Volume 26, no. 2, p. 413–424, 2006, Page 419, Fig. 6A and B: The Western blot images of p-Akt were placed by mistake. They were from an Akt blot that was accidentally scanned into the folder containing the other images in the figure. The correct p-Akt images (left, Fig. 6A; right, Fig. 6B) should appear as shown below.
Page 421, Fig. 8B: Three Western blot images of p-STAT3 and STAT3 were placed by mistake: for PA-1 cells, the left image in the middle row; for SW626 cells, the left image in the top row; for SKOV3 cells, the image in the top row. The correct images should appear as shown below.
These changes do not affect the interpretation of the data and conclusions of the study.