IMMUNOLOGY. For the article “Inhibition of acute graft-versus-host disease with retention of graft-versus-tumor effects by the proteasome inhibitor bortezomib,” by Kai Sun, Lisbeth A. Welniak, Angela Panoskaltsis-Mortari, Matthew J. O'Shaughnessy, Haiyan Liu, Isabel Barao, William Riordan, Raquel Sitcheran, Christian Wysocki, Jonathan S. Serody, Bruce R. Blazar, Thomas J. Sayers, and William J. Murphy, which appeared in issue 21, May 25, 2004, of Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (101, 8120-8125; first published May 17, 2004; 10.1073/ pnas.0401563101), the authors request that the following error be noted. In the description of “In Vivo Studies” in Materials and Methods, the dose of total body irradiation should have been stated as 900 cGy for experiments performed at the University of Nevada, Reno. The article inadvertently indicated the dose as 1,300 cGy. The dose range of 900-950 cGy for experiments performed at the National Cancer Institute was correctly listed.