Fig. 3.
In vitro differentiation towards osteogenic (a–d) and adipogenic (f–j) lineages of ASCs before and after DMSO- and FS-free cryopreservation and post-thaw expansion in FS- or PL-supplemented medium: a, f—ASCs expanded using 10% FS before cryopreservation; b, g—ASCs expanded using 10% FS after cryopreservation; c, h—ASCs expanded using 10% PL before cryopreservation; d, j—ASCs expanded using 10% PL after cryopreservation. Expression of alkaline phosphatase was assessed by Fast Blue staining (a–d); Nile Red staining of intracellular lipids (f–j). The efficiency of differentiation was determined as a percentage of specific marker-positive cells to the total number of cells (k). The results (n = 5) are expressed as the mean ± SD (* P < 0.05)