The Miocene mega-wetland of western Amazonia holds a diverse, largely endemic ostracod fauna. Among them, especially the genus Cyprideis experienced a remarkable radiation. Micropalaeontologic investigations of a 400 m long sediment core (~62 km SW Benjamin Constant, Amazonia, Brazil) permitted a taxonomic revision of about two-thirds of hitherto described Cyprideis species. We evaluate the diagnostic value of shell characters and provide an extensive illustration of the intraspecific variability of species. Based on comparative morphology, the 20 recorded Cyprideis species are arranged in groups and subgroups. The “smooth” group comprises C. amazonica, C. kotzianae, C. kroemmelbeini, C. machadoi, C. multiradiata, C. olivencai, C. paralela and C. simplex; the “ornate” group C. curucae nom. nov., C. cyrtoma, C. aff. graciosa, C. inversa, C. ituiae n. sp., C. matorae n. sp., C. minipunctata, C. munoztorresi nom. nov., C. pebasae, C. reticulopunctata, C. schedogymnos and C. sulcosigmoidalis. Five species have been revalidated, two renamed, two synonymised and two are new descriptions. Along with 10 further formally established species, for which a review is pending, Cyprideis keeps at least 30 endemic species in that region during Miocene times. Up to 12 Cyprideis species have been found to occur sympatrically, representing >90 % of the entire ostracod fauna. Ostracod index species enable a biostratigraphic allocation of the well succession to the Cyprideis minipunctata to Cyprideis cyrtoma biozones, corresponding to a late Middle to early Late Miocene age (late Serravallian–early Tortonian).
Keywords: Brazil, fossil ostracods, Cytherideidae, taxonomy, morphology
1. Introduction
Species flocks (e.g. Greenwood 1984; Lecointre et al. 2013) as the result of accelerated divergence of closely related species within a certain ecosystem concern fundamental aspects of biologic evolution (i.e., modes, patterns and pace) and substantially affect past and current biodiversity (e.g. Glaubrecht & Köhler 2004; Schön & Martens 2004). Celebrated examples for such bursts of species originate from isolated islands and long-lived lakes as well, however, they are not restricted to them (e.g. Eastman & McCune 2000; Sullivan et al. 2002; Kocher 2004; Wilson et al. 2004; Wesselingh 2007; Grant & Grant 2008; Wilke et al. 2008; Köhler et al. 2010).
Among recent ostracods, the Cyprideis species flock of East African Lake Tanganyika forms an intensively studied example (e.g. Wouters & Martens 1992, 2001, 2008; Schön et al. 2000; Schön & Martens 2012). For the Neogene period, comparable radiations in fossil Cyprideis are well recognized from Lake Pannon (Central Europe; Kollmann 1960; Krstić 1968a, b; Van Harten 1990), the Palaeo-Mediterranean realm (Decima 1964; Bassiouni 1979; Ligios & Gliozzi 2012), and the Caribbean area (Van den Bold 1976) as well as from western Amazonia (Purper 1979; Whatley et al. 1998).
In Miocene times an enormous, predominately fluvio-lacustrine wetland (~1 million km2) shaped western Amazonia (Hoorn & Wesselingh 2010; Hoorn et al. 2010a; for diverging views see e.g. Westaway 2006; Latrubesse et al. 2010), which holds an amazingly diverse, largely endemic bivalve, gastropod and ostracod fauna. While detailed taxonomic evaluations (e.g. Nuttall 1990; Wesselingh 2006a) already provide a firm base for considerations on e.g. mollusc phylogeny and causes of speciation (Wesselingh 2006b, 2007; Anderson et al. 2010), ostracodologic research lags behind and still remains in the stage of alpha taxonomy.
Whereas first descriptions of fossil western Amazonian molluscs date well back to the 19th century (Gabb 1869; see Wesselingh 2008 for a historical review), studies on ostracods started with the seminal monograph of Purper (1979; as conference proceedings: Purper 1977)—more than one century later. Subsequently, Sheppard & Bate (1980), Purper & Pinto (1983, 1985), Purper & Ornellas (1991) and Swain (1998) continued that work. Later, the comprehensive research of Muñoz-Torres et al. (1998, 2006) and Whatley et al. (1998, 2000) appreciably advanced ostracod taxonomy, leading to an ostracod-based biozonation as well as to initial phylogenetic hypotheses. It was up to these authors to formulate the western Amazonian Cyprideis species flock. Further publications come from Ramos (2006), Celestino & Ramos (2007), and Ramos et al. (2009). Wesselingh & Ramos (2010) reviewed the state of the art. Recent contributions are by Linhares et al. (2011), Gross et al. (2013) and Nascimento et al. (2013).
The current paper investigates Cyprideis species from a ~400 m deep, continuously cored drill-hole from western Amazonia (Fig. 1). While the investigation of natural outcrops in this area (e.g. exposures along river banks) enables more detailed sedimentologic analyses (e.g. Hoorn 1994a, b; Gross et al. 2011), their stratigraphic range is usually limited, compared to such long drillings (Wesselingh et al. 2006a).
Figure 1.
Location of the study area in western Amazonia. a: Isopatches [m] of the thickness of the Solimões Formation in the Acre and Solimões Basins (after Maia et al. 1977; Latrubesse et al. 2010); b: Coal-prospection area with isopatches [m] of the Solimões Fm. and position of exploration wells (after Maia et al. 1977; star = herein investigated core 1AS-10-AM; additional boreholes marked with numbers are mentioned in this study; location of CPCAN-I–III after Nuttall 1990).
Based on our available material, about two-thirds of the western Amazonian Cyprideis species flock (~12 Ma) are revised, supplemented by an extensive documentation of the variability of species (including sexual and ontogenetic polymorphism as far as possible). We aim to improve and to facilitate reliable species identification, which forms the base for all further implications (phylogeny, biostratigraphy, palaeoecology, palaeogeography). To use the words of Wouters & Martens (2001: 111) in reference to Lake Tanganyika’s species flock: “Without such basic studies, […] advanced evolutionary and biodiversity research will remain difficult, if not impossible.”
2. Geological setting and short characterisation of CPRM well 1AS-10-AM
Our studied material originates from well 1AS-10-AM (Sucuriju, close to Rio Ituí; S 04°50’/W 70°22’; ~62 km SW Benjamin Constant; municipality Atalaia do Norte, state of Amazonia, Brazil; Figs. 1a–b). This core was drilled in the frame of a coal exploration campaign conducted by the Companhia de Pesquisa de Recursos Minerais (CPRM) in 1975 (Maia et al. 1977). Additional subsurface information was provided by earlier hydrocarbon (Petrobras) and lignite (Comissão do Plano do Carvão Nacional, CPCAN) prospection wells (Del’ Arco et al. 1977; Fernandes et al. 1977; Maia et al. 1977). Based on that, well 1AS-10-AM is located in the intracratonic Solimões Basin (e.g. Wanderley-Filho et al. 2010) and penetrates (except Holocene soils) sediments of the Solimões Formation. This formation comprises up to 1,000 m thick, largely pelitic–sandy alternations with intercalations of lignite as well as paleosols (e.g. Del’ Arco et al. 1977; Maia et al. 1977; Purper 1979; Hoorn 1994b; Latrubesse et al. 2010; Hoorn et al. 2010b; Silva-Caminha et al. 2010).
Well 1AS-10-AM was continuously cored down to 400.25 m (Fig. 2). Its lithology consists of alternations of semi-indurated clay and silt. Up to metre-thick, sandy as well as decimetre-thick, lignite intercalations occur subordinately; centimetre-thick, clayey limestone layers may represent concretionary horizons. From the base to the top, sediments display a continuous coarsening-upward trend, which is equally expressed by the gamma ray-log. Based on the lithology and macrofossil content, the section is divided into three intervals (indication of colours follows the unpublished CPRM report):
Figure 2.
Section of well 1AS-10-AM (γ-log, lithology, samples, macrofossil content and core intervals; based on unpublished CPRM report and own observations).
Interval 1 (~400–220 m). Up to ~260 m (interval 1a), the section is dominated by greenish-grey, reddish or yellowish mottled pelites (at least in part paleosols) with few sandy intercalations and one lignite layer (~308 m). Between ~260–220 m (interval 1b), lignite layers are more frequent. Only at ~336 m (sample AM10/48), a centimetre-thick layer with few mollusc remains is observed in interval 1.
Interval 2 (~220–93 m). Above ~220 m, mollusc shells (bivalves, gastropods) become a common lithologic component. From ~220–186 m (interval 2a) greenish-grey, partly silty clay dominates, which contains some mollusc remains. Mainly grey, clayey silts follow up-section (~186–142 m, interval 2b), yielding only sporadically macrofossils (especially at the transition to interval 2c). Interval 2c (~142–93 m) is composed of grey silt with some clay interlayers and several lignite beds. Bivalve and gastropod remains are common, forming in part coquinas.
Interval 3 (~93–0 m). At interval 3, sandy layers become more frequent, the fossil content decreases (except at samples AM10/7 and 4) and the last lignites are recorded at ~66 m. Brownish and lateritic pelites at the top (3–0 m) represent Holocene soil formation (unpublished CPRM report).
3. Material and methods
Core material as well as supplementary data are available at the Departamento Nacional da Produção Mineral (DNPM) in Manaus. For micropalaeontologic investigations 250 g of dried sediment (40° C, 24 h) were washed through standard sieves (63/125/250/500 µm) by using diluted hydrogen peroxide for disintegration (H2O2 : H2O = 1 : 5). Wet sieve residuals were washed with ethanol (70 %) before drying (40° C, 24 h). Residuals ≥250 μm were picked out completely for their biogenic content. The current study considers only specimens of the ostracod genus Cyprideis acquired from that sieve-fraction (ESM 1). From the ≥125 μm sieve residuals, 0.2 g/sample were picked, containing largely juvenile and/or fragmented ostracod valves (mainly Cyprideis). Specimens of ostracod taxa with minute body sizes (e.g. Skopaeocythere) as well as foraminifers are restricted to that fraction but will be the subject of further research.
Prior to scanning electron microscope photography (JEOL, JSM-6610LV), selected specimens were photographed in transmitted light (Leica M205C, camera: DFC290) and measured (Leica Application Suite V3.6.0; ESM 2). Focus stacked images were obtained by combining ~20 transmitted light photographs per specimen (external view; covered with distilled water) with the software Helicon Focus 5.3. For basic statistics, the software package PAST 1.97 (Hammer & Harper 2008) was used.
4. Systematic palaeontology
Suprageneric classification follows Meisch (2000) and Martens & Savatenalinton (2011). General descriptions of known species are provided by Purper (1979), Sheppard & Bate (1980), Muñoz-Torres et al. (1998), Whatley et al. (1998), and Ramos (2006). Further characteristics or deviations are discussed in the remarks. Type material as well as figured specimens are housed in the collection of the Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, Belém (Inv. No. MPEG-210-M to MPEG-495-M), additional material is stored at the Universalmuseum Joanneum, Department for Geology & Palaeontology, Graz (Inv. No. UMJG&P 211.038).
Abbreviations: L = left valve, R = right valve; ♀ = female, ♂ = male, A-1, … = juvenile stages; l = length, h = height (both in millimetres; length of spines not included in measurements), n = number of measured specimens.
Class Ostracoda Latreille, 1802
Order Podocopida Sars, 1866
Superfamily Cytheroidea Baird, 1850
Family Cytherideidae Sars, 1925
Subfamily Cytherideinae Sars, 1925
Genus Cyprideis Jones, 1857
Type species: Candona torosa Jones, 1850
4.1. Remarks to supraspecific taxonomy
Whatley et al. (1998) emended the diagnosis of Cyprideis and placed several genera into its synonymy. Among them are the following taxa, founded on fossil Amazonian species: Amazonacytheridea Purper, 1979, Botulocyprideis Sheppard & Bate, 1980 (emended by Purper & Pinto, 1983), Chlamydocytheridea Purper, 1979, Nealecythere Purper & Pinto, 1983, Paulacoutoia Purper, 1979, Pseudoparakrithella Purper, 1979 and Sohnicythere Purper & Pinto, 1983. In addition, several Amazonian species, originally assigned to Cytheridea Bosquet, 1852, were transferred to Cyprideis by these authors (see also Muñoz-Torres et al. 1998). In particular, the smooth, vestibulate species—formerly attributed to Amazonacytheridea, Chlamydocytheridea, Paulacoutoia and Pseudoparakrithella (with the possible synonyms Botulocyprideis and Nealecythere)—diverge significantly from Cyprideis as defined by earlier authors (e.g. Kollmann 1960; Benson et al. 1961; Van Morkhoven 1963; Sandberg 1964a). Since a discussion of this supraspecific concept is beyond the scope of the present investigation and subject of upcoming works, we apply it here with some reservation.
4.2. Conceptual notes to species identification herein
As usual, fossil species are based exclusively on morphologic characters, in this case on all features observable on the ostracods’ valves. Typically, a combination of traits is used for species definition (multidimensional species definition; Sbordoni 1993).
We are aware that specimens obtained from our samples are time-averaged to some degree and, e.g. seasonal or interannual variations (abundance, size, etc.) are blurred (e.g. Heip 1976; Schweitzer & Lohmann 1990). While disadvantageous on one side (e.g. obscuration of evolutionary patterns; increase of phenotypic variance of species), such fossil populations comprise an array of biologic generations and “random”, short-term variations are advantageously suppressed (Neil 2000; Bush et al. 2002; Hunt 2004, 2010; Hohenegger 2014).
In the present case, we usually found various ontogenetic stages of taxa within the samples, which signalise insignificant relocation or alteration of the assemblages. Therefore, we assume the ostracod faunas of each sample to represent a fossil biocoenosis (autochthonous thanatocoenosis; Whatley 1988; Boomer et al. 2003).
Recent Cyprideis reproduce sexually and—as ostracods in general—moult during their ontogeny. When females, males and as far as possible juvenile valves can be related to one morphospecies, we consider them as genetically isolated, sympatric population/species with reference to other morphotypes co-occurring in the same sample (best documented with both sexes and juveniles alike; Schweitzer & Lohmann 1990).
Shell characters, which show gradual transitions within one sample and/or vary (“randomly”) between samples (in this case in time), while the cluster of other features remains constant, are regarded as intraspecific variability. Some valve characters of modern Cyprideis species (best studied in Cyprideis torosa (Jones, 1850)) display substantial, environmentally cued variability, which complicates the recognition of phenotypic or species diagnostic traits (Gross et al. 2008; Ligios & Gliozzi 2012; for soft parts compare Wouters 2002, 2003):
Shape. The general shape (ovate, subrectangular, subtrapezoidal, etc.) of valves (especially of their outline in lateral view) is an essential character for (Cyprideis) species discrimination (among many others: Sandberg 1964a). This has been demonstrated successfully with geometric morphometric methods equally. Nonetheless, if outlines are very similar also quantitative methods fail and other traits must be considered (Gross et al. 2008; Ligios & Gliozzi 2012). Intraspecific variations of the outline—apart from sexual and ontogenetic polymorphism—largely concern the development of the females’ brood pouch (Kollmann 1960; Sandberg 1964a). For extant C. torosa, Carbonnel (1983) reported minor variations in shape correlated with different salinities, which, however, could not be confirmed by Frenzel et al. (2011).
Size C. torosa varies significantly in size. This has been found to be related to salinity (e.g. Van Harten 1975, 1996) or not (Kilenyi 1971; Vesper 1972a; Frenzel 1991) or discussed to be linked (additionally) to other parameters like organic contents (food supply; Vesper 1972a; Van Harten 1975). Lately, Boomer & Frenzel (2011) reported that C. torosa is larger below 8–9 psu and smaller above this, probably physiologically controlled threshold (Aladin 1993). However, the relative size of Cyprideis valves can be a valuable diagnostic feature, especially in cases where more than one species co-occur within one sample (e.g. Sandberg 1964a; Keen 1982; Gross et al. 2008; Ligios & Gliozzi 2012). Conversely, absolute dimensions of Cyprideis species—like recent C. torosa—fluctuate noticeably between localities (spatial) and as shown in the current study between samples (strata/temporal). Thus, absolute dimensions of species may significantly overlap and are a useful discriminating character on population level only (within one locality or one palaeontologic sample respectively).
Ornament. The ornament of Cyprideis is subject to serious intraspecific variation, ranging from smooth, punctated to reticulated surfaces. Parameters like calcium carbonate content (Van den Bold 1976), salinity (Sandberg 1964b) or the Mg/Ca ratio of the water (Carbonel 1982)—indirectly related to salinity—are under discussion to cause this variability. Compared to modern Cyprideis, we observed pronounced variations in ornamentation, which should not be over-interpreted (Sandberg 1964a, b). However, by examining a large number of valves, some stable ornamentation patterns can be recognized within species (e.g. for the current work about one thousand SEM-photographs of Cyprideis were taken, supplemented by the same amount of light microscopic pictures). Hence, under the assumption that variability is adequately covered, basic traits of the ornament (including the sulcus) can thoroughly form a diagnostic feature (note that keys to recent Cyprideis species likewise use the valves’ ornament as a diagnostic character; e.g. Smith & Delorme 2010; Karanovic 2012).
Nodes. Frequently, nodes (hollow protuberances) are developed on Cyprideis’ surface, which gave rise to long lasting debates about their taxonomic value (for reviews see e.g. Sandberg 1964a; Vesper 1972b, 1975; Van Harten 2000). Lately, the phenomenon of nodosity has been explained by Keyser & Aladin (2004) and Keyser (2005) to be a pathologic effect caused by osmoregulatory problems of the animals during moulting. However, the abundance of noded valves can be a useful proxy for salinity (noded valves dominate at a salinity below 7–8 psu) and/or Ca2+ contents of the water (a low amount of calcium leads to increased nodosity; Frenzel et al. 2012). Interestingly, not a single noded Cyprideis valve was found among the current material (~12,000 valves; ESM 1).
Normal pores. All Cyprideis species of the present investigation bear roundish normal pores of sieve type (a depressed sieve plate with a small, eccentric pore). The position and number of normal pores in C. torosa is rather stable and supposed to be an additional, genetically fixed, diagnostic character (Rosenfeld 1982). On the other hand, their shape varies along the salinity gradient (rounded shapes predominate in low saline settings), which is valuable for palaeosalinity calculations (e.g. Rosenfeld & Vesper 1976; Medley et al. 2008; Pint et al. 2012). No obvious differences in shape have been observed within the current specimens. Sometimes their investigation is hampered due to adhering sediment. For these reasons, the analysis of normal sieve pore pattern (shape, position, size, number) and their possible taxonomic as well as palaeoecological relevance is not considered in the present study.
Marginal denticulations and spines. Conversely to the assumption of Wouters (2002; for C. torosa), the basic pattern of anteromarginal and posteroventral spines/denticles (e.g. presence/absence, position, shape) is found several times to be an effective diagnostic character in Cyprideis (e.g. Kollmann 1960; Sandberg 1964a; Schweitzer & Lohmann 1990; Gross et al. 2008; Ligios & Gliozzi 2012; for recent Cyprideis see e.g. Smith & Delorme 2010; Karanovic 2012). Nevertheless, variations (e.g. strength, number) occur, which need to be as carefully examined as the preservation of valves. Marginal spines can be a useful character for species delineation, but should not be used as a single diagnostic trait and in a too tight manner (e.g. relying on the exact number of spines). The fundamental pattern of marginal spines is already developed in juvenile individuals, but the number of spines is frequently reduced in the adult stage (Sandberg 1964a; Gross et al. 2013; and present investigation).
