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. 2017 May;9(5):a028175. doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a028175

Primary Cilia and Mammalian Hedgehog Signaling

Fiona Bangs 1, Kathryn V Anderson 1
PMCID: PMC5411695  NIHMSID: NIHMS840573  PMID: 27881449


It has been a decade since it was discovered that primary cilia have an essential role in Hedgehog (Hh) signaling in mammals. This discovery came from screens in the mouse that identified a set of genes that are required for both normal Hh signaling and for the formation of primary cilia. Since then, dozens of mouse mutations have been identified that disrupt cilia in a variety of ways and have complex effects on Hedgehog signaling. Here, we summarize the genetic and developmental studies used to deduce how Hedgehog signal transduction is linked to cilia and the complex effects that perturbation of cilia structure can have on Hh signaling. We conclude by describing the current status of our understanding of the cell-type-specific regulation of ciliogenesis and how that determines the ability of cells to respond to Hedgehog ligands.

Hedgehog signaling is essential for the development and maintenance of most organs. In vertebrates, Hedgehog signaling completely depends on a highly specialized organelle: the primary cilium.

Hedgehog (Hh) is one of a handful of signaling pathways that is used repeatedly for intercellular communication in development. Hh is critical for the development of nearly every organ in mammals, as well as in homeostasis and regeneration, and Hh signaling is disrupted in several types of cancer. Unlike other core developmental signaling pathways, vertebrate Hh signaling is completely dependent on a highly specialized organelle, the primary cilium.

The Hh gene was discovered in Drosophila based on the striking phenotype of fly larvae that lack Hh—the mutants do not develop the segmented anterior-to-posterior body plan and have ectopic denticles resembling a Hedgehog (Nüsslein-Volhard and Wieschaus 1980). Mutations in other genes with related phenotypes defined a signaling pathway in which Hh is the ligand that acts through the membrane receptor Patched (PTCH1) and the seven transmembrane spanning protein Smoothened (SMO) to control the activity of a transcription factor Cubitus interruptus (Ci) (Forbes et al. 1993; Ingham 1998). In the mid-1990s, embryological experiments in chicks and targeted mutations in the mouse homologs of the Drosophila Hh pathway genes showed that the Hh signaling pathway is also critical for the development of many tissues and organs in vertebrates. Both the core players and their pathway relationships are conserved (Fig. 1) (Ingham and McMahon 2001). Because of this evolutionary conservation, it was completely unexpected when phenotype-based genetic screens in the mouse identified a set of proteins required for the formation of primary cilia that were also required for mammalian (but not Drosophila) Hh signaling. The relationship between primary cilia and mammalian Hh signaling has turned out to be fascinating, complex, and directly relevant for specific human diseases, the ciliopathies.

Figure 1.

Figure 1.

The backbone of the Hedgehog (Hh) signal transduction pathway. The core of the Hh signaling pathway is conserved between Drosophila and vertebrates. In the absence of ligand, the Hh receptor Patched (PTCH1) keeps the pathway off by inhibiting the activity of the seven transmembrane-domain protein Smoothened (SMO). When SMO is inactive, the GLI/Ci (glioblastoma/Cubitus interruptus) transcription factors are proteolytically processed to make a transcriptional repressor that binds to Hh target genes and blocks their transcription. Binding of Hh to PTCH1 inhibits its activity, relieving the repression of SMO, which promotes conversion of full-length GLI/Ci into a transcriptional activator. In vertebrates, cilia are required for the production of both GLI-repressor and GLI-activator.

Here, we describe the nature of primary cilia Hh-dependent patterning during mammalian development, with a primary focus on proteins that have been shown to affect Hh signaling in vivo in genetic studies. The combination of genetics, developmental biology, and cell biology has provided overwhelming evidence that mammalian Hh signal transduction absolutely depends on the primary cilium, defined the features of the cilium that are important for signaling, and characterized how different changes in cilia structure have distinct effects on Hh signaling. From these studies, the view emerges that Hh signaling and the primary cilium have coevolved, concentrating critical signaling components in the very small volume at the tip of the cilium to allow efficient responses to low levels of ligand.


There are three mammalian Hh proteins, Sonic (SHH), Indian (IHH), and Desert (DHH). SHH and IHH have important, and sometimes overlapping, functions in many tissues. SHH has particularly striking roles in specification of cell types in the nervous system and in patterning of the limbs, whereas IHH has critical roles in skeletal development. Many studies have connected both SHH and IHH signaling to the primary cilium (see below). DHH appears to be restricted to the gonads and may also depend on primary cilia for its activity (Nygaard et al. 2015).

Drosophila Hedgehog has important roles in the patterning of adult organs, such as the eye, wing, and leg (Burke and Basler 1997). In these contexts, Hh acts as a short-range inducer of cell fate, inducing target gene expression in a range of 2–3 cell diameters away from the source of the signal. Drosophila Hh can activate expression of secreted proteins, such as Dpp (Bmp4) that can move further in tissues; as a result, Drosophila Hh has a profound role in the patterning of entire organs.

In contrast to the short-range signaling of Drosophila, the vertebrate Hh proteins can act over a field of cells that are many cell diameters away from the source of the protein. In neural patterning, SHH is first expressed in the notochord, which lies below the neural tube, and acts directly on cells in the ventral half of the neural tube to specify neural progenitors (Fig. 2) (Briscoe and Ericson 2001), and it appears that cells at least 20 cell diameters away from the source respond to Shh. In the limb, Shh is expressed in a classical organizer, the zone of polarizing activity (ZPA), and influences the pattern across most of the developing limb, again at a distance from its source (Ahn and Joyner 2004; Harfe et al. 2004). Indian hedgehog also acts at a distance to control proliferation and differentiation of chondrocytes (Long et al. 2001; Mak et al. 2008). Thus, one significant difference between Hh signaling in vertebrates and Drosophila appears to be that Hh ligands act at greater distances from their source in vertebrates; we hypothesize that long-range signaling requires a sensitized signal transduction system dependent on the primary cilium.

