When the all-cis polyproline-I helix (PPI, favored in 1-propanol) of polyproline-13 is introduced into water, it folds into the all-trans polyproline-II (PPII) helix through at least six intermediates. Here, we show that the solvent-free intermediates refold into the all-cis PPI helix with high (>90%) efficiency. Moreover, in the absence of solvent, each intermediate appears to utilize the same small set of pathways observed for the solution-phase PPII→PPI transition upon immersion of PPIIaq in 1-propanol. That folding in solution (under conditions where water is displaced by propanol) and folding in vacuo (where energy required for folding is provided by collisional activation) occur along the same pathway is remarkable. Implicit in this statement is that 1-propanol mimics a “dry” environment, similar to the gas phase. We note that intermediates with structures that are similar to PPIIaq can form PPII under the most gentle activation conditions – indicating that some transitions observed in water, i.e., “wet” folding, are accessible (albeit inefficient) in vacuo. Lastly, these “dry” folding experiments show that PPI (all cis) is favored under “dry” conditions, which underscores the role of water as the major factor promoting preference for trans proline.
Graphical Abstract
The cis-to-trans isomerization of proline plays a critical role in altering biomolecular configurations [1 - 3], and proline-rich segments frequently occur in dynamic regions of biomolecules [4-6]. Since the 1955 crystal structure for the all-trans polyproline-II (PPII) helix [7], polyproline has become a textbook example of how solvent influences structure [8,9]. Sela [10] and Katchalski [11,12] first reported experimental data that revealed an all cis structure for polyproline in aliphatic alcohols, and the crystal structure for the all-cis polyproline-I (PPI) was reported in 1963 [13]. Since this time, the interconversion between these helical structures has continued to attract substantial experimental [14-17] and theoretical [18-21] attention. Although cis and trans proline configurations are energetically similar, differing by ~10 kcal·mol−1, there exists a substantial (~20 kcal·mol−1) free energy barrier to their interconversion [22]; however, the proline cis-to-trans isomerization reaction can be intramolecularly catalyzed by hydrogen bonding interactions as well as post-translational modifications [22]. The all-trans PPII helix is stabilized through interactions of water molecules with carbonyl groups along the peptide backbone [13,23-25].
Recently, we examined the kinetics and thermodynamics of structural transitions associated with a thirteen-residue polyproline (Pro13) interconverting between the PPI and PPII helices in different solution environments [26,27]. When PPIPrOH is immersed in water, the peptide undergoes a spontaneous, stepwise folding transition through six intermediates as it folds into the PPIIaq form [26]. Because the reaction sequence is initiated upon addition of water, we refer to it as “wet” folding. Alternatively, when the hydrated PPIIaq helix is immersed in 1-propanol, multiple cis/trans-configured intermediates are formed in parallel. These different structures subsequently undergo folding transitions and converge through a series of intermediates en route to forming the PPIPrOH helix [27]. As the observed structural transitions are a direct result of the dehydration process associated with the displacement of water by 1-propanol, the PPIIaq→PPIPrOH transition is referred to as a “dry” solution-folding. The previously published kinetics data, used to determine each of these solution-phase folding mechanisms, are summarized in Figure 1. As explained in the figure, the kinetics fits are extremely sensitive to the employed model, allowing for delineation of detailed folding pathways [26,27].
Figure 1.
Kinetic data of Pro13 in different solution environments at 23 °C, showing the PPI→PPII transition in 10:88:2 1-propanol:H2O:HOAc (v:v:v) (left side) and the PPII→PPI transition in 97:1:2 1-propanol:H2O:HOAc(v:v:v) (right side) (taken from ref 28). For both directions, eight different conformational types (A-H) are resolved and assigned. Top: Relative abundances of different conformers as a function of transition time. Each abundance profile is determined by integrating the regions of the spectra associated with specific conformation types, and kinetic fitting is performed for each relative abundance curve based on the first-order reaction rate laws. The shown transition mechanisms give the best fit to the experimental data. Bottom: Example collision cross section (CCS) distributions for Pro13 [M+2H]2+ ions at different transition time points. Dashed lines delineate the cross section region for each conformer, and the inset (red) shows a blow up of low-abundance species present at equilibrium. Various colors are used to represent different conformations: black is conformer A, red is conformer B, blue is conformer C, magenta is conformer D, olive is conformer E, orange is conformer F, violet is conformer G, and dark yellow is conformer H.
