Health care organizations use publicly reported performance measures for quality measurement and improvement and pay-for-performance initiatives.1 These measures should ideally promote high-quality care that is evidence based and congruent with clinical practice guidelines. However, they should also reward patient-centered care that yields optimal outcomes with the lowest risk of harm.2 For patients with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes, high-quality care should therefore minimize the risk of hypoglycemia.2 The degree to which existing performance measures are aligned with guidelines, particularly in regard to hypoglycemia avoidance, is uncertain. We therefore conducted an environmental scan to assess the inclusion and prioritization of hypoglycemia in contemporary clinical guidelines and performance measures for patients with diabetes.
A 2-step environmental scan process was used to identify contemporary guidelines and performance measures from January 1, 2010, to March 15, 2016. The terms diabetes, guidelines, and standards of care were used to identify clinical guidelines about diabetes. This search was strengthened with a search in the National Guideline Clearinghouse. Diabetes, quality, performance measures, quality-metric, and quality measure were used to identify quality measures initiatives. A comprehensive search was also performed in the National Quality Measures Clearinghouse. Chance-adjusted agreement for selection of guideline and performance measures initiatives between reviewers working independently was excellent (κ = 0.83 and κ = 0.91, respectively). Disagreements were resolved by consensus. Eligible guidelines and performance measures were the latest published full-text versions of systematically developed statements produced under the auspices of medical specialty or professional associations or public or private organizations at a federal, state, or local level. Neither institutional review board approval nor patient consent was required.
We identified 18 diabetes practice guidelines and 23 performance measures initiatives. All practice guidelines advocated for hypoglycemia ascertainment and treatment, although supported by evidence at varying risk of bias (Table 1). However, only 2 organizations, the National Institute of Health Excellence and the National Information Diabetes Service in the United Kingdom, had issued corresponding performance measures that addressed hypoglycemia. These measures addressed severe not mild hypoglycemia (Table 2), defined as hypoglycemic events that required assistance of others for treatment. The remaining 21 performance measures did not address hypoglycemia ascertainment, treatment, or prevention. In contrast, 80% to 90% of diabetes care performance measure initiatives included multiple surrogate outcome or process measures, such as hemoglobin A1c measurement and target level; low-density lipoprotein cholesterol target level; blood pressure control; nephropathy, retinopathy, and neuropathy screening; smoking cessation; and aspirin use for patients with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease.
Table 1.
Clinical Practice Guidelines for Patients With Diabetes
Guideline Author, Year | Country |
American Diabetes Association, 2016 | United States |
American Association of Clinical Endocrinologist and American College of Endocrinology, 2016 |
United States |
National Institute for Health Excellence, 2015 | United Kingdom |
American Diabetes Association and the European Association for the Study of Diabetes, 2015 |
United States and Europe |
Royal Australian College of General Practitioners and Diabetes Australia, 2014–2015 |
Australia |
Health Technology Assessment Section Medical Development Division Ministry of Health Malaysia, 2015 |
Malaysia |
Joslin Diabetes Center Guidelines, 2014 | United States |
Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement Guidelines, 2014 |
United States |
Canadian Diabetes Association, 2013 | Canada |
Association Latinoamericana de Diabetes, 2013 | Multiples countries (approximately 30) |
Health Improvement Scotland, SIGN | Scotland |
The Japan Diabetes Society, 2013 | Japan |
International Diabetes Federation, 2012 | 160 Countries |
Society for Endocrinology, Metabolism and Diabetes of South Africa, 2012 |
South Africa |
Society of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Diabetes in South Africa, 2012 |
South Africa |
University of Michigan Health System, 2012 | United States |
Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative | United States |
Veterans Affairs Guideline and Department of Defense, 2010 |
United States |
All of the guidelines include a recommendation on hypoglycemia. Most guidelines state that a less stringent glucose goal should be considered (hemoglobin A1c, 7%–8% [to convert to proportion of hemoglobin, multiply by 0.01]) in patients with a history of severe hypoglycemia, limited life expectancy, advanced renal disease or macrovascular complications, extensive comorbid conditions, or long-standing diabetes mellitus in which the hemoglobin A1c goal has been difficult to attain despite intensive efforts as long as the patient remains free of polydipsia, polyuria, polyphagia, and other hyperglycemia-associated symptoms.
