Since the discovery of hydrothermal vents more than 25 years ago, the Calvin-Bassham-Benson (Calvin) cycle has been considered the principal carbon fixation pathway in this microbe-based ecosystem. However, on the basis of recent molecular data of cultured free-living and noncultured episymbiotic members of the epsilon subdivision of Proteobacteria and earlier carbon isotope data of primary consumers, an alternative autotrophic pathway may predominate. Here, genetic and culture-based approaches demonstrated the abundance of reverse tricarboxylic acid cycle genes compared to the abundance of Calvin cycle genes in microbial communities from two geographically distinct deep-sea hydrothermal vents. PCR with degenerate primers for three key genes in the reverse tricarboxylic acid cycle and form I and form II of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Calvin cycle marker gene) were utilized to demonstrate the abundance of the reverse tricarboxylic acid cycle genes in diverse vent samples. These genes were also expressed in at least one chimney sample. Diversity, similarity matrix, and phylogenetic analyses of cloned samples and amplified gene products from autotrophic enrichment cultures suggest that the majority of autotrophs that utilize the reverse tricarboxylic acid cycle are members of the epsilon subdivision of Proteobacteria. These results parallel the results of previously published molecular surveys of 16S rRNA genes, demonstrating the dominance of members of the epsilon subdivision of Proteobacteria in free-living hydrothermal vent communities. Members of the epsilon subdivision of Proteobacteria are also ubiquitous in many other microaerophilic to anaerobic sulfidic environments, such as the deep subsurface. Therefore, the reverse tricarboxylic acid cycle may be a major autotrophic pathway in these environments and significantly contribute to global autotrophic processes.
The discovery of deep-sea hydrothermal vents 27 years ago opened a window into a largely unknown and unexplored biosphere that changed our fundamental views about the extent of habitable microbial environments on earth and the possible origins of life itself. One of the most startling discoveries of these early studies was that these vast communities appeared to be supported solely on carbon originating from microbe-based chemoautotrophy and not phototrophy (28). Perhaps the best studied chemoautotrophic system is that used by gamma proteobacterial endosymbionts of the giant tubeworm Riftia pachyptila. These endosymbionts function via the Calvin cycle to fix carbon and transfer it to their host, deriving energy from the oxidation of hydrogen sulfide (9, 16). Other deep-sea invertebrate symbioses in associated vent environments and free-living aerobic sulfur oxidizers utilizing the Calvin cycle have since been characterized (8, 29, 36, 41, 55).
Subsequent studies, however, have provided evidence that suggests the significant contribution of other autotrophic pathways at hydrothermal vents. Stable carbon isotopic analyses of primary consumers from a number of hydrothermal vent sites have revealed values significantly heavier than would be predicted from microbe-based chemoautotrophy via the Calvin cycle (49, 50). The reverse tricarboxylic acid (rTCA) cycle is an alternative CO2 fixation pathway that generates a stable isotopic signature more closely resembling these vent primary consumers (37, 44). To date, the rTCA cycle has been found in only a few microorganisms, including Chlorobium species, a few members of the delta subdivision of Proteobacteria (i.e., Desulfobacter hydrogenophilus), and some members of the thermophilic Aquificales order and archaeal Thermoproteaceae family (5, 13, 15, 19, 27, 42, 43). A reversal of the entire TCA cycle for carbon dioxide fixation uses four or five ATP molecules and generates one molecule of oxaloacetate from four molecules of CO2 (18). Key enzymes of the rTCA cycle include ATP citrate lyase (encoded by the aclBA gene) and two of the four carbon dioxide-fixing enzymes, 2-oxoglutarate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase (encoded by the oorDABC gene), and pyruvate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase (encoded by the porCDAB or nifJ gene). These enzymes catalyze the reversal of the TCA cycle by making the energetically unfavorable reverse reactions possible. For example, ATP citrate lyase catalyzes the cleavage of citrate into acetyl coenzyme A (acetyl-CoA) and oxaloacetate in a CoA- and ATP-dependent matter (2). Reversal of the TCA cycle requires the combined use of all three enzymes for reductive carboxylation to occur.
