Abstract Abstract
A taxonomic and nomenclatural catalog of the phylloxerids (Hemiptera, Phylloxeridae) is presented. Six family-group names are listed, three being synonyms. Thirty-five genus-group names, of which six are subjectively valid, are presented with their type species, etymology, and grammatical gender. Ninety-four species-group names are listed, of which 73 are considered subjectively valid. This is the last group of Aphidomorpha to be catalogued, bringing the list of valid extant species to 5,218.
Keywords: Aphidomorpha, nomenclature, Phylloxera, Sternorrhyncha, taxonomy
Phylloxeridae is a small family of Hemiptera, closely related to Adelgidae and Aphididae. Little is known of the biology of most of the family’s 69 species, although that of the economically important grape phylloxeran, Daktulosphaira vitifoliae (Fitch), has been studied in detail. Most species of phylloxerid feed on species of Juglandaceae or Fagaceae, with a large number forming galls on North American hickories (Carya spp.). Host alternation exists within the family (Stoetzel 1985) but it is either rare or understudied. Two fossil species are known, Palaeophylloxera seilacheri Heie and Peñalver 1999 and Acanthochermes longirostris Wegierek 2003, from the Miocene and Eocene, respectively.
Phylloxeridae is one of three extant families in the infraorder Aphidomorpha (Hemiptera, Sternorrhyncha) (Heie and Wegierek 2009). Whereas the Aphididae have been catalogued several times (Wilson and Vickery 1918, Eastop and Hille Ris Lambers 1976, Remaudière and Remaudière 1997) and the Adelgidae recently (Favret et al. 2015), the Phylloxeridae have not been comprehensively treated until now. Including the fossil taxa (Heie and Wegierek 2011), the entire infraorder has now been fully catalogued: 5,218 valid extant and 314 valid extinct species (Aphid.SpeciesFile.org).
In this catalog, we present six family-group, 35 genus-group, and 94 species-group names of extant phylloxerids. The family-group names include two valid subfamilies and two valid tribes and three subjective synonyms. The genus-group names include six valid names, 21 junior subjective synonyms, three junior objective synonyms, three junior homonyms, and two unavailable names. The species-group names include four subspecies (not including nominotypical subspecies), 14 subjective synonyms, one junior primary homonym, two nomina dubia, and four unavailable names.
The name Phylloxeridae in English is usually pronounced with the accent on the third syllable. However, the name of its type genus, Phylloxera, is often pronounced with an accent on the second. Because the e of xērós is an eta, the word made from it, once written in Roman letters and given Latin endings, must be considered to have a long e. The penultimate syllable of a Latin word must be accented when it contains such a long vowel and it is a fixed principle that the accentuation of Latin words is to be kept when they are borrowed into English. Therefore, strictly-speaking, only accentuation of the third syllable of Phylloxera is historically justified.
Russell (1975) described the complex history of the name of the grape phylloxeran, including the correct spelling of its generic name, Daktulosphaira Shimer 1866. Shimer also established Dactylosphaera (1867), probably meaning the latter to be an emended spelling of the former. The philological side of the alternate spellings can be stated briefly: k and c have both been used to transliterate classical Greek kappa, u and y to render upsilon, ai and ae the diphthong alpha+iota. C, y and ae were the preferred transliterations in classical Latin. K, u and ai are mostly used in linguistic circles that seek a more direct reflection of the phonetics of ancient Greek, bypassing the intermediary of Latin. Zoological nomenclature imposes Latin terminations, hence supposes Latinization of Greek (and other non-Latin) elements. Dactylosphaera is therefore the spelling more in the spirit of the system, although per ICZN Article 32.5.1 (International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature 1999), “incorrect transliteration or Latinization … are not to be considered inadvertent errors.” In addition to these two official spellings, other authors have used every possible combination of c/k, u/y and ae/ai to refer to the grape phylloxeran, giving Dactulosphaera (e.g., Kleeburg and Hummel 2001), Dactulosphaira (e.g., Fahrentrapp et al. 2015), Dactylosphaira (e.g., Alleweldt et al. 1991), Daktulosphaera (e.g., Loxdale 2008), Daktylosphaera (e.g., Tecchio et al. 2007), and Daktylosphaira (e.g., Torregrossa et al. 1997).
