Midbrain dopaminergic neurons code a computational quantity, reward prediction error (RPE), which has been causally related to learning. Recently, this insight has been leveraged to link phenomenological and biological levels of understanding in psychiatric disorders, such as schizophrenia. However, results have been mixed, possibly due to small sample sizes. Here we present results from two studies with relatively large Ns to assess VS RPE in schizophrenia.
In the current study we analyzed data from two independent studies, involving a total of 87 chronic medicated schizophrenia patients and 61 controls. Subjects completed a probabilistic reinforcement-learning task in conjunction with fMRI scanning. We fit each participant's choice behavior to a Q-learning model and derived trial-wise RPEs. We then modeled BOLD signal data with parametric regressor functions using these values to determine whether patient and control groups differed in prediction-error-related BOLD signal modulations.
Both groups demonstrated robust VS RPE BOLD activations. Interestingly, these BOLD activation patterns did not differ between groups in either study. This was true when we included all participants in the analysis, as well as when we excluded participants whose data was not sufficiently fit by the models.
These data demonstrate the utility of computational methods in isolating/testing underlying mechanisms of interest in psychiatric disorders. Importantly, similar VS RPE signal encoding across groups suggests that this mechanism does not drive task deficits in these patients. Deficits may instead stem from aberrant prefrontal/parietal circuits associated with maintenance and selection of goal-relevant information.
Keywords: Schizophrenia, Prediction Error, Ventral Striatum, fMRI, Computational Psychiatry, Reward Processing
Schizophrenia (SZ) is associated with a diminished ability to use reward history to adaptively guide behavior. These deficits have been shown across a wide variety of tasks, and have been associated with important aspects of the illness (1). While previous studies have established a broad reward-learning deficit in SZ, most rely solely on standard tasks metrics (e.g., task accuracy) and neuroimaging approaches, which do not always clearly delineate underlying psychological and neural mechanisms. This limits etiological understanding of the specific neural circuits, neurotransmitters, and cognitive/emotional processes that give rise to these deficits. Methods in computational psychiatry hold the particular advantage of specifying such broadly defined deficits by isolating underlying mechanisms of interest.
Importantly, reward-learning impairment could reflect a number of underlying mechanisms. For example, it could emerge from abnormal representations of the expected value of actions, or from disrupted signaling of mismatches between expected and obtained outcomes, reward prediction errors (RPEs) (2-3). Reinforcement learning is powerful framework for quantifying and linking such mechanisms to underlying biology (4). For example, a robust finding in the animal literature is that RPEs are coded by the phasic firing of midbrain dopaminergic neurons (5). More recently, human fMRI studies have demonstrated RPE encoding in the ventral striatum (a target region of midbrain dopaminergic neurons) extending findings observed in animals (6-7). These findings have been instrumental as they link adaptive learning to dopaminergic signaling through an intermediate computational mechanism (RPE signaling). In the current paper, we aim to demonstrate how methods in the field of computational psychiatry, particularly reinforcement-learning algorithms, hold particular promise in clarifying the role of specific mechanisms potentially contributing to reward-learning impairments. Specifically, we use two relatively large samples to examine the integrity of neural indicators of RPE in SZ (8-10).
Dopamine dysregulation is associated with SZ, including increased striatal dopamine neurotransmission and synthesis capacity (11-12). Increased baseline dopaminergic activity in SZ has been proposed to introduce computational noise in the reinforcement-learning system, blunting RPE signaling and resulting in poor reward learning (13-14). This hypothesis is bolstered by evidence that pharmacological manipulations increasing dopamine tone in controls yield blunted VS RPE signals (15). SZ has also been associated with chaotic dopamine firing along with elevations in baseline dopaminergic activity (13). These abnormal firing patterns are thought to simulate RPE signaling, inappropriately, to otherwise non-salient, “neutral”, stimuli, and may underlie the formation of delusions (13,16). The idea that abnormal VS RPE signaling might cause events to be perceived as unduly salient is an intriguing hypothesis, linking phenomenological and biological domains of understanding in SZ.