Recent molecular and isotopic data indicate that the epsilon proteobacterial community associated with Alvinella pompejana, which thrives on the sides of the hotter black smoker chimneys at deep-sea hydrothermal vents, may utilize the rTCA cycle for autotrophic growth. Two of the key genes were present and expressed in the episymbiont community, which is dominated by members of the epsilon subdivision of Proteobacteria (7). In addition, there is genetic evidence of the rTCA cycle in at least two cultured autotrophic members of the epsilon subdivision of Proteobacteria from hydrothermal vents and one autotrophic member of the epsilon subdivision of Proteobacteria isolated from marine sediments (6, 56). Interestingly, molecular studies indicate that members of the epsilon subdivision of Proteobacteria dominate all free-living deep-sea hydrothermal vent microbial environments studied so far (10, 23, 35, 39). Enrichment of a diverse array of chemoautotrophic members of the epsilon subdivision of Proteobacteria from hydrothermal vents further supports the results of these molecular studies (1, 6, 33, 46). These chemoautotrophs utilized H2 or reduced sulfur compounds as electron donors and O2, nitrate,or elemental sulfur as electron acceptors.
Historically, studies of chemoautotrophs from deep-sea hydrothermal vents relied on laboratory-based 14C labeling and detection of key Calvin cycle enzymes in vent samples as well as culture-based experiments (30, 36, 48, 55). Although these approaches detect autotrophic processes, they are limited to the particular autotrophy assay or enrichment conditions used. More recently, PCR with primers specific for either ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RubisCO) genes or two key rTCA cycle genes has successfully detected the presence and diversity of microorganisms that have the potential to utilize the Calvin or rTCA cycle for autotrophy (7, 14). For this study, these molecular approaches were combined and refined to detect and phylogenetically characterize three key rTCA cycle genes and two forms of the RubisCO gene from a variety of geographically distinct vent samples. Expression of these genes was also assayed via a gene expression analysis based on reverse transcription-PCR (RT-PCR). While PCR has its own inherent biases (54), these studies enabled us to determine which autotrophic pathways are being utilized and identify likely contributors and their significance to the fixed carbon pool at deep-sea hydrothermal vents.
Sample collection, nucleic acid extraction, and reverse transcription.
Chimney samples were collected on three cruises of the deep-sea vessel DSV Alvin. The cruises were from the Atlantis Rise to the East Pacific Rise in November 1999 (9oN, M vent, Io vent), January 2000 (Guaymas Basin samples [G534, G585, G609, and G855]), and November 2001 (9oN, P vent). Chimney samples were placed into a 4°C sterile seawater-filled container and brought to the surface. Samples were immediately subsectioned and frozen at −80°C until nucleic acid extraction could be performed. DNA was extracted as described previously (6). RNA was extracted from sample G534 (Rebeccas Roost flange) by a modified acid-phenol extraction protocol (7), to which a bead beating step (40 s in a Fast Prep machine with 0.1- and 2.5-mm-diameter zirconia and silica beads) was added during the cell lysis step to ensure complete lysis of the cells. Nucleic acids were quantified by spectrophotometry and stored at −80°C. Approximately 250 ng of RNA from Rebeccas Roost was reverse transcribed into cDNA by a previously described technique (7).
Enrichment and DNA extraction of sulfur-oxidizing autotrophs.
Sulfur-oxidizing autotrophs were enriched by incubating chimney- or Alvinella pompejana-associated samples (tubes or scrapings) into sulfide-oxygen or sulfide-nitrate gradient tubes on board ship. Gradients were set up by making a bottom agar layer of 20 mM sulfide, adding a 4-ml 0.3% Noble agar layer (in sterile seawater) on top mixed with the inoculum (approximately 0.5 ml of sample) and 2 mM NO3−, where indicated. The headspaces of the tubes were exchanged to H2:CO2 (80:20), with the addition of air (1 to 2% O2) in some cases for microaerophilic growth. Tubes were incubated either at room temperature or 42 or 55°C until evidence of growth occurred (1 to 3 days). Subcultures were made at least two times from these enrichments. DNA was extracted from the cells, and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis of 16S rRNA genes was performed and clone libraries were constructed by previously described methods (6).
PCR amplifications and cloning.