In any case, Shimer (1866, 1867) established different type species for Daktulosphaira and Dactylosphaera, thus the two spellings must be considered independent, available genus-group names (Wilson 1910). Dactylosphaera globosa Shimer 1867, one of a large number of North American hickory-feeding species, is the type species of its genus. As a consequence, Dactylosphaera has priority over all other generic names attributable to this distinct group. These include Xerophylla, described by Walsh later the same year (1867), Euphylloxera Del Guercio 1908, Notabilia Mordvilko 1909, Paramoritziella Grassi 1912, Parapergandea Börner 1930, Pergandea Börner 1908b, and Troitzkya Börner 1930. If we consider a key diagnostic character of the hickory-feeding species, the lack of abdominal spiracles, we can add Acanthaphis Del Guercio 1908 and Moritziella Börner 1908b to the list. It will require a thorough taxonomic revision of the phylloxerid family to correctly assign the various species, many of which are hardly known, to any of these listed generic names. Given this fact, the unfortunate history and spelling problems associated with Dactylosphaera and Daktulosphaira, and the fact that the identity and validity of the type species of Dactylosphaera may be questionable (Russell 1975), we have chosen to present a conservative classification, retaining the majority of species within the genus Phylloxera Boyer de Fonscolombe 1834. At some future date when more information is available, it may in particular be necessary to formalize a distinction between the Palearctic species (abdominal spiracular plates present) and the Nearctic species, species that typically form galls on hickories (abdominal spiracular plates absent, where known). As with the Catalog of Adelgidae (Favret et al. 2015), it is our hope that the present Catalog of Phylloxeridae will serve to stimulate interest and research on this insect group.
Also as with other recent catalogs of groups of Aphidomorpha, the etymology and grammatical gender of genus-group names has been included (Favret et al. 2008, 2009, 2015, Cortés Gabaudan et al. 2011, Nieto Nafría et al. 2011). Where original descriptions are listed with two page numbers, the first refers to a nomenclaturally valid diagnosis (e.g., a dichotomous key) and the second refers to the formal description. Valid names are listed in bold and synonyms preceded by ‘=’. The rank-specific endings of family-group synonyms are replaced by ‘–’. Species-group names are presented according to their current generic placement, their original generic placements in parentheses. An alphabetical index following the catalog provides the current placement of each name. Future updates will be published on Aphid Species File (Aphid.SpeciesFile.org).
PHYLLOXERIDAEHerrich-Schaeffer 1854
Subfamily PHYLLOXERINAEHerrich-Schaeffer 1854
Tribe ACANTHOCHERMESINIBörner 1913: 667
Original spelling. Acanthochermesini
Type genus. AcanthochermesKollar 1848
ACANTHOCHERMESKollar 1848: 191
Type species. Acanthochermes quercusKollar, 1848, by original monotypy
Etymology. Greek ákantha ‘thorn’ + Chermes [Hemiptera]
Gender. Masculine
quercusKollar 1848: 191 (Acanthochermes)
=balbianii (Lichtenstein 1874a: 782) (Phylloxera)
similiquercusJiang et al. 2009: 44,45 (Acanthochermes)
Tribe PHYLLOXERINIHerrich-Schaeffer 1854:VII
Original spelling. Phylloxeriden
Type genus. PhylloxeraBoyer de Fonscolombe, 1834
=DACTYLOSPHAER– Shimer 1867: 2
Original spelling. Dactylosphaeridae
Type genus. DactylosphaeraShimer, 1867
=MORITZIELL– Börner 1908b: 607
Original spelling. Moritziellini
Type genus. MoritziellaBörner 1908b
=VACUN– Herrich-Schaeffer 1854:VII
Original spelling. Vacuniden
Type genus. Vacunavon Heyden 1837
APHANOSTIGMABörner 1909b: 61
Type species. Phylloxera piriCholodkovsky 1904, by original monotypy
Etymology. Greek aphanḗs ‘invisible’ + -o + Greek stigma ‘spot’ [pterostigma]
Gender. Neuter
=CINACIUMKishida 1924: 473
Type species. Cinacium iaksuienseKichida 1924, by original monotypy
Etymology. Japanese Kinako ‘soybean flour’ + -ium
Gender. Neuter
iaksuiense (Kishida 1924: 473) (Cinacium)
piri (Cholodkovsky 1904: 119) (Phylloxera)
DAKTULOSPHAIRAShimer 1866: 365
Type species. Pemphigus vitifoliaeFitch 1855, by original monotypy
Etymology. Greek dáktylos ‘finger’ + Greek sphaîra ‘ball’
Gender. Feminine
=PERITYMBIAWestwood 1869: 109
Type species. Peritymbia vitisanaWestwood 1869, by original monotypy
Etymology. Greek perí ‘around’ + Greek týmbos ‘tomb’ [“tomb-like gall”]
Gender. Feminine
Note. Some references cite Westwood 1867: 6, but this is a note referencing an oral presentation that was never published (Westwood 1877:xlvii).
