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. 2004 Oct 11;101(42):15100–15105. doi: 10.1073/pnas.0406665101

Cell division and cell survival in the absence of survivin

Dun Yang 1,*, Alana Welm 1, J Michael Bishop 1
PMCID: PMC524069  PMID: 15477601


The survivin protein contains structural features of the inhibitor of apoptosis protein family. Previous studies have suggested that survivin is essential for cell survival because it counteracts an otherwise constitutive propensity to apoptosis during mitosis. In addition, survivin appears to be a component of the chromosomal passenger protein complex that participates in multiple facets of cell division. Here we report that euploid human cells do not die in the absence of survivin. Instead, depletion of survivin caused defects in cell division, followed by an arrest of DNA synthesis due to activation of a checkpoint involving the tumor suppressor protein p53. During anaphase mitosis in survivin-deficient cells, sister chromatids disjoined normally, but one or more of the sister chromatids frequently lagged behind the main mass of segregating chromosomes, probably because of merotelic kinetochore attachments. Survivin-deficient cells initiated but failed to complete cytokinesis, apparently because the spindle midzone and midbody microtublues were absent during late mitosis. The abnormalities of both chromosome segregation and cytokinesis could be attributed to a defect in the chromosomal passenger protein complex, with a consequent mislocalization of the kinesin-like motor protein MKLP-1 playing a more immediate role in the microtubule abnormalities. Depletion of another chromosomal passenger protein, aurora-B, recapitulated the survivin RNA interference phenotypes. We conclude that survivin can be essential for the proliferation of normal human cells by virtue of its contributions to accurate sister chromatid segregation and assembly/stabilization of microtubules in late mitosis. However, the protein is not inevitably required for the survival of normal cells.

Keywords: apoptosis, cytokinesis, chromosome segregation, chromosomal passenger proteins, mitosis

The protein survivin has attracted attention because of its abundant expression in various human cancers and its potential as a target in cancer therapy (1). Because survivin contains a BIR domain (baculoviral inhibitor of apoptosis protein repeats), it was assigned to the inhibitor of apoptosis protein family (2). Numerous studies have shown that survivin overexpression confers cytoprotection against a variety of apoptotic stimuli, whereas loss of survivin expression or function causes spontaneous apoptosis or sensitizes cancer cells to apoptotic stimuli (1). It has been proposed that survivin functions at the interface between cell division and cell survival by counteracting a constitutive pathway that induces apoptosis during mitosis (3, 4). But the existence of that pathway remains hypothetical, and little is known of how survivin might be involved in the cellular machinery that mediates apoptosis and cell division.

Survivin has been defined as one of the chromosomal passenger proteins (CPPs), which also include the aurora-B kinase, the inner centromere protein, and the telophase disk antigen (TD-60) (5). These proteins appear to function as part of a multiprotein complex, referred to as the CPP complex, which plays multiple roles during cell division (5). Depletion of survivin in human cells has been reported to cause apoptosis and pleiotropic defects in cell division (3, 68). However, it remains uncertain which of these effects are primary, and which are secondary. Because cancer cell lines have been widely used to study the function of survivin in the past, interpretation of the results is complicated by the abnormal ploidy and multiple genetic defects characteristic of these cells, which may modify the outcome of survivin depletion.

We used RNA interference (RNAi) to specifically reduce survivin expression in the IMR-90 strain of human primary lung fibroblasts and in a human retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cell line that has normal ploidy and functioning checkpoints for the cell cycle and mitotic spindle (9). In contrast to studies with cancer cells (3, 7, 10, 11), we report that RPE and IMR-90 cells can survive in the absence of survivin but suffer frequent missegregation of sister chromatids and lack the spindle midzone and midbody microtubules during late mitosis. These abnormalities result in a previously described failure of cytokinesis and a previously unrecognized p53-dependent arrest of DNA synthesis. A deficiency of p53 allows DNA endoreduplication without completion of cytokinesis in survivin-depleted RPE cells, resulting in cell-division defects typically found in survivin-depleted p53-deficient cancer cells, such as abnormalities of centrosome number and multipolar spindles (3). We conclude that survivin may not be essential for cell survival, but the protein is required for cellular proliferation, because as a CPP, it has an essential role in both the segregation of sister chromatids and the assembly/stabilization of microtubules late in mitosis.