PCR detection of the ATP citrate lyase beta subunit (aclB) was based on previously designed primers (7). For this study, we designed degenerate primers for both forms of RubisCO, form I (cbbL) and form II (cbbM), both forms of the pyruvate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase gene (por and nifJ), and a reverse primer combined with a previously designed primer that amplifies a larger region of the 2-oxoglutarate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase gene (oorA) than that described previously (7). New primers designed for this study include oorA 345R (5′-CTTGCAGCCTGTNGGMAKNCCNGT), porA 900F (5′-GATCAGGTCCTTCAGNCCNTTCCC), porA 1101R (5′-RTCICTTYCICCIARACC), nifJ 2459F (5′-CIGGITGYGGIGAAACICC), nifJ 2933R (5′-CCIATRTCRTAIGCCCAICCRTC), cbbL F (5′-GACTTCACCAAAGACGACGA), cbbL R (5′-TCGAACTTGATTTCTTTCCA), cbbM F (5′-TTCTGGCTGGGBGGHGAYTTYATYAARAAYGACGA), and cbbM R (5′-CCGTGRCCRGCVCGRTGGTARTG). Primer design was based on amino acid alignments for at least six phylogenetically distinct bacteria and/or archaea, as appropriate (Table 1). Expected PCR sizes for these amplifications are as follows: for aclB, 312 bp; for oorA, 110 bp with old primers and 278 bp with new primers; for porA, 201 bp; for nifJ, 474 bp; for cbbL, 711 bp; and for cbbM, 328 bp.
Genes, restriction enzymes used, and alignment information
Genea | Expected size (bp) | Restriction enzyme(s) | Alignment sequence | Accession no. | Alignmentb | No. of aac in alignment |
aclB | 312 | DdeI/MseI | 7G3 (A. pompejana symbiont fosmid clone) | AY312991 | MVAGG…GGP | 96 |
6C6 (A. pompejana symbiont fosmid clone) | AY312990 | |||||
Lupinus albus | CAC86996 | |||||
Arabidopsis thaliana | AAL25637 | |||||
Caenorhabditis elegans | NP_508280 | |||||
Mus musculus | AF332051.1 | |||||
Homo sapiens | XP036462 | |||||
oorA | 278 (110) | HaeIII/MseI | Helicobacter pylori | AF021094 | FFGG. …GLPT (FFGG…QMEDE) | 91 (36) |
Hydrogenobacter thermophilus | AB046578 | |||||
Thermotoga maritima | H72323 | |||||
Thermoanaerobacter tengcongenis | AE013094 | |||||
Geobacter metallireducens | NZ_AAAS01000001 | |||||
Desulfovibrio desulfuricans G20 | NZ_AABI01000006 | |||||
Campylobacter jejuni | NC_002163 | |||||
porA | 201 | None | Chlorobium tepidum TLS | NC_002932 | PFP…GE/GS/R | 51 |
Helicobacter pylori | NP_223754.1 | |||||
Clostridium tetani E88 | NP_783049 | |||||
Thermotoga maritima | O05651 | |||||
Archaeoglobus fulgidus DSM 4304 | NP_070527 | |||||
Pyrococcus furiosus | NP_578695 | |||||
Methanococcus jannaschii | NP_247239 | |||||
nifJ | 474 | AluI | Fusobacterium nucleatum subsp. vincentii | EAA24989 | GCGE…WAYDI | 137 |
Nostoc sp. strain PCC 7120 | NP_485951 | |||||
Desulfitobacterium hafniense | ZP_00098862 | |||||
Desulfovibrio desulfuricans G20 | ZP_00128897 | |||||
Geobacter metallireducens | ZP_00080327 | |||||
Thermoanaerobacter tengcongenis | NP_622125 | |||||
Clostridium pasteurianum | AAC18834 | |||||
Chlorobium tepidum TLS | AAM72853 | |||||
Salmonella enterica serotype Typhimurium LT2 | NP_460610 | |||||
Escherichia coli | AAC74460 | |||||
Campylobacter jejuni | NP_282614 | |||||
cbbL | 711 | AluI/RsaI | Chlamydomonas reinhardtii | J01399 | QPFM. …HVHR | 76 |
Anacystis nidulans | X03220 | |||||
Synechococcus sp. strain WH7803 | U46156 | |||||
Hydrogenovibrio marinus | D43622 | |||||
Thiobacillus ferrooxidans | X70355 | |||||
Thiobacillus sp. | M34536 | |||||
Thiobacillus denitrificans | L42940 | |||||
Hydrogenophilus thermoluteolus | D30764 | |||||
cbbM | 328 | HaeIII | Rhodospirillum rubrum | X00286 | QVFC. …TARR | 76 |
Rhodobacter capsulatus | U23145 | |||||
Thiobacillus denitrificans | L37437 | |||||
Riftia pachyptila endosymbiont | AF047688 | |||||
rbcL | Methanococcus jannaschii | U67564 |
aclB encodes ATP citrate lyase, beta subunit; oorA encodes 2-oxoglutarate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase, alpha subunit; porA encodes pyruvate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase, alpha subunit; nifJ encodes pyruvate flavodoxin/ferrodoxin oxidoreductase; cbbL encodes ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase large subunit; cbbM encodes form II ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase; and rbcL encodes form III ribulose-bisphosphate carboxylase.