=RHIZAPHIS Planchon in Bazille et al. 1868: 336
Type species. Rhizaphis vastatrix Planchon 1868, by original monotypy
Etymology. Greek ríza ‘root’ + Aphis [Hemiptera: Aphididae]
Gender. Feminine
=RHIZOCERADespeissis 1896: 14
Type species. None
Etymology. Greek ríza ‘root’ + Greek xērós ‘dry’ [“root drier” per Despeissis 1896, but note, Latin cēra ‘wax’]
Gender. Feminine
Note. Unavailable, not proposed as a valid name. Often misattributed to Kirk 1897: 8.
=VITEUSShimer 1867: 6
Type species. Pemphigus vitifoliaeFitch 1855, by original monotypy
Etymology. Latin ‘of or pertaining to the vine’
Gender. Masculine
Note. Junior objective synonym of DaktulosphairaShimer 1866
=XERAMPELUSDel Guercio 1900: 77,80
Type species. Rhizaphis vastatrix Planchon 1868, by original monotypy
Etymology. Greek xērós ‘dry’ + Greek ámpelos ‘vine’
Gender. Masculine
Note. Junior objective synonym of Rhizaphis Planchon 1868
vitifoliae (Fitch 1855: 862) (Pemphigus)
=pemphigoides (Donnadieu 1887: 1246) (Phylloxera)
=pervastatrix (Börner 1910: 4) (subspecies of Peritymbia vitifoliae (Fitch))
=vastatrix (Planchon in Bazille et al. 1868: 336) (Rhizaphis)
=vitisana (Westwood 1869: 109) (Peritymbia)
=vitis viniferae (Theobald 1914: 337) (Phylloxera) nomen nudum
=vulpinae (Börner 1952: 213) (subspecies of Viteus vitifoliae (Fitch))
FOAIELLABörner 1909b: 61
Type species. Phylloxera danesiiGrassi and Foà 1907, inherited from replaced name
Etymology. (Anna) Foà [Italian entomologist] + -i + ella [diminutive suffix]
Gender. Feminine
Note. Replacement name for BoerneriaGrassi and Foà 1908. Described as subgenus of PeritymbiaWestwood 1869
=BOERNERIAGrassi and Foà 1908: 685
Type species. Phylloxera danesiiGrassi and Foà 1907, by original monotypy
Etymology. (Carl) Börner [German entomologist] + -ia
Gender. Feminine
Note. Junior homonym of BoerneriaWillem 1902: 4 (Collembola) and BoerneriaAxelson 1902: 101 (Collembola). Replaced by FoaiellaBörner 1909b
danesii (Grassi and Foà 1907: 431) (Phylloxera)
OLEGIAShaposhnikov 1979: 734
Type species. Aphanostigma ulmifoliaeAoki 1973, by original designation
Etymology. Oleg (Vasilyevich Kovalev) [Russian entomologist] + -ia
Gender. Feminine
ulmifoliae (Aoki 1973: 144) (Aphanostigma)
PHYLLOXERABoyer de Fonscolombe 1834: 222
Type species. Phylloxera quercusBoyer de Fonscolombe 1834, by original monotypy
Etymology. Greek phýllon ‘leaf’ + Greek xērós ‘dry’
Gender. Feminine
=ACANTHAPHISDel Guercio 1908: 156,157
Type species. Phylloxera corticalisKaltenbach 1867, by original designation
Etymology. Greek ákantha ‘thorn’ + Aphis [Hemiptera: Aphididae]
Gender. Feminine
Note. Junior objective synonym of MoritziellaBörner 1908b
=DACTYLOSPHAERAShimer 1867: 290
Type species. Dactylosphaera globosaShimer 1867, by original monotypy
Etymology. Greek dáktylos ‘finger’ + Greek sphaîra ‘ball’
Gender. Feminine
=EUPHYLLOXERADel Guercio 1908: 155,156
Type species. Phylloxera foveolaPergande 1904, by original designation
Etymology. Greek eû ‘truly’ + Phylloxera
Gender. Feminine
=HYSTRICHIELLABörner 1908b: 609
Type species. Phylloxera spinulosaTargioni Tozzetti 1875, by original designation
Etymology. Greek hýstrix ‘porcupine’ + -i + -ella [diminutive suffix]
Gender. Feminine
Note. Described as subgenus of PhylloxeraBoyer de Fonscolombe 1834
