Campylobacter is a food-associated bacterium and a leading cause of foodborne illness worldwide, being associated with poultry in the food supply. This is the initial public release of 202 Campylobacter genome sequences as part of the 100K Pathogen Genome Project. These isolates represent global genomic diversity in the Campylobacter genus.
Campylobacter is the most common foodborne pathogen worldwide in humans and animals (1). Approximately 1.3 million people are infected in the United States yearly (2). Despite control efforts, outbreaks are increasing (2). Symptoms include fever, abdominal cramping, and bloody diarrhea, and in rare cases, infection leads to autoimmune disorders, such as Guillain-Barré syndrome (8). Infection is primarily from poultry but is also associated with domesticated livestock (3, 4) and wildlife (5–7).
The 100K Pathogen Genome Project (http://www.100kgenomes.org) is a large-scale sequencing effort for worldwide isolates with a genome repository at the 100K Project BioProject at the NCBI (PRJNA186441). This project included the three most commonly identified species of Campylobacter: C. jejuni, C. lari, and C. coli. For an in-depth review of Campylobacter molecular biology and pathogenesis, see the papers by Silva et al. (9) and Young et al. (10).
All Campylobacter isolates from the 100K Pathogen Genome Project were collected and banked in the laboratory of Bart Weimer (University of California, Davis, Davis, CA). Isolates were checked for purity and stored in liquid nitrogen (11). Genomic DNA (gDNA) was extracted from cultures grown on 5% blood agar plates (UC Davis, VetMed Biological Services) for one to two days, lysed (12), purified with a Qiagen QIAamp DNA minikit (catalog no. 51306), and analyzed on Agilent 2200 TapeStation system with the Genomic DNA ScreenTape assay for integrity of gDNA (13). After isolation, gDNA was fragmented using Diagenode Bioruptor next-generation sequencer (NGS) or Covaris E220 (14). Fragmented gDNA (1 μg) was used for library construction with the Kapa high-throughput (HTP) library preparation kit (catalog no. KK8234; Kapa Biosystems, Boston, MA), using the Agilent Bravo NGS workstation (Santa Clara, CA). Fragmented double-strand gDNA molecules were end-repaired (5′), adenylated (3′), and ligated with double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) adapters, either NEXTflex-96 DNA barcode (Bioo Scientific, Austin, TX), and multiplexed up to 96 isolates, or using Integrated DNA Technologies, Inc. Weimer 384 TS-LT DNA barcodes that allowed multiplexing up to 384 genomes. The standard Kapa protocol with dual-SPRI size selection was used for 250- to 500-bp fragments. Library amplification was done for eight cycles using the Kapa HiFi HotStart ReadyMix, followed by a 1× SPRI bead cleanup step. Size distribution of libraries was confirmed using Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer system with high-sensitivity DNA kit (15, 16), and indexed libraries were quantified with quantitative PCR (qPCR)-based Kapa library quantification kit (catalog no. KK4824) prior to pooling for sequencing either on the Illumina HiSeq 2000 with PE100 plus index read at BGI@UCD (Sacramento, CA) or PE150 on the Illumina HiSeq 3000 at the UC Davis Genome Center (Davis, CA). Paired-end reads were assembled using ABySS 1.5.2 using k = 64 (17).
All sample sequences are publicly available on the NCBI’s Sequence Read Archive (SRA) database (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sra), and genome assemblies can be found in NCBI GenBank. Here, the 100K Pathogen Genome Project has assembled 202 genomes from different isolates of Campylobacter identified as C. jejuni (167 genomes), C. coli (32 genomes), and C. lari (3 genomes) (Table 1).
