 and 0.021 for reward size, early and late cue responses, respectively; multiple linear regression). Thus, the development of the prediction error responses at the time of reward reflect the acquisition of probability-dependent value responses to cues; dopamine neurons learn the value of novel cues and use these learned values to compute prediction errors at the time of the outcome.

Figure 3. Responses of dopamine neurons to reward delivery develop over trials to reflect the learned value of probabilistic cues.

Figure 3.

(A) PSTHs of example dopamine neurons in response to delivery of large and small juice rewards (top, bottom). Probabilities indicated in colour refer to the occurrence of the large reward in gambles containing one large and one small reward (0.4 ml and 0.1 ml, respectively). (B) Neuronal population responses to large and small juice rewards over consecutive learning trials. Responses were measured in analysis windows indicated by corresponding grey horizontal bars in A (top: 0.15–0.5 s, bottom: 0.2–0.45 s after reward onset).


Dopamine responses to rewards and reward-predicting cues are described well by prediction errors derived from standard reinforcement learning (RL) models. These models calculate trial-by-trial prediction errors and use these values, weighted by a learning rate parameter, to update associative strengths. While it is straightforward to see that in the RL framework positive and negative reward prediction errors, encountered upon receiving large and small rewards, can lead to reward probability-dependent cue responses, it is not clear what form of RL model can best account for the development of value and novelty driven dopamine responses during learning. We therefore investigated different variants of RL models to discover which RL variant can best capture the observed development of dopamine responses.

We devised models with three different types of learning rates: (1) a learning rate which was fixed over trials resembling the original Rescorla-Wagner model (Rescorla and Wagner, 1972), (2) a learning rate that decayed over trials thus representing the idea that updating should occur faster in early trials, and (3) a learning rate that was adaptively adjusted on every trial based on past prediction errors, thus capturing the idea that learning is slower when prediction errors are negligible (Pearce and Hall, 1980; Pearce et al., 1981; Le Pelley, 2004). For each of the three learning rate-type models, we fit the data with and without the presence of a term for the novelty which decayed over trials (Figure 4A, see Materials and methods) (Kakade and Dayan, 2002). Thus, in total we explored six model variants, and fit the models to the dopamine responses using the rewards actually delivered during the experiments (Materials and methods).

Figure 4. A reinforcementlearning model with a novelty term and an adaptive learning rate account for dopamine responses during learning.

(A) Schematic of RL models fitted on neuronal responses. In each trial, the model updates the value of stimulus based on the experienced reward prediction error. Six variants of RL models were tested (three different learning rates, each with or without novelty term). In brief, we optimized the free parameters of each model so that it minimized the difference between dopamine responses to cues (measured 0.1–0.6 s after the cue, thus including both novelty and value component) and model’s estimates of novelty + value. We then examined the relation between value-driven neuronal responses and value estimates of the superior model and also the relation between novelty-driven neuronal responses and novelty estimates of the superior model. For details of model implementation and fitting procedure see Materials and methods. (B) Left: Value estimates of the superior model (i.e. the model with a novelty term and adaptive learning rate) overlaid on neuronal population responses measured 0.2–0.6s after the cue onset,(from Figure 2C). For details of parameter estimation and model comparison see Supplementary file 1. Right: Regression of dopamine responses to cues (dopamine value responses, i.e. 0.2–0.6 s after the cue onset) onto value estimates of the superior RL model. See Figure 4—figure supplement 1 for regression of dopamine novelty signals onto novelty-driven model’s estimates.


Figure 4.

Figure 4—figure supplement 1. A reinforcement learning model with a novelty term and an adaptive learning rate account for dopamine responses during learning.

Figure 4—figure supplement 1.

(A) Novelty + value estimates of the superior model (i.e. the model with a novelty term and adaptive learning rate) overlaid on neuronal population responses measured 0.1–0.6s after the cue onset (from Figure 2—figure supplement 1B). (B) Regression of dopamine novelty signals (measured 0.1–0.2 s after the cue onset) onto novelty-driven estimates of the superior model. (C) Average of estimated learning rate and estimated novelty term of the superior model. (D) Scatter plot of session-by-session estimated learning rates of early and late components of dopamine responses to cues. For this analysis, the model with fixed learning rate that included novelty term was rearranged so that its novelty term followed an error-driven learning (see Methods and materials). Each dot corresponds to a session.

The model that included an adaptive learning rate and novelty term outperformed all other model variants in accounting for dopamine responses (Figure 4B left and Figure 4—figure supplement 1A, see Supplementary file 1 for details of parameter estimation and model comparisons). Consistent with this, regression of second component dopamine responses to cues (0.2–0.6 s after the cue onset) onto value estimates of the superior model was highly significant (Figure 4B, right, R2 = 0.93, p=0.00003). Moreover, regression of dopamine novelty responses to model-driven novelty estimates was statistically significant (Figure 4—figure supplement 1B, R2 = 0.63, p=0.001). In this simulation, the estimated learning rate decayed over trials, while fluctuating based on past prediction errors (Figure 4A and Figure 4—figure supplement 1C, Supplementary file 1). The model fittings suggested that the development of early and late responses to cues follows different temporal dynamics. In a model variant that is rearranged to include the novelty decay term as an error-driven learning process (simulating optimistic value initialisation), the recovered learning constant for the first component of cue responses was significantly larger than the recovered learning constant for the late response component (Figure 4—figure supplement 1D, p<0.0001, Mann-Whitney U test, see Materials and methods). This observation suggests that early and late components of dopamine responses follow distinct temporal dynamics. Together, these results suggest that, during learning about probabilistic rewards, the trial-by-trial dopamine responses to cues adjust according to how much learning has advanced. Neuronal responses to cues rapidly develop early during learning and value updating becomes slower as learning progresses and prediction errors become smaller.

Learning the value of probabilistic rewards during choice

Our findings so far demonstrate that dopamine neurons acquire the value of probabilistic rewards during a Pavlovian learning paradigm. We next investigated the behavioural and neuronal signatures of learning about probabilistic rewards during a decision task. As before, we used new fractal stimuli for each learning episode, which also prevented a carry-over of learned pictures from the Pavlovian to the choice task.

The animals made saccade-guided binary choices between two cues (Figure 5A). The animals had extensive prior experience with one of the cues (familiar cue) that predicted a 50% chance of receiving a large reward (0.4 ml) and 50% chance of receiving a small reward (0.1 ml). In each block (typically 50 trials) the familiar cue was always offered as one choice alternative. The other cue was novel, and its reward probability was unknown to the animal. Similar to the Pavlovian task, the novel cues were associated with reward probabilities of 0.25, 0.50 or 0.75 of receiving the large (0.4 ml) reward and 0.1 ml otherwise. This situation resembled a learning set (Harlow, 1949) in which the animals rapidly learned to assign one of three possible values to the novel cue. In this task monkeys had to choose the novel cue in order to learn its reward probability. At the onset of each learning block, both monkeys consistently selected the novel cue in the first few trials (Figure 5B, p<0.01 in both animals, Mann-Whitney U test on choice probabilities in trials 1–4 versus later trials). This exploratory behaviour was accompanied by shorter saccadic response times (measured between cue onset and saccadic acquisition of the chosen option), compared to the response times observed during later trials when the highest probability option was usually chosen (Figure 5C, p<0.01 in both animals, Mann-Whitney U test on trials 1–4 versus later trials). After five trials, both animals chose the higher option 75% of the time (p<0.001; one-way ANOVA on choice probabilities). These results suggest that the animals rapidly learned the value of novel reward predicting cues in the choice task and used these learned values to make efficient economic choices.

Figure 5. Monkeys rapidly learn to make meaningful choices among probabilistic reward predicting cues.

Figure 5.

(A) Choice task. In each trial, after successful central fixation for 0.5 s, the animal was offered a choice between two cues, the familiar cue and the novel cue. The animal indicated its choice by a saccade towards one of the cues. The animal was allowed to saccade as soon as it wanted. The animal had to keep its gaze on the chosen cue for 0.5 s to confirm its choice. Reward was delivered 1.5 s after the choice confirmation. The animals had extensive prior experience with one of the cues (familiar cue predicting 50% chance of getting 0.4 ml and 50% chance of receiving 0.1 ml). The alternative cue was a novel cue with the reward probability unknown to the animal. The novel cues were associated with reward probabilities of 0.25, 0.50 or 0.75 of receiving the large (0.4 ml) reward and 0.1 ml otherwise. After a block (of typically 50 trials) the novel cue was replaced with another novel cue. Trials were separated with inter-trial interval of 2–5 s. Failure to maintain the central fixation or early breaking of fixation on the chosen option resulted in 6 s time-out. (B) Monkeys’ choice behaviour. At the onset of each learning session, both animals chose the novel cue over the familiar cue for 4–5 trials. Afterwards, animals preferentially chose the cue that predicted reward with higher probability. (C) Saccadic choice response times. Both monkeys showed significantly faster reaction times (defined as the interval between the cue onset and the time the animal’s saccade acquired the chosen option) in the first 4–5 trials of each learning block. Error bars are s.e.m across behavioural sessions.