Figure 2.

Figure 2.

Mutations in cilia genes alter Hedgehog (Hh)-dependent neural patterning. Schematics of the spatial distribution of neural cell types in the developing lumbar neural tube in mutants with abnormal cilia. Dorsal up, ventral down; the notochord is the small oval below the neural tube. SHH ligand released from the notochord and floorplate patterns the dorsoventral axis of the neural tube. The highest levels of Shh signaling specify floorplate cells (pink). Dorsal to the floorplate are V3 neural progenitors, which also require high levels of Shh signaling (magenta). Motor neurons (green) require Shh but are specified at lower concentrations of ligand. V2, V1, and V0 interneurons (orange) require even lower levels of Shh activity. Dorsal progenitors (yellow) are specified by default, and high levels of Shh signaling inhibit the specification of dorsal progenitors. Smo mutant embryos fail to specify ventral neural subtypes and all neural progenitors follow a dorsal fate. In Patched1 mutant embryos, all neural progenitors follow a ventral fate and express markers of the floorplate and V3 neural progenitors. Mouse embryos that lack a core intraflagellar transport (IFT-B) protein or kinesin-II lack primary cilia and therefore are unable to respond to Hh signaling; these mutants lack floorplate, V3 interneurons, and most motor neurons, V0-V2 interneurons and dorsal cell types extend ventrally, but V0-V2 interneurons are specified. Dync2h1 mutants, which lack the heavy chain of the dynein retrograde IFT motor and strong loss of IFT-A mutant embryos, have very short, bulged primary cilia and cannot transduce Hh signals efficiently; these mutants lack floor plate V3 interneurons and some motor neurons. In combination with Shh, Smo, or Patched1, double mutant embryos resemble single dynein or strong IFT-A mutants indicating that like IFT-B these components of the cilium assembly machinery are required downstream from SMO and PTCH1. Surprisingly, IFT-A mutant embryos that have a milder effect on cilia morphology (e.g., with cilia of near-normal length and bulged tips) have the opposite effect on neural patterning, with expanded ventral neural cell types. Cilia in Arl13bhnn/hnn mutant embryos have structural defects in the microtubule axoneme, and the mutants fail to specify both the most ventral and most dorsal neural cell types. Double mutants that lack both a cilia component and Smo or Patched1 have phenotypes similar to the cilia single mutants, indicating that the cilia machinery is required downstream from Ptch1 and Smo.


In the developing mouse embryo, perhaps the best-studied function of Shh is to direct patterning of neural progenitors, in which molecular markers make it possible to distinguish six different cell types that are specified by different levels of Shh activity (Briscoe and Ericson 2001; Dessaud et al. 2008). SHH made by the notochord induces formation of the floor plate and then specifies five additional neural cell types—V3 interneuron progenitors are specified adjacent to the floor plate by prolonged high levels of Shh signaling; motor neurons are determined by lower levels of Shh activity; and more dorsal interneurons are specified by yet lower levels of Shh. The final activity of the pathway depends on both ligand concentration and duration of exposure to ligand, and final cell fate depends on a regulatory network set into motion by SHH (Dessaud et al. 2007; Balaskas et al. 2012). In the absence of SHH or its positive effector SMO, ventral neural cell types fail to be specified, whereas loss of the negative regulator PTCH1 leads to the formation of ventral cell types by all neural progenitors (Fig. 2).

The seminal discovery that linked the primary cilium to Hedgehog signaling in the mouse came from the characterization of chemically induced mutations, such as the wimple mutation that lacked Shh-dependent ventral neural cell types and affected genes that encoded intraflagellar transport (IFT) proteins (Huangfu et al. 2003). IFT is the process by which the cilium is assembled and maintained. It is powered by two conserved, dedicated microtubule motors—anterograde transport from the base to the tip depends on a plus-end-directed heterotrimeric kinesin-2 complex, KIF3a, KIF3b, and KIF associated protein 3 (KAP3) (Cole 1999) and retrograde transport from the tip to the base requires the minus-end-directed cytoplasmic dynein2 motor made up of a heavy chain, an intermediate chain, light intermediate chain, and several light chains (Hou and Witman 2015). These motors are coupled to the cargos by large electron-dense IFT trains, made up of two protein complexes, IFT-A and IFT-B (Pigino et al. 2009; Behal and Cole 2013).

Map-based cloning showed that the wimple mutation disrupted the gene encoding IFT172, an IFT-B complex protein, resulting in a complete lack of primary cilia. The same screen identified a partial loss-of-function allele of another IFTB complex protein, IFT88, which partially disrupted cilia assembly and showed a milder disruption of neural patterning. Targeted null alleles of Ift88 and Kif3a also caused the complete absence of cilia accompanied by a loss of Shh-dependent ventral neural cell types. Although wimple mutant embryos lacked ventral neural cell types, the mutants still expressed SHH, suggesting that without a cilium these mutants are unable to respond to Shh signaling (Huangfu et al. 2003). It was subsequently discovered that null mutations in other IFT-B genes (IFT52, IFT54, and IFT57) also block cilia formation and Shh-dependent specification of ventral neural cell types (Table 1), providing strong evidence that the primary cilium is required for a cell to receive Shh signals.

Table 1.