Species, isolate name, assembly data, and accession numbers of 202 Campylobacter genomes
GenBank accession no. | Isolate name | Speciesa | No. of contigs | Total genome size (bp) | No. of CDSsb |
MJWB00000000 | BCW_4453 | C. coli | 34 | 1,746,170 | 1,766 |
MJVZ00000000 | BCW_4454 | C. coli | 46 | 1,983,591 | 2,062 |
MJWE00000000 | BCW_4455 | C. coli | 43 | 1,872,803 | 1,937 |
MJWC00000000 | BCW_4457 | C. coli | 37 | 1,834,436 | 1,893 |
MKAY00000000 | BCW_4724 | C. coli | 31 | 1,711,767 | 1,724 |
MKCC00000000 | BCW_5137 | C. coli | 25 | 1,725,970 | 1,742 |
MKAO00000000 | BCW_5818 | C. coli | 48 | 1,837,036 | 1,907 |
MJYL00000000 | BCW_5914 | C. coli | 53 | 1,819,402 | 1,890 |
MJWD00000000 | BCW_5916 | C. coli | 32 | 1,828,621 | 1,894 |
MJWF00000000 | BCW_5917 | C. coli | 37 | 1,823,469 | 1,893 |
MJVY00000000 | BCW_5918 | C. coli | 40 | 1,964,242 | 2,043 |
MJWL00000000 | BCW_6447 | C. coli | 32 | 1,861,852 | 1,912 |
MJWM00000000 | BCW_6448 | C. coli | 31 | 1,857,061 | 1,912 |
MJWA00000000 | BCW_6450 | C. coli | 48 | 1,983,760 | 2,061 |
MJYP00000000 | BCW_6860 | C. coli | 48 | 1,731,589 | 1,766 |
MJZG00000000 | BCW_6913 | C. coli | 41 | 1,812,371 | 1,882 |
MJZH00000000 | BCW_6914 | C. coli | 43 | 1,827,738 | 1,884 |
MKEX00000000 | BCW_6946 | C. coli | 46 | 1,828,827 | 1,893 |
MJZK00000000 | BCW_6948 | C. coli | 35 | 1,740,538 | 1,767 |
MJZJ00000000 | BCW_6949 | C. coli | 43 | 1,823,646 | 1,888 |
MJZL00000000 | BCW_6950 | C. coli | 34 | 1,740,481 | 1,766 |
MJZM00000000 | BCW_6951 | C. coli | 57 | 1,966,450 | 2,056 |
MJZP00000000 | BCW_6955 | C. coli | 41 | 1,818,341 | 1,886 |
MJZR00000000 | BCW_6957 | C. coli | 47 | 1,868,605 | 1,928 |
MJZS00000000 | BCW_6958 | C. coli | 40 | 1,738,043 | 1,774 |
MJZU00000000 | BCW_7432 | C. coli | 35 | 1,874,299 | 1,934 |
MJZV00000000 | BCW_7433 | C. coli | 41 | 1,813,482 | 1,882 |
MJZW00000000 | BCW_7434 | C. coli | 48 | 1,848,847 | 1,926 |
MJZX00000000 | BCW_7435 | C. coli | 62 | 1,967,893 | 2,051 |
MJZY00000000 | BCW_7437 | C. coli | 41 | 1,829,683 | 1,892 |
MKAA00000000 | BCW_7460 | C. coli | 36 | 1,629,723 | 1,686 |
MKAB00000000 | BCW_7692 | C. coli | 51 | 1,785,336 | 1,805 |
MEIB00000000 | BCW_3781 | C. jejuni | 59 | 1,803,513 | 1,853 |
MJYK00000000 | BCW_3782 | C. jejuni | 41 | 1,669,259 | 1,677 |
MEIC00000000 | BCW_3784 | C. jejuni | 30 | 1,748,672 | 1,864 |
MJWO00000000 | BCW_3785 | C. jejuni | 28 | 1,731,393 | 1,759 |
MJWP00000000 | BCW_3786 | C. jejuni | 76 | 1,808,881 | 1,856 |
MJVF00000000 | BCW_3787 | C. jejuni | 75 | 1,805,330 | 1,856 |
MJVG00000000 | BCW_3788 | C. jejuni | 28 | 1,673,630 | 1,695 |
MJVH00000000 | BCW_3789 | C. jejuni | 31 | 1,681,150 | 1,765 |
MJVI00000000 | BCW_3790 | C. jejuni | 75 | 1,809,651 | 1,836 |
MJVJ00000000 | BCW_3791 | C. jejuni | 141 | 2,006,566 | 2,034 |