Materials and Methods

Preparation of Small Hairpin RNA (shRNA). shRNAs were prepared as described in ref. 12. Each RNA had a 24-bp stem that is complementary with a unique sequence within the target gene. All RNAs had an extra GGG at the 5′ end, a UU at the 3′ end, and a UUGAGAG loop. The complete sequences of shRNAs are available upon request. suv1 and suv2 are complementary to sequences 575–598 and 586–609, respectively, within the survivin mRNA (National Center for Biotechnology Information mRNA record no. NM_001168).

Western Blot Analysis of Cell Extracts. Immunoblotting was performed as described in ref. 12. Mouse monoclonal antibodies were used to detect p53 and actin, and rabbit polyclonal antibodies were used for all other analysis: p21Cip1, cyclin D1, cyclin E, cyclin B1, cyclin A, pRB (Ser-780 phosphorylation-specific), and proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA). The antiserum for phosphorylated pRB was from Cell Signaling Technology (Beverly, MA) and the others were from Santa Cruz Biotechnology. Horseradish peroxidase-conjugated anti-mouse and anti-rabbit immunoglobulins were from Amersham Pharmacia. Western blots were developed with the ECL detection kit (Amersham Pharmacia).

Fluorescence Microscopy. Immunofluorescence staining was performed as described in ref. 13. Mouse monoclonal antibodies were used to detect p53, survivin, AIM-1, β-tubulin, and γ-tubulin. Rabbit polyclonal antibodies were used for MKLP-1, survivin, and inner centromere protein. Human autoimmune serum from a patient with calcinosis, Raynaud's phenomenon, esophageal dysfunction, sclerodactyly, and telangiectasia (CREST) was used for staining kinetochores. Antibodies to p53, MKLP-1, and survivin (rabbit) were from Santa Cruz Biotechnology. Antibodies to β- and γ-tubulin were from Sigma, and monoclonal antibody for survivin was from Cell Signaling Technology. Antibodies to AIM-1 were from BD Transduction Laboratories (Lexington, KY). CREST antibody was a gift from B. R. Brinkley (Baylor College of Medicine, Houston). Antibodies to inner centromere protein were from T. Stukenberg (University of Virginia, Charlottesville) and W. C. Earnshaw (University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh). Primary antibodies were detected with Texas red-conjugated or fluorescein isothiocyanate-conjugated secondary antibodies, purchased from Jackson ImmunoResearch. After immunostaining, we mounted cells on microscope slides with 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI)-containing Vectashield mounting solution from Vector Laboratories. For fluorescence detection, we used an Axioskop 50 immunofluorescence microscope (Zeiss).

BrdUrd Cellular Proliferation Assay. Cells were incubated for 16–24 h in the presence of 10 μM BrdUrd and fixed in 75% ethanol. Nuclear incorporation of BrdUrd was visualized by immunostaining with a cell proliferation kit (Oncogene Research Products, San Diego).

Histochemistry Staining. Cells were fixed and stained for nuclei and cytoplasm according to the manufacturer's procedures of the Diff-Quik Fixative kit (Dade Behring, Newark, DE).

Cell Culture and shRNA Transfection. Cells were cultured and treated with shRNA as described in ref. 12. Cells were passaged after 16 h of incubation with shRNA and then maintained in culture for the indicated time before analysis by Western blotting. For immunostaining and BrdUrd assay experiments, cells were cultured on coverslips after shRNA treatment. The efficiency of transfection was >95% for RPE cells.


