Abbreviations Used in Chapter 21
ACC | American College of Cardiology |
ACEI | angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor |
ACS | acute coronary syndrome |
ACTION | Acute Coronary Treatment and Intervention Outcomes Network |
ACS | acute coronary syndrome |
AED | automated external defibrillator |
AF | atrial fibrillation |
AHA | American Heart Association |
AMA-PCPI | American Medical Association–Physician Consortium for Performance Improvement |
AMI | acute myocardial infarction |
ARB | angiotensin receptor blocker |
BMI | body mass index |
BP | blood pressure |
CABG | coronary artery bypass grafting |
CAD | coronary artery disease |
CHF | congestive heart failure |
CI | confidence interval |
COURAGE | Clinical Outcomes Utilizing Revascularization and AGgressive drug Evaluation trial |
CPR | cardiopulmonary resuscitation |
CRUSADE | Can Rapid Risk Stratification of Unstable Angina Patients Suppress Adverse Outcomes With Early Implementation of the ACC/AHA Guidelines |
D2B | Door-to-Balloon Alliance |
DM | diabetes mellitus |
DVT | deep vein thrombosis |
ED | emergency department |
EF | ejection fraction |
EMS | emergency medical services |
GWTG | Get With The Guidelines |
GWTG-HF | Get With The Guidelines–Heart Failure |
HbA1c | hemoglobin A1c |
HF | heart failure |
HIQR | Hospital Inpatient Quality Reporting |
HR | hazard ratio |
IV | intravenous |
LDL | low-density lipoprotein |
LV | left ventricular |
LVEF | left ventricular ejection fraction |
LVSD | left ventricular systolic dysfunction |
MI | myocardial infarction |
N/A | not available or not applicable |
NCDR | National Cardiovascular Data Registry |
NHANES | National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey |
NM | not measured |
NSTEMI | non–ST-elevation myocardial infarction |
OR | odds ratio |
PAD | peripheral artery disease |
PCI | percutaneous coronary intervention |
PINNACLE | Practice Innovation and Clinical Excellence |
RR | relative risk |
SBP | systolic blood pressure |
SCD-HeFT | Sudden Cardiac Death in Heart Failure Trial |
SD | standard deviation |
STEMI | ST-elevation myocardial infarction |
TAVR | transcatheter aortic valve replacement |
tPA | tissue-type plasminogen activator |
UFH | unfractionated heparin |
VF | ventricular fibrillation |
VHA | Veterans Health Administration |
VT | ventricular tachycardia |