MJVK00000000 | BCW_3792 | C. jejuni | 74 | 1,809,576 | 1,833 |
MJVL00000000 | BCW_3794 | C. jejuni | 63 | 1,759,193 | 1,775 |
MJVM00000000 | BCW_3797 | C. jejuni | 31 | 1,699,040 | 1,676 |
MJVN00000000 | BCW_3798 | C. jejuni | 53 | 1,744,518 | 1,751 |
MJVO00000000 | BCW_3799 | C. jejuni | 55 | 1,768,431 | 1,783 |
MJVP00000000 | BCW_3800 | C. jejuni | 70 | 1,832,983 | 1,840 |
MJVQ00000000 | BCW_3802 | C. jejuni | 64 | 1,836,234 | 1,848 |
MJVR00000000 | BCW_3803 | C. jejuni | 19 | 1,693,605 | 1,689 |
MKAL00000000 | BCW_3804 | C. jejuni | 42 | 1,700,860 | 1,688 |
MJVS00000000 | BCW_3805 | C. jejuni | 74 | 1,807,158 | 1,832 |
MJVT00000000 | BCW_3807 | C. jejuni | 95 | 1,997,747 | 2,027 |
MJVU00000000 | BCW_3810 | C. jejuni | 67 | 1,827,740 | 1,836 |
MJVV00000000 | BCW_4216 | C. jejuni | 29 | 1,689,963 | 1,694 |
MKAM00000000 | BCW_4218 | C. jejuni | 36 | 1,688,993 | 1,707 |
MJXR00000000 | BCW_4219 | C. jejuni | 29 | 1,689,256 | 1,693 |
MJXS00000000 | BCW_4220 | C. jejuni | 71 | 1,812,101 | 1,834 |
MJWI00000000 | BCW_4221 | C. jejuni | 33 | 1,660,182 | 1,633 |
MJXT00000000 | BCW_4222 | C. jejuni | 76 | 1,812,008 | 1,832 |
MJXU00000000 | BCW_4223 | C. jejuni | 73 | 1,792,952 | 1,790 |
MJWH00000000 | BCW_4224 | C. jejuni | 29 | 1,680,989 | 1,689 |
MJXV00000000 | BCW_4225 | C. jejuni | 72 | 1,808,664 | 1,827 |
MJXW00000000 | BCW_4226 | C. jejuni | 29 | 1,693,524 | 1,706 |
MJXX00000000 | BCW_4228 | C. jejuni | 74 | 1,776,092 | 1,777 |
MJXY00000000 | BCW_4229 | C. jejuni | 76 | 1,777,005 | 1,776 |
MJWJ00000000 | BCW_4230 | C. jejuni | 34 | 1,670,410 | 1,639 |
MJXZ00000000 | BCW_4231 | C. jejuni | 66 | 1,833,811 | 1,842 |
MKAW00000000 | BCW_4317 | C. jejuni | 87 | 1,729,089 | 1,758 |
MKAQ00000000 | BCW_4319 | C. jejuni | 18 | 1,662,736 | 1,639 |
MJYA00000000 | BCW_4321 | C. jejuni | 67 | 1,840,105 | 1,882 |
MJYB00000000 | BCW_4322 | C. jejuni | 67 | 1,806,657 | 1,837 |
MJYC00000000 | BCW_4323 | C. jejuni | 88 | 1,736,882 | 1,756 |
MKET00000000 | BCW_4324 | C. jejuni | 56 | 1,804,461 | 1,856 |
MJYD00000000 | BCW_4325 | C. jejuni | 88 | 1,733,375 | 1,755 |
MJYE00000000 | BCW_4326 | C. jejuni | 90 | 1,732,137 | 1,750 |
MKAN00000000 | BCW_4328 | C. jejuni | 63 | 1,854,445 | 1,889 |
MJYF00000000 | BCW_4332 | C. jejuni | 70 | 1,739,132 | 1,764 |
MJYG00000000 | BCW_4333 | C. jejuni | 81 | 1,874,835 | 1,927 |
MJYH00000000 | BCW_4335 | C. jejuni | 91 | 1,725,603 | 1,756 |
MJYI00000000 | BCW_4337 | C. jejuni | 68 | 1,806,323 | 1,836 |
MJYJ00000000 | BCW_4338 | C. jejuni | 66 | 1,807,200 | 1,840 |
MKAH00000000 | BCW_4341 | C. jejuni | 55 | 1,773,112 | 1,773 |
MJWG00000000 | BCW_4452 | C. jejuni | 25 | 1,800,178 | 1,850 |
MKAI00000000 | BCW_4456 | C. jejuni | 30 | 1,724,619 | 1,726 |
MJWN00000000 | BCW_4459 | C. jejuni | 55 | 1,942,729 | 2,031 |
MKAJ00000000 | BCW_4460 | C. jejuni | 25 | 1,601,734 | 1,576 |
