Nucleotide diversity measures (uni-dimensional measures) |
S, s
Number of segregating sites (per DNA sequence or per site, respectively) |
Nei (1987) |
H, η
Minimum number of mutations (per DNA sequence or per site, respectively) |
Tajima (1996) |
k |
Average number of nucleotide differences (per DNA sequence) between any two sequences |
Tajima (1983) |
π |
Nucleotide diversity: average number of nucleotide differences per site between any two sequences |
Jukes and Cantor (1969); Nei and Gojobori (1986); Nei (1987)
θ, θW
Nucleotide polymorphism: proportion of nucleotide sites that are expected to be polymorphic in any suitable sample |
Watterson (1975); Tajima (1993, 1996)
Site/allele frequency spectrum: distribution of allele frequencies at a given set of loci in a population or sample |
Ronen et al. (2013) |
LD (multi-dimensional association among variable sites) and recombination |
D |
Coefficient of LD whose range depends of the allele frequencies |
Lewontin and Kojima (1960) |
D′ |
Normalized D, independent of allele frequencies |
Lewontin (1964) |
R, R2
Statistical correlation between pairs of sites |
Hill and Robertson (1968) |
ZnS |
Average of R2 over all pairwise comparisons |
Kelly (1997) |
ZA is the average of R2 only between adjacent polymorphic sites. ZZ is ZA minus ZnS, which is an estimate of the recombination parameter r
Rozas et al. (2001) |
Four-gamete test |
Measure of historical recombination under the infinite-sites model |
Hudson and Kaplan (1985) |
ρ |
Population-scaled recombination rate ρ = 4Ner [computed, e.g., by LDhat (Auton and McVean 2007) and LDhelmet (Chan et al. 2012)] |
Hudson (1987) |
Selection tests based on the allele frequency spectrum and/or levels of variability |
Tajima’s D
Number of nucleotide polymorphisms with the mean pairwise difference between sequences |
Tajima (1989) |
Fu and Li’s D, D* |
Number of derived nucleotide variants observed only once in a sample with the total number of derived nucleotide variants |
Fu and Li (1993) |
Fu and Li’s F, F* |
Number of derived nucleotide variants observed only once in a sample with the mean pairwise difference between sequences |
Fu and Li (1993) |
Fay and Wu’s H
Number of derived nucleotide variants at low and high frequencies with the number of variants at intermediate frequencies |
Fay and Wu (2000) |
Zeng’s E, θL, DH
Difference between θL and θW: the first is sensitive to changes in high-frequency variants. DH is a joint test including Tajima’s D and Fay and Wu’s H
Zeng et al. (2006) |
Achaz’s Y
Unified framework for θ estimators on the basis of the allele frequency spectrum |
Achaz (2009) |
Fu’s FS
Test based on the allele frequency spectrum |
Fu (1997) |
Ramos-Onsins’ and Rozas’ R2, R3, R4, R2E, R3E, R4E
Tests based on the difference between the number of singleton mutations and the average number of nucleotide differences |
Ramos-Onsins and Rozas (2002) |
Genome scan for candidate regions of selective sweeps based on aberrant allele frequency spectrum |
Nielsen et al. (2005) |
Selection tests based on comparisons of polymorphism and/or divergence between different classes of mutation |
dN/dS, Ka/Ks
Ratio of nonsynonymous to synonymous nucleotide divergence/polymorphism (ω) |
Li et al. (1985); Nei and Gojobori (1986)
Degree of polymorphism within and between species at two or more loci |
Hudson et al. (1987) |
MK |
Ratios of synonymous and nonsynonymous nucleotide divergence and polymorphism |
McDonald and Kreitman (1991) |
Estimators derived from extensions of the MK test or the DFE |
NI |
Neutrality index that summarizes the four values in an MK test table as a ratio of ratios |
Rand and Kann (1996) |
DoS |
Direction of selection: difference between the proportion of nonsynonymous divergence and nonsynonymous polymorphism |
Stoletzki and Eyre-Walker (2011) |
α |
Proportion of substitutions that are adaptive |
Charlesworth (1994); Smith and Eyre-Walker (2002)
DFE-α |