We recorded dopamine activity during the choice task (57 and 42 neurons in monkey A and B). In order to examine neuronal signatures of probability-dependent value learning, we first focused on trials in which animal choose the novel cues. Neuronal responses immediately after the cue onset (0.1–0.2 s after the cue onset) decreased over consecutive trials, reflecting the stimulus novelty (76/99 neurons, power function fit on trial-by-trial responses, p<0.05), but never differentiated to reflect the learned value of cues (Figure 6A, p>0.1 in both animals, one-way ANOVA on population responses). In contrast, the later component of the neuronal response (0.4 to 0.65 s after the cue onset) developed differential responses that reflected the learned value of cues (Figure 6B, p<0.01 from fifth trial onwards, one-way ANOVA on neuronal population responses). Neuronal activity between these two windows of analysis reflected a smooth transition from encoding stimulus novelty to encoding the learned value signals (Figure 6—figure supplement 1). These results indicate that during economic choices, dopamine responses contain two distinct components; the first component of the neuronal responses mainly reflects the stimulus novelty, whereas the second component of neuronal activity differentiates during learning to encode the learned value of cues.

Figure 6. Dopamine responses to cues differentiate as monkeys learn the value of novel cues in the choice task.

(A) Neuronal population responses to cues over consecutive trials of the choice task, measured during 0.1–0.2 s after the cue onset (Dopamine novelty responses, see inset). Only trials in which animal chose the novel cue were shown in all panels of this figure. (B) Neuronal population responses to cues over consecutive trials of the choice task, measured during 0.4–0.65 s after the cue onset (Dopamine value responses, see inset). See Figure 6—figure supplement 1 for more detailed analysis of time course of the neuronal activity. (C) Population dopamine responses to the large reward over trials in which the novel cue was chosen and large reward was delivered. (D) Population dopamine responses to the reward delivery in trials in which the novel cue was chosen. Each bar demonstrates the mean neuronal response averaged across later (30th to last trial) of each session. Bars on the left represent neuronal activity in response the large reward (0.4 ml). Bars on the right represent neuronal activity in response to the small reward (0.1 ml). Inset illustrates PSTHs of an example neuron in response to small and large rewards. Horizontal bars in the inset indicate the temporal window used for computing bar plots (large rewards: 0.1–0.55 s after the reward onset, small rewards: 0.2–0.45 s after the reward onset). Error bars represent s.e.m across neurons (n = 99, pooled from monkeys A and B).


Figure 6.

Figure 6—figure supplement 1. Neuronal responses to cue in the choice task.

Figure 6—figure supplement 1.

The responses were averaged in the time window indicated in each panel. In each panel, only trials in which animal chose the novel cue were shown. Responses very early after cue onset only reflect the novelty of stimuli (Figure 6A). However, later component of dopamine response reflected both novelty signals as well as learned values. Finally the very late part of neuronal responses reflected only learned values (Figure 6B).

We then explored signatures of value learning in neuronal responses to rewards. We analysed the dopamine responses to rewards, focusing again on trials in which animals chose the novel cue. Following the initial trials of each learning block, neuronal responses to reward began to reflect the probability predicted by the chosen cue (Figure 6C, p<0.01 after 36 choice trials; one-way ANOVA on responses to the large reward). In accordance with reward prediction error coding, the responses to 0.4 ml juice were significantly larger when the chosen cue predicted this outcome with lower compared to higher probability (Figure 6D left, p<0.001 in both animals, one-way ANOVA on neuronal responses averaged from 30th to the last trial of each block). Similarly, the negative prediction error responses to the small (0.1 ml) rewards were more pronounced (i.e. stronger depression of activity) when the chosen cue predicted this outcome with lower probability (Figure 6D right, p=0.02, one-way ANOVA on neuronal responses averaged from 30th to last trial of the block). Together, these results indicate that during a learning task that included economic choice, dopamine neurons learn the value of novel cues from the probabilistic outcomes associated with those cues and compute reward prediction errors by comparing these learned values with the actual trial outcome.

Choice-dependent dopamine responses

To investigate whether dopamine responses depended on the animals’ choice, we divided the trials according to the choice that the animals made (i.e. lower probability chosen or higher probability chosen), and examined the trial-by-trial neuronal responses to cue presentations. The magnitude of the neuronal response depended on the choice (Figure 7A). Larger neuronal responses occurred when the animal chose the higher probability (more valuable) option, compared to the lower probability (less valuable) option (Figure 7A, p<0.02, Mann-Whitney U test on population responses during 0.25–0.65 s after cue onset in both animals and p<0.02 in 11 out of 99 single cells, Mann-Whitney U test). The early response component (0.1–0.2 s after cue onset) did not reflect animals’ choice (p>0.1 in both animals, Mann-Whitney U test). The choice-sensitivity of neuronal responses developed rapidly during learning; they reached statistical significance after five choice trials (Figure 7B, p<0.01 from fifth trial onwards, one-way ANOVA). Within a given trial, choice predictive activity arose as early as 130 ms prior to saccade onset (Figure 7C, analysis window starting 0.2 s before the choice onset, p<0.01 from 130 ms before saccade onset, Mann-Whitney U test). These results demonstrate that during learning dopamine responses rapidly develop choice sensitivity and reflect the value of the option chosen by the animal (i.e. chosen value). Furthermore, these neurons began encoding this decision variable even before the overt choice (i.e. onset of saccade) occurred.

Figure 7. During learning dopamine neurons acquire choice-sensitive responses which emerge prior to response initiation.

(A) Population dopamine PSTHs to cues in the choice task. Grey horizontal bar indicates the temporal window used for statistical analysis. In all plots, all trials of learning blocks are included. Note that the results would be similar after excluding initial trials of each learning session. (B) Population dopamine responses to cues (0.4–0.65 s after the cue onset) over consecutive choice trials. Trials are separated based on animal’s choice. (C) Population dopamine PSTHs aligned to the saccade initiation (i.e. the time on which animal terminated the central fixation to make a saccade towards one of the cues). Dopamine choice-sensitive responses appeared ~130 ms prior to saccade initiation. (D) Averaged neuronal population responses to cues in trials in which animals chose the familiar cue. Despite the fact that animal had extensive experience with the familiar cue (and hence accurate estimate of its value), neuronal responses showed dependency on the value of the unchosen cue. See Figure 7—figure supplement 1 for the time course of this effect over consecutive trials of learning.


Figure 7.

Figure 7—figure supplement 1. Population dopamine responses to cues over trials in which animals chose the familiar cue over the novel cues.

Figure 7—figure supplement 1.

After nine choice trials, neuronal responses showed dependency to the value of the unchosen cue. Responses to cues at first and second trials are not shown because in these trials animals almost never chose the familiar cue (see Figure 5B).

We next investigated whether neuronal responses during choice could also reflect the value of unchosen option. We inspected trials in which the animals chose the familiar cue, and divided those trials according to the reward probability of the novel cue. Despite the fact that the animals had extensive experience with the familiar cues (and hence accurate estimates of their value), the neuronal responses during choices of the familiar cue were significantly larger when the alternative option predicted low compared to high probability of the same large reward (Figure 7D, p=0.01, one-way ANOVA, see Figure 7—figure supplement 1 for the time course of the effect). Together, these results suggest that during choices among probabilistic rewards, dopamine responses are sensitive to the value of both chosen and unchosen options.

