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British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology logoLink to British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology
. 2016 Jun 29;82(3):645–658. doi: 10.1111/bcp.13017

The medication reconciliation process and classification of discrepancies: a systematic review

Enas Almanasreh 1,, Rebekah Moles 1, Timothy F Chen 1
PMCID: PMC5338112  PMID: 27198753



Medication reconciliation is a part of the medication management process and facilitates improved patient safety during care transitions. The aims of the study were to evaluate how medication reconciliation has been conducted and how medication discrepancies have been classified.


We searched MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, PubMed, International Pharmaceutical Abstracts (IPA), and Web of Science (WOS), in accordance with the PRISMA statement up to April 2016. Studies were eligible for inclusion if they evaluated the types of medication discrepancy found through the medication reconciliation process and contained a classification system for discrepancies. Data were extracted by one author based on a predefined table, and 10% of included studies were verified by two authors.


Ninety‐five studies met the inclusion criteria. Approximately one‐third of included studies (n = 35, 36.8%) utilized a ‘gold’ standard medication list. The majority of studies (n = 57, 60%) used an empirical classification system and the number of classification terms ranged from 2 to 50 terms. Whilst we identified three taxonomies, only eight studies utilized these tools to categorize discrepancies, and 11.6% of included studies used different patient safety related terms rather than discrepancy to describe the disagreement between the medication lists.


We suggest that clear and consistent information on prevalence, types, causes and contributory factors of medication discrepancy are required to develop suitable strategies to reduce the risk of adverse consequences on patient safety. Therefore, to obtain that information, we need a well‐designed taxonomy to be able to accurately measure, report and classify medication discrepancies in clinical practice.

Keywords: classification, medication discrepancy, medication error, medication reconciliation, transition of care


Medication reconciliation has been acknowledged by several international patient safety organizations such as The Joint Commission (TJC), Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) and the World Health Organization (WHO) as important for achieving medication safety. These organizations have encouraged the implementation of the medication reconciliation process to improve patient safety by identifying unintended medication discrepancies, especially at transitions of care. However, there are differences in the definition of medication reconciliation used by these organizations. For instance, the IHI defines medication reconciliation as: ‘the process of creating the most accurate list possible of all medications a patient is taking and comparing that list against the physician's admission, transfer, and/or discharge orders with the goal of providing correct medications to the patient at all transition points within the hospital’ 1. However, TJC defines medication reconciliation as ‘the process of comparing a patient's medication orders to all of the medications that the patient has been taking’ 2. The WHO defines the medication reconciliation process as ‘the formal process in which health care professionals partner with patients to ensure accurate and complete medication information transfer at interfaces of care’ 3. As a result, there is variability in the guidance provided for conducting medication reconciliation and hence variability in medication reconciliation practices. While the concept of medication reconciliation seems relatively straightforward, implementing medication reconciliation has proved to be complex and challenging 4, 5. Nevertheless, medication reconciliation remains a critical patient safety activity that is supported by different international organizations to optimize patient medication safety at transitions of care.

Adverse drug events and medication discrepancies continue to be a patient safety challenge for patient and healthcare professionals 6. Medication discrepancies are known to occur at transitions of care 7, 8 where patients often receive new medications or have changes made to their existing medications. Although these changes may be intentional, unintended changes can also occur. This may be as a result of poor communication between healthcare professionals or between healthcare professionals and patients/carers 3, 9. Growing evidence indicates that medication discrepancies place patients at risk of medication errors and adverse drug events and have the potential to cause harm 7, 10, 11, 12. Approximately half of all hospital medication errors and 20% of adverse drug events occur as a result of miscommunication at interfaces of care 13, 14. A comprehensive medication reconciliation service is a critical part of reducing medication discrepancies and adverse drug events 4. The term ‘medication reconciliation’ is relatively new and was coined in 2005 when National Patient Safety Goal (NPSG) 8 was introduced by The Joint Commission. Specifically, it sought to ‘accurately and completely reconcile medications across the continuum of care’ 15. However, many hospitals found it difficult to implement medication reconciliation in a systematic way. Therefore, in 2009 TJC revised the NPSG and stopped considering medication reconciliation as a factor for accreditation decision 4. Despite the inability of the health care institutes to ensure effective medication reconciliation, TJC reintroduced the medication reconciliation process in 2011 into (NPSG) 3, reflecting the significance of medication reconciliation to patient safety 9.