Inner lamella. Intraspecific variability of the inner lamella (e.g. width, course, position of the selvage) as well as of marginal pore canals (shape, course, number) has been barely studied systematically in recent Cyprideis. Sandberg (1964a) noted only slight interspecific differences in the width of the anterior inner lamella (for a general statement see Van Morkhoven 1962). However, for some species with significantly narrower or wider inner lamella it can be an (additionally) characterising feature. For marginal pore canals Sandberg (1964a) observed minor differences in shape (note: his genus concept does not include the presence of a vestibulum) but mentioned that the density of (anterior) marginal pores can be a species diagnostic trait. In view of the Amazonian species and genera included by Whatley et al. (1998) in Cyprideis, striking interspecific differences in the inner lamella and (obviously linked with that) in marginal pore canal patterns are evident, which provide a useful diagnostic trait. Subordinate intraspecific variations of the vestibulum are observed between left and right valves as well as between both sexes (Whatley et al. 1998; and present work).
Hinge. Concerning recent Cyprideis little is known about the intraspecific variability of its hinge. Only Sandberg (1964a) noticed some variations in the crenulation of the (postero-)median element. Although the general pattern of the hinge (e.g. proportions of hinge elements, expression of teeth or denticles) is mainly of supraspecific significance (e.g. Kollmann 1960; Wouters & Martens 1992; Tibert et al. 2003), in combination with additional characters it can be of species diagnostic value (e.g. Gross et al. 2008; Ligios & Gliozzi 2012). Occasionally, within fossil Cyprideis material reversed valve overlap and inverse hinges respectively are documented (Krstić 1968a, b; Van den Bold 1976; Purper & Pinto 1983, 1985; Whatley et al. 1998; Gross et al. 2013; and herein). The taxonomic or environmental importance of this feature remains unclear (Kollmann 1960; Krstić 1968a, b, 1971; Van den Bold 1976; Purper & Pinto 1985; Whatley et al. 1998).
Central muscle scars. Variability is low in Cyprideis’ central muscle scar pattern. Only the shape of the upper mandibular scar seems to be useful to some degree for species discrimination (Sandberg 1964a; Schweitzer & Lohmann 1990). No substantial intra- and interspecific differences in central muscle scar arrangement or shape were observed in our material.
Bringing the discussion above to the point: more than a single character is necessary for proper Cyprideis species definitions and species must be defined with a cluster of traits (“Gesamthabitus”; Kollmann 1960: 139).
4.3. Western Amazonian Cyprideis species groupings
Whatley et al. (1998) and Muñoz-Torres et al. (2006) proposed a phylogenetic scheme for endemic western Amazonian Cyprideis based on stratigraphic occurrence as well as on comparative morphology (Fig. 3a). These authors introduced two main lineages: the “ornate” and the “smooth” lineage with C. sulcosigmoidalis and C. machadoi as “core” species, respectively. Both are characterised by their surface ornament (ornamented vs. smooth). In addition, members of the “smooth” lineage generally have a wide inner lamella, principally bi- or polyfurcating (anterior) marginal pore canals and all develop a vestibulum. In “ornate” species, the inner lamella is comparably narrow; they lack polyfurcated radial pore canals as well as a vestibulum.
Figure 3.
Western Amazonian Cyprideis species groups. a: Phylogenetic model of Muñoz-Torres et al. (2006; Whatley et al. 1998); chronology and phylogenetic relations (stippled lines) redrawn form Muñoz-Torres et al. (2006); taxonomic rearrangements in group allocations in grey (C = Cyprideis, s. MT = sensu Muñoz-Torres et al. (1998), syn. = synonymous); b: herein proposed grouping, based exclusively on morphologic similarities (species without photographs = revision pending).
Our results confirm this generally applied grouping, here used for the basic arrangement of taxa (see chapter 4.5. and 4.6.), instead of a strictly alphabetic order, which would hamper a comparison between similar species. However, based on the current investigation some regroupings were necessary as well as the addition of some characters to refine both groups. The traits “size” (in both groups from small to large), “normal pores” (in all species of sieve type and roundish) and “central muscle scar pattern” (in all species generotypic; also the upper mandibular scar throughout round to elongate-oval) have no significance for this grouping.
4.3.1. Nominal species and emended characteristics of the “smooth” Cyprideis group
Species (generic assignment sensu Whatley et al. 1998; alphabetic order; *not among the current material): Cyprideis amazonica Purper, 1979; *Cyprideis caraionae Purper & Pinto, 1985; Cyprideis kotzianae (Purper & Ornellas, 1991); Cyprideis kroemmelbeini (Purper, 1979); Cyprideis machadoi (Purper, 1979) [syn. Otarocyprideis elegans Sheppard & Bate, 1980; ?syn. *Cyprideis truncata Purper, 1979; re-examination pending]; Cyprideis multiradiata (Purper, 1979); Cyprideis olivencai (Purper, 1979); Cyprideis paralela (Purper, 1979) [?syn. *Cyprideis posterocompressus (Purper & Pinto, 1983); re-examination pending]; Cyprideis simplex (Sheppard & Bate, 1980); questionably: *Cyprideis obliquosulcata Muñoz-Torres, Whatley & Van Harten, 1998.
Characters. Shape: subovate, elongated-ovate or subtrapezoidal. Ornament: smooth (except normal pore openings); asulcate (except *C. obliquosulcata). Marginal spines/denticles: without marginal spines (except C. amazonica and juveniles of C. machadoi plus *C. caraionae and *C. obliquosulcata). Inner lamella: very to moderately wide; all with vestibulum (except C. simplex, *C. obliquosulcata and *C. caraionae according to original description). Marginal pore canals (anterior): short to long; basically bifurcated or polyfurcated, some simple. Hinge: generotypic; some with very short median element (C. multiradiata); sometimes (C. kotzianae) or constantly (C. kroemmelbeini, C. paralela, C. simplex) inverse hinges.
4.3.2. Nominal species and emended characteristics of the “ornate” Cyprideis group
Species (generic assignment sensu Whatley et al. 1998; alphabetic order; *not among the current material): Cyprideis curucae nom. nov. [= Sohnicythere tuberculata Purper & Pinto, 1983; syn. Cyprideis sp. 1–2 of Muñoz-Torres et al. 1998 = Cyprideis sp. 2–3 of Whatley et al. 1998]; Cyprideis cyrtoma Muñoz-Torres, Whatley & Van Harten, 1998; Cyprideis graciosa (Purper, 1979); Cyprideis inversa (Purper & Pinto, 1983); Cyprideis ituiae n. sp.; *Cyprideis longispina (Purper, 1979); Cyprideis matorae n. sp. [?syn. Cyprideis sp. 3 of Linhares et al. 2011]; Cyprideis minipunctata (Purper & Ornellas, 1991) [?junior syn. Cyprideis purperi purperi Sheppard & Bate, 1980; re-examination pending]; Cyprideis munoztorresi nom. nov. [= Cyprideis lacrimata Muñoz-Torres, Whatley & Van Harten, 1998 sensu Ramos 2006]; Cyprideis pebasae (Purper, 1979) [syn. Cyprideis lacrimata Muñoz-Torres, Whatley & Van Harten, 1998]; Cyprideis reticulopunctata (Purper, 1979); Cyprideis schedogymnos Muñoz-Torres, Whatley & Van Harten, 1998; Cyprideis sulcosigmoidalis (Purper, 1979) [syn. Cyprideis aulakos Muñoz-Torres, Whatley & Van Harten, 1998; pars syn. Cyprideis purperi purperi Sheppard & Bate, 1980]; probably: *Cyprideis anterospinosa Purper & Ornellas, 1991; *Cyprideis krsticae Purper & Pinto, 1985; *Cyprideis marginuspinosa (Purper & Ornellas, 1991), *Cyprideis retrobispinosa Purper & Pinto, 1983 [for all re-examination pending]; status unclear: *Cyprideis purperi colombiaensis Sheppard & Bate, 1980; re-examination pending].
Characters. Shape: subrectangular, subordinately subtriangular, subtrapezoidal or subovate. Ornament: punctate to reticulate; some with reduced ornament (*C. krsticae, C. schedogymnos, variants of C. cyrtoma and C. sulcosigmoidalis); mainly sulcate. Marginal spines/denticles: essentially all with anteromarginal spines/denticles on both valves (in C. sulcosigmoidalis sometimes reduced); all with posteroventral spines in right valves (except C. inversa, *C. krsticae and *C. retrobispinosa; due to reversed overlap in left valves); posteroventral spines in both valves in some species (C. graciosa, C. matorae, C. reticulopunctata). Inner lamella: moderately wide (except C. curucae where it is rather wide); all avestibulate. Marginal pore canals: simple, bifurcate (never polyfurcate). Hinge: generotypic; sometimes inverse hinges (C. inversa plus *C. krsticae, *C. retrobispinosa).
4.4. Western Amazonian Cyprideis species subgroups
Several “sublineages” were suggested by Whatley et al. (1998), later modified by Muñoz-Torres et al. (2006; Fig. 3a).
“Ornate lineage”: C. sulcosigmoidalis gave rise to the following subgroups: i) C. longispina, C. minipunctata and Cyprideis sp. 5 (the latter never described or illustrated); ii) C. graciosa, C. lacrimata, C. pebasae, C. retrobispinosa, Cyprideis sp. 1, iii) C. inversa, Cyprideis sp. 2; and, iv) C. cyrtoma, Cyprideis sp. 4 (the latter never described or illustrated).
“Smooth lineage”: From C. machadoi evolved: i) C. caraionae, C. amazonica; ii) C. aulakos, C. schedogymnos, C. obliquosulcata, Cyprideis sp. 3 (the latter never described or illustrated); and, iii) C. olivencai.
Due to the current taxonomic revision, these sublineages are challenged (for details see taxonomic treatment of species in chapters 4.5. and 4.6.). For instance: C. aulakos (= synonym to C. sulcosigmoidalis) and C. schedogymnos (very similar to C. cyrtoma) are transferred to the “ornate” group here. C. olivencai sensu Muñoz-Torres et al. (1998) and sensu Whatley et al. (1998) comprises the valid taxa C. multiradiata, C. paralela and C. simplex. Among C. machadoi, C. kotzianae and C. kroemmelbeini were included, which are valid species; and, C. kroemmelbeini is virtually much closer to C. olivencai. Cyprideis sp. 1 (placed in the “graciosa” sublineage) and Cyprideis sp. 2 of Muñoz-Torres et al. (1998; referred to the “inversa” sublineage) actually belong to the same species (C. curucae). While C. lacrimata of Muñoz-Torres et al. (1998) and Whatley et al. (1998) is synonymous with C. pebasae, C. pebasae Muñoz-Torres et al. (1998) and sensu Whatley et al. (1998) is a discrete species, renamed here as C. munoztorresi. Apparently, these taxonomic changes affect not only possible phylogenetic relations but also the biostratigraphic concept of Muñoz-Torres et al. (2006; see chapter 5.1.).
As far as the current stratigraphy is settled down, core 1AS-10-AM comprises only late Middle and, possibly, early Late Miocene sediments (see chapter 5.1.). Thus, a short time-range (probably <2 Ma) of the entire evolutionary history of Amazonian Cyprideis is covered here, which hampers phylogenetic considerations. Hence, a revision of the currently available phylogeny for Amazonian Cyprideis is beyond our possibilities. Nevertheless, we decided to arrange the found species into (sub-)groups, exclusively based on their morphologic similarity (Fig. 3b). The “smooth” group comprises the amazonica, machadoi, olivencai and paralela subgroups, and the “ornate” Cyprideis species the cyrtoma, graciosa and pebasae subgroups. Among the “smooth” taxa, C. multiradiata as well as among the “ornate” species C. inversa and C. sulcosigmoidalis were not attributed to subgroups due to their impartial morphology.
4.5. “Smooth” Cyprideis group
4.5.1. amazonica subgroup
Species. C. amazonica and C. caraionae (the latter not among the present material).
Characters. Subovate; medium sized; smooth, asulcate; with or without anteromarginal denticles, short posteroventral denticles in right valves; moderately wide inner lamella, narrow anterior vestibulum; anterior simple and some bifurcated marginal pore canals; hinge with short antero- and long posteromedian element.
Cyprideis amazonica Purper, 1979
Figs. 4a–c; Pl. 1, Figs. 1–26
1977 Cyprideis sp.nov. B—Purper: 363; Pl. 3, Figs. 11–16. | |
* | 1979 Cyprideis amazonica Purper, sp. nov.—Purper: 231–232; Pl. 4, Figs. 1–11. |
1998 Cyprideis amazonica Purper, 1979—Muñoz-Torres et al.: 94; Pl. 2, Figs. 4–6. | |
1998 Cyprideis amazonica Purper, 1979—Whatley et al.: 234; Text-fig. 2; Pl. 1, Figs. 1–5. | |
non | 1998 Cyprideis amazonica Purper—Swain: 3; Pl. 2, Fig. 7. |
2010 Cyprideis amazonica Purper, 1979—Wesselingh & Ramos: 308, 315; Figs. 18.5k–l. | |
2011 Cyprideis amazonica—Linhares et al.: 95, 98; Figs. 3/1–2. |
Material. 1,083 valves; samples AM10/4, 6, 7, 39, 40 (in AM10/6 and 7 about four times more material available but not counted).
Dimensions (total range over all samples). R♀ l = 0.72–0.90 (0.82), h = 0.40–0.47 (0.44; n = 14); L♀ l = 0.76–0.89 (0.83), h = 0.44–0.51 (0.47; n = 13); R♂ l = 0.85–0.96 (0.91), h = 0.43–0.47 (0.45; n = 8); L♂ l = 0.84–0.96 (0.91), h = 0.46–0.50 (0.48; n = 7); Rj(A-1) l = 0.59–0.69 (0.65), h = 0.35–0.38 (0.37; n = 11); Lj(A-1) l = 0.56–0.70 (0.65), h = 0.35–0.40 (0.38; n = 9); Lj(A-2) l = 0.53, h = 0.33 (n = 1).
Remarks. C. amazonica is an asulcate species with a smooth surface except well-spaced, roundish puncta, which correspond to normal pore canal openings. Right valves have a “well developed posterior rim” (Muñoz-Torres et al. 1998: 234 = “postero-lateral concavity” in Purper 1979: 232). Both valves develop a narrow anterior vestibulum (Figs. 4a–c). Marginal pore canals are simple or—more frequently—bifurcating.
Figure 4.
“Smooth” Cyprideis species of core 1AS-10-AM (except Figs. j–k = core 1AS-32-AM) photographed in transmitted light (external view) and focus stacked (scale bar = 200 µm; L/R = left/right valve; ♀/♂ = female/male; l/h = length/height [mm], specimen code = sample number_specimen number). a–c: C. amazonica, a: L♂ (0.84/0.46; AM10-39_44), b: R♀ (0.85/0.46; AM10-7_94), c: R♀ (0.74/0.42; AM10-39_42); d–f: C. machadoi, d: L♀ (1.09/0.58; AM10-23_66), e: L♀ (1.06/0.53; AM10-27_74), f: R♂ (1.08/0.51; AM10-27_73); g–k: C. kotzianae, g: R♂ (0.83/0.38; AM10-27_75), h: L♀ (1.00/0.46; AM10-30_36), i: R♂? (0.95/0.43; AM10-30_117), j: L♀ (0.87/0.41; AM32-5_26), k: R♀ (0.86/0.40; AM32-5_39); l–m: C. olivencai, l: L♀ (0.73/0.38; AM10-7_97), m: R♀ (0.75/0.38; AM10-7_96); n: C. kroemmelbeini, L♀ (0.83/0.41; AM10-7_100); o: C. paralela, R♀ (0.61/0.30; AM10-30_100); p–r: C. multiradiata, p: L♀ (0.78/0.37; AM10-30_116), q: L♂ (0.89/0.38; AM10-30_114), r: R♂ (0.89/0.37; AM10-30_113).
C. amazonica occurs in core 1AS-10-AM only in the lower (AM10/40–39) and in the upper part (AM10/7–6, 4). Especially, AM10/39 and 10/7 contained rich material, about 147 m apart from each other.
The material from samples AM10/7–6 matches well with the given synonyms (Pl. 1, Figs. 1–8). Valves from sample AM10/40–39 are slightly smaller, somewhat more roundish in outline and the extension of the flange at the lower half of the posterior margin is reduced (Pl. 1, Figs. 9–16). Here, we consider these differences as intraspecific variation of C. amazonica.
Plate 1.
Cyprideis amazonica Purper, 1979 (Figs. 1–26).
1–2: L♀, i-e (0.88/0.49; AM10-7_85);
3–4: R♀, e-i (0.87/0.46; AM10-7_18);
5–6: L♂, i-e (0.96/0.49; AM10-7_86);
7–8: R♂, e-i (0.94/0.44; AM10-7_22);
9–10: L♀, i-e (0.78/0.46; AM10-39_21);
11–12: R♀, e-i (0.79/0.43; AM10-39_26);
13–14: L♂, i-e (0.89/0.48; AM10-39_18);
15: R♂, e (0.91/0.46; AM10-39_23);
16: R♂, i (0.91/0.47; AM10-39_38);
17–18: Lj, i-e (0.64/0.38; AM10-7_34);
19–20: Rj, e-i (0.69/0.38; AM10-7_66);
21–22: Lj, i-e (0.56/0.35; AM10-39_31);
23–24: Rj, e-i (0.59/0.35; AM10-39_34);
25: = details of Fig. 16; 25a = anterior and 25b posteroventral part;
26: = details of Fig. 24; 26a = anterior and 26b posteroventral part
Cyprideis machadoi (Purper, 1979) (Figs. 27–41)
27: L♀, e (1.08/0.55; AM10-23_65)
28: R♀, e (1.11/0.55; AM10-23_71)
29: R♀, i (1.11/0.54; AM10-23_73)
30: L♂, e (1.26/0.61; AM10-23_64)
31: R♂, e (1.26/0.57; AM10-23_70)
32: = Fig. 30, i
33: = Fig. 27, i
34–35: Lj, e-i (0.81/0.43; AM10-23_67)
36–37: Rj, e-i (0.60/0.32; AM10-23_57)
38–39: Rj, e-i (0.90/0.45; AM10-23_33)
40: = detail of Fig. 39; posteroventral part
41: = detail of Fig. 29; posteroventral part
C. amazonica figured by Swain (1998) diverges considerably in outline and clearly belongs to another Cyprideis species.
In addition to the descriptions of Purper (1979), Muñoz-Torres et al. (1998) and Whatley et al. (1998), we observed in well-preserved right valves some (up to six) short posteroventral denticles (Pl. 1, Fig. 25b). Interestingly, in larvae—which have never been described or figured so far—these posteroventral denticles are more clearly visible (Pl. 1, Fig. 26b) and become almost fused with the flange in the adult stadium.
Moreover, juvenile valves from AM10/39 exhibit numerous anteroventral denticles (Pl. 1, Fig. 26a), which are incorporated in the selvage–flange zone in adult valves where only traces in form of marginal ripplets are left over (Pl. 1, Fig. 25a). Anteroventral marginal spines are missing in juvenile valves from the upper part of the core (Pl. 1, Fig. 20). Very faint crenulations of the flange could be a reminiscence of them, observable in some valves of AM10/7.
At first glance, the anteroventral denticles resemble the dentate margin of juveniles of Cyprideis caraionae Purper & Pinto, 1985, which is in its adult stage similar in outline and ornament to C. amazonica (Whatley et al. 1998). However, larvae of C. caraionae from topotypic material (1AS-33-AM; sample depth 290.1 m) display another kind of anterior denticle development. They have fewer, longer and more widely spaced denticles, in which further in-between denticles develop in the adult stadium in order to become the characteristic downward-turned, coalescent spines of C. caraionae (pers. observ., M.G.). Further investigations are obviously needed. Here, we just want to highlight the importance of the study of the ontogeny that may help determine relationships among different taxa.
Occurrence. Western Amazonia (Brazil, Colombia, Peru), early Middle to early Late Miocene (C. aulakos–C. cyrtoma zone; Muñoz-Torres et al. 2006; chronostratigraphic correlation after Wesselingh & Ramos 2010).