MKAK00000000 | BCW_4461 | C. jejuni | 22 | 1,604,851 | 1,577 |
MKAZ00000000 | BCW_4727 | C. jejuni | 13 | 1,678,985 | 1,684 |
MKBA00000000 | BCW_4728 | C. jejuni | 41 | 1,712,512 | 1,743 |
MKBB00000000 | BCW_4731 | C. jejuni | 32 | 1,698,127 | 1,731 |
MKBC00000000 | BCW_4734 | C. jejuni | 34 | 1,684,111 | 1,732 |
MKBD00000000 | BCW_4735 | C. jejuni | 35 | 1,837,130 | 1,892 |
MKBE00000000 | BCW_4737 | C. jejuni | 36 | 1,642,302 | 1,692 |
MKBF00000000 | BCW_4738 | C. jejuni | 40 | 1,748,256 | 1,788 |
MKBG00000000 | BCW_4741 | C. jejuni | 172 | 1,819,989 | 1,970 |
MKBH00000000 | BCW_4743 | C. jejuni | 18 | 1,644,315 | 1,648 |
MKBI00000000 | BCW_4744 | C. jejuni | 61 | 1,654,980 | 1,715 |
MKBL00000000 | BCW_4747 | C. jejuni | 22 | 1,718,223 | 1,720 |
MKBJ00000000 | BCW_4748 | C. jejuni | 49 | 1,747,262 | 1,782 |
MKBK00000000 | BCW_4749 | C. jejuni | 48 | 1,704,441 | 1,757 |
MKBM00000000 | BCW_4753 | C. jejuni | 60 | 1,661,715 | 1,720 |
MKBN00000000 | BCW_4755 | C. jejuni | 27 | 1,687,997 | 1,681 |
MKBO00000000 | BCW_4757 | C. jejuni | 51 | 1,645,272 | 1,708 |
MKBP00000000 | BCW_5121 | C. jejuni | 52 | 1,891,211 | 1,916 |
MKBQ00000000 | BCW_5122 | C. jejuni | 94 | 1,846,320 | 1,949 |
MKBR00000000 | BCW_5123 | C. jejuni | 60 | 1,722,506 | 1,797 |
MKBS00000000 | BCW_5124 | C. jejuni | 66 | 1,673,066 | 1,727 |
MKBT00000000 | BCW_5125 | C. jejuni | 49 | 1,774,518 | 1,808 |
MKBU00000000 | BCW_5126 | C. jejuni | 69 | 1,815,843 | 1,883 |
MKBV00000000 | BCW_5128 | C. jejuni | 116 | 1,797,324 | 1,868 |
MKBW00000000 | BCW_5129 | C. jejuni | 58 | 1,703,448 | 1,777 |
MKBX00000000 | BCW_5131 | C. jejuni | 120 | 1,775,968 | 1,880 |
MKBY00000000 | BCW_5132 | C. jejuni | 38 | 1,694,325 | 1,735 |
MKBZ00000000 | BCW_5133 | C. jejuni | 140 | 1,858,971 | 1,987 |
MKCA00000000 | BCW_5135 | C. jejuni | 105 | 1,776,102 | 1,902 |
MKCB00000000 | BCW_5136 | C. jejuni | 52 | 1,780,266 | 1,796 |
MKCD00000000 | BCW_5140 | C. jejuni | 42 | 1,691,709 | 1,726 |
MKCE00000000 | BCW_5141 | C. jejuni | 73 | 1,701,529 | 1,760 |
MKCF00000000 | BCW_5143 | C. jejuni | 95 | 1,795,032 | 1,848 |
MKCG00000000 | BCW_5144 | C. jejuni | 95 | 1,787,787 | 1,880 |
MKCH00000000 | BCW_5145 | C. jejuni | 65 | 1,752,372 | 1,798 |
MKCI00000000 | BCW_5146 | C. jejuni | 60 | 1,764,810 | 1,832 |
MKCJ00000000 | BCW_5147 | C. jejuni | 130 | 1,721,583 | 1,824 |
MKCK00000000 | BCW_5148 | C. jejuni | 42 | 1,670,278 | 1,703 |
MKCL00000000 | BCW_5150 | C. jejuni | 98 | 1,794,347 | 1,876 |
MKCM00000000 | BCW_5151 | C. jejuni | 53 | 1,683,276 | 1,727 |
MKEY00000000 | BCW_5152 | C. jejuni | 41 | 1,685,669 | 1,721 |
MKEZ00000000 | BCW_5154 | C. jejuni | 65 | 1,741,318 | 1,809 |
MKFA00000000 | BCW_5155 | C. jejuni | 67 | 1,722,407 | 1,807 |
MKFB00000000 | BCW_5156 | C. jejuni | 85 | 1,817,799 | 1,814 |