Although much is now known about peptide and protein structures in solution, little is known about non-native states (e.g., unstructured, denatured, and intermediate forms) that must exist as biopolymers respond to changes in environment. In recent years, soft ionization techniques, such as electrospray [28], have made it possible to study biopolymer structures in the absence of solvent. In some cases, it appears that evaporative cooling associated with desolvating molecules effectively “freeze-dries” populations of states that were present in solution [29–35]. It is quite common to see multiple structural forms of an ionized biomolecule in the absence of solvent, but the relationship of such states to solution-phase structures remains largely uncharacterized by experimental techniques. As a system, polyproline is especially interesting because it can be studied using a range of environments, and, as described above, very different structural forms are known. In vacuo studies of such systems provide the opportunity to understand how intramolecular interactions, intrinsic to the biomolecule, influence structure [36–40]. When compared with solution folding experiments, it is possible to gain an understanding of the role of solvent in inducing structural transitions.
In this paper, we use collisional activation studies to investigate transitions of solvent-free forms of intermediates that are formed by electrospray during the PPIPrOH→PPIIaq “wet” folding transition (Figure 2). Intermediates are formed upon solvent exchange into water, and when activated in vacuo, conformational changes are observed as a function of activation energy. Notable similarities between the in vacuo mechanism and the PPIIaq→PPIPrOH “dry” solution transition induced upon exchange of water for 1-propanol reveals that removal of water is key to folding. In vacuo conditions are effectively mimicking a non-polar solution environment. Conversely, the “dry” folding mechanism further illustrates the key role of water as the major factor promoting the well-known preferences for trans proline [23-26].
Figure 2.
Top: A sequential transition mechanism proposed for the PPI→PPII conversion of Pro13 in aqueous environment (ref 27). The structures of all the eight conformers found during the transition process, as well as the assignment of the cis(c)/trans(t) configurations of peptide bonds of each solution conformer, are also provided. In this work, each solution conformation of Pro13 that exists during the PPIPrOH→PPIIaq transition process is electrosprayed into the gas phase, selected, and gently collisional activated in order to investigate the folding of Pro13 in vacuo. Bottom: Schematic diagram of the IMS-IMS-TOF instrument used to select and activate conformations of Pro13 [M + 2H]2+ ions. The instrument includes an ESI source, a ~1.8 m drift tube (D1 and D2), and a TOF mass spectrometer.
Experimental methods
Experiments were performed on a prototype ion mobility spectrometry (IMS) time-of-flight (TOF) mass spectrometry (MS) instrument. A schematic diagram of the instrument used in this work is shown in Figure 2. IMS theory and instrumentation have been described in detail previously [41–51]; a brief description is given here. Ions were produced via electrospray ionization (ESI) by a chip-based autosampler (Advion, Ithaca, NY) and accumulated in an hourglass-shaped ion funnel, F1 [52]. A 150 μs-wide electrostatic gate (G1) was used to periodically release ions into the drift region (D1 and D2). Under the influence of a uniform electric field (~10 V·cm−1), ions were separated on the basis of their mobilities while migrating through the drift region filled with ~3 Torr of He (300 K). In the middle of the drift tube, funnel F2 radially focuses the diffuse ion packet and includes an electrostatic gate (G2) and activation region (IA2). Ions are again focused through funnel F3 after separation through D2. Upon exiting the drift region, ions enter an orthogonal-extraction TOF-MS for nested drift time (tD) and mass-to-charge (m/z) measurement [53].
IMS measurements
Two operational modes of the instrument shown in Figure 2 were used in this work: one-dimensional (IMS-MS) and two-dimensional (IMS-IMS-MS). Detailed instrumentation for the IMS-MS and IMS-IMS-MS experiments has been discussed elsewhere [54-57]; only a brief description is provided here. The drift tube is divided into two effective drift regions (D1 and D2) by ion funnel F2. The source mobility distributions were obtained in the IMS-MS mode, wherein the field in G2 allows all ions separated through the first drift region D1 to pass into the second drift region D2. In this case, D1 and D2 are operated as a uniform, ~1.8-meter drift tube.
