QPCR validations of PVAN specific genes. In order to validate PVAN specific gene expression data 4 genes (LTF, CFD, RPS15, and NOSIP) were selected for QPCR validation. Over-expression of all 4 genes in PVAN vs. STA and also in PVAN vs. TCMR was confirmed. Gene expression for; (A) lactotransferrin (LTF) in PVAN was significant when compared to AR (p=0.04) and STA (p=0.02), (B) complement factor D (CFD) in PVAN was significant when compared to AR (p=0.05) and STA (p=0.05), (C) 40 ribosomal protein S15 (RPS15) in PVAN was significant when compared to AR (p=0.002) and STA (p=0.02), (D) nitric oxide synthase interacting protein (NOSIP) in PVAN was significant when compared to AR (p=0.004) and STA (p=0.007). The first and third quartiles are at the ends of the box, the median is indicated with a horizontal line in the interior of the box, and the maximum and minimum are at the ends of the whiskers.