Inhibition of Survivin Expression by RNAi. To study the function of survivin, we used shRNA to selectively reduce survivin expression in RPE cells (12). Because three isoforms of survivin transcripts have been reported (14), we designed two shRNAs (suv1 and suv2) that have target sequences common to all three transcripts. Immunoblotting analysis revealed that survivin protein was almost eliminated after transfection of either shRNA into RPE cells (Fig. 1A). In contrast, expression of actin was not affected. Neither an shRNA that has a three-nucleotide mismatch with survivin mRNA (suv1m) nor an shRNA against firefly luciferase (Fluc) reduced survivin expression, further demonstrating the specificity with which the survivin shRNAs acted. We conclude that expression of survivin was selectively reduced by its cognate shRNAs.

Fig. 1.

Fig. 1.

Depletion of survivin elicits arrest of cellular proliferation. (A) Selective silencing of survivin expression by RNAi. Immunoblotting of whole-cell extracts from mock-treated cells (lane 1), and cells treated with shRNAs against firefly luciferase (Fluc) (lane 2) or survivin (suv1, suv2, and suv1m) (lanes 3–5) was performed 48 h after RNAi treatment. Actin was used as a loading control. (B) Proliferation of RPE cells. Cells were treated with either suv1 or suv1m for 16 h at 70–90% confluence and then passaged into fresh medium at 5% confluence. Cells were harvested at daily intervals and counted with a hemocytometer. Each data point represents the average of three independent experiments, and each experiment was done in triplicate. Error bars represent SD.

Depletion of Survivin in RPE Cells Causes Proliferative Arrest. After survivin depletion, RPE cells became abnormally large and flattened without a significant increase in cell numbers (Fig. 1B and data not shown). In contrast, RPE cells proliferated normally after either mock treatment or treatment with a control shRNA (suv1m) (Fig. 1B). Consistent with proliferative arrest, DNA synthesis determined by BrdUrd incorporation assays diminished in response to survivin RNAi (data not shown and see Fig. 5D). However, apoptosis could not be detected by terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase-mediated dUTP nick end labeling assays (data not shown). Survivin depletion in IMR-90 fibroblasts also caused arrest of proliferation but not cell death (data not shown). We conclude that euploid human cells can survive in the absence of survivin but fail to proliferate.

Fig. 5.

Fig. 5.

The induction of p53 mediates the arrest of DNA synthesis elicited by survivin depletion. (A) The effect of survivin depletion on cell-cycle regulators. RPE cells were treated with suv1 as described for Fig. 1B, and cell extracts were prepared at indicated time points after shRNA transfection and loaded equally in each lane. Expression of indicated proteins was assessed by Western blotting. (B) Induction of nuclear p53 by survivin RNAi. Immunofluorescence was performed 2 days after transfection of RPE cells with either suv1 (a and b) or suv1m (c and d). The expression of p53 (a and c) was detected with anti-p53 antibodies and an fluorescein isothiocyanate-conjugated secondary antibody. Nuclei were stained with DAPI (b and d). (C) Selective depletion of p53 and survivin proteins by their cognate shRNAs. RPE cells were transfected with (lanes 2–5) or without (lane 1) indicated shRNA(s) and collected at either 48 h (lanes 1–3 and 5) or 72 h (lane 4) after transfection. Western blotting was performed with antiserum against p53, survivin, or actin. (D) Percentage of BrdUrd-positive cells. RPE cells were labeled with BrdUrd 72 h after transfection with shRNA(s). Incorporated BrdUrd was visualized by immunostaining.

Depletion of Survivin Causes Nuclear Abnormalities. We used flow cytometry to characterize the proliferative arrest caused by depletion of survivin. The fraction of RPE cells with 4N DNA content (N is the haploid DNA content) tripled at the expense of cells with 2N DNA content (Fig. 2A). However, there was no sign of cells with DNA content >4N or <2N, in contrast with previous reports that loss of survivin in cancer cells caused polyploidy and/or apoptosis (3, 15). The accumulation of RPE cells with 4N DNA content indicated that the cells remained capable of DNA replication for one S phase in the absence of survivin. Thus, the overall decline in DNA synthesis described above in response to survivin RNAi probably arose secondarily from a cessation of the cell division cycle, rather than from a direct effect on DNA replication.