We used RL models, similar to those described in the Pavlovian experiment but modified to account for choice, to explore the observed neuronal coding in a trial-by-trial fashion (Figure 8—figure supplement 1, see Materials and methods). The model with adaptive learning rate and novelty term outperformed all other models in accounting for animals’ choices (see Supplementary file 2 for parameter estimation and model comparison). This model accounted well for animals' trial-by-trial choices throughout learning blocks (Figure 8A, left) as well as their session-by-session preferences (Figure 8A, right, r = 0.86, p<0.0001). Similar to the Pavlovian experiments, the estimated learning rate exhibited a decay over trials while maintaining sensitivity to past prediction errors (Figure 8—figure supplement 2A). In all tested models, the estimated learning of the novel cue was larger than the estimated learning rate of the familiar cue, indicating that during learning animals updated the value of novel cue more than the value of familiar cue (Supplementary file 2). Linear regression of the neuronal responses (measured 0.4–0.65 s after the cue onset) onto model’s value estimates revealed a positive relationship to chosen values and an negative relationship to unchosen value (Figure 8B, chosen value: R2 = 0.65, p=0.005, unchosen value: R2 = 0.84, p=0.0001, single linear regression). However, a relative chosen value variable, defined as chosen value – unchosen value, fit the data far better, compared to the chosen or unchosen value variables (Figure 8C, R2 = 0.91, p=0.00005, single linear regression, p<0.02 in 15 out of 99 single cells), confirming earlier results shown in Figure 7. Similar to the Pavlovian experiment, regression of dopamine novelty responses (0.1–0.2 s after the cue) onto model’s novelty estimates was significant (R2 = 0.61, p=0.001, Figure 8—figure supplement 2B). Together, these results suggest that when the animals learn to choose among probabilistic rewards, dopamine neurons took the value of both chosen and unchosen options into account and thus reflected relative chosen value.

Figure 8. Dopamine neurons encode relative chosen values.

(A) Left: Animals choices were simulated using standard reinforcement learning (RL) models (see Figure 8—figure supplements 1 and 2 and Materials and methods). Dotted lines show the performance of the model in predicting monkeys’ choices. Solid lines show monkeys’ choice behaviour (identical to Figure 5B). The parameters of the RL model were separately optimized for each behavioural session (Supplementary file 2). Right: The RL model’s session-by-session probability of choosing the novel cue, estimated using model’s optimized parameters, versus monkeys’ session-by-session probability of choosing the novel cue. (B) Upper panel: Regression of neuronal population responses to cues onto trial-by-trial chosen values estimated from the RL model fitted on monkeys’ choice data. Lower panel: Regression of neuronal population responses to cues onto trial-by-trial unchosen values estimated from the RL model fitted on the choice data. (C) Regression of neuronal population responses to cues onto trial-by-trial relative chosen values (i.e. chosen value – unchosen value) estimated from the RL model fitted on the choice data. Importantly, the chosen and unchosen value variables were not, on average, strongly correlated (r = −0.039, Pearson’s correlation), and we excluded from this analysis sessions in which the absolute value of the correlation coefficient between the chosen and unchosen variables was larger than 0.25. In B and C, the neuronal responses were measured 0.4–0.65 s after cue onset (i.e. dopamine value signals) and are regressed against value estimates of the superior model. In explaining the neuronal responses, relative chosen value outperformed other variables in all six models tested. See Figure 8—figure supplement 2B for regression of responses measured 0.1–0.2 s after cue onset (i.e dopamine novelty responses) onto model-driven novelty estimates. Regression of whole neuronal responses (0.1–0.65 s after the cue onset) against value estimates of the RL model further confirmed relative chosen value as the best explanatory variables (R2 = 0.57, 0.61 and 0.83 for unchosen, chosen and relative chosen values). In all plots, all trials of learning blocks are included (regression results are similar after excluding initial (i.e. 5) trials of each session).


Figure 8.

Figure 8—figure supplement 1. Schematic of the RL model used for simulating monkeys’ choice behaviour.

Figure 8—figure supplement 1.

In each trial, the model makes a choice by comparing values associated with familiar and novel cues (for models with novelty term: value vs novelty + value associated with familiar and novel cues are compared). Upon receiving the outcome, the model computes a prediction error, i.e. the difference between received outcome and prior expectation, which is used to update the value of chosen option. We fit six variations of RL models on monkeys’ choices, differing in their learning rate parameter and in having/not having a novelty term. See Materials and methods and Supplementary file 2 for details of the model implementation.
Figure 8—figure supplement 2. Estimated learning rates of the RL model and regression of dopamine novelty responses to model-driven novelty estimates.

Figure 8—figure supplement 2.

(A) Average estimated learning rates of the superior model for familiar and novel cues. (B) Regression of neuronal population responses measured 0.1–0.2 s after the cue onset onto novelty estimates of the superior model.


Building on previous findings that the prediction error responses of dopamine neurons increase monotonically with reward probability and expected value (Fiorillo et al., 2003; Tobler et al., 2005), this study shows how these probability dependent value responses evolve through learning. Dopamine responses showed two distinct response components. Responses immediately after the cues decreased as learning advanced, reflecting novelty. The second response component developed during learning to encode the value of probabilistic rewards acquired from experienced reward frequencies. Correspondingly, the prediction error responses at reward time changed over the course of learning to gradually reflect the learned reward values. Results from previous studies on fully established tasks suggest that the acquired dopamine responses to probabilistic rewards do not code reward probability on its own but rather increase monotonically with the statistical expected value (Fiorillo et al., 2003; Tobler et al., 2005). The present learning data are fully compatible with those results. During choices, the acquired dopamine value signals coded the value of the chosen option relative to the unchosen option. These results are consistent with previous findings that showed chosen value coding in dopamine neurons (Morris et al., 2006). However, we provide new evidence in favour of a more nuanced, relative chosen value coding scheme whereby dopamine responses also reflect the value of un-chosen option. Together, our data suggest that dopamine neurons extract predictive reward value from the experienced reward frequency and code this information as relative chosen value.

Throughout learning, dopamine responses to cues developed to reflect the value of upcoming rewards, indicating that these neurons extract predictive value signals from experienced reward frequencies. In the learning experiment that involved choices, the neuronal responses rapidly differentiated to reflect animal’s choice. These differential responses, despite appearing more than 100 ms prior to overt behaviour, reflect prediction errors in relation to an already computed choice, and thus might not directly participate in current choice computation. Our modelling results provided further insights into the dynamics of neuronal learning process. First, the development of neuronal responses over trials as well as animals’ choices were best explained by models that adaptively adjusted their learning rate based on past prediction errors, resembling previous studies in human subjects (Nassar et al., 2010; Diederen and Schultz, 2015). Second, value-dependent dopamine responses were still updated even after the dopamine novelty responses stabilized, suggesting two distinct time courses for these two components of neuronal activity. Interestingly, in both Pavlovian and choice tasks, behavioural preferences as well as neuronal responses to cues reflected reward probability earlier during learning than the neuronal reward responses. This temporal difference might suggest an origin of behavioural preferences and acquired dopamine cue responses in other brain structures, rather than relying primarily on dopamine reward prediction error signals.

We observed that early during learning, dopamine novelty responses were large and they slowly decreased over consecutive trials, due to a decrease in stimulus novelty as suggested previously (Horvitz et al., 1997; Schultz, 1998; Kakade and Dayan, 2002; Gunaydin et al., 2014). In both tasks, the novelty signals were mainly present in initial component of neuronal responses to cues. We used RL models to investigate how these novelty signals affected the neural and behavioural computation of value. In principle, novelty can be incorporated into RL models in two ways: (1) novelty directly augments the value function, thus increasing the predicted value and distorting future value and prediction error computations, or (2) novelty promotes exploration (in a choice setting) but does not distort value and prediction error computation (Kakade and Dayan, 2002). If novelty increased value estimates early in the learning session (i.e. an optimistic value initialisation), then positive prediction errors at the reward time should be very small in early trials and should slowly grow over trials, as optimism faded. Similarly, negative prediction errors would appear as strong suppressions which would be mitigated later. However, our results showed the opposite. We observed a clear development of reward prediction errors depending on the learned value of cues (Figure 3). On the other hand, when dopamine novelty responses were large, i.e. during early trials of choice blocks, monkeys had a strong behavioural tendency to explore the unknown option (Figure 5). Thus, it appears that novelty increased dopamine responses to cues and was correlated with high levels of exploration, consistent with previous studies (Costa et al., 2014), but the neural responses did not reflect optimistic value initiation. Given the substantial projections of dopamine neurons to cortical and subcortical structures involved in decision making (Lynd-Balta and Haber, 1994; Williams, 1998), dopamine responses to novel situations might set downstream neuronal dynamics to an activity regime that is optimal for learning (Puig and Miller, 2012).

