Figure 1.
Evolutionary dynamics are bistable in the absence of variation in gene expression (σE = 0), but not with variation in gene expression (σE = 2.25–3.5). We calculated the average values of ρ, D, and Ldel toward the end of the simulations, and then measured the genotype evolvability after changing the optimal trait value (see Methods for details). For each value of N, 20 simulations were initialized at high-ρ conditions, and 15 at low-ρ conditions. For σE = 2.25–3.5, simulations from the two initial conditions reached indistinguishable endpoints (Figure A in File S1), so the results were pooled. The increment in N is 100.1 between 104.4 and 105.2 to increase resolution, and is 100.2 elsewhere. At σE = 0, D is indistinguishable from zero for N ≥ 105.2 under high-ρ conditions, and for N ≥ 104.7 under low-ρ conditions, corresponding to Ldel being effectively zero. In contrast, when σE = 2.25 or 3.5, because the weakness of selection on low-expression genes prevents Ldel from falling all the way to zero, D never quite reaches zero either, despite appearing superimposable in B. For (A–C), data are shown as mean For evolvability (D), data are shown as mean For (A) and (D), these apply to log-transformed values. Evolvability is based on time to fitness recovery; see Figure C in File S1 for similar results based on time to trait recovery. L = 600.