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. 2016 Oct 7;13(12):1204–1211. doi: 10.1080/15476286.2016.1240143

Post-transcriptional mending of gene sequences: Looking under the hood of mitochondrial gene expression in diplonemids

Matus Valach a,, Sandrine Moreira a, Drahomíra Faktorová b, Julius Lukeš b,c, Gertraud Burger a,
PMCID: PMC5207376  PMID: 27715490


The instructions to make proteins and structural RNAs are laid down in gene sequences. Yet, in certain instances, these primary instructions need to be modified considerably during gene expression, most often at the transcript level. Here we review a case of massive post-transcriptional revisions via trans-splicing and RNA editing, a phenomenon occurring in mitochondria of a recently recognized protist group, the diplonemids. As of now, the various post-transcriptional steps have been cataloged in detail, but how these processes function is still unknown. Since genetic manipulation techniques such as gene replacement and RNA interference have not yet been established for these organisms, alternative strategies have to be deployed. Here, we discuss the experimental and bioinformatics approaches that promise to unravel the molecular machineries of trans-splicing and RNA editing in Diplonema mitochondria.

KEYWORDS: Cryptic genes, diplonemids, gene fragmentation, multipartite mtDNA, RNA editing, trans-splicing



adenosine to inosine


cytidine to uridine


hidden Markov model


mass spectrometry


mitochondrial DNA


mitochondrial small subunit rRNA


mitochondrial large subunit rRNA


ribonucleic acid


adenosine deaminase acting on RNA


adenosine deaminase acting on tRNA


apolipoprotein B mRNA editing catalytic component


RNA editing ligase


terminal uridylyl transferase


Genomes tell only part of the story: Types of post-transcriptional amendments

The living cell manufactures its own building blocks by carrying out the instructions specified by its genes. Yet, the final gene product, whether a protein or a structural RNA, is not always the literal implementation of its blueprint. Alterations of the genetic information can occur at any stage of the manufacturing process: during and after transcription into RNA, or during and after translation for protein-coding genes.1 Changes that take place post-transcriptionally are most frequently observed in nature. These include nucleotide substitutions, insertions or deletions (known as RNA editing2), and removal of larger stretches (e.g. during intron splicing) or insertions of a mobile genetic element (e.g., by retrotransposition). In the following, we will review a recently discovered system with massive and diverse post-transcriptional processes that are associated with a remarkably jumbled mitochondrial genome as observed in diplonemids.

From insignificance to fame

Diplonemids (Euglenozoa, Excavata) are the sistergroup of kinetoplastids that include the human-pathogenic trypanosomes and leishmanias.3,4 Being ‘innocent’ free-living ocean creatures with only two recognized genera (Diplonema and Rhynchopus), diplonemids had been considered an insignificant taxonomic group –until not long ago. Recent world-wide ecological studies revealed that diplonemids are one of the genetically most diverse, most cosmopolitan and most abundant eukaryotic groups in the sunlit ocean.5-9

The eccentric mitochondrial genome of Diplonema

Following a preliminary description by Simpson's group,3 the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of the type species Diplonema papillatum has now been characterized in detail. The gene content is quite conventional, specifying proteins of the respiratory chain and oxidative phosphorylation, and the ever-present large and small-subunit rRNAs, mt-LSU and mt-SSU rRNA10,11 (Table 1). Genome architecture and gene structure, however, are most unusual (Fig. 1A). The genome, estimated at ∼600 kbp, consists of at least 81 distinct circular chromosomes (present in multiple copies) that fall into two classes based on molecule size (6 and 7 kbp).12 About 95% of a chromosome's length shares its sequence with that of the other members of its class, thus only 5% of its sequence is distinctive. This unique region, referred to as ‘cassette’, includes coding sequence, notably a piece (‘module’) of a gene.13 All genes except rns (specifying mt-SSU rRNA) are fragmented in up to 11 pieces, and each module (40–550 nt long) resides on its own chromosome (Table 1).

Table 1.

Mitochondrial gene complement, gene structure and RNA editing sites in D. papillatum.