Subtle changes in cilia structure can decrease or increase Hh pathway activity, suggesting that the cilium provides more than just a permissive context for Hh signaling

Mouse gene Function in cilia Mouse embryo Hh pathway null phenotype (neural and limb) Human phenotype
Kif3a Anterograde IFT motor Loss of SHH-dependent ventral neural cell types; polydactyly; midgestation lethality (Huangfu et al. 2003)
Dync2h1 Retrograde IFT motor Partial loss of ventral neural cell types; polydactyly; midgestation lethality (Huangfu and Anderson 2005; May et al. 2005) Short rib dysplasia, with or without polydactyly (SRP) (Dagoneau et al. 2009; Merrill et al. 2009)
Dync2li1 (D2lic) Dynein light intermediate chain SRP (Taylor et al. 2015), Jeune syndrome (JATD) (Kessler et al. 2015)
Wdr34 Dynein light chain SRP (Huber et al. 2013)
Tctex1d2 Light chain, IFT dynein Jeune syndrome
Ift25 (Hspb11) IFT-B Perinatal lethality; weak loss of ventral neural cell types; partially penetrant polydactyly (Keady et al. 2012)
Ift27 IFT-B Perinatal lethality; weak loss of ventral neural cell types; partially penetrant polydactyly (Eguether et al. 2014)
Ift38 (Cluap1) IFT-B Midgestation lethality; abnormal neural patterning (Botilde et al. 2013)
Ift52 IFT-B Loss of SHH-dependent ventral neural cell types; midgestation lethality; polydactyly (Liu et al. 2005)
Ift54 (Traf3ip1) IFT-B Loss of SHH-dependent ventral neural cell types; midgestation lethality; polydactyly (Berbari et al. 2011) Senior–Løken syndrome (Bizet et al. 2015)
Ift57 (Hippi) IFT-B Loss of SHH-dependent ventral neural cell types; midgestation lethality; polydactyly (Houde et al. 2006)
Ift80 (WDR56) IFT-B Hypomorphic allele only: short long bones; polydactyly; late gestation lethality (Rix et al. 2011) SRP, JATD
IftT88 (Polaris; Tg737) IFT-B Loss of SHH-dependent ventral neural cell types; midgestation lethality; polydactyly (Huangfu et al. 2003)
Ift172 IFT-B Loss of SHH-dependent ventral neural cell types; midgestation lethality (Huangfu et al. 2003) Jeune (Halbritter et al. 2013)
Ttc26 (hop) IFT-B Partial loss of function allele only; abnormal neural patterning (Swiderski et al. 2014)
Ift121 (Wdr35) IFT-A Polydactyly (Mill et al. 2011) SRP (Mill et al. 2011); Ellis–van Creveld (EVC) syndrome (Caparrós-Martín et al. 2015)
Ift122 IFT-A Expansion of SHH-dependent ventral neural cell types; midgestation lethality; polydactyly (Qin et al. 2011) Sensenbrenner syndrome (Walczak-Sztulpa et al. 2010)
Ift139 (Ttc21b/Thm1/alien) IFT-A Expansion of SHH-dependent ventral neural cell types; late gestation lethality; polydactyly (Tran et al. 2008) NPHP12, JATD/SRP (Davis et al. 2011)
Ift140 IFT-A Polydactyly, neural tube closure defects, (Miller et al. 2013) SRTD9 (Perrault et al. 2012)
Ift144 (Wdr19) IFT-A Weak allele: GOF neural; polydactyly. Strong allele: LOF (Liem et al. 2012) (Wicking) Various: Senior–Løken, Sensenbrenner, Jeune, NPHP, RP (Bredrup et al. 2011; Fehrenbach et al. 2014)
Tulp3 IFT-A-associated Expansion of SHH-dependent ventral neural cell types; midgestation lethality; polydactyly (Norman et al. 2009; Patterson et al. 2009)
Gpr161 GPCR Expansion of SHH-dependent ventral neural cell types; midgestation lethality (Mukhopadhyay et al. 2013)
C2cd3 (chick talpid2) Distal appendage protein Loss of SHH-dependent ventral neural cell types; midgestation lethality; polydactyly (Hoover et al. 2008; Ye et al. 2014) Skeletal dysplasia (Cortés et al. 2016)
Ofd1 Centriole and centriolar satellites Loss of SHH-dependent ventral neural cell types; midgestation lethality (Ferrante et al. 2006) Oral-facial-digital syndrome (Ferrante et al. 2001)
Ttbk2 Kinase required for cilia initiation; associates with distal appendages Loss of SHH-dependent ventral neural cell types; midgestation lethality (Goetz et al. 2012) Spinocerebellar ataxia type 11 (Houlden et al. 2007)
Talpid3 Associated with distal appendages and PCM Loss of SHH-dependent ventral neural cell types; midgestation lethality; polydactyly (Bangs et al. 2011) Ciliopathy spectrum (Alby et al. 2015); Joubert syndrome (Stephen et al. 2015)
Inpp5e Cilia membrane composition Bielas et al. 2009; Jacoby et al. 2009 Joubert syndrome (JBTS1) (Bielas et al. 2009); MORM syndrome (Jacoby et al. 2009)
Rab23 Not clear GOF neural; polydactyly (Eggenschwiler et al. 2001) Carpenter syndrome (Jenkins et al. 2007)
Kif7 Kinesin-4 protein; controls dynamics of axonemal microtubules Mild expansion of SHH-dependent ventral neural cell types; polydactyly, defective diaphragm (Cheung et al. 2009; Endoh-Yamagami et al. 2009; Liem et al. 2009; Coles and Ackerman 2013; He et al. 2014) Joubert syndrome; acrocallosal syndrome
Tectonic (Tctn1) Transition zone protein Abnormal patterning of SHH-dependent ventral neural cell types (Reiter and Skarnes 2006) Joubert (Garcia-Gonzalo et al. 2011)
Mks1 Transition zone protein Abnormal patterning of SHH-dependent ventral neural cell types (Weatherbee et al. 2009) Meckel syndrome (Kyttälä et al. 2006)
Fuzzy CPLANE complex Loss of SHH-dependent ventral neural cell types; late gestation lethality; polydactyly (Heydeck et al. 2009)
Inturned CPLANE complex Loss of SHH-dependent ventral neural cell types; late gestation lethality; polydactyly (Zeng et al. 2010)
Jbts17 CPLANE complex Skeletal and heart defects; no change in neural patterning detected (Damerla et al. 2015) Joubert syndrome (Srour et al. 2012)
Rsg1 Small GTPase, CPLANE-associated Loss of SHH-dependent ventral neural cell types; late gestation lethality; polydactyly (S Agbu and KV Anderson, in prep.)
Evc1/Evc2 Ciliary membrane protein EVC-like (Ruiz-Perez et al. 2007; Caparrós-Martín et al. 2013) Ellis–van Creveld syndrome (Ruiz-Perez et al. 2003)
Arl13b Ciliary membrane GTPase Loss of both the most dorsal and most ventral neural cell types (Caspary et al. 2007) Joubert syndrome (Cantagrel et al. 2008)
Sas-4 (p53) (Cpap/Cenpj) Centriole duplication Loss of SHH-dependent ventral neural cell types; midgestation lethality (Bazzi and Anderson 2014) Microcephaly (Bond et al. 2005)
DZip1/Iguana Cilia base Loss of SHH-dependent ventral neural cell types; midgestation lethality (Wang et al. 2013)