The ion mobility distributions of the activated ions were measured under the IMS-IMS-MS mode, wherein D1 and D2 are operated as two independent drift regions of 0.84 and 0.98 m, respectively. In these experiments, after ions travel through D1, ions of a desired mobility are selected to pass through G2 by applying a delay pulse to G2 to lower a repulsive potential (16 V) for 30–100 μs. The delay pulse at G2 is triggered by the initial pulse at G1 in order to isolate ions with a specific mobility from the source distribution. All other ions are neutralized on the first lens of G2. After passing through the gate region G2, a narrow range of mobility-selected ions continue to travel through funnel F2 and are then activated by undergoing gentle collisions with the buffer gas in the IA2 region. Collisional activation is achieved by applying an additional voltage drop across the two lenses of IA2 that are ~3 mm apart, and the energetics of these collisions is directly influenced by the magnitude of the voltage drop across IA2. As ions leave the activation region, they are rapidly thermalized to the temperature of the buffer gas (300 K) and are subsequently separated in the second drift region, D2. For each selected conformer, the same IMS distribution was used as the source distribution for all the spectra collected under the IMS-IMS mode, and the IMS-IMS distributions were recorded over an activation voltage range of 6 to 200 V.
Determination of experimental collision cross sections
Experimental collision cross sections (Ω) can be determined from ion drift time (tD) using equation 1 [45],
(1) |
where ze, kb, and T correspond to the ion's charge, Boltzmann's constant, and the temperature of the buffer gas, respectively. mI is the mass of the ion, mB is the mass of the buffer gas, and N is the neutral number density of the buffer gas at STP. E, L, P refer to the applied electric field, the length of the drift region, and the buffer gas pressure, respectively. Uncertainties of the experimental collision cross sections correspond to one deviation about the mean for three independent measurements.
Sample preparation
The Pro13 peptide was synthesized on a modified Applied Biosystems 430A synthesizer (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA). A standard Boc solid-phase peptide synthesis protocol was used by following the same procedure described previously [26,58].
The Pro13 peptide was initially dissolved in pure 1-propanol at a concentration of 160 μM and incubated at 37 °C for at least 72 hours to ensure that all peptides were in the PPI configuration. The PPI→PPII transition at 23 °C was initiated by diluting the incubated PrOH stock solution to a final composition of 10:88:2 PrOH:H2O:HOAc (v:v:v) containing 16 μM Pro13, as described previously [26]. The source distributions for conformers A-C and D-H were obtained 1 min and 180 min, respectively, after the transition was induced.
Assignment of peaks and structures
Upon electrospraying a PrOH:H2O solvent mixture, the dominant ion formed by Pro13 is [M+2H]2+. Once the PPI→PPII transition is initiated, eight different structural types (A-H) are resolved and assigned for Pro13 [M+2H]2+ ions during the transition process [26]. As is summarized in Figures 1 and 2, a sequential transition mechanism involving six different intermediates has been proposed for the PPIPrOH→PPIIaq conversion [26]. Figure 2 also shows the experimental collision cross section of each conformer, as well as the assignment of the cis/trans peptide bonds along the backbone, as determined using molecular modeling studies [26]. In this study, no new structural feature was discovered upon activation of each selected conformation; therefore, the conformational types observed in the IMS-IMS distributions were assigned on the basis of the experimental collision cross section determined in prior IMS-MS work [26]. More detailed discussion is given below.
Generation of the relative abundance profiles
The relative abundance profile of all observed conformers as a function of activation voltage was determined for each selected conformation. This was achieved using the Peak Analyzer tool in OriginPro 9.0.0 (OriginLab Corporation, Northampton, MA). Dashed lines shown in Figures 3 and 4 delineate the collision cross section region for each conformer type, as has been assigned previously [26]. It is worth noting that, upon activation of each selected conformer, only the second drift region (D2) is available for separation, resulting in a lower resolution in the mobility distribution. Therefore, dashed lines associated with the regions of conformers A and H are adjusted, since the A and H peaks are noticeably broader compared with those assigned previously [26]. According to the abundance profiles, putative transition routes in vacuo were proposed for each selected conformer.
Figure 3.
Selection and activation data of Pro13 [M+2H]2+ ions when conformer A (left side) and conformer F (right side) are selected. Top: Relative abundance as a function of activation voltage. The observed transition mechanism of each conformer upon activation in vacuo is also shown. A dashed arrow represents a possible transition pathway that may exist but is not observed experimentally. The bracketed line denotes the quasi-equilibrium region prior to fragmentation. Bottom: Representative collision cross section (CCS) distributions of initial selection (6 V) and activation up to 120 V. The bottom trace in each panel shows the source distribution obtained at the relevant solution-phase PPI→PPII transition time, and the inset (dashed) shows a blow up of low-abundance species present at quasi-equilibrium. Dashed lines delineate the cross section region for each conformer. Color coding for each conformer is the same as Figure 1, and dark purple represents the relative abundance of all observed fragment populations (frags) originating from the selected ions.