Fig. 2.

Fig. 2.

Depletion of survivin elicits nuclear abnormalities. (A) The effect of survivin RNAi on cell-cycle distribution. RPE cells were either mock-treated or treated with shRNAs (suv1 and suv1m). Cell-cycle distribution was analyzed by flow cytometry 3 days after shRNA transfection. (B) Nuclear abnormalities in cells treated with survivin RNAi. Immunostaining of cells was performed 3 days after transfection with suv1 (ae) or suv1m (f). Tubulin was detected with fluorescein isothiocyanate-conjugated mouse anti-β-tubulin antibody (green), and nuclei were stained with DAPI (red). White arrowheads and arrows identify mininuclei and DNA bridges, respectively. (C) Percentage of cells with nuclear abnormalities illustrated in B. Each column represents the average of three independent experiments, and each experiment was done in triplicate. More than 500 cells were counted in each measurement. Error bars represent SD.

Accumulation of cells with 4N DNA content could be due to blockage at the G2–M transition, mitotic arrest, failure of chromosome segregation, or a failure in cytokinesis. To distinguish among these possibilities, we examined the nuclear morphology of survivin-depleted RPE cells by DAPI staining (Fig. 2B). Most cells had nuclei with uncondensed DNA, thus excluding mitotic arrest (data not shown). However, there was an accumulation of cells with either two nuclei (Fig. 2Ba) or one bilobed nucleus (Fig. 2B b and c). About 35% of cells had one or the other of these abnormalities 72 h after introduction of suv1 (Fig. 2C). In the same period, the population of cells with 4N DNA content increased from 11% to 33%, presumably reflecting the accumulation of tetraploid cells containing two nuclei or one bilobed nucleus (Fig. 2 A). This result is in contrast with a previous report on survivin depletion in the aneuploid U2OS and HeLa cell lines (7). After exiting mitosis, the cells at first remained mononucleate, then became multinucleate. The binucleation and bilobed nuclei reported here with euploid cells were not observed.

We also found that 30% of suv1-treated cells had mininuclei, and 5% displayed deformed nuclei (Fig. 2 B and C). The frequencies of the abnormalities were ≥17-fold higher than those of suv1m-treated cells. A second survivin RNAi, suv2, produced proliferative arrest and nuclear abnormalities similar to those caused by suv1 (data not shown). The abnormal number, size, and morphology of nuclei indicate that survivin depletion caused defects in mitosis and/or cytokinesis.

Survivin Depletion Causes Abnormal Behavior of Mitotic Chromosomes and Centromeres. The presence of mininuclei and bilobed nuclei in survivin-depleted cells suggested that segregation of mitotic chromosomes had been disturbed. To investigate this possibility, we examined the effect of survivin RNAi on chromosome behavior during mitosis (Fig. 3). Depletion of survivin compromised the ability of RPE cells to align metaphase chromosomes, generating cells that had partial metaphase plates with one or more incorrectly aligned chromosomes (Fig. 3e), consistent with recent reports (6, 7). Nevertheless, survivin-depleted RPE cells regularly reached anaphase and telophase (Fig. 3 f′–h), in contrast with previous observations (6, 7). About 70% of anaphase and telophase cells displayed abnormalities in chromosome segregation not previously attributed to survivin deficiency in mammalian cells, including lagging chromosomes and DNA bridges (Fig. 3 f′ and g and data not shown). The DNA bridges failed to resolve during telophase, and this failure was presumably a means by which cells with one bilobed nucleus were produced. Mininuclei were evident in 25% of survivin-depleted cells during late telophase, likely originating from lagging chromosomes (data not shown and Fig. 4f).

Fig. 3.

Fig. 3.