References noted in table are for specific mouse and human proteins and phenotypes. This is not a complete list of references, and includes only the earliest mouse references, and is not a complete list of phenotypes.

IFT, intraflagellar transport; GPCR, G-protein-coupled receptor; PCM, pericentriolar material; CPLANE, ciliogenesis and planar polarity effector; SHH, Sonic Hedgehog; GOF, gain of function; LOF, loss of function; MORM, mental retardation, truncal obesity, retinal dystrophy, and micropenis.

Double-mutant analysis defined the step in the Hh signaling pathway that requires IFT. PTCH1, the Hh receptor, is a negative regulator of Hh signaling. Ptch1−/− mutant embryos die at E9.0 and express markers of ventral neural cell types (floor plate and V3 interneuron progenitors) throughout the neural plate, even far from the source of SHH (Fig. 2). In contrast, double mutants that lack both Ptch1 and Ift172 lack all ventral neural cell types, like the Ift172 single mutants (Fig. 2) (Huangfu et al. 2003). Thus, the ectopic activation of the Hh pathway caused by loss of Ptch1 depends on IFT172, arguing that IFT is required at a step in the signal transduction pathway downstream from PTCH1. Similar double mutant analysis showed that IFT172, IFT88, and KIF3A act downstream from both PTCH1 and SMO and upstream of the GLI proteins, at the heart of the signal transduction cascade (Fig. 1).


In addition to IFT proteins, other proteins that build cilia are also required for the ability of cells to respond to Hh family ligands (Table 1). The doublet microtubules of the cilium are templated by the triplet microtubules of the mother centriole. Embryos that lack centrioles because of the lack of proteins required for centriole duplication, such as SAS4 (CPAP/CENPJ), can go through normal segregation at mitosis but fail to assemble cilia. These embryos can survive to midgestation (if a cell-cycle checkpoint is blocked by removal of p53) but Shh-dependent ventral neural cell types are not specified (Bazzi and Anderson 2014). The distal appendages of the mother centriole are required for docking on the plasma membrane (Tanos et al. 2013). The distal appendage protein C2cd3 is required for the centriole to dock on the ciliary vesicle (Ye et al. 2014) and C2cd3 null mutant embryos lack cilia and lack Hh-dependent ventral neural cell types (Hoover et al. 2008). Talpid3 and OFD1 are both centrosome-associated proteins required for ciliogenesis and for the response to SHH in the neural tube (Ferrante et al. 2006; Bangs et al. 2011). Tau tubulin kinase 2 (TTBK2) is required for cilia initiation and mutants lack all cilia and Hh-dependent ventral neural cell types (Goetz et al. 2012). Embryos that lack CP110, a protein that localizes to the distal ends of mother centrioles, also have fewer cilia and mild defects in Hh signaling (Yadav et al. 2016).

The CPLANE (ciliogenesis and planar polarity effector) protein complex is located at the basal body and includes downstream mediators of planar cell polarity in Drosophila, Fuzzy, Inturned, and Fritz (Wdpcp), and Jbts17, a gene responsible for Joubert syndrome in humans (Damerla et al. 2015; Toriyama et al. 2016). The CPLANE complex is required for efficient ciliogenesis as it functions to recruit IFT-A proteins to the cilium RSG1, a small GTPase that appears to be a peripheral member of the CPLANE complex. Rsg1 mutant mice have fewer cilia of normal morphology, suggesting Rsg1 has a specific role in cilia initiation (S Agbu and KV Anderson, in prep.). These mutants survive longer than IFT-B mutants, yet still display Hh signaling defects. Thus, diverse classes of proteins are required to build cilia and ensure efficient ciliogenesis. Loss of any type of protein required for normal cilia formation in the mouse prevents or attenuates cells from responding to Shh. Thus, it is the primary cilium, rather than another activity of the IFT machinery, which is required for mammalian cells to respond to Hh ligands.


Conditional genetic deletion of Ift88 and/or Kif3a has been used to test the role of cilia in Hh signaling in other mouse tissues. In every context examined, removal of cilia blocks the response to both SHH and IHH (Table 2). The defects observed include shortened bones of the limb, craniofacial defects, and loss of neural stem and progenitor cells.

Table 2.

In every context examined, removal of cilia blocks the response to both SHH and IHH

Tissue Conditional allele Cre Phenotype
Cranial neural crest Kif3a Wnt1 Craniofacial defects (Liu et al. 2014)
Endochondral bone (Ihh-dependent) Ift88 Prx1 Short bones (Haycraft et al. 2007)
Postnatal cartilage Kif3a Col2a1-Cre Craniofacial defects (Koyama et al. 2007)
Neural stem cells Kif3a hGFAP Loss of hippocampal stem cells (Han et al. 2008)
Hippocampal stem cells Ift20 mGFAP Reduction hippocampal amplifying progenitors (Amador-Arjona et al. 2011)
Postnatal B1 SVZ neural stem cells Kif3a Adeno-Cre (injected) Decreased proliferation of neural stem cells (Tong et al. 2014)
Cerebellar granule cell precursors Kif3a hGFAP Loss of cerebellar granule cell progenitors (Chizhikov et al. 2007; Spassky et al. 2008)
Basal cell carcinoma Kif3a; Ift88 Keratin14 Removal of cilia inhibited tumors induced by activated Smoothened. Removal of cilia accelerated tumors induced by activated Gli2 (Wong et al. 2009)
Medulloblastoma Kif3a hGFAP Removal of cilia inhibited tumors induced by activated Smoothened. Removal of cilia accelerated tumors induced by activated Gli2 (Han et al. 2009)

SHH, Sonic Hedgehog; IHH, Indian Hedgehog; SVZ, subventricular zone.

