Microtubules govern actin network remodeling in a wide range of biological processes, yet the mechanisms underlying this cytoskeletal crosstalk have remained obscure. Here we used single-molecule fluorescence microscopy to show that the microtubule plus-end associated protein CLIP-170 binds tightly to formins to accelerate actin filament elongation. Furthermore, we observed mDia1 dimers and CLIP-170 dimers co-tracking growing filament ends for minutes. CLIP-170-mDia1 complexes promoted actin polymerization approximately 18 times faster than free barbed end growth, while simultaneously enhancing protection from capping protein. We used a microtubule-actin dynamics co-reconstitution system to observe CLIP-170-mDia1 complexes being recruited to growing microtubule ends by EB1. The complexes triggered rapid growth of actin filaments that remained attached to the microtubule surface. These activities of CLIP-170 were required in primary neurons for normal dendritic morphology. Thus, our results reveal a cellular mechanism whereby growing microtubule plus-ends direct rapid actin assembly.
Tight coordination between the microtubule (MT) and actin cytoskeletons is required for fundamental processes such as directed cell migration, neuronal arborization, and phagocytosis (1–3). In many of these settings, the growth of MT plus-ends into actin-rich cortical regions triggers changes in actin assembly-based functions (4, 5). In plant cells, following washout of the actin depolymerizing drug Latrunculin B (LatB), all new actin polymerization occurs from MT plus-ends (6). In fission yeast, MT plus-ends direct formin-mediated actin cable assembly during “new end take off” (7, 8). In other systems, MT plus-ends play an instrumental role in steering actin-based motility of neuronal growth cones during neurite outgrowth and axonal guidance (9–11). Thus, it has long been hypothesized that molecular cues associated with MT plus-ends directly govern localized actin assembly; however, no such mechanism has been defined.
Formins directly stimulate both the nucleation and elongation phases of actin filament assembly, and perform essential roles in constructing diverse cellular actin structures, including actin cables, stress fibers, filopodia, phagocytic cups, and cytokinetic rings (3). The dimeric formin homology 2 (FH2) domain nucleates actin filaments and remains processively attached to their growing barbed-ends as they elongate, while the adjacent FH1 domains recruit profilin-bound actin monomers to accelerate elongation (12, 13). The mammalian formin mDia1 supports one of the fastest known rates of actin filament elongation, at 55 subunits s−1 μM−1 (13).
CLIP-170 localizes to MT plus-ends in cells via interactions with the MT end-binding protein EB1, but also to actin-rich cortical zones (5, 14–19). In addition, CLIP-170 binds and colocalizes with mDia1 in macrophages, where both proteins are required for phagocytosis (5), suggesting that their in vivo functions are tied together. The budding yeast protein Smy1 directly inhibits the yeast formin Bnr1, targeting its FH2 domain (20) via ‘formin elongation effector domain’ (FEED) motifs (21). Here we found a FEED-like sequence in human CLIP-170, located in its central coiled-coil-rich region (Fig. 1A & Fig. S1A). We thus decided to purify full-length human CLIP-170 and test its possible effects on mDia1-mediated actin assembly using total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) microscopy.
Mammalian CLIP-170 is expressed as three alternatively spliced isoforms (CLIP-170-1, CLIP-170-2, and CLIP-170-3) (Fig. S1A). All splicing occurs in a specific region of CLIP-170 (457–502), and the FEED motif, present in all three isoforms, borders the spliced region (Fig. S1A). We purified all three isoforms of CLIP-170 as full-length proteins and tested their effects on mDia1 (FH1-FH2-tail)-mediated actin assembly. CLIP-170 isoforms had no effect on actin assembly alone, but each one dramatically accelerated the rate of mDia1-mediated actin filament elongation (Fig. 1B–D, 1E, S1B–E; Movies S1 & S2), while showing statistically insignificant effects on formin-mediated actin nucleation (Fig. S1F). A closer examination of the distribution of filament elongation rates in reactions containing both mDia1 and CLIP-170 revealed three subpopulations with distinct rates (Fig. 1E & Movie S2). The slowest had a mean elongation rate of 10.1 ± 1.3 (SE) subunits s−1 μM−1, similar to the rate of free barbed-end growth (22). The second subpopulation had a faster rate of 58.8 ± 8.8 subunits s−1 μM−1, similar to filament elongation mediated by mDia1 alone (Fig. 1E & Movie S2). The third was substantially accelerated, elongating at 179.1 ± 39.1 subunits s−1 μM−1, or approximately 18 times faster than free barbed-end growth in the absence of formins. This accelerated elongation occurred exclusively in reactions containing mDia1 and CLIP-170, and was observed at different actin concentrations (Fig. S2). The fraction of filaments in the reaction undergoing accelerated elongation scaled with increasing concentrations of CLIP-170 (Fig. 1E). Because 25 nM CLIP-170 supported the strongest effects, this concentration was used for all further tests. CLIP-170 also increased the elongation rates of filaments assembled by four other formins (mDia2, Daam1, INF1, and INF2) (Fig. 1F & Fig. S3). Thus, the regulatory effects of CLIP-170 extend to multiple formins, not just mDia1.