=MICRACANTHAPHIS Grassi in Grassi et al. 1912: 48
Type species. Vacuna coccineavon Heyden 1837, by original designation
Etymology. Greek mikrós ‘small’ + Acanthaphis
Gender. Feminine
=MORITZIELLABörner 1908b: 608
Type species. Phylloxera corticalisKaltenbach 1867, by original designation
Etymology. (Julius) Moritz [German entomologist] + -i + ella [diminutive suffix]
Gender. Feminine
=NOTABILIAMordvilko 1909: 362
Type species. Phylloxera notabilisPergande 1904, by original designation
Etymology. Latin notabilis ‘remarkable, sizeable’, inflected in the neuter plural
Gender. Neuter
=PARAMORITZIELLA Grassi in Grassi et al. 1912: 13
Type species. Phylloxera caryaefoliaeFitch 1856, by original designation
Etymology. Greek pará ‘beside’ + Moritziella
Gender. Feminine
=PARAPERGANDEABörner 1930: 160
Type species. Phylloxera caryaevenaeFitch 1856, by original designation
Etymology. Greek pará ‘beside’ + Pergandea
Gender. Feminine
=PARAPHYLLOXERA Grassi in Grassi et al. 1912: 11,60
Type species. Vacuna glabravon Heyden 1837, by original designation
Etymology. Greek pará ‘beside’ + Phylloxera
Gender. Feminine
=PARTHENOPHYLLOXERA Grassi in Grassi et al. 1912: 11,62
Type species. Parthenophylloxera ilicisGrassi 1912, by original designation
Etymology. Greek parthénos ‘girl, virgin’ + Phylloxera
Gender. Feminine
=PERGANDEABörner 1908b: 610
Type species. Dactylosphaera conicaShimer 1869, by original designation
Etymology. (Theodore) Pergande [American entomologist] + -a
Gender. Feminine
Note. Junior homonym of PergandeaAshmead 1905: 382 (Hymenoptera). Described as subgenus of DactylosphaeraShimer 1867
=PHYLLOXERELLA Grassi in Grassi et al. 1912: 11,54
Type species. Phylloxerella confusaGrassi 1912, by original designation
Etymology. Phylloxera + -ella [diminutive suffix]
Gender. Feminine
=PHYLLOXEROIDES Grassi in Grassi et al. 1912: 11,48
Type species. Phylloxera italicaGrassi 1912, by original designation
Etymology. Phylloxera + Greek –ō(i)dēs ‘resembling’
Gender. Masculine
=PSYLLOPTERAFerrari 1872: 85
Type species. Psylloptera quercinaFerrari 1872, by original monotypy
Etymology. Psylla [Hemiptera: Psyllidae] + Greek pterá ‘wings’
Gender. Feminine
=RHANISvon Heyden 1837: 289
Type species. None
Etymology. Greek rhanís ‘drop (of a liquid)’
Gender. Feminine
Note. Unavailable, described in synonymy with Vacunavon Heyden 1837. Junior homonym of RhanisDejean 1836: 440 (Coleoptera)
=TROITZKYABörner 1930: 160
Type species. Dactylosphaera caryaesemenWalsh 1867, by original designation
Etymology. (Nikolay Nikolaevich) Troitzky [Russian entomologist] + -a
Gender. Feminine
=VACUNAvon Heyden 1837: 289
Type species. Vacuna coccineavon Heyden 1837, by original monotypy
Etymology. Latin Vacuna [minor goddess of ancient Italy]
Gender. Feminine
=XEROPHYLLAWalsh 1867: 283
Type species. Pemphigus caryaecaulisFitch 1855, by subsequent designation (Börner 1930: 159)
Etymology. Greek xērós ‘dry’ + Greek phýllon ‘leaf’
Gender. Feminine
caryaeavellanaRiley 1880: 230 (Phylloxera)
caryaecaulis (Fitch 1855: 859) (Pemphigus)
=caryaemagna (Shimer 1869: 391) (Dactylosphaera)
caryaefallaxRiley 1874a: 1387 (Phylloxera)
caryaefoliaeFitch 1856: 446 (Phylloxera)
caryaeglobuliWalsh 1863: 309 (Phylloxera)
=hemisphericum (Shimer 1869: 387) (Dactylosphaera)