Chromosome behavior and microtubule assembly during mitosis are abnormal in survivin-depleted cells. RPE cells were fixed 2 days after treatment with either suv1m or suv1. Immunofluorescence was used to detect tubulin and survivin (green and blue, respectively, in the merged images). DNA was stained with DAPI (red in the merged images). Cells in metaphase (a, e, a′, and e′), anaphase (b, f, b′, and f′), early telophase (c, g, c′, and g′), and late telophase (d, h, d′, and h′) are shown. Arrowheads point to misaligned chromosomes, red arrows denote lagging chromosomes or chromatin bridges, and white arrows identify visible cortex contraction.

Fig. 4.

Fig. 4.

Mitotic centromere segregation is abnormal in cells depleted of survivin. RPE cells were treated with suv1m (a and b) or suv1 (cg). Kinetochore proteins were detected with the CREST antibody and a fluorescein isothiocyanate-conjugated secondary antibody (green). DNA was stained with DAPI (red). Cells in metaphase (g), anaphase (a and c), telophase (b, d, and f), and interphase (e) are shown. White arrows point to lagging kinetochores, red arrows identify paired kinetochores at the metaphase plate, and arrowheads denote misaligned paired kinetochores

Lagging chromosomes during late mitosis could be caused by factors such as chromosome fragmentation, defective chromosome condensation, absence of sister-chromatid cohesion, sister-chromatid nondisjunction, or merotelic attachment in which a sister kinetochore is connected to microtubules from both poles of the spindle (16). Because we did not see obvious defects in chromosome condensation, we monitored centromeres by staining kinetochore proteins with the human autoimmune serum CREST (Fig. 4 c, d, and f). Survivin-depleted cells displayed typical centromere doublet signals during metaphase, as in mock-treated or suv1m-treated cells (Fig. 4g and data not shown), indicating that sister-chromatid cohesion was not affected by depletion of survivin.

We then examined centromere segregation during anaphase. Centromeres were typically grouped into a tight cluster at the leading edge of the segregating chromatids in normal anaphase cells (Fig. 4 a and b). In contrast, one or more centromeres had been left in the middle of separated DNA masses in the majority of survivin-depleted cells (Fig. 4c and data not shown). Thus, the segregation of centromeres was disturbed in the absence of survivin. Because kinetochore proteins could always be detected on missegregated chromosomes by immunostaining with CREST antibody (Fig. 4 c, d, and f), we conclude that missegregated chromosomes were not acentromeric chromosome fragments. Furthermore, most lagging chromosomes displayed unpaired centromere signals (Fig. 4 c, d, and f). We suggest that the lagging chromosomes represent sister chromatids that have been left behind, rather than the product of sister-chromatid nondisjunction. This conclusion was also supported by the observation that >95% of mininuclei in interphase cells had unpaired centromere signals (Fig. 4e and data not shown). We conclude that survivin is not required for disjunction of sister chromatids. Instead, it is apparently essential for accurate segregation of sister chromatids, in apparent contrast with the previous report that survivin-depleted cells failed to segregate their sister chromatids (6, 7).

Survivin Regulates Assembly and/or Stability of Microtubule Structure During Late Mitosis. Accumulation of binucleate cells after treatment with survivin RNAi indicates that mitosis, but not cytokinesis, occurs in the absence of survivin. The mitotic spindle plays an essential role in chromosome segregation during early mitosis, whereas microtubules of the spindle midzone and midbody assembled during late mitosis are crucial for cytokinesis (17). To understand the defects in cytokinesis that arise in the absence of survivin, we examined microtubule structure in survivin-depleted cells.

Centrosomes were well nucleated with astral microtubules (data not shown), and the bipolar mitotic spindle was normal during early mitosis in cells depleted of survivin (Fig. 3 a and a), consistent with previous reports (6, 7). Midzone microtubules were also normal during early anaphase (data not shown). This finding was expected because the majority of chromosomes had a bipolar orientation at the metaphase plate and moved to the spindle poles during anaphase (Figs. 3 and 4 and data not shown). In contrast, the midzone microtubules during late anaphase were either disorganized or absent in survivin-depleted cells, indicating that spindle elongation was impaired (Fig. 3 b and b). The midbody microtubules were undetectable in telophase cells (Fig. 3 c, d, c′, and d). We suggest that cells lacking the midbody microtubules correspond to those under-going failure in cytokinesis, because the microtubules are essential for completion of cytokinesis (17). In contrast with previous reports (6, 7), we frequently observed considerable cortex contraction bisecting between poles of a bipolar spindle (Fig. 3 g′ and h), indicating that the initiation of cytokinesis was not affected. We conclude that the involvement of survivin in assembly/stabilization of microtubules during late mitosis makes the protein essential for completion of cytokinesis by mammalian cells, as reported previously for nematodes (18).