Alignment of sequence from the indicated amino acids to the indicated amino acids.
aa, amino acids.
PCR conditions were as described previously for aclB (7) with the following changes in annealing temperatures for genes: 54oC for aclB, 49oC for porA, 55oC for nifJ, 52oC for oorA, 53oC for cbbL, and 58oC for cbbM. All amplifications were performed on a Robocycler 96 (Stratagene) as described previously (7). Cycling conditions were optimized for each primer set with DNA from the following organisms: aclB (Alvinella pompejana symbiont fosmid 7G3), oorA (Helicobacter pylori and A. pompejana symbiont community), porA (H. pylori), nifJ (Escherichia coli and Chlorobium tepidum), cbbL (Synechococcus sp. and Delaware Inland Bays water), and cbbM (Rifitia pachyptila trophosome symbiont). Between 1 and 10 ng of chimney DNA was used for amplifications. Between 2 and 5 μl of the reverse-transcribed sample was used for RT-PCR amplifications of the Guaymas Basin RNA sample. Amplicons were cloned into a TA-TOPO vector (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, Calif.), and approximately 48 correct-sized clones from each library were restricted and grouped according to their restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) patterns (Table 1). Unique RFLP groups were sequenced as described previously (7). All clones were sequenced from the porA clone libraries due to the small size of the insert (∼201 bp). The total numbers of sequences from each library from the 9oN P vent are as follows (the gene and number of clones are shown): aclB, 36; porA, 26; oorA, 44; cbbL, 30; cbbM, 37; and nifJ, 14. The total numbers of sequences from each library from Guaymas Basin samples are as follows (the gene and number of clones are shown): aclB, 31; porA, 27; oorA, 23; and nifJ, 7. In addition, oorA and porA clones were sequenced from Persephonella marina, “Candidatus Arcobacter sulfidicus,” and the epsilon proteobacterial strain, Am-H, isolated from hydrothermal vents (6, 38, 56).
Phylogenetic analysis.
Nucleic acid sequences obtained from the clone libraries were translated and aligned to similar sequences obtained from the GenBank database using the DNASTAR sequence analysis program and Clustal W (Table 1). Neighbor-joining distance trees and bootstrapped protein parsimony trees (based on 100 replicates) were generated with the PHYLIP package in the Genetic Data Environment (GDE) package as described previously (7). Similarity matrices were generated with PHYLIP using the amino acid similarity matrix algorithm. Trees were generally based on alignments of somewhat less than the full-length amplified region (Table 1). Insertions and deletions were not included in the calculations. Trees were viewed with Treeview X version 0.4.1 (http://darwin.zoology.gla.ac.uk/∼rpage/treeviewx/).
Nucleotide sequence accession numbers.
All nucleotide sequences have been deposited in GenBank and assigned the following accession numbers: AY430817 to AY431025 and AY553054 to AY553061. Phylogenetic trees of all sequence alignments (aclB, oorA, porA, nifJ, and cbbL/cbbM) have been submitted to TreeBASE (M1789-M1993).
Twelve free-living communities from two geographically, physically, and chemically distinct hydrothermal vent sites along the East Pacific Rise (EPR) were examined. The Axial Summit Caldera (9oN50/104oW17; depth of 2,500 m) is a basalt-based system, characterized by relatively large chimney structures and high-temperature effluent (21). The Guaymas Basin ridge axis (27oN/111oW24; depth of 2,000 m) is covered in a thick layer of sediment (∼400 m), with small diffuse flow chimneys and flanges with thick bacterial mats (12, 47). While the chemistry of these vent sites may differ dramatically, they both contain compounds necessary for chemoautotrophic processes (12).