caryaegummosaRiley 1874a: 1387 (Phylloxera)
caryaepilula (Walsh 1867: 283) (Xerophylla) nomen nudum
caryaerenRiley 1874a: 1387 (Phylloxera) original spelling caryaereniformis but caryaeren in prevailing usage (ICZN Article 33.3.1)
caryaescissaRiley 1880: 230 (Phylloxera)
caryaesemen (Shimer 1869: 392) (Dactylosphaera) specific epithet first used by Walsh (1867: 283), but not placed in combination with a genus and hence unavailable until Shimer established it as a binomen
caryaesepta (Shimer 1869)
subspecies caryaesepta (Shimer 1869: 389) (Dactylosphaera)
subspecies perforansPergande 1904: 188,193 (variety of Phylloxera caryaesepta (Shimer 1869))
caryaevenae (Fitch 1856: 444) (Pemphigus)
castaneae (Haldeman 1850: 106) (Chermes)
castaneivora (Miyazaki 1968: 400) (Moritziella)
coccinea (von Heyden 1837: 289) (Vacuna)
=escorialensisLichtenstein 1876: 130 (Phylloxera) nomen nudum
=globifera (von Heyden 1837: 289) (Rhanis) unavailable, described in synonymy with Vacuna coccineavon Heyden 1837
=rutilaDreyfus 1889: 95 (Phylloxera)
confusa Grassi in Grassi et al. 1912: 54 (Phylloxera)
conica (Shimer 1869: 390) (Dactylosphaera)
corticalisKaltenbach 1867: 44 (Phylloxera)
=ibericaStaroselsky 1892: 177 (Phylloxera)
=lichtensteiniiBalbiani 1874: 645 (Phylloxera)
davidsoniDuncan 1922: 271 (Phylloxera)
deplanataPergande 1904: 188,205 (Phylloxera)
depressa (Shimer 1869: 390) (Dactylosphaera)
devastatrixPergande 1904: 243,248 (Phylloxera)
foaeBörner 1909a: 26 (Phylloxera)
foveata (Shimer 1869: 393) (Dactylosphaera)
foveolaPergande 1904: 188,200 (Phylloxera)
fraxiniStebbins 1910: 46 (Phylloxera) nomen dubium, only the gall was described and it is probably not a phylloxerid
georgianaPergande 1904: 243,249 (Phylloxera)
glabra (von Heyden 1837: 291) (Vacuna)
=punctataLichtenstein 1874b:CCI (Phylloxera) original name bipunctatum but punctata in prevailing usage (ICZN Article 33.3.1)
globosa (Shimer 1867)
subspecies coniferum (Shimer 1869: 397) (Dactylosphaera)
subspecies globosa (Shimer 1867: 2) (Dactylosphaera)
ilicis (Grassi in Grassi et al. 1912: 62) (Parthenophylloxera)
intermediaPergande 1904: 188,189 (Phylloxera)
italica (Grassi in Grassi et al. 1912: 48) (Phylloxeroides)
kunugiShinji 1943: 2 (Phylloxera)
minima (Shimer 1869: 391) (Dactylosphaera)
notabilisPergande 1904: 217,235 (Phylloxera)
perniciosaPergande 1904: 244,251 (Phylloxera)
pictaPergande 1904: 188,197 (Phylloxera)
pilosulaPergande 1904: 188,203 (Phylloxera)
quercetiPergande 1904: 263 (Phylloxera)
quercina (Ferrari 1872: 85) (Psylloptera)
=spinulosaTargioni Tozzetti 1875: 308 (Phylloxera)
quercusBoyer de Fonscolombe 1834: 223 (Phylloxera)
=florentinaTargioni Tozzetti 1875: 287 (Phylloxera)
=scutiferaSignoret 1867: 303 (Phylloxera) nomen dubium; Signoret (1867) wrote he was unable to find significant differences between this species and Phylloxera quercus Boyer de Fonscolombe except that scutifera was “slightly larger and darker”; he also drew a scale-like structure (Plate 7, Figure 6) that is not of phylloxerid origin, suggesting his description included a mixture of species
=signoretiTargioni Tozzetti 1875: 302 (Phylloxera)
reticulataDuncan 1922: 271 (Phylloxera)
rileyiRiley 1874b: 64 (Phylloxera)
rimosalisPergande 1904: 216,217 (Phylloxera)
