Systematic reviews are considered the most reliable tool to summarize existing evidence. To determine whether reviews that address the same questions can produce different answers we examined systematic reviews of herbal medicine, homeopathy, and acupuncture taken from a previously established database. Information on literature searching, inclusion criteria, selection process, quality assessment, data extraction, methods to summarize primary studies, number of included studies, results and conclusions was compared qualitatively.
Seventeen topics (eight on acupuncture, six on herbal medicines, three on homeopathy) had been addressed by 2-5 systematic reviews each. The number of primary studies in the reviews varied greatly within most topics. The most obvious reason for discrepancies between the samples was different inclusion criteria (in thirteen topics). Methods of literature searching may have contributed with some topics but the equivalence of the searches was difficult to assess. Differences were frequently observed in other methodological aspects, in results and in conclusions.
This analysis shows that, at least in the three areas examined, systematic reviews often differ considerably. Readers should be aware that apparently minor decisions in the review process can have major impact.
Systematic reviews and meta-analyses are regarded as the best methods to summarize evidence on the effectiveness of healthcare interventions1,2. Systematic methods are designed to avoid biases and make results and conclusions as objective as possible. However, systematic reviews are retrospective and strongly depend on the quality of the primary material. In the review process decisions have to be taken that may influence the findings. Finally, unless the results are very clearcut, reviewers with different prejudices about the hypothesis under investigation may draw different conclusions from the same data. Several articles reporting examples of discordant systematic reviews have been published3,4,5,6,7 but we have found no empirical studies on how often and why discrepancies occur. Within the framework of a project for collecting and analysing systematic reviews of clinical trials of herbal medicine, homeopathy and acupuncture performed for the Cochrane Collaboration's complementary medicine field8,9,10 we compared reviews addressing the same topic.
Systematic reviews of clinical trials of herbal medicines, homeopathy and acupuncture published between the years 1989 and 2001 addressing the same topic were identified from the database. To be included, reviews had to explicitly describe inclusion and exclusion criteria, the methods used to search the literature, the methods used to assess study quality and the methods for summarizing results when the review included a meta-analysis. Sets of reviews were judged to address the same topic if they were on the same intervention for the same condition and if they covered the same comparisons. When the focus of one review was broader than in another (for example, back pain in one, low back pain in another) the reviews were included if the subgroup of studies in the broader review could be clearly separated for comparison. Reviews within a review set had to have been published within a period of 4 previous years. One assessor screened all systematic reviews included in the database and selected those which addressed broadly similar questions (for example, all reviews of garlic for cardiovascular risk factors). All reviews identified at the screening step were then checked in detail for whether they addressed the same questions. In case of uncertainty a second assessor was involved. For each review the following details were extracted into a spreadsheet: literature search (databases searched, other search methods used), inclusion criteria (concerning patients, experimental and control interventions, outcomes, study design, language, other), selection process (whether described or not, number of studies at different selection levels), data extraction, quality assessment methods, methods to summarize primary studies, number of included studies, results and methodological quality of primary studies as assessed by the reviewers, and conclusions drawn. To check whether the same primary studies on a given topic were included and to investigate the influence of the date of publication, all studies included by any of the reviews were entered into a list. The only quantitative outcome criteria were the number of included primary studies and the overlap of included primary studies published at least one year before the oldest review. All other analyses were qualitative.
Among a total of seventeen review sets consisting of 2-5 overviews addressing the same topics and meeting the inclusion criteria (Table 1), eight were on acupuncture, six on herbal medicines and three on homeopathy. The total number of included reviews was 3811,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48; three acupuncture reviews14,18,21 contributed to two review sets, since they covered more than one topic. The sample of primary studies varied by more than 25% in fifteen review sets, and by more than 50% in ten. In just one review set (P6-acupuncture stimulation for morning sickness) the age of the review and the resulting availability of trials explained major differences.
Table 1.