We also used RNAi to deplete RPE cells of aurora-B, another component of the CPP complex. The results closely resembled those obtained by depleting survivin, including similar nuclear abnormalities, failure of cytokinesis, and arrest of DNA synthesis (data not shown). We conclude that the phenotype elicited by depletion of survivin is probably due to perturbed function of the CPP complex.

Induction of p53 and p21 by Depletion of Survivin. Because DNA synthesis was arrested during the period that nuclear anomalies were detected, we speculated that a checkpoint had been activated to prevent DNA endoreduplication subsequent to abnormal mitoses. To test this hypothesis, we examined the effect of survivin depletion on some known regulators of the cell cycle. We found that suv1 elicited a sustained increase of both the tumor suppressor protein p53 and its downstream target p21, a cell-cycle inhibitor (Fig. 5A). Analysis with immunofluorescence staining revealed p53 accumulation in survivin-depleted cells irrespective of their nuclear number or morphology (Fig. 5Ba). The induction of p53 was specific to survivin depletion, because neither suv1m nor Fluc gave rise to p53 expression (Fig. 5Bc and data not shown).

p21 apparently acts on the cell cycle by inhibiting the phosphorylation of pRB by cyclin-cdks and by suppressing expression of mitotic cyclins A and B1 (19). We found that phosphorylation of pRB on Ser-780, an event critical for the G1–S transition, diminished after suv1 treatment (Fig. 5A). Moreover, the expression of mitotic cyclins A and B1 was undetectable in survivin-depleted cells, whereas the abundance of G1-type cyclins D1 and E remained constant. We conclude that the proliferative arrest caused by survivin depletion had characteristics of the activation of a p53-dependent checkpoint response.

Arrest of DNA Synthesis in Response to Depletion of Survivin Is Mediated by p53. To determine whether the p53-p21 pathway was responsible for the DNA synthesis arrest induced by survivin depletion, RPE cells were subjected to RNAi against both p53 and survivin (Fig. 5C). The p53 levels induced by depletion of survivin were suppressed by p53 RNAi. We monitored DNA synthesis by BrdUrd incorporation in RNAi-treated cells (Fig. 5D). More than 90% of p53-depleted cells were BrdUrd-positive, whereas <10% of survivin-depleted cells had BrdUrd incorporation. However, depletion of p53 in the absence of survivin largely restored DNA synthesis (Fig. 5D) but failed to restore proliferation (data not shown). Thus, p53 was required for inhibition of DNA synthesis caused by depletion of survivin, yet survivin itself was not required for DNA synthesis.

Depletion of p53 Exacerbates the Effect of Survivin Depletion on Ploidy. Persistence of DNA synthesis in the presence of combined deficiencies of survivin and p53 raises the possibility of increased ploidy. Consistent with that prediction, we found that ≥10% of cells had more than two nuclei 96 h after introduction of shRNAs against both p53 and survivin (Fig. 6 A and B). In contrast, survivin RNAi alone caused binucleation, whereas depletion of p53 alone had no effect. The size of cells and of each nucleus in multinucleated cells was increased in comparison with that after treatment with RNAi for either survivin or p53 alone.

Fig. 6.

Fig. 6.