Several studies have examined RPE signaling in SZ (17). These studies have yielded mixed findings, with some reports demonstrating decreased VS RPE signaling for SZ patients compared to controls (18-20) while others have not (21-25). There are several reasons why these reports may be mixed. First, there may be heterogeneity in the phase of illness studied: Some reports recruited first-episode unmedicated patients (19-20) and others chronic medicated patients (21-25), with some evidence suggesting that blunted VS RPE signaling may be more pronounced in unmedicated patients (20,26). This literature is also hampered by small sample sizes with most studies recruiting fewer than 20 subjects per group (18,21-24,26). These small samples are problematic because positive findings with small samples represent estimates of effect sizes with high uncertainty (27). Another issue is heterogeneity in methods used to quantify VS RPE signaling. Some reports have examined VS RPE signaling by performing BOLD contrasts between task conditions (18,22-25), for example, contrasting trials where reward was expected from trials where reward was unexpected. However, such approaches may lack sensitivity, as RPE magnitudes are not calculated on a trial-by-trial basis. In contrast, others have fit participant choice behavior to a reinforcement-learning algorithm to generate trial-wise prediction error estimates (19-21). Finally, for those studies that implemented reinforcement-learning algorithms, few studies have performed tests to ensure that these models fit choice behavior significantly better than chance (19,21-22). This consideration is important, as parameter estimates from poor-fitting individuals are difficult to interpret and may be misinterpreted as aberrant RPE signaling. In summary, evidence is mixed for VS RPE signaling as a mechanism for reward-learning dysfunction in SZ, particularly for chronic medicated patients.
In the current paper, we utilized computational approaches to examine VS RPE signaling in two independent samples of chronic medicated outpatients with SZ and controls, testing the assertion that aberrant VS RPE signals underlie reward-learning dysfunction. We used a probabilistic reversal learning task that has been well validated in the basic and clinical science literatures (20,28-30). In order to examine trial-wise prediction error we fit each participant's choice behavior to a Q-learning model, and entered trial-wise PE values as regressors in our imaging analyses to index VS reactivity (20).
Participants were recruited from two independent study sites: Washington University in St. Louis (WUSTL) (SZ=58; CN=40) and the Maryland Psychiatric Research Center at the University of Maryland School of Medicine (SZ=35; CN=23). Data from each of these samples using conventional fMRI analyses were presented in (28) and (30), respectively. Each site received approval from their respective institutional review boards, and all subjects provided informed consent. In the Maryland sample, 6 patients and 2 controls were excluded due to poor task performance, however no participants were excluded due to excessive movement (see supplement). In the WUSTL sample, 1 patient and 4 controls were excluded due to excessive movement during scanning (movement based on root mean square was greater than .2 across the run), yielding final sample sizes of 93 and 50 across sites.
Clinical Assessments
Diagnoses were determined using the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV-TR (31). Negative symptoms were assessed using the Scale for the Assessment of Negative Symptoms (SANS) (32). Positive and disorganized symptoms were assessed using the Scale for the Assessment of Positive Symptoms (SAPS) (33) at WUSTL, and the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS) (34) at Maryland. All participants passed a drug screen. General intellectual functioning was assessed at both sites using the Wechsler Test of Adult Reading (WTAR; (35)).
Probabilistic Reversal Learning Task
Similar PRL tasks were presented at the two sites, both in conjunction with fMRI scanning (see supplement). On each trial of the task, two abstract visual patterns are shown to participants, one commonly (80%) and one rarely (20%) rewarded. Participants are not told these precise percentages. Subjects are instructed to guess which pattern is most likely to yield reward. They are instructed that occasionally the reward contingencies reverse and the alternative stimulus is associated with a high probability of reward. The chosen response is highlighted upon response and participants are given feedback (correct or incorrect) on each trial. Each run consists of an initial acquisition where participants learn values for each choice. After the reward contingencies are learned, that is, participants met a performance threshold of selecting the “correct” response 8/10 previous trials in the WUSTL and 9/10 in the Maryland sample, contingencies reverse. Probabilistic negative feedback is implemented such that a “correct” response for each trial receives negative feedback 20% of the time. All subjects practiced the task prior to scanning. Participants won bonus money for increased task accuracy.
Behavioral Data Analysis
Independent-samples t-tests were conducted to determine group differences in the number of errors committed and the number of reversals achieved. The initial acquisition phase of each run was also analyzed to determine the number of trials participants needed to learn the reward contingencies.
Computational Modeling of Behavior
We fit a standard Q-learning model to individual choice behavior. For each trial (t), this model estimates the value (Q) of each action (i). The action value of the chosen action is updated iteratively by a prediction error, which represents the difference between the expected value of that outcome (Qi(t)) and the observed outcome (r) which was coded 1 or 0 for positive and negative feedback respectively. The learning rate parameter, α, that fit best to each participant's choice behavior reflects the degree to which previous reinforcement outcomes affect subsequent Q values.