      Number of editing sites  
Gene Gene product Number of modules Deaminations U-additions (length)
atp6 ATP synthase subunit 6 3 0 0
cob Apocytochrome b 6 0 1 (3 nt)
cox1 Cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 9 0 1 (6 nt)
cox2 Cytochrome oxidase subunit 2 4 0 1 (3 nt)
cox3 Cytochrome oxidase subunit 3 3 0 1 (1 nt)
nad1 NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 5 0 1 (16 nt)
nad4 NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 8 29 1 (2 nt)
nad5 NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 11 0 0
nad7 NADH dehydrogenase subunit 7 9 1 0
nad8 NADH dehydrogenase subunit 8 3 0 0
rnl mt-LSU rRNA 2 0 1 (∼26 nt)
rns mt-SSU rRNA 1 45 1 (8 nt)
y1 Protein of unknown function 2 11 1 (4 nt)
y2 Protein of unknown function 4 3 2 (18 nt; 11 nt)
y3 Protein of unknown function 5 7 3 (∼27 nt; 17 nt; 1 nt)
y4 Protein of unknown function 2 0 2 (∼28 nt; 12 nt)
y5.3 Product of unknown function 3 18 1 (>30 nt)
y6 Product of unknown function 2 0 1 (6 nt)

Figure 1.

Figure 1.

Genome architecture, gene structure, and RNA processing in D. papillatum mitochondria. (A) Canonical structure of mitochondrial chromosomes composed of a unique cassette that includes a gene fragment (module) and a constant region whose sequence is shared between all members of the respective chromosome class (A, or B, see text). (B) From gene to transcript. The depicted gene consists of 3 modules, which are all transcribed separately. The primary transcript includes long stretches of the constant region. Primary transcripts are processed in various steps proceeding in parallel: removal of non-coding regions 5′ and 3′ of modules, substitution and U-appendage RNA editing of select modules, poly-adenylation of the terminal modules, and joining of module ends that are fully processed (gray background). Us are added prior to trans-splicing; U insertions into joined modules have not been observed (as indicated by crossing out).

Due to the extensive fragmentation combined with sequence divergence, not a single gene was recognized initially in the mitochondrial genome sequence of Diplonema.1 Only transcriptome data revealed the coding content of mtDNA, as well as the post-transcriptional processes involved in building functional products from the fragmented genes.

Post-transcriptional decoding of encrypted mitochondrial genes in Diplonema

Trans-splicing of fragmented genes

The first question addressed by mitochondrial transcriptome sequencing was how Diplonema's fragmented genes lead to contiguous proteins and structural RNAs. We found that gene pieces are transcribed separately together with long adjoining regions on the corresponding chromosome (Fig. 1B).14 These precursor RNAs are then processed to yield short module transcripts. Subsequently, modules belonging to a given gene are joined (trans-spliced) to form a full-length mRNA or rRNA.10,12,13 A plethora of intermediates are observed: single and multi-module transcripts with precursors either fully end-processed, or still carrying flanking non-coding sequence. What exactly assures the accurate joining of cognate modules remains unclear, since recurrent sequence or secondary structure motifs in or adjacent to modules appear to be absent.15,16

Insertion and substitution RNA editing

Trans-splicing is not the only surprising post-transcriptional processing step in Diplonema mitochondria. Analysis of transcript sequences also revealed that gene expression involves RNA editing (Fig. 1B). Most noticeable are insertions of non-encoded uridines (Us) in mRNAs and rRNA. First detected in cox113 (see Table 1) and initially considered a rare event, U insertions are now known to occur in about 80% of all mature mitochondrial transcripts, always at module boundaries or the transcripts 3′ ends. Among the most extreme cases is mt-LSU rRNA with ∼26 Us intercalating between modules 1 and 2 (Fig. 2).17 We demonstrated that Us are appended to the module upstream of the junction, before this terminus engages in trans-splicing.14

Figure 2.

Figure 2.

RNA editing types in Diplonema mitochondria. Top, C-to-U and A-to-I substitutions in module 1 of rns specifying mt-SSU rRNA. Edited nucleotides are depicted in blue. Bottom, U-appendage RNA editing between modules 1 and 2 of rnl specifying mt-LSU rRNA. After 3′ end processing (symbolized by scissors) of module 1, about 26 Us are attached to this terminus. Module 2 with an end-processed 5′ end is then joined with the U-tail of module 1.

U-based RNA editing occurs also in trypanosome mitochondria, where sometimes more than half of a transcript sequence is created via post-transcriptional U insertions and deletions (indels).18,19 Yet, in Diplonema, U deletions were not observed (nor addition/removal of other nucleotides),11 nor the cut/reseal strategy seen in trypanosomes.14

A second type of RNA editing occurs in Diplonema mitochondria –nucleotide substitutions– and affects about one third of the transcripts. We observe adenosine-to-inosine (A-to-I) and cytidine-to-uridine (C-to-U) changes.11 These types of substitutions indicate in situ deamination of nucleotides in the transcripts. C-to-U exchanges are frequent in organelles, especially mitochondria and chloroplasts from plants2, while A-to-I editing is a first in organellar non-tRNA transcripts.