Previous learning studies have shown that dopamine neurons are activated by unpredictable rewards, but not by completely predicted rewards (Mirenowicz and Schultz, 1994). Accordingly, dopamine neurons respond most strongly to rewards delivered near the start of learning, when rewards are most unpredictable and induce positive prediction errors (Hollerman and Schultz, 1998). Reward responses steadily decrease as the rewards become progressively more predictable (Hollerman and Schultz, 1998). However, in that study a small fraction of neurons (12%) responded to fully predicted rewards. Similarly, in studies using rodent models some dopamine responses to fully predicted rewards have remained (Pan et al., 2005; Cohen et al., 2012; Hamid et al., 2016). Several possible mechanisms can explain dopamine responses to ‘completely predicted’ rewards. With regard to the two cited learning studies in primates, the former task (in which dopamine neurons did not respond to fully-predicted rewards) was a simple instrumental task (Mirenowicz and Schultz, 1994), whereas in the latter task the monkeys had to make a choice before performing the instrumental response (Hollerman and Schultz, 1998). It is therefore possible that the more complex task context led to less subjective certainty about upcoming reward. In our study cues predicted the reward only probabilistically, not allowing us to study dopamine responses to fully predicted rewards. Nevertheless, both excitation and suppression of dopamine responses to rewards developed over trials, in a manner consistent with prediction error signalling.

Dopamine neurons respond to prediction errors elicited by conditioned stimuli, which predict the future delivery of reward (Schultz et al., 1997). The dopamine response to the simultaneous onset of choice options is a special case of this responding, because future reward delivery is contingent upon the choice as well as the values that are currently on offer. Previous studies of dopamine activity during choice have shown chosen value coding by dopamine signals (Morris et al., 2006; Saddoris et al., 2015), but other studies have shown coding of the best available option, irrespective of choice (Roesch et al., 2007). Our results confirm the chosen value character of this response and indicate that choice-dependent dopamine signals arose very early with respect to both the onset of learning block as well as the onset of choice within each trial (Figure 7). However, distinct from previous reports, our results indicate that the dopamine signal takes the value of both chosen and unchosen options into account, thus reflecting relative chosen value. The relative value coding nature implies that choosing the exact same option is associated with very different responses in dopamine neurons depending on the value of the alternative option. From this standpoint, our results are fundamentally compatible with a recent report (Kishida et al., 2016) indicating that striatal dopamine concentration in human subjects reflects standard reward prediction error as well as counterfactual prediction error (the difference between the actual outcome and outcome of the action not taken). Our findings provide a cellular correlate for this phenomenon and indicate that flexible encoding of both choice options already occurs at the level of dopamine action potentials.

Dopamine prediction error responses are well-known teaching signals. These signals are transmitted to the striatum and cortex where they would be capable to update stimulus and action values (Reynolds et al., 2001; Shen et al., 2008). Dopamine signals induce value learning (Steinberg et al., 2013) and are implicated in multiple aspects of goal-directed behaviour (Schultz, 1998; Bromberg-Martin et al., 2010; Stauffer et al., 2016). The results demonstrated in this study advance our knowledge of dopamine function by suggesting that dopamine signals might play a critical role in computing flexible values needed for economic decision making (Padoa-Schioppa, 2011). The fast and flexible dopamine responses we observed during choice correspond well to recent findings demonstrating the encoding of economic utility by dopamine neurons (Lak et al., 2014; Stauffer et al., 2014) and the necessity of phasic dopamine responses for consistent choices (Zweifel et al., 2009). Taken together, these data point to a possible function for dopamine neurons in influencing decisions, in form of updating neuronal decision mechanisms in a rapid and flexible manner.

Materials and methods

Animals, surgery and setup

Two male rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) were used for all experiments (13.4 and 13.1 kg). All experimental protocols and procedures were approved by the Home Office of the United Kingdom. A titanium head holder (Gray Matter Research) and stainless steel recording chamber (Crist Instruments and custom made) were aseptically implanted under general anaesthesia before the experiment. The recording chamber for vertical electrode entry was centered 8 mm anterior to the interaural line. During experiments, animals sat in a primate chair (Crist Instruments) positioned 30 cm from a computer monitor. During behavioural training, testing and neuronal recording, eye position was monitored noninvasively using infrared eye tracking (ETL200; ISCAN). Licking was monitored with an infrared optical sensor positioned in front of the juice spout (V6AP; STM Sensors). Eye, lick and digital task event signals were sampled at 2 kHz. The behavioural tasks were controlled using Matlab (Mathworks Inc.) running on a Microsoft Windows XP computer.

Behavioural tasks

Pavlovian learning task

In each block of the experiment, the three examined probabilities (0.25, 0.50 and 0.75) of getting the 0.4 ml juice (and 0.1 ml juice otherwise) were randomly assigned to three novel cues (i.e. fractal images). In each trial, one of the three cues was randomly chosen and was presented to the animal. The reward was delivered 2 s after the cue onset. An experimental block was typically lasted 90–120 trials, constituting 30–40 trials for each cue. Trials were separated with inter-trial intervals of 2–5 s. The learning set in this experiment included 210 novel cues, presented in 70 blocks.

Choice learning task

The monkeys were offered a choice between a familiar cue, whose probability was known through extensive previous training (>5000 Pavlovian trials), and a novel cue, whose probability had to be learned. The familiar cue predicted 50% chance of getting 0.4 ml and 50% chance of receiving 0.1 ml. The novel cues were associated with probabilities of 0.25, 0.50 or 0.75 of receiving the large (0.4 ml) reward and 0.1 ml otherwise. In each choice trial, after successful central fixation for 0.5 s, choice options appeared on the monitor and the animal indicated its choice by a saccade towards one of the cues. The animal was allowed to saccade as soon as it wanted. The animal had to keep its gaze on the chosen cue for 0.5 s to confirm its choice. Reward was delivered 1.5 s after the choice confirmation. Trials were separated with inter-trial interval of 2–5 s. Failure to maintain the central fixation or early break of the fixation on the chosen option resulted in 6 s time-out. At the end of each block (typically 50 trials), the novel cue was replaced with another novel cue. The probabilities assigned to novel cues were randomly chosen from the three possible probabilities. The learning set in this experiment included 120 novel cues each presented against the familiar cue in a learning block.

Reinforcement learning models

Reinforcement learning models in the pavlovian task

We constructed standard reinforcement learning (RL) models and fitted each model onto trial-by-trial dopamine responses in order to understand which model variant could best account for development of dopamine responses during learning.

On each trial, t, after experiencing a cue xt and receiving an outcome, rt (0.1 or 0.4 ml), the model computes a prediction error, δt, by comparing the rt and the value of the stimulus,Vt(xt), according to:

δt=rtVt(xt) (1)

The model uses the δt to update the value of the stimulus, as following:

Vt+1(xt)=Vt(xt)+αδt (2)

where α is the learning rate. We considered three distinct forms of learning rate: (1) a fixed learning rate (i.e. constant over trials); (2) a learning rate that decayed over trials, αt=1/tk, where k is a decay constant; (3) and a learning rate that was adaptively adjusted according to:

αt+1(xt)=η|δt|+(1η)αt(xt) (3)

where η is free parameter (a constant) which defines the degree to which the learning rate used in the current trial, αt should be modified based on the experienced prediction error, δt (Pearce and Hall, 1980; Pearce et al., 1981; Le Pelley, 2004). In this model variant, we allowed α1 (learning rate on the first trial) as a free parameter.

In order to account for the gradual decrease in dopamine responses to cues, we considered two model variants, i.e. with or without a novelty term. In principle, novelty can be incorporated into RL models in two ways: (1) novelty directly augments the value function, thus increases the predicted value and distorts future value and prediction error computations, or (2) novelty promotes exploration (in a choice setting) but does not distort value and prediction error computation (Kakade and Dayan, 2002). If novelty increased value estimates early in the learning session (i.e. an optimistic value initialisation), then positive prediction errors at the reward time should be very small in early trials and slowly grows over trials, as optimism faded. Similarly, negative prediction errors would appear as strong suppressions which will be mitigated later. However, our results showed the opposite. We observed a clear development of reward prediction errors depending on the learned value of cues (Figure 3). Accordingly, we incorporated the decaying novelty term into RL models in a way that it does not distort value and prediction error computation. The novelty term decayed over trials according to:

Noveltyt=e((t/τ)/τ) (4)

where τ is the decay time constant (Kakade and Dayan, 2002). We considered that in model variants that included novelty term, in each trial the dopamine response to cue xt (measured 0.1–0.6 s after the cue onset and thus including both novelty and value signals) reflects the sum of this novelty term (Equation 4) and Vt(xt). However, in model variants without the novelty term, dopamine response to cue only reflects Vt(xt) Note that in models with the novelty term, prediction errors computation and value updating follow Equations 1 and 2 and thus novelty term does not influence these computations. We initialised the value of all cues in a session as 0.25 ml, i.e. average value of all reward predicting cues (allowing the model to freely initialise values resulted in comparable results). In order to compare the temporal dynamics underlying novelty and values responses, we rearranged the model with fixed learning rate that included novelty term so that both its novelty and value components follow error-driven learning (fixed learning rates: 1e(1/τearly2) and 1e(1/τlate2), V0=1 and 0.25 and rt=0 and actual delivered rewards, respectively). We fit this model to trial-by-trial neuronal responses (see below) and compared the recovered learning rates, reasoning that they should be the same if both response components follow similar temporal dynamics.