Several medication reconciliation interventions have been evaluated to identify medication reconciliation best practice. Mueller et al. indicated that the heterogeneity between medication reconciliation interventions and how they were evaluated produced significant barriers to identifying good practice 16. Lehnbom et al. demonstrated that the literature was highly diverse and there were inconsistencies between the majority of studies in terms of methods and outcome measures, making it difficult to assess the influence of medication reconciliation 17. A review by Bayoumi et al. concluded that although there were similarities in interventions, populations and outcomes between studies, comparable results were not obtained due to the imprecise assessment of the impact of interventions 18. To evaluate the effectiveness and the impact of medication reconciliation interventions, we require a clear, consistent and sensitive measure. Although medication discrepancy is considered a sensitive product of continuity of care 19, Kostas et al. argue that a standardized nomenclature for types of medication discrepancies and medication reconciliation best practice is needed 20. To our knowledge, medication reconciliation processes have not been investigated from this point of view. Hence, the main purposes of this systematic review were to: 1. analyse studies which aimed to describe the types of medication discrepancies; 2. evaluate how medication discrepancies have been classified; 3. investigate the existence of taxonomies used to categorize medication discrepancies during a medication reconciliation process; 4. explore the extent to which these taxonomies are applicable in a clinical setting; and 5. describe factors influencing the standardization of medication reconciliation.


Data sources

Articles describing types of medication discrepancies were identified by a systematic search following the PRISMA statement (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta‐Analyses) as a guide 21. The search terms were established by the research team in collaboration with a medical librarian. We searched MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, PubMed, International Pharmaceutical Abstract (IPA) and Web of Science (WOS) for relevant articles up to 7 April 2016. No restriction on year of study was applied. The search strategy included two main terms ‘medication reconciliation’ and ‘medication discrepancy’ (the Supplement material includes the complete search strategy). We used the same search strategy in all databases taking into consideration the existence of the alternative terms in each database. Medical subject headings (MESH)/EMTREE, keywords, titles and abstracts were searched in a Boolean search strategy. Initially, the term ‘classification system’ was used in the search strategy; however, we noticed that few articles were identified. Thus we did not include this term as it is not usually present as a keyword in published literature. We broadened the search strategy for the following reasons. First, the term ‘medication reconciliation’ was indexed as a MESH term in the MEDLINE database in 2011. However, in the period between 2003 and 2010 it was classified under Medication Error/prevention and control. Second, the tree associated with the MEDLINE term ‘medication reconciliation’ showed that the term was classified under three more general terms: ‘medication errors’, ‘medication systems’ and ‘patient care management’. Third, the terms related to medication discrepancy were highly diverse in the literature. Therefore we searched alternative terms such as inconsistency and drug‐related problems (DRPs).

Study selection

Studies were eligible for inclusion in this review if they: 1. involved medication reconciliation implicitly or explicitly – for the purpose of article identification, we defined medication reconciliation as a comparison between two or more medication lists; 2. mentioned the types of medication discrepancies in the study objectives or predefined outcomes; and 3. contained a classification system for medication discrepancies. We excluded non‐English language studies, systematic reviews and meta‐analyses, guidelines, conference abstracts, books and letters. We had no restriction on time, design and setting of the studies. The retrieved articles were transferred into Endnote to remove duplicates. Initial screening of titles was conducted independently by one author (EA) to remove irrelevant articles followed by assessment of abstracts and examination of full‐text articles for inclusion. Any issues which arose through the selection and review processes were resolved by discussion between the research team (EA, RM and TC). In addition, 10% of included articles were verified by TC and RM.

Data extraction

One researcher (EA) extracted the following data from the full text of included articles: study setting, transition point (timing of the intervention), interventions, the person who conducted the intervention, data sources, classification terms, sources of classification terms, objectives, predefined outcomes if present, results, and whether the study distinguished between intentional and unintentional discrepancy. As we were looking for information relevant to the classification of medication discrepancies, we also recorded contributory factors, causes and resolution of medication discrepancies. Meta‐analysis was not applicable due to heterogeneity in interventions, methods and reported outcomes. We believed that it was not necessary to assess the quality of included studies because we did not seek to identify the effects of interventions or clinical outcomes. Instead, our focus was on standardized methods for evaluating the medication reconciliation process.


Initially, a total of 6318 potentially relevant articles were obtained. The sample included 3335 duplicate records, which were removed. After screening titles and reviewing abstracts, 513 full texts were assessed for eligibility. Eventually 95 articles met all inclusion criteria and were included in our review. The remaining excluded studies were categorized based on reason for exclusion (Figure 1). More than half of our included studies were carried out in the US (48/95), while the remaining studies were conducted in 14 other countries. Most studies (65/95) were conducted in hospital settings, 28 in community settings and two studies in both the hospital and community setting. The vast majority of studies were performed by a ‘pharmacy team’ (68/95, 71.6%). Other studies were conducted by nurses (9/95, 9.5%), physicians (2/95, 2.1%) or health care professional teams (e.g. pharmacy and physician) (8/95, 8.4%) 22. The profession of the persons who conducted the intervention was unclear in the remaining studies (8/95, 8.4%). Few studies articulated that the health care professional received training before conducting the medication reconciliation intervention (16/95, 16.8%) (see Supplementary Table S1).