russellaeStoetzel 1981: 128 (Phylloxera)
similansDuncan 1922: 272 (Phylloxera)
spiniferaPergande 1904: 261 (Phylloxera)
spinosa (Shimer 1869: 397) (Dactylosphaera)
spinuloidesPergande 1904: 243 (Phylloxera)
stanfordianaFerris 1919: 103 (Phylloxera)
stellataDuncan 1922: 269 (Phylloxera)
subelliptica (Shimer 1869: 389) (Dactylosphaera)
symmetricaPergande 1904
subspecies purpureaPergande 1904: 232 (variety of Phylloxera symmetricaPergande 1904)
subspecies symmetricaPergande 1904: 218,230 (Phylloxera)
subspecies vasculosaPergande 1904: 233 (variety of Phylloxera symmetricaPergande 1904)
texanaStoetzel 1981: 141 (Phylloxera)
tuberculiferaDuncan 1922: 272 (Phylloxera)
Subfamily PHYLLOXERININAEBörner 1908b: 607
Original spelling. Phylloxerinini
Type genus. PhylloxerinaBörner 1908a
PHYLLOXERINABörner 1908a: 94
Type species. Phylloxera salicisLichtenstein 1884, by original monotypy
Etymology. Phylloxera + Latin -ina ‘in relation to’
Gender. Feminine
=GUERCIOJAMordvilko 1909: 361
Type species. Chermes populiDel Guercio 1900, by original designation
Etymology. (Giacomo Del) Guercio [Italian entomologist] + -ja
Gender. Feminine
=LAUFFERELLALindinger 1933: 32
Type species. Chermes populiDel Guercio 1900, inherited from replaced name
Etymology. (Jorge) Lauffer [German entomologist] + -ella [diminutive suffix]
Gender. Feminine
Note. Replacement name for PseudochermesBonfigli 1909. Junior objective synonym of GuerciojaMordvilko 1909
=PSEUDOCHERMESBonfigli 1909: 398
Type species. Chermes populiDel Guercio 1900, by original monotypy
Etymology. Greek pseudo- ‘untrue’ + Chermes [Hemiptera]
Gender. Masculine
Note. Junior homonym of Pseudochermes Nitsche in Judeich and Nitsche 1895: 1248 (Hemiptera: Cryptococcidae). Replaced by LauferellaLindinger 1933
capreaeBörner 1942: 265 (Phylloxerina)
daphnoidisIglisch 1965: 424 (Phylloxerina)
moniliferae (Börner 1931: 696) (Guercioja) new name for Chermes populiGillette 1914; possible synonym of Phylloxerina popularia (Pergande)
=populi (Gillette 1914: 269) (Chermes) junior primary homonym of Phylloxerina populi (Del Guercio 1900)
nyssae (Pergande 1904: 269) (Phylloxera)
popularia (Pergande 1904: 266) (Phylloxera)
populi (Del Guercio 1900: 81,83) (Chermes)
prolifera (Oestlund 1887: 16) (Phylloxera)
salicis (Lichtenstein 1884: 616) (Phylloxera)
salicola (Pergande 1904: 267) (Phylloxera)
Index of genus-group and species-group names
ACANTHAPHIS Del Guercio 1908 – synonym of Phylloxera
ACANTHOCHERMES Kollar 1848 – Phylloxerinae, Acanthochermesini
APHANOSTIGMA Börner 1909b – Phylloxerinae, Phylloxerini
balbianii Lichtenstein 1874a – synonym of Acanthochermes quercus
bipunctata Lichtenstein 1874b – see punctata
BOERNERIA Grassi and Foà 1908 – synonym of Foaiella
capreae Börner 1942 – Phylloxerina
caryaeavellana Riley 1880 – Phylloxera
caryaecaulis Fitch 1855 – Phylloxera
caryaefallax Riley 1874a – Phylloxera
caryaefoliae Fitch 1856 – Phylloxera
caryaeglobuli Walsh 1863 – Phylloxera
caryaegummosa Riley 1874a – Phylloxera
caryaemagna Shimer 1869 – synonym of Phylloxera caryaecaulis
caryaepilula Walsh 1867 – Phylloxera
caryaeren Riley 1874a – Phylloxera
caryaereniformis Riley 1874a – see caryaeren
caryaescissa Riley 1880 – Phylloxera
caryaesemen Shimer 1869 – Phylloxera
caryaesepta Shimer 1869 – Phylloxera
