Comparison of the 13C chemical shifts of plant primary wall cellulose with crystalline cellulose of algae and animals. (a) 13C chemical shift RMSD values between the Arabidopsis primary wall interior cellulose a-e and literature Cladophora and tunicate cellulose, which represent the Iα and Iβ allomorphs, respectively. Each allomorph shows two types of chemical shifts. For ease of inspection, the twenty (5×4) discrete RMSD values are connected by contour lines, thus positions between the twenty points do not have physical meaning. (b) Differences of individual 13C chemical shifts between primary wall celluloses and crystalline Iα and Iβ celluloses. Two similarly good assignments are each found for cellulose a, b and c, but neither assignment is satisfactory, as shown by chemical shift differences of more than 1.5 ppm for some of the carbons. For cellulose e, good agreement with Iα-A’ is found. Cellulose d has large chemical shift differences from all known allomorphs, indicating that the cellulose d structure does not exist in the algal and animal celluloses.