Correlations and partial correlations of ER with Voronoi cell volume, WCN, and
RSA. (A) Distributions of ER correlations with Voronoi cell volume, WCN (using
side-chain and Cα coordinates, denoted by SC
and CA, respectively), and RSA. Note that the WCN measures correlate negatively
with ER. We show here correlations of ER with (−1) ×WCN so that
the correlation distributions all appear on the same positive scale. The
correlations of ER with WCN (SC) are significantly higher than the correlations
of ER with all other quantities shown (Table
4). (B) Distributions of partial correlations of ER with WCN and RSA,
controlling for cell volume. The partial correlation of ER with –WCN are
substantial, with median values of 0.32 (side-chain WCN) and 0.21
(Cα WCN). By contrast, the partial
correlations of ER with RSA largely vanish, with a median value of 0.09.