The probability of selecting one stimulus over another was then computed using the softmax rule:
Where β, the softmax temperature, reflects the stochasticity of the softmax function. Thus, higher β values indicate exploration (i.e., choosing the lower Q-value option) and low β values indicate exploitation (i.e., choosing the higher value option).
Finally, in order to determine participants that adequately fit the computational model we conducted analyses to determine if the predictive probability of each individual's choice behavior under the Q-learning model was greater than chance, similar to (20).
fMRI Data Analysis
Images were acquired for both samples using a 3-Tesla MR scanner (see supplement for preprocessing). In order to examine the neural correlates of trial-wise PEs (derived from the Q-learning model with subject specific learning rates), we implemented a general linear model (GLM) with a parametric design. We modeled each trial without separating cue and outcome. In this design, the BOLD activation during each trial was modulated by subject-specific trial-wise PE magnitudes and convolved with a canonical hemodynamic response function to provide an amplitude-modulated regressor in the GLM. Between-group whole-brain comparisons were then conducted to determine differences in PE-related BOLD activation patterns using independent-samples t-tests. Whole brain analyses were corrected for multiple comparisons (WUSTL: p-value=0.006, cluster size = 945 mm^3; Maryland: voxel-wise threshold of p=0.005, cluster size = 675 mm^3), as determined by Monte Carlo simulations to achieve a significance level of p=0.05, correcting for multiple comparisons over the whole brain. Regions demonstrating significant effects in the fMRI analyses were then correlated with task and symptoms variables. Finally, in order to test specific hypotheses about hypoactivation of VS RPE signaling in SZ we conducted a volume of interest (VOI) analysis using a 8mm sphere (center: +/−10,8,-4).
Power Analysis
Each sample yielded approximately 80% power to detect a medium effect of diagnostic group on VS RPE signaling (Cohen's d=0.7). Further, when combining both samples we had 98% power to detect such effect sizes, and 83% power to detect a Cohen's d=0.5. Thus, we had adequate power to detect effect sizes previously reported in the literature ((18, 20, 26)), however we did not have adequate power to detect small effect sizes.
Sample Characteristics
Table 1 shows participant demographic information and task behavior. As previously presented in both samples, the SZ group was slower learning the initial reward contingencies, displayed decreased accuracy, and achieved fewer reversals compared to controls (28, 30).
Table 1.
Participant Demographic, Clinical, Self-Report Measures, and Task Behavior
WUSTL | Maryland Sample | |||
Demographics | CN | SZ | CN | SZ |
Age (years) | 36.6 (9.2) | 37.0 (8.6) | 39.6 (10.5) | 39.6 (10.0) |
Sex (% male) | 52.8 | 66.7 | 71.4 | 82.8 |
Ethnicity (% non-Caucasian) | 66.7 | 61.4 | 33.3 | 37.9 |
Personal Education (years) | 14.2 (2.1) | 13.0 (2.2) | 15.1 (2.1) | 13.4 (1.7) |
Parental Education (years) | 12.8 (1.5) | 12.9 (3.2) | 14.2 (3.3) | 14.2 (3.4) |
Medication status | ||||
Atypical antipsychotics (%) | NA | 75.4 | NA | 100.0 |
Typical antipsychotics (%) | NA | 5.3 | NA | 0.0 |
Typical and atypical (%) | NA | 7.0 | NA | 0.0 |
Not Medicated (%) | NA | 12.3 | NA | 0.0 |
Clinical ratings (Item Averages) | ||||
General Psychiatric (BPRS) | NA | NA | NA | 1.9 (0.3) |
Positive (BPRS) | NA | NA | NA | 2.5 (1.3) |
Positive (SAPS) | NA | 0.7 (0.7) | NA | NA |
Disorganization (SAPS) | NA | 0.4 (0.4) | NA | NA |
Negative (SANS) | NA | 1.2 (0.6) | NA | 1.5 (0.9) |
Intellectual Function | ||||
WTAR Scaled Scored | 98.7 (16.1) | 95.1 (16.6) | 109.7 (11.7) | 101.3 (17.1) |
Task Behavior | ||||
Reversals | 13 (9.1) | 8.4 (7.8) | 7.3 (1.3) | 4.5 (2.9) |
Number of Errors | 133.1 (48.6) | 149.5 (44.5) | 87.3 (18.1) | 122.7 (37.0) |
Mean Initial Acquisition Trials | 23.5 (15.2) | 31.7 (15.0) | 14.0 (3.0) | 21.7 (8.7) |
Computational Modeling of Behavior
In the WUSTL sample, the computational model fit SZ choice behavior poorer than CN as measured by negative log likelihood (Table 2). However, both groups demonstrated similar learning rates and exploration parameter values after removing outliers (+/− 3 SDs). When assessing whether the predictive probability of each participant's data was significantly greater under the Q-learning model than a chance model, we found that 10 CN and 35 SZ did not fit the model significantly better than chance. Poor-fit participants demonstrated worse task performance and decreased intellectual functioning than good-fit participants, but no differences in symptoms were observed (see supplement).