In order to fit the models directly onto dopamine responses, we used the trial-by-trial rewards actually delivered to the animal during each session as the input to each model, and then optimized the free parameters of each model (Supplementary file 1) to minimize the difference between dopamine responses to cues (measured 0.1–0.6 s after the cue onset, thus including both novelty and value component) and model’s estimates of novelty + value (or only value estimates in models without the novelty term). We estimated these parameters for each learning session using a maximum likelihood procedure. To do so, we used an unconstrained Nelder–Mead search algorithm (MATLAB: fminsearch). To compare the fitting of different models on dopamine responses, we used Bayesian Information criterion (BIC); lower BIC values indicates a better fit of model on the data. Following this fitting, we regressed early neuronal responses measured 0.1–0.2 s after cue onset (i.e. dopamine novelty responses) onto novelty estimates from the superior model (Figure 4—figure supplement 1B). We regressed neuronal responses measured 0.2–0.6 s after the cue onset onto value estimates of the superior model. In order to have models estimates and dopamine activity on the same scale (for illustrations in Figure 4B and Figure 4—figure supplement 1A and regression analyses), we added the average normalized firing rate of neuron recorded in a session (i.e. a constant) to the model’s value estimates of that session.

Reinforcement learning models in the choice task

We constructed standard reinforcement learning (RL) models to examine animals’ choices during learning and to acquire trial-by-trial estimate of chosen and unchosen values (Figure 8—figure supplement 1). Similar to models fitted on neuronal responses in the Pavlovian task, we constructed six variations of RL model differing in their learning rates (fixed, decaying over trial or adaptive) and inclusion of a novelty term.

The models comprised two value functions (Vt(f)  and  Vt(n)) representing the learned values of the familiar and novel cues on trial t, respectively. In each trial, the probability that the model chooses the novel cue over the familiar cue was estimated by the softmax rule (Sutton and Barto, 1998) as follows:

pt=eVt(n)/βeVt(n)/β+eVt(f)/β (5)

where β, the temperature parameter of the softmax rule, determines the level of choice randomness. Note that in models that included a novelty term, the softmax operation was performed over Vt(f) and Vt(n)+Noveltyt, where Noveltyt are computed according to Equation 4. This arrangement promotes choices of novel cues in initial trials of learning without influencing value and prediction error computations.

In each trial, upon making a choice and receiving an outcome, the value of the chosen option on that trial, Vt(chosent), was updated according the reward prediction error, as follows:

Vt+1(chosent)=Vt(chosent)+α[rtVt(chosent)] (6)

where rt indicates the size of reward received in trial t (0.1 and 0.4 ml), α denotes the learning rate (fixed, decaying or adaptive in different model variants) and the prediction error, δt=[rtVt(chosent)], indicates the difference between the expected and realized reward sizes. Given that in our experiments we had familiar (over-trained) and novel cues, it is conceivable that animals updated the value of these two cues with different rates. Thus, we allowed each of the model variants to have two different learning rates (one for each cue) in each learning block (see Supplementary file 2).

We estimated the free parameters of each model variants (Supplementary file 2) for each learning session using a maximum likelihood procedure. To do this, we used an unconstrained Nelder–Mead search algorithm (MATLAB: fminsearch). To compare the fitting of different models on behavioural choices, we used Bayesian Information criterion (BIC). Similar to models used for Pavlovian data, in model variants that included an adaptive learning rate (Equation 3), we allowed α1 (learning rate on the first trial) as a free parameter. We initialised the value of familiar and novel cues in a session as 0.25 ml (allowing the model to freely initialise values resulted in comparable results). Following this fitting, we regressed neuronal responses measured 0.4–0.65 s after the cue (i.e. dopamine value responses) onto chosen, unchosen and relative chosen value estimated from the superior model (Figure 8). We also regressed neuronal responses measured 0.1–0.2 s after cue onset (i.e. dopamine novelty responses) onto novelty estimates of the superior model (Figure 8—figure supplement 2B).

Neuronal data acquisition and analysis of neuronal data

Custom-made, movable, glass-insulated, platinum-plated tungsten microelectrodes were positioned inside a stainless steel guide cannula and advanced by an oil-driven micromanipulator (Narishige). Action potentials from single neurons were amplified, filtered (band-pass 100 Hz to 3 kHz), and converted into digital pulses when passing an adjustable time–amplitude threshold (Bak Electronics). We stored both analog and digitized data on a computer using Matlab (Mathworks Inc.).

Dopamine neurons were functionally localized with respect to (a) the trigeminal somatosensory thalamus explored in awake animals and under general anaesthesia (very small perioral and intraoral receptive fields, high proportion of tonic responses, 2–3 mm dorsoventral extent), (b) tonically position coding ocular motor neurons and (c) phasically direction coding ocular premotor neurons in awake animals. Individual dopamine neurons were identified using established criteria of long waveform (>2.5 ms) and low baseline firing (<8 impulses/s) (Schultz and Romo, 1987). Following the standard sample size used in studies investigating neuronal responses in non-human primates, we recorded extracellular activity from 169 dopamine neurons in two monkeys (Pavlovian task: 38 and 32 neurons in monkey A and B; Choice task: 57 and 42 neurons in monkey A and B, respectively). Most neurons that met these criteria showed the typical phasic activation after unexpected reward, which we used as a fourth criterion for inclusion in data analysis.

We constructed Peri-stimulus time histograms (PSTHs) by aligning the neuronal impulses to task events and then averaging across multiple trials. The impulse rates were calculated in non-overlapping time bins of 10 ms. PSTHs were smoothed using a moving average of 70 ms for display purposes. The analysis of neuronal data used defined time windows that included the major positive and negative response components following cue onset and juice delivery, as detailed for each analysis and each figure caption.

To quantify the development of probability-dependent dopamine responses over trials, we employed one-way ANOVA, which we serially applied to trial-by-trial population responses, i.e., to responses of all neurons in trial 1, trial 2, etc. Likewise, for quantification of the time course that dopamine responses differentiate in relation to animal’s choice, we used a Mann-Whitney U test on the neuronal population responses (10 ms non-overlapping window of analysis starting 200 ms before the choice). In order to quantify the differences among responses to cues for each cell recorded in the Pavlovian task, we used a one-way ANOVA on neuronal responses from sixth to last trial of each session. In order to quantify the changes of dopamine novelty responses over trials we fitted a power function (tn, where t represents trial number) on normalized neuronal responses of each cell. For this fitting, responses of each neuron were normalized to its response on the first trials of the learning block. This fit results in negative or positive values of n for neurons that exhibit a decreasing or increasing cue-evoked response over trials, respectively. We used 95% confidence interval of the fit to acquire statistical significance. In order to test whether dopamine novelty responses (in the Pavlovian task) better reflect cue repetition or progress through the block (i.e. trial number), we regressed neuronal responses on number of times the cues were seen and also on the trial number in the block (for this analysis we only focused on first 10 trials of the block to better dissociate these two variables). To examine the contribution of early and late components of dopamine cue responses to prediction error computation at reward time, we employed a multiple linear regression analysis. In order to relate neuronal response in the Pavlovian task to RL model estimates, we used single linear regressions (see Reinforcement learning models section). To relate neuronal response in the choice task to RL model fits on the behavioural choice data, we used single linear regression analysis both on neuronal population response as well as on responses of each dopamine neuron (see Reinforcement learning models section).

Normalization of neuronal responses

In order to quantify novelty response decay of each cell throughout learning using the fitting described above (Figure 2B), responses of each neuron was normalized to its response on the first trials of the learning block. In all other analyses, we divided spike count of each neuron in the analysis window to the spike count of the same neuron in the control window that immediately preceded each respective task event and had identical duration. Thus, a neuronal response that was not modulated by a task event had a normalized activity equal to one for that task event.


This work was supported by Sir Henry Wellcome Trust Postdoctoral Fellowship to AL, and by grants from the Wellcome Trust, European Research Council, and National Institutes of Health Caltech Conte Center to WS.

Funding Statement

The funders had no role in study design, data collection and interpretation, or the decision to submit the work for publication.

Funding Information

This paper was supported by the following grants:

  • Wellcome WT106101 to Armin Lak.

  • Wellcome to Wolfram Schultz.

  • European Research Council to Wolfram Schultz.

Additional information

Competing interests

WS: Reviewing editor, eLife.

The other authors declare that no competing interests exist.