Figure 4.
Representative collision cross section (CCS) distributions of Pro13 [M+2H]2+ ions when six different solution intermediates are selected and activated: B (top left), C (top middle), D (top right), E (bottom left), G (bottom middle), and H (bottom right). For each conformer, initial selection occurs at 6 V, and the activation voltage is increased up to 120 V. The bottom trace in each panel shows the source distribution obtained at the relevant solution-phase PPI→PPII transition time, and the inset (dashed) shows a blow up of low-abundance species present at quasi-equilibrium. Dashed lines delineate the cross section region for each conformer, and color coding for each conformer is the same as Figure 1.
Results and discussion
Selection and activation of the 1-propanol-precursor PPIPrOH and aqueous-product PPII aq helices
In prior work, we found that eight different solution structures (A-H) are resolved during the wet-folding PPIPrOH→PPIIaq transition [26]. In this work, these structures are electrosprayed into the gas-phase, selected, and activated. We begin by considering the [PPI+2H]2+ (peak A, sampled after immersion in water for 1 min.) and [PPII+2H]2+ (peak F, sampled after immersion in water for 180 min.) species formed from the solution-phase 1-propanol precursor PPIPrOH and aqueous-product PPIIaq helices. This analysis provides key information about what structures are accessible when folding is initiated in the absence of solvent. We follow this discussion with brief analyses of each of the solution intermediates.
Several mobility distributions for activation of [PPI+2H]2+ and [PPII+2H]2+ ions are shown in Figure 3. One minute after immersion in water, we observe that PPI (peak A), is present at a substantial abundance (63 ± 4%) in the source distribution. The early PPIPrOH→PPIIaq solution intermediates B and C are also present. Selection and activation of peak A shows essentially no change in the mobility distribution over an activation voltage of 0 to 120 V. At ~110 V, peak A begins to decrease in intensity, and by 120 V, peak A has decreased to 91 ± 3% of the distribution, and very small amounts of structures B (6 ± 2%) and C (3 ± 2%) are observed. The presence of these new structures indicates that some of the [PPI+2H]2+ ions have been collisionally activated above the barrier for formation of structures B and C. Peaks A, B, and C are the only states that are observed upon activation of [PPI+2H]2+. That is, all other states observed as intermediates in the PPIPrOH→PPIIaq transformation in solution (D-H) are inaccessible in the absence of solvent upon activating peak A [PPI+2H]2+ions.
Figure 3 also shows the integrated signals for the A, B, and C regions as a function of voltage. Close examination of these data indicates that conformations B and C have almost identical threshold voltages (~108 V) for formation from A. As the activation voltage is increased, the abundance of the B and C products increases and then the populations of all three states remain constant over a wide activation voltage range, ~120 to 170 V. This flat region is indicative of a quasi-equilibrium in the gas phase involving the A, B, and C states [57]. That is, when the ions are above all barriers that separate the A, B, and C states, the distribution from ~120 V to ~170 V reflects the local equilibrium populations of these states. Above 170 V, all of the species in the quasi-equilibrium distribution of ions begin to dissociate. Regardless of which conformer is selected for activation in these experiments, the ratios of abundant fragment ions appear to be identical. The populations of A, B, and C structures decrease as fragment ion populations increase and eventually dominate the distribution at higher voltage (>180 V). The simple schematic in Figure 3 shows our interpretation of these data: at relatively low activation energies, A will convert to B and C; at higher energies, the A, B, and C states coexist as a quasi-equilibrium distribution of states. This quasi-equilibrium distribution favors A (or PPI).