4.5.2. machadoi subgroup
Species. C. machadoi and C. kotzianae; possibly C. truncata but re-examination pending.
Characters. Elongated-subtrapezoidal, with or without anterior “Chlamydotheca”-like extension; medium to large sized; smooth, asulcate; no marginal spines (in adults); very wide inner lamella with well-developed anterior vestibulum; anterior simple, bi- or polyfurcated marginal pore canals; hinge with moderately long antero- and long posteromedian element, sometimes inverse.
Cyprideis machadoi (Purper, 1979)
Figs. 4d–f; Pl. 1, Figs. 27–41; Pl. 2, Figs. 1–23
1977 Ostracoda B n.g.,n.sp.—Purper: 359; Pl. 1, Figs. 9–14. | |
* | 1979 Chlamydocytheridea machadoi Purper, gen. et sp. nov.—Purper: 237–238; Pl. 6, Figs. 1–6. |
? | 1979 Cyprideis truncata Purper, sp. nov.—Purper: 232–233; Pl. 4, Figs. 12–22. |
non | 1979 Paulacoutoia kroemmelbeini Purper, sp. nov.—Purper: 236–237; Pl. 5, Figs. 18–24. |
1980 Otarocyprideis elegans sp. nov.—Sheppard & Bate: 101–102; Pl. 8, Figs. 10–12; Pl. 9, Figs. 1–5, 7. | |
1983 Chlamydocytheridea machadoi Purper, 1979—Purper & Pinto: 114; Pl. 1, Figs. 14–17. | |
pars | 1991 Chlamydocytheridea kotzianae Purper & Ornellas, sp. nov.—Purper & Ornellas: 26; Pl. 1, Fig. 7. [non Pl. 1, Figs. 8–9]. |
1998 Cyprideis machadoi (Purper, 1979)—Muñoz-Torres et al.: 98; Pl. 3, Figs. 15–17. | |
1998 Cyprideis machadoi (Purper, 1979)—Whatley et al.: 235; Text-fig. 2; Pl. 2, Figs. 6–10 [sic]. | |
? | 2010 Cyprideis machadoi (Purper, 1979)—Wesselingh & Ramos: 308; Figs. 18.5m–n. |
2011 Cyprideis machadoi—Linhares et al.: 95; Figs. 3/13–14. | |
? | 2013 Cyprideis aff. machadoi (Purper, 1979)—Gross et al.: 227–229; Pl. 6, Figs. 1–20, 22. |
Material. 1,031 valves; samples AM10/15–16, 19, 21–31, 35, 40–42, 48.
Dimensions (total range over all samples). R♀ l = 0.90–1.25 (1.03), h = 0.46–0.64 (0.53; n = 95); L♀ l = 0.92–1.26 (1.08), h = 0.50–0.67 (0.58; n = 17); R♂ l = 1.08–1.39 (1.22), h = 0.51–0.66 (0.57; n = 8); L♂ l = 1.10–1.38 (1.25), h = 0.55–0.68 (0.61; n = 3); Rj(A-1) l = 0.69–0.90 (0.80), h = 0.37–0.47 (0.41; n = 5); Rj(A-2) l = 0.59–0.65, h = 0.28–0.33 (0.31; n = 7); Lj(A-1) l = 0.70–0.81 (0.77), h = 0.36–0.45 (0.41; n =3).
Remarks. These valves coincide with the type material of Purper (1977, 1979), with the junior synonym O. elegans of Sheppard & Bate (1980; see Purper & Pinto 1985) as well as with the specimens from Purper & Pinto (1983), Muñoz-Torres et al. (1998), Whatley et al. (1998) and Linhares et al. (2011).
Muñoz-Torres et al. (1998: 98) characterise the very large, smooth, asulcate C. machadoi as “extremely variable, particularly in the curvature and width of the anterior part of the right valve, in the degree of development of the flange and in variation in the shape and outline of the anterior margin of the left valve, where a “Chlamydotheca”-like extension may or may not be present, or may be only partly developed; a reversed hinge occurs in some specimens.” Similarly, our observations demonstrate a strong variability of the “Chlamydotheca”-like flange in left valves, which goes along with substantial changes in outline (e.g. well-developed flange (AM10-23; Pl. 1, Figs. 27, 30), poorly developed flange (AM10/27; Pl. 2, Figs. 5, 8), intermediately developed flange (AM10/30; Pl. 2, Figs. 14, 17)). Additionally, considerable variations in valve size are evident between samples (Fig. 5 and figures on Pl. 1–2). Remarkably, right juvenile valves exhibit a tiny denticulation posteroventrally as well as one short posteroventral spine (Pl. 1, Figs. 37, 39 and especially 40). These denticles become integrated in the posteroventral flange extension in the adult stadium (Pl. 1, Fig. 41).
Plate 2.
Cyprideis machadoi (Purper, 1979) Figs. 1–23. 1–2: L♀, e-i (0.95/0.51; AM10-25_21); 3–4: Rj, i-e (0.74/0.39; AM10-27_39); 5: L♀, e (0.99/0.54; AM10-27_32); 6-7: R♀, e-i (1.03/0.52; AM10-27_36); 8: L♂, e (1.10/0.55; AM10-27_33); 9–10: R♂, e-i (1.13/0.53; AM10-27_37); 11–12: R♀, e-i (1.25/0.67; AM10-29_15); 13–14: L♀, i-e (1.25/0.67; AM10-30_95); 15–16: R♀, e-i (1.20/0.63; AM10-30_33); 17: L♂, e (1.38/0.68; AM10-30_94); 18: R♂, e (1.39/0.66; AM10-30_96); 19: = Fig. 17, i; 20: = Fig. 18, i; 21: = detail of Fig. 16; anterior part; 22: = detail of Fig. 13; hinge; 23: = detail of Fig. 16; hinge.
Figure 5.
Variation in length of right female valves (Rf) in core 1AS-10-AM of some more frequent Cyprideis species (min = minimum, max = maximum, max range/sa = maximum range within one sample; aside the box plots the number of measured specimens per sample is indicated).
Muñoz-Torres et al. (1998) put Paulacoutoia kroemmelbeini Purper, 1979, Chlamydocytheridea kotzianae Purper & Ornellas, 1991 (both transferred to Cyprideis) and Cyprideis truncata Purper, 1979 into the synonymy of C. machadoi.
However, C. kroemmelbeini is more closely related to Cyprideis olivencai (Purper, 1979) (see chapter 4.5.3.) and cannot be included in C. machadoi. Compared to C. machadoi, C. kroemmelbeini and C. olivencai (see Pl. 4, Figs. 1–29) are much smaller, have an different outline (i.e., greatest height behind the ventral concavity; dorsal margin less sloping backwards), the anterior vestibulum is much larger, marginal pore canals are much shorter, simple or only anteroventrally branched or ramified (Figs. 4l–n), and the median hinge elements are shorter.
Plate 4.
Cyprideis olivencai (Purper, 1979)
Figs. 1–8, 25, 28
1-2: L♀, i-e (0.77/0.41; AM10-7_27)
3: R♀, e (0.78/0.40; AM10-7_24)
4: R♀, i (0.77/0.38; AM10-7_82)
5: = detail of Fig. 1; hinge
6: = detail of Fig. 4; hinge
7-8: R♂, e-i (AM10-7_83)
25: = detail of Fig. 3; anterior part (*not to scale)
28: = detail of Fig. 4; anterior part (*not to scale)
Cyprideis kroemmelbeini (Purper, 1979)
Figs. 9–24, 26–27, 29 (all: “inverse” specimens)
9–10: L♀, i-e (0.85/0.43; AM10-7_69)
11–12: R♀, e-i (0.81/0.43; AM10-7_76)
13–14: L♂, i-e (0.90/0.42; AM10-7_78)
15–16: R♂, e-i (0.88/0.43; AM10-7_74)
17–18: Lj, i-e (0.62/0.32; AM10-7_40)
19: = detail of Fig. 17; hinge
20–21: Rj, e-i (0.64/0.34; AM10-7_87)
22: = detail of Fig. 21; hinge
23: = detail of Fig. 16; hinge
24: = detail of Fig. 9; hinge
26–27: = details of Figs. 10 and 9; anterior part (mirrored, *not to scale)
29: = Fig. 11 (mirrored)
Cyprideis paralela (Purper, 1979)
Figs. 30–45 (all: “inverse” specimens)
30–31: L♀, i-e (0.67/0.32; AM10-15_03)
32–33: L♀, i-e (0.63/0.30; AM10-25_39)
34–35: R♂, e-i (0.65/0.30; AM10-25_42)
36–37: L♀?, i-e (0.61/0.29; AM10-30_41)
38–39: R♀, e-i (0.62/0.31; AM10-30_44)
40–41: L♂?, i-e (0.58/0.28; AM10-30_42)
42–43: R♂, e-i (0.59/0.28; AM10-30_43)
44: = detail of Fig. 36; hinge
45: = detail of Fig. 43; hinge
Cyprideis simplex (Sheppard & Bate, 1980)
Figs. 46–50 (all: “inverse” specimens)
46: = detail of Fig. 48; hinge
47–48: R♀, e-i (0.76/0.40, AM10-39_03)
49-50: L♀?, e-i (0.77/0.39; AM10-39_01)
C. kotzianae is a valid taxon and only parts of the type series of this species belong to C. machadoi (see below).
The material from the Late Miocene of Eirunepé (Wesselingh & Ramos 2010; Gross et al. 2013) is close to C. machadoi, especially to the specimens from samples AM10/25 and 24. However, as reported by Gross et al. (2013), the Eirunepé valves are smaller, anterior and posterior hinge elements are weaker, the inner lamella is less wide, the branched character of the marginal pores is less developed and the area between flange and selvage anterior is narrower. Gross et al. (2013) discussed a possible synonymy of the Eirunepé specimens with C. truncata, which, however, needs to be reinvestigated. Based on the documented variability here, it is possible that C. truncata belongs to C. machadoi—at least in a wider sense.
Occurrence (of C. machadoi sensu Muñoz-Torres et al. 1998). Western Amazonia (Brazil, Colombia, Peru), early Middle to early Late Miocene (C. aulakos–C. cyrtoma zone; Muñoz-Torres et al. 2006; chronostratigraphic correlation after Wesselingh & Ramos 2010).
Cyprideis kotzianae (Purper & Ornellas, 1991)
Figs. 4g–k; Pl. 3, Figs. 1–38
pars *1991 Chlamydocytheridea kotzianae Purper & Ornellas, sp. nov.—Purper & Ornellas: 26; Pl. 1, Figs. 8–9. [non Pl. 1, Fig. 7; holotype]
Material. 207 valves; samples AM10/3, 15, 19, 23–25, 27–30, 40–41.
Dimensions (total range over all samples; inverse forms not differentiated). R♀ l = 0.82–1.04 (0.93), h = 0.39–0.50 (0.45; n = 9); L♀ l = 0.79–1.00 (0.92), h = 0.40–0.49 (0.45; n = 8); R♂ l = 0.81–0.99 (0.89), h = 0.36–0.45 (0.41; n = 5); L♂ l = 0.81–1.01 (0.92), h = 0.38–0.46 (0.42; n = 4); Rj(A-1) l = 0.68, h = 0.34 (n = 1); Lj(A-1) l = 0.67–0.71 (0.69), h = 0.33–0.35 (0.34; n = 2).
Remarks. C. kotzianae is similar to C. machadoi, which stimulated Muñoz-Torres et al. (1998) and Whatley et al. (1998) to synonymise both species.
In core 1AS-10-AM both species co-occur with males, females and juveniles in several samples. For this reason and the following differences, we consider this species as a valid taxon: C. kotzianae is smaller; has a more elongated outline with a more equally rounded anterior margin; the hinge elements are weaker developed and characteristically, the selvage runs anteroventrally over a short distance in a straight course in normal right valves and inverse left valves, respectively (compare C. machadoi: Pl. 2, Fig. 21 with C. kotzianae: Pl. 3, Fig. 38). Although the vestibulum varies to some degree in C. machadoi, the anterior vestibulum is much larger in C. kotzianae (Figs. 4g–k). Due to a narrower fused zone in C. kotzianae, marginal pore canals are rather short and simple or bifurcated. In C. machadoi, the anterior marginal pore canal openings are large and open between the selvage and flange, flanked by typical marginal ripplets (e.g. Pl. 2, Fig. 21), which are constantly missing in C. kotzianae (e.g. Pl. 3, Fig. 38).
Plate 3.
Cyprideis kotzianae (Purper & Ornellas, 1991)
Figs. 1–38
1: L♀, e (0.93/0.48; AM10-3_01); inverse form
2–3: R♀, e-i (0.97/0.49; AM10-3_03); inverse form
4–5: Rj, e-i (0.68/0.34; AM10-23_75); inverse form
6: L♂, e (0.96/0.46; AM10-3_02); inverse form
7–8: R♂, e-i (0.96/0.45; AM10-3_05); inverse form
9: L♂, e (0.91/0.40; AM10-23_106); inverse form
10–11: R♀, e-i (0.87/0.42; AM10-23_74); inverse form
12–13: L♀, e-i (1AS-32-AM; 0.87/0.41; AM32-5_26)
14: L♀, e (0.87/0.43; AM10-25_33)
15–16: R♀?, e-i (0.86/0.41; AM10-25_34)
17–18: R♀, i-e (0.97/0.45; AM10-29_07)
19–20: R♀, i-e (1AS-32-AM; 0.80/0.40; AM32-2_26)
21: L♀, e (1.00/0.49; AM10-30_34)
22–23: R♀, e-i (0.95/0.44; AM10-30_35)
24: L♂, e (1.01/0.43; AM10-30_92)
25–26: R♂, e-i (0.99/0.44; AM10-30_31)
27: L♀, e (0.96/0.47; AM10-40_05)
28–29: R♀, e-i (1.04/0.48; AM10-40_06)
30: = Fig. 6, i
31: = Fig. 9, i
32: = Fig. 14, i
33: = Fig. 21, i
34: = Fig. 24, i
35: = Fig. 27, i
36: = detail of Fig. 11; inverse hinge
37: = detail of Fig. 23; hinge
38: = detail of Fig. 23; anterior part
Similar to C. machadoi, the development of the “Chlamydotheca”-like flange (in normal left and inverse right valves, correspondingly) as well as size vary between samples (e.g. Pl. 3, Fig. 21, 33 (AM10/30): well-developed flange, large; Pl. 3, Fig. 14, 32 (AM10/25): less developed, small).
In some samples (AM10/23, 3; Pl. 3, Figs. 1–11) only inverse specimens occur (but never associated with regular valves), which are otherwise identical with normal valves of C. kotzianae. Since an inverse hinge (and reversed valve overlap) is the only difference, we consider this feature as intraspecific variability (but compare C. kroemmelbeini; see chapter 4.5.3.). Interestingly, inverse C. machadoi-valves have never been observed in the current material. Thus, the hint to inverse hinges in the description of C. machadoi in Muñoz-Torres et al. (1998) most probably refers to inverse C. kotzianae-specimens.
Purper & Ornellas (1991) established C. kotzianae based on material from core 1AS-32-AM (sample depth: 26 m). The holotype—a female left valve (MP-O-1237; Pl. 1, Fig. 7 in Purper & Ornellas 1991)—equals C. machadoi with a well-developed “Chlamydotheca”-like flange from the present core (e.g. Pl. 1, Fig. 27). On the other hand, the “male” paratype (carapace MP-O-1238; Pl. 1, Figs. 8–9 in Purper & Ornellas 1991) is identical with C. kotzianae females of our material (e.g. Pl. 3, Fig. 21 and Fig. 10, an inverse specimen, if mirrored).
We re-sampled the type layer (as far as possible) of core 1AS-32-AM (sample depth: 27.3 m) and found C. kotzianae associated with C. machadoi—analogous as in core 1AS-10-AM (unfortunately, only variants with less developed flange but identical with specimens from AM10/27, 25; compare e.g. C. kotzianae from the “type layer” on Pl. 3, Figs. 12–13 with specimens from AM10/25 on Pl. 3, Figs. 14, 32). We assume that both species have been mixed up during the description of C. kotzianae. Consequently, the female specimen (the holotype; MP-O-1237) belongs to C. machadoi; it has to be rejected as holotype for C. kotzianae and is excluded from the type series. Nonetheless, C. kotzianae is a distinct, sufficiently described nominal taxon to which the specimens under discussion here belong. We suggest the paratype MP-O-1238 of Purper & Ornellas 1991 (which we believe is a female) as neotype for C. kotzianae in order to clarify the taxonomic status of this species (ICZN 72.4.5, 75.3, recommendation 75A; MP-O-1238 is stored in the collection of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre).
Finally, Chlamydocytheridea is considered by Whatley et al. (1998) as a junior synonym of Cyprideis. Here we follow their opinion with reservation and Chlamydocytheridea kotzianae Purper & Ornellas, 1991 turns into Cyprideis kotzianae (Purper & Ornellas, 1991).
Occurrence (of C. machadoi sensu Muñoz-Torres et al. 1998). Western Amazonia (Brazil, Colombia, Peru), early Middle to early Late Miocene (C. aulakos–C. cyrtoma zone; Muñoz-Torres et al. 2006; chronostratigraphic correlation after Wesselingh & Ramos 2010). Up to now only distinguished in Brazil (core 1AS-32-AM, depth: 26 m, altitude: 71 m; Purper & Ornellas 1991; plus depth: 27.3 and 121.3 m, pers. observ., M.G.).
4.5.3. olivencai subgroup
Species. C. olivencai and C. kroemmelbeini.
Characters. Subovate–subtrapezoidal; medium sized; smooth, asulcate; no marginal spines; wide inner lamella with large anterior vestibulum; anterior short, branched or ramified (anteroventrally) marginal pore canals; hinge moderately long, approximately equally divided median element.
Cyprideis olivencai (Purper, 1979)
Figs. 4l–m; Pl. 4, Figs. 1–8, 25, 28
* | 1979 Paulacoutoia olivencai Purper, gen. et sp. nov.—Purper: 235–236; Pl. 5, Figs. 10–17. |
pars | 1998 Cyprideis olivencai (Purper, 1979)—Muñoz-Torres et al.: 100; Pl. 4, Fig. 6. [non Pl. 4, Figs. 5, 7] |
pars | 1998 Cyprideis olivencai (Purper, 1979)—Whatley et al.: 236; Pl. 2, Figs. 1–2 [sic]. [non text-Fig. 2 (next to last row, right), non Pl. 2, Figs. 3–5 [sic]] |
? | 2010 Cyprideis olivencai (Purper, 1979)—Wesselingh & Ramos: 308; Figs. 18.5o–p. |
? | 2011 Cyprideis olivencai—Linhares et al.: 97; Figs. 4/1–2. |
? | 2013 Cyprideis ?olivencai (Purper, 1979)—Gross et al.: 229; Pl. 6, Figs. 21, 23–27. |
Material. 34 valves; samples AM10/6–7.
Dimensions (total range over all samples). R♀ l = 0.75–0.80 (0.77), h = 0.38–0.41 (0.39; n = 7); L♀ l = 0.73–0.82 (0.77), h = 0.38–0.43 (0.41; n = 3); R♂ l = 0.76–0.79 (0.77), h = 0.35–0.36 (0.35; n = 3); L♂ l = 0.79, h = 0.42 (n = 1).
Remarks. The type material of Purper (1979) matches well with the present specimens, although a bit more elongated than the valves described here. We assume this slight difference in outline to be intraspecific variability.
Muñoz-Torres et al. (1998) and Whatley et al. (1998) synonymised several species under C. olivencai (C. multiradiata, C. paralela, C. simplex). Due to large and consistent differences (e.g. outline, inner lamella, hinge), we consider those three species as separate and valid taxa (see chapters 4.5.4. and 4.5.5.).