Author contributions

AL, Conception and design, Acquisition of data, Analysis and interpretation of data, Drafting or revising the article.

WRS, Conception and design, Acquisition of data, Analysis and interpretation of data, Drafting or revising the article.

WS, Conception and design, Analysis and interpretation of data, Drafting or revising the article.


Animal experimentation: All experimental protocols and procedures were approved by the Home Office of the United Kingdom (project licence number: 80 / 2416 and 70 /8295).

Additional files

Supplementary file 1. Estimated parameters for six RL models fitted on dopamine responses in the Pavlovian task.


elife-18044-supp1.docx (59.5KB, docx)
DOI: 10.7554/eLife.18044.017
Supplementary file 2. Estimated parameters for six RL models fitted on monkeys’ choices.


elife-18044-supp2.docx (99.5KB, docx)
DOI: 10.7554/eLife.18044.018


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eLife. 2016 Oct 27;5:e18044. doi: 10.7554/eLife.18044.019

Decision letter

Editor: Michael J Frank1

In the interests of transparency, eLife includes the editorial decision letter and accompanying author responses. A lightly edited version of the letter sent to the authors after peer review is shown, indicating the most substantive concerns; minor comments are not usually included.

Thank you for submitting your article "Dopamine neurons learn relative chosen value from probabilistic rewards" for consideration by eLife. Your article has been reviewed by two peer reviewers, including Bruno Averbeck (Reviewer #1), and the evaluation has been overseen by a Reviewing Editor and David Van Essen as the Senior Editor.

The reviewers have discussed the reviews with one another and the Reviewing Editor has drafted this decision to help you prepare a revised submission.


The authors describe data from a study in which they examined dopamine neuron responses and behavior while monkeys learned probabilistic reward associations of cues. They found that in both Pavlovian and choice tasks, that animals acquired behavioral responses consistent with the reward rates associated with each cue. In addition, dopamine neuron responses at the time of cue presentation and at the time of reward delivery reflected the reward probability associated with the stimulus. Interestingly, in the choice task, the early dopamine response reflected specifically cue novelty, and a later component reflected cue value. In addition, the dopamine neuron responses that reflected cue value most specifically reflected the difference between chosen and unchosen value. Most of the published data on the responses of dopamine neurons comes from tasks where the cue-outcome contingencies are highly overlearned, and there is even less data in choice tasks. The current manuscript fills that gap and finds results consistent with the reward-prediction error hypothesis.

Essential revisions:

1) The reviewers and the editor agreed that the findings are of interest to the community studying dopaminergic involvement in reward learning and choice, but we all also had reservations about the main novel contribution here, given that the main component parts of the study (dopamine responses to novelty and to chosen value) had been described in separate studies previously by this group and others. The added contribution of showing these two together during de novo reward learning does not by itself constitute an eLife paper. The main new result seems to be that dopamine responses to cues in the choice task reflect the difference between chosen and unchosen values, rather than chosen values alone as had been previously reported, but this in itself is also somewhat incremental. (This finding does not actually depend on the learning aspect of the design at all, and should be present but unnoticed in previous datasets with overtrained options.)

On the other hand, the article provides a somewhat clearer look at the novelty responses and how they trade off over time with learned value, compared with what had been previously available. A revised article should leverage this potential to greater effect in a way that could inform the literature so that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. It would be useful to deliver on the novel aspects of this study by examining the trial-trial development of the dopamine responses more carefully in both experiments by fitting RL models to the neural responses directly, not just the choices, and by performing a regression of lagged outcomes onto the cue responses, somewhat in the manner of Bayer and Glimcher (2005). This should shed a lot of light on aspects of the model like the learning rate issues - how does sensitivity to previous outcomes decay with delay? Is this a Pearce-Hall like error sensitive rule, or more like a decaying learning rate? - and how the novelty responses trade off with value (can this be understood as optimistic value initialization decaying with the same learning rate by which the values come online, or is it a separate process with a distinct time constant?). The data point particularly to interesting and novel answers to the latter, but these aren't yet exposed as clearly as they could be.

2) The Introduction is reasonably complete, although there is a voltammetry paper that looks at probabilistic response learning, Hamid et al., Nature Neurosci, 2016. It's not visual cues it's leverside, but it certainly looks at learning. In addition there is a dopamine pharmacology paper by Costa et al., Beh Neurosci, 2014 that looks at the effects of increasing dopamine levels by blocking reuptake on novelty preference.

3) It's also interesting that, for example, Hamid et al. (and other rodent voltammetry papers) find persistent responses even to fully predicted rewards, whereas reward predictions in the current manuscript appear to be fully modulated by predictions. Some brief speculation on this in the discussion might be useful. From the current manuscript it's apparently not due to overtraining in monkeys compared to rodents, which one might think underlies these differences. But here, in Figures 2E and 4D it looks as though there are standard RPE responses at time of reward even with within session learning. Although this study doesn't have 100% predictive cues (and hence we can't tell what would happen in that case), perhaps the authors could fit a line to the responses in 4D/Large and try to guess the intercept. Does extrapolated response imply zero error for 100% predicted reward? Are there inhibitory responses for small rewards? In both experiments? (However, the fact that the responses to 4D/small are mostly above 1 - which I think is baseline - implies that even for smaller-than-expected rewards the response is excitatory which is actually not consistent with the PE story and possibly more like rodents?) Further, the example shown is for the large drop but they don't show us a response for the small drop. And those are just examples. It wasn't clear how the responses were normalized for the plots showing responses to rewards across trials.

[Editors' note: further revisions were requested prior to acceptance, as described below.]

Thank you for resubmitting your work entitled "Dopamine neurons learn relative chosen value from probabilistic rewards" for further consideration at eLife. Your revised article has been favorably evaluated by David Van Essen as the Senior editor, Reviewing editor Michael Frank, and two reviewers.

Both Reviewers and the editor agree that the manuscript has been much improved. There are some remaining issues that need to be addressed before acceptance, as outlined below:

Both reviewers request additional discussion that could sharpen your presentation of the data

Reviewer 2 points out that one can recast the decaying novelty effect in terms of a learning model to determine whether the effective learning rate is consistent with optimistic initialization model. They did this in the review for the Rescorla Wagner model (and you could similarly acknowledge this equivalency and the resulting interpretation of the learning rates).

However, they also point out that given your analysis favors the Pearce-Hall model with adaptive learning rates, it would be even better to run the model where the novelty bonus is decayed by the PH learning rate, and see how that matches the neural novelty response time-course. This analysis strikes me as potentially useful, but you should take this as a suggestion rather than essential revision.

Reviewer #1:

The authors have provided detailed replies to my comments. The article provides a nice advance on our knowledge of dopamine neurons and a much more detailed examination of actual responses during learning than was previously available. I have only a few remaining comments.

1) Given the late responses of the dopamine neurons to cue value (400-650 ms), do the authors think these signals are actually related to choices? Or are they a prediction of outcome? The reaction times are slow (and these are much slower than what is frequently seen in decision making tasks, despite the cited example) so they could be. Some brief speculation on this might be useful. It is mentioned near the end of the discussion. Coupled with the late value related responses to the cues is that fact that dopamine acts through second messenger systems (assuming a co-released neuro-transmitter is not mediating these effects) and the second messenger systems add another 100 ms or more to the responses of the system to dopamine. Given Figure 7C it seems unlikely that dopamine can have much effect on the actual choices.

2) Why do the RPE responses develop more slowly than the cue value responses, across trials? In other words, cue value responses develop in the first few trials (Figure 6B), whereas RPE consistent signals do not develop until late in the blocks (Figure 6C).

Reviewer #2:

I think this article is much improved; the authors have fulfilled all the requests of the reviewers and editors. The article now gives a clear and full description of the dopamine response during initial formation of probabilistic associations. There are a number of interesting results as part of this; the one that now comes across as the clearest and most sustained is further clarification of the distinction between early and late phase dopamine responses.

I have a couple of small suggestions for final revision.

1) I apologize that my suggestion about comparing the novelty response to the learning rate was not clear. To my mind, it is not all that meaningful to compare the time dynamics of the learning rate to the time dynamics of novelty response (Figure 4C) as these are apples and oranges.

What I meant was that, if the declining novelty response arose from error-driven learning (as it would if it were a component of optimistically initialized values), then its estimated decay constant implies an equivalent learning rate. And comparing this time constant to the learning rate for value acquisition might provide additional evidence for dissociating this dynamics from the value learning dynamics.

