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. 2017 Mar 3;205(3):1003–1035. doi: 10.1534/genetics.116.196493

Table 1. The arsenal of parameters for population genetics/genomics analyses: measures of nucleotide diversity, LD, and tests of selection.

Measure/test Description References
Nucleotide diversity measures (uni-dimensional measures)
S, s Number of segregating sites (per DNA sequence or per site, respectively) Nei (1987)
H, η Minimum number of mutations (per DNA sequence or per site, respectively) Tajima (1996)
k Average number of nucleotide differences (per DNA sequence) between any two sequences Tajima (1983)
π Nucleotide diversity: average number of nucleotide differences per site between any two sequences Jukes and Cantor (1969); Nei and Gojobori (1986); Nei (1987)
θ, θW Nucleotide polymorphism: proportion of nucleotide sites that are expected to be polymorphic in any suitable sample Watterson (1975); Tajima (1993, 1996)
SFS Site/allele frequency spectrum: distribution of allele frequencies at a given set of loci in a population or sample Ronen et al. (2013)
LD (multi-dimensional association among variable sites) and recombination
D Coefficient of LD whose range depends of the allele frequencies Lewontin and Kojima (1960)
D Normalized D, independent of allele frequencies Lewontin (1964)
R, R2 Statistical correlation between pairs of sites Hill and Robertson (1968)
ZnS Average of R2 over all pairwise comparisons Kelly (1997)
ZA/ZZ ZA is the average of R2 only between adjacent polymorphic sites. ZZ is ZA minus ZnS, which is an estimate of the recombination parameter r Rozas et al. (2001)
Four-gamete test Measure of historical recombination under the infinite-sites model Hudson and Kaplan (1985)
ρ Population-scaled recombination rate ρ = 4Ner [computed, e.g., by LDhat (Auton and McVean 2007) and LDhelmet (Chan et al. 2012)] Hudson (1987)
Selection tests based on the allele frequency spectrum and/or levels of variability
Tajima’s D Number of nucleotide polymorphisms with the mean pairwise difference between sequences Tajima (1989)
Fu and Li’s D, D* Number of derived nucleotide variants observed only once in a sample with the total number of derived nucleotide variants Fu and Li (1993)
Fu and Li’s F, F* Number of derived nucleotide variants observed only once in a sample with the mean pairwise difference between sequences Fu and Li (1993)
Fay and Wu’s H Number of derived nucleotide variants at low and high frequencies with the number of variants at intermediate frequencies Fay and Wu (2000)
Zeng’s E, θL, DH Difference between θL and θW: the first is sensitive to changes in high-frequency variants. DH is a joint test including Tajima’s D and Fay and Wu’s H Zeng et al. (2006)
Achaz’s Y Unified framework for θ estimators on the basis of the allele frequency spectrum Achaz (2009)
Fu’s FS Test based on the allele frequency spectrum Fu (1997)
Ramos-Onsins’ and Rozas’ R2, R3, R4, R2E, R3E, R4E Tests based on the difference between the number of singleton mutations and the average number of nucleotide differences Ramos-Onsins and Rozas (2002)
CL, CLR Genome scan for candidate regions of selective sweeps based on aberrant allele frequency spectrum Nielsen et al. (2005)
Selection tests based on comparisons of polymorphism and/or divergence between different classes of mutation
dN/dS, Ka/Ks Ratio of nonsynonymous to synonymous nucleotide divergence/polymorphism (ω) Li et al. (1985); Nei and Gojobori (1986)
HKA Degree of polymorphism within and between species at two or more loci Hudson et al. (1987)
MK Ratios of synonymous and nonsynonymous nucleotide divergence and polymorphism McDonald and Kreitman (1991)
Estimators derived from extensions of the MK test or the DFE
NI Neutrality index that summarizes the four values in an MK test table as a ratio of ratios Rand and Kann (1996)
DoS Direction of selection: difference between the proportion of nonsynonymous divergence and nonsynonymous polymorphism Stoletzki and Eyre-Walker (2011)