Figure 1.

Figure 1

Flow diagram showing sample selection process

Transition of care

The most common transition point was admission to hospital (n = 36/95, 38.0%), followed by discharge from hospital, which involved studies conducted during discharge (12/95, 12.6%) and post‐discharge (12/95, 12.6%). Interestingly, the transition point was not identified in 18 studies (18.9%), with most of these studies conducted in the outpatient setting (e.g. dialysis facilities). Only two studies were conducted at the point of preadmission (e.g. preoperative clinic). The remaining studies (15/95, 15.8%) included numerous transition points.

Classification of medication discrepancies

We identified three pre‐defined/standardized taxonomies for classifying medication discrepancies resulting from medication reconciliation. They were the Medication Discrepancy Tool (MDT) (2004, USA) 23 , the APS‐Doc classification (2012, Germany) 24, and a taxonomy for unintended medication discrepancy (2012, Belgium) 25. The number of types of medication discrepancy in each tool was 19, 48, and 11 items, respectively. These tools were utilized in 11 studies (11.6%), three of which described the establishment of the tools. Most studies classified medication discrepancies empirically, based on the data collected (57/95, 60%). There were 22 studies (23.1%) that categorized the discrepancies based on other relevant studies published in the literature. For example, Agrawal et al. classified medication discrepancies based on Beers et al. 26 and Lau et al. 27 studies 28, 29. Five studies (5.3%) utilized a classification for (DRPs) such as the Hepler and Strand Classification 30, 34. The number of classification terms ranged from 2 to 50 terms. Additionally, a small number of studies (11/95, 11.6%) stated the reasons for discrepancies in their categories and seven studies described the interventions related to the medication discrepancies (Table 1). The most common type of discrepancy in our study sample was omission (n = 60/95, 63.2%).

Table 1.

Availability of standard list, method of classification and the number of components in the classification of included studies (n = 95); the studies were stratified by transition points and date of publication