C. olivencai (sensu Purper (1979) and this work) is a smooth, asulcate, subovate–subtrapezoidal species with a wide anterior inner lamella, large vestibulum and narrow fused zone. Marginal pore canals are short, branched or ramified. The hinge (right valves) consists of denticulated, anterior long and posterior shorter elements. The crenulated, long median element is divided into a negative anteromedian and a positive posteromedian part. Sexual dimorphism is expressed by more elongated male valves with a more pointed posterior margin.
Figures given in Wesselingh & Ramos (2010) and Linhares et al. (2011) coincide well in outline with the current material. However, details (e.g. hinge) of the inner valve characters are not visible. Likewise, the rare specimens of Gross et al. (2013) correspond in outline, but have, quite unusually, smooth hinge elements.
C. olivencai is very similar to C. kroemmelbeini with which it co-occurs (see below). The most obvious divergence of C. kroemmelbeini is the inverse hinge and reverse right and left valve overlap respectively (constantly found in both sexes as well as in juveniles; Pl. 4, Figs. 9–24). By comparing the outlines of right valves of C. olivencai with mirrored (!) left valves of C. kroemmelbeini further differences are on hand. In left valves of the latter, the outline of the anterior proportion of the ventral margin displays a straight course over a short distance due to a slight projection of the flange (Purper 1979; Pl. 4, Figs. 25–28). Mirrored right valves of C. kroemmelbeini display a slightly more expressed ventral concavity in comparison to left valves of C. olivencai (compare Pl. 4, Fig. 2 (C. olivencai) with Pl. 4, Fig. 29 (C. kroemmelbeini, mirrored)).
If an inverse hinge and such rather subtle differences in outline are species diagnostic remains unclear (Kollmann 1960; Van Morkhoven 1962; Purper & Pinto 1985). It is possible that C. kroemmelbeini is synonymous with C. olivencai (but certainly not with C. machadoi as suggested by Muñoz-Torres et al. (1998) and Whatley et al. (1998)). Because we found two clearly differentiable morphotypes with females, males and juveniles within one sample, reproductively separated species are probable. For this reason, we decided to distinguish both forms here.
Occurrence (of C. olivencai sensu Muñoz-Torres et al. 1998). Western Amazonia (Brazil, Colombia, Peru), early Middle to early Late Miocene (C. aulakos–C. cyrtoma zone; Muñoz-Torres et al. 2006; chronostratigraphic correlation after Wesselingh & Ramos 2010).
Cyprideis kroemmelbeini (Purper, 1979)
Fig. 4n; Pl. 4, Figs. 9–24, 26–27, 29
* | 1979 Paulacoutoia kroemmelbeini Purper, sp. nov.—Purper: 236–237; Pl. 5, Figs. 18–24. |
Material. 62 valves; samples AM10/6–7.
Dimensions (total range over all samples). R♀ l = 0.81–0.84 (0.83), h = 0.43–0.44 (0.44; n = 2); L♀ l = 0.80–0.85 (0.83), h = 0.40–0.43 (0.42; n = 8); R♂ l = 0.84–0.88 (0.86), h = 0.41–0.43 (0.42; n = 4); L♂ l = 0.85–0.90 (0.88), h = 0.39–0.42 (0.41; n = 2); Rj(A-1) l = 0.64, h = 0.34 (n = 1); Lj(A-1) l = 0.62–0.69 (0.66), h = 0.32–0.36 (0.34; n = 2).
Remarks. The present specimens with their downward projecting anteroventral margin are identical in outline with P. kroemmelbeini as well as in all other characters. Purper (1979) did not explicitly mention an inverse hinge and had only two left valves available. However, based on her description as well as on the given figures (especially the dorsal views on Pl. 5, Figs. 19–20), an inverse hinge is probable (for differences from C. olivencai and C. machadoi see above).
Plate 5.
Cyprideis multiradiata (Purper, 1979)
Figs. 1–30
1–2: L♀, i-e (0.73/0.36; AM10-15_01)
3–4: R♀, e-i (0.76/0.37; AM10-3_91)
5–6: L♂, i-e (0.74/0.33; AM10-15_02)
7–8: R♂, e-i (0.74/0.31; AM10-15_05)
9–10: L♀, i-e (0.81/0.39; AM10-26_02)
11–12: R♂, e-i (0.85/0.36; AM10-26_08)
13–14: L♀, i-e (0.77/0.38; AM10-27_24)
15–16: R♀, e-i (0.73/0.35; AM10-27_26)
17–18: L♂, i-e (0.81/0.36; AM10-27_23)
19–20: R♂, e-i (0.82/0.34; AM10-27_29)
21-22: L♀, i-e (0.87/0.42; AM10-30_24)
23–24: R♀, e-i (0.83/0.38; AM10-42_08)
25–26: Lj, i-e (0.64/0.32; AM10-30_38)
27–28: Rj, e-i (0.66/0.32; AM10-30_39)
29: = detail of Fig. 1; hinge
30: = detail of Fig. 16; hinge
Cyprideis cyrtoma Muñoz-Torres, Whatley & Van Harten, 1998
Figs. 31–46
31–32: L♀, i-e (0.88/0.47; AM10-3_60)
33–34: R♀, e-i (0.87/0.47; AM10-3_70)
35–36: L♂, i-e (0.99/0.49; AM10-3_61)
37: R♂, e (0.97/0.46; AM10-3_67)
38: Rj, e (0.58/0.33; AM10-23_39)
39–40: L♀, i-e (0.78/0.40; AM10-23_19)
41–42: R♀, e-i (0.75/0.37; AM10-23_29)
43–44: L♂, i-e (0.77/0.37; AM10-23_25); ornamented variant
45: R♀, e (0.73/0.37; AM10-23_32); variant with truncated posterior margin
46: R♂, e (0.76/0.36; AM10-23_16); ornamented variant
Whatley et al. (1998) synonymised the genus Paulacoutoia Purper, 1979 with Cyprideis. By provisionally applying this concept, P. kroemmelbeini is named Cyprideis kroemmelbeini here.
Occurrence (of C. machadoi sensu Muñoz-Torres et al. 1998). Western Amazonia (Brazil, Colombia, Peru), early Middle to early Late Miocene (C. aulakos–C. cyrtoma zone; Muñoz-Torres et al. 2006; chronostratigraphic correlation after Wesselingh & Ramos 2010). Up to now only recognized in Brazil (core CPCAN-III-São Paulo de Olivença (depth: 19.50–20.78 m, altitude: ~33 m; Purper 1979).
4.5.4. paralela subgroup
Species. C. paralela, C. simplex, C. posterocompressus (the latter not among the current material and possibly an extreme form of C. paralela).
Characters. Elongated-oval; small sized; smooth, asulcate; no marginal spines; moderately wide inner lamella with well-developed or reduced vestibulum, some with internal “eye-spot”; anterior long to short, bifurcated or simple pore canals; hinge: constantly inverse; rather short median element divided into a short anteromedian and an inconspicuous posteromedian element.
Cyprideis paralela (Purper, 1979)
Fig. 4o; Pl. 4, Figs. 30–45
* | 1979 Pseudoparakrithella paralela Purper, gen. et sp.nov.—Purper: 238–239; Pl. 6, Figs. 7–14. |
1983 Pseudoparakrithella paralela Purper, 1979—Purper & Pinto: 118; Pl. 2, Figs. 14–16. | |
1985 Pseudoparakrithella paralela Purper, 1979—Purper & Pinto: 427, 430; Fig. 2. |
Material. 97 valves; samples AM10/15, 22–25, 30.
Dimensions (total range over all samples). R♀ l = 0.59–0.65 (0.62), h = 0.30–0.32 (0.31; n = 5); L♀ l = 0.62–0.67 (0.64), h = 0.30–0.32 (0.30; n = 5); R♂ l = 0.59–0.66 (0.63), h = 0.28–0.30 (0.29; n = 3); L♂ l = 0.57–0.63 (0.61), h = 0.28–0.29 (0.29; n = 4).
Remarks. These specimens belong to a group of rather small-sized Cyprideis species with approximately parallel dorsal and ventral margin, with an inverse hinge with long crenulated anterior and posterior bars, a short anteromedian crenulated groove and a short, crenulated, inconspicuous posteromedian tooth (left valves). The valves available here have an elongated-ovate shape in lateral view, are smooth (except normal pore canal openings), have a comparably small inner lamella with a narrow fused zone and simple marginal pore canals (a few branched canals can be observed on the anteroventral thickening of the inner lamella) and a well-developed vestibulum.
Variation in size and outline between samples is small as far as it can be examined on the limited material. However, specimens of AM10/30 (Pl. 4, Figs. 36–45) display a distinct internal “eye-spot” (Purper & Pinto 1985), which is missing in the samples up-section. Only in some badly preserved right valves of AM10/25 a slight thickening below the anterior crenulated hinge element may correspond to that remarkable structure.
Four species are comparable with the current material: Botulocyprideis simplex Sheppard & Bate, 1980, Pseudoparakrithella paralela Purper, 1979, Nealecythere posterocompressus Purper & Pinto, 1983 (Whatley et al. (1998) put these three genera into Cyprideis) and Cyprideis sp. 2 in Gross et al. (2013).
Muñoz-Torres et al. (1998) and Whatley et al. (1998) placed C. simplex and C. paralela as well as Cyprideis multiradiata (Purper, 1979) into the synonymy of Cyprideis olivencai. These authors used a broad species concept, which results in a “very variable” species definition. As shown in chapter 4.5.5., C. multiradiata is a valid taxon and cannot be joined with C. olivencai. Likewise, the species group around C. paralela (C. simplex, C. paralela, C. posterocompressus, Cyprideis sp. 2) forms a distinct lineage (Purper & Pinto 1985) and C. simplex and C. paralela are clearly not synonyms of C. olivencai (note: C. paralela (Purper, 1979) must not be confused with the Central European species Cyprideis parallela Krstić, 1968b).
Cyprideis sp. 2 from the Late Miocene of the Eirunepé region (Gross et al. 2013) differs from the core material by its coarsely punctate to reticulate ornamentation and its occasionally observable 2–3, inconspicuous posteroventral denticles. An eye-spot as well as the extension of the flange on the lower half of the posterior margin (left valves) are always missing.
C. simplex (see below) can be distinguished because it has no vestibulum, resulting in a wider anterior fused zone with more frequently bifurcated marginal pore canals (Sheppard & Bate 1980; Purper & Pinto 1983, 1985).
C. posterocompressus diverge insignificantly by a slightly narrower fused marginal zone and a somewhat wider vestibulum. These differences are vague compared to the variation observed within one sample between right and left valves (left valves seem to have a wider vestibulum than right valves). Due to the well-developed eye-spot, especially the specimens from AM10/30 are very close to C. posterocompressus. The main difference is that the current material lacks the diagnostic external posterior depression on left valves (Purper & Pinto 1983). Remarkably, already Purper & Pinto (1983) mentioned a transition of this trait between C. posterocompressus and C. paralela (pers. observ., M.I.F.R.: among the type material of C. posterocompressus only males display that depression; compare also Fig. 1 on plate 2 of Purper & Pinto (1983), where this feature appears to be lacking on the female carapace). Based on our material, we are not in the position to decide if the indistinct differences in the inner lamella, the expression of the eye-spot and the compressed posterior proportion in left valves are sufficient for a delineation of C. posterocompressus from C. paralela.
C. paralela has originally been described being a punctate species with simple marginal pore canals. Initially, an internal eye-spot has not been mentioned but can be anticipated on the figures in Purper (1979; e.g. Pl. 6, Fig. 12). However, in their re-evaluation of that species Purper & Pinto (1985: 427, 430) assigned that species to “a peculiar lineage of very smooth forms” and recognized an “internal eye protuberance”. The anterior part of the inner lamella is of “intermediate type” (narrower vestibulum but wider fused zone than C. posterocompressus but with vestibulum and shorter pore canals than C. simplex; Purper & Pinto 1983). The characters of our material fit best with C. paralela to which we here assign it.
Plate 6.
Cyprideis cyrtoma Muñoz-Torres, Whatley & Van Harten, 1998
Figs. 1–21, 23
1–2: L♀, i-e (0.79/0.41; AM10-27_10)
3–4: R♀, e-i (0.74/0.38; AM10-27_16)
5–6: L♂, i-e (0.81/0.39; AM10-27_09)
7: R♂, e (0.79/0.37; AM10-27_13)
8: R♂, i (0.74/0.35; AM10-27_67)
9–10: L♀, i-e (0.81/0.43; AM10-30_46)
11–12: R♀, e-i (0.80/0.41; AM10-30_50)
13–14: L♂, i-e (0.85/0.42; AM10-30_47)
15–16: R♂, e-i (0.83/0.39; AM10-30_52)
17–18: Lj, i-e (0.65/0.35; AM10-30_48)
19–20: Rj, e-i (0.58/0.32; AM10-30_109)
21: = detail of Fig. 15; anterior part
23: = detail of Fig. 8; posteroventral part
Cyprideis schedogymnos Muñoz-Torres, Whatley & Van Harten, 1998
Figs. 22, 24–32
22: = detail of Fig. 27; anterior part
24: = detail of Fig. 28; posteroventral part
25–26: L♀, i-e (0.78/0.43; AM10-43_04)
27–28: R♀, e-i (0.76/0.39; AM10-43_09)
29–30: L♂, i-e (0.88/0.44; AM10-43_03)
31–32: R♂, e-i (0.87/0.42; AM10-43_08)
Cyprideis aff. graciosa (Purper, 1979)
Figs. 33–44
33–34: L♀, i-e (0.86/0.48; AM10-22_20)
35–36: L♂, i-e (0.85/0.43; AM10-22_21)
37–38: L♀, i-e (0.85/0.47; AM10-25_56)
39–40: R♀, e-i (0.76/0.40; AM10-25_52)
41–42: L♂, i-e (0.83/0.42; AM10-25_55)
43–44: R♂, e-i (0.80/0.39; AM10-25_50)
In core 1AS-32-AM Purper & Pinto (1985) discussed an evolutionary trend starting in the lower part with C. simplex (no vestibulum, long, bifurcated, anterior marginal pore canals, no eye-spot) and leading to C. posterocompressus (large vestibulum, short, simple pore canals, prominent eye-spot) up-section, with C. paralela as an intermediate species in the middle part of the core. Comparably, at core 1AS-10-AM, C. simplex occurs only in the lower part (AM10/40–39), followed by C. paralela up-section (AM10/30–15). However, valves with well-developed eye-spots are restricted to AM10/30, which appears to contradict the observation of Pinto & Purper (1985; most prominent eye-spots in the upper part). Possibly, the expression of the eye-spot is rather ecologically controlled than a phylogenetic character.
Occurrence (of C. olivencai sensu Muñoz-Torres et al. 1998). Western Amazonia (Brazil, Colombia, Peru), early Middle to early Late Miocene (C. aulakos–C. cyrtoma zone; Muñoz-Torres et al. 2006; chronostratigraphic correlation after Wesselingh & Ramos 2010). Up to now only recognized in Brazil (cores CPCAN-III-São Paulo de Olivença and CPCAN-I-Tamanduá; Purper 1979; core 1AS-32-AM; Purper & Pinto 1983, 1985).
Cyprideis simplex (Sheppard & Bate, 1980)
Pl. 4, Figs. 46–50
* | 1980 Botulocyprideis simplex sp. nov.—Sheppard & Bate: 104; Pl. 9, Figs. 6, 8–13. |
1983 Botulocyprideis simplex Sheppard et Bate emend Purper et Pinto—Purper & Pinto: 116–117; Pl. 2, Figs. 17–27. | |
1985 Botulocyprideis simplex Sheppard & Bate, 1980—Purper & Pinto: 427, 430; Fig. 2. |
Material. 6 valves; samples AM10/39–40.
Dimensions (total range over all samples). R♀ l = 0.73–0.76 (0.75), h = 0.38–0.40 (0.39; n = 2); L♀? l = 0.77, h = 0.39 (n = 1).
Remarks. Only six adult valves were found, which are slightly less elongated in lateral view and somewhat larger than the given synonyms. However, other features enable their attribution to C. simplex (approximately parallel dorsal and ventral margins; smooth surface; avestibulate; numerous, simple or sometimes bifurcated pore canals; inverse hinge; no internal eye-spot; Sheppard & Bate 1980; Purper & Pinto 1983, 1985). By following Whatley et al. (1998), Botulocyprideis Sheppard & Bate, 1980 is a junior synonym of Cyprideis. For differences to C. paralela see above.
Occurrence. Western Amazonia (Brazil: core 1AS-32-AM, depth: 107–132 m, altitude: -10 to -35 m; Purper & Pinto 1983, 1985; Peru: “Pichua, W Cochaquinàs”; Sheppard & Bate 1980), Middle Miocene (C. caraionae–C. minipunctata zone; according to Wesselingh et al. 2006b the outcrops around “Pichua” belong to mollusc zone 7; chronostratigraphic correlation after Wesselingh & Ramos 2010).
4.5.5. “Smooth” species not attributed to subgroups
Cyprideis multiradiata (Purper, 1979)
Figs. 4p–r; Pl. 5, Figs. 1–30
1977 Ostracoda A n.g.,n.sp.—Purper: 359; Pl. 1, Figs. 1–8. | |
* | 1979 Amazonacytheridea multiradiata Purper, gen. et sp. nov.—Purper: 234–235; Pl. 5, Figs. 1–9. |
1985 Amazonacytheridea multiradiata Purper, 1979—Purper & Pinto: 427, 430; Fig. 3. | |
pars | 1998 Cyprideis olivencai (Purper, 1979)—Muñoz-Torres et al.: 100; Pl. 4, Figs. 7, ?5. [non Pl. 4, Fig. 6] |
pars | 1998 Cyprideis olivencai (Purper, 1979)—Whatley et al.: 236; Text-fig. 2 (lowermost row, left drawing); Pl. 2, Figs. 4–5, ?3 [sic]. [non Pl. 2, Figs. 1–2 [sic]] |
Material. 958 valves; samples AM10/3, 15, 19–30, 40, 42.
Dimensions (total range over all samples). R♀ l = 0.65–0.87 (0.77), h = 0.31–0.41 (0.36; n = 119); L♀ l = 0.72–0.89 (0.79), h = 0.36–0.42 (0.38; n = 16); R♂ l = 0.74–0.89 (0.82), h = 0.31–0.39 (0.35; n = 12); L♂ l = 0.74–0.89 (0.82), h = 0.33–0.40 (0.37; n = 11); Rj(A-1) l = 0.63–0.67 (0.65), h = 0.30–0.32 (0.31; n = 4); Lj(A-1) l = 0.62–0.66 (0.64), h = 0.30–0.33 (0.32; n = 6).
Remarks. This smooth, asulcate, elongated-ovate species occurs regularly throughout the productive samples of the studied core. Characteristic are: the very wide, anteroventrally additionally enlarged inner lamella with a vestibulum (Figs. 4p–r); the anterior polyfurcated, ventral and posterior simple or bifurcated marginal pore canals as well as the hinge (long, elongated, denticulated anterior and posterior elements; very short, inconspicuously divided, crenulated median element; Purper 1979). More elongated and posteriorly more tapered male valves express sexual dimorphism. While the inner lamella is frequently wider posteroventrally and the anterior vestibulum is usually larger in males, the hinge elements are more strongly developed in female specimens.
Through its occurrence in our core, these diagnostic features remain stable. Evolutionary tendencies as described by Purper & Pinto (1985) have not been observed in our material (e.g. variations of the anteroventral inflection of the inner lamella). However, the outline varies notably (from ovate to very elongated) between samples but without clear, “directed” trend. On plate 5 we illustrate typical (Pl. 5, Figs. 9–10; according to the original description of Purper 1979) as well as extreme morphotypes. Variability of size is shown in figure 5.