α Proportion of substitutions that are adaptive Charlesworth (1994); Smith and Eyre-Walker (2002)
DFE-α Fraction of adaptive nonsynonymous substitutions, robust to low recombination Eyre-Walker and Keightley (2009)
ωA Rate of adaptive evolution relative to the mutation rate Castellano et al. (2016); James et al. (2016)
Ka+ Rate of adaptive amino acid substitution (Ka+ = αKa) Castellano et al. (2016)
d^, b^, f^, γ^, α^ Fractions of five different selection regimes derived from an extension of the MK test: d^, fraction of new mutations that are strongly deleterious and do not segregate in the population; b^, fraction of new mutations that are slightly deleterious and segregate at minor allele frequency (MAF) <5%; f^, fraction of new mutations that are neutral, calculated after removing the excess of sites at MAF <5% due to slightly deleterious mutations; γ^, subset of f^ corresponding to recently neutral sites; α^, fraction of new mutations that are adaptive, calculated after removing slightly deleterious mutations Mackay et al. (2012)
LHRi Proportion of adaptive substitutions lost due to HRi Castellano et al. (2016)
ropt Optimal baseline recombination, above which the genome is free of the HRi and thus LHRi = 0 Mackay et al. (2012); Castellano et al. (2016)
Selection tests based on LD
Hudson’s haplotype test Detection of derived and ancestral alleles on unusually long haplotypes Hudson et al. (1994)
B/Q Based on LD between adjacent pairs of segregating sites, under the coalescent model with recombination Wall (1999)
iHS Integrated haplotype score, based on the frequency of alleles in regions of high LD Voight et al. (2006)
LRH Long-range haplotype test, based on the frequency of alleles in regions of long-range LD Sabeti et al. (2002)
HS Haplosimilarity score: long-range haplotype similarity Hanchard et al. (2006)
EHH Extended haplotype homozygosity: measurement of the decay of LD between loci with distance Sabeti et al. (2002)
LDD LD decay: expected decay of adjacent SNP LD at recently selected alleles Wang et al. (2006)
SGS Shared genomic segment analysis: detection of shared regions across individuals within populations Cai et al. (2011)
GIBDLD Detection of genomic loci with excess of identity-by-descent sharing in unrelated individuals as signature of recent selection Han and Abney (2013)
XP-EHH Long-range haplotype method to detect recent selective sweeps Sabeti et al. (2007)
H12, H2/H1 Haplotype homozygosity Garud et al. (2015)
Population differentiation and associated selection tests
GST Analysis of gene diversity (heterozygosity) within and between subpopulations Nei (1973)
FST Average levels of gene flow based on allele frequencies, under the infinite-sites model Hudson et al. (1992b)
Bayesian FST Probability that a locus is subject to selection based on locus-specific population differentiation, using a Bayesian method Foll and Gaggiotti (2008)
GST, HST, KST Different test statistics based on haplotype frequencies and/or the number of nucleotide differences between sequences Hudson et al. (1992a)
Snn Genetic differentiation of subpopulations based on haplotypic data Hudson (2000)
PhiST Correlation of haplotypic diversity at different levels of hierarchical subdivision Excoffier et al. (1992)
Strobeck’s S Measure of population structure based on the comparison of the observed number of alleles in a sample to that expected when θ is estimated from the average number of nucleotide differences Strobeck (1987)
XP-CLR Cross-population composite likelihood ratio test, based on allele frequency differentiation across populations Chen et al. (2010)
TLK, TF-LK Original Lewontin–Krakauer test (TLK) and an extension (TF-LK), aimed at detecting selection based on the variance of FST across loci Lewontin and Krakauer (1973); Bonhomme et al. (2010)
LSBL Locus-specific branch length, based on pairwise FST distances Shriver et al. (2004)
hapFLK Detecting of selection based on differences in haplotype frequencies among populations with a hierarchical structure Fariello et al. (2013)