Overview on the review sets included in the analysis
Intervention and condition | Control group interventions | Number of studies included (total included in any of the reviews)*—review publication years | Main reasons for discrepant numbers |
Acupuncture | |||
Acupuncture for chronic pain | Sham, other treatment | 14 [Ref. 11], 46 [Ref. 12] (48)-1989-1990 | S, IC |
Acupuncture for neck pain | Sham, other treatment | 11 [Ref. 13], 5 [Ref. 14] (11)-1999-2000 | S (IC) |
Acupuncture for low back pain | Sham, no/other treatment | 10 [Ref. 15], 11 [Ref. 16], 8 [Ref. 14] (11)-1998-2000 | IC, S |
Acupuncture for tension-type headache | Sham, other treatment | 7 [Ref. 17], 8 [Ref. 18], 6 [Ref. 19] (9)-1999-2000 | IC |
Acupuncture for migraine prophylaxis | Sham, no/other treatment | 6 [Ref. 20], 16 [Ref. 18] (16)-1999 | IC |
P6-stimulation for postoperative nausea | Sham, no/other treatment | 18 [Ref. 21], 19 [Ref. 22] (24)-1996-1999 | IC, PD |
P6-stimulation for morning sickness | Sham, no treatment | 7 [Ref. 21], 4 [Ref. 23], 7 [Ref. 24] (8)-1996-1999 | IC |
Acupuncture for tinnitus | Sham, other treatment | 6 [Ref. 25], 6 [Ref. 26] (7)-1999-2000 | — |
Herbal medicine | |||
Ginkgo for intermittent claudication | Placebo | 5 [Ref. 27], 8 [Ref. 28] (9)-2000 | IC, S |
Hypericum for depression | Placebo, standard | 14 [Ref. 29, 27 [Ref. 30], 6 [Ref. 31], 14 [Ref. 32], 8 [Ref. 33] (29)-1997-2000 | IC (PD) |
Garlic for cholesterol lowering | |||
new review set | Placebo | 13 [Ref. 34], 37 [Ref. 35] (37)-2000 | IC, S |
old review set | Placebo | 5 [Ref. 36], 13 [Ref. 37] (13)-1993-1994 | IC, S |
Echinacea for colds | Placebo | 13 [Ref. 38], 13 [Ref. 39] (15)-1999 | — |
Peppermint oil for irritable bowel syndrome | Placebo | 7 [Ref. 40], 3 [Ref. 41] (8)-1998-2000 | S, SE |
Homeopathy | |||
All homeopathy for any disease | Placebo | 89 [Ref. 42], 36 [Ref. 43], 16 [Ref. 44] (97)-1997-2000 | IC |
All homeopathy for any disease | Placebo, other treatment | 40 [Ref. 45], 105 [Ref. 46] (405)-1990-1991 | IC |
Arnica for trauma | Placebo | 35 [Ref. 47], 8 [Ref. 48] (35)-1998 | IC, SE |
S=Search; IC=inclusion and exclusion criteria; PD=publication date; SE=application of inclusion criteria in the selection process
Reviews ordered according to ascending publication year
The most common reason for discrepancies regarding the sample of included studies was differences in inclusion criteria. This is exemplified by the reviews on hypericum extracts for depression. All these reviews aimed to assess whether hypericum extracts are more effective than placebo or similar in efficacy to standard antidepressants. The number of primary studies varied between 2 and 17 for placebo-controlled trials (with older reviews including more studies) and between 3 and 10 for trials against standard antidepressants. Table 2 shows variations in the inclusion criteria between the five reviews, and for the general reader it is almost impossible to know which differences are relevant. For example, the restriction to trials published in English in the review by Gaster33 explains the exclusion of 12 of the 17 placebo-controlled trials included in the older review by Linde et al.30; the restriction to mono-preparations explains only one exclusion; and the restriction to double-blind trials had no consequences at all. The main reasons for exclusion of available randomized trials of hypericum in depressed patients are printed in italics in Table 2.
Table 2.