MKFC00000000 | BCW_5157 | C. jejuni | 88 | 1,810,646 | 1,803 |
MKFD00000000 | BCW_5158 | C. jejuni | 26 | 1,643,431 | 1,670 |
MKFE00000000 | BCW_5159 | C. jejuni | 40 | 1,633,952 | 1,655 |
MKFF00000000 | BCW_5160 | C. jejuni | 54 | 1,824,739 | 1,887 |
MKHS00000000 | BCW_5161 | C. jejuni | 56 | 1,770,897 | 1,786 |
MKHT00000000 | BCW_5162 | C. jejuni | 34 | 1,771,963 | 1,791 |
MKHU00000000 | BCW_5166 | C. jejuni | 47 | 1,880,441 | 1,915 |
MKHV00000000 | BCW_5167 | C. jejuni | 32 | 1,715,657 | 1,746 |
MKHW00000000 | BCW_5170 | C. jejuni | 68 | 1,803,925 | 1,863 |
MKHX00000000 | BCW_5171 | C. jejuni | 117 | 1,764,157 | 1,809 |
MKHY00000000 | BCW_5172 | C. jejuni | 64 | 1,695,537 | 1,706 |
MKHZ00000000 | BCW_5174 | C. jejuni | 98 | 1,757,175 | 1,779 |
MKES00000000 | BCW_5913 | C. jejuni | 80 | 1,829,124 | 1,791 |
MJXA00000000 | BCW_6451 | C. jejuni | 23 | 1,658,447 | 1,671 |
MJXB00000000 | BCW_6452 | C. jejuni | 25 | 1,657,388 | 1,670 |
MJXC00000000 | BCW_6453 | C. jejuni | 73 | 1,870,366 | 1,907 |
MJXD00000000 | BCW_6454 | C. jejuni | 78 | 1,839,000 | 1,885 |
MJXE00000000 | BCW_6456 | C. jejuni | 47 | 1,738,922 | 1,802 |
MJXF00000000 | BCW_6457 | C. jejuni | 66 | 1,820,178 | 1,841 |
MJXG00000000 | BCW_6458 | C. jejuni | 48 | 1,770,748 | 1,779 |
MJXH00000000 | BCW_6459 | C. jejuni | 91 | 1,873,732 | 1,895 |
MJXI00000000 | BCW_6460 | C. jejuni | 42 | 1,743,085 | 1,756 |
MJXJ00000000 | BCW_6461 | C. jejuni | 28 | 1,724,268 | 1,755 |
MJXK00000000 | BCW_6462 | C. jejuni | 45 | 1,762,804 | 1,774 |
MJXL00000000 | BCW_6463 | C. jejuni | 80 | 1,810,501 | 1,847 |
MJXM00000000 | BCW_6464 | C. jejuni | 89 | 1,874,875 | 1,906 |
MJXN00000000 | BCW_6465 | C. jejuni | 113 | 1,898,179 | 1,918 |
MJXO00000000 | BCW_6466 | C. jejuni | 75 | 1,856,101 | 1,908 |
MJXP00000000 | BCW_6467 | C. jejuni | 52 | 1,706,044 | 1,706 |
MJXQ00000000 | BCW_6468 | C. jejuni | 44 | 1,745,966 | 1,746 |
MJYM00000000 | BCW_6475 | C. jejuni | 133 | 1,715,549 | 1,732 |
MJYN00000000 | BCW_6476 | C. jejuni | 49 | 1,750,597 | 1,751 |
MJWQ00000000 | BCW_6871 | C. jejuni | 83 | 1,838,932 | 1,893 |
MJWR00000000 | BCW_6872 | C. jejuni | 38 | 1,727,268 | 1,728 |
MJWS00000000 | BCW_6873 | C. jejuni | 114 | 1,864,402 | 1,881 |
MJWT00000000 | BCW_6874 | C. jejuni | 116 | 1,864,348 | 1,871 |
MJWU00000000 | BCW_6875 | C. jejuni | 40 | 1,737,054 | 1,756 |
MJWV00000000 | BCW_6876 | C. jejuni | 39 | 1,798,356 | 1,914 |
MJWW00000000 | BCW_6877 | C. jejuni | 65 | 1,866,607 | 1,905 |
MJWX00000000 | BCW_6878 | C. jejuni | 114 | 1,862,090 | 1,875 |
MJWY00000000 | BCW_6879 | C. jejuni | 31 | 1,633,912 | 1,684 |
MJYO00000000 | BCW_6880 | C. jejuni | 40 | 1,684,005 | 1,685 |
MJYQ00000000 | BCW_6881 | C. jejuni | 90 | 1,789,448 | 1,773 |
MJYR00000000 | BCW_6882 | C. jejuni | 85 | 1,886,467 | 1,891 |
MJYS00000000 | BCW_6883 | C. jejuni | 82 | 1,870,773 | 1,908 |
