Figure 1. Temperature and duration of various sterilization processes.
Temperatures and durations for various methods of sterilization compared to fused deposition modeling (FDM) 3D printing. The extrusion process most closely resembles pasteurization, in which non-sterile liquid is forced through a narrow, heated tube. High-temperature, short-time (HTST) pasteurization is used for milk, fruit juices and other beverages and ingredients. Ultra-high temperature (UTH) processing is used to produce products such as shelf-stable milk that do not require refrigeration. Stove- top pasteurization (30 min at 63 °C) is indicated as “stovetop” pasteurization. Thermization, a process used to extend the shelf life of raw milk that cannot be immediately used, such as at cheese making facilities. Typical autoclave cycles using prevacuum, and gravity displacement are indicated as “prevacuum” and “gravity,” respectively. A typical “flash” sterilization cycle for a gravity displacement sterilizer is also indicated. Pasteurization processes are indicated in black, autoclave processes in red, and thermization in orange.