caryaevenae Fitch 1856 – Phylloxera
castaneae Haldeman 1850 – Phylloxera
castaneivora Miyazaki 1968 – Phylloxera
CINACIUM Kishida 1924 – synonym of Aphanostigma
coccinea von Heyden 1837 – Phylloxera
confusa Grassi in Grassi et al. 1912 – Phylloxera
conica Shimer 1869 – Phylloxera
coniferum Shimer 1869 – subspecies of Phylloxera globosa
corticalis Kaltenbach 1867 – Phylloxera
DACTYLOSPHAERA Shimer 1867 – synonym of Phylloxera
DAKTULOSPHAIRA Shimer 1866 – Phylloxerinae, Phylloxerini
danesii Grassi and Foà 1907 – Foaiella
daphnoidis Iglisch 1965 – Phylloxerina
davidsoni Duncan 1922 – Phylloxera
deplanata Pergande 1904 – Phylloxera
depressa Shimer 1869 – Phylloxera
devastatrix Pergande 1904 – Phylloxera
escorialensis Lichtenstein 1876 – synonym of Phylloxera coccinea
EUPHYLLOXERA Del Guercio 1908 – synonym of Phylloxera
florentina Targioni Tozzetti 1875 – synonym of Phylloxera quercus
foae Börner 1909a – Phylloxera
FOAIELLA Börner 1909b – Phylloxerinae, Phylloxerini
foveata Shimer 1869 – Phylloxera
foveola Pergande 1904 – Phylloxera
fraxini Stebbins 1910 – Phylloxera
georgiana Pergande 1904 – Phylloxera
glabra von Heyden 1837 – Phylloxera
globifera von Heyden 1837 – synonym of Phylloxera coccinea
globosa Shimer 1867 – Phylloxera
GUERCIOJA Mordvilko 1909 – synonym of Phylloxerina
hemisphericum Shimer 1869 – synonym of Phylloxera caryaeglobuli
HYSTRICHIELLA Börner 1908b – synonym of Phylloxera
iaksuiense Kishida 1924 – Aphanostigma
iberica Staroselsky 1892 – synonym of Phylloxera corticalis
ilicis Grassi in Grassi et al. 1912 – Phylloxera
intermedia Pergande 1904 – Phylloxera
italica Grassi in Grassi et al. 1912 – Phylloxera
kunugi Shinji 1943 – Phylloxera
LAUFFERELLA Lindinger 1933– synonym of Phylloxerina
lichtensteinii Balbiani 1874 – synonym of Phylloxera corticalis
MICRACANTHAPHIS Grassi in Grassi et al. 1912 – synonym of Phylloxera
minima Shimer 1869 – Phylloxera
moniliferae Börner 1931 – Phylloxerina
MORITZIELLA Börner 1908b – synonym Phylloxera
NOTABILIA Mordvilko 1909 – synonym of Phylloxera
notabilis Pergande 1904 – Phylloxera
nyssae Pergande 1904 – Phylloxerina
OLEGIA Shaposhnikov 1979 – Phylloxerinae, Phylloxerini
PARAMORITZIELLA Grassi in Grassi et al. 1912 – synonym of Phylloxera
PARAPERGANDEA Börner 1930 – synonym of Phylloxera
PARAPHYLLOXERA Grassi in Grassi et al. 1912 – synonym of Phylloxera
PARTHENOPHYLLOXERA Grassi in Grassi et al. 1912 – synonym of Phylloxera
pemphigoides Donnadieu 1887 – synonym of Daktulosphaira vitifoliae
perforans Pergande 1904 – subspecies of Phylloxera caryaesepta
PERGANDEA Börner 1908b – synonym of Phylloxera
PERITYMBIA Westwood 1869 – synonym of Daktulosphaira
perniciosa Pergande 1904 – Phylloxera
pervastatrix Börner 1910 – synonym of Daktulosphaira vitifoliae
PHYLLOXERA Boyer de Fonscolombe 1834 – Phylloxerinae, Phylloxerini
PHYLLOXERELLA Grassi in Grassi et al. 1912 – synonym of Phylloxera
PHYLLOXERINA Börner 1908a – Phylloxerininae
PHYLLOXEROIDES Grassi in Grassi et al. 1912 – synonym of Phylloxera
picta Pergande 1904 – Phylloxera
pilosula Pergande 1904 – Phylloxera
piri Cholodkovsky 1904 – Aphanostigma
popularia Pergande 1904 – Phylloxerina
populi Del Guercio 1900 – Phylloxerina
populi Gillette 1914 – synonym of Phylloxerina moniliferae