Cilia are also required for Hh signaling in other vertebrates. As in the mouse, absence of cilia in the chick blocks the ability of cells to receive Hh signals (Yin et al. 2009). In zebrafish, loss of cilia leads to milder defects in Hh-dependent patterning, in part because of the maternal contribution of cilia proteins or mRNAs to the zebrafish embryo, which masks the phenotype in homozygous embryos, and in part because of the different roles of the zebrafish GLI proteins in Hh responses (Huang and Schier 2009; Tay et al. 2010; Ben et al. 2011).

In humans, it is not possible to directly examine the requirement of cilia for Hh signaling during development, as mutations that completely disrupt IFT genes would presumably result in lethality in the first half of gestation, as in mice, and would not be detected. However, many mutations in human cilia genes do not completely ablate cilia, allowing survival to the end of gestation with comparatively mild Hh pathway defects (Table 1). For example, mutations in the cytoplasmic dynein-2 complex cause short ribs (narrow chest)—short-rib dysplasia, with or without polydactyly (SRP) or Jeune asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy (JATD) (Dagoneau et al. 2009; Merrill et al. 2009).

Further evidence that cilia are important for Hh signaling in humans comes from their impact on two human tumor types, medulloblastoma and basal cell carcinoma, which are both caused by gain of Hh signaling. In mouse medulloblastoma or basal cell carcinoma triggered by activated SMO, conditional removal of cilia blocks tumor formation, consistent with the requirement for cilia at a step downstream from SMO. The same tumors can also be caused by activation of GLI2; in these cases, removal of cilia makes the tumors more aggressive because GLI3 repressor is no longer generated resulting in a greater net GLI activation.


Immunolocalization experiments showed that all the proteins required for transduction of Hh signals are enriched in primary cilia and change their distribution in response to ligand (Fig. 3). The first demonstration of cilia localization came for the membrane protein SMO, which accumulates in the cilium within an hour following stimulation of the Hh pathway (Corbit et al. 2005; Rohatgi et al. 2007). As total SMO protein levels are unaltered, accumulation of SMO in the cilium is a consequence of translocation of a ready-made pool of SMO and not from newly synthesized protein (Rohatgi et al. 2007). A common hydrophobic and basic residue motif following the seventh transmembrane domain at the carboxyl terminus of SMO is required for localization of SMO to the cilium in the presence of SHH (Händel et al. 1999; Brailov et al. 2000; Dwyer et al. 2001; Corbit et al. 2005; Aanstad et al. 2009). Single-molecule imaging indicates that once in the cilium SMO moves by diffusion within the membrane, rather than by IFT (Milenkovic et al. 2015). Localization of SMO to the cilium is, however, not sufficient for signaling, as SMO accumulates in primary cilia that lack Dync2h1, the heavy change of the retrograde dynein IFT motor, but Dync2h1 mutants lack ventral neural cell types (Huangfu and Anderson 2005; May et al. 2005).

Figure 3.

Figure 3.

Hedgehog (Hh) signal transduction in the primary cilium. The primary cilium has several spatially distinct regions that promote normal Hh signal transduction. Entry into the cilium is gated at the transition zone; the EVC zone facilitates pathway activation in some cell types; the cilia tip compartment, defined by KIF7, is the site of enrichment and activation of the GLI/SUFU complex; and proteolytic processing to make GLI repressors that may occur at the base where protein kinase A (PKA) is localized and leads to formation of Gli3R. In the absence of Hh signal, PTCH1 and Gpr161, both negative regulators of the pathway, are present in the cilia membrane. Gpr161 trafficking into the cilium depends on TULP3 and intraflagellar transport (IFT)-A; GPR161 appears to activate Gαs, which activates adenylyl cyclase, which increases the levels of cAMP, thereby activating PKA. Activated PKA phosphorylates sites on GLI3 that promote partial proteolysis by βTrCP/Cul1 and the proteasome, generating Gli3 repressor (Gli3R), which moves to the nucleus and represses expression of Hh target genes. GLI2 and GLI3 are trafficked to the tip of the cilium in the absence of ligand in a complex with SuFu, and processing of GLI3 depends on it having transited the cilium. Binding of Hh to PTCH1 triggers its removal from the cilium, allowing Smoothened (SMO) to translocate into the cilium where it can activate downstream signaling. Gpr161 also exits the cilium after exposure to ligand. Binding of EvC to SMO near the base of the cilium promotes SMO activity. In the presence of ligand, the GLI/SUFU complex accumulates to high levels at the tip of the cilium, where dissociation of the complex allows formation of the activator form of GLI2.

Even more remarkable, all three transcription factors of the GLI family, the mediators of Hh-regulated transcription, are enriched at cilia tips in the absence of Hh ligand and become further enriched in response to pathway activation (Haycraft et al. 2005). Only full-length GLI proteins localize to cilia, whereas the proteolytically processed repressor forms that lack the carboxy-terminal half of the protein do not (Wen et al. 2010; Santos and Reiter 2014). Deletion analysis identified a 330-amino-acid (out of the 1544 in the full-length protein) central region of GLI2 is required for cilia targeting. SUFU, a key negative regulator of vertebrate Hh signaling, binds to GLI preventing its activation and is also highly enriched at cilia tips (Haycraft et al. 2005).