Substitution editing sites in Diplonema mitochondria congregate in a few defined regions and are narrowly spaced. For example, nad4 (encoding NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4) contains nearly 30 such sites packed in a 55-nt long stretch, and rns has 45 sites in an 85-nt long segment (Fig. 2). Again, there are no recognizable cis-motifs specifying the insertion or substitution editing sites.11

Both RNA editing types are crucial for mitochondrial function in Diplonema and make the transcript more similar to homologs of other eukaryotes. In protein-coding genes for instance, U-appendage rectifies the reading frame, or alternatively adds codons missing in the Diplonema gene, while nucleotide substitutions change codon identity.11

The above-depicted eccentric features of D. papillatum mitochondria are found as well in 3 other diplonemids,15,20-22 and in Hemistasia phaeocysticola,23 which previously has been placed within Kinetoplastida, but appears to be more closely related to diplonemids.24

Methods that turned out useful in characterizing Diplonema's mitochondrial genome and transcriptome

The study of RNA editing and trans-splicing in Diplonema mitochondria was far from straight-forward, because many assumptions underlying conventional procedures did not apply to this system. Breaking the secrets of Diplonema mitochondria required specific adaptations or even custom approaches described in the following sections.

Experimental/biochemistry approaches

Diplonema mitochondria are not discrete, tiny organelles, but rather a large fragile network that lines the inside of the cell membrane.12 Therefore, a dedicated cell disruption procedure had to be developed that efficiently breaks the cells, but keeps the delicate organelle intact. As a test for mitochondrial intactness, we used citrate synthase activity, which is catalyzed by a soluble matrix enzyme that easily escapes perforated mitochondria. Cell disruption by the nitrogen cavitation method25 was a break-through. This method (used before for trypanosomes26,27), sets a cell suspension under high gas pressure and then releases the pressure abruptly exerting physical stress on the cells. Obviously, parameters such as treatment time, gas pressure, and buffer osmolarity had to be optimized as for any other species.

Not all experiments required isolated mitochondria. For example, a large portion of Diplonema's mtDNA was sequenced with material separated from nuclear DNA by CsCl-density centrifugation.12,28 Mitochondrial DNA forms a band that (unlike in most other systems) is more G+C-rich and more prominent than nuclear DNA. Another, simpler method is phenol-extraction of whole-cell lysates at low pH, whereby the small closed DNA circles behave like RNA.10 Yet, since the Diplonema mitochondrial genome is multipartite, we also extracted DNA from whole mitochondria, to assure that chromosomes departing from the majority G+C content or topology are not overlooked.

Finally, Diplonema belongs to the few taxa whose mitochondrial mRNAs (and the mt-LSU-rRNA) are poly-adenylated.3 Therefore, we enriched mitochondrial transcripts by oligo(dT) purification, which facilitated their characterization via targeted RT-PCR10,13,14 and transcriptomics.11,17

In silico approaches

A standard procedure in eukaryotic genomics is to generate reads by whole-genome/random-fragment approach and assemble these reads (ideally yielding chromosome-size contigs). Mapping of transcriptome (RNA-Seq) reads against the genome locates genes and introns and allows one to spot potential polymorphisms and RNA editing sites. A plethora of bioinformatics tools exist for performing these steps, but many of them failed when applied to the Diplonema mitochondrial genome.

For example, assembly engines are not capable of reconstructing genomes with such long and abundant repeats as in Diplonema mtDNA. Initial assemblies resulted in hybrid contigs that consisted of repeat-containing reads from different chromosomes, numerous contigs much smaller than chromosomes, and contaminations with nuclear sequences. The few completely assembled chromosomes were obtained from libraries made from individual circles,13 but obviously, this is not an efficient way of characterizing a genome consisting of several dozen distinct chromosomes.

As complete assembly of the Diplonema multi-partite mtDNA is too difficult and costly, we chose to focus on cassettes. The corresponding contigs were pulled out from an assembly by their characteristic constant regions that flank both sides of the cassettes. Yet, since Diplonema mitochondrial genes are highly derived and modules are short, the exact start and end of modules within cassettes was difficult to recognize in the genome sequence alone. Precise location of gene modules and assignment of modules to genes required transcript information, which again was challenging to obtain.