Fraction of adaptive nonsynonymous substitutions, robust to low recombination |
Eyre-Walker and Keightley (2009) |
Rate of adaptive evolution relative to the mutation rate |
Castellano et al. (2016); James et al. (2016)
Ka+ |
Rate of adaptive amino acid substitution (Ka+ = αKa) |
Castellano et al. (2016) |
Fractions of five different selection regimes derived from an extension of the MK test: fraction of new mutations that are strongly deleterious and do not segregate in the population; fraction of new mutations that are slightly deleterious and segregate at minor allele frequency (MAF) <5%; fraction of new mutations that are neutral, calculated after removing the excess of sites at MAF <5% due to slightly deleterious mutations; subset of corresponding to recently neutral sites; fraction of new mutations that are adaptive, calculated after removing slightly deleterious mutations |
Mackay et al. (2012) |
Proportion of adaptive substitutions lost due to HRi |
Castellano et al. (2016) |
Optimal baseline recombination, above which the genome is free of the HRi and thus LHRi = 0 |
Mackay et al. (2012); Castellano et al. (2016)
Selection tests based on LD |
Hudson’s haplotype test |
Detection of derived and ancestral alleles on unusually long haplotypes |
Hudson et al. (1994) |
B/Q |
Based on LD between adjacent pairs of segregating sites, under the coalescent model with recombination |
Wall (1999) |
iHS |
Integrated haplotype score, based on the frequency of alleles in regions of high LD |
Voight et al. (2006) |
Long-range haplotype test, based on the frequency of alleles in regions of long-range LD |
Sabeti et al. (2002) |
HS |
Haplosimilarity score: long-range haplotype similarity |
Hanchard et al. (2006) |
Extended haplotype homozygosity: measurement of the decay of LD between loci with distance |
Sabeti et al. (2002) |
LD decay: expected decay of adjacent SNP LD at recently selected alleles |
Wang et al. (2006) |
Shared genomic segment analysis: detection of shared regions across individuals within populations |
Cai et al. (2011) |
Detection of genomic loci with excess of identity-by-descent sharing in unrelated individuals as signature of recent selection |
Han and Abney (2013) |
Long-range haplotype method to detect recent selective sweeps |
Sabeti et al. (2007) |
H12, H2/H1 |
Haplotype homozygosity |
Garud et al. (2015) |
Population differentiation and associated selection tests |
Analysis of gene diversity (heterozygosity) within and between subpopulations |
Nei (1973) |
Average levels of gene flow based on allele frequencies, under the infinite-sites model |
Hudson et al. (1992b) |
Bayesian FST
Probability that a locus is subject to selection based on locus-specific population differentiation, using a Bayesian method |
Foll and Gaggiotti (2008) |
Different test statistics based on haplotype frequencies and/or the number of nucleotide differences between sequences |
Hudson et al. (1992a) |
Snn |
Genetic differentiation of subpopulations based on haplotypic data |
Hudson (2000) |
PhiST |
Correlation of haplotypic diversity at different levels of hierarchical subdivision |
Excoffier et al. (1992) |
Strobeck’s S
Measure of population structure based on the comparison of the observed number of alleles in a sample to that expected when θ is estimated from the average number of nucleotide differences |
Strobeck (1987) |
Cross-population composite likelihood ratio test, based on allele frequency differentiation across populations |
Chen et al. (2010) |
Original Lewontin–Krakauer test (TLK) and an extension (TF-LK), aimed at detecting selection based on the variance of FST across loci |
Lewontin and Krakauer (1973); Bonhomme et al. (2010)
Locus-specific branch length, based on pairwise FST distances |
Shriver et al. (2004) |
hapFLK |
Detecting of selection based on differences in haplotype frequencies among populations with a hierarchical structure |
Fariello et al. (2013) |