Table 2.
Parameter Estimates and Fit Indices of Computational Model
WUSTL | Maryland | |||||
SZ | CN | p-value | SZ | CN | p-value | |
Negative Log Likelihood | 263 (70) | 229 (82) | 0.04 | 220 (31) | 187 (25) | 0.001 |
Learning Rate (α) | 0.58 (0.3) | 0.60 (0.4) | 0.79 | 0.56 (0.2) | 0.63 (0.1) | 0.17 |
Exploration (β) | 1.13 (1.2) | 1.65 (1.5) | 0.1 | 1.77 (0.6) | 1.14 (0.5) | 0.001 |
Pseudo-R2 | 0.17 | 0.30 | NA | 0.18 | 0.29 | NA |
In the Maryland sample, the computational model was shown to have a poorer fit to patient choice behavior, relative to controls (Table 2). The exploration parameter differed between groups. However, both groups demonstrated similar learning rates. 11 SZ participants did not fit the Q-learning model significantly greater than chance in the Maryland. Poor-fit participants demonstrated worse overall task performance, but no differences in symptoms or intellectual functioning were observed between good and poor fitting SZ participants (see supplement).
Neural Correlates of Prediction Error
In both samples, SZ and CN groups displayed robust VS RPE signaling in a whole-brain analysis (Figure 1; Tables 3 and 4). Further, no significant between-group differences in RPE-related BOLD activations were found in the VS or other regions (Tables 3 and 4). These results remained consistent when performing analyses using a VS VOI (WUSTL: right VS: Cohen's d=−0.43; left VS: Cohen's d=−0.03; Maryland: left VS: Cohen's d=−0.2; right VS: Cohen's d=−0.08; Combined: left VS: Cohen's d=−0.3; right VS: Cohen's d=−0.03) with positive values indicated greater activation for controls.
Figure 1.
Prediction Error Signaling in the Ventral Striatum: Top Row: WUSTL sample control (CN) and schizophrenia (SZ) participants; Bottom Row: Maryland sample control (CN) and schizophrenia (SZ) participants.
Table 3.
Prediction Error Related BOLD activations for WUSTL Sample
Region | Vol (mm) | BA | x | y | z | CN | SZ | CN-SZ |
Frontal | ||||||||
Left Middle Frontal Gyrus | 2997 | 6 | −38 | −3 | 46 | −2.6532 | −2.7165 | −0.4664 |
Left Superior Frontal Gyrus | 3429 | 6 | −12 | 2 | 67 | −3.152 | −3.0218 | −0.5873 |
Left Precentral Gyrus | 1728 | 9 | −44 | 21 | 34 | −3.5627 | −2.3151 | −0.6984 |
Right Paracentral Lobule | 5103 | 31 | 5 | −31 | 44 | 1.6304 | 3.6285 | −1.0928 |
Right Middle Frontal Gyrus | 2619 | 9 | 39 | 28 | 29 | −4.5824 | −1.7199 | −2.0543 |
Right Middle Frontal Gyrus | 4779 | 6 | 42 | 6 | 45 | −3.4866 | −2.0265 | −1.1371 |
Right Superior Frontal Gyrus | 13500 | 8 | 2 | 15 | 49 | −4.7239 | −3.1633 | −1.7488 |
Temporal | ||||||||
Left Inferior Temporal Gyrus | 4887 | 37 | −50 | −65 | 1 | 1.5956 | 4.543 | −1.099 |
Right Middle Temporal Gyrus | 4374 | 37 | 51 | −59 | 2 | 1.9313 | 3.8982 | −1.1048 |
Parietal | ||||||||
Left Precuneus | 2943 | 31 | −10 | −61 | 21 | 0.817 | 4.0002 | −1.7432 |
Left Inferior Parietal Lobule | 5049 | 40 | −59 | −35 | 33 | 2.5657 | 4.7808 | −0.9932 |
Right Precuneus | 2511 | 31 | 9 | −52 | 34 | 1.2488 | 3.4923 | −0.939 |