Muñoz-Torres et al. (1998) and Whatley et al. (1998) synonymised Amazonacytheridea multiradiata as well as Pseudoparakrithella paralela Purper, 1979 and Botulocyprideis simplex Sheppard & Bate, 1980 with Cyprideis olivencai (Purper, 1979), which in turn became a collective species (see chapters 4.5.3. and 4.5.4.). Due to the constant occurrence of the multiradiata-morphotype, which does not show transitions to C. olivencai, C. paralela and C. simplex, A. multiradiata appears to form a distinct taxon and is revalidated here. According to the generic concept of Whatley et al. (1998)—which we follow with reservation—Amazonacytheridea Purper, 1979 is a junior synonym of Cyprideis and A. multiradiata turns into Cyprideis multiradiata.
Occurrence (of C. olivencai sensu Muñoz-Torres et al. 1998). Western Amazonia (Brazil, Colombia, Peru), early Middle to early Late Miocene (C. aulakos–C. cyrtoma zone; Muñoz-Torres et al. 2006; chronostratigraphic correlation after Wesselingh & Ramos 2010). Up to now only recognized in Brazil (cores CPCAN-III-São Paulo de Olivença and CPCAN-I-Tamanduá; Purper 1979; core 1AS-32-AM; Purper & Pinto 1985).
4.6. “Ornate” Cyprideis group
4.6.1. cyrtoma subgroup
Species. C. cyrtoma, C. schedogymnos; probably C. krsticae (not among the present material, re-examination pending).
Characters. Subrectangular; medium sized; almost smooth to punctate, weakly sulcate; short anteromarginal spines (both valves) restricted to the lower half of anterior margin, some posteroventral denticles or spines only in right valves; moderately wide inner lamella, avestibulate; anterior simple or bifurcated marginal pore canals; generotypic hinge.
Cyprideis cyrtoma Muñoz-Torres, Whatley & Van Harten, 1998
Figs. 6a–b; Pl. 5, Figs. 31–46; Pl. 6, Figs. 1–21, 23
1998 Cyprideis sp. 1—Whatley et al.: 236; Text-fig. 2; Pl. 3, Figs. 6–10. | |
* | 1998 Cyprideis cyrtoma sp. nov.—Muñoz-Torres et al.: 94–96; Text-fig. 2; Pl. 2, Figs. 15–19. |
2011 Cyprideis cyrtoma—Linhares et al.: 95, 98; Figs. 3/7–8. |
Material. 421 valves; samples AM10/3, 16, 22–23, 25, 27, 29–30.
Dimensions (total range over all samples). R♀ l = 0.68–0.87 (0.75), h = 0.34–0.47 (0.39; n = 77); L♀ l = 0.73–0.95 (0.82), h = 0.38–0.52 (0.43; n = 12); R♂ l = 0.74–0.97 (0.83), h = 0.35–0.46 (0.39; n = 10); L♂ l = 0.77–0.99 (0.87), h = 0.37–0.49 (0.42; n = 7); Rj(A-1) l = 0.57–0.66 (0.61), h = 0.32–0.38 (0.35; n = 5); Lj(A-1) l = 0.58–0.65 (0.61), h = 0.33–0.35 (0.34; n = 4).
Remarks. C. cyrtoma is characterised by its “parallel” anterodorsal and anteroventral margins, which cause a well-expressed oral concavity in both valves. Typically, the anterior valve surface is almost smooth, while the posterior proportion (but not peripherally) is ornamented with puncta (Muñoz-Torres et al. 1998). The differences to the closely related C. schedogymnos are discussed in the remarks for this species (see below).
Within core 1AS-10-AM considerable variability is observed in size (Fig. 5), outline, and especially in the degree of ornamentation: e.g. the rather large valves of sample AM10/30 are almost smooth (Pl. 6, Figs. 9–16); the small individuals in AM10/27 are coarsely punctated (also in front of the sulcus; Pl. 6. Figs. 1–8); in AM10/23 small, “smooth” and punctated valves as well as specimens with truncated and rounded posterior margin co-occur (Pl. 5, Figs. 39–46); the very large valves in AM10/3 are coarsely punctated (Pl. 5, Figs. 31–37).
Well ornamented specimens of C. cyrtoma come close to the herein described C. aff. graciosa (see chapter 4.6.1.) but have a more horizontally aligned posteroventral spine, sitting on a more prominent flange (right valves); the shorter anterior spines are restricted to the lower half of the anterior margin; the ornament along the anterior margin is smoother, and they are slightly smaller.
Further, C. longispina from the Eirunepé area (Gross et al. 2013) is similar but has a more elongated outline with an additional extension of the posteroventral flange (right valve) above the posteroventral projection, carrying regularly only one spine and no further denticles. The anterior proportion is more strongly ornamented.
Occurrence. Western Amazonia (Colombia), latest Middle to early Late Miocene (C. obliquosulcata–C. cyrtoma zone; Muñoz-Torres et al. 2006; chronostratigraphic correlation after Wesselingh & Ramos 2010).
Cyprideis schedogymnos Muñoz-Torres, Whatley & Van Harten, 1998
Fig. 6c; Pl. 6, Figs. 22, 24–32
* | 1998 Cyprideis schedogymnos sp. nov.—Muñoz-Torres et al.: 100; Text-fig. 2; Pl. 4, Figs. 11–15. |
Material. 62 valves; samples AM10/41–44.
Dimensions (total range over all samples). R♀ l = 0.76–0.82 (0.79), h = 0.39–0.40 (0.40; n = 4); L♀ l = 0.78–0.80 (0.79), h = 0.42–0.43 (0.43; n = 3); R♂ l = 0.87, h = 0.42 (n = 1); L♂ l = 0.88, h = 0.44 (n = 1).
Remarks. C. schedogymnos occurs only in the lowermost productive samples in the present core. It largely resembles C. cyrtoma, from which it differs by the lack of the “downturned” anterior margin causing a prominent ventral concavity in both valves of C. cyrtoma, which is almost missing in C. schedogymnos (Muñoz-Torres et al. 1998). C. cyrtoma has a more extended posteroventral flange with up to five denticles and usually one long spine in the posteroventral corner of right valves (Pl. 6, Fig. 23). C. schedogymnos lacks such a main spine and the denticles are smaller (Pl. 6, Fig. 24). C. schedogymnos is a smooth species except some posteroperipheral puncta and “plications” (a row of thick walled fossae) behind the strong anteromarginal rim (Pl. 6, Fig. 22; Muñoz-Torres et al. 1998). C. cyrtoma misses these plications; instead, it has a smooth groove following the course of the anterior border (Pl. 6, Fig. 21). Furthermore, C. cyrtoma has a weak, sinuous sulcus, whereas C. schedogymnos is almost asulcate.
Typically, the surface of C. cyrtoma is smooth in front of the sulcus and punctate behind it. However, considerable variability of ornamentation is observed, ranging from almost smooth to punctate (except the area behind the anterior margin) specimens, which weakens this diagnostic character (see above).
In the phylogenetic model of Muñoz-Torres et al. (2006) C. schedogymnos and C. cyrtoma are placed in two different lineages (C. cyrtoma: “ornate”, C. schedogymnos: “smooth lineage”). In contrast, we suggest that both are much closer related and belong to the same lineage (Fig. 3a).
Occurrence. Western Amazonia (Brazil (this study), Peru), Middle Miocene (C. caraionae–C. minipunctata zone; Muñoz-Torres et al. 2006; chronostratigraphic correlation after Wesselingh & Ramos 2010).
4.6.2. graciosa subgroup
Species. C. graciosa, C. reticulopunctata, C. minipunctata, C. curucae, C. longispina (the latter not among the present material); possibly C. anterospinosa, C. marginuspinosa, C. retrobispinosa (all not among the present material and re-examination pending).
Characters. Subrectangular, subtriangular or subovate; medium to large sized; punctated to reticulated, sulcate; with spines/denticles along the entire or the two lower thirds of the anterior margin (both valves) and posteroventral spines in right valves (except C. retrobispinosa; due to reversed overlap in left valves), some with posteroventral spines in both valves (C. graciosa, C. reticulopunctata); essentially moderately wide inner lamella, avestibulate; anterior simple or few bifurcated marginal pore canals; generotypic hinge (C. retrobispinosa with inverse hinge).
Cyprideis aff. graciosa (Purper, 1979)
Fig. 6d; Pl. 6, Figs. 33–34; Pl. 7, Figs. 1–20
? | 1977 Cytheridea sp.nov. D—Purper: 363; Pl. 3, Figs. 5–6. | |
? | * | 1979 Cytheridea graciosa Purper, sp. nov.—Purper: 229–230; Pl. 3, Figs. 1–9. |
? | 1991 Cytheridea graciosa Purper, 1979—Purper & Ornellas: 26–28; Pl. 1, Figs. 10–15. | |
? | 1998 Cyprideis graciosa (Purper, 1979)—Muñoz-Torres et al.: 96; Pl. 3, Figs. 1–3. | |
? | 1998 Cyprideis graciosa (Purper, 1979)—Whatley et al.: 234; Text-fig. 2; Pl. 1, Figs. 11–15. | |
? | 2006 Cyprideis graciosa Purper, 1979—Ramos: 92; Figs. 7d–h. | |
? | 2009 Cyprideis graciosa Purper, 1979—Ramos et al.: 114; Fig. 289-I. | |
? | 2010 Cyprideis graciosa Purper, 1979—Wesselingh & Ramos: 308; Figs. 18.5e–f. | |
? | 2011 Cyprideis graciosa—Linhares et al.: 96; Figs. 3/9–10. | |
? | 2013 Cyprideis graciosa (Purper, 1979)—Gross et al.: 225; Pl. 4, Figs. 1–17. |
Material. 319 valves; samples AM10/15–16, 19, 22–30.
Dimensions (total range over all samples). R♀ l = 0.76–0.91 (0.82), h = 0.40–0.49 (0.44; n = 8); L♀ l = 0.72–0.92 (0.83), h = 0.38–0.49 (0.45; n = 10); R♂ l = 0.80–0.95 (0.89), h = 0.39–0.48 (0.43; n = 4); L♂ l = 0.83–0.98 (0.91), h = 0.42–0.49 (0.45; n = 6); Rj(A-1) l = 0.63–0.66 (0.65), h = 0.37–0.39 (0.38; n = 3); Lj(A-1) l = 0.64–0.70 (0.68), h = 0.38–0.40 (0.39; n = 3); Rj(A-2) l = 0.55–0.56 (0.56), h = 0.30–0.31 (0.30; n = 3); Lj(A-2) l = 0.52, h = 0.27 (n = 1).
Remarks. C. graciosa is a moderately large, subrectangular to subtriangular form with a pitted ornament, with about eight strong and widely spaced spines along the entire anterior margin and about four posteroventral spines of which the lowermost one is the most developed. The anteroventral and anterocentral surface ornament tends to be reduced, forming a low reticulum (sometimes with weakly developed, secondary fine puncta) or is almost smooth (Purper 1979; Purper & Ornellas 1991; Ramos 2006; Wesselingh & Ramos 2010; Gross et al. 2013).
The present material may range within the variability of C. graciosa in a wider sense. However, posteroventral spines are not developed in left valves of the present material, which are a characteristic feature according to Purper (1979) and Purper & Ornellas (1991). Equally, posteroventral spines are not visible in the figured specimens of Muñoz-Torres et al. (1998), Whatley et al. (1998) and Linhares et al. (2011). However, such spines are mentioned in the descriptions provided by the former authors. As discussed by Gross et al. (2013), it remains unclear if solely the occurrence or absence of posteroventral spines in left valves is species diagnostic or not. Provisionally, we attribute our specimens to C. aff. graciosa.
Similar species are Cyprideis anterospinosa Purper & Ornellas, 1991 and Cyprideis marginuspinosa (Purper & Ornellas, 1991). The former diverges by its more rounded dorsal margin, the less concave ventral margin, a punctate surface, small posteroventral spines in right valves and the anteromarginal spines are restricted to the anteroventral margin (Purper & Ornellas 1991).
C. marginuspinosa is punctate, has small posteroventral spines in right valves (but note the well-developed spine of the specimen on Pl. 2, Fig. 5 in Purper & Ornellas 1991), a more rounded posterocardinal angle and anteromarginal spines that only slightly exceed half of the valves’ height (Purper & Ornellas 1991).
Somewhat comparable is C. longispina, which differs from C. graciosa by: e.g. its significantly extended posteroventral flange in right valves, which holds usually one more horizontally directed posteroventral spine; a posteroventral spine in left valves is never developed; its anterior spines are restricted to the lower half of the anterior margin; and the ornament is reduced in the anteroventral area only (Gross et al. 2013).
Occurrence (of C. graciosa). Western Amazonia (Brazil, Colombia, Peru), latest Middle to early Late Miocene (C. obliquosulcata–C. cyrtoma zone; Muñoz-Torres et al. 2006; chronostratigraphic correlation after Wesselingh & Ramos 2010).
Cyprideis reticulopunctata (Purper, 1979)
Pl. 7, Figs. 21–31
1977 Cytheridea sp.nov. B—Purper: 361; Pl. 2, Figs. 7–13. | |
* | 1979 Cytheridea reticulopunctata Purper, sp. nov.—Purper: 227–228; Pl. 2, Figs. 1–10. |
Material. 101 valves; sample AM10/3.
Dimensions (total range over all samples). R♀ l = 0.87–0.93 (0.89), h = 0.48–0.52 (0.49; n = 5); L♀ l = 0.89–0.93 (0.91), h = 0.49–0.54 (0.52; n = 4); R♂ l = 0.96–1.00 (0.99), h = 0.51–0.53 (0.52; n = 3); L♂ l = 0.95–1.06 (1.00), h = 0.48–0.56 (0.52; n = 5); ?Lj(A-1) l = 0.70–0.79 (0.75), h = 0.38–0.49 (0.44; n = 2).
Remarks. This subovate–subrectangular species is characterised by its ornamentation with a low, internally punctated reticulum (“compose puncture forming broad reticulum”; Purper 1979: 227). Along the entire anterior margin, little marginal spines are developed. One prominent posteroventral spine is developed in right and left valves. Right valves carry 3–4 additional denticles above this main spine (Purper 1979).
The current specimens perfectly coincide with the description of Purper (1979), which, however, remains the only evidence of that species up to now. In core 1AS-10-AM, it occurs only in the uppermost productive sample (AM10/3). Here we apply the generic concept of Whatley et al. (1998) and transfer this species to the genus Cyprideis.
C. reticulopunctata is extremely similar to the slightly smaller C. graciosa, which has a pitted ornament with the tendency to become reduced anteroventrally and anterocentrally. C. aff. graciosa (material herein, see above) additionally lacks posteroventral spines in left valves and has more prominent anteromarginal spines.
C. longispina is very close to C. reticulopunctata but the former is more elongated, typically with a very extended flange posteroventrally (right valves), and with an overall finer (punctate) ornament. Anterior spines are restricted to the lower half of the anterior margin and posteroventral spines are never developed in left valves (Purper 1979; Muñoz-Torres et al. 1998; Gross et al. 2013).
Occurrence. Western Amazonia (Brazil), latest Middle to early Late Miocene (C. obliquosulcata–C. cyrtoma zone; this study; chronostratigraphic correlation after Wesselingh & Ramos 2010). Up to now only known from core CPCAN-III-São Paulo de Olivença (depth: 31.52–32.62 m, altitude: ~21 m; Purper 1979).
Cyprideis minipunctata (Purper & Ornellas, 1991)
Fig. 6e, Pl. 7, Figs. 32–35; Pl. 8, Figs. 1–9
?pars | 1980 Cyprideis purperi purperi subsp. nov.—Sheppard & Bate: 99–101; Text-fig. 2; Pl. 7, Figs. 1–11; Pl. 8, Figs. 1–2. [non Pl. 7, Fig. 13 and probably non Fig. 12] |
* | 1991 Cytheridea minipunctata Purper & Ornellas, sp. nov.—Purper & Ornellas: 28–30; Pl. 2, Figs. 7–12. |
1998 Cyprideis minipunctata (Purper & Ornellas, 1991)—Muñoz-Torres et al.: 98; Pl. 3, Figs. 18–20. | |
1998 Cyprideis minipunctata (Purper & Ornellas, 1991)—Whatley et al.: 235–236; Pl. 2, Figs. 11–15 [sic]. |
Material. 103 valves; samples AM10/31, 39–40, 42.
Dimensions (total range over all samples). R♀ l = 0.80–0.85 (0.82), h = 0.43–0.45 (0.44; n = 5); L♀ l = 0.80–0.85 (0.83), h = 0.42–0.47 (0.45; n = 3); R♂ l = 0.91–0.96 (0.94), h = 0.45–0.47 (0.46; n = 3); L♂ l = 0.93–0.98 (0.96), h = 0.44–0.50 (0.47; n = 4).
Remarks. Our subovate–subrectangular, finely punctate specimens match well with the material of Purper & Ornellas (1991), Muñoz-Torres et al. (1998) and Whatley et al. (1998).
In part (except the specimens which clearly (Pl. 7, Fig. 13) or probably (Pl. 7, Fig. 12) belong to C. sulcosigmoidalis) C. purperi purperi of Sheppard & Bate (1980) is very similar to C. minipunctata. As far as the available descriptions and figurations of both taxa enable a comparison, the main difference is the “smooth anterior marginal zone” (Sheppard & Bate 1980: 100) in C. purperi purperi, whereas this area is covered by “shallow oval pits” (Muñoz-Torres et al. 1998: 98) in C. minipunctata. Considering the variability herein observed and also mentioned by Muñoz-Torres et al. (1998: 98; some “have coarser puncta”), it is possible that C. minipunctata is a junior synonym of C. purperi purperi (compare variability of ornament in sample AM10/39; Pl. 7, Figs. 33, 35). However, this claim requires a reinvestigation of the material of Sheppard & Bate (1980).
Plate 7.
Cyprideis aff. graciosa (Purper, 1979)
Figs. 1–20
1–2: R♀, e-i (0.78/0.42; AM10-27_12)
3–4: R♂, e-i (0.85/0.40; AM10-27_03)
5–6: L♀, i-e (0.92/0.49; AM10-30_61)
7: R♀, e (0.84/0.44; AM10-30_67)
8: = detail of Fig. 14; posteroventral part
9–10: L♂, i-e (0.98/0.49; AM10-30_62)
11: R♂, e (= Fig. 8; 0.94/0.44; AM10-30_69)
12: = detail of Fig. 16; posteroventral part
13: = Fig. 7, i
14: = Fig. 11, i
15–16: Rj, e-i (= Fig. 12; 0.65/0.37; AM10-30_70)
17–18: Lj, i-e (0.70/0.38; AM10-30_65)
19: = detail of Fig. 9; hinge
20: = detail of Fig. 13; hinge
Cyprideis reticulopunctata (Purper, 1979)
Figs. 21–31
21–22: L♀, i-e (0.93/0.53; AM10-3_38)
23–24: R♀, e-i (0.89/0.49; AM10-3_49)
25–26: L♂, i-e (1.06/0.56; AM10-3_40)
27–28: R♂, e-i (1.00/0.53; AM10-3_50)
29: = detail of Fig. 25; posteroventral part
30: = detail of Fig. 24; posteroventral part
31: = detail of Fig. 23; anterior ornamentation pattern
Cyprideis minipunctata (Purper & Ornellas, 1991)
Figs. 32–35
32: L♂, e (0.96/0.46; AM10-39_06)
33–34: R♀, e-i (0.81/0.43; AM10-39_10)
35: R♀, e (0.85/0.44; AM10-39_12)
C. minipunctata is very close to C. longispina, which is more coarsely punctated, anteroperipherally punctated or almost smooth anteroventrally, and has a weak “double” sulcus as well as an extended posteroventral flange, the latter carrying a longer posteroventral main spine on right valves (Purper 1979; Muñoz-Torres et al. 1998; Gross et al. 2013).
Occurrence. Western Amazonia (Brazil, Colombia, Peru), Middle Miocene (C. aulakos–C. minipunctata zone; Muñoz-Torres et al. 2006; chronostratigraphic correlation after Wesselingh & Ramos 2010).