Survivin depletion causes multinucleation in cells depleted of p53. (A) Multinucleation elicited by simultaneous elimination of p53 and survivin. RPE cells were either mock-transfected (a) or transfected with the indicated shRNA against p53 (b), survivin (c), or both p53 and survivin (d). Five days later, cells were fixed, stained for nuclei and cytoplasm, and examined by phase contrast microscopy (400×). Arrows in c and d identify binucleation and multinucleation respectively. (B) Quantification of nuclear abnormalities. The histogram shows the percentage of cells with more than two nuclei after the shRNA treatment described for A. Each column represents the average of three independent experiments (four measurements each). Three hundred cells were counted in each measurement. (C) Abnormalities of the centrosome number and mitotic spindle. Cells were treated with RNAi as follows: a, mock; b, p53sh1; c, suv1; d and e, p53sh1 and suv1. Cells were stained for survivin in red (ae), γ-tubulin (ad) and β-tubulin (e) in green, and DNA (ae) in blue. One metaphase cell is shown in each panel.

Abnormal mitoses may arise from abnormalities of centrosomes or mitotic spindles. We found that depletion of either survivin or p53 alone in RPE cells had no effect on either centrosome number or structure of the mitotic spindle (Fig. 6C ac and data not shown), in contrast with previous reports (3, 10). However, combined deficiencies gave rise to a ≥10-fold increase of mitotic cells having supernumerary centrosomes and multipolar spindles (Fig. 6C d and e and data not shown). We attribute the effect of the combined deficiencies to restoration of DNA replication by the p53 deficiency. Absence of the p53–p21 pathway can exacerbate the cell-division defects caused by survivin depletion by allowing DNA endoreduplication without completion of cytokinesis.


Survivin Is Required for Equal Segregation of Sister Chromatids. We have used RNAi in euploid human cells to obtain evidence that survivin is essential for accurate sister-chromatid segregation but not for sister-chromatid disjunction. Our finding is in apparent contrast with the report that survivin-depleted HeLa cells and U2OS cells entirely lacked sister-chromatid segregation (6, 7). We suggest that the more severe defect in chromosome behavior reported by others may be attributable to abnormal ploidy and/or mutations in the tumor cells used in the experiments.

We attribute the anaphase-lagging chromosomes observed in our experiments to merotelic kinetochore attachments, because lagging chromosomes represented sister chromatids that were often left near the spindle equator in anaphase. The aurora-B kinase, like its homolog IpI in yeast, has been reported to promote bipolar kinetochore attachments by destabilizing merotelic kinetochore attachments (20, 21). Because the kinetochore localizations of aurora-B and survivin are interdependent (refs. 6 and 7 and Fig. 7, which is published as supporting information on the PNAS web site), we propose that survivin ensures the bipolar attachment of kinetochores by being essential for assembly of the CPP complex at centromeres in early mitosis.

Survivin Is Required for Assembly/Stabilization of the Central Spindle in Late Mitosis. Survivin has been implicated in regulating the assembly of microtubules, because survivin-null mouse embryos lacked the mitotic spindle and spindle midzone microtubules (22). Injection of survivin antibodies into HeLa cells has been reported to cause shortened mitotic spindles and abnormal multipolar spindles (11). We found that survivin depletion in RPE cells had no apparent effect on the mitotic spindle in early mitosis, in accord with two recent reports for HeLa cells (6, 7). Instead, the spindle midzone and the midbody microtubules were absent during the late mitosis of survivin-deficient RPE cells, an abnormality not previously associated with survivin deficiency in cultured mammalian cells.

Survivin depletion in RPE cells disrupted association of the chromosomal passenger proteins inner centromere protein and aurora-B and the spindle midzone motor protein MKLP-1 with the spindle midzone, the equatorial cortex, and the midbody (Fig. 7 and Supporting Text, which is published as supporting information on the PNAS web site). These findings suggest that the CPP complex is required for the recruitment of MKLP-1 to organize microtubules of the spindle midzone and midbody in mammalian cells, as in nematodes (23, 24), and that failure of this recruitment is at least partially responsible for the defects in cytokinesis displayed by survivin-depleted RPE cells.

