The mice were subcutaneously injected with NSCLC A549 cells and when tumor xenografts reached 5–6 mm3, the mice received different treatments (n = 8 mice/group) for up to 6 weeks. (A) Comparison of single drug treatment with the negative control. During the treatment, tumor xenograft volumes were measured twice a week for 3 weeks. (B) Comparison of a regular icotinib dose plus or sequential docetaxel treatment with the negative control. C. Comparison of a high icotinib dose plus or sequential docetaxel treatment with the negative control. Control, negative control; DTX, docetaxel; IcoR, a regular icotinib dose; IcoH, a high icotinib dose; IcoH-D, a high icotinib dose and sequential docetaxel for 3 weeks; IcoR-D, a regular icotinib dose and sequential docetaxel for 3 weeks; IcoH+D, a high icotinib dose plus docetaxel for 3 weeks; IcoR+D, a regular icotinib dose plus docetaxel for 3 weeks; D-IcoR, docetaxel and sequential regular icotinib dose for 3 weeks; D-IcoH, docetaxel and sequential high icotinib dose for 3 weeks.