Right Inferior Parietal Lobule | 4347 | 40 | 63 | −34 | 29 | 2.5262 | 4.6371 | −0.9624 |
Cingulate | ||||||||
Left Anterior Cingulate | 1998 | 24 | −3 | 38 | 0 | 1.5471 | 3.603 | −0.5447 |
Left Anterior Cingulate | 3078 | 24 | 0 | 18 | 22 | 1.9084 | 2.1456 | −0.5008 |
Right Cingulate Gyrus | 2025 | 8 | 23 | 20 | 24 | 3.3659 | 2.6404 | 0.592 |
Insula | ||||||||
Left Insula | 4077 | 13 | −34 | 16 | 7 | −3.1586 | −0.9892 | −1.1964 |
Right Insula | 2079 | 13 | 39 | 15 | 10 | −3.9067 | −2.0955 | −1.7585 |
Striatum | ||||||||
Left Putaman | 18360 | −20 | −1 | 6 | 3.8084 | 4.9123 | −0.7236 | |
Right Caudate | 3078 | 22 | −24 | 22 | 1.9049 | 3.6445 | −0.4097 | |
Right Putamen | 11421 | 16 | 3 | 6 | 5.4539 | 5.8313 | 0.0761 | |
Right Claustrum | 6993 | 33 | −7 | 12 | 2.0469 | 4.4293 | −1.1575 | |
Thalamus | ||||||||
Left Thalamus | 5508 | −25 | −25 | 7 | 1.812 | 4.1495 | −1.0366 | |
Right Thalamus | 432 | 3 | −18 | 21 | 2.5351 | 3.795 | −0.559 | |
Occipital | ||||||||
Left Superior Occipital Gyrus | 1836 | 19 | −44 | −78 | 26 | 2.4556 | 3.0894 | 0.0523 |
Left Middle Occipital Gyrus | 5670 | 19 | −28 | −89 | 15 | 2.3829 | 3.6727 | −0.4318 |
Left Fusiform Gyrus | 2889 | 18 | −25 | −89 | −16 | 1.7909 | 3.8984 | −0.9688 |
Right Middle Occipital Gyrus | 3240 | 18 | 26 | −90 | 12 | 1.7231 | 3.1759 | −1.1256 |
Note: BA = Brodmann's Area; bolded t-values are significant at p<0.05
Table 4.
Prediction Error Related BOLD activations for Maryland Sample
Region | Vol (mm3) | BA | x | y | z | CN | SZ | CN-SZ |
Frontal | ||||||||
Left Medial Frontal Gyrus | 857 | 10 | −7 | 55 | 10 | 3.8230 | 2.7020 | 1.1490 |
Left Middle Frontal. Gyrus | 888 | 10 | −31 | 44 | −4 | 3.1790 | 4.2100 | −0.3410 |
Left Middle Frontal Gyrus | 1299 | 6 | −29 | −6 | 52 | −3.1070 | −2.9860 | −0.6270 |
Left Frontopolar Cortex | 4739 | 6 | −20 | 28 | 54 | 3.8210 | 3.4140 | 0.6320 |
Right Dorsomedial PFC | 7226 | 6 | 4 | 13 | 53 | −3.2940 | −3.1300 | −0.8960 |
Left Precentral Gyrus | 864 | 4 | −57 | −9 | 23 | 2.8880 | 2.6700 | 0.7660 |
Parietal | ||||||||
Left Postcentral Gyrus | 1279 | 40 | −57 | −30 | 20 | 3.2470 | 2.5250 | 1.1880 |
Right Sup. Parietal Lobule | 2309 | 7 | 21 | −51 | 63 | 4.8740 | 2.1580 | 2.1070 |
Left Angular Gyrus | 3679 | 39 | −46 | −65 | 25 | 2.6770 | 3.1640 | −0.0450 |
Right Angular Gyrus | 847 | 39 | 49 | −71 | 23 | 3.2050 | 2.3940 | 0.9860 |
Cingulate | ||||||||
Left Posterior Cingulate | 28434 | 31 | −2 | −43 | 27 | 3.1340 | 3.9350 | 0.0020 |
Insula | ||||||||
Left Anterior Insula | 2680 | 13 | −34 | 22 | 6 | −3.4020 | −3.0610 | −1.1150 |
Right Anterior Insula | 3284 | 13 | 35 | 20 | 8 | −3.8430 | −3.0940 | −1.1840 |
Striatum | ||||||||
Left Caudate/Putamen | 27550 | −25 | −4 | 4 | 4.2920 | 4.3120 | −0.2930 | |
Right Caudate/Putamen | 38846 | 29 | −6 | 8 | 4.1930 | 4.2600 | 0.3260 | |
Occipital | ||||||||
Right Mid. Occipital Gyrus | 786 | 37 | 43 | −61 | −3 | 3.1920 | 2.8070 | 0.6140 |
Cerebellum | ||||||||
Left Cerebellum | 770 | −19 | −45 | −53 | 3.6490 | 4.6900 | 0.3430 |
Abbreviations: PFC = prefrontal cortex; Sup. = superior; Mid. = middle.
