Figure 5. Transformation and aggressiveness related RBPs in GBM.
(A) Heat maps representing the differentially regulated genes in Grade II versus control samples (left panel) which retain similar pattern of expression in GBM (right panel). (B) Heat maps depicting the genes which are uniquely differentially regulated in GBM samples versus control samples (right panel), but not showing any significant difference in Grade II and control samples (left panel). A dual color-code was used with red and green indicating upregulated and downregulated RBPs respectively. A yellow line separates control samples from grade II or GBM samples in the given heat maps. (C) Transcript levels of METTL1 and OAS1 were quantified using qRT-PCR in LN299 cells where shRNA mediated knockdown of METTL1 and OAS1 has been performed respectively and represented. (D) Bar graph representing relative number of viable cells in control and indicated knockdown LN229 cells at the mentioned Temozolomide concentrations. The number of viable cells in shControl, shMETTL1 and shOAS1 conditions in the presence of temozolomide was plotted relative to the number of viable cells in the respective DMSO treated condition.