We attempted de novo transcriptome assembly (without a reference genome) using several tools (e.g. refs29,30 and rnaSPAdes (, each time resulting in a large and confusing array of contigs corresponding to a multitude of intermediates from end-processing, trans-splicing and RNA editing, intermingled with mature transcripts. Still, mitochondrial transcripts could be retrieved from these assemblies. Some were tracked down by simple BLAST comparison of the conceptual translation with known mitochondrial proteins; others by more sensitive searches using hidden Markov Model (HMM) profiles31 that we built from a collection of homologous mitochondrial proteins from excavates. Mitochondrial rRNAs, because of their excessive sequence divergence, escaped detection by HMM and covariance analysis.32,33 Only comparative manual secondary structure modeling and biochemical approaches revealed these transcripts in the end.11,17

To validate inferred intron splice-junctions, researchers often map RNA-Seq reads back to the genome (e.g., using Bowtie34 or STAR35). However, when applied to Diplonema, these tools retrieved only a handful of junctions due to the assorted transcript population. We therefore developed an in-house tool that maps paired-end RNA-Seq reads to the genome in local mode, and then scrutinizes not-aligning portions of reads (soft-clipped regions) to define module neighbors and exact junctions.9

Detection of RNA editing in Diplonema mitochondria posed hurdles as well. The RNA-to-DNA mapping step of classical tools discarded reads containing clustered edited sites, because the mapping quality (which depends on the number of mismatches per length) was below the default threshold. On the other hand, lowering the mapping-quality threshold or employing tools (such as ref.36) that use a degenerated alphabet, for example Y for T or C and R for A or G, returned many false positives. Therefore, Stadler's group (University of Leipzig) kindly adapted their read mapper, originally designed for bisulfite sequencing36, for Diplonema. The tool segemehl_Diplonema, which displays superior performance, employs a reduced alphabet during the alignment step –not the seeding step– and in addition filters alignment quality based on accuracy, minimum read length and minimum error-free length for the seed.

Hypotheses on the trans-splicing and RNA editing machineries in Diplonema mitochondria

The processes of RNA editing and trans-splicing in Diplonema mitochondria are now fairly well characterized, but we do not know the players. The proteins involved are almost certainly encoded by the nuclear genome, translated in the cytoplasm and imported into the mitochondrion, as is the predominant portion of the mitochondrial proteome in all other eukaryotes.37 Further, we postulate that RNA editing and trans-splicing are catalyzed by proteinaceous enzymes. Specifically, substitution RNA editing is probably performed by homologs of RNA- or tRNA-specific adenosine deaminases (ADAR and ADAT) or the apolipoprotein B mRNA editing enzyme (APOBEC), which are involved in A-to-I and C-to-U editing, respectively, of animal nuclear mRNAs and tRNAs,38 or by enzymes of the RNA metabolism. U-appendage RNA-editing, in turn, might involve a homolog of terminal uridylyl transferase 2 (TUTase 2) participating in kinetoplastid indel RNA editing, or potentially other terminal transferases.39 Finally, trans-splicing might be catalyzed by an RNA Editing Ligase (REL)-like RNA enzyme (the type that reseals RNA indel editing sites in kinetoplastid mitochondria), or alternatively one of the RtcB-type ligases that join the ends of tRNA halves after intron removal.40

How would these enzymes recognize the sites to be edited and the modules to be trans-spliced? In the apparent absence of cis-motifs, we suggested earlier the existence of trans-factors that bind to the corresponding transcript regions, and coopt an enzyme that catalyzes the required reaction (Fig. 3). Our first guess for trans-factors was RNAs.13 However, molecules resembling RNA-editing guides from trypanosome mitochondria are not detectable in Diplonema,14 and searches for RNA trans-splicing guides have been inconclusive.14,15 Trans-factors may also be proteins such as the PentatricoPeptide Repeat (PPR) proteins in plant organelles.41 Given the various possibilities of directors and actors involved, strategies to test these hypotheses should be based on a minimum of preconceived expectations.

Figure 3.

Figure 3.

Hypotheses on RNA editing and trans-splicing mechanisms in Diplonema mitochondria. We postulate that trans-splicing, substitution and U-appendage RNA editing are guided by trans-acting factors that align cognate modules, direct U-additions, and specify deamination sites, respectively. These factors are probably proteins or RNAs.

How to detect and dissect the RNA editing and trans-splicing machineries?

Identification of the molecular machineries that conduct RNA editing (the “editosome”) and trans-splicing (the “joinosome”) in Diplonema mitochondria will require in silico and experimental approaches. The methods that appear feasible in this system and that we envisage to employ are summarized in Fig. 4. A more detailed description follows in the sections below.

