Fig. 3.
The variance priors (the 2nd and 4th row) and precision priors (the 1st and 3rd row) fitted by mixture prior model (solid line) or single component prior model (dashed line) for 6 tissue pair comparisons. The differences in the log-likelihood between the mixture prior model and the single component prior model for tissue pair comparisons ‘Cervix-Ectocervix vs Testis’, ‘Brain-Amygdala vs Brain-Cerebellum’, ‘Brain-Anteriorcingulatecortex (BA24) vs Cervix-Endocervix’, ‘Brain-CerebellarHemisphere vs Stomach’, ‘Fallopian Tube vs Skin-Not Sun Exposed (Suprapubic)’, ‘Adrenal Gland vs Stomach’ are given by 705, 166, 78, 78, 44, 44 respectively (from top-left to bottom-right)