Study/year Setting Person performing medication reconciliation Availability of Gold standard list ‐BPMH/number of sources * How derived Number of discrepancy categories Number and types of other categories
Admission transition point
Lenssen et al. 44 University hospital Germany Pharmacy Unclear Existing classification –APS‐Doc 10MC, 50SC Pharmaceutical Intervention: 3C
Baena Parejo et al . 74 Emergency Department (ED)/11 General Hospitals Spain Pharmacy Unclear Empirically derived 6C NA
Hart et al. 75 Emergency department/Community hospital USA Pharmacy (Trained) Yes, 4 Empirically derived 5C NA
Heath et al. 76 Inpatient paediatric units/Tertiary hospital USA Pharmacy Unclear Empirically derived 5C NA
Nash et al. 77 Tertiary‐level maternity hospital Australia Pharmacy Yes, 1 Empirically derived 4C NA
Perehudoff et al. 78 University hospital Belgium Pharmacy Yes, 3 Empirically derived 5MC, 9SC NA
Procopio et al. 79 Emergency department/University medical centre USA Pharmacy (Trained) Yes, 2 Empirically derived 3MC, 5SC
Aag et al. 80 Department of Cardiology at University hospital Norway Pharmacy and Nurse (Trained) Yes, 5 Other classification 7C NA
Taylor et al. 81 Emergency departments in public hospitals Australia Pharmacy Yes, 5 Empirically derived 8C NA
Andreoli et al. 47 Internal medicine Unit France Pharmacy (Trained) Yes, 7 Empirically derived 2MC, 4SC NA
Azzi et al. 82 Diabetes ambulatory care centre Australia Unclear Yes, 3 Empirically derived 4C NA
Brownlie et al. 64 In patient mental health services UK Pharmacy Unclear Other classification 11C NA
Hohn et al. 57 Tertiary care hospital Germany Pharmacy (Trained) Yes, 4 Empirically derived 3MC, 7SC NA
Lancaster and Grgurich 83 Inpatient Internal medicine unit/Tertiary hospital USA Pharmacy (Trained) Yes, 3 Empirically derived 5C NA
Rubio et al. 84 University Hospital Spain Pharmacy Unclear Other classification 3MC, 12SC NA
Urban et al. 35 Four acute hospitals UK Pharmacy Unclear Other classification 15C NA
Buckley et al. 48 Teaching medical institute USA Pharmacy (Trained) Unclear Other classification 5C Causes of medication error: 6C
Becerra‐Camargo et al. 22 3 Large teaching hospital Colombia Pharmacy and Doctor (Trained) Yes, 4 Empirically derived 8C NA
Rodriguez Vargas et al. 49 Tertiary care hospital Spain Pharmacy Unclear Other classification 6C NA
Hohmann et al. 24 Hospital Germany Pharmacy Unclear Existing classification ‐APS‐Doc 10MC, 48SC Pharmaceutical Intervention: 3C
Zoni et al. 85 Internal medicine department/University Hospital Spain Pharmacy Yes, 2 Other classification 2MC, 8SC NA
Hellstrom et al. 50 Internal medicine wards/University Hospital Sweden Pharmacy Yes, 4 Empirically derived 5C NA
Beckett et al. 51 General medicine and general surgery/Geriatric hospital USA Pharmacy (Trained) Unclear Empirically derived 6C NA
Richards et al. 60 Hospital UK Pharmacy Unclear Empirically derived 8C NA
Gimenez Manzorro et al. 86 General surgery and Internal medicine department/Tertiary hospital Spain Pharmacy Yes, 2 Other classification 3MC, 9SC NA
Villanyi et al. 87 General hospital Canada Unclear Yes, 4 Other classification 3MC, 3SC NA
Stone et al. 38 Tertiary care children's hospital USA Pharmacy Yes, 5 Empirically derived 5C NA
Gleason et al. 52 Hospital USA Pharmacy Yes, 7 Empirically derived 4C NA
Kemp et al. 88 Two hospices USA Pharmacy Unclear Empirically derived 7C NA
Chan et al. 32 Emergency Department Australia Pharmacy Yes, 5 Existing classification –Hepler and Strand 7C NA
Agrawal and Wu 29 Tertiary care teaching hospital USA Pharmacy Yes, 3 Other classification 6C NA
Agrawal et al. 28 Tertiary care teaching hospital USA Pharmacy Yes, 3 Other classification 6C NA
Kwan et al. 62 Surgical units/Tertiary care university hospital Canada Pharmacy Yes, 3 Empirically derived 16C NA
Ong et al. 34 General medicine and nephrology unit/Teaching hospital Canada Pharmacy Yes, 3 Existing classification –Hepler and Strand 8C NA
Lessard et al. 89 Community teaching hospital USA Pharmacy Unclear Other classification 4C NA
Gleason et al. 53 Medical and surgical unit/Tertiary academic centre USA Pharmacy (Trained) Unclear Other classification 3MC, 7SC NA
Discharge transition point
Bishop et al. 90 Internal Medicine Department/University Hospital USA Pharmacy Unclear Empirically derived 6C NA
Downes et al. 68 Community hospital/University's outpatient internal medicine clinic USA Pharmacy Unclear Existing classification‐MDT 2MC, 15SC NA
Garcia‐Molina Saez et al. 91 Cardio‐pneumology unit, General hospital Spain Pharmacy Unclear Other classification 6C NA
Gattari et al. 92 Paediatric hospital USA Pharmacy and Doctor Yes, 1 Empirically derived 2C NA
Huynh et al. 93 Paediatric hospital UK Pharmacy Yes, 1 Empirically derived 7C NA
Lancaster et al. 94 Home healthcare agencies USA Nurse Unclear Empirically derived 5C NA
Braund et al. 95 Community pharmacies New Zealand Pharmacy Unclear Other classification 4MC, 16SC NA
Alassaad et al. 96 University Hospital Sweden Pharmacy Unclear Empirically derived 6C NA
Bjeldbak‐Olesen et al. 97 Department of Cardiology Denmark Pharmacy Unclear Empirically derived 9C NA
Fitzgibbon et al. 98 Assisted living facility (ALF) USA Nurse Unclear Empirically derived 4C NA
Geurts et al. 33 Community pharmacy Netherlands Pharmacy Unclear Existing Classification –Cipolle 6MC, 25SC Origin of discrepancy: 3MC, 11SC
Cornu et al. 99 Acute geriatric department/University Hospital Belgium Pharmacy Unclear Empirically derived 9C NA
Claeys et al. 25 University Hospital Belgium Pharmacy Unclear Instrument for unintended medication discrepancy 11C Anatomical group: 14C Causes: 2MC, 18SC Intervention: 4MC, 19SC
Foust et al. 100 Six academic/Community hospitals USA Nurse Unclear Empirically derived 3MC, 12SC NA
Sharma et al. 101 Emergency Department USA Pharmacy (Trained) Unclear Empirically derived 3C NA