Figure 3 also shows the distribution of structures that is formed upon activation of [PPII+2H]2+ (i.e., peak F sampled from solution after PPIPrOH was immersed in water for 180 min.). This distribution is quite different from the data recorded for activation of peak A, especially at low voltages. Mobility distributions as a function of activation energy show that [PPII+2H]2+ ions (peak F) begin to form other structures at much lower activation voltages (~65 V) through what appears to be a complex set of transitions. The first transition is observed when ions are activated with ~65 V. Conformer F (Ω = 287.7 ± 1.3 Å2) first forms the more compact conformer G (Ω = 281 ± 1.6 Å2). Slightly above this voltage (~67 V), conformer F forms the slightly larger E state (Ω = 294 ± 0.9 Å2). The populations of these new structures increase with increasing activation voltage until conformer D (which is even more elongated, with Ω = 298.0 ± 1.0 Å2) is observed at ~77 V. As the fraction of D increases, the abundances of the G and E peaks decrease. This behavior indicates that G and E are intermediates to forming D, i.e., F→G→D and F→E→D. At higher energies, a very small fraction of ions may be present in the region associated with conformation H. This suggests that this product might be accessible upon activation of F in the absence of solvent. However, it is such a minor process, that we ignore it as an important pathway upon activation of F.
Unlike [PPI+2H]2+ (peak A), which showed little structural variance upon activation, [PPII+2H]2+ (peak F) was able to access a number of intermediate states en route to forming its final structure. The integrated population distribution in Figure 3 shows that as soon as A is formed from the initial activation of F (~80 V), the population of peak D and remaining populations of G and E decrease rapidly until they fall below our detection limits. In the same voltage region, the abundances of conformers B and C increase slightly. Thus, it appears that D, G, and E may all be intermediates along the pathway to forming peak A in vacuo, the [PPI+2H]2+ species. Remarkably, this suggests that the PPII→PPI folding pathway in solvent (1-propanol) and in the gas phase are similar. As the activation energy is increased even further (116–170 V), the F precursor and intermediates D-H disappear and the gas-phase quasi-equilibrium distribution is observed. Above ~170 V, the A, B, and C populations are depleted as ions dissociate.
This analysis provides substantial insight into the in vacuo PPII→PPI folding mechanism. The low energy formation of G and then E followed by formation of D indicates that in vacuo, the F state folds via a parallel mechanism using multiple pathways to produce the intermediates D, E, and G. In addition, the observation that conformers B and C appear as soon as peak A is formed at relatively higher activation voltage implies that there is a critical barrier for the compact intermediates D, E, and G to produce the quasi-equilibrium populations, i.e., a common transition state must be produced before the A-C states start to form. These findings appear to be analogous to those elucidated for the solution-phase PPIIaq→PPIPrOH dry folding transition (shown in Figure 1). The inset in Figure 3 shows a pathway that is consistent with these data.
One final point involves the timescale of these transitions. Consider the F→A transition. If a substantial amount of time was required to complete the conformational change, then we would observe a shift in the product mobility distribution of peak A to shorter drift times. Any shift associated with the experimental time required for F→A is below the smallest, 50 μs, time interval used to record the IMS distributions. Thus, τ(F→A) ≤ 50 μs. Such a fast transition is expected at the elevated energies that are sampled during collisional activation. Additionally, in the complete absence of solvent the barriers associated with solvent reorganization are eliminated. Thus, while ~3 hrs is required for PPIPrOH to form PPIIaq upon immersion of PPI in water, the solvent-free, collisionally activated PPII instantaneously snaps back to the PPI state (τ ≤ 50 μs) with high (>90 %) efficiency.
Selection and activation of solution intermediate B
More insight about the gas-phase folding process comes from studies of each of six solution intermediates (conformers B, C, D, E, G, and H) that are formed during the “wet” solution-folding transition PPIPrOH→PPIIaq. Each of these structures are formed in the gas phase using ESI and then selected and collisionally activated as described above. Ion mobility distributions obtained at different activation voltages after selection of B, C, D, E, G, and H individually are shown in Figure 4, while plots of the integrated data are shown in Figure 5. Conformers B and C are selected and activated from solution after the immersion of PPIPrOH stock solution in water for 1 min., while the D, E, G, and H states are sampled from solution after PPIPrOH was immersed in water for 180 min.
Figure 5.
Relative abundance of Pro13 [M+2H]2+ ions as a function of activation voltage when six different solution intermediates are selected and activated: B (top left), C (top right), D (middle left), E (middle right), G (bottom left), and H (bottom right). The observed transition mechanism of each conformer upon activation in vacuo is also shown. A dashed arrow represents a possible transition pathway that may exist but is not observed experimentally. The bracketed line denotes the quasi-equilibrium region prior to fragmentation. Color coding for each conformer is the same as Figure 1, and dark purple represents the relative abundance of all observed fragment populations (frags) originating from the selected ions.