Inclusion criteria in six systematic reviews of clinical trials of hypericum extracts versus placebo or standard antidepressants for depression
Review | Patients/condition | Hypericum preparations | Design | Other | Versus placebo/versus standard |
Volz 1997 (Ref. 29) | Depressed patients | Mono-preparations | Double-blind clinical trials | — | 11/3 |
Linde 1998 (Ref. 30) | Depressive disorders | Mono-preparations and combinations* | RCTs | — | 17/10 |
Kim 1999 (Ref. 31) | Depressive disorder acc. to ICD10/DSM | Mono-preparations | Blinded controlled trials | Outcome Hamilton Rating Scale | 2/4 |
Williams 2000 (Ref. 32) | Depressive disorders | Mono-preparations and combinations* | RCTs | At least 6 weeks' duration | 8/6 |
Gaster 2000 (Ref. 33) | Depressive disorders | Mono-preparations | Double-blind RCTs | Available in English | 4/4 |
Italics indicate the criteria most likely to have reduced number of trials included
RCT=Randomized clinical trial
Combinations with other herbal extracts
The comprehensiveness of the literature searches was very difficult to assess. Searches in the database Medline were sometimes described in sufficient detail to allow a comparison. However, Medline covers only a small minority of complementary medicine journals and almost all reviewers searched additional sources. In a published paper, to describe these searches in a manner that will allow replication is almost impossible. The comprehensiveness of literature searches could therefore be evaluated only indirectly, by comparing the sample of included studies in a single review with the total sample of studies in any of the reviews, with exclusions taken into account. Obvious relevant differences in comprehensiveness existed in seven review sets (see Table 1). However, there were examples of reviews with quite different search strategies coming up with almost identical study samples (for example, the Echinacea reviews38,39).
Although the methods for quality assessment of primary studies in the reviews differed considerably (a wide variety of scores and checklists), major disagreements about overall quality were rare. A striking exception is the three reviews including trials of acupuncture for low back pain. Only one of these reviews is explicitly restricted to low back pain16, one is on back pain15 and one on back and neck pain14. However, most of the primary studies in the latter two are also on low back pain. Ernst and White15 described the methodological quality of the back pain studies reviewed as ‘good in the majority of studies’; van Tulder et al.16 concluded for the low back pain trials that ‘methodological quality was... extremely poor’ and Smith et al.14 judged that the ‘majority of trials were of poor quality’.
Because of the heterogeneity of the primary studies, the variability of outcome measures and insufficient reporting, only 20 reviews included a quantitative meta-analysis. In six review sets more than one review included a meta-analysis. While the reported effect sizes differed to some extent, this was mainly because of differences in the study samples. Only in the 3 reviews addressing the question whether homeopathy is any different from placebo did the meta-analytic methods differ fundamentally and this, together with differences in the study samples, led to discrepant conclusions (Table 3).
Table 3.
Inclusion criteria, number of included trials, methods for summarizing study results and main result in three meta-analyses of placebo-controlled trials of homeopathy
Linde et al. (Ref. 42) | Walach (Ref. 43) | Cucherat et al. (Ref. 44) | |
Main differences regarding inclusion criteria | All explicitly randomized and/or double-blind trials with data suitable for meta-analysis | Only randomized trials published in non-homeopathic peer-reviewed journals listed in Medline or Embase | Only randomized trials with a predefined main outcome measure |
Number of trials checked for eligibility | 119 | Unclear | 118 |
Number of trials included in meta-analysis | 89 | 36 | 16 |
Approach to summarizing effect sizes | Combined odds ratio | Standardized effect size | Combination of P values |
Meta-analytic model chosen | Random effects | Random effects | Weighted sum of Zs |
Main result | Significant: OR=2.45 (95% CI 2.05 to 2.93) | Not significant: g=0.259 (95% CI -0.319 to 0.837) | Significant: combined P=0.000036 |
OR=Odds ratio; CI=confidence interval
Instead of or in addition to meta-analysis, results of primary studies were summarized descriptively or in vote counts. As the vote-counting systems often differed slightly, formal analysis of agreement proved difficult. In the case of trials of acupuncture for low back pain the discrepancies were large (Table 4).