Herrero‐Herrero and Garcia‐Aparicio 54 University teaching hospital Spain Physician Unclear Other classification 3MC, 7SC NA
Nelson et al. 102 Inpatient mental health centre USA Psychiatry And Pharmacy Unclear Empirically derived 3C NA
Corbett et al. 66 Home care service USA Nurse (Trained) Unclear Existing classification – MDT 2MC, 18SC NA
Abdel‐Qader et al. 103 Medical and elderly care ward/Teaching Hospital England Pharmacy Unclear Empirically derived 6MC, 33SC NA
Flanagan et al. 31 Community hospital USA Pharmacy Unclear Empirically derived 3C NA
Walker et al. 104 University medical centre USA Pharmacy And Nurse Unclear Empirically derived 7C NA
Wong et al. 63 Internal medicine department Canada Pharmacy Yes,4 Other classification 2MC, 2SC Types of actual unintended discrepancy 4MC, 17SC NA
Coleman et al. 58 Community dwelling USA Nurse Unclear Existing classification –MDT 2MC, 19SC NA
Smith et al. 23 Geriatric clinic/Academic health centre USA Nurse Unclear Instrument for medication discrepancy 2MC, 19SC Resolution: 7C
Other transition points
Belda‐Rustarazo et al. 105 Internal medicine department/University hospital Spain Admission, discharge Pharmacy Yes, 6 Empirically derived 5C NA
Gimenez‐Manzorro et al. 106 Surgical department/University hospital Spain During hospitalization Pharmacy and medical coordinator (Trained) Yes, 3 Other classification 2MC, 14SC NA
Armor et al. 30 Family medicine centre USA No transition Pharmacy Unclear Existing classification –Cipolle 9C Recommendations: 10C
Conklin et al. 107 Hospital and family medicine clinic USA Admission, post‐ discharge Pharmacy Unclear Other classification for MRPs 4MC, 27SC Intervention: 9C Recommendation: 11C
Cochran et al. 108 3 Ambulatory care clinics USA No transition Pharmacy Unclear Empirically derived 8C NA
Milone et al. 15 Family medicine clinic USA No transition Pharmacy Unclear Empirically derived 5C NA
Schorr et al. 45 14 Surgical wards/hospitals Germany No transition Pharmacy (Trained) Unclear Existing classification –APS‐Doc 10MC, 48SC NA
Stewart and Lynch 109 Primary care centre USA No transition Pharmacy (Trained) Unclear Empirically derived 4MC, 17SC NA
Lee et al. 110 Preoperative surgical clinic/University Hospital USA Preadmission Unclear Unclear Empirically derived 5C NA
Kuo et al. 111 Nursing Home Taiwan Admission, discharge Pharmacy Unclear Empirically derived 2MC, 7SC NA
Linsky and Simon 112 Ambulatory care clinic USA No transition Doctor Unclear Other classification 4C NA
Siemianowski et al. 55 Tertiary care teaching hospital USA Admission, transfer between different disciplines service Pharmacy (Trained) Unclear Empirically derived 6C NA
Sinvani et al. 69 Large health care system USA 1. Hospital admission to discharge 2. Hospital discharge to skilled nursing facility (SNF) 3. SNF admission to discharge home or long term care (LTC) Pharmacy and principle investigator Unclear Other classification 2MC, 6SC NA
McMillan et al. 56 Hospital and primary care provider USA Admission, discharge Unclear Unclear Empirically derived 6C
Stewart and Lynch 113 Primary care clinic USA No transition Pharmacy (Trained) Unclear Empirically derived 9C Reasons: 18C
Elliott et al. 114 Community dwelling Australia No transition Pharmacy Yes, 2 Empirically derived 5C Types of MRPs: 9C Intervention: 9C
Hohmann et al. 46 Neurology and surgical department/Hospital Germany During hospitalization Pharmacy Unclear Instrument for DRPs –APS‐Doc 10MC, 48SC NA
Fitzsimons et al. 39 Accident and Emergency Departments/Two acute hospitals Ireland Preadmission Unclear Yes, 9 Empirically derived 5C NA
Stitt et al. 115 Hospital and Internal medicine services/Tertiary care teaching hospital USA No transition Unclear Unclear Empirically derived 4C NA
Costa et al. 67 Academic tertiary care hospital and patient's home USA During hospitalization, post‐discharge Nurse Yes, 3 Existing classification –MDT Patient level: 2MC, 9SC System level: 6C NA
Karkov et al. 40 Orthopaedic surgery ward/Hospital Denmark No transition Pharmacy Unclear Empirically derived 4C NA
Lee et al. 65 Tertiary care teaching hospital Canada During hospitalization Pharmacy Yes, 5 Other classification 2MC, 6MC/ 15SC NA
Johnson et al. 116 Family medicine pharmacy USA No transition Pharmacy Unclear Empirically derived 6C NA
Leung et al. 117 Haemodialysis unit Canada No transition Pharmacy (Trained) Yes, 1 Other classification 2MC, 5SC Types of DRPs: 8C
Ledger and Choma 118 In‐centre dialysis unit/satellite dialysis unit UK Transition between two haemodialysis units Pharmacy Yes, 4 Empirically derived 3C Response: 5C
Orrico 70 Primary care clinic USA No transition Nurse Yes, 1 Existing classification –MDT 2MC, 5SC Casual factors: 2MC, 5SC
Pippins et al. 61 Two large academic hospitals USA Admission, discharge Pharmacy Yes, 6 Other classification 2MC, 8SC Reason: 2C Time: 2C
Arora et al. 119 Academic teaching hospital USA During hospitalization Unclear Unclear Empirically derived 2C NA
Turple et al. 120 Tertiary care hospital Canada During hospitalization Pharmacy Unclear Empirically derived 7C NA
Forjuoh et al. 121 Ambulatory clinic USA No transition Nurse Unclear Empirically derived 3C NA
Foss et al. 122 Internal medicine department/General medicine and patients' home Denmark Admission, discharge and post‐discharge Doctor And Pharmacy Unclear Empirically derived 2MC, 5SC NA
Manley et al. 123 Ambulatory haemodialysis centre USA No transition Pharmacy Unclear Empirically derived 4C NA
Ernst et al. 124 Family medicine clinic USA No transition Pharmacy Unclear Empirically derived 4C NA
Frank et al. 125 Geriatric day hospital Canada No transition Pharmacy Unclear Empirically derived 3C NA
Bedell et al. 126 Academic medical centre USA No transition Unclear Unclear Empirically derived 3C NA