PTCH1 has 12 transmembrane domains and the region carboxy-terminal to the last transmembrane domain is required for cilia localization and signaling (Kim et al. 2015). PTCH1 is localized to cilia in the absence of ligand and binding of SHH to PTCH1 triggers its removal from the cilium, although removal of PTCH1 from the cilium is not required for Hh pathway activation. During the same interval after exposure to ligand when PTCH moves out of the cilium, SMO translocates into the cilium (Rohatgi et al. 2007).


In mammals, the GLI family of transcription factors, GLI1, GLI2, and GLI3 implement the transcriptional responses to Hh family ligands (Bai et al. 2004). In the absence of ligand, proteolytically processed forms of GLI proteins repress expression of Hh target genes (primarily GLI3, with a minor role for GLI2). In the presence of ligand, processing of the repressor forms is blocked and, instead, full-length GLI proteins are converted (by an unknown mechanism) to GLI activators, principally mediated by GLI2. The formation of both GLI repressor and activator depend on cilia (Huangfu and Anderson 2005; Liu et al. 2005; May et al. 2005).

Proteolytic processing of the GLI proteins depends on phosphorylation by cAMP-dependent PKA, a key evolutionarily conserved component of the Hh signal transduction pathway (Wang et al. 2014). In contrast to Drosophila, mammalian PKA does not act only by promoting formation of GLI repressor, it is also required to prevent inappropriate activation of GLI2 (Tuson et al. 2011). In addition to the phosphorylation sites on GLI2 required for proteolytic processing, phosphorylation of two additional PKA sites of GLI2 and GLI3 prevents formation of the fully activated form of the transcription factors (Niewiadomski et al. 2014).

Both the catalytic and regulator subunits of PKA are highly enriched at the base of the cilium (Barzi et al. 2010; Tuson et al. 2011). Mutant mouse embryos that lack both genes that encode catalytic subunits (PKA nulls) show a very strong activation of the Hh pathway, in which all cells in the neural tube acquire the most ventral fates (Tuson et al. 2011). Compound mutants that lack both PKA catalytic subunits and also lack cilia have a neural phenotype similar to cilia mutants, showing that the action of PKA depends on events that take place in cilia. Although both catalytic and regulatory subunits of PKA are highly enriched at the base of the cilium, recent proximity ligation experiments provide biochemical evidence that regulatory subunits of PKA localize to the cilium (Mick et al. 2015), suggesting that sensing of cAMP by PKA may take place inside cilia.

PKA is activated by cAMP, and several adenylyl cyclases that produce cAMP, including AC3, AC5, and AC6, are enriched in cilia (Bishop et al. 2007; Mick et al. 2015; Vuolo et al. 2015). These, in turn, are regulated by G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), including Gpr161, which activates ACIII and thereby increases cAMP levels (Mukhopadhyay et al. 2013). Like PTCH1, Gpr161 is present in the cilia membrane in the absence of ligand and moves out of the cilium in response to ligand. This movement is regulated by TULP3, a member of the vertebrate tubby-like family of proteins, which links GPCRs, including Gpr161, to IFT-A, which transports them into the cilium (Nishina et al. 1998; Mukhopadhyay et al. 2010).

Small G proteins, including Gαs, mediate the actions of GPCRs. In mouse embryos that lack Gαs (Gnas), the Hh pathway is ectopically activated with a phenotype similar to that of PKA or Ptch1 mutant embryos, indicating that Gαs negatively regulates the Hh pathway (Regard et al. 2013). Thus, the Hh pathway is kept off in the absence of ligand by Gpr161, which is localized to the cilium by TULP3 and activated by Gαs. Gpr161 subsequently activates adenylyl cyclase, leading to increased cAMP and increased PKA activity, which promotes GLI repressor formation and prevents GLI activation (Fig. 3) (Mukhopadhyay and Rohatgi 2014).


The requirement for primary cilia for Hh signaling and the localization of pathway proteins to the cilium would be consistent with the cilium acting as a scaffold for Hh signal transduction or a site for concentration of Hh pathway proteins. However, subtle changes in cilia structure can decrease or increase Hh pathway activity, suggesting that the cilium provides more than just a permissive context for Hh signaling. (References to specific mouse and human proteins and phenotypes are in Table 1.)

Embryos carrying mutations in the gene that encodes the heavy chain of the retrograde motor cytoplasmic dynein 2 (Dync2h1) assemble cilia; however, the axoneme is bulged because of accumulation of IFT complexes and other proteins trapped in the cilium as a consequence of defective retrograde transport. Like IFT-B or Kif3a mutant embryos, Dync2h1 mutants lack floor plate and V3 interneuron progenitors indicating these cells cannot respond to high levels of Shh signaling. However, unlike IFT-B or Kif3a mutants, motor neurons are specified in the caudal spinal cord of Dync2h1 mutants in which they are intermingled with V2 interneurons (Fig. 2) (Huangfu and Anderson 2005; May et al. 2005). Thus, low levels of Hh signaling can still be transduced in the bulged Dync2h1 cilia.

Although null mutations in most IFT-B components block cilia formation, abnormal cilia form in most mutants that lack one of the six proteins of the IFT-A complex. Mutations that strongly disrupt the mouse IFT-A proteins IFT122 or IFT139 cause bulged cilia, similar to mutants that lack Dynein2. However, unlike mutants that disrupt Dynein2, the IFT-A mutants show a gain-of-activity of the Hh pathway in the neural tube, with expanded domains of Shh-dependent ventral neuron cell types (e.g., motor neurons) (Fig. 2) (Tran et al. 2008; Qin et al. 2011). This gain-of-function for Hh pathway activity is independent of ligand, suggesting that IFT-A plays a specific role in keeping the pathway off in the absence of ligand. A similar phenotype is seen in embryos that lack TULP3 (Mukhopadhyay et al. 2010).