We used six sets of degenerate primers to amplify key Calvin and rTCA cycle genes from vent community samples. While both RubisCO and ribulose 5-phosphate kinase are required for the operation of the Calvin cycle, we amplified only portions of genes encoding form I (cbbL) and form II (cbbM) RubisCO as Calvin cycle markers (45). The form III, or archaeal, RubisCO was not included in this analysis, as a functional Calvin cycle has not been demonstrated in members of the domain Archaea that actively express this enzyme (17). Three key genes of the rTCA cycle were amplified: ATP citrate lyase (aclAB); pyruvate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase (or ferredoxin-dependent pyruvate synthase), which has two independent genes (heterodimeric pyruvate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase [porCDAB] and homodimeric ferredoxin-dependent pyruvate synthase [nifJ]); and 2-oxoglutarate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase (or α-ketoglutarate:acceptor oxidoreductase) (oorDABC) (18, 45).
We found that all 12 chimney samples contained the required rTCA genes aclB and nifJ and 10 of 12 were positive for the rTCA genes porA and oorA. Of these 12 samples, only seven and three contained genes for forms I (cbbL) and II (cbbM) of RubisCO, respectively. RT-PCR expression analysis of a Guaymas Basin chimney sample (G534 or G538) determined the presence of mRNA arising from both Calvin and rTCA cycle genes. Expression was demonstrated for all genes except cbbM (form II of RubisCO), identical to the results obtained when DNA from the same sample was amplified (Fig. 1).
FIG. 1.
Expression analysis of key autotrophic genes in a Guaymas Basin chimney sample (G538). Lanes 1, RT-PCR samples; lanes 2, the same RT-PCR samples with no added reverse transcriptase; lanes − and +, negative and positive controls for each gene, respectively. aclB encodes ATP citrate lyase, beta subunit; oorA encodes 2-oxoglutarate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase, alpha subunit; porA encodes pyruvate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase, alpha subunit; nifJ encodes pyruvate flavodoxin/ferrodoxin oxidoreductase; cbbL encodes ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase large subunit; and cbbM encodes form II ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase.
Diversity of autotrophic genes.
Genetic diversity in the Calvin and rTCA pathways was analyzed by generating clone libraries of all positive amplifications from two distinct chimney samples from the 9oN P vent (POB, P vent outside bottom) and Guaymas Basin sample G534 or G538. All six genes were amplified from the 9oN P vent, suggesting a diverse chemoautotrophic community. Only the cbbM gene failed to amplify from Guaymas Basin samples. Clone libraries were also generated from the aclB amplicons from the 9oN Io vent (outside and inside) chimney samples and all amplicons from the RT-PCR experiment and grouped by RFLP analysis. The clones from the porA libraries were not restricted due to the small size of the insert. Amplicons with unique RFLP patterns were sequenced and included in the phylogenetic analysis.
The numbers of different sequences, based on their translated amino acids, were generally very similar between most of the libraries. For instance, the number of clones (normalized to 100) containing sequences coding for different amino acids from the aclB, oorA, cbbL, and cbbM 9oN P-vent libraries were 27, 14, 33, and 22, respectively. Similar numbers of clones were observed with the Guaymas Basin aclB library (29 of 100), while the Guaymas Basin oorA library was more diverse (39 of 100). The number of different clones observed from the porA libraries was much greater (9oN P vent, 54 of 100; Guaymas Basin, 74 of 100), perhaps due to the non-RFLP grouping of the clones before sequencing and/or the diversity of the amplified region. In all cases, the extent of clone diversity in the libraries indicated that the populations were not fully characterized. However, the diversity observed was enough to demonstrate the range of sequence types within the population, as evidenced by both protein similarities and phylogenetic analyses of the cloned sequences (see below).
Protein similarities.
Protein similarities based on translated sequences of PCR products were calculated for five of six genes from the libraries described above (Fig. 2). nifJ sequence data were not included, based on the low number of phylogenetic similarities to either the aclB or oorA tree (data not shown). The numbers of clones from aclB, oorA, and porA sequences (rTCA cycle genes) that formed a clade within the presumed epsilon Proteobacteria group were similar between the 9oN P vent and Guaymas Basin samples. As an example, within the rTCA-specific gene clone libraries, there were three and six (aclB), four and five (oorA), and seven and seven (porA) sequence groups that formed a clade with known epsilon proteobacterial sequences for the 9oN P vent and Guaymas Basin samples, respectively. Within the 9oN P vent and Guaymas Basin porA libraries, there were three and seven groups, respectively, of translated sequences with less than 60% similarity to either the known epsilon proteobacterial or Persephonella marina (Aquificales-type) sequences. The most abundant group of these occurred in the Guaymas Basin sample and was not more than 59% similar to any other known porA sequence over a stretch of 51 amino acids. A number of the less frequent clones were most similar to archaeal porA sequences (data not shown).