Supplementary Bayesian analyses revealed that the null hypothesis, no difference in VS RPE signaling between groups, was 2-5 times more likely compared to the alternative (Right VS: Cohen's d=0.5; Left VS Cohen's d=0.3; taken from Radua et al., 2015) for each sample. Further, when combining our samples we found that our data was 4-5 times more likely under the null hypothesis, providing moderate support for the null (see supplement for table).
To increase our confidence that the VS activity we observed in previous analysis was indexing RPE signaling (as opposed to a value signal), we conducted analyses where both trial-wise RPE magnitude and trial-wise Q-value magnitude of the stimulus that the participant chose were simultaneously entered as predictors of BOLD activity (see supplement). We found robust VS activation as a function of RPE magnitude when controlling for Q-value magnitude, providing support for our interpretation that this striatal activation is at least, partially, indexing trial-wise RPE magnitude. Results were similar when excluding poor-fit participants.
To assess the contribution of model fit to the above results, we separated SZ and CN groups into subgroups of individuals whose choice behavior fit the model better than chance and individuals whose behavior did not (WUSTL: SZ good-fit, N=23; SZ poor-fit, N=35; CN good-fit, N=30; CN poor-fit, N=10, Maryland: SZ good-fit, N=18; SZ poor-fit, N=11; CN good-fit, N=23; CN poor-fit, N=0). At WUSTL, robust VS RPE signaling was found for good-fit CN and SZ, as well as poor-fit SZ but not poor-fit CN. At Maryland, Robust VS RPE signaling was found for good-fit CN and SZ, but not for poor-fit SZ (see supplement). However, when examining group differences in VS RPE signaling no significant differences were found between poor-fitting and good-fitting subjects in either sample.
Correlates between Clinical Variables and VS RPE Signaling
In the WUSTL sample, no significant correlations were found between RPE signaling and negative symptoms (SANS total: L VS, r = −0.132, p=0.56; R VS, r = −0.047, p=0.83), positive symptoms (SAPS total: L VS, r = 0.14, p=0.54; R VS, r = −0.12, p=0.61), task variables (reversals achieved and accuracy), antipsychotic dose, or model fit. In the Maryland sample, significant correlations were observed between VS RPE signaling and negative symptoms (L VS and SANS total, r = −0.377, p=0.044; R VS and the sum of SANS avolition and anhedonia scores, r = −0.405, p=0.029; L VS and the sum of SANS avolition and anhedonia scores, r = −0.447, p=0.015) (Figure 2). A significant positive correlation was also observed between left VS RPE activation and positive symptoms (BPRS Psychosis factor; r = 0.405, p=0.029). However, these correlations did fail to meet more stringent multiple comparison correction (p=0.05/14=0.003). No significant correlations were found among VS RPE activations and task variables (reversals achieved and accuracy), antipsychotic dose, or model fit.
Figure 2.
Relationship between Ventral Striatal Reward Prediction Error Signaling and Negative Symptoms: Item scores from the Scale for the Assessment of Negative Symptoms (SANS) were averaged for this analysis
The goal this manuscript was to leverage computational approaches to examine the contribution of VS RPE signaling to reward-learning deficits in SZ. Thus, we conducted neuroimaging analyses, with parametric regressors generated from trial-by-trial RPE values derived from computational models of behavior. As previously reported, SZ patients showed poorer task performance in both samples (28,30). Contrary to previous reports (18-20,22), however, as a group, both SZ and CN displayed robust VS RPE activations. Further, as a group, we found no significant differences in VS RPE activation between patients and controls. These results were consistent across whole brain and VS VOI analyses, as well as when controlling for computational model fit. VS RPE signals did not show strong relationships to antipsychotic dosage or task performance. However, correlations between symptom severity and VS RPE magnitude were observed in the Maryland sample.