The maximum number of sources which have been used to compile the best possible medication history or the gold standard medication list.

The way each classification was derived and has been defined as: other classification; empirically derived; and existing taxonomy. Other classification: involves studies which classified the medication discrepancies based on classification systems derived from previous published studies, guidelines or organizations.

Number of discrepancy categories were extracted separately for each study and classified as MC: Main Category, SC: Subcategory and C: Category according to what was listed in each study.

BPMH: best possible medication history, DRPs: drug‐related problems, MRPs: medication‐related problems.

Medication discrepancy

There was diversity in the definition of medication discrepancy even when comparing studies conducted within the same setting and transition point. For instance, in two studies which evaluated medication reconciliation at the time of hospital admission, one defined medication discrepancy as an addition or withdrawal of a drug, or a change to the dose or dosage, whilst the other defined medication discrepancy as an unintended error in prescribing admission medications. More than half of the studies (49/95, 51.6%) utilized the terms intentional and unintentional in describing medication discrepancies. In addition to definition diversity, the term medication discrepancy was used interchangeably with other medication safety terms, such as prescribing errors and inappropriate medications; prescribing and transcribing errors; and DRPs (11/95, 11.6%). Regarding the process of gathering the medication lists, only 35 studies out of 95 (36.8%) stated the use of a comprehensive process in gathering the best possible medication history (BPMH) or gold standard list. The number of data sources used in these studies ranged from 1 to 9 (mean 3.8 sources).


This is the first systematic review investigating the current status of medication discrepancy classification, describing its rational basis and indicating the importance of developing a well‐designed and validated taxonomy for medication discrepancies. The detection, prevention and resolution of medication discrepancies form essential steps in the process of medication reconciliation. Documenting and classifying medication discrepancies, therefore, is recommended for the implementation of medication reconciliation best practice and important for measuring the influence of medication reconciliation interventions on patient safety. However, our review confirmed that the classification methods for medication discrepancies were generally empirically based, indistinct and unstructured. Our review showed variability not only in classification of medication discrepancies but also in their definitions, causes and sources of information. We suggest that clear and consistent information on prevalence, types, causes and contributory factors of medication discrepancy are required to develop suitable strategies to reduce the risk of adverse consequences on patient safety. Therefore, to obtain that information, we need a well‐designed taxonomy to be able to accurately measure, report and classify medication discrepancies in clinical practice.