prolifera Oestlund 1887 – Phylloxerina
PSEUDOCHERMES Bonfigli 1909 – synonym of Phylloxerina
PSYLLOPTERA Ferrari 1872 – synonym of Phylloxera
punctata Lichtenstein 1874b – synonym of Phylloxera glabra
purpurea Pergande 1904 – subspecies of Phylloxera symmetrica
querceti Pergande 1904 – Phylloxera
quercina Ferrari 1872 – Phylloxera
quercus Boyer de Fonscolombe 1834 – Phylloxera
quercus Kollar 1848 – Acanthochermes
reticulata Duncan 1922 – Phylloxera
RHANIS von Heyden 1837 – synonym of Phylloxera
RHIZAPHIS Planchon in Bazille et al. 1868 – synonym of Daktulosphaira
RHIZOCERA Despeissis 1896 – synonym of Daktulosphaira
rileyi Riley 1874b – Phylloxera
rimosalis Pergande 1904 – Phylloxera
russellae Stoetzel 1981 – Phylloxera
rutila Dreyfus 1889 – synonym of Phylloxera coccinea
salicis Lichtenstein 1884 – Phylloxerina
salicola Pergande 1904 – Phylloxerina
scutifera Signoret 1867 – synonym of Phylloxera quercus
signoreti Targioni Tozzetti 1875 – synonym of Phylloxera quercus
similans Duncan 1922 – Phylloxera
similiquercus Jiang et al. 2009 – Acanthochermes
spinifera Pergande 1904 – Phylloxera
spinosa Shimer 1869 – Phylloxera
spinuloides Pergande 1904 – Phylloxera
spinulosa Targioni Tozzetti 1875 –synonym of Phylloxera quercina
stanfordiana Ferris 1919 – Phylloxera
stellata Duncan 1922 – Phylloxera
subelliptica Shimer 1869 – Phylloxera
symmetrica Pergande 1904 – Phylloxera
texana Stoetzel 1981 – Phylloxera
TROITZKYA Börner 1930 – synonym of Phylloxera
tuberculifera Duncan 1922 – Phylloxera
ulmifoliae Aoki 1973 – Olegia
VACUNA von Heyden 1837 – synonym of Phylloxera
vasculosa Pergande 1904 – subspecies of Phylloxera symmetrica
vastatrix Planchon in Bazille et al. 1868 – synonym of Daktulosphaira vitifoliae
VITEUS Shimer 1867 – synonym of Daktulosphaira
vitifoliae Fitch 1855 – Daktulosphaira
vitis viniferae Theobald 1914 – synonym of Daktulosphaira vitifoliae
vitisana Westwood 1869 – synonym of Daktulosphaira vitifoliae
vulpinae Börner 1952 – synonym of Daktulosphaira vitifoliae
XERAMPELUS Del Guercio 1900 – synonym of Daktulosphaira
XEROPHYLLA Walsh 1867 – synonym of Phylloxera
We thank Andrew Carmichael (USDA Systematic Entomology Laboratory) for literature research. Andrey V. Stekolshchikov (Russian Academy of Sciences) helped locate the Staroslesky (1892) reference, the most difficult to find. Masakazu Sano (Hokkaido Agricultural Research Center) helped research the etymology of Cinacium. We thank two external reviewers; Juan Manuel Nieto Nafría (Universidad de León, Spain) in particular provided meticulous editing and advice on nomenclatural issues. ICZN commissioner Patrice Bouchard (Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids and Nematodes) also provided important nomenclatural advice. As with the adelgid catalog, we express a special appreciation for the organizations making available, in digital form, the vast and valuable historical literature. The Biodiversity Heritage Library in particular is an invaluable resource. Mention of trade names or commercial products in this publication is solely for the purpose of providing specific information and does not imply recommendation or endorsement by the USDA; USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
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