What may explain the discrepancies between our group level results and previous reports of abnormal VS RPE signals in SZ patients (18-20,22)? First, several previous reports (18-19,21-22) of VS RPE signaling involved tasks without contingency reversals (although see (20)). In PRL tasks, the most salient PEs tends to be negative given rarity of negative feedback. Recent evidence suggests abnormal positive but intact negative PE signaling in SZ patients (22). Thus, differences may have been observed if we had utilized a task more sensitive to positive PE signaling. Further, our claims generalize to RPEs only and not to other forms of prediction errors known to be disrupted in SZ (i.e., causal prediction error signaling in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex) (36). Second, our samples included chronic medicated patients, while several studies reporting blunted VS RPE signaling have examined antipsychotic naïve patients (19-20) (however, see (18,22)). Acute psychosis is associated with increased striatal dopamine neurotransmission, increased dopamine synthesis capacity, and chaotic dopaminergic firing patterns (11-12). Atypical antipsychotics have been hypothesized to normalize these altered aspects of neurotransmission through dopamine receptor antagonism (37). Indeed, reports have shown that neural correlates of reward processing, particularly reward anticipation, are improved after administration of atypical antipsychotics (38-40). Thus, atypical antipsychotics may normalize striatal dopaminergic signaling, contributing to the robust VS RPE activation we see, at a group level, in the current report. Another way of viewing this discripency is that RPE signaling disruption may play and important role in the emergence of psychosis but less of a role in its maintenance.
While both groups displayed robust VS RPE signaling, SZ patients demonstrated poorer performance on the PRL task, suggesting an alternative mechanism contributing to behavioral deficits. PRL tasks are known to involve salience network regions such as insula and task positive regions such as the ventrolateral PFC and dorsal anterior cingulate (41). In addition, successful performance on PRL tasks likely involves the explicit learning of rules and engagement of dorsal prefrontal and parietal regions. Thus, PRL may not be optimal for detecting subtle differences in implicit/procedural and, therefore, more basal ganglia-driven learning. As such, it is possible that group behavior deficits in PRL performance stem, in part, from the disruption of prefrontal and parietal circuitry implemented in maintaining task representations (42-44). In fact, considerable evidence suggests that reward-learning deficits in SZ emerge when tasks become complex requiring increased resources to maintain value and rule representations (22,29,45-48). In a conventional imaging analysis of the current data (28) we found that group differences in behavior on a PRL task were related to hypoactivation of a fronto-parietal network of brain regions, whereas striatal regions were not. Waltz et al. (30) and Walter et al. (23) reported similar findings demonstrating hypoactivation of an executive control network of brain regions for SZ patients during performance of reward-learning tasks. Furthermore, Waltz et al. (2010) found that neural abnormalities associated with outcome processing in SZ were largely cortical. In short, evidence suggests that much of the impairment exhibited by SZ patients on PRL tasks may stem from a problem of outcome-driven learning, and not from a problem of feedback processing, per se, and, as a consequence, aberrant prefrontal circuitry appears to make a robust contribution to reward-learning deficits reported in chronic medicated patients.
This distinction between striatal and prefrontal mechanisms has recently been defined under two distinct computational learning rules, model-based and model-free, which collectively guide decision-making (49-50). In model-free learning, the values of actions are learned by increasing the value of previously rewarded actions. This form of learning has been most closely tied to VS RPE signaling (51-52). Alternatively, model-based learning relies on prospective information such as the future consequences of actions to guide decision-making. This form of learning has been associated with the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (53), ventromedial and orbital frontal cortices (52,54-55), in addition to the VS (51,55), and shows strong relationship to higher order cognitive abilities (56). Our group recently implemented a task assessing model-based versus model-free learning, and used computational approaches to quantify the relative contributions of both of these value-learning mechanisms (51) in medicated SZ patients. At a group level, we found that patients were similar to controls in their use of model-free learning (suggesting intact VS RPE signaling) but displayed reductions in model-based learning suggesting a deficit in the maintenance of rule and task representations (57). Interestingly, model-free learning estimates were negatively correlated with self-reported anhedonia suggesting interaction between striatal and prefrontal mechanisms in high negative symptom patients. Further exploration with such computational frameworks will be instrumental in further specifying mechanisms of reward dysfunction in SZ.