FIG. 2.
Protein similarities of key rTCA and Calvin cycle autotrophic genes. The genes were generated from clone libraries obtained from the 9oN P vent (POB) and Guaymas Basin bacterial samples (Guay) (G534 or G538). Nucleic acid sequences were translated and grouped together if they shared the same RFLP pattern or were greater than 95% identical at the amino acid level. They were then aligned to and similarity matrices generated against known sequences in the GenBank database (e.g., members of the epsilon subdivision of the Proteobacteria and other bacteria). aclB encodes ATP citrate lyase, beta subunit; oorA encodes 2-oxoglutarate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase, alpha subunit; porA encodes pyruvate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase, alpha subunit; nifJ encodes pyruvate flavodoxin/ferrodoxin oxidoreductase; cbbL encodes ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase large subunit; cbbM encodes form II ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase. Ap symbiont, Alvinella pompejana symbiont; Synech. sp., Synechococcus sp.; Pognophora sym., Pognophora symbiont; Rhod. veldkampii, Rhodobacter veldkampii; R. capsulatus, Rhodobacter capsulatus; R. pachyptila sym., Riftia pachyptila symbiont.
Clone libraries of the cbbL and cbbM gene amplicons were generated from the 9oN P-vent sample only. Both libraries contained two clusters of sequences. Within the cbbL library, the dominant RFLP group of cbbL sequences was most similar to the sequence of an endosymbiont of a Pogonophora found in the Japan Trench, while the two less abundant groups were most similar to the sequences of two gamma proteobacterium-related RubisCOs (Fig. 2 and 3). The two most abundant groups of cbbM library clones were most similar to the cbbM of Thiobacillus denitrificans (Fig. 2 and 3) (22). The two less prevalent groups of clones were more distantly related, and their closest relatives were from T. denitrificans and the Riftia pachyptila endosymbiont (40).
FIG. 3.
Phylogenetic analysis of translated cbbL (ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase large subunit) and cbbM (form II ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase) clone libraries from the 9oN P vent (POB) sample. The neighbor-joining distance tree was generated on the basis of translated amino acids (minus insertions and deletions) from the cbbL and cbbM genes. Bootstrap values from 100 resamplings are indicated prior to the branch points of the tree. The scale bar represents the calculated number of changes per amino acid position. Clones identical at the amino acid level were not included in the trees. Accession numbers are shown in parentheses. A. eutrophus, Alcaligenes eutrophus; T. ferrooxidans, Thiobacillus ferrooxidans; H. thermoluteolus, Hydrogenophilus thermoluteolus; R. veldkampii, Rhodobacter veldkampii; endosym., endosymbiont; Uncult., uncultured; R. rubrum, Rhodospirillum rubrum; R. capsulatus, Rhodobacter capsulatus; M. jannaschii, Methanococcus jannaschii.
Phylogenetic relatedness of key rTCA genes.
To estimate the evolutionary relatedness of the key genes of the rTCA cycle, phylogenetic analyses were performed based on translations of aclB and oorA clone sequences. Since only sequences from the aclB and oorA genes from two previous cultures of members of the epsilon subdivision of Proteobacteria were characterized, we also included sequences obtained from other sulfur-oxidizing enrichments from the 9oN vent site. As measured by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analysis of the 16S rRNA genes (data not shown), as well as a limited 16S rRNA gene clone diversity analysis, the autotrophic enrichments generally contained one to five microorganisms, with the dominant microorganism being a member of the epsilon subdivision of Proteobacteria (Table 2). 16S rRNA gene sequencing of the bacteria from two enrichment cultures (3833-42 and 3838-RT [Table 2]) was performed to further characterize the dominant autotrophs in those cultures. The cultured bacteria most closely related (>92%) to the 3833-42 and 3838-RT enrichments were the autotrophic epsilon Proteobacteria Caminibacter hydrogeniphilus and Sulfurimonas autotrophica, respectively (1, 26).