In particular, the exponentially decaying novelty response model, e(t/τ2), can equivalently be written as a PE-driven learning model, with V(0) = 1, fixed learning rate α=1e(1/τ2) and r(t) = 0 for all t. Because of the linearity of the RW model, this also means that if you added one to initial values V0 (optimistic initialization) and learned from some actual timeseries of rewards with that same fixed learning rate, the resulting value timeseries would equal the original value timeseries (without optimistic initialization), plus the same exponentially decaying novelty bonus.

In other words the optimistic initialization model implies that the novelty bonus contribution should decay with a time constant given by the learning rate; if these two time constants are far from one another, this would be evidence against that model.

If my math is correct, the novelty "learning rate" is consistently faster than the experimental learning rate: perhaps reasonably close for Experiment 2 but far for Experiment 1. For this I used the RW&N model since it assumes constant and therefore comparable learning rates across both processes. However using the preferred PH&N model, one could also model the effect of the PH-adjusting learning rate on a decaying optimistic novelty bonus (rather than constant exponential decay) and see how this matched the actual novelty response.

Anyway this is the sort of comparison I thought would be useful to work through.

2) The point that optimistic value initialization also implies a mirror-image negative contribution to the reward-time prediction error is an important one, and again speaks to the dissociation of the novelty response from the value learning. However, I think the question whether this is really present in the data is a little subtler than the discussion makes it out to be. Figure 3B actually does seem to show, for the worst cue, positive errors growing gradually and negative errors diminishing gradually. I think this figure implies that V(0) is initialized somewhere near the value of the middle cue. The question is whether this matches the dynamics of learning implied by the late phase component, Figure 2C alone, or whether it better matches what would be predicted from those values plus an additional negative contribution from the early-phase value component 2B. I think Figure 2C also implies values initialized near the value of the middle cue, thus no additional contribution from the novelty response is needed to explain Figure 3B, supporting the authors interpretation.

eLife. 2016 Oct 27;5:e18044. doi: 10.7554/eLife.18044.020

Author response

[….] Essential revisions:

1) The reviewers and the editor agreed that the findings are of interest to the community studying dopaminergic involvement in reward learning and choice, but we all also had reservations about the main novel contribution here, given that the main component parts of the study (dopamine responses to novelty and to chosen value) had been described in separate studies previously by this group and others. The added contribution of showing these two together during de novo reward learning does not by itself constitute an eLife paper. The main new result seems to be that dopamine responses to cues in the choice task reflect the difference between chosen and unchosen values, rather than chosen values alone as had been previously reported, but this in itself is also somewhat incremental. (This finding does not actually depend on the learning aspect of the design at all, and should be present but unnoticed in previous datasets with overtrained options.)

We have extensively modified the Introduction to clearly spell out the questions that our manuscript asks and also referred to these topics one by one in the Discussion section. Additional analyses that we have performed based on reviewers suggestions (Figures 2B-C, 3, 4 and Figure 4—figure supplement 1 and Figure 8—figure supplements 1 and 2) together with changes to the revised Introduction and Discussion better communicate the advances our manuscript offers.

On the other hand, the article provides a somewhat clearer look at the novelty responses and how they trade off over time with learned value, compared with what had been previously available. A revised article should leverage this potential to greater effect in a way that could inform the literature so that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. It would be useful to deliver on the novel aspects of this study by examining the trial-trial development of the dopamine responses more carefully in both experiments by fitting RL models to the neural responses directly, not just the choices, and by performing a regression of lagged outcomes onto the cue responses, somewhat in the manner of Bayer and Glimcher (2005). This should shed a lot of light on aspects of the model like the learning rate issues -how does sensitivity to previous outcomes decay with delay? Is this a Pearce-Hall like error sensitive rule, or more like a decaying learning rate? - and how the novelty responses trade off with value (can this be understood as optimistic value initialization decaying with the same learning rate by which the values come online, or is it a separate process with a distinct time constant?). The data point particularly to interesting and novel answers to the latter, but these aren't yet exposed as clearly as they could be.

Here we list additional analyses/modelling that we have performed to accommodate reviewers’ advices.

Fitting RL model directly on neuronal data: we have fitted six variants of RL models directly to the neuronal responses recorded in the Pavlovian experiment. These models have three different possible learning rates (Fixed, decaying over trials and Pearce-Hall) and each includes a novelty term or not, resulting in six model variants. These models and their fits on dopamine responses are extensively described in Figure 4, Results section, Materials and methods section and Supplementary file 1. Note that in our revised manuscript, we are using similar RL model variants for modelling animals’ choice behaviour (Figure 8—figure supplements 1 and 2, Supplementary file 2, Materials and methods section).

The learning rate:as reviewers suggested, in both modelling sections (in Pavlovian and choice tasks), we now use and compare three different learning rates: Fixed, Decaying over trials (1/nk) and Pearce-Hall (Figure 4, Figure 4—figure supplement 1, Figure 8—figure supplements 1 and 2, Supplementary file 1 and 2). This has been clarified in the main text.

Dissociating novelty and value signals: to examine the trade off between value and novelty signals, we have added a new analysis of the Pavlovian data in which we broke dopamine responses to early and late components (Figure 2B-C), analogous to Figure 6 of the choice task. Moreover, in both model fittings, we could show that model’s estimate of novelty can account for dopamine novelty responses and model’s estimate of value can account for dopamine value signals (Pavlovian: Figure 4 and Figure 4—figure supplement 1, Choice: Figure 8 and Figure 8—figure supplement 2). Furthermore, our modelling results showed that value updating continues after novelty signals faded, indicating two different time constants for these two parameters (See Figure 4C and Results section).

Optimistic values: In principle, novelty can be incorporated into RL models in two ways: (1) novelty directly augments the value function, thus increasing the predicted value and distorting future value and prediction error computations, or (2) novelty promotes exploration (in a choice setting) but does not distort value and prediction error computation (Kakade and Dayan, 2002). If novelty increased value estimates early in the learning session (i.e. an optimistic value initialization), then positive prediction errors at the reward time should be very small in early trials and slowly grows over trials (as optimism faded). Similarly, negative prediction errors would appear as strong suppressions which be mitigated later, as optimism faded. However, our results showed the opposite. We observed a clear development of reward prediction errors depending on the learned value of cues (Figure 3). On the other hand, when dopamine novelty signals are large, i.e. during early trials of choice blocks, we observed a strong behavioural tendency to explore the unknown option (Figure 5). Thus, it appears that while novelty increased dopamine responses to cues and was correlated with high levels of exploration, the neural value response did not reflect optimistic value initiation. Accordingly, we incorporated the decaying novelty term into RL models in a way that it does not distort value and prediction error computation (Materials and methods section). We have discussed this in our revised Discussion.

2) The Introduction is reasonably complete, although there is a voltammetry paper that looks at probabilistic response learning, Hamid et al., Nature Neurosci, 2016. It's not visual cues it's leverside, but it certainly looks at learning. In addition there is a dopamine pharmacology paper by Costa et al., Beh Neurosci, 2014 that looks at the effects of increasing dopamine levels by blocking reuptake on novelty preference.

We have included the citation to Hamid et al. 2016 to our revised Introduction and we have cited Costa et al. 2014 in our revised Discussion.

3) It's also interesting that, for example, Hamid et al. (and other rodent voltammetry papers) find persistent responses even to fully predicted rewards, whereas reward predictions in the current manuscript appear to be fully modulated by predictions. Some brief speculation on this in the discussion might be useful. From the current manuscript it's apparently not due to overtraining in monkeys compared to rodents, which one might think underlies these differences. But here, in Figure 2E and 4D it looks as though there are standard RPE responses at time of reward even with within session learning. Although this study doesn't have 100% predictive cues (and hence we can't tell what would happen in that case), perhaps the authors could fit a line to the responses in 4D/Large and try to guess the intercept. Does extrapolated response imply zero error for 100% predicted reward?

Previous studies have examined learning of stimulus reward associations where the stimulus predicted the reward size and timing with certainty (Hollerman and Schultz, 1998; Mirenowicz and Schultz, 1994). In those studies, the majority of dopamine neurons stopped responding to fully predicted rewards. This response change occurred in line with behavioural learning, on the order of 20 trials. A minority of dopamine neurons (12%) maintained some responding to fully predicted rewards, but only in the choice task (Hollerman and Schultz, 1998). We have added this to the Discussion section. In that same new Discussion paragraph, we have expanded on other differences between rodent and monkey experiments that could affect learned responses.

Are there inhibitory responses for small rewards? In both experiments? (However, the fact that the responses to 4D/small are mostly above 1 - which I think is baseline - implies that even for smaller-than-expected rewards the response is excitatory which is actually not consistent with the PE story and possibly more like rodents?) Further, the example shown is for the large drop but they don't show us a response for the small drop. And those are just examples. It wasn't clear how the responses were normalized for the plots showing responses to rewards across trials.