As is shown in Figure 4, activation of the B intermediate at 120 V effectively results in the same quasi-equilibrium distribution as that observed at high activation voltages for the [PPI+2H]2+ (peak A) and [PPII+2H]2+ (peak F) species. Before reaching quasi-equilibrium, conformer B displays no significant conformational changes at low activation voltages. However, upon increasing the activation voltage (e.g., to 82 V as shown in Figure 4), conformers A and C are produced from activation of B. At higher activation voltages (90, 96, and 98 V), the fraction of conformer B continues to decrease.
Figure 5 shows a similar threshold for formation of conformers A and C from B, at ~78 V. Thus, the barriers associated with B→C and B→A are almost identical. From ~80 V to ~95 V, the population of conformer B deceases quickly, while a sharp increase in conformer A, and a slight increase in the C state are observed. By ~110 V, the quasi-equilibrium distribution of A, B, and C is established. At higher activation voltages (≥176 V), the population of fragments increases, and the A-C states disappear. There is no evidence for the presence of more compact structures (conformers D through H), consistent with the transition scheme shown for intermediate B in vacuo.
Selection and activation of solution intermediate C
Selection and activation of conformer C shows a similar trend to that observed for conformers A and B. Example mobility distributions in Figure 4 show that conformers A and B are first observed at 80 V upon activating conformer C. Figure 5 shows the thresholds for C→B occurs at ~79 V and C→A at 81 V. That the C→B barrier is lower than that for B→A is consistent with a reaction sequence C→B→A. The quasi-equilibrium distribution is reached at ~110 V, and the ions start to dissociate at ~170 V. The folding mechanism of conformer C in vacuo appears to be similar to that found for the A and B peaks.
Selection and activation of solution intermediate D
Transitions of the selected D, E, G, and H states are more complex – similar to the transition found in state F. Figure 4 shows that activation of conformer D leads to the more compact (higher mobility) conformers E, F, G, and H. As the activation voltage reaches 100 V, the fraction of these compact conformers declines, and the ion population is dominated by conformer A. By 120 V, the distributions are essentially identical to those recorded upon activating the A-C states at 120 V, consistent with the establishment of the quasi-equilibrium distribution.
Figure 5 shows the abundances of each observed conformer as a function of activation voltage. Conformer D first converts into conformer E (at ~67 V). At ~68 V, peak F begins to appear. This is interesting. During the PPIPrOH→PPIIaq transition in solution, D is an intermediate along the sequential pathway leading to F (PPIIaq). That D also forms F in vacuo indicates that some wet transitions are accessible in the absence of solvent. Presumably, this D→F transition is allowed because these structures are similar and exist on regions of the energy landscape that are not restricted by a critical barrier, as is the limitation for A, B, and C transitions to form F.
As the abundance of conformer F decays, there is an increase in the population of the G and H states, suggesting F as a possible intermediate in forming conformers G and H (i.e., D→F→G and D→F→H, respectively). As soon as the [PPI+2H]2+ (peak A) begins to increase, conformers B and C are also observed, and the populations of all intermediate states (E, F, G, and H) decreases. The flat region between 105 V and 165 V corresponds to the A, B, and C quasi-equilibrium. Fragment ions begin to appear at ~170 V.
Based on these results, we propose that the folding of intermediate D in vacuo adopts a similar parallel transition mechanism to that observed for [PPII+2H]2+ (peak F). The transition is also analogous to the solution-phase PPIIaq→PPIPrOH dry folding transition (Figure 1). This parallel mechanism involves a critical barrier to forming the final A, B, and C quasi-equilibrium.
Selection and activation of solution intermediates E, G, and H
Figure 4 shows that the IMS distributions obtained upon activating E, G, and H are similar to those of D and F. Figure 5 shows that activation of conformer E first produces conformer F at 65 V, followed by the formation of conformer D at 67 V. Once conformer A begins to form upon activation at 76 V, a slow increase in the population of conformers B and C is also found. This suggests that conformer E has to overcome a key barrier in order to produce conformers A-C, the local equilibrium populations. With the decay of conformer F, it is also possible that conformers G and H come from F, but with very low efficiency. These data are used to build the transition mechanism of the selected E state in vacuo, a parallel folding mechanism that is also found upon activating peaks F and D.