Molecular characterization of sulfur-oxidizing enrichments
Dive/enrichment | Temp (°C) | Electron acceptor | Dominant DGGE banda | No. of other bands | rTCA genes | Calvin cycle genes cbbL/ cbbM |
3833/Sub2b | 42 | O2 | 1 | 0 | + | −/− |
3833/Sub2 | 42 | NO3− | 1 | 1 | + | Weak +/− |
3836/Sub1 | 42 | O2 | 1 | 4 | + | −/− |
3837/Sub1 | 42 or 55 | O2 | 1 | 5 | + | −/− |
3838b | RTc | O2 | 1 | 4 | + | Weak +/− |
3838 | 42 | O2 | 2 | 4 | + | −/− |
All sequenced dominant band(s) grouped with members of the epsilon subdivision of Proteobacteria. DGGE, denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis.
rTCA and cbbL gene fragments (Fig. 2 and 3) and dominant 16S rRNA genes sequenced (corresponding to bp 1 to 519 of E. coli 16S rRNA genes.
RT, room temperature.
Clone libraries were generated with the aclB and oorA amplicons from the 9oN P-vent sample as well as the Guaymas Basin sample (both DNA and RNA). The aclB and oorA trees showed very similar phylogenies, with two exceptions (Fig. 4). Both trees indicated a predominance of clones that form a clade in the known epsilon proteobacterial group. There were, however, a large number of clones from the 9oN-P vent aclB library that formed a cluster with the known Aquificales-type representative (P. marina) and did not have any corresponding oorA similarity. Likewise, there was a cluster of oorA clones from the Guaymas Basin sample that formed a distinct deeply branching clade that lacked any corresponding aclB counterpart. These results were verified with a second aclB library generated with the 9oN P-vent sample and sequence analysis of libraries generated with the Guaymas Basin RT-PCR amplification products.
FIG. 4.
Phylogenetic analysis of translated aclB (ATP citrate lyase, beta subunit) (A) and oorA (2-oxoglutarate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase, alpha subunit) (B) clone sequences. Clones labeled with 9N are from the 9oN P-vent sample and those labeled with Guay are from the Guaymas Basin bacterial sample. Guaymas clones originating from RNA (Guay + RNA) and clusters 1 to 5 are indicated. Neighbor-joining distance trees were generated on the basis of alignment of 96 and 91 translated amino acids (minus insertions and deletions) from the aclB and oorA genes, respectively. The Chlorobium limicola aclB sequence (BAB21375) distance was resized to half of its original length for sizing reasons. Bootstrap values from 100 resamplings are indicated prior to the branch points of the tree. The scale bar represents the calculated number of changes per amino acid position. Boldface type refers to known or previously characterized gene sequences. Accession numbers are shown in parentheses. Clones identical at the amino acid level were not included in the trees. A. pompejana sym., Alvinella pompejana symbiont; Hyd. thermophilus, Hydrogenobacter thermophilus; G. metallireducens, Geobacter metallireducens.
Phylogenetic analysis of the shorter porA amplicon gave almost identical distance tree topologies as the oorA tree, including the large cluster of clones not related to either the epsilon proteobacterial or P. marina sequences (data not shown). It had, however, several unreliable bootstrap values, probably due to a combination of porA divergence and short sequence. The nifJ phylogenetic data showed no clear phylogenetic groups that were similar to either the aclB or oorA gene sequence (data not shown). Although most of the nifJ clones grouped in the same clade as the Campylobacter jejuni nifJ sequence, no clones were more than 50% similar at the amino acid level.
Chemoautotrophy at deep-sea hydrothermal vents occurs via at least the rTCA and Calvin cycles, with the possibility that other pathways are being utilized, as evidenced by the presence of key autotrophic genes shown in this study in combination with stable isotope analysis of primary vent consumers (49, 50). Expression analysis, as well as the overwhelming presence and phylogenetic diversity of rTCA genes, indicate that the principal pathway utilized in hydrothermal vent free-living microbial communities is the rTCA cycle. Phylogenetic analysis of the key rTCA genes indicates that the majority group with known epsilon proteobacterial sequences.
It is not surprising that autotrophic members of the epsilon subdivision of Proteobacteria use the rTCA cycle. They are known for their metabolic and thermal versatility, utilizing a variety of electron donors and acceptors, generally under microaerophilic to anaerobic conditions while growing between 20 and 60°C (46). Autotrophic members of the order Aquificales, which grow at higher temperatures, utilize similar metabolic strategies and the rTCA cycle (7, 38). Hydrothermal vent diffuse flow sites are areas of intense mixing between two types of fluids: the high temperature end-member fluids that are strongly reducing and ambient seawater (2°C) that is fully oxygenated. In situ measurements of sulfide-rich high-temperature (>30°C) diffuse flow vents surrounding alvinellid communities detect little to no oxygen, providing an ideal habitat for members of the epsilon subdivision of Proteobacteria and the order Aquificales that thrive in these conditions (32, 38).