Cyprideis curucae nom. nov.
Fig. 6f; Pl. 8, Figs. 10–33
* | 1983 Sohnicythere tuberculata Purper et Pinto gen. et sp. nov.—Purper & Pinto: 119; Pl. 3, Figs. 1-11. |
1998 Cyprideis sp. 1—Muñoz-Torres et al.: 102; Pl. 5, Figs. 1–2. | |
1998 Cyprideis sp. 2—Muñoz-Torres et al.: 102; Pl. 5, Figs. 3–4 [sic]. | |
1998 Cyprideis sp. 2—Whatley et al.: 237; Pl. 3, Figs. 11–13. | |
1998 Cyprideis sp. 3—Whatley et al.: 237; Pl. 3, Figs. 14–15. | |
2011 Cyprideis sp. 1—Linhares et al.: 95, 98; Figs. 4/7–8. |
Material. 72 valves; samples AM10/3, 19, 22–23, 27–28, 30.
Dimensions (total range over all samples). R♀ l = 0.78–0.86 (0.83), h = 0.42–0.44 (0.43; n = 5); L♀ l = 0.85–0.89 (0.87), h = 0.46–0.47 (0.47; n = 2); R♂ l = 0.84–0.97 (0.92), h = 0.40–0.46 (0.43; n = 3); L♂ l = 0.87–0.99 (0.93), h = 0.43–0.48 (0.46; n = 4).
Remarks. The specimens of sample AM10/30 (Pl. 8, Figs. 22–29) coincide with the original description of this species (Purper & Pinto 1983) as well as with Cyprideis sp. 2 and Cyprideis sp. 3 of Muñoz-Torres et al. (1998), and Whatley et al. (1998), respectively. It is a subtriangular to subrectangular, reticulated to coarsely punctated Cyprideis with regularly spaced tubercles, one very long (mostly broken) posteroventral spine above which three shorter spines originate (only in right valves; Pl. 8, Figs. 30–31) and a comparably wide marginal zone (Purper & Pinto 1983; Muñoz-Torres et al. 1998).
Plate 8.
Cyprideis minipunctata (Purper & Ornellas, 1991)
Figs. 1–9
1–2: L♀, i-e (0.85/0.47; AM10-42_12)
3–4: R♀, e-i (0.83/0.45; AM10-42_17)
5: = detail of Fig. 3; anterior part
6: = detail of Fig. 4; posteroventral part
7–8: L♂, i-e (0.98/0.50; AM10-42_11)
9: R♂, e (0.96/0.47; AM10-42_16)
Cyprideis curucae nom. nov.
Figs. 10–33
10–11: R♀, e-i (0.85/0.44; AM10-19_12)
12–13: R♀, e-i (0.84/0.42; AM10-19_13)
14–15: L♀, i-e (0.85/0.46; AM10-27_68)
16–17: R♀, e-i (0.78/0.42; AM10-27_69)
18–19: L♂, i-e (0.87/0.44; AM10-27_05)
20–21: R♂, e-i (0.84/0.40; AM10-27_04)
22–23: L♀, i-e (0.89/0.47; AM10-30_03)
24–25: R♀, e-i (0.86/0.44; AM10-30_06)
26–27: L♂, i-e (0.98/0.48; AM10-30_01)
28–29: R♂, e-i (0.97/0.46; AM10-30_04)
30: = detail of Fig. 29; posteroventral part
31: = detail of Fig. 25; posteroventral part
32: = detail of Fig. 19; anteroventral part
33: = detail of Fig. 27; anteroventral part
Cyprideis pebasae (Purper, 1979)
Figs. 34–43
34–35: L♀, i-e (0.73/0.40; AM10-3_23)
36–37: R♀, e-i (0.65/0.35; AM10-3_30)
38–39: L♀, i-e (0.67/0.37; AM10-3_25)
40–41: R♀, e-i (0.70/0.38; AM10-3_26)
42–43: Lj, e-i (0.55/0.34; AM10-3_32)
In samples AM10/27 and 19—where further well-preserved specimens are available—tubercles are less distinct, which cause the punctate ornamentation as well as the sulcus to come to the fore (Pl. 8, Figs. 10–21). Nevertheless, tubercles, which correspond to normal pore openings, are still observable (compare Pl. 8, Figs. 32 and 33) while other valve characters remain constant (compare for example Pl. 8, Figs. 18–19 with Figs. 26–27). Thus, the expression of tubercles/pore conuli as well as the reticulate/punctate ornamentation is considered to be ecologically controlled (compare i.e., tubercles in ilyocypridids; Yang et al. 2002; Gross et al. 2013).
Based on this observation the species Cyprideis sp. 1 of Muñoz-Torres et al. (1998 = Cyprideis sp. 2 of Whatley et al. 1998) can be included into this species (note that some tubercles are still visible on posterior (right valve) and anteroventral (left valve) parts of the shells on Figs. 11 and 13 (Pl. 3) of Whatley et al. 1998). Similarly, Cyprideis sp. 1 of Linhares et al. (2011) represents the weaker tuberculated variant of this taxon.
If tubercles are not very prominent, this species resembles C. aff. graciosa (see above; compare e.g. Pl. 6, Figs. 41–42 with Pl. 8, Figs. 18–19). However, C. curucae is well differentiated by: i) a wider inner lamella, ii) a more distal course of the selvage, iii) a restriction of anterior spines to the lower two-thirds of the anterior margin, iv) the lack of a smooth area at the anterior valve part, and, to a lesser degree, v) a thinner anterior marginal ridge and weaker developed hinge elements.
Originally, the species under discussion here has been named Sohnicythere tuberculata by Purper & Pinto (1983). However, Whatley et al. (1998) consider the genus Sohnicythere Purper & Pinto, 1983 as a junior synonym of Cyprideis. By applying this generic concept, S. tuberculata turns into “Cyprideis tuberculata (Purper & Pinto, 1983)” (see Muñoz-Torres et al. 1998: 102), which is a secondary homonym (ICZN articles 53.3, 57.3) of the Central European, Late Miocene Cyprideis tuberculata (Méhes, 1908). For this reason the substitute name Cyprideis curucae nom. nov. is introduced here (ICZN article 60.3; derivation of name: Rio Curuçá, where well 1AS-32-AM was drilled and the type material comes from; Purper & Pinto 1983, 1985).
Occurrence (of the synonyms Cyprideis sp. 1–2 of Muñoz-Torres et al. 1998). Western Amazonia (Colombia), latest Middle to early Late Miocene (C. obliquosulcata–C. cyrtoma zone; Muñoz-Torres et al. 2006; chronostratigraphic correlation after Wesselingh & Ramos 2010).
4.6.3. pebasae subgroup
Species. C. pebasae, C. munoztorresi, C. ituiae, C. matorae; possibly C. purperi colombiaensis but status unclear and re-examination pending.
Characters. Subrectangular to subtriangular; moderately small to medium sized; coarsely punctated to reticulated, asulcate to prominent sulcus; with antero- (both valves) and posteroventral spines (only right valves); moderately wide inner lamella, avestibulate; anterior essentially simple marginal pore canals; generotypic hinge.
Cyprideis pebasae (Purper, 1979)
Fig. 6g; Pl. 8, Figs. 34–43; Pl. 9, Figs. 1–24; Pl. 10, Figs. 45, 47, 51
1977 Cytheridea sp.nov. C—Purper: 363; Pl. 3, Figs. 1–4. | |
* | 1979 Cytheridea pebasae Purper, sp. nov.—Purper: 228–229; Pl. 2, Figs. 11–23. |
1998 Cyprideis lacrimata sp. nov.—Muñoz-Torres et al.: 96; Text-fig. 2; Pl. 3, Figs. 7–11. | |
non | 1998 Cyprideis pebasae (Purper, 1979)—Muñoz-Torres et al.: 100; Pl. 4, Figs. 8–10. |
non | 1998 Cyprideis pebasae (Purper, 1979)—Whatley et al.: 236; Text-fig. 2; Pl. 2, Figs. 16–20. |
pars | 2006 Cyprideis pebasae (Purper, 1979) Whatley et al., 1998 emend.—Ramos: 90–91; Figs. 6i–y. [non Figs. 6e–h] |
2009 Cyprideis pebasae (Purper, 1979)—Ramos et al.: 114; Figs. 295–298-I. | |
2010 Cyprideis pebasae (Purper, 1979)—Wesselingh & Ramos: 308; Figs. 18.5c–d. | |
2011 Cyprideis lacrimata—Linhares et al.: 98; Fig. 3/12. | |
2011 Cyprideis pebasae—Linhares et al.: 95, 98; Figs. 4/3–4. | |
2013 Cyprideis pebasae (Purper, 1979)—Gross et al.: 225–227; Pl. 5, Figs. 1–17. |
Material. 66 valves; samples AM10/3, 19, 23, 27, 42.
Dimensions (total range over all samples). R♀ l = 0.64–0.80 (0.71), h = 0.34–0.40 (0.37; n = 7); L♀ l = 0.67–0.86 (0.73), h = 0.36–0.45 (0.40; n = 8); R♂ l = 0.79–0.93 (0.86), h = 0.37–0.41 (0.39; n = 2); L♂ l = 0.71–0.91 (0.82), h = 0.34–0.43 (0.40; n = 4); Rj(A-1) l = 0.43–0.62 (0.54), h = 0.28–0.35 (0.33; n = 4); Lj(A-1) l = 0.55–0.60 (0.58), h = 0.34–0.37 (0.35; n = 4).
Remarks. This subrectangular–subtrapezoidal, coarsely punctate, asulcate species is similar to C. munoztorresi (see below and Gross et al. 2013) from which it differs by its widely spaced (“about seven”; Purper 1979) anteromarginal spines (compare for example Pl. 10, Figs. 47 and 48), the robust anteromarginal and posteroventral flange as well as the selvage runs more distally (right valves). C. munoztorresi exhibits up to eight, almost uniform posteroventral denticles (e.g. Pl. 10, Fig. 52), whereas they are only inconspicuously developed in C. pebasae (occasionally the lowermost develops into a short spine; Pl. 10, Fig. 51; compare i.e., Pl. 3, Fig. 11 in Muñoz-Torres et al. 1998). The inter- and intra-sample variability (mainly size, outline, ornament) of C. pebasae is shown on plates 8–9.
Plate 10.
Cyprideis munoztorresi nom. nov.
Figs. 1–44, 46, 48–50, 52
1–2: L♀, i-e (0.77/0.42; AM10-15_34)
3–4: R♀, e-i (0.74/0.39; AM10-15_33)
5–6: L♀, i-e (0.65/0.35; AM10-23_01)
7–8: R♀, e-i (0.65/0.34; AM10-23_04)
9–10: L♂, i-e (0.69/0.35; AM10-23_94)
11–12: R♂, e-i (0.67/0.36; AM10-23_95)
13–14: Lj, i-e (0.53/0.30; AM10-23_03)
15–16: Rj, e-i (0.53/0.30; AM10-23_96)
17–18: L♀, i-e (0.66/0.36; AM10-25_46)
19–20: R♀, e-i (0.63/0.34; AM10-25_48)
21–22: L♂, i-e (0.66/0.33; AM10-25_47)
23–24: R♂, e-i (0.71/0.35; AM10-25_49)
25–26: L♀, i-e (0.64/0.33; AM10-27_01)
27–28: R♀, e-i (0.65/0.33; AM10-27_02)
29–30: L♀, i-e (0.69/0.37; AM10-30_13)
31–32: R♀, e-i (0.72/0.39; AM10-30_108)
33–34: L♂, i-e (0.75/0.38; AM10-30_12)
35–36: R♀, e-i (0.72/0.38; AM10-30_17)
37–38: Lj, i-e (0.56/0.32; AM10-30_15)
39–40: Rj, e-i (0.60/0.32; AM10-30_18)
41–42: Lj, i-e (0.45/0.27; AM10-30_111)
43–44: Rj, e-i (0.44/0.26; AM10-30_112)
46: L♂, e (0.78/0.38; AM10-30_10); sieve pores
48: = detail of Fig. 36; anterior margin
49: = detail of Fig. 40; anterior margin
50: = detail of Fig. 44; anterior margin
52: = detail of Fig. 36; posteroventral part
Cyprideis pebasae (Purper, 1979)
Figs. 45, 47, 51
45: = detail of Fig. 14 on pl. 9; sieve pores
47: = detail of Fig. 15 on pl. 9; anterior margin
51: = detail of Fig. 12 on pl. 9; posteroventral part
Plate 9.
Cyprideis pebasae (Purper, 1979)
Figs. 1–24
1–2: L♂, i-e (0.84/0.43; AM10-3_96)
3–4: R♂, e-i (0.79/0.37; AM10-3_29)
5–6: L♂, i-e (0.71/0.34; AM10-19_08)
7–8: Rj, e-i (0.55/0.33; AM10-3_35)
9–10: L♀, i-e (0.67/0.36; AM10-23_102)
11–12: R♀, e-i (0.64/0.34; AM10-23_103)
13–14: L♀, i-e (0.70/0.37; AM10-27_70)
15–16: R♀, e-i (0.67/0.34; AM10-27_71)
17–18: L♀, i-e (0.86/0.45; AM10-42_09)
19–20: R♀, e-i (0.80/0.40; AM10-42_14)
21–22: L♂, i-e (0.91/0.43; AM10-42_10)
23–24: R♂, e-i (0.93/0.41; AM10-42_18)
Cyprideis munoztorresi nom. nov.
Figs. 25–44
25–26: L♀, i-e (0.86/0.48; AM10-3_20)
27–28: R♀, e-i (0.83/0.45; AM10-3_19)
29–30: L♂, i-e (0.89/0.45; AM10-3_16)
31–32: R♂, e-i (0.87/0.43; AM10-3_18)
33–34: L♀, i-e (0.73/0.40; AM10-7_90)
35–36: R♀, e-i (0.69/0.37; AM10-7_32)
37–38: L♂, i-e (0.78/0.38; AM10-7_28)
39: R♂, e (0.84/0.41; AM10-7_92)
40: R♂, i (0.80/0.37; AM10-7_30)
41–42: Lj, i-e (0.60/0.33; AM10-7_29)
43–44: Rj, e-i (0.62/0.34; AM10-7_93)
C. lacrimata of Muñoz-Torres et al. (1998) as well as C. pebasae with a “well pronounced anterior and ventroposterior marginal border” and with a “coarsely spinose” flange of Ramos (2006; compare Linhares et al. 2011) are synonyms of C. pebasae (see below and Gross et al. 2013).
Cyprideis purperi purperi Sheppard & Bate, 1980 and Cyprideis purperi colombiaensis Sheppard & Bate, 1980, which are placed in the synonymy of C. pebasae by Ramos (2006), are sulcate Cyprideis taxa and display a finer ornament (Sheppard & Bate 1980; Gross et al. 2013). Moreover, at least the specimen on plate 7, Fig. 13 (and probably Fig. 12) of Sheppard & Bate (1980) clearly belongs to C. sulcosigmoidalis (Purper & Pinto 1985).
Occurrence (of C. lacrimata sensu Muñoz-Torres et al. 1998). Western Amazonia (Brazil, Colombia, Peru), late Middle to early Late Miocene (C. caraionae–C. cyrtoma zone; Muñoz-Torres et al. 2006; chronostratigraphic correlation after Wesselingh & Ramos 2010).
Cyprideis munoztorresi nom. nov.
Figs. 6h–i; Pl. 9, Figs. 25–44; Pl. 10, Figs. 1–44, 46, 48–50, 52
non | 1979 Cytheridea pebasae Purper, sp. nov.—Purper: 228–229; Pl. 2, Figs. 11–23. |
1979 Hulingsina? sp.—Purper: 239–240; Pl. 7, Figs. 1–5. | |
non | 1998 Cyprideis lacrimata sp. nov.—Muñoz-Torres et al.: 96; Text-fig. 2; Pl. 3, Figs. 7–11. |
1998 Cyprideis pebasae (Purper, 1979)—Muñoz-Torres et al.: 100; Pl. 4, Figs. 8–10. | |
1998 Cyprideis pebasae (Purper, 1979)—Whatley et al.: 236; Text-fig. 2; Pl. 2, Figs. 16–20. | |
pars | 2006 Cyprideis pebasae (Purper, 1979) Whatley et al., 1998 emend.—Ramos: 90–91; Figs. 6e–h. [non Figs. 6i–y] |
2006 Cyprideis lacrimata Muñoz-Torres et al., 1998—Ramos: 92; Figs. 7a–c. | |
2009 Cyprideis lacrimata Muñoz-Torres et al., 1998—Ramos et al.: 114; Fig. 290-I. | |
2010 Cyprideis lacrimata Muñoz-Torres et al., 1998—Wesselingh and Ramos: 308; Figs. 18.5g–h. | |
? | 2011 Cyprideis sp. 4—Linhares et al.: 97; Fig. 4/12. |
2013 Cyprideis aff. pebasae (Purper, 1979)—Gross et al.: 227; Pl. 5, Figs. 18–34. |
Material. 300 valves; samples AM10/3, 6–7, 15, 22–25, 27–30.
Dimensions (total range over all samples). R♀ l = 0.60–0.83 (0.69), h = 0.31–0.45 (0.37; n = 59); L♀ l = 0.64–0.86 (0.73), h = 0.33–0.48 (0.40; n = 10); R♂ l = 0.67–0.87 (0.78), h = 0.35–0.43 (0.38; n = 9); L♂ l = 0.66–0.89 (0.75), h = 0.33–0.45 (0.38; n = 8); Rj(A-1) l = 0.53–0.64 (0.59), h = 0.30–0.34 (0.32; n = 6); Lj(A-1) l = 0.53–0.63 (0.58), h = 0.30–0.33 (0.32; n = 6); Rj(A-2) l = 0.44, h = 0.26 (n = 1); Lj(A-2) l = 0.45, h = 0.27 (n = 1).
Remarks. This subrectangular to subtriangular, reticulate to coarsely punctate species is very distinct due to its numerous denticles along the entire anterior margin. Juvenile individuals already display this character (e.g. Pl. 10, 49–50). This species occurs in low numbers (except AM10/7 and 30) throughout the upper part of this core. Considerable variations are observed concerning valve size within and between samples (Fig. 5) as well as in the development of its surface ornamentation ranging from reticulated (e.g. sample AM10/30; Pl. 10, Figs. 29–44) to coarsely punctated (e.g. sample AM10/23; Pl. 10, Figs. 9–16). Occasionally, the anteromarginal (both valves) and the posteroventral (only in right valves) denticulation is almost obscured by the flange (but can be clearly seen in internal view; e.g. Pl. 10, Figs. 11–12).
As already discussed by Gross et al. (2013), Cyprideis pebasae of Muñoz-Torres et al. (1998) and Whatley et al. (1998) is not conspecific with C. pebasae as established by Purper (1979), but represents a discrete taxon. Conversely, Cyprideis lacrimata, described as a new species by Muñoz-Torres et al. (1998) is synonymous with C. pebasae in its original sense (see above).
Possibly, both species names are simply inverted in the publications of Muñoz-Torres et al. (1998) and Whatley et al. (1998). In any case, this taxonomic confusion must be clarified and can not be solved using the invalid species name “lacrimata” for this taxon as done before (Ramos 2006, in part; Ramos et al. 2009; Wesselingh & Ramos 2010; ICZN article 49). A new species name for C. pebasae sensu Muñoz-Torres et al. (1998) and sensu Whatley et al. (1998) is required (ICZN article 23.3.5). Here, we name this species Cyprideis munoztorresi nom. nov. in honour of Fernando Muñoz-Torres. The specimens described by Muñoz-Torres et al. (1998) under C. pebasae form the type series of C. munoztorresi among which the male left valve (FM\UAB\F60, Pl. 4, Figs. 8–9 in Muñoz-Torres et al. 1998) is designated as lectotype (ICZN article 74.7).