Several international organizations, including the WHO, TJC, the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare (ACSQHC), the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE), the Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP) and the IHI have campaigned for an increased focus on accurate information transfer at transition points in care 35. Accordingly, use of medication reconciliation has been promoted by these organizations, as a means to reduce medication error and prevent adverse drug events 15. Despite this worldwide attention, the proposed definitions and key steps in undertaking the medication reconciliation process vary between these organizations. IHI stated that ‘the term medication reconciliation has often been misinterpreted’, hence a clear definition for medication reconciliation is required. Furthermore, there has been a lack of agreement regarding the types of medication discrepancies. For instance, NPGS 2015 lists the following types of medication discrepancies in their latest goals: omissions, duplications, contraindications, unclear information, changes, interactions and the need to continue current medication 36; whereas ISMP classifies medication discrepancies as undocumented intentional discrepancies (not errors), unintentional discrepancies and intentional discrepancies 37. Ultimately, it is almost certain that the inconsistency between these prestigious international organizations has contributed to the heterogeneity in reporting between medication reconciliation studies and the corresponding difficulties in making comparisons between studies.

The cornerstone for successful medication reconciliation is creating the best possible accurate medication list by using a systematic approach based on a patient/carer interview and a variety of other medication sources such as prescription bottles, discharge medication orders or pharmacy records. Numerous studies have suggested that no single source of medication use is fully accurate and reliable 38, 39, 40, 41, hence the need to utilize a variety of data sources. However most organizations acknowledge that the patient/carer must be included as a source of medication information in the medication reconciliation process, if a gold standard medication list or BPMH is to be obtained. The BPMH is defined as a history created using a systematic process of interviewing the patient/family; and a review of at least one other reliable source of information to obtain and verify all of a patient's medication use (prescribed and non‐prescribed) 37. Despite this, little attention has been given to the creation of a gold standard medication list. As an illustration, our findings revealed that more than two‐thirds of included studies did not utilize a gold standard medication list. However, Kostas et al. showed that approximately 51% of studies used a BPMH effectively 20. It is not surprising that the NPSG (2015) has explicitly stated the central role played by patients in achieving medication safety 36. In practice, reconciling a suboptimal medication history (as opposed to a best possible medication history) with the current medication order does nothing to improve patient safety, and instead could increase the risk of patient harm 42. In addition, we believe that such a comprehensive list is not only important for the medication reconciliation process but also for medication management review. In other words, carrying out medication review with an incomplete or inaccurate list could hide and or amplify medication‐related problems.

Several process measures of ‘continuity of care’ were used in the literature, such as accuracy of transferred data, patient knowledge and adherence or quality of prescribing 19. Coleman and Berenson stated that process measures are particularly well suited to measuring transitional care 43, but these measures are highly diverse and ambiguous 19. Medication discrepancies represent a precise measure related to transitions of care. However, similar to medication reconciliation, agreement on the definition of medication discrepancies is lacking. As a consequence, authors have been compelled to create their own definitions, generally based on their research objectives and method. In addition, we identified five studies that did not utilize the term medication discrepancy when describing the medication reconciliation process 24, 30, 44, 45, 46, but instead used the terms ‘DRPs or medication‐related problems’, ‘inappropriate medication’, ‘prescribing error’ and ‘transcribing error’. It is noteworthy that the term ‘medication error’ has been used interchangeably with ‘medication discrepancy’ in several studies 40, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57. However, others have distinguished between the two terms based on the availability of a gold standard medication list. These studies suggest that in the absence of a gold standard medication list, the use of the term ‘medication error’ may not be appropriate. And using the term ‘medication discrepancy’ may provide a more practical approach to capture the events that occur at transitions of care 23, 58, as not all medication discrepancies are errors.

The terms intentional and unintentional were often used in the literature to describe types of medication discrepancies. Our review revealed that more than half of the studies utilized these terms. However, using these terms is also open to interpretation as it is often difficult (or impossible) for an independent person to determine whether another person's actions were unintentional or not. In addition a review by Tam et al. describing the medication history errors at admission, stated that the discrepancies between physician‐acquired medication histories and comprehensive medication histories are not necessarily errors 59. But, we believe that no health professionals would intentionally make an error in taking a medication history. When the physician deliberately changes the therapy based on the clinical situation of the patient, using these terms seems reasonable, but remains inconsistent. For instance, several studies did not record an intentional undocumented discrepancy as an error 47, 60, 61, while others considered these discrepancies as errors 62, 63. In addition, some researchers recorded only the discrepancies that have been modified or changed by the prescriber 53, 64, 65.