Accelerated elongation required profilin and the FH1 and FH2 domains of mDia1 (Fig. 1G). These are precisely the same requirements for mDia1-accelerated elongation without CLIP-170 (Fig. 1G) (13, 23). Thus, CLIP-170 may be functioning by further improving the mechanism of elongation already used by formins. We mapped the activities in CLIP-170 to specific domains (Fig. 1H & 1I). Because all three CLIP-170 isoforms had similar effects on mDia1, we mapped activities in the longest isoform, CLIP-170-1. All CLIP-170-1 fragments containing the FEED sequence supported accelerated elongation, and a short fragment (348–460) encompassing the FEED sequence was sufficient, whereas the N-terminal MT- and EB1-binding region (1–347) (15) was dispensable. Next, we generated two mutant alleles (alanine substitutions) in the FEED sequence of full-length CLIP-170-1 (Fig. S1A); the FEED1 mutant abolished accelerated elongation, and the FEED2 mutant reduced the rate of accelerated elongation (Fig. 1I). Thus, CLIP-170-mediated effects on mDia1 are FEED-dependent.
A number of possible mechanisms could explain the effects of CLIP-170 on mDia1, including formation of stable or transient CLIP-170-mDia1 complexes at growing barbed-ends of filaments. To address this, we used multi-wavelength single molecule TIRF microscopy to directly observe fluorescently labeled SNAP-tagged CLIP-170-1 and mDia1 molecules interacting with actin filaments during their assembly. 649-mDia1 and untagged mDia1 are dimeric and have indistinguishable activities (24). Step photobleaching analysis showed that 549-CLIP-170-1 molecules were also predominantly dimers (Fig. S4), as expected (15). 649-mDia1 molecules processively tracked the barbed-ends of filaments (Fig. 2A & Movie S3, left panel) (24), and 549-CLIP-170-1 showed rare interactions with filaments. However, in reactions containing both 649-mDia1 and 549-CLIP-170-1, they tracked the growing barbed-end together (Fig. 2A–E, & Movie S3, right panel). Importantly, 549-CLIP-170-1 and untagged CLIP-170-1 stimulated indistinguishable rates of formin-dependent accelerated elongation (Fig. 2B).
Accelerated elongation occurred only in instances where 649-mDia1 and 549-CLIP-170-1 were observed together at the barbed-end (300 out of 300 events) (Fig. 2B–E & Movie S4). In our 3 min observation window, CLIP-170 dissociation events were rare (only 2 out of 100 barbed-ends tracked), suggesting that CLIP-170-1-mDia1 barbed-end tracking complexes are long-lived and highly processive. In a few instances, we observed formation and dissolution of the mDia1-CLIP-170 complex (Fig. 2D & 2E). For the filament shown, it initially grew at the free barbed-end rate (with no mDia1 or CLIP-170-1 associated), then upon association of 649-mDia1 growth transitioned to a faster rate, and subsequently when 549-CLIP-170-1 joined the formin on the barbed-end, growth immediately jumped to the further enhanced rate. After several minutes, 549-CLIP-170-1 dissociated, and growth fell back to the mDia1-supported rate, and then when 649-mDia1 dissociated, growth returned to the free barbed-end rate. Thus, when CLIP-170 joins mDia1 at the filament end, it forms a processive barbed-end tracking complex that enhances elongation. Single molecule experiments also showed that CLIP-170-1 binds anchored mDia1 even in the absence of actin, and that binding is competitively displaced by excess CLIP-170-1 fragment (348–460) (Fig. 2F).
A hallmark of formins is their ability to protect growing barbed-ends from capping protein (CP) (25–27). To test whether CLIP-170 influences this function of mDia1 (26, 28), we spiked in different concentrations of CP early in bulk assays. CP slowed mDia1-mediated actin assembly in a dose-dependent manner (Fig. S5A). These results are consistent with recent studies showing that CP and mDia1 can interact with barbed-ends simultaneously, and each catalyze dissociation of the other (29). CLIP-170-1 attenuated the effects of CP on mDia1 in these assays (Fig. S5B). In TIRF microscopy assays, CLIP-170-1 increased the average elongation rate of mDia1-nucleated filaments in the presence of CP (Fig. S5C). Similar effects were observed for each CLIP-170-1 construct that supported accelerated elongation (Fig. S5D). CLIP-170-1 also increased by up to 4-fold the duration of accelerated growth in the presence of CP (Fig. 2G, 2H, & S5C). CP effects were sometimes reversed, as indicated by an abrupt return to growth at mDia1-supported rates, but these events were rare (n < 10 for each condition out of 300 capping events analyzed). On the other hand, CLIP-170 did not affect the average duration of capping before resumed growth significantly (Fig. S5E). Thus, CLIP-170 not only increases the rate of mDia1-mediated actin filament elongation by 3–4 fold but also increases the duration of growth in the presence of CP by 4-fold (see model, Fig. 2I).