MKEW00000000 | BCW_6884 | C. jejuni | 111 | 1,874,853 | 1,925 |
MJYT00000000 | BCW_6885 | C. jejuni | 85 | 1,745,151 | 1,777 |
MJYU00000000 | BCW_6886 | C. jejuni | 114 | 1,737,339 | 1,758 |
MKEV00000000 | BCW_6887 | C. jejuni | 141 | 1,802,256 | 1,801 |
MJYV00000000 | BCW_6888 | C. jejuni | 81 | 1,676,843 | 1,691 |
MJWZ00000000 | BCW_6889 | C. jejuni | 81 | 1,944,460 | 2,003 |
MJYW00000000 | BCW_6891 | C. jejuni | 83 | 1,751,933 | 1,778 |
MJYX00000000 | BCW_6893 | C. jejuni | 57 | 1,770,259 | 1,778 |
MJYY00000000 | BCW_6896 | C. jejuni | 120 | 1,625,057 | 1,606 |
MJYZ00000000 | BCW_6897 | C. jejuni | 27 | 1,713,241 | 1,717 |
MJZA00000000 | BCW_6898 | C. jejuni | 36 | 1,668,807 | 1,665 |
MJZB00000000 | BCW_6899 | C. jejuni | 35 | 1,674,680 | 1,665 |
MJZC00000000 | BCW_6900 | C. jejuni | 60 | 1,839,405 | 1,838 |
MJZD00000000 | BCW_6901 | C. jejuni | 172 | 1,671,632 | 1,678 |
MKEU00000000 | BCW_6902 | C. jejuni | 37 | 1,706,600 | 1,714 |
MJZE00000000 | BCW_6904 | C. jejuni | 71 | 1,719,544 | 1,739 |
MKAP00000000 | BCW_6907 | C. jejuni | 55 | 1,829,263 | 1,849 |
MJZF00000000 | BCW_6910 | C. jejuni | 47 | 1,817,981 | 1,839 |
MJZN00000000 | BCW_6953 | C. jejuni | 40 | 1,700,213 | 1,723 |
MJZO00000000 | BCW_6954 | C. jejuni | 81 | 1,881,118 | 1,881 |
MJZQ00000000 | BCW_6956 | C. jejuni | 57 | 1,783,446 | 1,795 |
MJZT00000000 | BCW_6959 | C. jejuni | 48 | 1,699,337 | 1,726 |
MJZZ00000000 | BCW_7438 | C. jejuni | 73 | 1,950,893 | 2,009 |
MJVX00000000 | BCW_3783 | C. lari | 23 | 1,493,439 | 1,495 |
MJVW00000000 | BCW_3793 | C. lari | 25 | 1,492,968 | 1,492 |
MJWK00000000 | BCW_4217 | C. lari | 21 | 1,491,293 | 1,492 |
The average number of contigs, genome size, and number of coding sequences were 41.4, 1,828,002.30 bp, and 1,884 for C. coli; 63.8, 1,764,345.40 bp, and 1,792 for C. jejuni; and 23, 1,492,566.50 bp, and 1,493 for C. lari, respectively.
CDSs, coding sequences.
Accession number(s).
Sequences can be found in the 100K Project BioProject at the NCBI SRA BioProject and in the NCBI Genbank. Accession numbers are presented in Table 1.
We thank Whitney Ng and Kao Thao for their effort in isolate logistics and technical assistance and all of the collaborators to the 100K Pathogen Genome Project.
This project was funded by 100K Pathogen Genome Project, with initial funding from the FDA, and Agilent Technologies, to produce these sequences.
Citation Weis AM, Huang BC, Storey DB, Kong N, Chen P, Arabyan N, Gilpin B, Mason C, Townsend AK, Smith WA, Byrne BA, Taff CC, Weimer BC. 2017. Large-scale release of Campylobacter draft genomes: resources for food safety and public health from the 100K Pathogen Genome Project. Genome Announc 5:e00925-16. https://doi.org/10.1128/genomeA.00925-16.
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