The authors wish to retract this article because of an unintended error in statistical applications. A subsequent reanalysis of the data has shown that a number of the findings of the study described in this publication are no longer definitively different. The corresponding author voluntarily reported these discrepancies to the editors of Diabetes Care. The decision to retract the article is supported by all the authors based on their reevaluation of the data. The decision to retract the article is also supported by the editors of the journal and the American Diabetes Association, the publisher of Diabetes Care. At a later date, the authors intend to submit a revised article to Diabetes Care for full peer review with the appropriate statistical analysis applied.
. 2016 Jan 12;39(2):319. doi: 10.2337/dc16-rt02
Statement of Retraction. Nuts as a Replacement for Carbohydrates in the Diabetic Diet. Diabetes Care 2011;34:1706–1711. DOI: 10.2337/dc11-0338
David JA Jenkins
, Cyril WC Kendall
, Monica S Banach
, Korbua Srichaikul
, Edward Vidgen
, Sandy Mitchell
, Tina Parker
, Stephanie Nishi
, Balachandran Bashyam
, Russell de Souza
, Christopher Ireland
, Robert G Josse
David JA Jenkins
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Cyril WC Kendall
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Monica S Banach
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Korbua Srichaikul
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Edward Vidgen
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Sandy Mitchell
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Tina Parker
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Stephanie Nishi
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Balachandran Bashyam
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Russell de Souza
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Christopher Ireland
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Robert G Josse
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Issue date 2016 Feb.
© 2016 by the American Diabetes Association. Readers may use this article as long as the work is properly cited, the use is educational and not for profit, and the work is not altered.
PMCID: PMC5223408 PMID: 26798151
This retracts the article "Nuts as a Replacement for Carbohydrates in the Diabetic Diet" in volume 34 on page 1706.