While we did not find group differences in VS RPE signaling in either sample, we did find a correlation between increased negative symptom severity and VS RPE signal hypoactivation, as well as increased positive symptoms and exaggerated VS RPE signaling in the Maryland sample. The inconsistency between samples may be due to numerically greater negative and positive symptom severity of patients in the Maryland sample. Importantly, this relationship between negative symptom severity and VS RPE magnitude converges with several other reports finding relationships between VS hypoactivation during reward-processing tasks and negative symptoms (18,25,30,39,58-59). This finding also points to the possibility that both striatal and prefrontal mechanisms may be involved in PRL deficits in high negative symptom patients. Such findings are consistent with the aforementioned report by our group assessing model-based and model-free learning. Further understanding how striatal and prefrontal mechanisms integrate to produce reward-learning impairment remains an important question for future research.
Applications to other datasets
While the current report utilized a particular reinforcement-learning modeling framework (Q-learning) to examine task data (PRL) in a particular population (SZ), the approach implemented in the current investigation is broadly applicable. A myriad of reward-learning tasks exist in the basic and clinical science literatures for which data analysis could be enriched through fitting choice behavior to computational models. Such models have a number of advantages, as they allow for the estimation of unobservable aspects of reward learning such as prediction error magnitude and the expected value of options on a trial-by-trial basis. Quantifying these aspects of reinforcement learning, particularly those closely tied to biology, allows for new windows into the etiology and underlying mechanisms of psychiatric disorders. The current approach may also prove useful in understanding how reward dysfunction may vary across diagnostic boundaries, or in differentiating mechanisms associated with certain phases of illness.
Our neuroimaging design (rapid event-related), as well as the lack of jittered timing between choice and feedback, makes parsing component reward signals difficult in this study. Thus, it is possible that the VS signals we indexed contained component reward signals or motor signals unrelated to RPE. However, analyses including both value signals and RPEs into the same model did provide some specificity for RPE-related VS activation (see supplement). Second, PRL tasks may not be the most suitable paradigm in eliciting purely model-free VS RPE signaling as adequate task performance likely involves substantial model-based contributions. Third, while Q-learning algorithms have been used in many previous reports to index VS RPE in SZ (26,60-61) such algorithms may be limited in their account of choice behavior for PRL tasks as they fail to account for implicit task structure. Thus, more sophisticated models may have revealed group differences. Finally, while not specific to the current report, concerns have been raised regarding the sensitivity of BOLD activation to computationally-derived regressors (62). For example, Wilson and Niv demonstrate that assigning arbitrary learning rate values to individual subject data and deriving trial-wise RPEs does not drastically change results when regressing trial-wise VS RPE onto the BOLD signal. This insensitivity can make interpreting group differences challenging. While our design has a large number of trials, a factor that may mitigate these insensitivities, our results may still be affected by such inherent limitations of model-based imaging approaches.
We used a reinforcement-learning framework to examine the contribution of VS RPE to reward dysfunction in SZ. Contrary to previous reports in unmedicated patients (20,26), we found, in two large samples, that, although, patients demonstrated worse task performance compared to controls, they did not demonstrate abnormal VS RPE signaling. One alternative mechanism for reward-learning dysfunction is disruption of prefrontal and parietal regions critically implemented in the maintenance of task representations. Future studies utilizing tools such as model-based reinforcement-learning algorithms are needed to assess the contribution of these mechanisms to reward learning in SZ.
Supplementary Material
We thank our staff and the participants who gave their time for this study. We would also like to acknowledge Michael Frank and Lorenz Deserno for helpful guidance on some of the model fitting analyses presented in the current manuscript. Research was supported by National Institute of Medical Health grants R01 MH066031, K12 RR023250, R01 MH080066, a project grant from HHSN271200599091C/ADB Contract # N01DA-5-9909 and by the National Institute on Drug Abuse - Intramural Research Program (NIDA-IRP).
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Dr. Waltz has consulted for Hoffman LaRoche. Dr. Barch has consulted for Pfizer, Amgen, Roche and Takeda, and has a contract to analyze imaging data for Pfizer. All other authors report no biomedical financial interests or potential conflicts of interest.
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