VOLUME 288 (2013) PAGES 7351–7362
The article by Agrawal et al. had the following inadvertent errors. These errors do not change the scientific conclusions of the article.
PAGE 7353:
“For citrate synthase (CS, EC, which is an enzyme of … ” should read: “For citrate synthase (CS, EC, which is an enzyme of … ” instead.
PAGE 7357:
The legend to Fig. 4 has the following typological errors. “Confocal micrographs showing … of A. murale (A) and A. montanum (B)” should read: “Confocal micrographs showing … of A. murale and A. montanum (A)” instead. “C, nickel content in root mitochondria of Alyssum species … ” should read: “B, nickel content in root mitochondria of Alyssum species … ” instead.
PAGE 7358:
The colors of the lines in Fig. 5C (red and blue; distinguishing between the malate dehydrogenase activities in A. murale and A. montanum, respectively) have been interchanged. The corrected figure appears below.