Figure 6. Regulation of β-catenin expression by XBP1 and its clinical relevance.
A. Effect of CYD 6-17 on the binding of XBP1 to β-catenin promoter region. Chromatin DNAs prepared from T24 cells treated with CYD 6-17 (0.5 μM) or DMSO for 10 h were subjected to ChIP. B. Effect of XBP1 on β-catenin gene promoter activity. T24-P and UMUC3 cells were transiently transfected with β-catenin reporter gene constructs promoters with shXBP1 construct then the luciferase activity was measured 36 h after transfection. After normalizing with Renilla luciferase activity, the relative reporter gene activity in each group was calculated based on shcon (=1). C. The expression of β-catenin mRNA (Left panel) or protein (Right panel) in T24-P and UMUC3 cells transfected with shXBP1 constructs. Data represented mean ± SD (n=3). *, p < 0.05.D. Effect of CYD 6-17 on the expression of XBP1 levels in whole cell lysate (WCL) in T24-P and UMUC3 12 h after treatment (Upper panel), or in tumor lysates (Lower panel). E. Correlation of XBP1s/u with expression of CTNNB1. The Pearson's correlation coefficient r value is shown. F. Kaplan-Meier curve analyses of XBP1s/u expression with overall survival of TCC patients. The log-rank test p value is shown.