Figure 5. Re-introduction of HDAC1/2 restored normal heart function.
(A) AAV-HDAC1/2 rescue of EedCKO. Schematic shows the rescue experiment design. WT and CKO pups were injected with AAV-luc or AAV-HDAC1/2 at P3, and assays were done at 2 months of age. (B) Heart function (FS%) was measured at 2 months of age by echocardiography. (C) Gross morphology and heart to body weight ratio of hearts from mice at 2 months of age. Bar = 1 mm. (D) Analysis of heart failure gene expression. Acta1, Myh7, and Nppa levels in isolated cardiomyocytes were measured by qRTPCR. (E, F) Heatmaps (E) and box plots (F) showing ChIP signals for H3K27ac and H3K27me3 at ±5 kb of TSS of genes upregulated in EedCKO. Row order and cluster labels are the same as Figure 1J. Comparative analysis of ChIP-seq signals was performed within each cluster as indicated. (G) Aggregation plots for H3K27me3 or H3K27ac ChIP-seq signals at ±5 kb of TSS of EedCKO upregulated genes in Het, CKO+luc, and CKO+HDAC1/2 groups. B,C,D, Unpaired Student’s t-test. F, Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test. *p<0.05; **p<0.01; ***p<0.001.