CLIP-170 and mDia1 each bind MTs and EB1 (17, 30–33). We thus investigated CLIP-170 and mDia1 interactions, alone and together, with dynamic MTs in the presence and absence of EB1 (Fig. 3A). 549-CLIP-170-1 interacted with MT sides, and was recruited to growing MT ends by EB1 (Fig. 3A, S6A, & S6B; Movie S5), as expected (17). 488-mDia1 bound to MT sides both in the presence and absence of EB1, but was not be recruited to MT ends (Fig. 3A, S6C, & S6D; Movie S6). In the absence of EB1, 488-mDia1 colocalized with 549-CLIP-170-1 on MT sides (Fig. 3B; Movie S6). However, in the presence of both EB1 and 549-CLIP-170-1, 488-mDia1 was recruited to MT plus-ends (Fig. 3C; Movie S6). These observations demonstrate a hierarchal recruitment scheme, in which EB1 recruits CLIP-170, which in turn recruits mDia1 to growing MT ends.
We developed a co-reconstitution TIRF system that enabled imaging of MTs undergoing dynamic instability and actin filaments polymerizing simultaneously (Fig. 3E, 3F, & 3G; Movie S7). In the presence of EB1, CLIP-170, and mDia1 (but not in reactions lacking any of these components), we observed striking coordination of growing MT ends with formation of rapidly polymerizing actin filaments. With unlabeled EB1 and mDia1, 549-CLIP-170-1 molecules were dynamically recruited to growing MT plus-ends, where they triggered formation of actin filaments that polymerized from the MT surface (Fig. 3H; Movie S8). Similar observations were made with unlabeled EB1 and CLIP-170-1, and 549-mDia1 (Fig. 3I; Movie S9). About half of the actin filaments assembled by mDia1 originated from MT plus-ends (Fig. 3J), and in each case, 549-CLIP-170-1 or 549-mDia1 tracked the growing barbed-ends, which polymerized at the accelerated rate away from the MT (Fig. 3K). Actin filament pointed ends remained attached to the MT surface on average for 45 ± 10.3 s, until they spontaneously detached or were released by a MT catastrophe event.
To test the importance of these activities in a more physiological setting, we used a short hairpin RNA (shCLIP-170) to interfere with expression of all three CLIP-170 isoforms in rat primary cortical neurons (Fig. 4A & 4B). Dendritic elaboration in these neurons depends on tight coordination between the MT and actin cytoskeletons (11, 16, 34). Depletion of CLIP-170 (validated in N2A cells; Fig. S7) led to dramatically reduced complexity of neuronal processes, as previously reported (16). This phenotype was rescued by a full-length wild type CLIP-170-1 construct resistant to silencing (Fig. 4A & 4B), but not the FEED1 mutant (Fig. 4A & 4B). Conversely, increased expression of wild type CLIP-170-1 over endogenous CLIP-170 led to elevated dendritic complexity as previously shown (16), whereas mutant CLIP-170-1 did not (Fig. 4C & 4D). In N2A cells, wild type and FEED1 mutant CLIP-170-1 were expressed at similar levels (Fig. S7). Further, live imaging showed that they localized to MT plus-ends similarly (Fig. 4E & 4F; Fig. S8A–C; Movie S10) and that the mutant did not alter MT dynamics (Fig. 4G; Fig. S8D & S8E; Movies S10 & S11). Together, these data suggest that CLIP-170 interactions with formins play an important role in coordinating MT and actin dynamics to regulate neuronal process formation.
Here we have shown that CLIP-170 tightly interacts with formins to dramatically increase both the rate of actin filament elongation and the duration of elongation in the presence of CP. Further, we have demonstrated that CLIP-170 is part of a mechanism that enables growing MT plus-ends to trigger rapid assembly of actin filaments in vitro, thus directly linking MT and actin dynamics. This mechanism is consistent in a physiological setting, where EB1 and CLIP-170 colocalize on MT plus ends (Fig. 4C & 4D; Fig. S8A–C), and with previous reports showing that growing MT plus-ends survey the actin-rich cortex (10), and that ~10% of mDia1 puncta in cells colocalize with MT plus-ends (31). In neurons, we found that CLIP-170 interactions with formins are required for proper dendritic branching. Similar mechanisms may explain the co-localization and co-functioning of CLIP-170 and mDia1 in phagocytic cup formation (5), and reduced actin-based protrusive activity in neuronal growth cones after CLIP-170 silencing (18, 19, 34, 35).
Supplementary Material
We are grateful to S. Paradis for guidance on experiments using neurons, D. Breitsprecher for pioneering the MT-actin co-reconstitution system, J. Gelles for guidance on single molecule analysis, S. Jansen for guidance with cell culture, H. Higgs for providing INF1 and INF2 proteins, and L. Cassimeris for providing pGFP-EB1. This research was supported by a grant from the NIH (GM083137) to B.L.G. J.L.H-R was supported in part by a fellowship from the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and in part by a training grant from the NIH (T32NS007292).
Author contributions:
J.L.H-R. and B.L.G. designed the experiments and wrote the manuscript; J.L.H-R performed the experiments and data analysis. J.A.E. performed data analysis. A.R. built reagents and performed preliminary experiments. K.K. performed overexpression analysis in neurons and assisted in other neuronal work.
The authors declare no conflict of interest. Supplementary materials contain additional data.
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