The effects of mutations in IFT-A genes on Hh signaling are complex. A weak allele of Ift144 (WDR19) shows bulged cilia and ventralization of the neural tube similar to that seen in IFT122 or 139 (Table 1). However, a stronger allele that produces only very short bloated cilia with a highly disrupted axoneme causes a loss of Hh signaling in the neural tube. Double mutants that carry both the weak allele of Ift144 and an allele of Ift122 show the short bulged cilia and loss-of-function Hh neural phenotype, suggesting that some IFT-A proteins have overlapping functions and that a complete lack of IFT-A complex activity leads to the formation of very short cilia and a loss of Hh activity (Liem et al. 2012). Human mutations in IFT-A genes cause a spectrum of phenotypes, ranging in severity from retinitis pigmentosum in the adult to SRP associated with perinatal lethality (Table 1).

Even small changes in IFT function can have subtle effects on Hh signaling activity. IFT25 and IFT27 form an IFT-B subcomplex. In contrast to other IFT-B proteins, mutants that lack either of these proteins make primary cilia that have apparently normal structure. The mouse mutants survive to birth, when they show mild Hh pathway phenotypes and defects in trafficking of GLI2, SMO, and PTCH1. IFT27 appears to be important for loading of retrograde IFT cargo in trypanosomes (Huet et al. 2014), and given the evolutionary conservation of IFT proteins, it is likely that the Hh defects in mouse Ift25 and Ift27 mutants are the result of relatively subtle changes in global IFT. This indicates that Hh signaling is sensitive to even small changes in IFT function.

ARL13B is an ARF-family GTPase that is a component of the ciliary membrane that is required for normal cilia structure—in the absence of ARL13B, cilia are short and the B-tubules of the axoneme are frequently open. The neural tube of Arl13b mouse mutants lacks both the most ventral and the most dorsal cell types, indicating that when ciliary structure is disrupted in this way it is not possible to achieve the highest level of Hh signaling or to prevent ectopic low-level activation of the pathway.

It has been supposed that cilia length affects Hh signaling; however, it appears not to be the case. Cilia on Rfx3 mutant cells are about half the normal length (Bonnafe et al. 2004) and embryos that overexpress ARL13B have cilia that are 50% longer than wild-type (Bangs et al. 2015), but both genotypes are viable and apparently have a normal pattern of Hh-dependent neural cell types.

The ciliary membrane has a distinct lipid composition; the inositol phosphate PI(4)P is enriched in the entire ciliary membrane and PI(4,5)P2 is enriched at the base of the cilium. Inpp5e, a ciliary phosphoinositide 5-phosphatase, is required to maintain this distribution and is one of the genes mutated in Joubert syndrome (Chávez et al. 2015; Garcia-Gonzalo et al. 2015). In Inpp5e mutant mice, ciliary PI(4,5)P2 levels are elevated, causing disrupted Hh signaling, apparently a result of inappropriate accumulation of TULP3, which binds to these phosphoinositides. Inpp5e mutant mice survive to birth when they show polydactyly, suggesting that they have a significant, but relatively mild disruption of Hh signal transduction.


One rationale for why Hh signaling requires the primary cilium is that it concentrates components of the Hh signal transduction cascade in a small volume, promoting their interactions by mass action. It has been calculated that concentrating the entire pool of a protein into the cilium would increase its concentration by two to three orders of magnitude (Nachury 2014). However, certain Hh components, GLI, SuFu, and KIF7, are strongly enriched at the cilia tip. Full-length Gli proteins form complexes with SuFu, and data indicate that separation of SuFu and GLI proteins is critical for GLI activation (Humke et al. 2010); it is likely that this separation occurs or is regulated by events that happen at the tip of the cilium. KIF7 also binds directly to both GLI2 and GLI3 (Cheung et al. 2009; Endoh-Yamagami et al. 2009).

The tip compartment of the primary cilium is organized, at least in part, by KIF7, an evolutionarily conserved core component of the Hh pathway (He et al. 2014). KIF7 and its Drosophila homolog Cos2 have both positive and negative roles in Hh signal transduction. KIF7, a member of the Kinesin-4 family, binds microtubule plus-ends at the tip of the cilium to organize microtubule architecture at the tip (He et al. 2014). In the absence of KIF7, axonemal microtubules have variable lengths, and GLI and SuFu are localized in multiple puncta along the ciliary axoneme that appear to correspond to ectopic cilia tip compartments. The mislocalization of the GLI/SUFU complex causes inappropriate, ligand-independent GLI activation and the mild ectopic activation of the pathway seen in Kif7–/– mutant embryos.


Most proteins that have a role in Hh signaling in the cilium act in all cell types. Two exceptions are EVC and EVC2, transmembrane proteins responsible for Ellis–van Creveld syndrome, a distinctive ciliopathy associated with short limbs, a narrow chest (short ribs), and polydactyly (Ruiz-Perez et al. 2003). Mouse Evc is highly expressed in differentiating chondrocytes and all the cartilaginous components of the skeleton. Evc mutant mice survive to birth, and some can survive to adulthood; like the affected people, the mice have short bones, short ribs, and abnormal teeth, although the response to Shh in the neural tube appears to be nearly normal (Caparrós-Martín et al. 2013). Specific partial loss-of-function mutations that disrupt the IFT-A protein IFT121/WDR35 also cause EVC syndrome, and both EVC proteins and SMO fail to localize to Ift121/Wdr35 mutant MEF cilia (Caparrós-Martín et al. 2015). As other IFT-A proteins are also required for the recruitment of transmembrane proteins, including SMO, to cilia (Liem et al. 2012), it appears IFT-A has a general role in recruiting membrane proteins, including the EVC proteins, to the cilium, and chondrocytes appear to be particularly sensitive to the loss of IFT-A.

The Tectonic complex localizes to the transition zones and appears to have complex tissue-specific functions in ciliogenesis (Table 1) (see Vaisse et al. 2016). Mutant fibroblasts assemble cilia but cells in the mutant embryonic node and mesenchymal cells adjacent to the neural tube fail to form cilia. As mutants show both defects in neural patterning and polydactyly, the tissue specificity of the Tectonic complex merits further study.