Survivin Is Required for Cellular Proliferation but Not Cell Survival. Survivin has been proposed to be an inhibitor of apoptosis protein that is required to protect mitotic cells against a default apoptotic program (3, 4). Our finding that RPE and IMR-90 cells can survive despite abnormal mitoses caused by survivin depletion supports neither the existence of such a default apoptotic pathway nor an essential role for survivin to protect cells suffering abnormal mitoses. Two recent studies have failed to reproduce the substantial apoptosis of HeLa cells described previously as a consequence of survivin depletion (6, 7), but the possibility of incomplete depletion of survivin has been raised as an explanation for the absence of apoptosis (10). Because the loss of survivin in many cancer cell lines has been associated with apoptosis, further studies are needed to understand the cellular context that makes survivin essential for cell survival.

Our findings indicate that, in at least some euploid human cells, survivin is essential for cellular proliferation but not for cell survival. Survivin-deficient cells were arrested in G1 in a p53-dependent manner immediately after a defective cell division. A p53-dependent G1 arrest after failure of cytokinesis has been documented in cells treated with either spindle toxins or inhibitors of actin assembly (25, 26). It has been proposed that tetraploidy triggers p53-dependent arrest in these contexts (26). However, a recent study indicates that p53-dependent arrest is not triggered by binucleation, polyploidy, multiple centrosome, or failure of cytokinesis (27). Our finding that p53 was induced in cells with both normal and abnormal number nuclei after depletion of survivin is consistent with the latter report. Because survivin is not required for DNA synthesis, we speculate that disruption of the microtubule cytoskeleton during cytokinesis by depletion of survivin may generate a signal to activate p53 and cause G1 arrest.

Activation of a p53-dependent mitotic checkpoint after depletion of survivin has been reported in ref. 10. That study was not designed to distinguish a G2–M arrest from a postmitotic arrest, so it is possible that p53 was mediating a postmitotic checkpoint like that observed here. Our studies are in apparent contrast with reports that survivin-null mouse embryos displayed multinucleate giant cells, and that survivin loss in mouse thymocytes triggered a p53-dependent accumulation of cells with 2N DNA content (22, 28). Thus, it seems likely that the role of survivin varies with cell type and context, even in normal settings.

In conclusion, we have shown that in the absence of survivin, certain euploid human cells suffer missegregation of chromosomes, abortive assembly of microtubules late in mitosis, failure of cytokinesis, and arrest of DNA synthesis. Cessation of DNA synthesis appears to be dependent on a postmitotic checkpoint pathway involving p53. We attribute the defects in mitosis and cytokinesis to disruption of the CPP complex. We found no evidence that survivin regulates centrosome duplication, initial assembly of the mitotic spindle, or cortex contraction. These findings are in contrast with several previous reports about the role of survivin in cell survival, cytokinesis, segregation of sister chromatids, centrosome duplication, and the mitotic spindle (3, 6, 7, 10, 11). We attribute the discrepancies to the use of different cell lines that vary in their ploidy and genotype. Despite the discrepancies, it appears that survivin is essential to both chromosome segregation and cytokinesis in various mammalian cells. It seems reasonable to suspect that abnormal expression or function of survivin might contribute to tumorigenesis.


We thank Ron Vale and David Morgan for advice on the manuscript; Francoise Chanut, Sue Kim, Kevin Hill, and Jian Qu for help in preparation of the manuscript; and B. R. Brinkley, T. Stukenberg, and W. C. Earnshaw for antibodies. This work was supported by National Institutes of Health Grant CA44338 (to J.M.B.) and funds from the G. W. Hooper Research Foundation. D.Y. is supported by a postdoctoral fellowship from the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Fund.

Author contributions: D.Y. designed research; D.Y. performed research; D.Y. and J.M.B. analyzed data; A.W. contributed new reagents/analytic tools; and D.Y. and J.M.B. wrote the paper.

Abbreviations: CPP, chromosomal passenger protein; CREST, calcinosis, Raynaud's phenomenon, esophageal dysfunction, sclerodactyly, and telangiectasia; DAPI, 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole; RNAi, RNA interference; RPE, retinal pigment epithelial; shRNA, small hairpin RNA.


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