These experiments did not unequivocally show the presence and expression of key rTCA cycle genes within a single organism, except within the enriched autotrophs. However, on the basis of the phylogenetic positions of the clones within the distance trees and their relatedness to cultured representatives, we surmise that the aclB, oorA, and porA genes that form a clade within the known members of the epsilon subdivision of Proteobacteria most likely occur within the same groups and possibly in the same organisms. The evolutionary relatedness of the aclB, oorA, and porA genes within the epsilon proteobacterial and Aquificales groups, as well as the presence of rTCA cycle genes in Chlorobium species and in some members of the domain Archaea, also suggests that the rTCA cycle has been present from an early evolutionary point (7, 18, 25).
The phylogenetic results from the aclB and oorA trees that demonstrate nonevolutionarily similar (nonparallel) clones are not surprising for two reasons. First, we used degenerate primers that may not have amplified all possible genes, given their nucleic acid heterogeneities. Recently, Aoshima et al. described an alternative enzyme system in Hydrogenobacter thermophilus TK-6 that has ATP citrate lyase activity but uses a citryl-CoA intermediate (3, 4). The genes involved (citryl-CoA lyase [ccl] and citryl-CoA synthase [ccs]) are related to the ATP citrate lyase gene. There are several areas of homology between the ccs and aclB genes, but the primers used in this study most likely would not amplify ccs from H. thermophilus TK-6. Second, the rTCA cycle genes are also expressed in other metabolic pathways, or the cycle can be reversed for heterotrophic oxidative processes (24, 34). For instance, pyruvate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase is used in the second step of the autotrophic acetyl-CoA pathway (18). The presence and expression of porA genes that are not related to the known epsilon proteobacterial sequences and that group with known archaeal sequences in some cases suggests the potential use of the acetyl-CoA pathway by free-living microorganisms at deep-sea hydrothermal vents. Additional culture-based studies along with molecular studies involving the use of primers specific for the key gene of the acetyl-CoA pathway (acetyl-CoA synthase/ CO dehydrogenase) would be needed for this determination (18).
The extent of phylogenetic diversity of form I RubisCO in this study was less than that observed by Elsaied and Naganuma in a previous study analyzing RubisCO molecular diversity of bacteria at deep-sea hydrothermal vents (14). All of the form I (cbbL) sequences observed from the P vent (9oN) sample clustered with the type IA cbbL sequences, while both type IA and IB sequences were found from deep-sea hydrothermal vent water and chimney samples in the previous study (14). Interestingly, except for the one enrichment sample (3838-RT), we did not find sequences closely related to Thiobacillus-like cbbL genes, which have previously been isolated from hydrothermal vents (11). Form II RubisCO (cbbM) diversity was less than that of form I in the hydrothermal vent we examined and paralleled previously published work (14).
This is the first demonstration of the overwhelming presence and expression of key rTCA cycle genes in at least two groups of free-living microorganisms from deep-sea hydrothermal vents. While members of the epsilon subdivision of Proteobacteria and members of the Aquificales order are globally ubiquitous in a variety of environmental habitats besides hydrothermal vents (39), the epsilon Proteobacteria dominate deep-sea vents (23, 35, 39, 46) and possibly the deep subsurface (31, 52) where the total biomass of prokaryotes has been estimated to exceed that of all other habitats on earth combined (53). Although the Calvin cycle is widely distributed (14, 45), our molecular evidence suggests it is less prevalent in the hydrothermal vent samples we analyzed. This study provides evolutionary insight for the hypothesis that a version of the rTCA cycle was the first autotrophic pathway to have evolved (51) and demonstrates that it is an important carbon fixation pathway in deep-sea hydrothermal vents and potentially in other environments, such as the deep subsurface.
This work was supported in part by NSF LExEn (NSF-9907666) and Biocomplexity (OCE-0120648) grants to S.C.C.
We thank T. Hanson and K. Coyne for helpful comments on the manuscript. We thank the pilots and crew of the DSV Alvin and R/V Atlantis for their help in obtaining samples for these analyses. We also gratefully acknowledge the receipt of DNA samples from C. Taylor and S. Sievert at WHOI (“Ca. Arcobacter sulfidicus”) and A. L. Reysenbach at Portland State University (P. marina) for use in this study.
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