The abundance profile obtained upon activating conformer G shows that it first converts into conformer F at low activation voltage (~58 V). Once the voltage reaches ~78 V, both conformers D and E appear to form. As the activation voltage is increased, the formation of conformers A-C is found at ~83 V. These results are also consistent with a parallel transition mechanism of the selected G state folding into PPI in vacuo, which involves a key barrier to form the quasi-equilibrium populations. An analogous set of transitions is observed for activation of H (Figure 5).
Folding landscape of the PPII↔PPI transition pathway of Pro13 in vacuo
Based on the data presented above, we can begin to understand the folding landscape associated with the PPII↔PPI conformational transitions of Pro13. Figure 6 shows a qualitative folding landscape that is consistent with our experimental findings. It is tempting to interpret our thresholds in terms of activation energy barriers. However, in detailed thermodynamic studies of the dehydration of PPII upon dilution with 1-propanol, i.e., PPIIaq→PPIPrOH, we found that the reaction was endothermic and driven by an increase in entropy that accompanies nearly every step. Because of this, we do not use a recently developed calibration of these voltages to provide energies [59], instead opting to describe the landscape in terms of the applied voltage necessary to cause each transition.
Figure 6.
A qualitative folding landscape of the PPII ↔ PPI transitions of Pro13 in vacuo. See text for discussion.
The PPI helix (peak A) is the most stable gas-phase conformer, as conformer A dominates the quasi-equilibrium distribution. The stability of the PPI helix in vacuo appears to arise from the intrinsic intramolecular forces associated with the helical structure [60], since the dipole moment associated with the PPI helical structure can be maintained in the gas phase. The relative stability of the B and C states is also assessed based on their quasi-equilibrium populations, showing that conformer B is more stable than conformer C. Additionally, upon activation, conformer B produces A and C at the same voltage. This suggests similar barrier heights between B→C and B→A. The similar conformational changes observed for conformers A-C also supports the previous structural assignment, wherein conformers B and C are considered to have PPI-like helical structures (Figure 2) [27].
Conformers D through H appear to be less stable than the A-C conformers, as the D-H states are disfavored in the observed quasi-equilibrium distribution. According to the proposed transition pathways in vacuo, conformers D and E appear to have similar conformation changes upon activation. Thus, conformers D and E are considered to be at similar energy levels with a low transition barrier between them. However, the activation barrier of E→F should be slightly higher than that of E→D, because conformer E initially produces F upon activation. Additionally, selection and activation of conformer F leads to formation of G at lower activation than that required to form E, indicating that the barrier height associated with F→E is slightly higher than that associated with F→G. The barrier of G→H is assumed to be higher than that of F→G, as H state can only be produced with very low efficiency in the gas phase. The high barrier between C and D is critical to the folding of Pro13 in vacuo - dividing the population into two primary populations and prohibiting the A-C states from forming any compact structure upon activation. This barrier is higher than the barriers within the A-C group and those within the D-H group, as is shown by the activation voltage required to bring any of the D-H states to a common transition state and produce the quasi-equilibrium populations (conformers A-C).
The gas-phase configurational landscape for Pro13 established here allows us to directly assess solvent effects on the folding of Pro13. Remarkably, the parallel transition mechanism of Pro13 in vacuo involves a critical barrier to form the PPI helix, which is analogous to thePPII→PPI folding mechanism observed in 1-propanol, a relatively non-polar solution environment. The high degree of similarity between transitions observed in the gas phase and in a non-polar solution environment shows that removal of water is key to producing the all-cis PPI helix; but how water is removed - either by solvent exchange, or by desolvation during electrospray - does not affect the pathways of Pro13 folding into PPI. The potential energy surface of solution-phase PPIIaq→PPIPrOH dry folding revealed that in solution essentially every step of this process is entropically driven [27]. While more experimental work is required to rigorously delineate the roles of entropy and enthalpy in establishing structures in the gas phase, we cannot resist noting that the remarkable similarity of folding pathways in the non-polar vacuum and 1-propanol solution requires that in at least some systems the outcome and pathway of folding appears to be intrinsic to the biopolymer. If such behavior extends to other types of environments (e.g., non-polar surfaces such as membranes) then structural measurements and computations of anhydrous biomolecules in vacuo would provide a grossly simplified means of obtaining structural information - where few condensed-phase options exist.
We gratefully thank David Smiley and the DiMarchi Laboratory at Indiana University for assistance with the peptide synthesis. This research is supported in part by a grant from the NIH (R01GM103725).
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