Figure 4.

Figure 4.

Envisaged experimental approaches for dissecting the RNA editing and trans-splicing machineries of Diplonema mitochondria. (Left section) Genomic DNA and mRNA isolated from Diplonema cells are sequenced and assembled. Predicted genes are then functionally annotated by similarity searches, domain prediction, and sub-cellular localization prediction to filter out nuclear gene candidates. The flag represents the transcription start site; SL, spliced-leader attachment site; pA, polyadenylation site. (Central section) Starting from whole cells, proteins are cross-linked (by UV light or chemically) to their mtRNA substrates and then selectively pulled down from lysates by biotin-labeled probes, which are anti-sense to a subset of mtRNA processing intermediates. The prey are analyzed by mass spectrometry (MS) and high-throughput nucleic acids sequencing. (Right section) Purified mitochondria are fractionated on a glycerol gradient and assayed for catalytic activities associated with RNA editing and joining. MS and RNA/DNA sequencing are used to examine the components of the mitochondrial lysate, as well as its fractions. All approaches converge on genes whose products are potentially involved in substitution or U-appendage RNA editing or in trans-splicing.

Bioinformatics approaches to identify proteins involved in RNA editing and trans-splicing

As a first step, we will screen the Diplonema nuclear genome for genes with the propensity to bind RNA. The PFAM database provides HMMs for characterized protein domains such as PPR and zinc-finger motifs. In a second step, we will seek domains characteristic of enzymatic activities that we postulate to act in RNA editing and trans-splicing. Proteins carrying a domain of interest will then be scrutinized for mitochondrial target signals. Predicted mitochondrial localization will add supporting evidence for a candidate.

So far, we have examined RNA ligase candidates. Among the Diplonema nuclear genes carrying RNA/DNA ligase domains, the hypothetical protein DpRNL is a valid candidate for catalyzing trans-splicing. Domain composition and features of the catalytic domain make it a member of RNA ligases 2, an assignment corroborated by 3D structure modeling, molecular dynamic simulations and phylogenetic analyses.42 Yet, whether or not DpRNL performs mitochondrial trans-splicing remains to be demonstrated experimentally. Although bioinformatics is rarely able to convincingly predict a molecule's specific biological role, it is a powerful means to prioritize candidates for experimental validation.

Experimental approaches

In model systems, elegant methods are available for validating the predicted function of a protein. For example, gene manipulations add tags to proteins, which allow quick affinity purification and testing of the catalytic activity in vitro. Alternatively, targeted genes in the genome are inactivated for probing the consequence in vivo. These methodologies are not yet available for Diplonema. Still, there are a number of alternative ways to experimentally investigate the mitochondrial editosome and joinosome in this protist. The only prerequisite is an efficient protocol for purifying intact mitochondria in sufficient amounts, which is now in place.

Several strategies seem promising. One is to isolate mitochondrial macromolecular complexes, and analyze their protein components by mass spectrometry; candidates for the editosome and joinosome are complexes that include proteins with the postulated catalytic domains. A second avenue is to seek out proteins that physically interact with the substrates for RNA editing or trans-splicing, and then to dissect the corresponding complexes. Yet another is the binding of a co-factor that is indicative of an enzyme class of interest, for instance ATP and GTP in the case of RNA ligases. The ultimate validation demonstrates the postulated catalytic activity, i.e. ligation, U-addition, or nucleotide deamination of synthetic RNA substrates. In the following section, we will look in more detail into approaches capitalizing on these aspects in the detection of the postulated RNA editosome and joinosome in Diplonema mitochondria.

Proteomics analysis

Tandem mass spectrometry (MS) is a method of choice in the study of RNA editing and trans-splicing machineries in Diplonema mitochondria. Since the proteins of interest will be most likely present in much lower proportion than mitochondrial metabolic enzymes, whole organelle lysates will have to be fractionated by rate zonal sedimentation, generally on a glycerol density gradient. The resulting submitochondrial fraction can be further subdivided by electrophoretic separation of mitochondrial complexes under native and denaturating conditions.43,44 MS analysis of such a material determines which of the candidate proteins encoded by the nuclear genome are indeed located in the mitochondrion. In addition, analysis of isolated complexes informs about the partners with which a given protein candidate is associated, directly or indirectly. In the case of Diplonema, this opens a way to explore potential RNA or DNA factors implicated in RNA editing and trans-splicing. Combination of MS and nucleic acid sequencing has been used with success in dissecting the composition of (ribonucleo)protein complexes such as the mitochondrial ribosome,45 the kinetoplastid editosome46 and the conventional spliceosome.47

