ΔCt values (mean ± SEM) of Cyp17a1, Cyp19a1, Star, Aqp1, Aqp3, Aqp5, Aqp8 and Fshr in freshly collected (A) secondary and (B) early antral follicles (Fresh) or after cultured in isotonic (290 mOsm) for 48 h (Control) or pre-exposed to the same medium at 350 mOsm for 1 h (Hypertonic-1h) or 24 h (Hypertonic-24 h) followed by the same isotonic culture for 48 or 24 h, respectively. Ct is the number of cycles to exceed the analysis threshold (lower Ct values represent higher mRNA levels). ΔCt is the difference in gene expression between the gene of interest and a panel of housekeeping genes (Sdha). a,bIndicates a difference between fresh and a culture group at P < 0.05.