In cell culture, primary cilia are present in the G0 phase of the cell cycle and can be induced by serum removal (Plotnikova et al. 2009). In contrast, many proliferating cells in the mouse embryo and adult organs in vivo have a primary cilium. Scattered reports indicate that some specific cell types in the whole animal, such as acinar cells of the adult pancreas (Aughsteen 2001), lack primary cilia. Transgenic mice that carry fluorescent markers for basal bodies and cilia have been used to systematically identify ciliated and unciliated cells (Bangs et al. 2015). No cilia are present on cells of the preimplantation embryo; cilia first appear on cells of the epiblast lineage (the embryo proper) shortly after cavitation (E6.0) and all cells derived from the epiblast (ectoderm, mesoderm, and definitive endoderm) are ciliated in the midgestation embryo. In contrast, cells of extraembryonic lineages, the visceral endoderm and trophectoderm, have centrioles but lack primary cilia. Cells of both the trophectoderm lineage and from the embryonic mesoderm contribute to the placenta and cells of the visceral endoderm and mesoderm contribute to the yolk sac. These lineages lack cilia until at least E14.5 (Bangs et al. 2015).

Stem cell lines that correspond to the different embryonic lineages (Ralston and Rossant 2005) recapitulate the cilia status of the lineages in the embryo—all nondividing epiblast stem cells (EpiSCs) (which recapitulate the status of the E6.5 epiblast) are ciliated, whereas extraembryonic endoderm stem cells (XEN cells) and trophectoderm stem cells (TS cells) lack cilia (Bangs et al. 2015). For all three stem cell types, the presence or absence of primary cilia on embryo-derived stem cells is independent of the presence of serum.

The absence of primary cilia on cells of extraembryonic origin implies that these cells cannot respond to Hh ligands. The first time that Hh signaling is active in the mouse embryo is at the beginning of gastrulation, when Ihh expressed in the extraembryonic visceral endoderm signals to the adjacent epiblast derived extraembryonic mesoderm, which is ciliated. This is necessary to promote blood island formation (Fig. 4) (Farrington et al. 1997; Dyer et al. 2001). In the placenta, the only cells that respond to Hh signaling are embryo-derived ciliated cells that surround the fetal blood vessels (Fig. 4) (Jiang and Herman 2006). It is interesting to speculate that normal development of the placenta and yolk sac depends on preventing extraembryonic lineages from responding to Hh signals and this is achieved by blocking ciliogenesis in these cells.

Figure 4.

Figure 4.

Lineage-dependent cilia formation in the early mouse embryo. (A) Three lineages defined in the preimplantation embryo persist in the postimplantation embryo (E8.0 embryo shown). Two extraembryonic lineages, the trophectoderm (blue) and visceral endoderm (red) contribute to the placenta and yolk sac respectively; these two lineages lack primary cilia. Nearly all nonmitotic cells of the third lineage, the epiblast (black), are ciliated; this lineage gives rise to almost all cells of the embryo proper, as well as to mesoderm-derived components of the placenta and yolk sac. (B) Paracrine Hh signaling in the yolk sac. Upper drawing represents the two layers of the E8.0 yolk sac (lassoed in panel A). The unciliated visceral endoderm layer produces IHH, but does not activate Hh target genes. The adjacent ciliated extraembryonic mesoderm responds to the IHH produced by the visceral endoderm and produces BMP4, which leads to formation of the blood islands (lower panel). (Image based on data in Baron 2001.) (C) A blood vessel in the E14.5 yolk sac from an embryo expressing a Centrin2-GFP, a marker for the basal body, and ARL13b-mCherry, a marker of the cilia membrane. The lineage relationships are preserved from earlier development—the visceral endoderm (cell layer at the top of the image) has GFP+ centrioles, but lacks cilia (arrowhead), whereas the extraembryonic mesoderm that surrounds the vessel filled with round blood cells is ciliated (arrow). (Image from Bangs et al. 2015; modified, with permission, from the authors.)

These cases of Hh ligand made by extraembryonic epithelia signaling to adjacent Hh-responsive ciliated cells reflect one of the common modes of Hh signaling in other organs. Paracrine signaling from ligand-producing cells to adjacent Hh responsive cells has been seen in a number of organs, including the digestive tract and the prostate (Yu et al. 2009; Mao et al. 2010). Thus, it will be interesting to see whether tissue-specific absence of primary cilia enforces paracrine, rather than autocrine Hh signaling.


Vertebrate Hedgehog signal transduction, which is essential for the development and maintenance of most organs, takes place in the primary cilium. The responses to Hh ligands are exquisitely sensitive to alterations in cilia structure—disruptions of many cilia components reduce the response to Hh ligands, but disruption of specific cilia proteins can also cause inappropriate activity of the pathway, and some proteins can be altered in different ways that enhance or interfere with Hh signal transduction. Dozens, and probably hundreds, of proteins are required to build the primary cilium; because of the many essential roles of Hh signaling, mutations in cilia genes collectively have a broad impact on human health.

The central effectors of Hh signaling, GLI proteins and the negative regulator SUFU, are regulated in the tiny compartment at the tip of the primary cilium. A single core conserved component of the Hh pathway, the kinesin-family protein KIF7, has an essential role in organizing the cilia tip. The dual roles of KIF7 in Hh signal transduction and primary cilia structure argue for an ancient intertwining of Hh signal transduction with the structure of the primary cilium.

The distribution of primary cilia determines the ability of tissues to respond to Hh ligands, but the tissue distribution of primary cilia and the mechanisms that regulate cilia assembly and disassembly in vivo are poorly understood. A deeper understanding of the mechanisms that control cilia formation in vivo is likely to provide the foundation for therapeutic interventions in both ciliopathies and cancer.


We thank Meg Distinti for valuable assistance with the manuscript. Work in the Anderson laboratory in this area is supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Grants R37 HD03455 and R01 NS044385 to K.V.A. and the MSKCC Cancer Center Support Grant (P30 CA008748).


Editors: Wallace Marshall and Renata Basto

Additional Perspectives on Cilia available at


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