Table 4.
Vote counts for low back pain trials included both by van Tulder et al. (Ref. 16) and by Smith et al. (Ref. 14)
Author conclusion
Reviewer conclusion
Trial | van Tulder et al. | Smith et al. | van Tulder et al. | Smith et al. |
Coan et al. | Positive | Positive | Unclear | Positive |
Duplan et al. | Positive | Positive | Positive | Negative |
Edelist et al. | Neutral | Negative | Neutral | Negative |
Garvey et al. | Positive | Negative | Neutral | Negative |
Gunn et al. | Positive | Positive | Neutral | Positive |
Lehmann et al. | Positive | Negative | Neutral | Negative |
Lopacz and Gralewski | Neutral | Negative | Neutral | Positive |
Mendelson et al. | Neutral | Negative | Unclear | Negative |
van Tulder et al. used a 3-step vote count (positive, neutral, negative) with an unclear option while Smith et al. voted trials as either positive or negative. Both reviewers tried to categorize the conclusions of the authors of the primary studies and presented their own conclusion (reviewer conclusion)
There was good agreement in almost all review sets that further research on the respective topic is needed; only one review explicitly states that new studies on homeopathy would be unlikely to end the controversy on this therapy45. Strong disagreements about the available evidence were seen in reviews of acupuncture for low back pain (as we have noted earlier) and of homeopathy versus placebo; more subtle differences in conclusions were common, and seemed to depend more on the prior beliefs of the reviewers than on the data.
This qualitative analysis indicates that systematic review of clinical trials of herbal medicine, homeopathy and acupuncture can greatly differ in their conclusions. We were surprised by the number and scale of the discrepancies. In large part, we believe, they are traceable to the multiple decisions taken during the planning, performance and interpretation.
A limitation of our study is that the extractions and assessments were done mainly by a single investigator. A crucial issue is also whether a set of reviews is considered to address the same topic. Researchers doing systematic reviews and general readers probably have different ideas about this. For researchers it will be clear that subtle differences in inclusion criteria mean that slightly different questions are answered. The general reader, however, reads a systematic review to learn whether there is evidence that, for example, ‘hypericum works for depression’. This reader will not know that the words ‘attempting to retrieve all relevant English-language articles’ will exclude most of the relevant work.
There is evidence that well-conducted clinical trials yield the least promising results49. Could it be that differences in quality explain the discrepancies between systematic reviews. Jadad and McQuay did find that less rigorous reviews more often had positive conclusions6, but Katerndahl and Lawler4 and Assendelft et al.50 reached the opposite conclusion. Jadad et al., looking at asthma reviews51, found no differences related to quality. Nor, in our review samples, do differences in the quality of reviews seem to contribute to the discrepancies. Undoubtedly, readers should check whether systematic reviews fulfil common quality criteria, but often there is no right or wrong answer on what should be included. With hypericum for depression, for example, there are good arguments for all three strategies that were used—to include all trials30, only those that comply with up-to-date diagnostic criteria31 or those with observation periods of at least 6 weeks. Jadad et al.52 provide some guidance on how to cope with discordant quantitative meta-analyses, but the reader must be in possession of all the discordant reviews, as well as the time and specialized knowledge to decide which methods were most appropriate. We have looked only at reviews in complementary medicine but we suspect that the problem applies also to conventional medicine3,4,5,6,7.
What are the implications of our findings? They must not be misinterpreted as an argument for returning to unsystematic reviews, in which the discrepancies tend to be greater50,53. In the past ten years the methodology of systematic reviews has developed considerably, and recent guidelines54 should improve the reporting in future years. Even so, caution will still be needed in their interpretation. Discrepancies between high-quality reviews will always be possible.
The work of KL was partly funded by a grant from the Karl and Veronica Carstens Foundation, Essen, Germany.
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