Occurrence (of C. pebasae sensu Muñoz-Torres et al. 1998). Western Amazonia (Brazil, Colombia), latest Middle to early Late Miocene (C. obliquosulcata–C. cyrtoma zone; Muñoz-Torres et al. 2006; chronostratigraphic correlation after Wesselingh & Ramos 2010).
Cyprideis ituiae n. sp.
Figs. 6j–k; Pl. 11, Figs. 1–50
Holotype. Right female valve, AM10-23_18 (Inv. No. MPEG-309-M; coll. Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, Belém; Pl. 11, Figs. 19–20, 47–49).
Plate 11.
Cyprideis ituiae n. sp.
Figs. 1–50
1–2: L♀, i-e (0.76/0.37; AM10-15_15)
3–4: R♀, e-i (0.72/0.36; AM10-15_20)
5–6: L♂, i-e (0.82/0.39; AM10-15_14)
7–8: R♂, e-i (0.80/0.37; AM10-15_18)
9–10: Lj, i-e (0.61/0.32; AM10-15_17)
11–12: Rj, e-i (0.61/0.31; AM10-15_21)
13–14: L♂, i-e (0.77/0.37; AM10-19_07)
15–16: R♂, e-i (0.74/0.35; AM10-19_09)
17: Rj, e (0.52/0.27; AM10-23_43)
18: L♀, e (0.65/0.33; AM10-23_107)
19–20: R♀, e-i (0.62/0.30; AM10-23_18)
21–22: L♀, i-e (0.66/0.35; AM10-23_08)
23–24: R♀, e-i (0.63/0.32; AM10-23_14)
25–26: L♂, i-e (0.76/0.36; AM10-23_100)
27–28: R♂, e-i (0.69/0.32; AM10-23_17)
29–30: L♂, i-e (0.72/0.34; AM10-27_20)
31–32: R♂, e-i (0.70/0.31; AM10-27_19)
33–34: L♀, i-e (0.73/0.37; AM10-30_56)
35–36: R♀, e-i (0.78/0.34; AM10-30_58)
37–38: L♂, i-e (0.78/0.37; AM10-30_55)
39–40: Lj, i-e (0.60/0.31; AM10-30_106)
41: = detail of Fig. 33; hinge elements
42: = detail of Fig. 36; hinge elements
43: = Fig. 18, d
44: = Fig. 27, d
45: = detail of Fig. 23; anterior part
46: = detail of Fig. 24; anterior part
47: = detail of Fig. 19; anterior part
48: = detail of Fig. 20; anterior part
49: = detail of Fig. 20; posteroventral part
50: = detail of Fig. 24; posteroventral part
Paratypes. Additionally figured specimens (Figs. 6j–k; Pl. 11, Figs. 1–18, 21–46, 50; coll. Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, Belém).
Figure 6.
“Ornate” Cyprideis species of core 1AS-10-AM photographed in transmitted light (external view) and focus stacked (scale bar = 200 µm; for abbreviations, see Fig. 4). a–b: C. cyrtoma, a: R♀ (0.73/0.37; AM10-27_15), b: R♀ (0.79/0.41; AM10-30_51); c: C. schedogymnos, R♀ (0.77/0.39; AM10-42_20); d: C. aff. graciosa, R♂ (0.95/0.48; AM10-30_68); e: C. minipunctata, R♀ (0.80/0.44; AM10-42_26); f: C. curucae, R♀ (0.80/0.42; AM10-23_06); g: C. pebasae, L♀ (0.67/0.36; AM10-27_79); h–i: C. munoztorresi, h: L♀ (0.74/0.39; AM10-15_23), i: R♀ (0.75/0.38; AM10-15_25); j–k: C. ituiae, j: L♀ (0.64/0.33; AM10-23_105), k: R♀ (0.68/0.35; AM10-30_118); l–m: C. matorae, l: L♀ (0.80/0.43; AM10-30_121), m: R♂ (0.81/0.39; AM10-30_120); n: C. inversa, L♂ (0.58/0.32; AM10-30_122); o: C. sulcosigmoidalis, R♀ (1.01/0.59; AM10-7_47).
Additional material. 315 adult and 13 juvenile specimens from samples AM10/15, 19, 22–23, 25, 27, 29–30 (Inv. No. UMJG&P 211.038; coll. Universalmuseum Joanneum, Department for Geology & Palaeontology, Graz).
Type locality. Borehole 1AS-10-AM at Sucuriju close to Rio Ituí (S 04°50’/W 70°22’, ~62 km SW Benjamin Constant; municipality Atalaia do Norte, state of Amazonia, Brazil).
Type horizon. Sample AM10/23 (= depth: 118 m, altitude: -33 m).
Derivation of name. Rio Ituí (river in western Amazonia), where well 1AS-10-AM has been drilled.
Diagnosis. A reticulated to coarsely punctated Cyprideis-species with strong, distally broadened and indented anteromarginal denticles and distinct, groove-like sulcus.
Description. Subrectangular (female) or subtrapezoidal (male) outline in lateral view. Surface reticulated to coarsely punctated; dorsomedian sulcus prominent and anteroventrally orientated; flange anteromarginally and posteroventrally thick, forming a robust rim; reticulum anteroperipherally reduced to a row of low, sub-squarish meshes behind which the surface is smooth or micro-punctate. About 7, distally expanding, indented anteromarginal denticles of which the uppermost and smallest one is cone-shaped and located just above the half of valves’ height; up to 6, well-developed posteroventral spines in right valves with the spine in the posteroventral corner being the longest one; below, already on the ventral margin, one additional, strong posteroventral spine is sometimes developed. Numerous, roundish normal pores of sieve type. Inner lamella moderately wide with numerous straight, occasionally branched marginal pore canals; avestibulate. Hinge (right valve): anterior element elongate with ~9 toothlets; short anteromedian element with 3 larger sockets; long posteromedian element consisting of a crenulated bar; posterior element with ~7 toothlets; hinge elements of left valve complementary. Central muscle scars consist of 4 adductor scars, 1 U- or V-shaped frontal and 2 mandibular scars (the upper one round–elongate; the lower, oval one located close to the ventral margin); prominent fulcral point (knob). Sexual dimorphism distinct: males are more elongated with the posterior margin more oblique. Juveniles are subtriangular in lateral view; the hinge and especially the inner lamella are weakly developed.
Dimensions (total range over all samples). R♀ l = 0.59–0.78 (0.66), h = 0.29–0.36 (0.33; n = 50); L♀ l = 0.62–0.76 (0.68), h = 0.31–0.40 (0.35; n = 34); R♂ l = 0.69–0.81 (0.74), h = 0.31–0.37 (0.34; n = 17); L♂ l = 0.69–0.82 (0.76), h = 0.34–0.39 (0.36; n = 22); Rj(A-1) l = 0.52–0.61 (0.57), h = 0.27–0.31 (0.29; n = 2); Lj(A-1) l = 0.60–0.61 (0.61), h = 0.31–0.32 (0.32; n = 2). See also figure 5.
Remarks. This species is very characteristic due to its distally widened, teeth-like anterior spines. C. ituiae is similar to C. pebasae from which it differs by the shape of the anterior spines (in C. pebasae they are pointed) and the well-developed sulcus, which forms a dorsomedian groove (C. pebasae is asulcate). While in C. pebasae posteroventral spines (right valves) are inconspicuous, C. ituiae bears longer spines with the most developed spine placed in the posteroventral-corner (occasionally an additional, long spine is observable on the ventral margin (e.g. Pl. 11, Figs. 23–24, 49). Further, the ornament of C. ituiae is reduced anteroperipherally (tiny puncta to almost smooth), behind a thick flange (e.g. Pl. 11, Figs. 45, 47).
Occurrence. Western Amazonia (Brazil, this study), latest Middle to early Late Miocene (C. obliquosulcata–C. cyrtoma zone; this study; chronostratigraphic correlation after Wesselingh & Ramos 2010).
Cyprideis matorae n. sp.
Figs. 6l–m; Pl. 12, Figs. 1–14
? | 2011 Cyprideis sp. 3—Linhares et al.: 95, 98; Fig. 3/15. |
Holotype. Right female valve, AM10-30_103 (Inv. No. MPEG-445-M; coll. Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, Belém; Pl. 12, Figs. 3–4, 7, 12–13).
Plate 12.
Cyprideis matorae n. sp.
Figs. 1–14
1–2: L♂, i-e (0.85/0.42; AM10-30_104)
3–4: R♀, e-i (0.79/0.41; AM10-30_103)
5: C♂, d (0.78/0.39; AM10-22_28)
6: C♀, d (0.75/0.41; AM10-22_27)
7: = detail of Fig. 4; hinge
8: = detail of Fig. 1; hinge
9: R♂, e (0.71/0.35; AM10-22_24)
10: R♀, e (0.73/0.39; AM10-22_23)
11: = detail of Fig. 1; posteroventral part
12: = detail of Fig. 4; posteroventral part
13: = detail of Fig. 4; central muscle scars (retraced)
14: = detail of Fig. 2; ornamentation
Cyprideis inversa (Purper & Pinto, 1983)
Figs. 15–19
15–16: L♀, i-e (0.67/0.36; AM10-30_07)
17–18: R♂, e-i (0.63/0.33; AM10-30_09)
19: = detail of Fig. 18; hinge
Cyprideis sulcosigmoidalis (Purper, 1979)
Figs. 20–34
20: L♀, e (1.00/0.65; AM10-3_08)
21: R♀, e (1.02/0.60; AM10-3_83)
22: = Fig. 20, i
23: L♂, e (1.10/0.66; AM10-3_06)
24–25: R♂, e-i (1.10/0.51; AM10-3_09)
26: L♀, e (1.10/0.61; AM10-7_01)
27–28: R♀, e-i (1.00/0.57; AM10-7_09)
29: L♂, e (1.10/0.64; AM10-7_02)
30–31: R♀, e-i (1.00/0.59; AM10-7_11)
32: L♀, i (1.00/0.60; AM10-7_04); dorsal proportion
33: = Fig. 26, i; dorsal proportion
34: = Fig. 29, i; dorsal proportion
Paratypes. Additionally figured specimens (Figs. 6l–m; Pl. 12, Figs. 1–2, 5–6, 9–10; coll. Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, Belém).
Additional material. 91 adult and 14 juvenile specimens from samples AM10/22, 30 (Inv. No. UMJG&P 211.038; coll. Universalmuseum Joanneum, Department for Geology & Palaeontology, Graz).
Type locality. Borehole 1AS-10-AM at Sucuriju close to Rio Ituí (S 04°50’/W 70°22’, ~62 km SW Benjamin Constant; municipality Atalaia do Norte, state of Amazonia, Brazil).
Type horizon. Sample AM10/30 (= depth: 141.2 m, altitude: -56.2 m).
Derivation of name. After “Sucuriju”, native name for a mythic giant anaconda, which was called “matora” (bull eater) by conquistadores.
Diagnosis. A subtriangular Cyprideis-species ornamented with a low, polygonal reticulum and 7–9, thick anterior spines along the entire anterior margin. Right valves with one massive posteroventral spine and additional 3–4 smaller spines above; left valves with one, robust posteroventral spine.
Description. Subtriangular outline in lateral view (females and males). Surface reticulated, anteroperipherally almost smooth; the dorsomedian sulcus forms a dorsomedian depression; flange anteromarginally and posteroventrally very thick, forming a robust rim and a posteroventral extension in left valves; 7–9, blunt or robust-conical anteromarginal spines along the entire anterior margin; up to 5 posteroventral spines in right valves with the spine in the posteroventral corner being the longest; one robust posteroventral spine in left valves. Scattered, roundish normal pores of sieve type. Inner lamella moderately wide with numerous straight, simple, occasionally branched marginal pore canals; avestibulate. Hinge (right valve): anterior element elongate with ~10 toothlets; short, crenulated anteromedian element; moderately long posteromedian element consisting of a crenulated bar; posterior element with ~7 toothlets; hinge elements of left valve complementary. Central muscle scars with 4 adductor scars, 1 U- or V-shaped frontal and 2 mandibular scars (the upper one roundish; the lower, oval one located close to the ventral margin); prominent fulcral point (knob). Sexual dimorphism: males are slightly more elongated with a more oblique posterior margin; the posterior proportion is wider in females (dorsal view) than in males.
Dimensions (total range over all samples). R♀ l = 0.73–0.79 (0.76), h = 0.39–0.41 (0.40; n = 3); L♀ l = 0.80, h = 0.43 (n = 1); R♂ l = 0.71–0.81 (0.76), h = 0.35–0.39 (0.37; n = 2); L♂ l = 0.77–0.85 (0.80), h = 0.38–0.42 (0.40; n = 3).
Remarks. Only few, well-preserved specimens are available from sample AM10/30 (sample AM10/22 yields more, but badly preserved material). Nevertheless, this species is well characterised by its distinct subtriangular outline, its low, polygonal reticulum and its massive posteroventral flange in left valves, armed with a strong posteroventral spine. Possibly, Cyprideis sp. 3 of Linhares et al. (2011) represents a male specimen of this species.
The most similar species are C. curucae and, especially, C. ituiae. However, the latter (Pl. 11) is subrectangular (the dorsal margin is less inclined towards the posterior); the muri of its reticulum are much thicker (tending towards a punctated surface ornament); it has a groove-like sulcus (in C. matorae the sulcus forms a dorsomedian depression); it lacks a posteroventral spine in left valves; its posteroventral flange in left valves is less prominent; characteristic distally widened spines occur not along its entire anterior margin. C. ituiae is smaller where it co-occurs with C. matorae.
C. curucae (Pl. 8, Figs. 10–23) has a less tapered posterior end (the posterior margin is less oblique); it lacks a posteroventral spine in left valves and the extended posteroventral flange; its inner lamella is much wider; its anteromarginal and posteroventral spines as well as the ornament are completely different compared to C. matorae. C. curucae is larger where both species co-occur.
C. matorae resembles to some degree Cyprideis longispina (Purper, 1979) and C. graciosa but clearly diverge in outline, ornament and development of spines (e.g. Purper 1979; Muñoz-Torres et al. 1998; Gross et al. 2013; see chapter 4.6.2.).
Occurrence. Western Amazonia (Brazil), latest Middle to early Late Miocene (C. obliquosulcata–C. cyrtoma zone; this study; possibly as Cyprideis sp. 3 of Linhares et al. 2011 in core 1AS-31-AM (depth: 172.40 m, altitude -70.40 m); assigned to C. caraionae zone (Linhares et al. 2011) but possibly younger (?C. obliquosulcata zone) due to occurrence of C. cyrtoma).
4.6.4. “Ornate” species not attributed to subgroups
Cyprideis inversa (Purper & Pinto, 1983)
Fig. 6n; Pl. 12, Figs. 15–19
* | 1983 Sohnicythere inversa Purper et Pinto sp. nov.—Purper & Pinto: 119–120; Pl. 3, Figs. 12–24. |
1998 Cyprideis inversa (Purper & Pinto, 1983)—Muñoz-Torres et al.: 96; Pl. 3, Figs. 4–6. | |
1998 Cyprideis inversa (Purper & Pinto, 1983)—Whatley et al.: 234–235; Text-fig. 2; Pl. 1, Figs. 16–20. | |
2011 Cyprideis inversa—Linhares et al.: 95, 98; Fig. 3/11. |
Material. 60 valves; samples AM10/15, 22, 28, 30.
Dimensions (total range over all samples). R♀ l = 0.70, h = 0.37 (n = 1); L♀ l = 0.67, h = 0.36 (n = 1); R♂ l = 0.63, h = 0.33 (n = 1); L♂ l = 0.58, h = 0.32 (n = 1).
Remarks. This comparably small Cyprideis species is characterised by its subtriangular outline in lateral view, its punctate ornamentation with scattered tubercles (pore conuli), well-developed, densely arranged spines along the entire anterior margin, up to seven posteroventral spines (only in left valves) as well as its inverse hinge and valve overlap (Purper & Pinto 1983; Whatley et al. 1998). C. inversa occurs only sporadically within the core material, however, the available specimens match well with the given synonyms.
Occurrence. Western Amazonia (Brazil, Colombia, Peru), late Middle to early Late Miocene (C. caraionae–C. cyrtoma zone; Muñoz-Torres et al. 2006; chronostratigraphic correlation after Wesselingh & Ramos 2010).
Cyprideis sulcosigmoidalis (Purper, 1979)
Fig. 6o; Pl. 12, Figs. 20–34; Pl. 13, Figs. 1–21; Pl. 14, Figs. 1–21
1977 Cytheridea sp.nov. A—Purper: 361; Pl. 2, Figs. 1–6. | |
* | 1979 Cytheridea sulcosigmoidalis Purper, sp. nov.—Purper: 226–227; Pl. 1, Figs. 11–18. |
pars | 1980 Cyprideis purperi purperi subsp. nov.—Sheppard & Bate: 99–101; Pl. 7, Fig. 13 and probably Fig. 12. [non Text-fig. 2; Pl. 7, Figs. 1–11; Pl. 8, Figs. 1–2] |
1998 Cyprideis sulcosigmoidalis (Purper, 1979)—Whatley et al.: 236; Text-fig. 2; Pl. 3, Figs. 1–5. | |
1998 Cyprideis sp. 4—Whatley et al.: 237; Pl. 3, Figs. 16–20. | |
1998 Cyprideis aulakos sp. nov.—Muñoz-Torres et al.: 94; Text-fig. 2; Pl. 2, Figs. 7–11. | |
1998 Cyprideis sulcosigmoidalis (Purper, 1979)—Muñoz-Torres et al.: 100; Pl. 4, Figs. 16–18. | |
1998 Cyprideis sp. aff. C. retrobispinosa Purper and Pinto—Swain: 3; Pl. 6, Figs. 1–8. | |
2011 Cyprideis aulakos—Linhares et al.: 95; Figs. 3/3–4. | |
2011 Cyprideis sulcosigmoidalis—Linhares et al.: 95; Figs. 4/5–6. |
Material. 1,839 valves; samples AM10/3, 6–7, 15–16, 19–31, 33, 35, 39–44.
Dimensions (total range over all samples). R♀ l = 0.84–1.16 (0.99), h = 0.50–0.68 (0.58; n = 186); L♀ l = 0.92–1.17 (1.04), h = 0.57–0.72 (0.63; n = 14); R♂ l = 0.98–1.13 (1.08), h = 0.51–0.66 (0.60; n = 15); L♂ l = 0.96–1.22 (1.08), h = 0.57–0.73 (0.63; n = 13).
Remarks. The current material complies with C. sulcosigmoidalis of Purper (1979) and Linhares et al. (2011) and C. aulakos of Muñoz-Torres et al. (1998 = Cyprideis sp. 4 in Whatley et al. 1998; Linhares et al. 2011). The specimen figured by Sheppard & Bate (1980) on plate 7, figure 13 (and most probably figure 12; Purper & Pinto 1985) as well as Cyprideis sp. aff. C. retrobispinosa in Swain (1998) actually belong to C. sulcosigmoidalis.
C. sulcosigmoidalis is a subovate–subtrapezoidal, punctate, avestibulate species with pronounced, sinuous sulcus. While the ventral margin of left valves is only slightly concave, the anteroventral margin is more curved in right valves, which cause a more pronounced ventral concavity. Puncta are randomly arranged centrally but form concentric rows along the free valve margin. The hinge (right valve) is formed by robustly denticulated anterior and posterior elements; the long, crenulated median element is composed of a short anteromedian groove and a long posteromedian bar. Marginal pore canals are numerous, simple or rarely bifurcated; normal pores are of sieve-type. Males are more elongated and have a more oblique posterior margin than females (Purper 1979; Muñoz-Torres et al. 1998; Whatley et al. 1998; note: due to its outline, the “female” holotype represents in fact a male individual). Anterior (both valves) and posterior denticles (only right valves) as illustrated by Muñoz-Torres et al. (1998) and Whatley et al. (1998) have not been mentioned in the original description by Purper (1979). Conversely, Purper (1979: 226) stated for C. sulcosigmoidalis: “it does not present spines on the anterior margin”.
