Figure 1.
Spindle Nested High-Frequency Network Events Are Centered around Spindle Troughs during SWS
(A–H) Analysis of the same sleep spindle recorded simultaneously by a tungsten electrode in layer III (A–D) and a juxtacellular glass electrode placed adjacent to a layer III pyramidal cell (E–H).
(A and E) Wavelet analysis of the spindle (white trace, unfiltered) showing high-gamma and ripple frequencies emerging around troughs of the spindle.
(B and F) Hilbert transformation and phase-amplitude modulation at ripple (180–250 Hz, gray) and high-gamma (75–130 Hz, black) frequencies of the same spindle shown in (A) and (E). Gray bands indicate trough-to-peak halves of spindle cycles.
(C and G) Phase-amplitude coupling diagrams of high-gamma (orange) and ripple (red) frequency network events, and spindle waves (trough at 0°) indicate moderate coupling.
(D and H) Wavelet spectra triggered relative to spindle peaks (timed at 0 ms, top panels) and troughs (timed at 0 ms, bottom panels) show spindle-trough-centered emergence of ripple band (spindle ripple) and high-gamma (spindle high gamma) oscillations.
(I) Sharp-wave ripples in the dorsal CA1 region of the hippocampus are not preferentially timed relative to simultaneously recorded neocortical spindle oscillations. Left: timing of the peak of maximal amplitude cycles in hippocampal ripples (dots) during consecutive spindles of normalized length from three animals (gray and white bands) with the average and SD of ripple probability shown on the histogram. Right: timing of hippocampal ripples (dots) during consecutive spindle troughs from three animals (gray and white bands) with the average and SD of ripple probability shown on the histogram relative to the spindle trough timed at 0 ms (bin width, 0.78 ms).