Figure 1. XL388 inhibits OS cell survival-MG-63.
(A–C), U2OS (D) and SaOs-2 (E) osteosarcoma (OS) cell lines, the primary human OS cells (line-1/−2/−3) (G, H), the murine osteoblastic MC3T3-E1 cells (F) or the human OB-6 osteoblastic cells (I) were treated with applied concentration of XL388, cells were further cultured, and cell survival was tested by MTT assay (A, D–F, G and I) or clonogenicity assay (B); Cell death was tested by trypan blue staining assay (C and H). The data in this and all following figures were representatives of three different experiments. n = 5 for each assay. The values were expressed as the means ± SD (Same for all figures). “C” stands for untreated control group (Same for all figures). “XL” stands for XL388 (Same for all figures). “hrs” stands for hours (Same for all figures). *p < 0.05 vs. group “C”.