By examining the original descriptions and figurations of C. sulcosigmoidalis and C. aulakos, there is virtually no clear-cut difference between both taxa (neither in outline, development of the sulcus, the inner lamella, pore canals nor in the hinge). In addition to the trait of marginal denticulation, which was later introduced by Muñoz-Torres et al. (1998) and Whatley et al. (1998), the only difference is that C. aulakos “lacks parallel punctuation peripherally and the ornament is smoother […] although some specimens are densely punctate anteriorly” (Whatley et al. 1998: 237; see also Muñoz-Torres et al. 1998: 94).
Within the present material considerable variations in ornamentation within samples (e.g. AM10/23: Pl. 13, Figs. 8, 11) and, especially, between samples are evident (e.g. AM10/7: Pl. 12, Fig. 27; AM10/3: Pl. 12, Fig. 21). Specimens from the lower part of the core (AM10/43–25) and the uppermost sample (AM10/3) have a sulcosigmoidalis-type ornament. In-between, transitional morphotypes occur (AM10/23–15) and only in samples AM10/7–6 smooth, aulakos-type valves dominate (Fig. 7). Based on this observation, the diagnostic feature “ornament” sensu Muñoz-Torres et al. (1998) is problematic and most likely ecologically controlled.
Plate 13.
Cyprideis sulcosigmoidalis (Purper, 1979) Figs. 1–21. 1: L♀, e (1.10/0.64; AM10-15_10); 2–3: R♀, e-i (1.06/0.64; AM10-15_12); 4: L♂, e (1.12/0.64; AM10-15_09); 5–6: R♂, e-i (1.10/0.61; AM10-15_11); 7: L♀, e (0.99/0.62; AM10-23_77); 8–9: R♀, e-i (0.98/0.58; AM10-23_82); 10: L♂, e (1.07/0.62; AM10-23_78); 11: R♂, e (1.05/0.58; AM10-23_80); 12: = Fig. 10, i; 13: L♀, e (0.97/0.60; AM10-25_57); 14: R♀, e (0.93/0.56; AM10-25_01); 15: R♀, i (0.89/0.53; AM10-25_05); 16: L♀, e (0.92/0.57; AM10-27_42); 17–18: R♀, e-i (0.89/0.52; AM10-27_46); 19: L♂, e (0.96/0.57; AM10-27_43); 20–21: R♂, e-i (0.98/0.54; AM10-27_44).
Figure 7.
Variation of some traits in C. sulcosigmoidalis (for ornamentation and selvage position specimens were assigned to classes (1–3; ESM 2); if more than one class occur in one sample, the arithmetic mean is also displayed; the number of studied specimens per sample is indicated next to the bars; min = minimum, max = maximum, max range/sa = maximum range within one sample, Rf = right female valves).
Anterior marginal denticles are only poorly developed in our specimens (rather present as a crenulation; frequently only seen in internal view; Fig. 7). As far as the material enables, anterior denticulations are restricted to the lower part of 1AS-10-AM (~up to AM10/27). However, referring to the original description of C. sulcosigmoidalis, in this case the degree of marginal denticulation seems to be a weak diagnostic trait. After personal observation (M.G.), it can be stated that in core 1AS-33-AM (sample depth: 290.1 and 356.3 m), C. sulcosigmoidalis with numerous anteromarginal denticles on right valves occur in the strata where Cyprideis caraionae was described by Purper & Pinto (1985). The ornamentation (almost smooth to coarsely punctate) varies considerably within these samples, analogous to the material of 1AS-10-AM. Conversely, C. sulcosigmoidalis from the uppermost layers (sample depth: 37.5 and 44.1 m) of core 1AS-4a-AM lacks these denticles but equals the specimens from AM10/30 in outline, ornament and, in particular, in the position of the selvage (see below). Possible evolutionary trends (e.g. progressive reduction of spines) require further investigations.
For these reasons, we suppose that ornament and marginal denticulation are not sufficient characters to delineate C. aulakos from C. sulcosigmoidalis and regard them as synonyms.
Throughout the core no significant variations of the inner lamella, pore canals, hinge or muscle scars were found. Nonetheless, C. sulcosigmoidalis varies noticeably in size in core 1AS-10-AM (e.g. large valves in AM10/30, small ones in AM10/27; Fig. 7), but this is not straightforwardly correlated with the characters discussed above and probably linked to another ecological parameter.
A further observation concerns the length/height ratio (Fig. 7): specimens of the lowermost samples (AM10/43–39) are more elongated in outline than the specimens up-section (e.g. Pl. 14, Figs. 18–21). Because of the limited and badly preserved material from this part of the core, it remains highly speculative to discuss a possible phylogenetic trend here.
Plate 14.
Cyprideis sulcosigmoidalis (Purper, 1979) Figs. 1–21. 1: L♀, i (= Fig. 16, pl. 13); 2: L♂, i (= Fig. 19, pl. 13); 3: L♀, i (= Fig. 1, pl. 13); 4: L♀, e (1.09/0.69; AM10-29_19); 5–6: R♀, e-i (1.05/0.62; AM10-29_03); 7: L♀, e (1.17/0.72; AM10-30_124); 8–9: R♀, e-i (1.12/0.65; AM10-30_77); 10: L♂, e (1.22/0.73; AM10-30_123); 11–12: R♀, e-i (1.09/0.65; AM10-30_76); 13: = detail of Fig. 10; sieve pores; 14–15: R♂, e-i (1.10/0.66; AM10-30_21); 16–17: L♀, e-i (1.00/0.62; AM10-42_02); 18–19: R♀, e-i (1.02/0.59; AM10-42_04); 20–21: R♀, e-i (0.94/0.53; AM10-43_07)
Nevertheless, one—admittedly subtle—character seems to change gradually within the core section: the course of the selvage on the anterior margin of right valves (Fig. 7) and, connected with this (but less well expressed), the course of the anterodorsal outline. In specimens from samples up to AM10/29, the selvage is located proximally in the anterior and anterodorsal valve region. It shifts distally in the anterodorsal region in specimens from samples AM10/28-15, while in specimens from the uppermost samples AM10/7-3, the selvage is placed distally in both the anterior and anterodorsal valve regions. Potentially, this shift of the selvage marks a delicate evolutionary change within C. sulcosigmoidalis, which could be of further biostratigraphic importance. Additional analyses of other cores are necessary to prove or refute this claim.
However, C. sulcosigmoidalis and C. aulakos are placed in two different lineages (C. sulcosigmoidalis in the “ornate”, C. aulakos in the “smooth” lineage) in the phylogenetic scheme of Whatley et al. (1998) and Muñoz-Torres et al. (2006). Following our observations, both are not only very closely related but are synonyms. Thus, the proposed phylogeny of Amazonian Cyprideis needs substantial reorganisation (Fig. 3a). Furthermore, the “first appearance datum” of C. aulakos marks the lower boundary of the C. aulakos zone (Muñoz-Torres et al. 2006). With the rejection of this species, this zone is largely challenged (Fig. 8). It is left open to further investigations, if the occurrence of the aulakos-morphotype has an ecological implication and is at least of (local) ecostratigraphic value.
Figure 8.
Ostracod based biozonation of Muñoz-Torres et al. (2006) and remarks (correlations of biozones and chronostratigraphy after Wesselingh et al. 2006b; Wesselingh & Ramos 2010; FAD = first appearance datum and LAD = last appearance datum sensu Muñoz-Torres et al. (2006); s. MT = sensu Muñoz-Torres et al. (1998), s. P = sensu Purper (1979), syn. = synonymous).
Occurrence (including the synonymous C. aulakos). Western Amazonia (Brazil, Colombia, Peru), early Middle to early Late Miocene (C. aulakos–C. cyrtoma zone; Muñoz-Torres et al. 2006; chronostratigraphic correlation after Wesselingh & Ramos 2010).
5. Discussion
5.1. Biostratigraphic implications
Muñoz-Torres et al. (2006) proposed an ostracod-based biozonation for the Pebas/Solimões Formation, which is—similar to mollusc zones (Wesselingh et al. 2006b)— tightly linked to earlier palynological zonations (Hoorn 1993, 1994b; Fig. 8). Intensive debates about definitions of pollen zones and their chronostratigraphic allocation still characterise significant uncertainties of western Amazonia’s stratigraphy (Jaramillo et al. 2010; Latrubesse et al. 2010; Silva-Caminha et al. 2010; Dino et al. 2012; Gross et al. 2013; compare Jaramillo et al. 2011 for detailed palynological zonations of the Llanos Basin, Colombia). Here, we apply the stratigraphic concept of Wesselingh & Ramos (2010; correlation of mollusc and ostracod zones; chronostratigraphy) as well as of Wesselingh et al. (2006b; correlation of pollen and mollusc zones; Fig. 9), being aware that considerable readjustments of biozone correlations and chronology are required.
Figure 9.
Stratigraphic range of herein treated Cyprideis species mainly based on Muñoz-Torres et al. (2006; for details see chapters 4.5. and 4.6.; correlations of biozones and chronostratigraphy after Wesselingh et al. 2006b; Wesselingh & Ramos 2010; arrows: probably further extending into the Late Miocene, see Gross et al. 2013).
Among the ostracod index species sensu Muñoz-Torres et al. (2006) found in core 1AS-10-AM, C. minipunctata has its last occurrence in sample AM10/31 (Fig. 10). As the last appearance of this species defines the top of the C. minipunctata zone (Muñoz-Torres et al. 2006), the productive samples below AM10/30 (>141.2 m depth) can be assigned to the C. minipunctata zone and/or to the downward succeeding C. caraionae zone. C. schedogymnos is restricted to samples AM10/40–44 in the present core. It points to the same direction, because it appears in the C. caraionae zone and vanishes at the end of the C. minipunctata zone (Muñoz-Torres et al. 2006). Similarly, C. simplex (as far as it is differentiated as a separate species) occurs in the C. caraionae zone. The latter zone is characterised by the first and last appearance of C. caraionae, which is, however, missing in the current materials. Unpublished palynological evaluations (M. Ebner, Tübingen) of core 1AS-10-AM recorded the pollen index taxon Grimsdalea magnaclavata Germeraad, Hopping & Muller, 1968 throughout the core (down to 336 m depth, sample AM10/48, altitude: -251 m). The onset of the Grimsdalea zone coincides with the lower boundary of the C. minipunctata zone as suggested by Wesselingh & Ramos (2010). Based on this, and supported by the absence of C. caraionae, we assign the core interval from AM10/31–44 (>141.2 to 218.1 m depth) to the C. minipunctata zone.
Figure 10.
Distribution of Cyprideis species in core 1AS-10-AM and ostracod biozonation (barren samples AM10/45–47 as well as the single valve in AM10/48 not displayed; asterisk at samples AM10/6–7: more (~four times) material available but not counted; for legend of the lithology, see Fig. 1).
Up-section (AM10/30), C. cyrtoma and C. curucae (= Cyprideis sp. 1 and 2 in Muñoz-Torres et al. 2006) occur for the first time in our record. Both species have their first appearance at the base of the C. obliquosulcata zone (Muñoz-Torres et al. 2006). This ostracod zone is characterised by the first and last appearance of C. obliquosulcata, which has not been identified here. Accordingly, the core proportion between AM10/30 and AM10/3 can be attributed to the C. obliquosulcata and the following C. cyrtoma zone only, and a differentiation of both zones is tentative.
Muñoz-Torres et al. (2006) mentioned that the minute limnocytherid Skopaeocythere tetrakanthos Whatley, Muñoz-Torres & Van Harten, 2000 is restricted to the C. obliquosulcata zone and the presence of the foraminifer Elphidium is also characteristic for this interval. S. tetrakanthos has been found in AM10/22, associated with dwarfed elphidiid foraminifers (also in AM10/23; pers. observ., M.G.). Thus, the boundary between the C. obliquosulcata and C. cyrtoma zones rests questionably somewhere above AM10/22 (<116.4 m depth).
5.2. Remarks to the western Amazonian Cyprideis species flock
The appraisal of western Amazonian Cyprideis basically depends on two works: the initial monograph by Purper (1979) and the publication of Whatley et al. (1998).
Purper (1979) discovered the endemism of this fauna, leading to the erection of several new species and genera (later extended by Sheppard & Bate 1980; Purper & Pinto 1983, 1985; Purper & Ornellas 1991). These studies provided 26 formally described “Cyprideis” species, placed in nine different genera (seven are endemic for western Amazonia).
Conversely, Whatley et al. (1998; and complementarily Muñoz-Torres et al. 1998) applied a “broader” concept—on species and genus level alike (a discussion of the latter is beyond the scope of the present contribution). Seven earlier established species were considered as synonyms, five new species were added and nine species of Sheppard & Bate (1980), Purper & Pinto (1983, 1985), Purper & Ornellas (1991) were not treated. With the emendation of the generic diagnosis of Cyprideis (Whatley et al. 1998), all these species were transferred to that genus, hence comprising 24 (inclusively synonyms: 31) formally described Amazonian Cyprideis species.
Here, we encounter 20 Cyprideis species. Five species, placed together by Whatley et al. (1998), are revalidated (one additional remains unclear), two species of these authors are synonymized, and two new species are defined. Thus, 30 species now form the Miocene Amazonian Cyprideis inventory (Fig. 3).
Although each separate valve character can be subject to serious intraspecific variation in Cyprideis, detailed observations on a considerable number of valves (~16 % out of ~7,200 counted valves (ESM 1, 2) revealed sufficient traits for species delineations (discussion in 4.2.). In particular, between samples, valves’ sizes and ornaments of species repeatedly vary and are obviously environmentally controlled (a discussion of potential ecological influxes is the subject of upcoming works). Nevertheless, within samples (fossil populations), size and “basic” patterns of ornamentation of species form valuable discriminating traits. Similarly, variations in marginal denticulation of specimens between strata occur, but their principal expression (e.g. shape, position) provides a valuable diagnostic character, frequently already perceptible in juvenile stages. By application of the generic conception of Whatley et al. (1998), the development of the inner lamella and of marginal pore canals also offer an effective taxonomic tool for species differentiation. In addition, hinge structures (inclusively reversed hinges) contribute to species diagnoses.
The observed intraspecific plasticity (especially between samples) necessitates an extensive photographic illustration. We are aware that this work is just a further step to register Cyprideis’ radiation in western Amazonia. Future studies, focussing on selected species only, may render some species, as outlined here, to be species complexes or lineages.
Whatley et al. (1998) and Muñoz-Torres et al. (2006) proposed a hypothetical phylogeny for Amazonian Cyprideis through Miocene times, which speculatively originates from one or two ancestor(s), giving rise to a “smooth” and an “ornate” lineage. Limited by the comparably short time interval covered by well 1AS-10-AM (? <2 Ma), we do not attempt to redesign that phylogeny here. Nonetheless, solely based on comparative morphology a further characterisation of the “smooth” and “ornate” groups was possible, accompanied by a reorganisation of species relations and (sub-)groupings, respectively (see 4.3.–4.5.). These taxonomic adjustments substantially concern Cyprideis’ phylogeny and biozonations as well.
The current study underlines once more Cyprideis’ remarkable capability to produce species flocks. Western Amazonian Cyprideis comply with the criteria of a species flock (Lecointre et al. 2013; see also Schön & Martens 2004; Sturmbauer 2008):
endemicity: up to now not a single species has been recorded in adjacent areas;
monophyly: to date this criterion is hardly verifiable, and probably Amazonian Cyprideis is not monophyletic in a strict sense. Perhaps Purper’s original generic subdivision reflects the situation more properly; in any case, several closely related, quite rapidly evolving species (or species complexes) are proved;
speciosity: due to the present study, 30 formally described Cyprideis species exist in western Amazonia; additionally, several other species are recorded in the literature, although left in open nomenclature until now. This strongly hints to a much higher, still unrecorded species richness within this vast and little explored region;
ecological diversity: this criterion remains difficult to attest due to limited research and the fact of dealing with extinct taxa; based on rare sedimentologic cross-references, ecological diversity within a highly structured wetland is possible (Gross et al. 2013); the current results demonstrate the sympatric occurrence of up to 12 Cyprideis species, which may indicate adaptations to different microhabitats;
habitat dominance: regularly, Cyprideis holds more than 90 % in western Amazonian ostracod assemblages during the Early and Middle Miocene (Muñoz-Torres et al. 1998; Whatley et al. 1998; and this study), however, it decreases to c. 36 % close to its disappearance in Late Miocene times (Ramos 2006; Gross et al. 2013).
6. Conclusions
The micropalaeontologic investigation of well 1AS-10-AM (Solimões Basin; Brazil) permits a review of about 2/3 of hitherto described Miocene Cyprideis species from western Amazonia. More than 7,000 valves (out of estimated ~12,000) were counted, of which >1,000 were subject to detailed examination (light and SEM photography; basic morphometrics). This allows for conclusions on the taxonomic value of observable valve characters as well as for a demonstration of intraspecific variability (as far as possible including sexual and ontogenetic polymorphism).
Based on our observations, we refine existing Cyprideis species definitions (5 species are revalidated, 2 synonymised, 2 renamed and 2 defined) as well as earlier proposed species (sub-)groupings. Due to the occurrence of some ostracod index species, the core comprises sediments of the C. minipunctata to C. cyrtoma ostracod zones, corresponding to the Grimsdalea pollen zone and a late Middle to early Late Miocene age.
We regard the current study as a base for upcoming, more advanced analyses (e.g. geometric morphometric approaches or geochemical analyses) as well as a further step in illuminating the amazing Cyprideis species flock of western Amazonia’s geological past.
Electronic supplementary material
Dataset of the occurrences of Cyprideis species in core 1AS-10-AM.
Dataset of measured and photographed specimens.
This study was financed by the Austrian Science Fund project P21748-N21 and supported by the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico/Ministério da Ciência e Tecnologia (CNPq/MCT; process number EXC 010389/2009-1). For access to core materials as well as to unpublished reports we acknowledge the Departamento Nacional de Produção Mineral (DNPM/Manaus, especially Gert Woeltje) and the Companhia de Pesquisa de Recursos Minerais (CPRM/Manaus, especially Marco Antônio de Oliveira). The authors are grateful to Dan L. Danielopol (University of Graz) and Frank Gitter (UM Joanneum, Graz) for intensive discussions. Martin Ebner (University of Tübingen) is thanked for palynological analyses, Patrick Grunert (University of Graz) for comments on foraminifers as well as Hans-Peter Bojar (UM Joanneum, Graz) for generous access to the SEM. The following students assisted with sample processing and documentation: Isabel Egartner, Andrea Grießbacher, Guido Knebl, Ines Korbuly, Michaela Radl, Stefanie Schmidl and Roland Tiefling. We appreciate Elsa Gliozzi (Roma Tre University) for her constructive review and David M. Damkaer (Monroe, Washington) for his detailed correction of the English spelling. We are thankful to Renate Matzke-Karasz (University of Munich) for careful manuscript editing.
Note. Specimens on all plates are figured at the same scale (except additional details, which are marked by a vertically aligned scale bar). Abbreviations: C = carapace, L = left valve, R = right valve; d = dorsal view, e = external view, i = internal view; ♀ = female, ♂ = male, j = juvenile. In brackets length (l) and height (h) are indicated in millimetres (e.g. 0.88/0.49 = length 0.88 mm, height 0.49 mm; the length of spines is not included) followed by a specimen code (sample number_specimen number; e.g. AM10-7_85. For corresponding inventory numbers, see ESM 2).
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Associated Data
This section collects any data citations, data availability statements, or supplementary materials included in this article.
Supplementary Materials
Dataset of the occurrences of Cyprideis species in core 1AS-10-AM.
Dataset of measured and photographed specimens.