To understand the medication reconciliation process and identify the strategies for standardization, we need to clearly define and classify medication discrepancies as these are the sole quantitative measure related to the medication reconciliation process. Our review identified three published instruments designed to identify and categorize medication discrepancies. One of these tools, APS‐Doc, was developed to classify DRPs in a hospital setting. However, we considered this tool as it can be used in different medication management processes, including medication reconciliation. As a result, not all the items can be assigned to transitions of care. In our review, three studies utilized the APS‐Doc tool to classify the DRPs through the medication reconciliation process 44, 45, 46. The MDT and Claeys tool were developed to classify medication discrepancies across transitions of care. Both tools were designed for the post‐discharge context, and divided causes of discrepancy into patient and system levels. However, the definition of discrepancy varied between these tools. Claeys et al. defined medication discrepancies as medication‐related problems, while the MDT suggested that in the absence of a gold standard list, the term medication discrepancy may be more practical than the term medication error. While the items in Claeys tool may be assigned as unintentional medication discrepancies, the definition of medication discrepancy and the aim of the instrument were not clear 25. This instrument was not used in any other studies in our review.

Regarding the MDT, we believe that this tool is helpful in understanding the sources and contributory factors related to medication discrepancies. However, it may be less valuable in classifying the types of medication discrepancies due to the restricted number of categories. The MDT tool has been used in three studies 58, 66, 67, and adapted in a further four studies by modifying subcategories to make them more applicable to their settings and design 69, 70, 71. Hence there is a striking gap in the literature concerning the classification of medication discrepancies based on a well‐structured taxonomy.

Thus far, several reviews have been published in the literature in regard to medication reconciliation as an intervention to improve transition of care 16, 17, 18, 59, 72, 73. But their findings revealed that the effectiveness of medication reconciliation was uncertain and additional good quality studies are required. In our view, such findings are expected due to the lack of consistency in measuring, reporting and classifying of medication discrepancies, in addition to the lack of a standardized process for conducting medication reconciliation 20, 59. Our review differs from previous reviews in that we have not applied any limitation based on study setting, study design and or when the data were collected because we believe that these variables do not necessarily influence the types of medication discrepancies which occur. In addition, our focus was the systematic approach to classifying medication discrepancies identified from medication reconciliation practice.

We believe this review makes important contributions to informing patient health and safety research and to our knowledge, we have described for the first time the approaches of medication discrepancy classification that have been used in the literature in addition to describing different elements for medication reconciliation best practice. Our review has several strengths especially in the search strategy, as we searched six different databases using the keywords in singular and truncated forms. Furthermore, we mapped the literature using MESH/EMTREE terms using a Boolean strategy. Thus the number of included studies was high compared to other related reviews. It is important to note that we found irregularity in indexing the term medication reconciliation over time; therefore, we broadened our search strategy to address this. In the future we recommend that databases, journals and other stakeholders adopt a more consistent approach to indexing and defining the keywords. This review is not without limitations: we included only English‐language studies and we did not include grey literature. In addition, we did not perform a quality assessment of the studies, as we believed that our objective would not be affected by the quality of design.


The medication reconciliation process is important for facilitating medication and patient safety at transitions of care. However, a systematic approach to best practice has not been identified, nor is there a universally accepted taxonomy for classifying medication discrepancies. Hence more attention should be given to adopting a more standardized process for conducting and evaluating the practice of medication reconciliation. Building a well‐designed taxonomy for medication discrepancies might be the first step towards such standardization.

Competing Interests

All authors have completed the Unified Competing Interest form at (available on request from the corresponding author) and declare: no support from any organization for the submitted work; no financial relationships with any organizations that might have an interest in the submitted work in the previous 3 years; no other relationships or activities that could appear to have influenced the submitted work.

We would like to thank the Faculty Liaison Librarian, Lorraine Evison, at The University of Sydney Medical Sciences Libraries for her support in building the search strategy for this review.


All three authors were responsible for the conception and design of the study and also the analysis and interpretation of the data. EA wrote the first draft of the manuscript and, together with TC and RM, performed subsequent substantial revisions. All three authors were responsible for the critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content. EA takes responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis. All of the authors were significantly involved in this work and provided final approval of the submitted manuscript.

Supporting information

Table S1 Summary of included studies (n = 95), the studies were stratified by transition points and date of publication

File S1 Search strategy for Ovid MEDLINE, EMBASE, PubMed, WEB OF SCIENCE, CINAHL and IPA (Up to January 2015)

Supporting info item

Supporting info item

Almanasreh, E. , Moles, R. , and Chen, T. F. (2016) The medication reconciliation process and classification of discrepancies: a systematic review. Br J Clin Pharmacol, 82: 645–658. doi: 10.1111/bcp.13017.


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Supplementary Materials

Table S1 Summary of included studies (n = 95), the studies were stratified by transition points and date of publication

File S1 Search strategy for Ovid MEDLINE, EMBASE, PubMed, WEB OF SCIENCE, CINAHL and IPA (Up to January 2015)

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