Table 2.
Performance Measures Initiatives for Patients With Diabetes
Institution, Year | Country | Hypoglycemia as Quality Measure |
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, 2011 |
United Kingdom | Yes |
National Diabetes Information Service, 2011 |
United Kingdom | Yes |
Health Resources and Services Administration, 2012 |
United States | No |
International Diabetes Federation, 2012 |
170 Countries and 230 national diabetes associations |
No |
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2013 |
Australia | No |
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services electronic health records, 2014 |
United States | No |
National Quality Forum, 2014 | United States | No |
Institute of Clinical Systems Improvement, 2014 |
United States | No |
American Board of Family Medicine, 2014 |
United States | No |
Ministerio de Salud Resolucion No. 1156/2014,2014 |
Argentina | No |
National Committee for Quality Assurance, 2015 |
United States | No |
Pharmacy Quality Alliance, 2015 | United States | No |
Minnesota Health Scores, the D5 for Diabetes, 2015 |
United States | No |
Diabetes Collaborative Registry, 2015 | United States | No |
BlueCross BlueShield, 2015 | United States | No |
Wisconsin Collaborative Health Care, 2015 |
United States | No |
Accountable care organizations, 2015 |
United States | No |
Physician Quality Reporting System, 2015 |
United States | No |
Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group D-9, 2015 |
United States | No |
Health Technology Assessment Section Medical Development Division Ministry of Health Malaysia, 2015 |
Malaysia | No |
Ministry of Health Singapore, 2015 | Singapore | No |
University of Michigan Health System, 2015 |
United States | No |
The Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set, 2016 |
United States | No |
The goals of diabetes care are to increase the patients’ longevity, decrease the risk of acute and chronic complications, and increase the health-related quality of life. Considering the substantial morbidity, associated mortality, and decreased quality of life caused by hypoglycemia,3–6 its prevention is an integral part of patient-centered diabetes care along with hemoglobin A1c control, as reinforced by clinical practice guidelines. However, it remains surprising that less than 10% of the initiatives included a corresponding hypoglycemia performance measure. Efforts are under way to develop reliable, measurable, actionable, and meaningful hypoglycemia measures. These measures may include documentation of hypoglycemic events at each visit, hypoglycemia awareness and management education programs, prescription and patient use of diabetes medical alerts, or prescriptions of glucagon and/or glucose tablets. Engagement of patients to identify and address precipitating causes of hypoglycemia, including treatment regimen change, can also be recorded. When carefully constructed and implemented, a hypoglycemia-focused performance measure would serve as a counterbalance for the current measures. It would be a paradigm shift in the care for patients with diabetes because it would facilitate a holistic approach that prioritizes not only efficacy but also safety and patient-centeredness of diabetes care.
Author Contributions: Drs Montori and Rodriguez-Gutierrez had full access to all the data in the study and take responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis.
Concept and design: Rodriguez-Gutierrez, Singh Ospina, Lipska, Montori.
Acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data: Rodriguez-Gutierrez, Singh Ospina, McCoy, Montori.
Drafting of the manuscript: Rodriguez-Gutierrez.
Critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content: Rodriguez-Gutierrez, Singh Ospina, McCoy, Lipska, Montori.
Statistical analysis: Singh Ospina.
Obtaining funding: Rodriguez-Gutierrez.
Administrative, technical, or material support: Rodriguez-Gutierrez, Singh Ospina, Montori.
Study supervision: Rodriguez-Gutierrez.
Conflict of Interest Disclosures: Dr Lipska reported receiving support from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to develop and maintain publicly reported quality measures. No other disclosures were reported.
Group Members: The members of the Hypoglycemia as a Quality Measure in Diabetes Study Group are as follows: Yogish C. Kudva, MBBS, Kasia J. Lipska, MD, Rozalina G. McCoy, MD, MS, Victor M. Montori, MD, MSc, Rene Rodriguez-Gutierrez, MD, MSc, Nilay D. Shah, PhD, Naykky Singh Ospina, MD, MSc, and Henry H. Ting, MD, MBA.
Additional Contributions: Patricia Erwin, MLS, expert librarian from the Mayo Clinic, provided valuable assistance with the search strategy. She was not financially compensated for this service.
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