Figure 5. Survival analysis and tumor volume doubling time in APL bearing mice.
The APL bearing mice were treated with fucoidan, ATO and ATRA. A. The Kaplan-Meier survival curve for mice treated with fucoidan, ATO and their combination compared to the control group for over 28 days of treatment. Mice were sacrificed when tumor volume reached 1000mm3 B. Tumor volume doubling time in mice treated with fucoidan, ATO and their combination compared to the control group (n=7/group) (mean ± SD). C. The Kaplan-Meier survival curve for mice treated with fucoidan, ATRA and their combination compared to the control group for over 28 days of treatment. D. Tumor volume doubling time indicative of tumor aggressiveness in mice treated with fucoidan, ATRA and their combination compared to the control group (n=8/group) (mean ± SD). Statistical significance was determined by ANOVA, followed by Tukey's multiple comparison test (**: p<0.01, *: p<0.05). The inserted ‘table’ represents the median survival and the statistical significance is compared to the control.