Inhibitory responses to small rewards: we observed inhibitory responses to negative PE in both tasks, and we have modified our analysis to reflect this (Figure 3, Figure 6D). Previous studies have shown that pauses in dopamine firing (inhibitions) to negative PE are often followed by rebound responses (Fiorillo et al., 2013). This late rebound response can easily conceal the pause regularly observed earlier in the response. Accordingly, we have revised our analysis to use differently sized analysis windows for positive and negative PE responses, which are illustrated in Figures 3 and 6D and are described in the main text and in the figure captions (caption of Figure 3B and caption of Figure 6D).

Response normalization: To normalize neuronal responses, we divided spikes counted during the analysis window onto spikes counted in the control window that immediately preceded the task event of interest. Thus, 1 indicates no change in the neuronal response. We have described details of time windows used for each analysis in each figure and its corresponding figure caption and we clarified the normalization process in subsection “Normalization of neuronal responses”.

[Editors' note: further revisions were requested prior to acceptance, as described below.]

[…] Both Reviewers and the editor agree that the manuscript has been much improved. There are some remaining issues that need to be addressed before acceptance, as outlined below:

Both reviewers request additional discussion that could sharpen your presentation of the data

We have included the suggested discussion points to our revised manuscript. Please see below.

Reviewer 2 points out that one can recast the decaying novelty effect in terms of a learning model to determine whether the effective learning rate is consistent with optimistic initialization model. They did this in the review for the Rescorla Wagner model (and you could similarly acknowledge this equivalency and the resulting interpretation of the learning rates).

However, they also point out that given your analysis favors the Pearce-Hall model with adaptive learning rates, it would be even better to run the model where the novelty bonus is decayed by the PH learning rate, and see how that matches the neural novelty response time-course. This analysis strikes me as potentially useful, but you should take this as a suggestion rather than essential revision.

We have performed the additional analyses that the Reviewer has suggested and included them in the revised. Please see below.

Reviewer #1:

The authors have provided detailed replies to my comments. The article provides a nice advance on our knowledge of dopamine neurons and a much more detailed examination of actual responses during learning than was previously available. I have only a few remaining comments.

1) Given the late responses of the dopamine neurons to cue value (400-650 ms), do the authors think these signals are actually related to choices? Or are they a prediction of outcome? The reaction times are slow (and these are much slower than what is frequently seen in decision making tasks, despite the cited example) so they could be. Some brief speculation on this might be useful. It is mentioned near the end of the discussion. Coupled with the late value related responses to the cues is that fact that dopamine acts through second messenger systems (assuming a co-released neuro-transmitter is not mediating these effects) and the second messenger systems add another 100 ms or more to the responses of the system to dopamine. Given Figure 7C it seems unlikely that dopamine can have much effect on the actual choices.

We don’t think that the observed dopamine responses could influence current choice computations. Despite the fact that the responses differentiate around 100 ms before the saccade onset, they most probably reflect prediction errors in relation to an already computed choice. We have discussed this point in our revised manuscript.

“In the learning experiment that involved choices, the neuronal responses rapidly differentiated to reflect animal’s choice. These differential responses, despite appearing more than 100 ms prior to overt behaviour, reflect prediction errors, in relation to an already computed choice, and thus might not directly participate in current choice computation.”

2) Why do the RPE responses develop more slowly than the cue value responses, across trials? In other words, cue value responses develop in the first few trials (Figure 6B), whereas RPE consistent signals do not develop until late in the blocks (Figure 6C).

This temporal mismatch most probably points to the fact that value responses to cues, at least partially, could be originated from other brain regions. We have discussed this point in the Discussion section.

“Interestingly, in both Pavlovian and choice tasks, behavioural preferences as well as neuronal responses to cues reflected reward probability earlier during learning than the neuronal reward responses. This temporal difference might suggest an origin of behavioural preferences and acquired dopamine cue responses in other brain structures, rather than relying primarily on dopamine reward prediction error signals.”

Reviewer #2:

I think this article is much improved; the authors have fulfilled all the requests of the reviewers and editors. The article now gives a clear and full description of the dopamine response during initial formation of probabilistic associations. There are a number of interesting results as part of this; the one that now comes across as the clearest and most sustained is further clarification of the distinction between early and late phase dopamine responses.

I have a couple of small suggestions for final revision.

1) I apologize that my suggestion about comparing the novelty response to the learning rate was not clear. To my mind, it is not all that meaningful to compare the time dynamics of the learning rate to the time dynamics of novelty response (Figure 4C) as these are apples and oranges.

What I meant was that, if the declining novelty response arose from error-driven learning (as it would if it were a component of optimistically initialized values), then its estimated decay constant implies an equivalent learning rate. And comparing this time constant to the learning rate for value acquisition might provide additional evidence for dissociating this dynamics from the value learning dynamics.

In particular, the exponentially decaying novelty response model, e(t/τ2), can equivalently be written as a PE-driven learning model, with V(0) = 1, fixed learning rate α=1e(1/τ2)andr(t) = 0 for all t. Because of the linearity of the RW model, this also means that if you added one to initial values V0 (optimistic initialization) and learned from some actual time series of rewards with that same fixed learning rate, the resulting value time series would equal the original value time series (without optimistic initialization), plus the same exponentially decaying novelty bonus.

In other words the optimistic initialization model implies that the novelty bonus contribution should decay with a time constant given by the learning rate; if these two time constants are far from one another, this would be evidence against that model.

If my math is correct, the novelty "learning rate" is consistently faster than the experimental learning rate: perhaps reasonably close for Experiment 2 but far for Experiment 1. For this I used the RW&N model since it assumes constant and therefore comparable learning rates across both processes. However using the preferred PH&N model, one could also model the effect of the PH-adjusting learning rate on a decaying optimistic novelty bonus (rather than constant exponential decay) and see how this matched the actual novelty response.

Anyway this is the sort of comparison I thought would be useful to work through.

We have performed the rewriting of the model as the reviewer suggested and examined the time constant of a model that includes novelty as an error-driven learning process. We compared the recovered learning rate for early and late responses, reasoning that these learning constants should be statistically equal, if these two processes were to follow the same temporal dynamics. As new Figure 4—figure supplement 1D shows, the learning rate for early responses are larger than those of late responses. We have performed this analysis for RW&N model and included the results in the text. We have removed our original comparison between temporal dynamics of novelty response and learning rate (previous figure 4C, right).

2) The point that optimistic value initialization also implies a mirror-image negative contribution to the reward-time prediction error is an important one, and again speaks to the dissociation of the novelty response from the value learning. However, I think the question whether this is really present in the data is a little subtler than the discussion makes it out to be. Figure 3B actually does seem to show, for the worst cue, positive errors growing gradually and negative errors diminishing gradually. I think this figure implies that V(0) is initialized somewhere near the value of the middle cue. The question is whether this matches the dynamics of learning implied by the late phase component, Figure 2C alone, or whether it better matches what would be predicted from those values plus an additional negative contribution from the early-phase value component 2B. I think Figure 2C also implies values initialized near the value of the middle cue, thus no additional contribution from the novelty response is needed to explain Figure 3B, supporting the authors interpretation.

We have added an extra analysis that could further clarify our findings. The multiple linear regression analysis suggests that responses to reward are influenced by reward size and also late dopamine responses to cues, with no contribution of early cue responses.

“The development of dopamine responses to rewards further suggests that early and late responses to cues convey distinct signals. If early responses to cues contained predictive values signals (i.e. reflecting an optimistic value initialisation), such signals should have contributed to prediction error computations at reward time. However, the pattern of neuronal reward prediction errors (Figure 3B) suggests that these responses were computed in relation to late responses to cues, and reflected cue values initialised around the average value of all cues. Accordingly, neuronal responses to rewards were accounted for by the late component of neuronal responses to cues as well as the received reward size, with no significant contribution from the early component of cue responses (p = 0.0001, 0.43 and 0.021 for reward size, early and late cue responses, respectively; multiple linear regression).”

Associated Data

    This section collects any data citations, data availability statements, or supplementary materials included in this article.

    Supplementary Materials

    Supplementary file 1. Estimated parameters for six RL models fitted on dopamine responses in the Pavlovian task.


    elife-18044-supp1.docx (59.5KB, docx)
    DOI: 10.7554/eLife.18044.017
    Supplementary file 2. Estimated parameters for six RL models fitted on monkeys’ choices.


    elife-18044-supp2.docx (99.5KB, docx)
    DOI: 10.7554/eLife.18044.018

    Articles from eLife are provided here courtesy of eLife Sciences Publications, Ltd