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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2017 Feb 1.
Published in final edited form as: Demography. 2016 Feb;53(1):1–26. doi: 10.1007/s13524-015-0443-9

Table 3.

Negative binomial regressions predicting children's aggressive behavior scores at school entry as a function of family composition at age 4, various specifications (ECLS-B)

Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4
Race/ethnicity (vs. Non-Hispanic white)
    Non-Hispanic Black −0.026 0.027 −0.051 0.027 −0.052 0.027 −0.052 0.027
    Hispanic, any race −0.014 0.022 −0.011 0.023 −0.008 0.023 −0.008 0.022
    Other race −0.034 0.028 −0.039 0.028 −0.038 0.027 −0.038 0.027
Male 0.189 0.017 *** 0.190 0.017 *** 0.191 0.017 *** 0.191 0.017 ***
Child age in months −0.007 0.002 *** −0.007 0.002 *** −0.007 0.002 *** −0.007 0.002 ***
Mother cohabiting at birth (vs. married) 0.031 0.024 0.009 0.024 −0.002 0.024 −0.002 0.024
Mother single at birth (vs. married) 0.025 0.031 −0.030 0.034 −0.041 0.033 −0.042 0.033
Child temperament at 9 months 0.028 0.004 *** 0.029 0.004 *** 0.029 0.004 *** 0.029 0.004 ***
Mother's age at child's birth −0.005 0.002 ** −0.004 0.002 * −0.004 0.002 * −0.003 0.002 *
Mother's education
    Less than high school 0.021 0.028 0.028 0.028 0.024 0.027 0.024 0.027
    Some post secondary education −0.005 0.023 −0.002 0.023 0.001 0.023 0.002 0.023
    College graduate or more −0.037 0.027 −0.034 0.026 −0.029 0.026 −0.029 0.027
Sibship composition
    Child is second-born 0.064 0.022 ** 0.099 0.020 *** 0.061 0.022 ** 0.062 0.022 **
    Child is third-born or higher −0.011 0.031 0.066 0.023 ** −0.023 0.031 −0.021 0.031
    Child has 1 full sibling −0.001 0.024 0.023 0.025 0.022 0.025
    Child has 2+ full siblings 0.062 0.030 * 0.093 0.031 ** 0.091 0.031 **
    Any step- or half-siblings 0.130 0.027 *** 0.126 0.027 ***
Mother's union status
    Mother is unpartnered 0.137 0.026 *** 0.141 0.026 ***
    Stepfather/social father 0.134 0.041 ** 0.108 0.042 *
Complex sibship and union status
    Stepfather/no sibs 0.084 0.055
    No father/no sibs 0.146 0.029 ***
    Bio father/step-half sibs 0.126 0.034 ***
    Stepfather/step-half sibs 0.258 0.058 ***
    No father/step-half sibs 0.253 0.044 ***
Intercept 2.520 0.142 *** 2.492 0.140 *** 2.463 0.142 *** 2.461 0.141 ***
/lnalpha −2.120 0.056 −2.127 0.056 −2.142 0.057 −2.14 0.057
Significant post-hoc tests in model 4

Stepfather with no half/step sibs vs. stepfather with half/step sibs (p<.05)

Stepfather with no half/step sibs vs. unpartnered mother with half/step sibs (p<.05)

Unpartnered mother with no half/step sibs vs. stepfather with half/step sibs (p<.10)

Unpartnered mother with no half/step sibs vs. unpartnered mother with half/step sibs (p<.05)

Biological/adoptive father with half/step sibs vs. stepfather with half/step sibs (p<.05)

Biological/adoptive father with half/step sibs vs. unpartnered mother with half/step sibs (p<.01)