Capture of RNA-binding proteins

Proteins involved in Diplonema's mitochondrial RNA editing and trans-splicing are expected to bind to their RNA substrate, i.e., the pre-edited transcripts and mono-module transcripts, respectively. The use of RNA baits for protein pull-down comes to mind, but runs the risk of non-specific interactions that occur secondarily during experimental manipulations. One method to preserve native associations is in vivo covalent RNA-protein cross-linking, generally by UV. The RNA-protein couple is then pulled down via hybridization to an oligonucleotide probe whose sequence is reverse-complementary to the RNA substrate, and the protein partner is analyzed by MS.48-50

A similar approach probes for the enrichment of diagnostic RNA processing intermediates across mitochondrial density gradient fractions. For example, an above-average ratio of trans-splicing intermediates versus mature transcripts might signal that the corresponding density fraction is also enriched in the hypothetical joinosome.

Co-factor binding as a proxy for catalytic activity

Several large families of RNA ligase enzymes require distinct co-factors.51-53 Certain RNA ligases self-adenylate during their catalytic cycle, for example the prototypical T4 RNA ligases and the editosomal ligases of kinetoplastids. Other RNA ligases such as RtcB and ligT use GTP as a co-factor. Therefore, sub-mitochondrial fractions can be screened by incubation with radioactive ATP or GTP. Fractions that incorporate the labeled nucleotides will likely contain the corresponding RNA ligases.

Isolation of catalytically active macromolecular complexes

The conceptually most straightforward approach toward identification of the postulated editosome and joinosome in Diplonema mitochondria is to assay the conversion of synthetic RNA substrates into expected products. Sub-mitochondrial fractions can be assayed in this way. Specifically, substrate 3′ uridylylation, deamination of As and Cs, or joined substrates would signal the presence of TUTase, RNA deaminase or RNA ligase, respectively. This strategy was successfully used in the characterization of the kinetoplastid editosome,54 but is in practice rather difficult, because the appropriate reaction conditions need to be determined first. For example, RNA ligases require defined substrate ends, in addition to specific pH and ion concentrations. Some ligate only moieties with 3′-hydroxyl and 5′-phosphate termini, while others join 3′-phosphate and 5′-hydroxyl, or even 5′-hydroxyl and 2′,3′-cyclic phosphate termini.53 MS identification of the RNA ligase class to which candidate joinosome ligases belong will help finding suitable reaction conditions for screening sub-mitochondrial fractions.

Development of transformation in Diplonema

If gene manipulation were feasible in Diplonema, it would be the approach of choice to dissect molecular machineries. Therefore, we recently started to develop transformation procedures for this organism, initially using protocols applied for Trypanosoma brucei, which involve antibiotics as selectable markers. At present, 2 crucial issues are solved: Diplonema takes up DNA via electroporation, and several antibiotics can be used for selecting transformants. We succeeded, although with low efficiency, in introducing at various random positions into the nuclear genome a construct containing an antibiotic resistance gene framed by 5′ and 3′ untranslated regions (UTRs) from a Trypanosoma gene (Faktorová et al., unpublished).

Work is in progress to optimize constructs for high transformation frequency, homologous integration, and simple detection of introduced genes. The new generation of constructs makes use of long UTRs from highly transcribed Diplonema genes, and, in addition to the selective marker, a fluorescent protein gene as a reporter.

Conclusion and outlook

At the time of writing, we are about to embark on the experimental identification of editosome and joinosome components. Once candidate (ribonucleo)protein complexes are isolated and the catalytic activity demonstrated in vitro, validation in vivo will be required. The latter will be in close reach when genetic engineering methods are fully established in Diplonema.

In summary, exploration of this exotic non-model organism was a risky endeavor at first, but has been most lucrative in unearthing more of nature's astounding molecular innovations.

Disclosure of potential conflicts of interest

No potential conflicts of interest were disclosed.


We thank M. Aoulad Aissa for excellent technical assistance, B. F. Lang and M. Sarrasin (Université de Montréal) for critically reading the manuscript, and B. Kaur (Institute of Parasitology, České Budějovice) for sharing unpublished data.


This work was supported by the Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR; operating grant MOP-79309 to G.B.), the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation (grant GBMF4983 to J.L. and G.B.), and the Czech Grant Agency (15-21974S to J.L.).


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